#joe biden is a piece of sh*t
triple-tree-ranch · 10 months
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Retired United States Marines Are PISSED This is Mike Humphries, Retired Marine. He Served For 18.5 Years & Then Worked For The Federal Government For 5 Years Here’s what he thinks of what’s happening in US Government: “This sh*t is out of control. If it continues the way it's going, it's gonna push us to do sh*t that we do not wanna do.” “I'm a retired United States Marine. I served my country almost my entire adult life. 18 and a half years, that's a good chunk of change. And in those 18 and a half years, it's been an honor and a privilege. Every single day, I had the opportunity to serve this country. Then I did another five and a half years working for the federal government before it turned into a communist totalitarian regime. I love my country, y'all. And I'm sure most of you do too. But seeing what's going on in our country, this shit is out of control. And if it continues the way it's going, it's gonna push us to do shit that we do not wanna do.” “Our government has turned into such a totalitarian f*cking bullsh*t piece of sh*t. F*cking... I don't even recognize it anymore. They violate the constitution every chance they get. They get told by the Supreme Court, they can't do something. And then they're like, hold my beer. And they do it anyway. Joe Biden and his administration giving away our tax dollars for f*cking loans that these kids took out. We as the American people did not enter into those contracts. Those kids did. The f*cking Supreme court said, you can't do that. Well, they've already f*cking handed out. 160 billion of our taxpayer dollars. They've already handed out over 160 billion in f*cking funds to Ukraine. Over 80% of American people said, we're done with Ukraine. Stop it. Stop sending our money over there. We're securing other people's borders and not securing ours. Your number one f*cking goddamn priority, Joe Biden, is the American people and the United States of America. And that means our borders as well. It is your job to secure the borders and keep Americans safe. And you are not doing it. And you're spending our f*cking tax dollars enriching yourselves. The fact that I saw congressmen and women f*cking flying the Ukrainian flag when that trader Mike Johnson f*cking, you know, put that bill up, and then that f*cking trader Mike Johnson put a bill up that's gonna squash our f*cking, our f*cking First Amendment rights, you know. I don't know who the f*ck he is, that motherf*cker needs to go. Am I calling for violence? Absolutely not.” “My f*cking godd*mn elected politicians not taking care of the American people. That is bullsh*t, and y'all's f*cking priorities are so f*cking up. I can't even begin to describe it. It's that f*cking up.” “Defacing our f*cking memorials, our veteran f*cking memorials. I would love to see any of you stupid motherf*ckers come here to my house and try and f*cking take down my flag.” “America first. That's all I care about is this country and that's all you should care about. Our f*cking future generations depend on it. Wake up America.”
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huynh19nguyen · 22 days
Hang Biden For Treason Shirt - Shibtee Clothing
About Hang Biden For Treason Shirt Introduction - The Hang Biden For Treason Shirt is a bold and provocative statement piece for those who oppose President Joe Biden and believe he has committed treasonous acts against the United States. The t-shirt features a powerful graphic of a noose symbolizing the call for Biden to be held accountable for his alleged treason. Made of high-quality materials, this shirt is comfortable to wear while making a strong statement. Whether you choose to wear it to a political rally, protest, or simply out in public, this shirt is sure to spark conversation and make a strong statement about your beliefs. Whether you support President Biden or not, this t-shirt is designed to provoke thought and evoke strong emotions. It is a daring fashion choice that signifies a bold stance on political issues and can be a conversation starter wherever you go. Overall, the Hang Biden For Treason Sh - 64eb9q28td
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lizardbytheriver · 9 months
Hunter Biden is a scumbag. Hunter Biden is a piece of sh*t. Hunter Biden is a product of nepotism. Hunter Biden is disgusting. But Hunter Biden is not the President of the United States. Impeaching Joe Biden for the actions of his failed son, who is not working in the government, is nonsensical.
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bighermie · 3 years
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waritawrites · 3 years
Tales from the Hood: Rhodie (black elitists) or Duke Metger (Biden) - Who was the Bigger Threat to Black People?
