#jk but like I literally get so giddy every time when me and my mom decide to go eat there somedays and he always says hi to us :)
toxicpeep · 1 year
Having a crush on a cute waiter dude from a restaurant I frequently go to is making me sick! Sick I say!!
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞
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pairing: college!chris beck x reader
words: 3.1k words
warnings: literally a pinch of angst and the rest is all goody holiday fluff. also i need a hug from chris beck. right now.
summary: for the first time in twenty years yn is not spending christmas with her best friend and boyfriend. what’s a girl to do without him?
a/n: i miss him so much. also i realize i’ve been writing so much college!chris stuff, i promise i’ll be getting into older, mid-thirties chris very very soon because i miss old man dick xoxo. jk, but i seriously have somne great ideas for sexy space daddy. anyways, i hope you all are having a wonderful lead up to the holidays, and stay slutty and sexy <3 (also please send me winter concepts, i need more)
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
Y/N’s head shot up from her desk, feet failing to move her across the room gracefully as she reached for her phone from where she forced it down on her bed. Had it been any closer she would’ve texted Chris much earlier and then neither of them would get anything done. She’d been studying for her biology exam for, what, two hours now? The time on her phone showed that it was eleven at night, but what perplexed her more was the text she had from her boyfriend back in Connecticut. It must’ve been at least two in the morning and Y/N knew better than anyone else that if he did not get the right amount of sleep he would be a complete grouch for the entire day. 
can i pretty please call u?
Aaaaaand distraction began. Her heartbeat quickened just the littlest bit, giddy at the thought of seeing Chris, even if it was just for a few minutes. She quickly clicked his contact and listened to the ringing phone with a smile. 
“Hey, honey.” 
Nothing was more soothing than Chris’ sleepy voice. It was deep and guttural and quiet and she could remember nights with his hands tracing her skin, reading his textbook aloud to her in the same way. It was no different as his pretty blue eyes popped onto the screen, tucked up to right under his chin. His nose and cheeks were flushed and rosy, and given the East Coast winter it made sense. She could imagine how he looked under the covers, wrapped up in his signature NASA sweatshirt and his fuzzy socks with little stars that she’d gotten him for his birthday the year before.
She grinned when he saw her, snaking a hand out of the blanket to wave cutely. Propping her phone against the pillow, she began to talk. “Hi, babylove. Why are you up so late? Your first class is at nine,” she mentioned with a small smile. 
He sighed with a tiny frown, which really just tied off the whole sleepy teddy bear look he was rocking. “Well I was finishing up a lab report when my parents called me with some not so great news.”
“Oh,” her brows furrowed and she readjusted herself. She knew his mother hadn't been holding up the greatest with the cold Amy had brought in from the hoards in highschool a few weeks back, and it seemed as if she still wasn’t better. Y/N loved Mrs. Beck like she loved her own mother and the news fractured her heart just a bit more in preparation for the news Chris was about to share. “Is it about your mom?” 
“No, thank god, my mom’s alright, just a little sniffly,” he breathed out quickly and his girlfriend sighed in relief. “It’s just that with my dad’s new interview and my mom being sick, we’re not going to be able to fly down for Christmas. I know we had the plan to, every year we’d switch, but this year just isn’t working out for my parents.”
“Oh.” That one word wasn’t enough to describe the heavy, sinking pit in her chest but Y/N prayed and hoped that Chris couldn’t feel the disappointment and sadness radiating off her through the phone. When she had made the choice to attend UCLA, she knew what she was getting into. Long distance relationship, long distance calls, no hugs or kisses, and the underlying feeling of sickness when she even so much as thought about him in someone else’s arms. It just happened that her parents decided that a move to California was in order as well, so there wasn’t any chance of even going back to Hartford to visit them. That’s what one gets when they decide to study marine biology in Los Angeles. “That’s okay, Chris, we’ll call each other on Christmas, right? And we still have the lake trip in April, so just four more months to go.”
The couple laughed somewhat fakely, both of them knowing that this would be quite a hit to their relationship. Maybe it was Y/N’s fear of growing overly clingy to her boyfriend and chasing him into the arms of another girl at Yale, or maybe it was her sadness over the fact that they wouldn’t be together for Christmas for the first time in twenty years. They were best friends before they were lovers, and that had sped up their relationship quite a bit, but was it too fast? Senior year of high school had been a blast, a whole year full of college applications and hurried kisses and fumbled first times in bedrooms, but now that they were apart she wasn’t sure where they stood. 
“Y/N, starshine, are you frozen?” She looked up from the oh-so interesting sheets of her bed back to her phone, where a pair of pretty blue eyes were close up to the camera, confusedly staring through the screen. “I can’t tell if you’re frozen or if I am, honey, I think my RA may have screwed with our wifi again.”
