#jobs in demand in las vegas 2022
jobs in demand in las vegas 2022
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Jobs in Demand in Las Vegas 2022: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you curious about the job market in Las Vegas for the upcoming year? With a growing economy and bustling tourism industry, the city is sure to have a variety of jobs available in 2022. In this article, we will explore the jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022, including their salaries and qualifications.
Discover the top jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022. Learn about their salaries, qualifications, and job outlook in this comprehensive guide.
Las Vegas is known for its vibrant nightlife, luxurious hotels, and casinos, but there is more to the city than meets the eye. The city has a thriving job market, with plenty of opportunities for job seekers in various fields. The unemployment rate in Las Vegas is currently 7.6%, and it is expected to decrease in the coming years. According to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation, the job growth rate is expected to be 1.9% in 2022. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022.
Jobs in Demand in Las Vegas 2022
Hospitality and Tourism
Information Technology
Real Estate
Let's take a closer look at each of these jobs and their requirements.
Hospitality and Tourism
The hospitality and tourism industry is the backbone of the Las Vegas economy. According to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, the city welcomed over 42 million visitors in 2019. The industry offers various job opportunities, including hotel management, event planning, and customer service. The average salary for these positions ranges from $30,000 to $70,000 per year.
The healthcare industry is expected to see significant growth in Las Vegas in 2022. With an aging population and increased healthcare needs, the demand for healthcare professionals is on the rise. The top healthcare jobs in Las Vegas include registered nurses, medical assistants, and dental hygienists. The average salary for these positions ranges from $30,000 to $90,000 per year.
The education industry is also expected to see growth in Las Vegas in 2022. The city has a growing population, and more schools are needed to accommodate the increasing number of students. The top education jobs in Las Vegas include teachers, school administrators, and counselors. The average salary for these positions ranges from $40,000 to $80,000 per year.
Information Technology
The information technology industry is booming in Las Vegas, with many tech companies relocating to the city. The top IT jobs in Las Vegas include software developers, network administrators, and cybersecurity specialists. The average salary for these positions ranges from $60,000 to $130,000 per year.
The construction industry is expected to see growth in Las Vegas in 2022, with many new building projects in the works. The top construction jobs in Las Vegas include project managers, architects, and construction workers. The average salary for these positions ranges from $40,000 to $100,000 per year.
Real Estate
The real estate industry is also expected to see growth in Las Vegas in 2022, with many people relocating to the city. The top real estate jobs in Las Vegas include real estate agents, property managers, and leasing agents. The average salary for these positions ranges from $30,000 to $80,000 per year.
The finance industry is thriving in Las Vegas, with many banks and financial institutions located in the city. The top finance jobs in Las  Vegas include accountants, financial analysts, and financial advisors. The average salary for these positions ranges from $50,000 to $130,000 per year.
The retail industry is always in demand, especially in a city like Las Vegas with plenty of shopping opportunities. The top retail jobs in Las Vegas include sales associates, store managers, and visual merchandisers. The average salary for these positions ranges from $20,000 to $50,000 per year.
Qualifications and Requirements
Each of the jobs listed above requires specific qualifications and requirements. Some positions may require a degree, while others may require specialized training or certification. Here is a brief overview of the qualifications and requirements for the top jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022.
Hospitality and Tourism: Customer service skills, a degree in hospitality or tourism management is preferred.
Healthcare: Bachelor's degree in nursing or healthcare, certification in specific areas such as dental hygiene or medical assisting.
Education: Bachelor's degree in education, teaching certification.
Information Technology: Bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field, certification in specific areas such as cybersecurity or network administration.
Construction: Bachelor's degree in construction management, certification in specific areas such as project management.
Real Estate: Real estate license, knowledge of local real estate market.
Finance: Bachelor's degree in finance or a related field, certification in specific areas such as financial planning.
Retail: Customer service skills, knowledge of retail industry.
Job Outlook
The job outlook for the top jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022 is positive. With a growing economy and increasing job growth rate, the city is sure to have plenty of opportunities for job seekers. However, competition for some positions may be high, so it is essential to have the necessary qualifications and experience to stand out from the crowd.
What is the job growth rate in Las Vegas for 2022?
The job growth rate in Las Vegas for 2022 is expected to be 1.9%.
What are the top industries in Las Vegas?
The top industries in Las Vegas include hospitality and tourism, healthcare, education, information technology, construction, real estate, finance, and retail.
What are the top jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022?
The top jobs in demand in Las Vegas in 2022 include hospitality and tourism, healthcare, education, information technology, construction, real estate, finance, and retail.
What are the average salaries for these jobs?
The average salaries for these jobs range from $20,000 to $130,000 per year, depending on the position and industry.
What qualifications do I need for these jobs?
The qualifications for these jobs vary, but most require a degree, certification, or specialized training in the specific field.
Is it difficult to find a job in Las Vegas?
It depends on the industry and the qualifications of the job seeker. Some industries may be more competitive than others, but there are plenty of opportunities available.
Las Vegas is a city with a growing job market and plenty of opportunities for job seekers. In 2022, the top jobs in demand include hospitality and tourism, healthcare, education, information technology, construction, real estate, finance, and retail. To be competitive in these industries, job seekers should have the necessary qualifications and experience. With a positive job growth rate, Las Vegas is an excellent place to start or continue a career.
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mariacallous · 6 months
“After years of accusations of financial mismanagement, the Republican National Committee is overhauling its 2024 election operations—a full-on MAGA makeover that the RNC claims will curb excessive spending and steer as much money as possible to supporting Donald Trump’s campaign,” the Daily Beast reports.
“But it appears that one of those strategic spending moves may have a profound effect on a successful minority outreach program, potentially erasing gains with groups of gettable new voters who have cooled on the Democratic Party.”
After years of accusations of financial mismanagement, the Republican National Committee is overhauling its 2024 election operations—a full-on MAGA makeover that the RNC claims will curb excessive spending and steer as much money as possible to supporting Donald Trump’s campaign.
But it appears that one of those strategic spending moves may have a profound effect on a successful minority outreach program, which two people with knowledge of the plans characterized as self-defeating, potentially erasing gains with groups of gettable new voters who have cooled on the Democratic Party.
As one of the sources put it to The Daily Beast, the tagline might as well be “Make the RNC White Again.”
The program at issue is an initiative from the 2022 midterms where RNC field staff engaged voters through gatherings and events held at community centers in areas with heavy minority populations, most specifically Latino communities.
In January, The Messenger reported that the RNC had already shuttered most of the nearly two dozen Hispanic Community Centers that served as the base for the program, leaving just five open. (The Messenger’s content vanished when it went out of business shortly thereafter, but the article was captured by the nonprofit Internet Archive.)
At the time, however, the RNC chalked the closures up as a temporary byproduct of its budget cycle. However, the organization also announced that it was preparing to double down on these efforts for 2024, opening 40 new centers in Latino, Black, Asian American, Native American, Jewish, and veteran communities across the country. That would include establishing outposts in key battlegrounds like Las Vegas, Nevada, Tuscon, Arizona, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Allentown, Pennsylvania, The Messenger reported.
Jaime Florez, the RNC’s Hispanic communications director, told The Messenger that “Democrats have taken the Hispanic community for granted for far too long” and vowed that the RNC planned to capitalize on those opportunities.
“Republicans will continue to make historic investments in Hispanic voter outreach, from opening more community centers to launching ‘Deposita Tu Voto’, that will further our gains with Hispanic voters and deliver Republican victories in 2024,” Florez said at the time.
But two people with knowledge of the plans told The Daily Beast that the RNC has decided to scrap that effort. Instead, the people said, the community center program now appears to be another casualty of the RNC’s recent restructuring—a bloodbath that has already claimed several dozen jobs, including senior leadership posts, along with the apparent decimation of field operations and other strategic realignments that could come at the cost of Republican candidates across the country not fortunate enough to be named Trump.
Instead of going after minority voters, the RNC apparently plans to remake itself even more in Trump’s image.
While the size and complexity of modern presidential races demands close coordination between the candidate’s campaign and the national party, the unique pressures on Trump and the RNC—external and internal—forced a reckoning that has taken that standard teambuilding exercise to a new realm.
The catalyst for those events is the very real prospect of financial crisis now facing the two groups, thanks to stratospheric personal legal costs on Trump’s part and unsustainable fundraising and spending for both organizations. Coupled with demands for unconditional fealty to the MAGA brand—which have exacerbated fault lines within the party—the RNC found itself at an inflection point coming into 2024.
