#jocelyn scarlet
eddysocs · 2 years
Crimson & Clover - Chapter One (Stars Will Align)
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Summary: It’s been a while since the three ladies had so much as occupied the same room, and the surprise of blackmail brings along with it some old resentments and maybe a chance for new beginnings.
Pairing: Blanche White x Jocelyn Scarlet x Maribel Clover (OC)
Word Count: 1,000
Warnings: Mentions of blackmail, very mild anxiety
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The sky had been warmly lit by the setting sun as Maribel Clover departed her New England home for the Boddy Estate as the invitation instructed. During her drive, she watched as time elapsed and the full moon replaced the sun, casting a cooler source of light on the road, enhanced only by the glittering nighttime stars. But as she continued to drive, what light there was guiding her path slowly began to be snuffed out, encroached upon by dark clouds. It was about to rain.
Not accustomed to driving in such inclement weather, Maribel's nerves were quickly frayed by the added stress of her ride to the home of her blackmailer. She was respectable now, she reminded herself, hands gripping the wheel so tight that her knuckles were white and would undoubtedly be stiff when she went to move them. All she had to do was tell this Mr. Boddy that whatever he may have on her could not harm her anymore and she could be done with the remnants of her past once and for all.
Three hours it took her to drive there. Had it not been for the rain, she may have been able to shorten the drive about a half an hour or so, but the showers had been heavy at times and she wasn’t about to get herself killed over this. It was bad enough that she’d been summoned here at all.
When she finally arrived, she parked her car in the drive behind several other vehicles, questioning if they all belonged to the owner of this estate. Maribel stepped out of her car onto the wet, stone walkway that led to the door. She was thankful the rain had stopped for the moment, as she’d left her umbrella behind at home. The door was opened before she could even lift a hand to it and, startled, she slowly lowered it back to her side. "Miss Clover, I presume. You’re the last of our cozy little group to arrive. My name is Wadsworth. The others are waiting in the study."
"I hope I haven’t held anyone up. If I'm being honest, I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here."
"Not at all, my dear," Wadsworth replied, deliberately not addressing her concerns about there being 'others' in the house. "After all, someone has always got to be last, no?"
"I suppose you’re right," Maribel replied, already somewhat distracted.
"May I take your coat?"
Maribel had been taking in her surroundings, noticing the detail work in the foyer where they stood, and hadn’t heard Wadsworth's offer right away. Once she’d realized what he asked, she turned to him, smiled, and turned back, allowing him to help slip her fur lined coat off of her shoulders.
"Follow me," Wadsworth then instructed, leading the way to the study where the rest of the night's guests awaited. Fascinated with the architecture of the old mansion, Maribel ran her fingertips over several stone and wooden surfaces as they passed by. Dust came away from the surfaces on onto her fingers. She frowned, rubbing her hands together to dispel the dust as they came into the study. It was only when she raised her eyes from her hands that she caught sight of two familiar faces.
She fought the urge to show the shock on her face at seeing both Blanche White and Jocelyn Scarlet once again in the same room with her. Perhaps this blackmail ran deeper than just her. Surely, why else would the others have come, Blanche and Jocelyn especially, if not to protect their reputations?
It was strictly a no first names arrangement according to Wadsworth, so she’d have to be extra careful not to slip. As if she didn’t have enough worries already. Did the others know as much as she did? Did anyone here, other than the three of them, know each other? So many questions ran through her mind, and yet she could ask none of them for fear of outing herself, her own connections and her entire reason for being here. Silently, Maribel let out a sigh. What a joy.
As Wadsworth explained that dinner was to be served shortly, Maribel tuned him out in favor of observing the two women she knew. Blanche, dressed head to toe in her usual black, looked just as she remembered her. Maribel kept her gaze on her until Blanche caught her eye, and Maribel quickly pretended to have been looking elsewhere. After a moment, her gaze focused again, shifting now to Jocelyn, dressed impeccably as well.
Blanche's eyes followed Maribel's and now the both of them were watching Jocelyn. Once again caught, Jocelyn wordlessly sent a taunting little wave in Maribel's direction. While it may have appeared innocent to anyone else, it was that tell tale smirk that accompanied it that made Maribel instantly realize that Jocelyn remembered her too. So much for her attempt at a low profile.
If Blanche had recognized either of them, she was smartly keeping her mouth shut on the matter. Very like her, Maribel recalls bitterly. Yet now was no time for embittered recollections of times past and mistakes made. She had to focus on putting together the pieces of this puzzle. There were strings here that tied them all together. There must be. Why else go to all this pomp and circumstance, inviting them all here for some sort of twisted blackmail dinner party?
While the mystery of the gathering itself intrigued her, Maribel couldn’t help but come back to Blanche and Jocelyn. Had the stars aligned to bring them all back under the same roof, or was it merely some wild coincidence? If in fact it was only coincidence, then how strange it was to meet them both again, here of all possible places. She could have trolled their old haunts and probably had less of a chance of seeing either of them, but an old, dusty, secluded mansion was the thing that brought them all together again.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @chickensarentcheap, @endless-oc-creations, @unheolycs-ocs, @fawera, @themaradaniels
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lavenderstobins · 2 months
Random Robin Headcanons
She was named by her parents putting their names together (Robert and Ingrid)
Her paternal grandmother is French
She's allergic to shellfish
She had a secret 'relationship' with Carol Perkins the summer of '85
Her gender is lesbian
She always smells faintly of lavender
Her birthday is November 10th (she's a Scorpio)
She's like catnip to the sapphics of Hawkins but she is painfully oblivious to it
She has a tiny pinprick scar on her neck from where the Russians injected her (Steve has a matching one)
She also has faint scars around her neck and wrists from the vines in the upside down
When she has nightmares, she wakes up in a panic and needs to call Steve to hear he's alive
She spends most of her time at Steve's house rather than her own
She's an only child
She goes to Stanford for college and double-majors in film and linguistics
She'd be a college professor when she's older
She's terrified of being forgotten and being nobody to anyone
Her parents had a baby because it "made sense" for their relationship but quickly discovered they had no actual interest in parenting. She has a bad relationship with her mom and an okay relationship with her dad
Both her parents are nurses. Her father dies in an attack on the hospital post-s4
Her middle name is Josephine, picked by her grandmother Jocelyn (in Josieverse, this is where she gets the name)
She has freckles all over her body
She has AuDHD
She's read the entirety of the Lord of the Rings series but refuses to let any of the party find out because she thinks it's funny to annoy them by deliberately getting things wrong (she calls Bilbo "Dildo" once and Dustin gets so heated trying to correct her that he turns scarlet)
She has poor circulation so her hands and feet are always freezing. She uses this to be a menace 100% of the time
After Starcourt, she's afraid of being high
She's made friendship bracelets for everyone
She wears only silver jewellery
She's a great cook but gets distracted easily so Steve and Nancy usually keep her company
While Steve has his nailbat, Robin tends to use either a crowbar or a machete
Her favourite Christmas song is 'Stop the Cavalry' because of the trumpets
She and Steve have necklaces with each other's initial on them
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hopestrope · 2 months
Rhaenys Targaryen, The Queen that Should Have Been
"Rook’s Rest was Ser Criston’s next objective. Forewarned of their coming, Lord Staunton closed his gates and defied the attackers. Behind his walls, his lordship could only watch as his fields and woods and villages were burned, his sheep and cattle and smallfolk put to the sword. When provisions inside the castle began to run low, he dispatched a raven to Dragonstone, pleading for succor...