“Don’t worry, Chris, I can see you.” Y/N chuckled. Leave it to him to break her out of a sour mood. Yet as cute as he was, she still felt a prickle of tired sadness poke into her heart. They both let out forced smiles, finding nothing to do but stare at each other through their phones. God, when did it get to this? She couldn’t tell how long they’d been so awkward around each other or if it was because of their given circumstances. 
Chris checked the time and let out a yawn, his eyes filling with exhausted tears. 
“I think I have to duck out soon, honey, it’s getting pretty late.” Y/N nodded a bit too quickly to his every word, placing her hand on the side of the phone and imagined that she could feel the smooth-shaven skin of Chris’ cheek under palm rather than the plastic phone case. “‘Course, babylove, you need your rest. Lord knows how much of a Grinch you are if you don’t get all eight hours of sleep.”
He smiled, his thumb hovering over the red button. “Alright, starshine, I’m gonna head off now. I love you.”
“Love you…” the call ended, only her melancholy expression staring back at her, reflecting all of the guilt and weight settled on her chest reflecting on a mirrored phone screen, “too.”
Eyes watering with burnout, Y/N held back a good, long cry and went to her small dorm room counter to make herself some chamomile tea, an empty dorm and hours of squinting at a textbook ahead of her. 
December 14. Eleven days until Christmas, one hundred and sixteen until she had Chris in her arms again.
“Yes, mom, I swear I put the ham in for two hours, it’s gonna be fine.” Y/N bustled around the kitchen in a hurry, sweatshirt covered in soup from an accident on the stove and hands aching and cut from cutting carrots a bit too fast. She could feel her shirt sticking to her back from the sheer amount of sweat she was producing. She felt disgusted with herself. 
Los Angeles was much warmer compared to the East Coast, year round, and of course Christmas Eve was no exception. Even after two years of college in the West, Y/N and her family still were not accepting nor had adapted to the heat change. Along with the heart of every kitchen appliance at work in the room, she was sweltering and wanted nothing more than to feel the freezing, harsh snow of Connecticut winters again. Her dad stirred together a dressing for the salad as her mom set the table with eight placemats, and she, ever the lovely daughter, had put to task with everything else. “Mom, I still don’t get why we need eight settings if it’s just the three of us this year.”
Her mom hesitated before placing down the fork in her hand, her eyes meeting her dad’s for the briefest of seconds before looking away once more. “It just looks nicer, hun, we have eight chairs at the table so it’d just look… awkward if we only had three place settings.”
The older woman came into the kitchen and cradled Y/N’s face, wiping flour from her eyebrow. “Dear Lord, you look a mess right now, Y/N.” The younger girl mumbled a sarcastic comment under her breath and her mother rolled her eyes. “Go take a shower and get dressed, your father and I will take care of the rest of dinner.”
Y/N’s eyebrows raised in surprise. Never had she or Chris been allowed to step a foot outside the kitchen until Christmas Eve dinner was done but she supposed her parents were taking pity on her for the absence of her aspiring doctor boyfriend. With a sigh she nodded, placed a gentle kiss on her mom’s cheek, and ran up the stairs to take a well deserved shower. 
The water was painfully hot when it hit her but she didn’t care anymore. Even with the outbreak of heat against her skin, she found that it soothed her about Christmas better than either of her parents’ words did. Christmas tree farm, cider-making, gift wrapping- all her thoughts led back to Christopher Beck and her heart squeezed brokenly with each task she accomplished lonely. 
Once she was done berating herself in the shower, she stepped out, accepting the cool air that greeted her. Granted it wasn’t really cool, but it seemed that way after her steam-filled bath. With a clean body and nice-smelling hair for a change, she walked back into her room to choose an outfit. She’d normally dress nicely, a pretty dress or skirt that complimented her well, but she felt no effort being put towards the holiday this year. 
Instead she opted for jeans and her favorite cream sweater, nice enough for Christmas but not breaking her barrier of crippling sadness and reality. The wool material felt like another warm hug enveloping her arms, replacing the arms of the boy she loved across the county. God, he was all she could think about even miles away. How she had made it through finals was beyond her own knowledge. 
Ella Fitzgerald started playing from the record player from the living room downstairs, and Y/N let herself close her eyes and remember Chris’ hands on her waist the year before as they danced to the same vinyl. She hummed softly bringing her own arms to wrap around herself, slowly swaying around her room to the gentle beat as she looked around her bedroom.
Since the family had moved to California, she hadn’t actually spent much time in her new room, but what she had achieved was some semblance of her old childhood room in Connecticut, starting off with polaroids and glossy photos of the life lived back there as well. But the one that was most appealing to her was the one on the day of her and Chris’ highschool graduation, with his arm slung around her waist so boyishly and his face nuzzled in her hair. He looked so sweet with his round glasses perched on his nose and his little khaki get-up, his frame towering over hers and feeling protective. 