To resolve the tension, Trump essentially took control of the RNC. He forced out longtime chair Ronna McDaniel, replacing her with a trio of MAGA loyalists—including his own daughter-in-law, Lara Trump—who uprooted some of the RNC’s most experienced staff and welded the two organizations into what amounts to a single-purpose machine designed to fuel Trump’s attempt to reclaim the White House.
While one short-term goal is to minimize costs, the moves could come at great political expense in the long term, especially for down-ballot candidates who depend on the RNC for critical funding and other resources. But there are other intangible losses, like the exodus of talent, a blooming vacuum of institutional knowledge, and sapping momentum from field projects like the community center program.
That project not only had promise, it came at the right time. After ignoring their own “autopsy” of the GOP’s 2012 presidential loss, many Republicans began to court minority voters in the wake of Trump’s 2016 win. As paradoxical as that may seem, given Trump’s rhetoric and policies, those efforts appear to be bearing some fruit.
Today, a sizable portion of minority voters—historically a reliable well of Democratic support—have exhibited a disaffection with the party, particularly in younger demographics, drifting towards Republicans who champion conservative ideologies that have long been culturally ingrained in those communities but had not in themselves inspired voters to change parties.
There are competing explanations for this shift. For instance, some analysts argue it’s more an expression of educational shifts than of racial realignment. But no matter the underlying cause, after Trump’s decisive 2020 defeat in the popular vote, the RNC set about trying to connect with Hispanic groups on the grassroots level.
The community centers were key to that effort. They were viewed as a success and point of pride, sources with knowledge of the project told The Daily Beast. The Messenger described the project’s pitch as “a dream intersection of fun, civic life, candidate recruitment, and GOTV muscle,” reporting that in the midterms the centers hosted events like toy drives, religious services, holiday meals, cultural celebrations—and, for some reason, cryptocurrency workshops.
“Community centers continued to pop up in Hispanic communities and positive headlines continued to flow,” The Messenger reported.
While it’s difficult to measure the cost of these programs, people familiar with the effort shrugged off the expenses as comparatively minimal, especially given the positive preliminary returns. Most of the overhead, they said, would be related to renting space for the centers, along with staffing expenses and incidentals for events.
The RNC previously indicated that the rationalization for temporarily closing the centers was financial, considering the party’s cash woes. But if that’s also the explanation for a permanent shutdown, the savings would be thin.
Federal Election Commission filings show that in 2022, the RNC spent a grand total of just over $2 million on rent, with much of it going to campaigns and state and local parties for joint field work in the midterms. But some outlays give an idea of the cost—such as the $3,500 per month that the RNC paid to “No Limits Community Development” in Georgia. By comparison, around the same time, the RNC agreed to pay $1.6 million to cover Trump’s personal legal costs.
These rent payments also wouldn’t divert a penny of the RNC’s political money. Instead, the rent expenses came out of the party’s “building” account, a specially segregated bank account that can only be tapped for expenses related to buildings and maintenance.
The Daily Beast reached out to an RNC spokesperson for comment, who provided a statement from Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung. The statement called the criticism of the community center closures “racist” and “complete bullshit,” but did not deny that the program had shut down.
“The racist accusations about the RNC and Trump campaign are complete bullshit, President Trump did more to benefit minority communities during his first term than any other President, especially Crooked Joe Biden, and that’s why he’s polling better with Black and Hispanic Americans,” Cheung said in the statement. (The metric Trump most favors to measure his efficacy as an advocate for the Black community—Black unemployment—reached new record lows under Biden.)
Cheung was apparently referencing a recent New York Times/Siena poll that put Trump 6 points ahead of President Joe Biden in Hispanic voters—a major shift, but in line with the recent inroads that Trump and the GOP have made in certain Latino communities, like southern Florida.
However, the same poll showed that, while Biden’s support among Black voters has appeared to weaken, he still holds a 66-23 lead in that demographic over Trump, who has repeatedly expressed that his multiple criminal indictments are something he has in common with the Black community.
“I think that’s why the Black people are so much on my side now," Trump told attendees at an event for Black conservatives in South Carolina last month. "Because they see what’s happening to me happens to them.”
“President Trump will only continue to make gains with minority communities, just as he did from 2016 to 2020, no matter what the lowlifes at the Daily Beast report,” Cheung added.
The shuttered community outreach program would certainly be one way to do so. But that program was not an entirely smooth ride. It had its critics even within the GOP, who argued that while the initial effort was commendable, minority outreach works best as a long-term, continual investment, not an election-year burst of interest.
“They tried; we appreciate that,” Daniel Garza, executive director of grassroots Latino outreach group the LIBRE Initiative, told The Messenger in January. “But you have to have people on the inside who can advise you—these are long-term things that need to be backed by resources.”
In fairness, some projects themselves had setbacks. In Oklahoma City, the RNC Hispanic Community Center—which has since shuttered—got off to a rocky start.
At the opening of the site in July of 2022, the RNC honored Jonathan Hernandez, president of the Oklahoma College Republicans and a political operative in the state. But Hernandez was arrested less than a week later on charges of indecent or lewd acts with a minor and forcible oral sodomy. He pleaded guilty, got a five-year suspended sentence, and was ordered to register as a sex offender.
After the charges, he had no further involvement with the community center. Now, no one else will either.
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sexualitywithgina · 10 months
Lets Talk about Sex
By Gina Miller
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Currently trends in the sex work Industry:
The 2020 Pandemic and its effects on the economy:
The COVID-19 Pandemic, shook the world in 2020 and produced catastrophic effects to the healthcare system, people’s lives and to the economies worldwide. The pandemic led to the demand for goods and services to drop due to the financial struggles experienced by many individuals, companies and bigger industries (Nationwide Economics, 2023). We can see a spike in the post-pandemic inflation status worldwide due to the ongoing and lingering effects that COVID has had on supply chains globally. 
Inflation Rates 
From 2020 to 2021 there was an 3.46% increase that made the inflation rate 4.7%. These rates continued to increase from 2021 to 2022 in the US that rose to 8.0% (World Bank, 2023). Consumers in the US are started to cut back on their expenses so that they can pay for basic needs and to get by. 92% of US consumers are spending less due to the financial stress (Madigan, 2023).
How inflation has affect the current trends within the Sex work industry and within Prostitution
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a reduction in work and income for many individuals and in specific those within the sex industry. Sex workers such as prostitutes initially saw less customers at the start of the pandemic due to the restrictions on travel and the health related concerns people had during this period (Taha, 2021). 
Sex workers were making less money and were struggling to support themselves and their families. They were struggling financially to pay for basic needs during this period and couldn’t receive government compensation either to help their financial burdens. Prostitution is considered to be a part of the informal economy and is still illegal in most places in the US (Taha, 2021)  As a result their annual incomes are not documented and contributing towards tax which makes them ineligible for compensation. 
After the initial wave of covid, the sex work industry became a more competitive market due to its demand increasing. Many people were highly stressed, terminated from their jobs or were lacking physical interaction. As a result, supply and demand increased after the initially strict restrictions that were around at the start off the pandemic. Vulnerable sex workers, such as prostitutes were forced to lower their prices to keep up the crippling economic burdens on people and to keep up with other sex workers (Taha, 2021). These workers were emotionally drained from having to adjust their prices and sexual comforts to earn enough to make living.  
Prostitutes took many risks during the pandemic, both legally and with regards to their health. They risked their safety to make ends meet and among prostitutes there was a sense of fear of their personal, work and financial situations they found themselves in. 
Prostitute work, future trends 
Sex work is the type of job that will never stop being in demand. Sex work has been around for decades and will continue to be a part of society in the future. People have needs and desires that sex workers, such as prostitutes fulfil. 
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Future Trends in Legislation and why:
We can see that some parts of America are starting to recognize and acknowledge individuals in the sex work industry. Prostitution is illegal in every US State while a few counties and States have started to see a movement towards decriminalizing  prostitution. 
Currently, Nevada is the only US State where sex work is legal but regulated. In Nevada, 10/16 brothels are licensed and permitted to be open whereas other areas in Nevada prostitution is illegal. Prostitution is illegal in multiple county’s such as Clark, Washoe, Churchill as well as in Las Vegas and Reno (Nadig, B). Prostitution is still considered illegal for streetwalkers, escorts and massage parlors. These sex workers don’t meet the legal requirements as they don’t work within Nevada’s legal brothel system.  If someone is caught for being an illegal prostitute, they usually just get charged with a first Offense and a misdemeanour (Nadig, B). The max jail time sentence is 6 months but those convicted are often given probation. 