Here Mushroom’s version seems most likely, for we know that nine days after Lord Staunton dispatched his plea for help, the sound of leathern wings was heard across the sea, and the dragon Meleys appeared above Rook’s Rest. The Red Queen, she was called, for the scarlet scales that covered her. The membranes of her wings were pink, her crest, horns, and claws bright as copper. And on her back, in steel and copper armor that flashed in the sun, rode Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was.
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Ser Criston Cole was not dismayed. Aegon’s Hand had expected this, counted on it. Drums beat out a command, and archers rushed forward, longbowmen and crossbowmen both, filling the air with arrows and quarrels. Scorpions were cranked upward to loose iron bolts of the sort that had once felled Meraxes in Dorne. Meleys suffered a score of hits, but the arrows only served to make her angry. She swept down, spitting fire to right and left. Knights burned in their saddles as the hair and hide and harness of their horses went up in flames. Men-at-arms dropped their spears and scattered. Some tried to hide behind their shields, but neither oak nor iron could withstand dragon’s breath. Ser Criston sat on his white horse shouting, “Aim for the rider,” through the smoke and flame. Meleys roared, smoke swirling from her nostrils, a stallion kicking in her jaws as tongues of fire engulfed him.
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Then came an answering roar. Two more winged shapes appeared: the king astride Sunfyre the Golden, and his brother Aemond upon Vhagar. Criston Cole had sprung his trap, and Rhaenys had come snatching at the bait. Now the teeth closed round her.
Princess Rhaenys made no attempt to flee. With a glad cry and a crack of her whip, she turned Meleys toward the foe. Against Vhagar alone she might have had some chance, but against Vhagar and Sunfyre together, doom was certain. The dragons met violently a thousand feet above the field of battle, as balls of fire burst and blossomed, so bright that men swore later that the sky was full of suns. The crimson jaws of Meleys closed round Sunfyre’s golden neck for a moment, till Vhagar fell upon them from above. All three beasts went spinning toward the ground. They struck the ground so hard that stones fell from the battlements of Rook’s Rest half a league away.
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Those closest to the dragons did not live to tell the tale. Those farther off could not see for the flame and smoke. It was hours before the fires guttered out. But from those ashes, only Vhagar rose unharmed. Meleys was dead, broken by the fall and ripped to pieces upon the ground. And Sunfyre, that splendid golden beast, had one wing half torn from his body, whilst his royal rider had suffered broken ribs, a broken hip, and burns that covered half his body. His left arm was the worst. The dragonflame had burned so hot that the king’s armor had melted into his flesh.
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A body believed to be Rhaenys Targaryen was later found beside the carcass of her dragon, but it was so blackened that no one could be sure it was her. Beloved daughter of Lady Jocelyn Baratheon and Prince Aemon Targaryen, faithful wife to Lord Corlys Velaryon, mother and grandmother, the Queen Who Never Was lived fearlessly, and died amidst blood and fire. She was fifty-five years old."
-Fire and Blood, George R.R. Martin
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(Arts by Vak Phoenix, Jordi Gonzalez Escamilla, Douglas Wheatley, fkadaenerys)
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museinspo · 5 months
hi love! could you please give me some names that would fit madison bailey? (would be amazing if they have a nickname that could be used for them too!) thanks so much. <3
oh, i love doing name suggestions so much! the first list are names with possible nicknames , and the second list are names that already sound like nicknames ! let me know if you'd like some more <3
alexandra ( alex , lexi / lex , xandra )
adriana ( adri , ana )
ashton ( ash )
aurora ( rory )
belinda ( billy / billie )
brooklyn ( brooke )
cassandra ( cas , cassie )
charlotte ( charlie / charlee , lottie , char )
ellery ( ellie )
emery ( emmy )
eva ( evie )
felicity ( flick )
georgia ( georgie , gia )
harriet ( harrie )
henrietta ( henrie , etta )
indiana ( indy )
isabelle / isabella ( izzy , isa , belle , bella )
janelle ( nellie )
jocelyn ( josie )
jordyn ( jordie )
jessica ( jess , jessie )
kaitlyn ( katie , kait )
kennedy ( ken , kenny )
lucinda ( lucy , luca , luc )
matilda ( tilly / tillie )
millicent ( millie )
nikita ( kit , nik / niki )
olympia ( pia )
quintessa ( quinn , qunnie )
rosalia ( rosa , rose , lia )
sylvia ( sylvi )
scarlet ( scar )
samantha ( sam , sammy )
teagan ( teags )
tayla ( tay )
valentina ( val , vallie )
winona ( winnie )
ziggy , zia , wolfie , shae , remy , romee , rhys , rocky , olive , noa , minnie , lux , kia , kirby , ivy , goldie , daisy , darcy , connie , cody , bea , bonnie , bowie .
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ktwrites · 5 months
70 AC- Harrenhal
“Mother, I want to come with you.” 
It was a simple request, not even a question, from Alysanne’s ten-year-old daughter Alyssa a mere two days before she was set to leave for her annual journey to White Harbor to hold her women’s court. Two years ago- to celebrate the twentieth year of Jaehaerys’s reign- she had started conducting them once a year in three different areas of the kingdom. A sennight a piece spent in Highgarden, Lannisport, and White Harbor every year ensured the voices of the women of the realm were heard. 
