#jjp parents
jiisoooo · 8 months
not to sound crazy but I believe got7 hyung line were in a messy love quadrilateral 🙏🏽
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missgineaus · 1 year
got7 title track aesthetics (pt i — 2014)
(jjp — 2012) bounce: purposely mismatching socks, using half a jar of hair gel, the adrenaline of successfully pulling off a skate trick, secret bff handshakes, faux leather jackets in neon colors with studs in the shoulders, poking yourself with spiky jewelry, bleaching your hair in your bathtub at 3 am knowing your mom’s gonna yell at you in the morning, squishing blown up capri sun packets, coloring in your nails with almost dried out highlighters
girls girls girls: personalized skateboards completely covered in stickers,  Sweg™, the final school bell ringing, hiding nose piercings from teachers and parents, secret handshakes with friends that involve dance moves, rich boy clique, getting frosted tips, pulling out a comb from your jacket breast pocket, wearing an excessive amount of gold chains, looking over and sending a wink and fingers guns to your crush
a: dropping ice cream on your lap, convenience stores in the summer, walking into lamp posts accidentally, denim -denim everywhere, your friends nudging you whenever your crush walks by, going to summer night car shows, the-boys-are-back-from-hsm3.mp3, walking down the street with your collar popped, owning nothing but timberlands, “what are you wearing jake from state farm? uh khakis?”, eating the chips out of the bag before you buy them
around the world: think fake snakeskin looks real, wearing leather pants in summer for the aesthetic, running around the city pretending you’re the power rangers fighting the putty patrol, teenage camo phase, daydreaming about being a magical girl in class, doing graffiti but it’s actually just painting a heart on a wall, doing flips in the classroom during inside recess when the teacher isn’t watching, hitting the chalkboard erasers together in front of your friends face
stop stop it: multiple pairs of vans sneakers, “why did you let me go in public with hair like that?!”,  slouching low in your seat bobbing your head to the music, thinking about your crush so hard that someone has to smack you to get your attention, wearing black when something mildly inconvenient happens, hanging out with your friends on a school night, throwing paper balls at your friends in detention when the teacher leaves the room, letting your hair drape a certain way to hide the earphones in your ears
original twitter post | originally posted 24 july 2019
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daintydoie · 2 years
right where you left me
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pairing: im jaebeom × park jinyoung (got7/jjp)
wc: 10.3k || 4/4 chapters
tags: post-break up, exes, friends to lovers, past relationship(s), flashbacks, fluff and angst
language: english
excerpt from chapter 1
The sun reaches its highest point on this chilly Saturday afternoon. Although there aren’t an overwhelming number of cars today, Jinyoung makes an effort to leave his house earlier than usual. He hasn’t seen his family in around 4 months due to his incredibly busy job, and him and his sisters made a bet on who could get to their parents’ house first. With an overnight bag in the passenger seat and his hands on the steering wheel, Jinyoung drives through the high rise buildings and billboards.
He reaches the main bridge that connects the city to the small towns in the countryside. It’s been a while since he passed this bridge, fewer cars here than he expected. After a couple more minutes, he sees his old hometown.
Although Jinyoung came to visit many times before, his hometown still gives off a timeless feel. The grass green and well kept, the simple rustic style of the houses, the neighbourhood children biking with their friends outside. It seemed like most of it stayed the same, minus the residents perhaps. Jinyoung drives past the other houses, as if he was in his school bus coming back home. He finds a house with a dark brown exterior and parks in front of it. Even though his parents are planning to have it repainted, he’ll miss the old brown wood color of their house. He takes his bag from the passenger seat and exits the car. The path leading to the door has small weeds, and his mother’s outdoor plants still look very much alive. He lifts his hand to ring the doorbell, but he hears someone opening the front door.
“The dishwasher has finally arrived!” His oldest sister, Minyoung, answers the door. Jinyoung looks at her, confused. While leaving his shoes near the doorway, he sees his other sister, Hwayoung, in the middle of eating lunch. “Huh? Since when did both of you get here?” “Half an hour ago.” Hwayoung answers while moving to the side and patting the seat next to her. “You guys left earlier, didn’t you?” He puts his bag down. “We left at noon, you’re just salty that you lost the bet!��� Minyoung sticks her tongue at him while walking back to the dining table.
“Jinyoung, my son!” His mother gives him a warm hug and kisses his cheek. “I hope the dishes aren’t too much for you.” “Don’t worry mom, I’ll wash them all.” He side eyes his sisters, snickering while shoving kimchi rice in their mouths. “Jinyoung!” His dad calls him over. “Sit down and eat before Minyoung and Hwayoung finish it all.” Jinyoung hangs his coat and sits next to Hwayoung at the table. His mother hands him a bowl of kimchi stew and puts bulgogi on his plate. He takes a spoonful of the stew, still tastes the same even after so long, like the times he requested his mother to make it while he does his homework.