Another State that has started to question the legal aspects of sex work is Oregon. Oregon has made sex for a fee,  a Class A misdemeanour (Siefman Law LLC). With that, the criminalization of prostitution has been revoked. While in Maine, a recent bill was introduced  to partially decriminalize prostitution. Partial decriminalization still allows for those who participate in sex work to face legal repercussions (Rodriguez, B).
I believe that the US are going to follow the direction of other countries in the world where prostitution is legal such as Australia, New Zeeland, Turkey, Greece, France etc. Decriminalizing sex work and prostitution firstly establishes a sense of respect for one’s dignity and human rights (Open Society Foundation). Sex work is still work, and those within this industry should be given the same worker rights as anyone else. Secondly, decriminalizing sex work gives these individuals a greater sense and freedom to seek justice. Rape and sexual assault are high within the sex work industry but victims feel as though they are unable to go to the police as a result of fear of being arrested and punished (Open Society Foundation). Decriminalizing sex work also helps to promote better working conditions as they are able to work in a safer environment without the fear of not being able to seek medical care if needed. Sex workers should be able to speak up about their work environments and should know their legal rights with regards to their employers and clients. Decriminalizing sex work also had a positive affect on the health care industry. More safe sex can be promoted which could help reduce the risk of sex workers contracting HIV and other STI’s (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). Sex workers such as prostitutes should be given better access to health care services to protect their health and safety.
I believe that sex work will become more globally recognised and accepted in the future as more people are starting to realize how sex workers rights are being stripped from them and that it is more unsafe for sex work to be illegal than for it to be legalized and decriminalized. There are certain expectations about identity and behaviour” (Hawkes: 132) that exist in our society that dehumanizes sex workers but I believe slowly society will start to be more accepting.  In comparison to the rest of the world, the US is still pretty struct about their laws with regards to sex work. There is little flexibility which I believe will change in the future. I believe that sex work will be legalized and decriminalized in the US as those in power will start to see the positive results that could occur from doing this. As we can see in the US, sex workers still make money whether that be illegally or in legal brothels. By legalizing and decriminalizing sex work, these workers will be able to be taxed which can give millions of dollars in tax money to the government annually. By legalizing sex work, the US government will be able to slow down and mitigate the STI Epidemic that exists within our society (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). STI cases increased after 2020 and continue to do so (CDC, 2023) which is very costly to the US health care system. By legalizing and decriminalizing sex work, individuals like prostitutes will be able to have safer sex and education of sex safety which can help to  
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fantomcomics · 1 year
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Happy Pride!!!
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Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantom Fam?
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Entry 2: Design innovation of a sporting venue
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enclos, (2023)
The allegiant stadium is home to the Las Vegas raiders, it is in Las Vegas Nevada. The stadium was opened in 2020. According to (enclos, 2023) the stadium is 207 ft tall and in 2022 the stadium was awarded best of the sport/ entertainment award. The stadium can hold 72,000 people and it has 65,000 seats. According to (Allegiant stadium, 2023) the venue alone is set to bring the state of Nevada $620 million dollars in economic impact while creating 6000 permanent jobs.  The owner of the stadium is the Las Vegas stadium authority. The cost of stadium was approximately $1.9 billion dollars.  
According to (allegiant stadium., 2023) Allegiant stadium was the first stadium to introduce cigarette waste collection stadium. The stadium collects cigarette waste from landfill and converts it to energy, this sustainable practice helps contribute to overall health of the community.
According to Hienze & Soderstorm (2017) through the process of management and planning of events sports contribute to environmental sustainability. At both the colligate and professional levels, American stadiums, arenas and ball parks are increasingly focusing attention and resource on “green” sourcing, design and waste management. (Hienze & Soderstorm 2017) suggests that stadium themselves are massive physical spaces that require a lot of energy for lighting, water, turf and electricity. Sport venues can take steps to reduce their harmful effects on the environment. By encouraging spectators to engage in actions that decrease their carbon footprint and go beyond the venue, a sporting event can indirectly encourage environmental responsibility.
All venues have unique looks and personality that attracts its fans to spend time at the venue where consumers are spending money to watch the entertainment that you put on. (Can et al., 2011) states that modern information technology has been advancing rapidly in the fields of economy and technology, including sports. Currently facilities for the organisation and management of international and domestic sporting events, athletes, training in relevant areas and sport specific equipment research and development. (Zawadzki, 2012) explains the premise that these developments to sporting venues are necessary to deal with the rising usage of these facilities and the reported demand from fans serves as the starting point for further analysis. Las Vegas can be deemed as a entertainment mecca over in the United states therefore venues within the city must be able to attract to fans and entertainers to use their facilities. 
Enclos. Las Vegas NFL stadium. (2023). https://enclos.com/project/las-vegas-nfl-stadium/  
Heinze, K. L., & Soderstrom, S. (2017). Sport Venue Sustainability: the role of local context and stakeholder engagement. In Routledge handbook of sport and the environment (pp. 267-277). Routledge.  
Can, H., Lu, M., & Gan, L. (2011). The research on application of information technology in sports stadiums. Physics Procedia, 22, 604-609.
Zawadzki, K. M. (2022). Social perception of technological innovations at sports facilities: justification for financing ‘white elephants’ from public sources? The case of Euro 2012 Stadiums in Poland. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 35(2), 346-366.  
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themarquesman · 2 years
How Does Great Creative Work Happen?
When I ask myself fundamental questions like; why do I work in the way that I do? How do I develop solutions to creative problems? How does my work relate to other current activity in my field? The answers that jump to mind are all invariably to do with leadership and bringing creative results out of others.
I wanted to research this deeper to better understand how is it that some people and teams consistently out-perform others? Very broadly speaking, my findings were that all the insights and best practices tend to fall into one of two categories: 1. Help others be the best they can be. And 2. Climate/create an environment that facilitates, encourages and incubates creative thought.
I heard a great podcast on leadership by Simon Sinek (2022). He told a story about an extraordinarily positive interaction that he had with a barista, Noah, in a coffee shop of the Four Seasons when he was staying in Las Vegas. Noah was outgoing, energetic and warm. Sinek had never had such a great interaction with a barista and was intrigued. He asked why Noah enjoyed his job so much. Without hesitation Noah enthused about the management team. He said how he constantly felt supported. Managers were always looking to offer training, help in any way, and make sure he was okay. So far, so predictable, right? Well, the twist in the story is that Noah went on to say that he also worked at Caesar’s Palace. But that he’s a totally different person there. He just keeps his head down. He stays quiet to avoid trouble, and draws his pay check at the end of the month. When Sinek asked why, Noah replied that he felt that the leadership was constantly looking to find fault with the team. They were demanding and ungrateful.
What struck me about Sinek’s story is that Noah was an outgoing rock star over-achiever in one environment, and an introverted head-down bare-minimum contributor in another environment.
Leaders all too quickly complains about the team. What I’m going to do moving forwards is really focus on what I’m doing to impact climate. Build on the good stuff, and evolve the areas that can do with improvement.
Carmeli, A., Gelbard, R., Reiter-Palmon, R. (2013) demonstrate ‘Knowledge sharing is crucial because it enables people to capitalize on existing knowledge bases residing within and outside the organization, thus enhancing their capacity to come up with creative solutions’. The research goes on to show that ‘leader supportive behaviors facilitate knowledge sharing and employee creative problem- solving capacity, thereby enhancing creative performance’. There’s the 2 broad categories right there. 1. Provide knowledge to others (helping others be the best they can be, pass on skills) and 2. Supportive behavior (climate/create a positive environment).
I’ve distilled down the leadership insights provided by Amer, W. (2017) in the article he wrote for Strategic Finance magazine. I’ve populated the two broader categories with my distillations of Amer’s insights.
• Use evaluation tools Figure out where the gaps are in people’s game, and match those needs with training.
• Ask and listen Don’t assume you know what others need to advance. Ask them, and take it in.
• Check in regularly It doesn’t need to be overly formal, but be inquisitive. What are people enjoying most about their role? What are their biggest challenges.