This year, however, had been different. With the wedding of her eldest son Aemon to her half-sister Jocelyn set to take place just before year's end, and with another child due just after the new year Alysanne knew she would need to adjust her plans. Rather than hold her women’s court at White Harbor in the year after the birth of her tenth child due to the distance she would need to traverse, the queen decided to travel to the seat of House Manderly for the second time in just six months. 
 “She asked to come?” Rhaena asked her younger sister as she handed Alysanne a glass of wine. 
Due to the distance between King’s Landing and White Harbor, Alysanne chose to break up the trip into two days of travel, sending the rest of her retinue ahead long before she and Alyssa took flight on Silverwing. Harrenhal may not quite have been the halfway point between the two locales, but she could not pass up the chance to visit her older sister. 
“She did,” Alysanne confirmed.”I think she’s feeling a bit…left out amongst the wedding preparations for Aemon and Jocelyn and now she has me all to herself for a time.” 
“And will Lord Stark be once again escorting the retinue from Winterfell as he did six months ago?” 
Ever the elder sister, Rhaena Targaryen cut straight to the heart of the matter. It was true that Alaric had made a point to escort the women from Winterfell to White Harbor. It was a matter of safety, he had explained to Lord Manderly, and since the untimely deaths of both of his sons the Warden of the North felt compelled to take on the task himself. 
Of course he could not tell his bannerman that he would not pass up the chance to see his queen. Of course he could not tell him that the letters they exchanged over the years simply did not suffice. Of course no one could know that Alaric kept the queen’s company each night during their stay at White Harbor. No one had been privy to any of this save for Alaric, Alysanne, and the Scarlet Shadow, Jonquil Darke. 
But there were some secrets that could not be kept from the likes of an observant older sister. 
“He will,” Alysanne nodded slowly. 
“And remind me again when your babe is due?” 
“Three turns of the moon…or so.” 
“Or so?” 
“Don’t look at me like that, Rhaena.” 
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spicywhumper · 7 months
@febuwhump 2024: day 16. came back wrong + @femslash-february bingo: hell
series: crimson history // rating: mature // word count: 1,990
cw: mentioned child abuse & non-con, minor sisters stepcest, kinda r*pe recovery
She was six when the training started, looking older for her age or not, Jessica was a child when Joan has marked her as the next War Dog; Jennifer was still her stepsister, Jocelyn was still her mom, and Joan’s already her Master.
She’s a fast learner, as you’d expect from a prodigy, from the one meant to be the most powerful wizard of her generation; a shame she doesn’t learn fast enough to avoid punishment.
There are many firsts in the life of a girl, even one that has had her childhood taken away from her before she knew she was a person of her own; too many firsts are Joan’s: spell, punch, sparring session, kiss, and time.
Sometimes she lays on her bed, alone and in the dark, and hates that she feels cold when nobody’s holding the leash on her invisible collar.
When she was born, Jennifer had carved a promise in the fabric of the universe, I’ll keep you safe, and Jessica never quite cared that she failed at it for sixteen years; then Joan whispers on her ear, hands bruising her hips like she loved to do, that it’s Jennifer who told the Coven how where she was.
Sometimes Jessica isn’t sure how the fuck her mom has fallen in love with someone that has a mouth full of poison.
She frowns at the way Head Magician Cornwell (this is not a cove, kid, my title is professor) doesn’t set curfews of 7pm and doesn’t punish who is late for dinner, Sub-Head Magician Greenwood (uh, call me Peyton, kid) looks at her with a frown every time she looks confused: “it’s a little bit of freedom, this is a school, not a prison.”
White is covered with blood mixed with soap, Jennifer looks tired, worried, and she doesn’t seem happy that Jessica’s already out of her bed.
They call the vigilante “straightjacket psycho” – it’s not too accurate, Scarlet’s more a “straightjacket dog that doesn’t know what to do with Its teeth”; Scarlet’s more “a predator that must play with foot not that Its free”.
She’s twelve when she seriously consider It for the first time, the day after Joan summoned her to her private quarters and told her to strip naked; she stayed there for forty minutes, just being looked at her, and thought if she should leave and find the handgun she knows Mom keeps around.
Jennifer’s envious of her, she knows, and doesn’t care too much, children shouldn’t go to war; (you’re a child too, the devil in her head says, I’m a weapon.)
The sky’s a beautiful blue when Mom dies, when Jessica decides that maybe she should teach Joan that you’re not supposed to tame an evil that has taken home inside a child.
The first carved rune she puts on herself after running away is on her lower belly, women has always found ways to not carry spawn of monters; Joan whips her back until she passes out of blood loss, but doesn’t dare corrupting a ten year-old spell.
Peyton gave her a cigarette, offered with a smirk; after Peyton died, she uses all of the girl’s last open packet to burn little circles on her thighs and says that the smoke is what makes her tear up.
The Dog can’t wash Itself, so Joan throws buckets of ice cold water at It; Jessica scrubs her skin until it’s red, inflamed, but Joan’s touches are still there, they’ll always be there.
She had a dream, once, about her and Jennifer and a happy family; she wrapped herself in the blanket, thin and old, because Jennifer’s the reason she’s back in hell. 
Joan’s invites a friend sometimes, she doesn’t know this strange woman’s name, but she knows the stains she leaves on her soul.
She changes name again, again and again; settles for Scarlet, like the blood she reaps from people that are a little too much like her mother.
The first time Patricia spells a diagnostic spell on her, Jessica’s surprised that her corporeal is a soft shade of blue; but she’s not surprised by the solid ball of red on her abdomen, even if Patricia makes the same pitying face Rachel made not even a year ago. 
There’s an inferno of hatred under her skin, she wishes it’d burn the ropes keeping her in place as Joan lists everything she has been thinking about doing to her in the last ten years.
There’s only one time that Joan tries to bring a male friend, he does look less enthusiastic than her lady friends when the Dog kneels in front of him; cuts and cuts down Its back to learn It can’t bite and spit out flesh.
Jessica was scared of storms, of thunder when she was small, when she was Jocelyn’s daughter enough to be comforted by her; loud noises startle her still, Caroline frowns at her with how Scarlet always puts earphones with the loudest possible music as soon as it starts raining.
