#joana aderi
womencreativemusic · 6 years
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Joana Aderi, Switzerland
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womenofnoise · 6 years
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tobiasreber · 10 years
upcoming performances: pulp.noir "Brazil" remix
pulp.noir just finished a week of rehearsals for a couple of shows this fall where we'll be playing a live remix of Terry Gilliam's 1985 movie "Brazil". The first show will take place tomorrow at EWZ Stattkino, where we played our remixed version of "A Clockwork Orange" earlier this year. 14. 10. 2014 Best of EWZ Stattkino, Zürich CH (tickets here) 16. 11. 2014 Dokfest, Kassel D 17. 11. 2014 Exground Filmfest, Wiesbaden D
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Also coming up for pulp.noir is another studio visit and then two more performances of "signal to noise" in December. See www.pulpnoir.ch for dates.
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womenofnoise · 6 years
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womenofnoise · 6 years
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Joana Aderi and Joy Frempong of Phall Fatale by Dragan Tasic
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tobiasreber · 10 years
Five Max-Questions for Joana Aderi
In early March 2014 I gave a two day class with the title “Introduction to Composing with Max” at the Institut für Musik of the Hochschule Osnabrück, Germany. Most students had not worked with the Max programming environment before and while most Introductions to Max that I have encountered so far have felt very technical I wanted them to learn how to think compositionally with Max from the very beginning. To go beyond my own artistic interests and point of view I conducted three short interviews with artists, asking them the same five questions about working with Max. The answers were informative and very different each time - exactly what I’d hoped for. Below is the final questionnaire in the series, this one with Joana Aderi, and here are the ones with Ben Carey and Cathy van Eck.
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Joana Aderi is a singer and electronic musician. She performs solo as Eiko and plays with the groups Phall Fatale, pulp.noir and many others. Her website is www.eiko-music.com.
[I had wrongly assumed Joana was actively working with Max, but it turns out she provides some very good reasons why someone who is focusing on performance might want to leave that work to others.]
When and how did you know that you wanted to use Max in your own artistic practice? What did it provide that other tools didn't?
I had one year where I was forced to work with Max. In 2004, during my studies at Musikhochschule Basel. After that, I knew that I'm not going to use Max. It was a fundamental decision. I decided that I want to make more music and spend less time with technology. I aimed to become a good performer, a user, instead of a programmer.
What did you discover only through working with Max that shaped the way you work now?
I got very aware of the fact, that you don't have to be a slave of any music software. Max makes you think first and play after. You have to know what you want to do before you approach the computer. 
I work mainly with Ableton Live. There you can push some shiny buttons and move a few faders, draw in some effects and Bam! it sounds like something. But it would only sound like the same crap thousands of other users are sending out into space. Knowing what you want for your music before you actually grab your laptop is a good way for me. I kept the Max approach but use it on Ableton.
What advice would you give to a Max beginner on the creative side?
Don't let your creativity be taken away by technology. Technology is a hungry beast and likes to eat creative hours! If you start working with Max you will have to invest a lot of time in technology. Do that! It is needed! But always have time frames where you focus on music only. Because you want to make music in the end.
What advice would you give to a Max beginner on the technology side?
Obviously I'm the wrong person to answer this question....
Which is your favorite Max object and why (aside from bangs and other non-specific objects)?
My favorite object is my mate who can write a patch the way I ask for it (I ask nicely!).
[Thanks Joana!]
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tobiasreber · 11 years
I’ve been invited to join the audiovisual performance project pulp.noir for their next production “signal to noise”. Individual video shoots for on stage projection have begun last week, and this week we’ve had four days of tryout rehearsals with the full team - a great group of people. I now have a clearer idea of what my role in the project will be and how I need to set up for that. Rehearsals will continue in mid November.
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From left to right (click image to enlarge): Thomas Winkler, Thomas Fischer, Julia Morf, Joana Aderi, Christian Rösli, Ralph Tristan Engelmann and Marius Peyer.
Confirmed shows so far:
17.01.2014 Fabriktheater, Zürich 18.01.2014 Fabriktheater, Zürich 21.01.2014 Fabriktheater, Zürich 23.01.2014 Fabriktheater, Zürich 24.01.2014 Fabriktheater, Zürich 25.01.2014 Fabriktheater, Zürich
25.02.2014 EWZ, Tanzstudio Rote Fabrik, Zürich
09.04.2014 Tojo, Bern 11.04.2014 Tojo, Bern 12.04.2014 Tojo, Bern
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