And the dress she wore, she still had it hung up in her closet. It was a simple white dress. It had fit her like a glove then, hugging her body in all the most appealing places, a satin baby-blue bow running across her waist. In the framed photo she saw her younger self accompany her outfit with a dainty silver necklace with her birthstone as a pendant, a birthday gift from Chris in middle school that still laid snug against her skin under the sweater, sat just in the center of her collarbones to bring in the sweetheart look she was pulling off. She also remembered how much her loverboy had liked that dress, taking every chance to expel his love for it and for her for that whole, perfect day.
Though it had only been a few years since their highschool graduation, she could already feel the memories of those years slipping through her fingers. Time truly slowed when Chris wasn’t around, but all of a sudden it seemed to pass all too quickly as she watched their life in pictures. 
“That was the day our parents finally let us go off on the New York trip by ourselves right, right?” Y/N jumped nearly ten feet in the air, catching her breath just before sharply turning to meet the intruder at her front door.
But it wasn’t an intruder. No, instead she was met with a six foot tall man with fluffy chestnut hair and gorgeous baby blues. He wore a pristine white dress shirt tucked into black pants, a huge smile etched onto his face, and held up two wrapped rectangles that she knew were more astronomy books for her to read. And she knew it all so well because it was Chris. Her Chris. And he was finally home for the holidays.
“You look like an angel, honey.” The woman couldn’t respond, too caught up in the wonder of him being in her room, standing and acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. 
Chris’ smile grew wider at her lack of response, knowing he’d tease her for her slack jaw and wide, adoring eyes later, and stuck out his arms, invitingly warm, just for her. “Well, starshine, aren’t you gonna say anything?”
He’d soon take back his words, as Y/N chose to speak with actions rather than his loved words. Her heart filled with overwhelming joy and her held back tears finally spilled over, racing down her face in celebration of a return. Running across the floors at full speed, she hit Chris like a freight train, plowing straight into him and burying her face into his chest. “You’re here.” Her voice came out muffled through the fabric of his shirt, “You came back to me.”
He pulled her back from his chest, not wasting a second in feeling her soft lips on his chapped ones. He savored the taste of her, like cinnamon and cloves from the gingerbread she had probably snuck while cooking downstairs, and he groaned when she returned the kiss with as much fervor. Her tongue slipped past his lips as her arms drew his neck into her. Yet Y/N couldn’t help the smile that fought against her mouth, so she pressed it against his equally wide one. And, oh god, how she had missed those lips. Pillowy and soft with just the right amount of pressure, calloused hands cradling her face in the gentlest of ways. 
Even after they had both gasped for air, he continued to steal quick kisses from her as he spoke. “Had to,” kiss, “come back,” kiss, “to you, honey.” Kiss. “Did you think I was just gonna leave you all alone on Christmas? Haven’t spent this day apart in-”
“Twenty years,” Her final peck broke apart their embrace, her eyes now focused on the rough stubble that covered his chin. “This is new.”
Her hands scraped over the once-smooth skin, and she didn't deny the feel of it. It was nice. His eyes turned almost sinister then, darkening with every word he spoke. “Well, I was thinking about how much you used to like it and thought it would be a nice surprise.”
His insinuating eyes were no secret to his girlfriend and she smacked his chest with a gentle laugh before pulling him down to her, nose to nose. “Oh, trust me, hun, it’s more than welcome.”
“Ew!” Amy Beck stood in the doorway, dressed in a red sweater and a white jean skirt, her childish, blue eyes filled with disgust. At the gleaming age of seventeen, she held her phone in hand and a mug of cocoa in the other, pointing it at Chris in disgusted shock. “I do not need to hear that the reason you decided to grow your gross hobo beard out is because you were planning on being a pervert. Mom raised you better than that, big brother.” She glared at her sibling with knives as slits in her eyes, before turning to one of the women she had admired most growing up with a just as adoring smile. “It’s great to see you, Y/N, come down to eat whenever you’re ready.”
The seventeen-year old girl murmured continuously as she left Y/N’s room, her stomping footsteps shaking the house. Chris and Y/N stood in the room, completely still and caught up in embarrassment before she started laughing, trying to stifle the sounds of her joy against her boyfriend’s shoulder. Her laughter egged on his own and though his face was flushed completely red, he managed to fumble out an apology to his girlfriend.
“I think you just scarred poor Ames for life, she’s never gonna look at you the same way,” the woman grinned.
“Nah,” he brushed it off, even with his fully blushing face, “she’s just surprised and in awe that I actually get some.”
He sighed with a fond smile, and pecked her on the lips one more time, just trying to hold on the feeling of her lips against his before he had to leave again, but he didn’t want to think about that. He had a full-on week with his love. He could work with a week.
Y/N’s genuine smile was never ending as she wrapped her arms around her idiot-but-also-genius-of-a-boyfriend’s waist. All of her stress, all of her worries and everything else within miles dissipated in that moment, because nothing else was more important than Chris being in her hold again. She didn’t even think about how he was here. Was his mom okay? Did his dad book the job? Did he plane over himself? 
