#jo shouldn't give advice but does anyway
jolapeno · 8 months
Hi I’m the anon who asked whether it’s okay that I don’t reblog fics, it definitely comes from the anxiety/worry side of things rather than just not wanting to reblog.
It probably doesn’t help that I am so shy in real life and I guess it’s just the same online perhaps?
Also absolutely love what you write ❤️
aww anon 🤍
i can completely get that (because it's so scary not knowing what to say) but i hope that the tips helped? i would say start with something small. build up. and honestly, i promise you (because i'm a chronic overthinker - like i legit think everyone hates me 90% of the time, for like no reason) your worries are made up by your head (because brains love to do that).
you simply telling someone that you "loved this" or "really liked how you wrote X here" will make someones day (it would make mine, you know). and while i always say you should be comfortable, sometimes we have to push ourselves out of that comfort zone because when we worry a lot (or have anxiety) our comfort zone isn't actually a comfort zone, but rather a place of safety by not rocking the status quo.
so if you want to reblog, give it a go. and if you need more prompts or help, my inbox is always open and i'll try and giving you a running list of basic things. but, from one overthinker to another, it coming from your heart will be plenty - you'll know better than i will what you immediately thought when you finished reading, and i would suggest starting there.
and thank you for the compliment, i appreciate it so much 🤍🫂
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