While he catches up with the rest of his family, they hear the doorbell ring. His mom stands up and goes to answer the door. “Oh, Mrs. Im!” The siblings look to the door. “Oh! I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” “No, don’t worry!” The rest of the family politely greet Mrs. Im. “Nice to know the kids came to visit. Um, could I ask for some extra ingredients? I’ll pay you back after today.” “Yes, of course! What do you need?” “Just some tofu. My son decided to surprise me with a visit today!”
Jinyoung suddenly stops eating. Jaebeom’s back? Why would he be back?
Minyoung and Hwayoung notice, and they look at their little brother worryingly. Hwayoung gently places her hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder to try and comfort him.
“Jaebeom? Isn’t he supposed to be in America?” “That’s what I thought too! When I saw him at the doorstep, I told him: What are you doing here?!” Mrs. Im laughs at her own story. “Turns out they gave him a week off, and he flew all the way here! He’s staying at some hotel but he dropped by earlier. He’ll come back here again since I’m preparing dinner for him.”
Jinyoung stands up from the table and goes to the fridge to look for tofu. He finds it and gives it to Mrs. Im. “Oh, thank you Jinyoung!” She takes it from him. “Wow! You look so mature! And so do Minyoung and Hwayoung!” She turns to his mother. “You raised such diligent adults.” His mother proudly smiles at her children. “Oh, Jinyoung! Jaebeom is just walking around in this area, do you want me to call him and tell him you’re here too?”
“Oh no, you don’t have to.” Jinyoung hesitates a bit with his answer. “I’ll just find him and surprise him myself.”
They wave Mrs. Im goodbye and return to the table. Minyoung and Hwayoung give each other a look, surprised with Jinyoung’s answer. They say nothing and continue eating, occasionally glancing at their brother.
continue reading!
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constellaetions · 5 months
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REYHAN AYLIN SOLMAZ / cis woman (she/her) thirty-five years old — august 30th, 1988 (virgo sun ; aquarius rising ; taurus moon)
+ Loyal, Dedicated, Hard-working - Self-Critical, Logical, Detached
assistant editor in JJP publishing & aspiring writer. Native to Portland; has lived in Downtown since May 2020.
Born in Portland, OR and moved around a lot growing up, before her parents settled in Chicago. She went to Northwestern University and studied English Literature and Creative Writing. After Uni she moved to NYC where she worked all kinds of jobs, before getting herself an entry job at JJP's New York branch. A few years later, she was offered a higher position at the Atlanta branch, which made her move to Magnolia Springs.
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Reyhan was born and raised in Portland-Oregon, to a second-generation immigrant Turkish mother and an American-born Turkish father. Growing up, she had always felt like she couldn’t fit in. Kids made fun of her quiet way and called her different names, which made her become even more recluse and resort to books. Her family also moved a lot, due to her father’s job, so to Reyhan, books were her closest friends, for it was in them that she could find people who trusted or different, beautiful places to travel to. 
She found comfort in dreaming of worlds and people, different languages, and different homes to live in. Everything and anything would soon become a short story or poetry in her hands. Life wasn’t the greatest all the time, but not all poems were happy ones and the world’s greatest stories were not exclusively happy.
Although she had always loved doing it, just like anyone who really wanted something, Reyhan was not confident in her writing at first. Despite being encouraged by friends and family, and having even gone to university to perfect her writing skills and try to follow a possible career in writing, she would often keep those words in a tight grip within her arms, afraid that people would not like them one bit. 
She was still living with her parents, this time in Chicago. Her father, by then, had found a job that allowed him to stay longer in one place, but Reyhan didn’t like the city. She had always felt like it wasn’t for her. That year, she was working as a part-time English Literature TA when, after celebrating the arrival of a new year, she decided to move to New York City with some friends and try to make it there. If not as a writer, then at least, she would do something that would make her happier.
New York, of course, was a fiasco. For the most part, that is. Hearts were broken, careers were frustrated, and friendships were tested, but everyone seemed to have survived in the end. It was in New York that she met one of her best friends in this whole wide world, and together, they helped each other grow up both in the personal side and in the professional aspect of it. 
Reyhan felt like that was it for her never-born writing career, so, she resorted to teaching again, as the bills kept piling up and her self-critical self refused to like anything she was writing and focused on hyping Nadia’s career up. Five years ago, however, she received an offer from a publishing company to move to Atlanta and work as an Editorial Assistant, which, rekindled an old flame in her and sparked an old dream once again. She decided to take the opportunity and hold tightly to it because the doors were finally opening for her. 
This time, however, she wouldn’t have Nadia hold her hand and back her up, nor the other friends who had moved to New York with her those years ago. It would be her first time in another city completely by herself, but she was up for the challenge, after all, she had already given up on writing, and she wouldn’t give up on growing into her own person. She settled in Magnolia Springs, a small and adorable town only a half-hour drive to and from Atlanta, where paying the bills was easier and the lifestyle was less chaotic.