• Offer training Internal or external. Hard skills or soft skills. Identify knowledge/skill gaps, and fill them. As the saying goes, the rising tide raises all the boats.
• Absorb negativity Negativity is dangerous. And contagious. Find a way to turn negativity into positive energy.
• Productivity is more important than burning the candle at both ends There’s no prizes for working long hours. Doing so as a pattern can actually hugely impair performance and effectiveness.
• Have a “no egos” policy Everyone should be encouraged to realize that everyone has things that they need to teach, and other things that they need to learn.
• Make room for mistakes Mistakes are a by-product of progress. And experience is a great teacher. When something goes wrong, use it as an opportunity to encourage and figure out what needs to be done differently next time.
After all is said and done, everyone is roughly under the same constraints. There’s never enough time; there’s never enough budget; the clients don’t really get it. But some teams consistently out-perform others. Leaders all too often never consider that the problem could be with them! As Simon Sinek was saying in his podcast, he finally diagnosed the one common denominator in all the failed relationships in his life – he paused for a moment, and then said “it’s me!”.
What I’m realizing with new clarity is that if my team is struggling or failing, it’s actually down to me. I’ve either fallen short in the area of bridge knowledge gaps – providing training/help where needed. Or I’ve fallen down in the arena of creating the right climate – making space for people to be vulnerable; tomake mistakes; to put their hand up and say “I don’t actually know how to do this” or “can someone please help me? I’m struggling”.
If we respond well at these junctures, we’ll end up with Noah at the Four Seasons. If we respond poorly, we’ll end up with Noah from Caesar’s Palace.
Amer, W. (2017) The Art Of Creative Leadership. Strategic Finance. pp. 21–22
Carmeli, A., Gelbard, R., Reiter-Palmon, R. (2013) Leadership, Creative Problem-Solving Capacity, And Creative Performance: The Importance of Knowledge Sharing. Vol. 52, No. 1. Pp. 95–122
Sinek, S (2022) What is Leadership? Podcast. How To Be A Great Leader & Game Theory.
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Nevada Mailbox: Factory Jobs Are Booming Like Its the 1970s
Nevada Mailbox: Factory Jobs Are Booming Like It’s the 1970s Nevada Mailbox Factory Jobs Are Booming Like It's the 1970s by Nevada Mailbox on Monday 26 September 2022 03:04 AM UTC-05 | Tags: #lasvegasnevadamailbox las-vegas-nevada-mailbox U.S. manufacturing is experiencing a rebound, with companies adding workers amid high consumer demand for products. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York City NY New York New York NY North Carolina North Dakota Wisconsin Queens NY Bronx NY September 26, 2022 at 02:00AM Tags: #lasvegasnevadamailbox las-vegas-nevada-mailbox You received this email because you set up a subscription at Feedrabbit. This email was sent to you at [email protected]. Unsubscribe or change your subscription. Dousman Wisconsin Castroville Texas Katie Oklahoma Goodfield Illinois Virtual Mailbox September 26, 2022 at 03:20AM
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Houston nation's top multifamily-market!
Bill Rapp here with the Heartfelt and Hot in Houston Blog, and this is our newest segment: Houston nation's top multifamily-market! Houston is the nation’s top “buy” market for multifamily real estate, according to a new report released by Ten-X Commercial. Ten-X Commercial, a commercial real estate sales platform based in Irvine, California, found that Houston’s projected rental unit rate increased and falling vacancy rates beat all other markets studied. By 2022, Houston is projected to see apartment rents increase by 15.9 percent, while vacancies are expected to decline by 150 basis points to 4.3 percent. The average effective apartment rent in Houston is expected to reach $1,183 by 2022, the report said. Houston nation's top multifamily-market! Houston’s anticipated rent increases were 4.4 percent higher than what was projected for Las Vegas, the No. 2 “buy” market in the United States, according to the report. Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina; Atlanta; and Salt Lake City rounded out the rest of the report’s top five “buy markets.” The report noted that the Southwest region leads the nation in apartment buying activity, with Texas being the “clear standout.” The report attributed Houston’s strong multifamily real estate market to the city’s resurgent energy sector, which Ten-X Commercial said has aided the local economy and boosted apartment rents. “Millennials are a large reason why the current rental market is thriving,” said Ten-X Chief Economist Peter Muoio. “Though we expect homeownership in this important age group to increase over the long term, so far they remain focused on renting.” Houston nation's top multifamily-market! The report's projected uptick in the multifamily real estate market falls in line with similar projections made by local multifamily experts. While rental rates in Houston have remained flat in recent years, many Houston-based brokers have been optimistic about what the near future might hold. Last month, Clint Duncan, senior vice president of CBRE’s (NYSE: CBRE) capital markets multifamily group in Houston, said Houston’s strong job market and growing population are helping to fuel demand for apartments. On the other end of the scale, Ten-X Commercial’s report named San Jose, California, the nation’s top “sell” market. San Jose’s average effective rent is expected to decline 1.9 percent to $2,521 by 2022. Meanwhile, the city’s vacancy rate is expected to increase by 240 basis points to 6.8 percent. Like other San Francisco-area cities, San Jose’s multifamily real estate market has struggled amid a volatile tech market and an excess in available units. Houston nation's top multifamily-market! Other top “sell” markets include Oakland, California; Miami; San Francisco; and Milwaukee. Overall, the report attributed the nation's strong multifamily market to a decline in the number of new rental properties coming to market, which helped to keep vacancy rates flat. The report also found that homeownership has plateaued at 64.3 percent. “With mortgage rates and home prices still elevated, homeownership remains unattainable for many Americans,” the report said. “This allows for the rental market to remain largely unthreatened and strong, despite the slight uptick in homeownership.” Houston nation's top multifamily-market! That is all for today folks from the Heartfelt & Hot In Houston Blog, make it a great day! The inspiration for today’s edition came from this original article: https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2019/08/12/houston-nations-top-buy-market-for-multifamily.html If you are seriously considering moving right now you need to take action right now and talk to a reputable Real Estate & Mortgage Broker today, please call 281-222-0433 or visit: http://www.HoustonRealEstateBrokerage.com https://mortgageviking.billrapponline.com/ https://highcostarea.billrapponline.com/ https://commercial.billrapponline.com/ https://renovationvideo.billrapponline.com/ https://doctorvideo.billrapponline.com/ https://sba.billrapponline.com/ https://veteransvideo.billrapponline.com/ https://fha203h.billrapponline.com/ https://privatemoney.billrapponline.com/ https://rei-investor.billrapponline.com/ https://caliberhomeloans.com/wrapp https://onlineapp.caliberhomeloans.com/?LoanOfficerId=21493 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsF3Rh4Akd1OAOAgTmzgqQg https://twitter.com/BillRappRE https://www.billrapponline.com/ https://www.zillow.com/lender-profile/BillRappMortgageViking/       Read the full article
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kettlebellart · 2 years
Just How to Write Effective W
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The days of wordy, embellished prose filled up paper classifieds are long gone. Today, internet-based recruitment as well as a rapidly-changing labor market have actually changed the means people locate tasks. Task listings usually include little information about the setting as well as are loaded with foolish demands. Instead, prospects can surf task listings as well as evaluate if they fulfill the certifications for the setting. Right here are some ideas for composing reliable task descriptions. With any luck, you'll locate this article useful. Attempt utilizing job-specific web sites to advertise your open positions. These job-specific web sites can give prospects with information on brand-new possibilities in the field as well as maintain them updated on the current fads as well as ideal methods. You can additionally upload your openings on specific niche websites like blog sites, websites, as well as on the internet journals. There are task publishing promo devices readily available to assist you establish referral programs as well as optimize your opportunities of locating the ideal prospect. In some cases, you'll locate a lot more professional prospects than on various other websites. When examining task posts, remember of when they're gotten rid of. Task posts are usually gotten rid of if the firm chooses that the setting is no more needed or that its description has actually changed. Firms may alter the needs or the description of the task, as well as re-post it to ensure it brings in the ideal prospect. Occasionally, companies eliminate their task posts after they have actually gotten a huge quantity of applications. If you're still trying to find the ideal setting, read the updated publishing meticulously as well as make a fresh application. Often, task listings include a list of certifications. These needs are normally written in bullet-list layout, as well as are very easy to scan. Lots of companies break down the needs into 2 areas, one explaining the minimum certifications required for the setting as well as the various other detailing the favored abilities. While this approach can be useful in some cases, it's important to note that it can be a hassle for task seekers. Besides, task posts aren't the only area to upload your task. Using a task publishing program can be advantageous for your career development. By adhering to task posts, sharp employees can obtain a much better understanding of their organization. They'll be able to establish the turnover rate in different departments as well as recognize the abilities as well as proficiencies popular within their organization. This information can help them shape their career as well as obtain pertinent training as well as education to progress in their existing setting. So, take advantage of this resource. If you're in the marketplace for a brand-new task, seek the possibility to advance your career by advancing your career. In addition to utilizing an online search engine, university web sites usually provide task openings published on their own web sites. You can additionally use your Day account to look as well as look for tasks. In addition, lots of tasks are published on the university's web site, and all UVA employees can look for them as long as they're qualified to be rehired. Candidates that don't wish to sign up for a task publishing are urged to make use of Task Aids.