Blood runs thicker than water never made sense until she heard the full saying, it rings true in her head when she sits alone with Patricia and realizes that this safety, this warmth, is what she’s supposed to feel around a motherly figure.
It’s not an odd thing, deep down, when she looks in a mirror and dead eyes stare her back; there’s nothing new about how she’s an empty shell.
The battle isn’t even a true battle, it’s a bloodshed; a weapon of mass destruction leaves a trail of blood, entrails and deserved death behind It – and It does twice, the thrice worse the second time.
She lays on the snow, shivering and breathing puffs of white air, half-naked, covered in bruises and wounds; she lets her brain idle, but not even the Dog has the energy to move.
Agent Fletcher has hunted her for months, has spent almost two years under her care, had accepted the memory spell, and never was scared of her; the Dog’s confused why there’s fear in her eyes now.
The first time she tries to have sex after Hell 2.0, legs around Caroline’s hips and pulling her closer, there’s a moment where it’s not her “friend” she sees; Patricia says it’s normal, and Caroline seems about to throw up.
There are books on morality, on ethics, in the library; she doesn’t read them, she doesn’t need them to know that everything about her is utterly immoral.
The Dog doesn’t feel anything, the Dog wants to feel something,  the blade cuts through It hand like butter and the pretty girl next to It screams (the girl in the back of Its mind hums in appreciation for the hurt.)
Jocelyn had taken her and Jennifer to a beach once, it’s a haze memory, she was barely a toddler helping her sister build a sand castle; when she lays on her bed, late at night, she wonders about the children she never had (never wanted to) and if she’d love them enough to take them castle-building in the breath.
They thought they knew horror, knew pain, with the torture Scarlet gave them; rumors spread quickly that this new version paints all the walls with their blood, leave them alive, but just a squirming torso without ears and eyes.
Her spiritual form has horns and a tail, somehow Caroline gets away with making fun of her (“somehow”, stop lying, you love her).
She’s not ready to see the way Jennifer falls on her knees and apologizes, her eyes begging to be believed, she didn’t know; and Jessica doesn’t put it above Joan to manipulate blood of her blood to believe Jessica’s the villain here.
She’s unfairly comfortable, as if she’s a child who has the right to be on the lap of their mother, seeking this safety with Patricia: “I hate it, all this darkness inside me,” she whispers, Patricia just hold her closer, Patricia just whispers like a mantra, and I love you anyway. 
Caroline’s eyes are shiny with tears, but she still brings the Dog closer, holding It blood-covered hand, she still helps It to clean up and takes It to bed; she sees a feral animal and doesn’t sacrifice It.
Jessica learned, pretty quickly, that Joan likes when she has reactions; she wants to hit the mirror with her head, she doesn’t, she just let Joan watch her face as she’s taken like the whore the woman wants her to be tonight.
“So… you and Jennifer?” Caroline asks, her hand feels nice playing with her hair, “yeah, two coven freaks,” – two coven freaks that only found safety in each other, Caroline only hums and accepts as if that’s the most normal thing in the world.
The way she spreads Joan’s remains across the compound is out of spite, it’s almost petty, she leaves pieces of flesh and skin in every single place where Joan raped her; there’s almost not enough of the Head Magician for that.
Scarlet’s not ashamed of her scars, she’s ashamed of where most of them comes from; Jennifer takes a sharp breath when she sees her shirtless for the first time, it takes a second to notice she’s looking at the Carved Rune close to her waistband – she doesn’t even try to look annoyed when Jennifer steals her from Caroline for cuddles for the next week.
Patricia wraps her arms with clean bandages, covered in her own blood; she woke up with the ghost feelings of Joan’s hands holding her arms back and- “hey, hey,” she says gently, “stay with me, dear, you’re free now, you’re clean now.”
Apparently Scarlet collect hearts like they’re nice, neat action figures.
Scarlet likes the way they laugh, Jennifer’s quiet like her, Caroline’s soft like mom was, and Patricia loud and taking up space; Scarlet likes it, she likes that they make her laugh too.
Mom used to give her forehead kisses when she tucked her in bed, she pretends she doesn’t cry in some sort of relief and grief the first times Patricia did the same.
Sometimes, more often than she’ll admit, she’s seeing a memory in front of her and not Joan; Jennifer looks more heartbroken that there’s a reason for it to happen than because for a second, Scarlet sees her abuser in her.
Somehow, there’s nothing but understanding in both of them when Scarlet comes home smelling like sex; somehow they understand that she feels safe when she gets to kill who she feeds of.
Scarlet’s sure Jennifer feels more than “friendly stuff because she cares about you” towards Caroline when she reached and poked one of her dimples; being a goner for dimples might be a family thing.
She hates the taste of it – Joan grabbed her jaw and forced cheap tequila down her throat so she would take whatever Joan wanted her to now that she can’t switch easily, –and Jennifer apologizes when Scarlet gets a blank look on her eyes from a tequila-tasting kiss.
Part of Scarlet doesn’t really understand why Caroline and Jennifer like to pile on her for cuddles at every opportunity, she sees Patricia snickering (it hurts that there’s one person missing in her life, but it feels like who’s there tries to keep her warm enough so she can keep going). 
It’s a complex thing, Scarlet thing, with the biting, raging Dog that needs to be out from time to time; but maybe she’s not too complex to be loved by Patricia and Caroline and Jennifer (to be forgiven for not unlearning the habits carved into her bones).
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Round 1 Group 3 Masterpost
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(masterposts for Group 1 and Group 2)
Section A is now live!
Buffy Summers vs. Jocelyn "Joss" Carter
Scarlet (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Modesty Blaise
Moiraine Damodred vs. Margaret Houlihan
Elizabeth Swann vs. Laris (Star Trek)
Aeryn Sun vs. River Song
Dr. Beverly Crusher vs. Kathryn Janeway
Gabrielle of Poteidaea vs. Breanna Casey
Phryne Fisher vs. Shauna Sadecki
Section B is here; Group 4 follows tomorrow!
Ava Silva vs. Miranda Priestly
Galadriel vs. Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen
Regina Mills vs. Abigail Carmichael
Sara Lance vs. Nomi Marks
Mulan vs. Hera Syndulla
Myka Bering vs. Donna Noble
Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) vs. Éowyn
Cosima Niehaus vs. Violet Baudelaire
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gladdyator18 · 1 year
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I had a lot of fun making this character! She is the sister of the one and only Emery Nirin Orcsguard!