But it was not a time for questions. Just long-awaited love.
“It’s good to have you home, babylove.”
Home. Shouldn’t have come as a surprise, after all his heart would always follow hers even if there was an entire galaxy separating the two. It may have not been everlasting, this moment, but they’d be damned if they didn’t savor every second they had together. 
“It’s good to be home for the holidays, starshine.”
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armysantiny · 3 years
BTS Reaction; Finding out through another member that their girlfriend was a Miss Universe
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Pairing: ot7 x female reader || BTS
Genre: fluff, headcanon
Includes: Miss Universe, established relationship, eating habits (Yoongi’s), social media, forgetting (Namjoon), visiting the practice room, movie marathon, teasing.
Word count: 1.11k
Warning: eating habits
Rating: PG
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @kpopscape, @ultkpopnetwork, @kpopcontentcreatorsclub, @k-dinernet, @lovesick-net, @whipped-kpop-creators, @prism-nw, @hybenet, @k-library, @bangtanarmynet, @btsgoldnetwork, @btscreatorscorner, @castlebangtan, @hmsblackswan
Tagging: @teeztheflag, @intokook​, @cherry-hyejin​ || Taglist Form 
An: Members under the cut!
석진 (Seokjin)
Takes the news really well honestly
It was a few months into the relationship and Hoseok had come to his hyung saying that he recognised you from somewhere
He just couldn’t place it
So Seokjin asks you himself
And yeah
You used to be a Miss Universe
Hoseok in the back going “that’s where-” lol
Now that he knows, Seokjin will mention it to literally everyone
Brags about you so much
Does kinda embarrass you a little, but in a good way
Know what I mean?
You’ll invite some of your friends over to have a movie marathon and take away and this guy goes “I’ve got to work quickly, see you later Miss Universe~”
Cue teasing from your friends as well
It’s honestly really endearing
윤기 (Yoongi)
Anyway - I feel like it’ll be one of the maknaes who tell Yoongi
Probably Jungkook; he’s on SNS and finds an article about recent past winners of Miss Universe
Sends a text to Yoongi going ‘hyung, I swear this is y/n noona?’
He looks up from his phone and you’re walking towards him, about to ask him for something
Literally does a double take
Holy shit it is you
“Yoongs, is there something up? You’re staring-”
“Baby, have you been in any competitions before?”
That’s when you realise; you never got round to telling him that you had won Miss Universe a few years back
“Oh...yeah! I used to be a Miss Universe.”
And so begins Yoongi’s curiosity
You were going to sit beside him anyway, so you do that, and he immediately starts asking the questions
Wants to know how it felt getting ready for such a huge competition
If it gave you bad eating habits, Yoongi wants to try his best to help you overcome said habits
But he is very proud of you
I mean, hello? You were a Miss Universe!
Every now and then he asks if you still remember some of the things you had to do on stage
You probably have a lot of stories to tell, and Yoongi’s more than happy to listen
호석 (Hoseok)
You two are probably dancing together when he finds out
You’re showing him a routine you remember and Taehyung - who’s been in the corner of the room on his phone - swears he’s seen it somewhere before
When you finish the routine, Hoseok is in awe and it finally clicks with Tae
Of course he remembers it - you were Miss Universe!
Everyone’s taking a break and Tae pulls his hyung to the side
“Mhm? What is it Tae?”
“Hyung, you know...I think y/n was a Miss Universe.”
So Tae drags him to search up previous Miss Universe winners
And there you are
Hoseok gets really giddy :)
When you two are at home, alone, he brings it up and you confirm it
Brings it up whenever anyone asks about you
So proud of you
남준 (Namjoon)
Ironically, I feel like you would have told Namjoon already
But he simply forgot about it over the course of your relationship
I imagine that while they’re at work, Yoongi walks into Joon’s studio and asks him if you’ve ever been in a competition, because he swears he’s seen your face on the news before
“Has she?”
So Yoongi searches your name up on Naver and there you are
Former Miss Universe
He doesn’t say much at first, but it’s definitely something that he thinks about while he works
A topic for dinner perhaps
You two find time for a home dinner date, and that’s when he asks
“Darling, have you been in any competitions?”
You’re confused - did he forget already?
“Joon, I thought I already told I was in Miss Universe? Did you forget?”
And then it hits him-
You did tell him
And so begins his flustered apologies
Which has you snickering because flustered Joon equals cute Joon
At least he remembers now!
지민 (Jimin)
I feel like Seokjin would be the one to tell Jimin
His mom was Miss Korea, after all
You’d probably be visiting them in their practice room
Perhaps your hair is styled a certain way, and while Jimin is complimenting you, Seokjin swears that he’s seen it before
And a few days later, Seokjin realises why it was so familiar; Jimin’s girlfriend was Miss Universe
You’re all eating together after practice and while you’re asking Jimin what you both want to do when you get home, Seokjin asks for everyone’s attention
“Hyung? What is it?”