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best jobs in nevada
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The Best Jobs in Nevada: Top Careers in the Silver State
Are you looking for the best jobs in Nevada? The Silver State has a booming economy and a wide range of employment opportunities. Whether you are a recent graduate or an experienced professional, there are many job opportunities in Nevada to suit your skills and interests.
In this article, we will explore some of the top careers in Nevada, including their job outlook, earning potential, and educational requirements. From healthcare and technology to gaming and hospitality, there is something for everyone in the Silver State.
What are the Best Jobs in Nevada?
Nevada is known for its thriving tourism industry, but the state is also home to many other industries that offer excellent career opportunities. Here are some of the best jobs in Nevada:
1. Healthcare
The healthcare industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in Nevada. With an aging population and a high demand for medical services, there is a great need for healthcare professionals. Some of the best healthcare jobs in Nevada include:
Registered Nurse (RN)
Physician Assistant (PA)
Physical Therapist (PT)
Occupational Therapist (OT)
Medical Assistant (MA)
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), healthcare occupations in Nevada are projected to grow by 17.5% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.
2. Technology
The technology industry is rapidly expanding in Nevada, particularly in Las Vegas and Reno. The state is home to many tech companies, including data centers, software firms, and telecommunications companies. Some of the best technology jobs in Nevada include:
Software Developer
Computer Systems Analyst
Information Security Analyst
Network and Computer Systems Administrator
Web Developer
The BLS projects that computer and mathematical occupations in Nevada will grow by 17.1% from 2019 to 2029.
3. Gaming and Hospitality
Gaming and hospitality are the mainstays of the Nevada economy, and these industries continue to grow. The state has some of the biggest and most luxurious resorts in the world, attracting millions of tourists each year. Some of the best gaming and hospitality jobs in Nevada include:
Hotel Manager
Event Coordinator
Casino Manager
According to the Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation, the hospitality and leisure industry is expected to add 5,900 jobs from 2020 to 2022.
4. Construction
The construction industry is another major contributor to the Nevada economy. The state has a growing population, and there is a need for new residential and commercial construction. Some of the best construction jobs in Nevada include:
Construction Manager
The BLS projects that construction and extraction occupations in Nevada will grow by 9.6% from 2019 to 2029.
5. Education
Nevada has a growing population of students, and there is a need for qualified teachers and educators. The state is also home to several colleges and universities, providing opportunities for academic professionals. Some of the best education jobs in Nevada include:
Elementary School Teacher
High School Teacher
School Counselor
College Professor
The BLS projects that education, training, and library occupations in Nevada will grow by 6.7% from 2019 to 2029.
What are the Highest Paying Jobs in Nevada?
While there are many great job opportunities in Nevada, some jobs offer higher earning potential than others. Here are some of the highest paying jobs in Nevada:
1. Physicians and Surgeons
Physicians and surgeons are among the highest-paid professionals in Nevada, with a median annual wage of $230,380, according to the BLS. These healthcare professionals diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, perform surgeries, and prescribe medication. However, becoming a physician or surgeon requires extensive education and training, including a bachelor's degree, medical school, and residency programs.
2. Dentists
Dentists are also highly paid professionals in Nevada, with a median annual wage of $196,760, according to the BLS. They diagnose and treat dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss, and they also educate patients about oral health. To become a dentist, one needs to complete a bachelor's degree, dental school, and obtain a license.
3. Pharmacists
Pharmacists are essential healthcare professionals who dispense medications, provide drug information to patients, and collaborate with other healthcare professionals. In Nevada, pharmacists have a median annual wage of $128,160, according to the BLS. To become a pharmacist, one needs to complete a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree and pass a licensure exam.
4. Petroleum Engineers
Petroleum engineers design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from reservoirs, as well as devise ways to reduce the cost and environmental impact of extraction. In Nevada, petroleum engineers have a median annual wage of $120,000, according to the BLS. To become a petroleum engineer, one needs a bachelor's degree in engineering or a related field.
5. Marketing Managers
Marketing managers develop strategies to promote products or services and increase sales. In Nevada, marketing managers have a median annual wage of $115,350, according to the BLS. They need a bachelor's degree in marketing, business administration, or a related field, as well as experience in marketing.
What are the Fastest Growing Jobs in Nevada?
While some industries are growing faster than others, there are many job opportunities in Nevada that are expected to experience significant growth in the coming years. Here are some of the fastest-growing jobs in Nevada:
1. Solar Photovoltaic Installers
Solar photovoltaic installers assemble, install, and maintain solar panels on rooftops or other structures. In Nevada, solar photovoltaic installers are expected to grow by 68.6% from 2019 to 2029, according to the BLS. The state has favorable weather conditions for solar energy production and a growing demand for renewable energy.
2. Wind Turbine Service Technicians
Wind turbine service technicians install, maintain, and repair wind turbines that generate electricity. In Nevada, wind turbine service technicians are expected to grow by 63.9% from 2019 to 2029, according to the BLS. Like solar energy, wind energy is becoming more popular in Nevada, and there is a need for skilled technicians to maintain the turbines.
3. Physical Therapist Assistants
Physical therapist assistants work under the direction of physical therapists to provide therapy services to patients with injuries or illnesses. In Nevada, physical therapist assistants are expected to grow by 31.8% from 2019 to 2029, according to the BLS. The state has a growing population of older adults who need physical therapy services, as well as a high demand for healthcare professionals in general.
4. Statisticians
Statisticians use statistical methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data. In Nevada, statisticians are expected to grow by 27.4% from 2019 to 2029, according to the BLS. The state has a growing need for professionals who can analyze data to inform business decisions, public policy, and scientific research. 
5. Home Health Aides
Home health aides provide personal care and assistance to individuals who are elderly, disabled, or have chronic illnesses in their homes. In Nevada, home health aides are expected to grow by 26.7% from 2019 to 2029, according to the BLS. The state has a growing population of older adults who need home healthcare services, as well as an increased demand for home healthcare due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Find the Best Jobs in Nevada
If you're looking for the best jobs in Nevada, here are some tips on how to find them:
1. Research Job Openings
The first step to finding a job is to research job openings. You can search for jobs online on job search engines, company websites, and job boards. You can also visit career fairs and networking events to meet employers and learn about job opportunities.
2. Network with Professionals
Networking with professionals in your field can help you learn about job opportunities and get referrals to employers. You can join professional organizations, attend industry events, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn.
3. Polish Your Resume and Cover Letter
Your resume and cover letter are your first impressions with employers, so it's important to make them stand out. Make sure your resume and cover letter are tailored to the job you're applying for and highlight your skills and experience.
4. Prepare for Interviews
Preparing for interviews can help you make a good impression with employers and increase your chances of getting the job. Research the company and the position you're applying for, practice answering common interview questions, and prepare questions to ask the interviewer.
5. Consider Temporary or Contract Work
Temporary or contract work can be a good way to get your foot in the door with a company and gain valuable experience. Temporary work can also lead to full-time employment if you perform well and the company has an opening.
FAQs About the Best Jobs in Nevada
What are the highest-paying jobs in Nevada? Some of the highest-paying jobs in Nevada include physicians and surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, petroleum engineers, and marketing managers.
What are the fastest-growing jobs in Nevada? Some of the fastest-growing jobs in Nevada include solar photovoltaic installers, wind turbine service technicians, physical therapist assistants, statisticians, and home health aides.
What education and training do I need to become a physician in Nevada? To become a physician in Nevada, you need a bachelor's degree, medical school, and residency programs.
What education and training do I need to become a physical therapist assistant in Nevada? To become a physical therapist assistant in Nevada, you need an associate degree from an accredited program and a license.