Inspiration/point of reference
Meet Heather Scarlett Orcsguard, heir to House Orcsguard. Heather is the daughter of Countess Jocelyn and sister to her younger brother, Emery. Heather is a rebellious young woman who is very headstrong and confident. Instead of staying indoors like Emery, she's often found doing manual labor around the village beyond Orcsguard Manor. Like her younger brother, she is a pegasus knight who wields a lance forged specially for her. Unlike her brother, she's always looking for a good fight.
Heather doesn't like it when they call her by her first name. Instead, when out on business across the Empire or outside of it, she is well-known by her middle name, Scarlett. Only her mother, brother, and help around the Orcsguard Manor are allowed to call her Heather. In her free time, she and Emery would fly around the Empire on the backs of their pegasi. When Emery and Heather are together, Emery is taller than his sister, and many would assume Emery is the older sibling and Heather is the younger sibling. When Heather heard about the prophecy, she was happy that someone would finally get rid of the current Imperial family. She has a lot of animosity toward the Imperial family for whatever reason and was also disappointed that she wasn't the prophesied child.
Again, she was so much fun to make! If I'm correct, she is my 4th redhead out of all my Fire Emblem OCs. I was tempted to make her hair the color as Emery's, but it didn't look right, so I went with a scarlet red.
More art coming eventually, so stay tuned!
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 2 years
bob’s burgers characters as songs from taylor swift’s “midnights”
in honor of the lavender haze music video...here is my list of bob’s characters as midnights tracks!! (if someone has done this already oops i am sorry!!) (also these are just my opinion!!! if you believe differently i’d love to hear what songs you’d match to each character!!!) (this is my first time adding a cut to a post i hope it works)
track 1 - lavender haze : courtney wheeler
 “talk your talk and go viral, i just need this love spiral”
this song is really fun and cute and hello??? lavender??? i also just love courtney a lot and i can see her loving this song
track 2 - maroon : jimmy pesto jr. + tina belcher
“the rust that grew between telephones, the lips i used to call home - so scarlet, it was maroon”
honestly this one kind of stumped me but also gave me older tina x jimmy jr. vibes soooo
track 3 - anti-hero : bob belcher
“it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
hello!!!! this song is so bob!!!! 
track 4 - snow on the beach (feat. lana del rey) : jocelyn
“and it’s fine to fake it til you make it, til you do, til it’s true”
this song just gives me huuuuge jocelyn vibes 
track 5 - you’re on your own, kid : tina belcher
“i wait patiently, he’s gonna notice me - it’s okay, we’re the best of friends”
this song!!!!! is so tina!!!!!! i am convinced taylor was watching bob’s burgers when she wrote this
track 6 - midnight rain : linda belcher (ALSO MY FAVE TRACK)
“he wanted a bride, i was making my own name, chasing that fame, he stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight”
linda leaving hugo for bob???? hello???? (also if anyone saw the tik tok that was bob’s burgers couples as midnight rain.....hi that was me on my personal account lol)
track 7 - question...? : tammy larsen 
“and what’s that that i heard? that you’re still with her? that’s nice, i’m sure that’s what’s suitable”
honestly could not think of anyone else and this song is pretty snarky lol
track 8 - vigilante shit : louise belcher
“don’t get sad, get even”
pure vibes. that is all
track 9 - bejeweled : gene belcher
“best believe i’m still bejeweled, when i walk in the room, i can still make the whole place shimmer”
gene. my precious sagittarius boy. it just fits
track 10 - labyrinth : zeke + tina belcher
“you would break your back to make me break a smile”
i was so inspired by the zekina-ness of this song when i first heard it that i named my fanfic after it *sobbing*
track 11 - karma : susmita
“sweet like honey, karma is a cat purring in my lap ‘cause it loves me”
i couldn’t think of anyone else, susmita stays in her own lane, karma is her boyfriend
track 12 - sweet nothing : linda + bob
“and the voices that implore, “you should be doing more”, to you i can admit that i’m just too soft for all of it”
i couldn’t not put this song for them. “you’re in the kitchen humming” and i’m sobbing
track 13 - mastermind : millie frock 
“the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned - you and i ended up in the same room at the same time” 
i was going to put louise for this one but honestly. it fits millie better
track 16 - paris : gene belcher  + alex papasian + courtney wheeler
“i’m so in love that i might stop breathing, drew a map on your bedroom ceiling”
i couldn’t not have a gac pack song 
this was honestly so fun and i would love to do this for more taylor albums lol
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anempressofmars · 2 years
Evolution of the Red Planet
"Twenty million years ago, Mars was a water world. Iron-rich seas covered more than half the surface. A balmy, earth-like climate produced black-leaved rainforests and fertile prairies of redgrass and overtall mosses. The red planet's mammals dwelled in the oceans alone, living off scarlet seaweed, swimming shrews, and undersea reefs of every color. On the land, mollusks ruled, growing to great size and slithering across grassy fields and hanging from tree branches.
One of prehistory's great mass extinctions soon followed. Scholars of both planets call it the Great Dissipation. Martian water retreated. The worldwide temperature dropped to a frigid 6 degrees Celsius. Rivers dried up, seas of water turned to seas of sand. Water flourished only underground, where it remains in aquifers and subsurface lakes. The ice caps expanded to their present maximum, and a stable ice-house climate took hold.
The causes of this tumultuous event remain elusive. Some scientists believe the planet's lack of tectonic activity and eccentric orbit caused the planet to undergo rapid cooling, trapping much of its water in underground ice deposits. Others believe the planet's lack of a magnetic field is to blame; the Sun's radiation beats down on the Martian atmosphere, and bits and pieces of it fall away into space over the eons.
Regardless of the reason, the Dissipation brought the mammals of Mars out of the seas, and onto sand. The ancestors of Martian ruuk amah evolved from something like a feliniform seal. They became the clade that evolutionary biologists call Psychetheria: the psychic beasts." -Excerpt from the script of Red Planet, a Britannian nature documentary.