Seokjin starts talking about pageants and that’s when you realise
He’s talking about you
“So, our dear y/n-ah, any revelations you want to share?”
Cue nervous blushing - and Jimin grinning because you’re so cute
He’s whipped I tell you-
“We’ll yeah, I was Miss Universe a few years ago.”
When I tell you these guys give you the most overdramatic gasps
At home, Jimin gives you puppy eyes and asks you to tell him about it
You can’t say no to Jimin being cute
태형 (Taehyung)
I feel like Taehyung would find out through Jungkook
Probably during a gaming session, or the three of you are having a movie marathon
You had been telling the boys one-by-one that you had been Miss Universe
And they had taken it pretty well
But, due to their schedule, and your own work, Taehyung still didn’t know
You had offered to collect the delivery from the person at the door while Tae picked out the first movie and JK grabbed a bunch of blankets and whatnot
As you bring the food to the table, maknae over here calls out
“Ahh, Miss Universe, you’re the best!”
Jungkook didn’t just...did he?
Taehyung’s confused, you’re startled and Jungkook’s panicking
“Miss Universe? Like the pageant?”
You’re flustered and can really only nod
It’s silent for a few moments, before Taehyung reaches over to ruffle your hair
Takes it pretty well-
“You never told me you were Miss Universe!”
“I was going to, but we were both busy - the others know”
The rest of the night is fine, and when Jungkook tiredly wishes the pair of you goodnight and leaves, Tae turns to you
Wants to know everything
“I’ll tell you over breakfast tomorrow, okay?”
“Mhm~ you better tell me everything~”
정국 (Jungkook)
In my opinion, Jungkook also finds out from Seokjin
Since you were Miss Universe, and his mom was Miss Korea, there’s something you both have in common
Plus, Jungkook likes to tease you too, so there’s that-
You’re both talking about some stories from your Miss Universe competition and Jungkook silently comes up behind you
You don’t realise until you turn your head and jump in your seat
Somehow, Seokjin didn’t see him either
We’re not discussing how he didn’t see the bunny child, he just didn’t lol
“So~ my girlfriend was a Miss Universe, is that right?”
He somehow manages to turn it into a way to tease you, and now you’re blushing
“Well yes...”
Kinda just skips away with this oddly giddy smile on his face
You and Seokjin start laughing out of confusion
“Well, I definitely was not expecting that.”
Nothing is said for a moment, and then you deadpan
“He’s gonna flood me with questions later, isn’t he?”
All Seokjin can do as he stifles his snicker is nod
Later at home, that’s exactly what Jungkook does
High-key you have to stop him because you can only process so many questions at once
But hey, he’s cute - and curious - could you blame him?
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What is Love?
Requested by @sassysaxsolo​
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Pairing: BadBoy!JK x Innocent!Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warning: Dirty talk, degrading, oral sex (m and f receiving), pussy slapping, exhibitionism (??). Oh god this has like 4 smut scenes in it, it's nothing but porn bye
Summary: Jungkook has a degrading kink. Y/N doesn’t seem to like it. Also, JK is bad at this entire love thing but totally whipped for the girl of his dreams.
WordCount: 3.6k
A/N: The first scene is inspired by Hunter and Amy from “Hot Summer Night,” because it’s such a cute couple! P.S this might not be my best work because I wrote it at 3AM, so :( sry
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You wouldn’t exactly call your boyfriend mean by any chances, but it doesn’t mean he was the nicest person you’ve ever met either. Sometimes you look at other people, like Hoseok, or Jimin, they could most definitely keep you happy – and speak to you like you’re an actual human when you both fuck.
You still remember the first time Jeon Jungkook had ever well, noticed you.
“-and then they both crashed into each other!” your friend was telling this story for the nth time, and you paying your 101% undivided attention to your fries sitting in front of you, basically drowning in ketchup, while trying to ignore the eyes that bore in the back of your head.
It was the last day of your exams as a sophomore in high school, and just like everyone else in town, you’d gone to the diner you always went to, at the end of 15thStreet Avn. Everyone and their mom had decided to come, so it was really busy, you literally had to speak loud to your friends, sitting just across you.
Fifteen minutes ago, Jeon Jungkook had walked into a diner and chose the place that gave the perfect view of you from the back.
Seven minutes ago, your friends had noticed that he was – shamelessly – staring at you, strawberry milkshake in one hand, a lit cigarette in the other. When you tried to look back, his eyes didn’t even flinch when they made contact with yours. On top of it, he winked at you. It was weirdly strange, yet made you feel all giddy inside.
What. The. Fuck. It was a well-known fact that girls would actually die to have one date with Jungkook, willing to get plastic surgeries, buying the most expensive clothes, and even leaving gifts in his locker at school. So why was here he here, in this lame-ass diner? And that too, wasting time while staring at you? He clearly didn’t even take a sip of his beverage.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, he’s so totally staring at you,” your best friend from across the booth said, while pretending to look at her nails.
