#jodi whittaker
anexperimentallife · 2 years
“Who is your doctor?”
“Wow, that’s a tough one. Growing up it was Tom Baker, obviously, but Eccleston and Tennant and Whittaker did a really great–”
"Sir this is a hospital; I need to know who to call about your concussion.“
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clovis-rhebis · 2 years
it's something about David Tennant being pushed back into his role as The Doctor at the same time as My Chemical Romance performing at the 'When We Were Young' festival as aged caricatures of their past selves being paraded around for nostalgic entertainment. Are we really that starved for the early 2000's? That we will pull corpses from the grave and bury our progress?
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neeneeeeeee · 1 day
The "ERA"s of Doctor Who:
I honestly think the "Truman Show" theme this season is BBC/Disney's way of establishing an "alternate reality" for the audience-- sorta like breaking-the-fourth-wall type of "NEW ERA" for Doctor Who. They're literally signaling both OLD fans and NEW viewers: "HI! WE LEFT THE OLD ERA OF DOCTOR WHO, THIS IS A NEW ERA!" I don't think they'll ever explore Fourteen's life with Donna on TV again. I think that part of the Doctor's life is now left to the comic book realities and fandom's imagination.
Thing is, DW has been running for so long that it literally evolved from the outside inwardly, into multiple different timelines and realities. Much like our lives, right?--some only have chapters, others have volumes, others have sequels, prequels, etc.
I personally can categorize the different eras of Doctor Who into the following:
"Classic Who" 1960s - #1-3rd Docs = the real "Classic Who"
"Baker Who" 1970s - #4th Doctor = not sure how to categorize Tom Baker's years; it was certainly a mix of "Classic" AND tech-evolution of the 80s ; I personally call it the "booming era" of DW!
"Psychedelic Who" 1980s - #5-7th Docs = these were the years of "Exploring Gallifrey Mythos"; as well as, exploring the inner philosophies and politics of the Doctor's peoples. This was the "era" when the show's new producers decided to integrate the Doctor's "roots" as a Time Lord into the show's overall continuous adventures.
"Re-Birth Who" 90s/millennium - #8-9th Docs = the era when Time War "goes global"! Production-wise, DW needed a big reason to explain the Doctor's disappearance.
"New Who" early 21st century - #10-12th Docs = "False Memory" years, aka "The Retcon Era" LMAO , aka "The Years of Unnecessary Drama" HEHEHEHEH, aka the "I have lost track of where Gallifrey is era"! HAHAHHAHAH! ...ALL JOKES ASIDE, the Doctor's "re-birth" as a character was exemplified through the process of "re-integrating" all his past lives in the eyes of his NEW companions (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Clara, and Bill). In this series, we see his companions play CENTRAL roles in the advancement of the "Who Narrative". The New Who adventures were basically about the Doctor re-discovering himself through his companions' PERSONAL STORIES.
"Re-Incarnation Who" 2010s - #13-14 Docs = This was the short-run era we just had during the pandemic. The producers wanted very much to revive the show's spark; thus, they took all the Classic Who aspects of the original series and EXPANDED its reality into an ALTERNATE/"FORGOTTEN" TIMELINE. For example, we are given brand new "old characters" like the Fugitive Doctor and her new "old" companions. This "era" gave birth to the ALTERNATE timeline we are now being introduced to....
"Modern Who" 2020s - #15th Doctor and beyond = a mystery.
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scifigirl · 6 months
Why did no one before show me Alan Cumming's absolute slay performance as King James I in season 37 of Doctor Who?
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As someone who recently read James's Daemonologie and absolutely hated it, his accent and hilariously well-researched performance had me wheezing. Beautiful costumes, engaging plot, and great scenery in this episode. Who is back, baby.
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surteic · 2 years
I need a little bit of help from Doctor Who fans (especially those who ship Thasmin). My sister absolutely loves the pair and was a bit devastated about how the special ended. So I decided to draw her her own personal Thasmin poster that I wanna gift to her on Christmas as a surprise present.
The thing is: I have only seen a couple episodes of Doctor Who and didn't really pay any attention to what makes this ship so beautiful and thus I don't really know what to actually put on the poster. I don't want it to just be the two of them standing there, I really want to show the chemistry and emotion between them.
What makes Thasmin actually Thasmin?
Obviously I can't just ask my sister, so I'm in a bit of a prickle here. What are some core elements of this ship that I can put into my design? Something emotional, something moving?
I'd be glad if someone could help me out here! Or if anyone has any good articles or blog posts regarding the ship feel free to tag me!
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thyinum · 2 years
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Goodbye, Thirteenth
You will always be the ray of sunshine to me
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swampsiren-piratefairy · 11 months
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the-teacup-dragon · 2 years
Tonight I said goodbye to one of my heroes. And it hurt. The Doctor may only be a fictional character and next week there The Doctor will be, saving the universe once more. But it won't be 13.
The Doctor will always be my hero, no matter the regeneration, and nothing can change that. But I know every girl who sees The Doctor as their hero will understand what it means to lose her.
Now if you excuse me I'll be in my closet sobbing for awhile
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june2734 · 2 years
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The cast and crew of Doctor Who on Jodie's final day as The Thirteenth Doctor! 💙💔
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area51-narutorun · 2 years
i know this joke has been done before but superwholock was a war and dr who won
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minniethemoocherda · 2 years
Was the cybermen being able to regenerate and wearing Galifrey stuff explained in a previous episode that I've forgotten about?
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mainlysarcastic · 1 year
I hate this show so fucking much why’s it gotta get me every damn time
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siege-of-trenzalore · 2 years
Hey everyone,
I want to apologize to everyone I told I would write things out for, I’ve been in a really really shitty place mentally and a lot has changed in the past few months. Idk when I’m coming back but for now I don’t have the time or energy to be on here. I understand if you unfollow me. Sorry to everyone I let down :/ love you guys, bye for now ❤️
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jellybellyblimp · 2 years
I’m going to honest I wasn’t sober enough to remember most of the bicentennial special, but why was Jodi like barely in her last episode as the Doctor??? Like I love Sacha Dhawan, and this was a great episode for him, but why is he more of a focal point than Jodi? It’s her send off. She just gets banished to the edge of Kansas and comes back to be sad for a few minutes and die so David Tennant can come back. Huh??? I’m not even a 13 fan and I’m offended for her.
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lovesicklobotomy · 2 years
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Not gonna lie, I am exceedingly proud of this one.
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paintdoktahwho · 6 months
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