"Caring for alien flora can be difficult. Red weed, which became a common sight in Appalachia and Britannia after the Arrival, is similar to kudzu - it grows fast! Take care not to water them excessively. At full bloom, the vine will sprout its flowers, famous for its jet black petals." -Alien Flower Care, pamphlet by American florist Jeanine Driskoll, publ. 1995
"Martian animal life is tall, lean, and lithe. The same goes for the mammals. All of them are descended from the ancient marine mammals which once inhabited the old Borealis ocean. These creatures tend to have thick, shaggy fur in the northern hemisphere to protect against the cold - and the sand, which can burn unprotected skin during windy weather. They have webbed fingers, complex vascular systems to store oxygen, echolocational ability. Some even have vestigial fins and gills.
Prior to mammalian dominance, mollusks and cephalopods were the most prominent form of life on Mars. Archaeological evidence suggests these creatures formed entire food chains during the Amazonian period, the geological era of Martian oceans. Untold biodiversity may dwell under the Martian dust, waiting to be uncovered. The Martian mollusks largely died out with the oceans. Competition from mammals and the destruction of their fertile, humid habitats played a role.
Nonetheless, some yet survive." -Biology of Mars, by American xenobiologist Dr. Robert Neal, publ. 2012.
"The Martian mollusks comprise the landsquids, the sand snails, the subsurface slugs, and the motile corals and bivalves. Landsquids are the most common Martian pets. They are used as pack animals, for pest control, and in smaller breeds, for companionship. Martian mythology and folklore says the landsquids are intelligent beings, prone to mood swings, egomania, and mischievous activity.
There is only some evidence of this, however. The brain of a Martian cephalopod is more developed than that of its earthly cousin. Its tentacles are more plausible useful for toolmaking. While groundbreaking work by offworld researchers Grant, Jocelyn, and Lewis has shown some degree of animal intelligence, it may be more likely that these tales come from the landsquid's psychic aptitude. Of the Martian animals, only it and the rooks themselves are so advanced in electropsychic ability. -Comparative Mythology for the Red Planet, by American psychoanalyst and sociologist Dr. Meghan Simpson, publ. 2005.
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teabooksandsweets · 2 years
A City of Bells
Chapter VI — Part II
A certain Wednesday in September dawned mellow and still. It was the time of year when Torminster was at its loveliest, a moment when it seemed that the streets of the city were paved with gold. The sky above the town was a stainless blue, but below it the faint mist of autumn hung over roofs and towers, a mist that seemed to be of gold dust, as though the sun that burned all day in a glory of raying flame had let fall a distillation of itself that warmed as dew refreshes.
Everywhere there seemed a suggestion of fires burning, orange and red and gold. In the gardens of the Close were scarlet dahlias and yellow chrysanthemums, while the trees on the Tor and the elms on the Cathedral Green were pure gold.
In the utter peace and stillness the world seemed holding its breath, a little apprehensively, drawing near to the fire to warm itself. There was none of that sense of urgeful, pushing life that robs even a calm spring day of the sense of silence; life was over and the year was just waiting, harbouring its strength for the final storms and turmoil of its death. The warmth and the colour of maturity were there, exultant and burning, visible to the eyes, but the prophecy of decay was felt in a faint shiver of cold at morning and evening and a tiny sigh of the elms at midnight when a wandering ghost of a wind plucked a little of their gold away from them.
Jocelyn got up on that Wednesday morning in the best of spirits, for it was early-closing day. This afternoon the shop would be shut and he would be a free man. He loved his new life, but its airlessness irked him sometimes and the exercising of Mixed Biscuits was a problem that at times seemed to fill the whole world; especially at night when Mixed Biscuits, suffering from insomnia for lack of walks, alternately howled at the moon, chased mice and slaked his thirst at the water jug.
As he dressed and shaved Jocelyn looked out of the window. In his tangled garden, as in all the gardens of Torminster, there was a riot of flaming flowers. The red-hot pokers were looking especially proud that morning, spearing up from among their lesser brethren with the arrogance of the Cathedral towers themselves. Beyond them the woods and hills were shrouded in mist and beyond those again the eastern sky was still a gold-barred lattice window that the sun looked through.
Jocelyn went downstairs, unlocked the front door, sent Mixed Biscuits into the garden to bark at the blackbirds and set about getting his breakfast. He did not allow Martha to come to his assistance until later in the morning, when old Mary had been arrayed in her petticoats and the sweet-shop started for the day.
He hummed a tune as he fried his bacon over the oil-stove, wondering who would come to the shop this morning. The coming and going of customers was a continual amusement and interest, for unconsciously they revealed so much of themselves to him that he felt at times as though he was the audience in a theatre and each ring of his shop-bell was the ring that sent up the curtain on a human drama … It was absurd how people showed their character while shopping … Their decision or their lack of it; their attitude towards the weather; their taste in books and bindings; the way in which they treated Jocelyn himself, some of them being aware of his humanity, grateful for it and courteous towards it, and others regarding him merely as the Man in the Shop, an automaton whose feelings need not in any way be considered; their reaction to the fact that an ordered book had not come yet; the way they behaved if Mixed Biscuits tripped them up on the doorstep; all these things were straws which showed which way the wind blew, and sometimes Jocelyn felt that what he did not know about the character of every reading man, woman and child in Torminster was not worth knowing.
He had just finished his breakfast when Martha arrived, cheery as ever, with her little black bonnet perched delicately on top of her head and her jet-trimmed mantle hiding the working print dress that she wore beneath it from the gaze of Torminster … For when Martha crossed the Market Place from her house to Jocelyn’s she always dressed up as though she were bound for America … Besides the bonnet and mantle she wore gloves, and on windy days a veil, and she carried her apron in a brown paper parcel fastened with safety-pins.
When Jocelyn had greeted her he went out into the Market Place to take down his shutters. This daily opening of the shop was a continual delight to him. As he came out into the sunlight, where the pigeons were whirling softly through the golden air and the sleepy cats were stretching themselves in the sun, he glanced round him to see who else had come out to take their shutters down … Yes, they were all there … The landlord of The Green Dragon, Mr. Bell, Mr. Jones, Mr. Atkins, Mr. Loveday, ’Arriet Kate of the sweet-shop and several others. They glanced at each other across the Market Place and nodded and smiled, for this was their hour of fellowship and in the absence of those whom they served they were conscious of each other as a brotherhood of servers, and then, with a creaking and grinding, the shutters came down and the eyes of the shops were open. Nine o’clock rang out from the Cathedral, mellow and lovely, and the work of the day had begun.