“He’s so hot, I would totally take a bite,” your other friend says while taking a bite of her burger.
“Yuck!” you exclaim, as you can’t help but laugh at the thought of it. You had a certain laugh, especially when you were sitting around with your friends – it wasn’t that loud, but your eyes would bunch up as you would unconsciously bring your hand up to your mouth, and would throw your head back.
You dare to look back at him again, but this time you see his coming towards you, while taking a puff from his half smoked cigarette. You immediately turn your head back, so quick that you feared you’d broken your neck.
You look at your friends adjust their hair and posture when they see him coming towards your booth, and you can’t help but play with the hem of your sleeve, biting your lip. He stands across you, leaning on the booth in front of yours, swirling his straw so the whipped cream becomes one with the milkshake.
As soon as he makes eye contact with you, you just freak out and amidst that panic, you blurt out, “I have a boyfriend.”
He looks back at you and smirks, oh God, he looks so, so amazing. This year, he’s grown out his hair, so the waves were sprawled against his forehead, and he pushed it back with his hand after placing the milkshake next to you. He’s the pitch perfect image of a fuckboy; leather jacket, a motorbike, tattoos (even though he’s totally not 18 years old yet), and the lingering scent of cigarettes.
“Nah, no, you don’t,” he takes another puff of his cigarette, “but if you don’t stop being so fucking cute, you will,”
You chuckle, thinking he’s pranking you, thinking it’s just a joke him and his stupid friends had planned out to humiliate you publicly, “You don’t know the first thing about me,” you say as you dip a fry in ketchup.
“I know you like ketchup,” he says, before taking a sip from his milkshake.
That was also the day when Jeon Jungkook had officially asked you out.
When you’d spent the entire summer with him, you got to realize one thing about him, he loved to degrade you while having sex. Sure, it was fun the first few times – but after that, words like “slut,” and “whore,” had started making you feel like one.
It was obvious that to you that you weren’t his first priority; football and his friends were always going to be before you. You still remember he was less than enthusiastic when you told him about the art gallery you’d host after working on your still life pieces for two years.
But in reality, everyone on the team knew he was head over heels for Y/N, he had quitted smoking right after he heard you cough, he’s started wearing a helmet whenever he rode his bike, and even let you decorate it with your frilly stickers. He would always, always go out of his way to get a fresh pack of chocolate milk for you, because you once mentioned that your dad doesn’t let you drink it because it’s unhealthy.
“Here, babe,” he says tossing you your daily supply of chocolate milk.
“Hey, remember when I told you about the art gallery I was preparing for?” you said, but it seemed like he was more interesting in scrolling Instagram on his iPhone, “um, because I have to go to art school,”
“Yeah, what about it?” he said, pecking your cheek as he got up for class.
“Well, it’s on the 28thof October, that’s next week,” you say before taking a sip of the milk he got you.
He waited a minute before speaking anything, and you wished, you wished deep in your heart so sincerely that he wouldn’t come up with an excuse.
“You know Jake’s birthday is that day, right? Can’t you reschedule it?” he said, looking down, adjusting his leather jacket.
You felt as if someone was stomping on your chest, it was getting harder to swallow the milk in your mouth, and it didn’t taste like the too sugary drink it was – instead it felt like you were swallowing poison. He surely remembered your rants about how it was so hard to rent a place in that gallery right? Or how it took you three months to manage to snag it for a couple of hours? Or how it took you two years to compile your best art pieces?
“B-but I don’t think I can do that, I barely got to rent the place an-and I- “
“Babe, I don’t think I can make it. The boys and I are going out to the city,” he said, tilting his head.
He didn’t wait for your reply, already walking down the hallway, leaving you heartbroken.
On 28thOctober, you met all the professional people you had dreamed of meeting, it was an honor, especially since you were just a Junior in high school. But, you never saw the face you wanted to see. You couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest when the exhibition finally finished, and you had to close the gallery.
That night, around 1AM, Jungkook broke into your room through your window how he usually did, only this time he had a bouquet of roses in his right hand, and red eyes.  When he noticed your tear stricken eyes and smudged mascara, he didn’t think twice before throwing the flowers on your bed and hugging you hard. Then, when he was so close, you noticed that he reeked of alcohol and weed. But it was fine.
He spent the night trying to make you laugh by reciting jokes he was forced to listen from Seokjin, and trying to make up for not being there. He cuddled you, putting your head under his chin, your body resting on his chest. It felt like home, when you would be with him, alone.
“How did it go?” he asks, nuzzling his face in your neck, peppering kisses there.
“It went amazing, I got a lot of good critique from artists and college professors,” you say, running your hands through his hair, you still missed his long hair that he cut last week, but it was way softer now,
“I missed you,” you say as he hummed.