What is the average salary for a marketing manager in Nevada? The average salary for a marketing manager in Nevada is $115,350 per year, according to the BLS.
How can I find job openings in Nevada? You can find job openings in Nevada by searching online job boards, company websites, attending career fairs and networking events, and connecting with professionals in your field.
Nevada offers a range of job opportunities in various industries, including healthcare, engineering, and marketing. Some of the highest-paying jobs in the state include physicians and surgeons, dentists, and pharmacists, while some of the fastest-growing jobs include solar photovoltaic installers, wind turbine service technicians, and physical therapist assistants. To find the best jobs in Nevada, research job openings, network with professionals, and polish your resume and cover letter.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Las Vegas, the hardest-hit metro financial system in America, simply suffered one other blow Muoio labored as an occasion coordinator for a third-party electrical vendor and thoroughly choreographed the ability wants for exhibitors, presenters and attendees at commerce reveals held within the huge corridor. “There are very lengthy days, and also you’re in your toes the whole time,” stated Muoio, 39. “Typically you do not even have time to eat.” Throughout a typical January, the presence of CES in and round Las Vegas is unmistakable. Resort costs skyrocket, eating places and golf equipment are packed, and employees like Muoio log additional hours to make sure every thing goes on and not using a hitch for the foremost money-making present and associated occasions. Final 12 months, the 170,000 CES attendees have been estimated to have generated $169 million in direct spending and a broader financial influence of $291.2 million, based on the Las Vegas Conference and Guests Authority. The transfer, meant to prioritize well being and security in the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, serves as one other blow to a metropolis already despatched reeling by the present well being and financial crises. Cash working out The job market in Las Vegas has been the hardest-hit amongst massive US metro areas in the course of the pandemic. The area is closely reliant upon journey, discretionary spending, enterprise conferences and enormous gatherings, however has seen these key spigots turned off. In April 2020, shutdowns resulted in a 34% unemployment charge in Las Vegas. Though it is improved since then, Las Vegas nonetheless has the very best unemployment charge amongst massive metro areas, based on US Bureau of Labor Statistics knowledge. As of November 2020, Las Vegas metro space’s unemployment charge was 11.5%, and 128,000 individuals — together with Muoio — remained out of labor. After being furloughed in March, Muoio was completely laid off in August. Since then, she says she’s utilized to a whole bunch of jobs — together with stay-at-home occasion coordinating roles and positions in customer support or advertising and marketing — however has but to land something everlasting. Residing with out medical health insurance and awaiting a state unemployment profit utility that is been pending since August, Muoio stated she’s lucky she had some cash saved for an eventual down-payment on a home. “That cash is slowly, slowly dripping down,” she stated. “I am working out.” Brandon Geyer is going through an analogous state of affairs. He is been out of labor since March. “Come March, when this primary occurred, I used to be underneath the impression we have been going to be shut down for a few weeks, no massive deal,” he stated. “One other week goes by, and one other week goes by, and rapidly, I have never gone again to work since March.” For almost 24 years, Geyer, 49, had tended bar on the Principal Road Station, a downtown Las Vegas on line casino, brewery and resort that is still briefly shuttered because of the pandemic. And whereas the crowds obtained greater each time CES got here to city, Principal Road Station attracted a loyal clientele, a lot of whom Geyer obtained to know properly by the years. Geyer stated he is grateful to be receiving unemployment advantages, that his spouse nonetheless has her job, and that that they had some cash in financial savings to help themselves and their two youngsters. The Culinary Staff Union Native 226 has additionally helped procure weekly meals help and groceries. However the lack of full and regular earnings is taking its toll, Geyer stated. He is hopeful that his union’s push for Clark County, Nevada, to undertake a “Proper to Return” coverage can be put in place, requiring employers to supply laid-off employees the best to return to their previous jobs when companies reopen. “We’re simply questioning when we’ll return to work,” he stated. The Boyd Gaming-owned Principal Road Station is predicted to reopen someday in 2021, CEO Keith Smith stated in the course of the firm’s most-recent earnings name in October. Eerily empty This time final 12 months, optimism was excessive that 2020 — and CES 2021 — could be fairly affluent for Las Vegas, stated Steve Hill, the chief government officer of the Las Vegas Conference and Guests Authority. “We had set [room tax dollars] data in seven of the earlier 10 months,” he stated. “It appeared like that was definitely going to proceed.” Resort and resort building tasks have been underway, and, the town not solely was scheduled to host the NFL draft in April but additionally would have the glitzy, $1.94 billion Allegiant Stadium stuffed with followers to cheer on the not too long ago relocated Raiders NFL group. And for January 2021, CES was slated to be the primary occasion held in a virtually $1-billion enlargement of the Las Vegas Conference Heart and function the debut for a futuristic “people-mover” challenge from Elon Musk’s The Boring Firm. As an alternative, the brand new 1.4 million-square-foot West Corridor sits eerily empty, Hill stated. Resorts that had charged greater than $400 per night time for rooms in the course of the week of CES 2020 have marketed charges within the $25 to $45 vary this 12 months, based on Resorts.com knowledge tracked by the Las Vegas Overview-Journal. Some resorts together with the Mirage and Encore at Wynn have even shuttered rooms midweek due to low demand. The expectation from each the guests authority and CES organizers is for the occasion to return to Las Vegas in 2022 and past. Though it possible will look a bit completely different when it does return. “The way forward for occasions will almost certainly embody a digital element,” officers for the Client Expertise Affiliation, which hosts CES, stated in an announcement. “The occasions trade has needed to innovate all through this pandemic, shift enterprise fashions and adapt to our new circumstances.” On Monday night time, greater than two dozen marquees at properties alongside the famed Las Vegas Strip have been lit with the message: “We miss you, CES. Cannot wait to welcome you again in 2022.” And on Twitter, the CES 2021 account reciprocated the sentiment, tweeting, “Feeling homesick, however we are going to see you quickly @Vegas.” ‘All bets are off’ The US Journey Affiliation, citing knowledge from the analysis agency Tourism Economics, estimates that the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in $500 billion in cumulative losses for the nation’s journey financial system since March, inflicting an estimated $64.4 billion hit to federal, state and native tax income. Whereas leisure journey is predicted to gas the journey and tourism restoration, these journeys aren’t anticipated to return to pre-pandemic ranges till 2022, Adam Sacks, Tourism Economics president stated throughout a US Journey Affiliation webinar in December. It’ll possible take till 2024 or later for enterprise and company journey to totally return, he stated. For cities corresponding to Las Vegas to see significant financial enchancment, individuals must really feel comfy touring once more, being indoors once more, and prepared to spend cash, stated John Restrepo, principal of Las Vegas-based RCG Economics. And till vaccinations are widespread “all bets are off,” Restrepo stated. Nevada’s lack of trade diversification possible will hinder the roles restoration very similar to it did after the Nice Recession, he stated. Following the 2008 downturn, it took 9 years for the state to surpass its pre-recession jobs numbers. This time round, Restrepo predicts it can take a minimum of three years for the state to attain the constant annual charges of development seen in main financial indicators earlier than the pandemic hit. It’ll take even longer, he stated, to get again to the precise ranges of jobs, gross sales taxes, gaming revenues and conventioneers. “It may be an extended slog out of this rut right here in southern Nevada,” he stated. Supply hyperlink #America #Blow #Business #Economy #hardesthit #justsufferedanotherblow-CNN #Las #LasVegas #Metro #suffered #thehardest-hitmetroeconomyinAmerica #Vegas
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mrhenryharrell · 8 years
February 1 Green Energy News
Headline News:
In Southern California, 396 refrigerator-size stacks of Tesla batteries have been hastily erected to supply power for peak demand periods. The installation, capable of powering roughly 15,000 homes over four hours, is part of an emergency response to projected energy shortages stemming from a huge leak at a natural gas storage facility. [Las Vegas Sun]
Tesla battery packs at the Mira Loma substation (Tesla image)
France has unveiled plans to launch tenders for 3 GW of onshore wind over the next three years as part of new rules for the technology. The tenders will offer support to wind power projects with more than six turbines over 20 years, the energy ministry said. France aims to have 21.8 GW to 26 GW of onshore wind capacity by 2023. [reNews]
The largest solar project in New Hampshire may be headed for Hinsdale. Selectmen approved a payment in lieu of taxes for the $50 million project. It is tentatively scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019. The firm proposing it claims the project would offset more than 500,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over 20 years. [The Keene Sentinel]
The Army Corps of Engineers has been directed to allow the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline, according to North Dakota Senator John Hoeven. He said he was told the Acting Secretary of the Army “directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with the easement needed to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline.” [CNN]
The Maryland House has overridden Governor Larry Hogan’s veto of the Clean Energy Jobs Act of 2016, which would boost the state’s renewable portfolio standard from 20% by 2022 to 25% by 2020. The Senate is expected to take up the override vote in the coming days, according to the Maryland Climate Coalition. [North American Windpower]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
February 1 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Trump claims only he can keep your portfolio afloat, but JPMorgan says a Biden win would be neutral to positive for stocks
The holiday weekend has done nothing to slow the positive momentum for U.S. stocks. Strong U.S. jobs data buoyed investors on Thursday and the three major benchmark indexes made significant gains at the open on Monday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +1.07% was 1.2%, or 310 points higher in early trading.