Jocelyn took a duster from his pocket and began polishing his bow-window from the outside. As he smoothed its face lovingly, going carefully into all the corners, he remembered how, when he had first seen this window, even though the shop behind had been empty, he had thought of it as being bulged outwards by the wealth behind … Well, the wealth was there now, rows and rows of it, the greatest treasures of mankind.
He went into the shop, accompanied by Mixed Biscuits, and began dusting and rearranging and reading the books, a job that kept him endlessly happy between the visits of customers. His desultory reading during the daytime was giving him a nodding acquaintance with nearly every author in the shop and during the long evenings when the shop was closed he picked out a few of them and let the acquaintance deepen into friendship.
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ivycovehq · 2 months
Mw at this time?
here are some of them! tolkien: legolas, fili durin, gandalf, galadriel, elrond, thorin oakenshield, gimli, thranduil, boromir, pippin took, merry brandybuck, eowyn, faramir, eomer. twilight: jacob black, carlisle cullen, jane, esme cullen, leah clearwater, charlie swan. marvel: pietro maximoff, billy kaplan, tommy shepherd, america chavez, matt murdock, emma frost, clint barton, jessica jones, scott lang, cassie lang, wolverine, storm, bucky barnes, carol danvers, scott summers. genshin impact: alhaitham, ayato, childe, cyno, kazuha, raiden, neuvillette, lisa, kaeya, ninguang, xiangling, zhongli. shadowhunters: jace wayland, simon lewis, jocelyn fray, raphael santiago, luke garroway, lydia branwell, cleophas garroway, aline penhallow. the last of us: abby, tommy, marlene, tess, jesse, levi. once upon a time: alice, will scarlet, anastasia, cyrus, snow white, regina mills. winx club: bloom, aisha, tecna, stella, sky, brandon, darcy. critical role: yasha nydoorin, grog strongjaw, beauregard lionette, mollymauk tealeaf, dorian storm, caduceaus clay, taryon darrington, kashaw vesh, reami, zahra, hydris, cassandra de rolo, kima of vord, fjord, veth brenatto, essek thelyss. the hunger games: haymitch abernathy, effie trinket, gale hawthorne, rue, boggs. avatar the last airbender: zuko, yue, iroh, mei, bolin, mako, tenzin, kya, jinora, lin beifong, ikki, suyin beifong. arcane: jinx, vander, ekko. shadow & bone: maylen, kaz brekker, jesper fahey, mattias, genya safin, wylan hendricks, inej ghafa, nikolai lantsov, tamar kir bataar. stranger things: mike wheeler, steve harrington, eddie munson, robin buckley, jim hopper, jonthan byers. phantom of the opera: meg giry. castlevania: hector, carmilla. star wars: luke skywalker, general hux, zeb, lando. disney: gaston, kristof, hercules. assassians creed: conner kenway, jennifer scott. robin hood: sheriff, merry men. doctor who: river song. stardust: tristan, yvainne, primus, secondus. bridgerton: colin bridgerton, daphine bridgerton, eloise bridgerton, hyacinth bridgerton, gregory bridgerton, violet bridgerton, simon basset. both of them: sorsha, kit, aric. willow: willow, elora.
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sociopath-analysis · 3 years
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Female Sociopaths in Popular Media (Part 53)
Go here for Part 1. It provides an explanation for this list. Also, check out the master list which includes analyses of all the included characters. (Some analyses still may not be completed as of yet.) If this is the first part you’ve seen, reblog one of those two posts. Otherwise, feel free to reblog this one.
Apologies for the lack of content recently. I’ve been pretty busy with other things.
Pictured above:
Corrine Dollanganger (played by Victoria Tennant) and Olivia Foxworth (played by Louise Fletcher) from Flowers in the Attic (1987)
Apollyon (voiced by Catherine Kidd) from For Honor (2017)
Makima from Chainsaw Man Part 1 (2018-2020)
Madame Odius (voiced by Jacque Drew) from Power Rangers: Ninja Steel (2017-2018)
Natasha “Bloody Pierce” Radinov (voiced by Yoko Soumi (JP) and Marcy Rae (EN)) from the Gunsmith Cats OVA (1999)
Lady Mary Van Tassel (played by Miranda Richardson (pictured) and Tessa Allen Ridge (child)) from Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Queen Scarlet from the Wings of Fire book series (2012-present[1]), its graphic novel adaptation (2018-present[1]), and the Wings of Fire Legends book Dragonslayer (2020)
Jocelyn (played by Rutina Wesley) from AMC’s The Walking Dead (2010-2022[2])
Zǐlì, aka “Julie”, from BIOHAZARD heavenly island (2015-2017)
Veronica Harrington (played by Angela Robinson) from The Haves and the Have Nots (2013-2021)
[1] Valid as of mid-August 2021. [2] The finale was confirmed to be in 2022.
If you wanna help me, you can fact check my profiles on the master list. I haven’t seen a lot of the things that these characters come from, so I don’t have a lot of firsthand knowledge. If you have seen/played/read any of the works that I have included, look through the profiles and see if there are any inaccuracies I need to edit.
Once I open up requests, you can suggest some characters for me to include on the list by leaving a comment on any of the posts, sending an ask, or messaging me. You’ll be credited for helping me when I include them in the gallery post. If you don’t want to be credited, just ask and I’ll leave your name off the post.
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jocelynships · 5 years
I need to start working on my DWD S/I because oh my god the potential for fluff and hurt/comfort is so STRONG here and I’m in love with it
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MultiBook Couples: Hypnotic
MultiBook Couples
Featuring: Zoey/Stark, Stefan/Elena, Scarlet/Wolf, Stevie Rae/Rephaim, Jocelyn/Luke, Jace/Clary, Rose/Dimitri & Lissa/Christian
☻Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdFKrXu1us99D5P9cJ6nTA ☻Back Up (Where we upload open meps): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMM-aMxg_xCzoI0zyi5j0nQ ☻Forum: http://bookwormsstudio.freeforums.net/ ☻Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookWormsStudio
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spicywhumper · 7 months
 febuwhump 2024: day 21. unresponsive + whump bingo: hypothermia
series: crimson history // rating: mature
trigger/content warnings: implied past non-con, non-graphic injuries, rape aftermath
Scarlet knows this is bad in the moment she sees her mom looking down at her. A frown in her face, eyes shining dangerously, and sometimes she hates how she’s almost a copy-and-paste version of Jocelyn.