Reyhan, despite being somewhat quiet, is a warm person who still believes in finding love, even though she keeps searching for it in all the wrong places. She still dreams of writing a book, but now that she has been picking up more work at JJP and reading more manuscripts, pitching starting writers to her bosses, she hopes to, one day, become an editor, herself.
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jjproject · 4 years
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I love them :(
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cuddlybambam · 4 years
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Mom and Dad taking pictures of their kids booty’s.
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bb-bambam · 4 years
It's a perfect day for a beach outing, and Youngjae is content to sit and watch the others as they walk in and out of the cabana they've rented for the day. Mark and Jackson ran straight into the ocean the moment they arrived, while the rest of them have been enjoying the sun and wind from the shore.
"I'm going for a run," Jaebeom announces. This is unusual, because Jaebeom hardly ever goes on runs, but no one questions it – he tends to do things like this on a whim sometimes.
"Okay," Yugyeom says. "Cool."
"There might be other people running behind you, so make sure to get out of their way sothey can pass you," Bambam adds, grinning and ducking to avoid Jaebeom's half-hearted swipe at him in retaliation for his cheek. (Or at least Youngjae assumes that's what's happening. He's been looking at pictures of Coco for the last five minutes so he has no way of being sure, but knowing Jaebeom and Bambam, it seems like a safe guess.)
Jinyoung suddenly bursts out laughing, and Youngjae glances up to see Jaebeom's face and torso covered in white streaks of poorly-spread sunscreen. Youngjae can't help but laugh too at Jaebeom's bewildered expression.
"What?" Jaebeom asks.
"I don't know if you're wearing enough sunscreen," Jinyoung says, doing a poor job of controlling his laughter.
"I put a lot on," Jaebeom says, still confused.
"I think you need to spread it more," Youngjae says, finally taking pity on him as Yugyeom and Bambam continue to laugh unhelpfully. A moment later, Jinyoung reaches up to spread the rest of the sunscreen evenly on Jaebeom's back. Not for the first time, Youngjae wonders if they always act like a married couple on purpose, or if they're just like that naturally.
"Thank you, Jinyoungie," Jaebeom says. "See you all later!"
"Enjoy," Jinyoung says. "Stay away from other people, don't go too close to anyone!"
Jaebeom is already too far away to hear him, but Youngjae supposes that Jinyoung can't help but take care of Jaebeom incessantly – it must be second nature at this point.
The afternoon passes slowly. Yugyeom and Bambam head out to find snacks from somewhere, and Jinyoung brings Youngjae on a walk so they can take pictures of Mark and Jackson playing in the water. Losing interest quickly, Youngjae instead takes some pictures of the weird jellyfish-like creatures lying along the beach and sends them to Younghyun, just for fun. When Jinyoung is done with his photography, he collects seashells for his collection, occasionally accepting a few additions from Youngjae, who somewhat mindlessly picks up ones that he thinks Jinyoung will like.
They're settled back in the cabana, eating the oranges Yugyeom and Bambam bought, when Jaebeom returns. Jinyoung hands a water bottle to Jaebeom as Jaebeom wordlessly places a large pile of seashells in Jinyoung's lap. The shells are much bigger and much prettier than the ones Jinyoung and Youngjae had found earlier, probably because they're from a different part of the beach. Youngjae silently observes Jinyoung beaming at Jaebeom before sorting through the shells and Jaebeom watching him do it with hearts in his eyes.
It isn't actually a big deal, all things considered, because they do things like this for each other all the time. But Youngjae can't stop thinking about it, about Jaebeom going off on a run and picking up seashells for Jinyoung along the way, just because he thought Jinyoung would like them.
Maybe, Youngjae thinks, maybe that's what love really is.
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beomie-rabbit · 4 years
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I can’t believe it’s been 3000 days with JJ Project, that’s amazing 💙🖤
To celebrate that, here’s them lovingly looking at each other💙🖤
Credits: Pinterest -A🐰💜
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annoyed4thsister · 5 years
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kobutoririsu · 5 years
Youngjae so jealous of the JJ parents.
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supgot7 · 6 years
jinyoung making sure jb doesn’t kill their brats is my fav concept
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snowyfires · 6 years
Jinyoung: *flirts with JB*
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jjpmoans · 6 years
Well-- that wasn't wrong lol
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lunarmoonshiner · 6 years
Jinyoung: Be honest, do these jeans make my butt look big?
Jaebum: Yes- I mean no- I mean-
Jinyoung: Good because my ass is fucking fantastic and I'm trying to emphasise it as much as possible
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chthoniclove · 6 years
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the jjp is strong in this one 💞
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jjproject · 4 years
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bounce came out 8 years ago aka my life started 8 years ago
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