#joaquin le chien by djservo
itsmariejanel · 1 year
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61. Halloween pt.2
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on this post we have gunther by @gunthermunch ; joaquin and sergio by @djservo + cas being mean to one of her sons 😩 ; don by @okruee ; oliu by @verthu ; gio by @moodnamars ; and ofc helios by @literalite ; also in the background the caliente sisters by @yekkiz <3
Mia - Hey Don. Don - Oh great, another Caliente woman… What do you want, Mia?Mia - Oh uncleach, Don. I come in peace. Don - Hm. Drink? Mia - Sure, why not. Don - Your usual? Mia - [nods] Thanks. Listen, I’m getting straight to the point. I can’t bear this weight on my chest anymore- My cousins told me what happened and I just wanted to make sure you and the baby are alright. If you have a place to stay, money, you know, everything you need to take care of a newborn. Don - Why do you wanna help me? Mia - Listen, what you did, what we did, was wrong. Hell, I know you were also fucking my cousins-  Don - Errr, you know about that? Look, Mia- Mia - Don, I’m not dumb and you were not that special babe Don - Ouch- Mia - I don’t care.You were my friend though, so I’m calling a truce. Don - Alright, truce. And hm, everything is fine right now, luckily Gunther took me and little Maximiliano in- Mia - You did NOT name your kid Maximiliano- Gunther - It’s ridiculous isn’t it?  Mia - Very. I can’t believe you’ve let that happen, Münch. Don - Maximiliano is a cool name- Gunther - Please, I need help. You should come by the house, I’ll make us some tea and we’ll discuss new names, maybe something less Don. Mia - Definitely! What the hell was he thinking? Don - I’m right here-
Joaquin - Damnnn Kiara babe, looking fine as hell, as usual. Kiara - [ giggles ] Sergio - [ sighs ] Of course he knows her… Jace - Hmpf, funny... I don’t remember Kiara telling us she’s dating someone. Do you?  Makoto - [ smirks ] Do I sense a ping of  jealousy, Jacey man? Jace - Pfff, no? Why would I be jealous? Of course not- Makoto - Hmhm, [ hic ] of course not... She isn’t though, buddy. Joaquin’s just an old flame if I can even call him that much. They hooked up once or something like that after Dustin. [ hic ] More of a rebound then I guess. Jace - That guy? For real? Makoto - Yeah well, she has a little “thing” for french guys- [ hic ] Cheers bro, you have my blessing.  Jace - [ laughs ] You’re so drunk, you don’t even know what you’re saying right now. Let’s go outside and drink some water maybe, yeah? Makoto - Water is a go [ hic ] good idea, yes.
Makoto - Hey there, little angel.  Helios - Hey devil man. Makoto - You look so cute like this, I’m not used to seeing you this angelic but it’s definitely very, very cute.  Helios - Angelic, you say? You say that because you haven’t seen what’s underneath. Makoto - Why don’t you show me then? Helios - You’ll just have to wait, won’t you? Makoto - [ whines ]
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