He loved how you were like an open book, not like the girls he had been with before. You wore dresses – which he loved, because easier access – and you had long, virgin hair. He loved how untouched you were, innocent, pure and uncorrupted. He loved the little chub on your cheeks, he loved your pillow soft breasts, he loved how you always tasted like strawberries because of your chap stick. He loved virtuous you were. His to taint.
“I’m here, baby, and to make up for it, we’ll go to that café you always wanted to go to, my treat for being the best girlfriend,” he mumbled in your ear before taking off your dress and peppering kisses all over your body.
Of course, your mood had evidently changed, “Okay, you goofball,” you laugh as he tickles you.
“Baby, even if everything is wrong, it’s always going to be alright, and you know why?” he says as he kisses you on the lips. It was a chaste kiss, a huge contrast from his usual drunk kisses, they seem to be more chaste, more genuine, “you’re the only good thing in my life,”
You forgive him, like every other time.
You also toss him out the window before 6AM, before your father catches you with a boy. And that too, Jeon Jungkook. He’d probably kill you. It reminded you of the time when Jungkook decided to eat you out, on a weekday, on your bed, with your room unlocked.
It was no surprise when you found out that he was especially skilled with his tongue, not that any boy had ever even touched you there. You fought your moans, because your dad was literally downstairs watching his daily 9pm news. You knew he’d check up on you at 9.30 PM to ensure that you were studying for the SAT.
But here you were, your face stuffed with your own panties as the taste of your cum took over your tongue, it was a little embarrassing for you to taste yourself, but you paid more attention to the brown haired man between your legs. He’d mutter the same obscene words that used to give you the pleasure you needed at first, but soon became insecure of.
“You like that, dirty slut?” you mewled as he worked his tongue on your clit, adding another finger to the previous one inside of you. His two fingers did more than what you could do with your entire hand, the long slender fingers were now knuckle deep inside of you, doing wonders to your body.
“You’re such a whore, moaning here like a bitch in heat, when everyone thinking you’re an angel, huh,” he says as his fingers thrust in and out of you, lewd noises filling your small room.
You felt your blood run cold, when you could hear your dad’s footsteps on the stairs. Fuck.
“Three. You have three seconds to cum, or forget about it,” he said looking your straight in the eye, his fingers working faster than ever.
You could feel yourself pent up, your walls clenching down on his fingers.
“Two,” he said, attacking your bud with his tongue, a circling pattern, making you shake.
Before he could say ‘one,’ you were cumming, all over his fingers, your thighs and your sheets.
Jungkook chuckled, “Fucking whore,” before jumping out of your window in time, just a second before your dad came in your room. You were under the blanket, your panties under the bed, and your pride out of the window.
As you excused your flush face as a small fever, you couldn’t help but feel a weird twist in your stomach. You didn’t exactly like the way you felt.
You had avoided Jungkook as much as you could the next week, but he didn’t exactly notice because recently the football team had been putting in more hours to prepare for the nationals. He’d still slipped loving notes in your locker, and strapped a red rose on Thursday as well, that made your heart flutter.
The next time you met him was on the bus, on your way home.  
He could’ve rode his bike to his home, but he wasn’t born yesterday, he knew something was up with you when you didn’t respond to any of his messages, and didn’t even acknowledge him in your English class.
The was bus was packed, to say the least, as he followed you as you went to the tail of the vehicle, excusing people. The next stop had more people stepping in here, and he was even more pressed towards you.
You instantly regretted wearing the tennis skirt you wore yesterday, because it was short short, and also thin. You no longer had an excuse to avoid your boyfriend as you felt him press up against your back, you could feel his bulge on your butt.
You tried to look back up at him, but whimpered when you saw the animalistic look in his eyes, and the way he towered over you wasn’t helping either. You sucked in a breath when you felt his finger hitch up, and up, and up, until it was so, so near your panties as he circled your inner thigh with his thumb. He could notice how you were hyper-aware of the surroundings, as if people could see everything that was happening, everyone could see how your boyfriend was basically fingering you on the bus.
“Do you wanna do this?” you heard Jungkook whisper in your ear, and truth be told, you had missed him, the feeling of his dick, his fingers, that you needed him, and you needed him now.
You nodded, and just as soon, you heard him chuckle, “You really are a dirty slut huh?” he said as he slapped between your thighs, making your knees buckle.
With one hand, he held the handle above so he would stay balanced, but with the other one, he steadied your hips, grinding his hips against you. You almost felt embarrassed by how aroused you were, and how quick you were wet. Seconds later, you could feel his fingers separate your folds, “Spread your legs, whore.”
As you spread them, you finally noticed how many people were actually here, and how to the untrained eye it just looked like he was hugging you, but his fingers were now scissoring inside you, stretching you.
You could feel him taking his cock out of his sweatpants, brush it in your folds. You were always so sensitive, the smallest of touches against your clit would make you cry out and moan, so it was no surprise that you let out some noises as his cock entered in you.