Not when she’s sitting on a ground covered with snow, it might be a couple of degrees below zero. Her clothes are definitely not appropriate to the climate: barefoot, clad in a thin, soft cotton pants and nothing else. (She knows that’s lucky, Mother prefers her with no clothes at all, she grabbed the closest pants she found.) She’s trembling, her breath turns into a white cloud.
She looks down, her torso and arms are covered in handshaped bruises, hickeys and bitemarks. It all fit perfectly one person, and it makes her want to throw up. Scarlet wants to lay down, stare up at the canopy of trees and wait for the cold to do its job in taking her life.
You escaped, child, mom says with that soft, gentle voice the real Jocelyn stopped using when Scarlet proved to be an upcoming killing machine. Mom stopped being mom when she let Joan dig her claws deeper and deeper into the child she fought to have. (She guessed mama bear instincts are squished quickly under the boots of your coven’s Head Magician.)
That friend of yours, she’s somewhere in that direction, she points south. Scarlet knows, she just didn’t have the energy to reach closer to where Caroline actually is, she’s wasting a lot of it on trying to not succumb to hypothermia, healing slowly from all the injuries she has, and she can’t even make her body stop doing that.
With effort, Scarlet manages to get up, she stays standing in the same place for almost five minutes before she manages to move. Step after step, step after step, she can do this. She’s not that far away from the safehouse, just a couple hundred meters ahead of her, she can smell Caroline, this close to her. It’s not that late, but Caroline is already getting ready for bed at this time. She goes to sleep early, the morning girl that she is (that annoyed Scarlet all the time because she’d like to not rise before the sun). But Caroline’s also aware of her surroundings, and there’s no way the safehouse doesn’t have every possible type of alarming system, the woman would know Scarlet’s there in the moment she stepped a foot less than a hundred meters from the front door.
Keep moving, dear girl, don’t give up now, she swears she can feel Jocelyn’s hands on her shoulders when she falls, trying to help her to her feet. My daughter, keep going. She does feel warm hands on her arms, pulling her up. Scarlet can’t get up again, her fingers feel like they’re freezing, she wonders if there’s frost covering her exposed skin. She hopes frostbite settles just so she can get rid of every piece of her body that Joan touched.
(It doesn’t matter if that’s her whole body.)
Scarlet’s not sure if mom’s a hallucination or an apparition – she heard that Spirit hybrids like her are more sensitive to seeing things from the other side. Jocelyn wouldn’t tell her if she’s nothing but a figment of her imagination or an actual fucking ghost.
She manages to crawl another few meters before collapsing face-first on the snow, too tired and in too much pain, perhaps the cold would chase away the inferno that Joan’s touches keeps bringing.
Caroline likes routine, thank you very much.
Dinner at the same time every day, then the second shower of the day and thirty minutes of meditation before she goes to sleep. Everything in her day has an exact hours, and she doesn’t like it when it’s disrupted.
She’s about to sit on her meditation spot when the alarm cuts through the night. A shriek that makes her jump out of her skin for a second, the noise spooks her much more than the potential invader that triggered the stupid alarm in the first place. Irritated, Caroline leaves the room. She grabs the closest handgun – it’s not a nice habit, she thinks, but she lives in the middle of nowhere. Better have a gun when a bear enters her house to have her as a snack than the alternative.
One click and the alarm is off again, her ears ring. Caroline really doesn’t like these fucking systems, for her safety or not, loud noises make her uncomfortable, annoyed and slightly panicked. She ignores how her hands shake, knowing she still can hit true.
It started snowing again, a new layer of white to cover this stupid safehouse that she really, really doesn’t like. Caroline’s a city girl, she’s supposed to live in a cramped apartment where is never quiet because big cities don’t sleep.
She quickly finds what has triggered the alarm: there’s someone laying barely beyond the fence. She blinks, seeing too much skin for this weather and they’re laying face down.
Caroline doesn’t even think before sprinting forwards. Could be a trap, she knows, doesn’t look like a trap. Not when she spots blood on the trail this person made, and the trail doesn’t look like footsteps. And it definitely doesn’t look like a trap when the person on the snow is wearing nothing but thin dark pants, back covered in bruises and half-healed whip marks. The person’s breathing, she can see shoulders moving, but that won’t last much longer if she doesn’t do anything.
The skin’s as cold as the snow under her knees, that can’t be good, she turns the unexpected visitor and gasps.
The last person she expected to show up on her doorstep.
“Scarlet?” She holds her face, snow clings to pale, bruises and cut face. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
She’s covered in bruises, Caroline chooses to not pay attention to the pattern, to the shape, like she doesn’t pay attention to how thin she looks (she has seen what Scarlet can do, Caroline shouldn’t see her collarbones and ribs poking against her skin like they’re about to cut through). Her conflicted thoughts (and feelings) towards the wanted criminal aren’t important. The woman clearly needs help, even if she doesn’t know what happened nor why she came here.
Caroline’s trained in the basics of rescue, so she quickly adjusts Scarlet’s unconscious body and lifts her on a fireman carry. It feels wrong, Scarlet’s heavier than she looks but feels lighter than she should – how would you even know how heavy she’s supposed to be? How would you know what her body’s supposed to look like?
As fast as possible, she makes her way into the house. She doesn’t have a reflective blanket available, so she’ll have to do with clothes and normal blankets. She leaves Scarlet on the guestroom.
It feels weird, wrong, to see her this clearly, see marks and scars she thinks Scarlet would prefer nobody sees.
She grabs a towel and dries off the snow that quickly turned back into water. For a second, she considers taking off the damp and blood-stained pants, but the pattern of the bruises- she just can’t. So Caroline finds her warmest sweater, battles against limp arms but manages to put it on. Then wraps Scarlet in a fluffy and warm blanket burrito. She puts her best beanie on, the buzzcut reveals soft warm instead of neon colors Caroline got used to – her hair was a highligher shade of yellow.
It feels so, so wrong. The injuries, the bruises, the choice to come over here.
It feels so, so wrong. Seeing Scarlet unresponsive, dead to the world.
All Caroline can do is drag a chair into the room and sit there, watching if she’s warning up. Watching if she’s breathing. (Hoping she’ll wake up.)
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