But coronavirus cases continue to rise, with another daily new-cases record for the U.S. on Friday, while election uncertainty and the risks attached also linger on the horizon. Recent national polls show presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden pulling ahead of President Donald Trump, a Republican. Analysts and investors have viewed some of Biden’s policies as being potential negatives for stocks, while Trump argued last week that “the stock market will drop down to nothing” if he is not re-elected Nov. 3.
In our call of the day, JPMorgan strategists say that, contrary to that view, a Biden win in November would be “neutral to slight positive” for equities. The Democrat’s major economic policies include lifting the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% — partially reversing the Republican corporate tax cut of 2017 — and increasing the federal minimum wage. The investment bank’s U.S. equity strategy team also says it expects the former vice president to ease tariffs on China and increase infrastructure spending.
Read: How to position your portfolio for a Joe Biden presidency
Many presidential challengers tend to campaign at an extreme, particularly during their parties’ primaries, later converging toward the political center. Biden positioned himself as one of the two or three most moderate candidates in what was an uncommonly large Democratic field.
JPMorgan’s strategists note that Biden’s policy priorities were initially set out pre–COVID-19 and would surely shift. “Given the current economic weakness, business recovery and job growth are likely to be prioritized over policies that could dampen economic growth and perhaps even jeopardize the desired 2022 midterm election outcome,” the investment bank’s U.S. equity strategy team said in a note. The higher corporate tax rate would bring an earnings headwind of around $9 for S&P 500 SPX, +1.22% earnings per share, the strategists, led by Dubravko Lakos-Bujas, warned.
However, they said the corporate tax hike could end up with the rate being lower than 28% and would also be offset by the softening of tariffs, infrastructure spending and higher wages. “Further, a more diplomatic approach to domestic/foreign policy will likely result in lower equity volatility and risk premia,” they added.
The team’s Democratic agenda outperformers — though it stressed the agenda remains fluid — include Tesla TSLA, +7.47% and Nikola NKLA, -8.79%, both benefiting from spending on alternative energy and green technologies. Biden’s health-care agenda puts Johnson & Johnson JNJ, +1.33%, CVS CVS, +0.34% and others in the outperforming basket, while tariff de-escalation sees Procter & Gamble PG, +0.31%, Nike NKE, +0.77%, Boeing BA, +1.33%, 3M MMM, +0.53% and DuPont DD, +0.68% feature.
A minimum-wage hike would have a positive impact on consumer spending and would be a net positive for S&P 500 companies despite higher costs and some employment losses, according to JPMorgan. “Distinguishing winners and losers will depend on businesses who will see incremental demand due to rising disposable income, lower labor intensity (revenue/employees) and higher margins.”
As a result, Apple AAPL, +2.41%, Facebook FB, +1.19%, Google parent Alphabet GOOG, +1.53% GOOGL, +1.54%, Twitter TWTR, +3.88% and Visa VISA, +0.68% all appear on the list of outperformers.
The market
After strong jobs data sent U.S. stocks higher on Thursday, the Dow opened higher again on the other side of the Independence Day holiday weekend, as positive sentiment around the economic recovery continued. The S&P 500 SPX, +1.22% rose 1.3%, while the Nasdaq COMP, +1.77% was 1.8% up. European stocks SXXP, +1.20% surged early on Monday, led by banks and following a rally in Asia overnight — China’s Shanghai Composite SHCOMP, +5.71% climbed close to 6%.
The buzz
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway BRK.B, +1.84% BRK.A, +2.11% is buying Dominion Energy’s D, -6.59% natural gas storage and transmission assets in a deal worth a total of $9.7 billion, the company said late on Sunday.
Ride-sharing company Uber UBER, +4.28% has agreed to buy food-delivery service Postmates for around $2.65 billion, according to media reports on Sunday night.
The world’s second-largest cinema operator, Cineworld CINE, -4.32%, said on Monday that Canada’s Cineplex CGX, +2.94% has started legal proceedings against it in relation to the termination last month of a proposed acquisition.
German manufacturing orders rebounded in May, jumping 10.4% after their biggest fall in April since records began in 1991.
Big technology companies, including Google parent Alphabet, Amazon and Facebook, face a raft of proposed EU regulations aimed at curbing alleged anticompetitive behavior, a top EU official said.
Random reads
Las Vegas sportsbook suffers one of the biggest losses ever after Bellagio Resort & Casino error.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/trump-claims-only-he-can-keep-your-portfolio-afloat-but-jpmorgan-says-a-biden-win-would-be-neutral-to-positive-for-stocks/
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actutrends · 5 years
How ESL is keeping in stride with esports tournament growth
After a couple of decades in the wilderness, esports is coming into its own as a form of mass media entertainment. The global esports viewer base is estimated to grow from 355 million in 2018 to 674 million in 2022, nearly a 90% jump, according to the Consumer Technology Association.
One company that has been in lockstep with this trend is ESL, a tournament organizer that has been around since 2000. At CES 2020, I caught up with Yvette Martinez-Rae, CEO of ESL North America, and Paul Brewer, senior vice president of brand partnerships at ESL North America. They were part of the esports track at CES 2020, the big tech trade show in Las Vegas last week.
Part of the usual job for Martinez-Rea and Brewer has been to explain esports to big companies who are potential sponsors for their events, which target millennials and gamers who are hard to reach with traditional advertising channels. But these days, the brands are coming to them.
And their esports world is getting bigger. ESL and DreamHack are teaming up with Blizzard Entertainment to create tournaments for StarCraft II and Warcraft III: Reforged.
ESL operates high-profile online and offline competitions such as ESL One, Intel Extreme Masters, ESL Pro League and other top tier stadium-size events. It is also helping amateurs make their way to the pros via grassroots tournaments. ESL is a part of esports and gaming company MTG.
Here’s an edited transcript of our interview.
Above: ESL’s Yvette Martinez-Rae and Paul Brewer at CES 2020.
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
GamesBeat: Can you bring me up to speed on your view of esports and where it is?
Yvette Martinez-Rea: I’m responsible for North America, so my perspective is oriented around that right now. We’re specifically, along with some of the guys on stage here today–all of us are focused on how to create what I think of as sustainable, scalable esports assets in this country, so we can start to grow the fanbase. Asia and Europe are ahead of us. But what you’ll see is all of us focusing this year on that continual–creating properties that are easy to understand — what they are, how people advance through them — and then bringing more brands and partners in.
You’re going to see a lot of focus this year, a lot of trends around using data to enhance the player experience. How do I tell you, when you play this map, that four times out of five you make a key mistake in a certain place? All the other players on that same map do this thing differently. How do I give you that data in real time, customized to you? Additionally, we’re using more data in the live experience, to make that richer for the fans. You’ll see big trends there.
Finally, you’ll continue to see a lot of focus from us and others on diversifying both the player base and the fanbase. For us specifically, we’re focused on mobile titles. We think that’s a complete game-changer as far as allowing different kinds of people to play and compete. In general, from what I’m seeing from my peers around the industry, there’s a greater sensitivity to–let’s make sure we don’t go too far down this path without addressing accessibility for all people as players and fans.
Paul Brewer: The only thing I’d add specific to the brand experience–what we’re seeing recently, and what we’ll see moving forward, is that brands are starting to reallocate dollars from their traditional marketing mix — traditional sports and music and other forms of entertainment — into esports. We’ve seen it with military, beverage, fast food. A lot of them used to sponsor traditional sports leagues and other forms of entertainment, and they’re shifting that spend into esports, which is really exciting.