“Make one more noise, and I won’t be scared to fuck you senseless in front of all these people,” he whispered in your ear again, this time rocking his hips into you.
“Such a slut, huh? Tell me you’re a slut,” he said, and when he noticed that you didn’t do as he said, he completely stopped all movements. You couldn’t thin straight with his dick sitting inside of you, you needed to get off, and this neediness of yours made you want to crawl into a grave and die.
“I- I’m a slut,” you whispered, and Jungkook wouldn’t have been able to heard that, if he wasn’t basically glued to you.
“S-say it again,” he stuttered and you could feel the both of you coming closer.
“I’m a slut! I’m a whore for you, Jungkook,” you whispered, as you felt yourself cum. As for him, instead of cumming in you, like you thought he would, he took himself out, and jerked off in your panties. The feeling of his cum against your soaked panties was lecherous to say the least, you could feel your panties stick to your clit, almost as a reminder of the disgusting deed you’d just done.
“Keep those on until you get home, such a fucking bitch, fucking her boyfriend in a bus,” Jungkook whispered in your ear, and stepped off the bus after slapping your ass.
And you were left alone again, thinking if you really were the slut he made you out to be.
Your next interaction with Jungkook had been next week, when you both had decided to do the English homework together, at his house. While you spent at least two hours, researching on the topic, Jungkook had simply bullshitted the entire essay in half an hour. Sigh, this is why he was failing. As you were left on his bed, completing the essay, he sat on the other end, gaming with Taehyung and some random boy through his PlayStation party.
Finally, another two hours later, you were done with the horrid essay and were desperately craving your loving and adoring boyfriend’s attention.
“Jungkook,” you tried to get his attention, but didn’t even turn around to look at you. You continued to annoy him, “Kookieee,”
Suddenly, you saw a blast on the screen, as Jungkook slammed his controller on the floor.
He muted his mic before speaking, “You just don’t wanna be a good girl for me today, huh?” At this point, you straddled his lap. He picked you up without a glimpse of hesitation, settling you between his legs, as he took out his cock.
“Suck me, and be quiet about it, unless you want Tae to hear what a desperate bitch you are,” he says, and you’re left to suck him. Jungkook definitely wasn’t small, not even close. In fact, when hard, he was bigger than you had expected dicks to be. So, 4 rounds of battle later, your jaw had started to ache, and you couldn’t help but cry out an elicit moan, forgetting Tae could hear everything.
Jungkook turns off his gaming station as soon as he hears you, “I think I told you to shut the fuck up, but you’re just too fucking stupid to understand,” he says as he harshly picks you up by your ponytail.
“I’m gonna fuck you, gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll be nothing but a dumb bitch hungry for cock,” he says as he thrashes you on the bed, stretching you out with his fingers.
Before adjusting his dick, and putting it in front of your entrance, he slaps your cunt, “that’s for fucking my game night, you bitch,” and he enters you, rough and fast.
He pushed his hair back, it’s been growing again, as he looks at you with his doe eyes again, this time they’re a shade darker. This turns you on, as you let out a whimper, “Jungkook c-close,”
“Cream yourself on my dick, go on, my dumb baby,” he chuckles, before increasing his speed, the sound of skin slapping filling the silence of the room, “Such a desperate cock slut, you can’t get off with me, huh?”
Moments later, when you both cum simultaneously, he lays down next to you and stares at the ceiling.
“What are you thinking of?” he asks, minutes after your silence. This time, he’s not harsh, but instead you’re surprised by his loving tone.
“Just thinking if you love me or not,” you mumble, closing your eyes, missing the surprised look on his face, eyes wide open, jaw ajar.
“Wha- Baby, of course I love you,” he stutters on his words, not knowing what to say. What had made you believe that he wasn’t head over heels in love with you?
“I just… I don’t know, I don’t like it when you call me names,” you explain already feeling embarrassed at being such a prude.
“Baby girl,” he sits up, and kisses your cheek, “you should’ve told me, I- I’m sorry,”
Jungkook looked like a hurt puppy, his eyes downcast, as he fiddled with his fingers. The next week, he had spent making sure you felt like the Princess you were, his Princess. Obviously, you had noticed his behavior, bringing a donut along with the chocolate milk, ditching football practice to meet you, kissing your hands every time he met you, peppering you with kisses.
“Kook, you don’t have to do this,” you exclaimed when he took you to see the beach, two hours away from the town.
“I just my Baby to know that I love her, and I want her to be happy,” he says, and for the first time, you feel like you’re free. You’re free when you’re with him and you love it.
You’re always happy with him. You loved his sloppy kisses, his shit eating grin when his fingers made you cum, his habit of bringing you chocolate milk every day, his scent which was a mixture of cologne and cigarettes, his hoarse voice after he wakes up. You knew no matter how much he accidentally hurt you, he loved you too.
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