GamesBeat: They can’t find gamers or millennials in those markets anymore.
Brewer: It’s always going to be about the audience that the esports world has. What comes with that, and we’ve touched on it a bit, is a higher degree of sophistication in the analysis of what they’re spending on. That means more data, more research, more insights into audience. What is my dollar buying me? What traditional sports has been providing them for the last 15-20 years.
That’s where we start to get more sophisticated, and where we start to see a bit more pressure–as brands start to shift more focus to esports, we have to be more sophisticated in our work with them.
Above: Could StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void be coming on a phone near you?
Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment
GamesBeat: You just announced this deal with Blizzard around StarCraft and Warcraft. That seems like a familiar kind of deal for you.
Martinez-Rea: ESL is 20 years old, and we’ve been working with Blizzard for probably every one of those years in some form or capacity, across tons of titles. We’ve worked with them a lot here in the U.S. on Hearthstone and doing things at BlizzCon. It’s a long-standing relationship.
Obviously a lot of their focus is on Overwatch and Call of Duty. We’ve talked to them about how they can continue to support this super passionate community of StarCraft fans and players, and Warcraft as well. How do we collectively marry their continued interest in those games and our interest in celebrating, really, this legacy. At the end of the day, StarCraft is the genesis of this. Nobody wanted to see it go away. But they also knew that wasn’t going to be the primary focus for them. Together we said, “Look, this is a one plus one equals three situation.” We’re excited about that. It’s been fun, because the community has been so excited about it.
GamesBeat: It’s retro, but it doesn’t go away.
Brewer: It’s a legacy title, as you know. After 23 CESes, we’ve been around to see all the versions of StarCraft. For us, that’s what we’re set up to do, to provide that infrastructure and maintain an esport so it doesn’t sunset.
GamesBeat: One of the good things about that is that–it’s kind of like CS:GO, where the rules never change. It’s that parallel to something like baseball. It’s more predictable.
Martinez-Rea: The nice thing for us at this point–I’ve seen this over the last four years. As ESL, we now have a global infrastructure with our major events. It becomes a lot easier for us to take titles like this and plug them into the DreamHack and ESL properties that already have fanbases, that already have infrastructure, all of that. It’s much easier than it is for Blizzard to go off and keep doing this stuff as one-offs. We’re excited that we’re now at a point globally that we can do this with very little extra heavy lifting.
Above: Warcraft III: Reforged.
Image Credit: Blizzard
GamesBeat: How much data is there for the brands? Are they getting enough? I was on a session with a guy from Anheuser-Busch who said that they didn’t have enough data, but they just dove in and figured it out. They knew they had to be there.
Brewer: I think three to five years ago, that was definitely the case. A lot of brands dove in without that analysis and scrutiny. Mostly because of a bit of fear of missing out. Over the last two or three years, the data–Nielsen has stood up an esports practice as part of their business, and they’re not the only one. There’s lots of companies that have done that, because the demand is so high from a brand perspective. Data has gotten a lot better, more sophisticated, more accessible. The brands are using that, and that’s why we’re seeing a shift in investment from brands.
That being said, there’s still a lot of work to do. We’re not there yet. But we partner with Nielsen on a lot of this. The data we get helps us to do better deals and provide better insights for our brand partners.
Martinez-Rea: The other thing I notice is that the brands that do the best, at least with us, are the ones that are still in this very open, iterative mindset. They’re very much interested in experimenting and learning, not only with their activations, but which titles or which events they work with. Those are the ones that come back and say, “This really worked for us.” It’s the ones that come in and want to just stamp what they do in the NBA over here–we’re not in a state as an industry where that’s going to work.
The post How ESL is keeping in stride with esports tournament growth appeared first on Actu Trends.
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businessliveme · 5 years
Mercedes Benz Teams Up With James Cameron For ‘Avatar’ Cyborg Concept Car
(Bloomberg) –Daimler AG Chief Executive Officer Ola Kallenius unveiled a flashy concept vehicle inspired by one of the most expensive Hollywood blockbusters ever made, as the Mercedes-Benz owner looks forward despite pressure to cut costs.
The Mercedes-Benz AVTR, named after the environmentally-conscious sci-fi film Avatar, is designed to showcase a melding of human and machine interaction for a mode of transport “in the very distant future,” according to the German carmaker.
The @MercedesBenz VISION AVTR: “Imagine a car that delivers a completely new experience which combines an inside-out design philosophy – with an outside-in approach to connecting passengers and environment. This car showcases new ideas of communicating.” pic.twitter.com/CDezVpj2h3
— Daimler AG (@Daimler) January 7, 2020
Oscar-winning director James Cameron joined Kallenius on stage at MGM Park Theater to debut the vehicle during the Consumer Electronics Show, now called CES, in Las Vegas.
The electric-powered car features a fully recyclable battery, lateral crab-like movement and no steering wheel. Instead, a biometric control function “allows human and machine to merge” as the car monitors the driver’s breathing patterns, the company said.
The Tinseltown glamour at one of the world’s biggest gatherings of tech aficionados contrasts with Kallenius’ recent public appearances. After taking over the world’s largest premium-car manufacturer from veteran leader Dieter Zetsche last year, he’s had little leeway to lay out his vision amid challenges including the fallout of trade wars and the costly shift to electric cars.
To lift profit margins, the new CEO has vowed to slash more than 10,000 jobs worldwide to save 1.4 billion euros ($1.5 billion) by the end of 2022. That comes as global demand for cars waned after a decade of almost uninterrupted growth. Daimler is also conserving cash to pay for an electric-powered vehicle blitz needed to meet emissions rules in Europe and compete with Tesla Inc.
Mercedes-Benz is thrilled to announce a new partnership inspired by the #Avatar sequels showcasing our collective drive for innovation, creativity and authenticity. #VISIONAVTR #MercedesBenz #CES2020 pic.twitter.com/AzbcJulQLf
— Daimler AG (@Daimler) January 7, 2020
It’s unclear whether the new Mercedes concept vehicle will make an appearance in the long-awaited Avatar sequel film, the release date of which has been pushed back from later this year to December 2021. Kallenius can ill afford such delays as Daimler moves ahead with plans to introduce more than 10 fully-electric vehicles over the next three years.
The post Mercedes Benz Teams Up With James Cameron For ‘Avatar’ Cyborg Concept Car appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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buynsellsolar-blog · 5 years
EDF Renewables signs PPA for 200-MW solar project on tribal lands in Nevada
New Post published on http://roofnrays.com/edf-renewables-signs-ppa-for-200-mw-solar-project-on-tribal-lands-in-nevada/
EDF Renewables signs PPA for 200-MW solar project on tribal lands in Nevada
EDF Renewables North America announced it signed a PPA with NV Energy for the Arrow Canyon Solar Project. The 200 MWAC   solar project includes a 75 MW-5hr battery storage project and is located in Clark County, Nevada. It’s expected to be up and running in December 2022.
Located on the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians Reservation, 20 miles northeast of Las Vegas, Arrow Canyon Solar Project will benefit the Moapa Tribe and local community over its operating life through land lease, tax and other payments and 250 to 600 temporary construction-related jobs.
Arrow Canyon is also specially designed to generate clean energy while minimizing impacts to wildlife, habitat and other environmental resources of the Moapa tribal lands. The project will use high-efficiency bifacial solar PV modules in conjunction with a Tier 1 energy storage system supplier.
“EDF Renewables is pleased to work with NV Energy under this innovative structure whereby the battery and solar system work together to provide NV Energy with a robust energy guaranty during the summer evening peak hours, when system needs are the greatest,” said Cliff Graham, senior VP of U.S. Development at EDF Renewables North America. “NV Energy can utilize the battery at their discretion in all other months of the year, allowing mitigation of demand spikes.”
“NV Energy is excited to work with EDF Renewables to bring more low cost clean energy and battery storage to the state of Nevada and our customers,” said Doug Cannon, NV Energy president and CEO. “We appreciate the partnership of EDF Renewables and the Moapa Band of Paiutes in helping us advance our long-term goal of serving our customers with 100% renewable energy.”
EDF Renewables’ Asset Optimization group will perform operations and maintenance services for the life of the project. The group will provide NERC compliance support, remote monitoring and balance-of-plant management to maximize power production.
News item from EDF Renewables North America
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