#Prolife #LABlackAdvocatesforLife #LouisianaBlackAdvocatesforLife #BlackGenocide #AbortionIsEugenics #PlannedParenthoodIsElitist #Elitism
#ElitismIsHomicidal #LouisianaRightToLife #PlannedParenthoodPredators #PlannedParenthoodOwesReparations #Reparations
In Rusty Condieff's 1995 horror movie Tales from the Hood, there is a story called KKK Comeuppance which starred Corbin Bersen as senator and former KKK member Duke Metger and Roger Guenver Smith as his Public Relations consultant Rhodie (a black elitist) who are working to get Duke elected as governor. Duke faces great opposition because of his past membership with the Ku Klux Klan and AND his choice of the location of his campaign headquarters - his grandfather's old plantation. His grandfather murdered his slaves were upon finding out slavery in the south had been legally ended. There is an old legend that says that a former slave woman used witchcraft to capture their souls and place them in the bodies of dolls. The dolls would periodically come to life and their leader was the woman's husband who had been killed. A mural of the woman and her dolls was located Duke's office.
Alone, Duke was an unlikeable, arrogant, person. Yet, with the help of Rhodie, his appeal grew which made him a serious contender in the governor's race. When looking at today's political scene, one would easily say that Trump was like Duke Metger - when looking from a superficial perspective. A SUPERFICIAL PERSPECTIVE. He wasn't the most tactful. He was blunt. Some, DEFINITELY NOT ALL, of Trump's were white supremacists (some were also white "liberals" pretending to be stereotypical white conservative Trump supporters) and those who weren't white were anti-black, some of which were black. Yes, there are anti-black black people. One such character in Tales from The Hood was Rhodie. Rhodie seemed to represent a stereotypical black republican. He seems like the type of anti-black, self-hating black person who would pretend to "help" the black people improve their community by getting rid of as many Black people as possible using:
- Forget GOD and uphold multicultural, pagan ideals instead
- Abortion
- Euthanasia (gotta maintain that quality of life)
- Normalization of promiscuity
- Normalization of destructive alternative lifestyles
- The stigmatizing of traditional marriage and family
-The normalization of addiction and substance abuse, such as recreationally smoking heroin
Columbia professor: I do heroin regularly for ‘work-life balance’
People who promote such self-destructive behaviors as normal or even inherently black are an enemy! They are an enemy of mankind, no matter how progressive that they think such behaviors are. Indeed, progressivism, like evolution, is an oxymoron because you don't gain anything biologically nor socially. Things regress to its most basic form. Though, a progressive such as a eugenicist might would tell you, "progressive for the purpose of efficiency - less means more." More for them, more resources for them in their quest to reign supreme in the survival of the fittest, or their horrible misinterpretation of term. Yet, we don't see the promotion of such self-destructive behavior coming from Black Republicans, Conservatives, and Independents. We see the encouragement of black self-destruction coming from Black Democrats
Most Democrat Legislators Champion Margaret Sanger’s Racist Genocide Mission – Are They Counter-representing You?
Liberals, and some (especially paid) Social Justice activists as well as your various dose-of-distraction-from-news-and-entertainment-attractions.
Black Agents of White Supremacy in the Media endorse racist Joe Biden
Support of the Super Predators: White Supremacists in Liberal Disguise and the Mainstream Media that promotes them
Joe Biden & his supporters on Joe's racist association with the klansmen sound a lot like Duke Metger & Rhodie in Tales from the
Hood @ 0:56:22 mins
"We all have a past, now don't we?"
"We all, have a past. Its a better man who can learn from his failures. I know that I have learned from mine and I'm better for it."
Duke Metger & Rhodie in Tales from the Hood, https://youtu.be/5vxHfr3DLKg
Margaret Sanger also used black elitists to carry out her plan for eugenics by way of birth control.
Planned Parenthood has stalked and misinformed Black people, particularly Black people experiencing poverty as well as uneducated Black people about the personhood of an unborn child. However, Black Democrats, Liberals, and some (especially paid) Social Justice activists such as Black Lives Matter:
BLM to Biden & Harris: We want something for our vote
- BLM got in the way with their grifting and clout-seeking.
Michael Brown’s father, Ferguson activists demand $20M from BLM
By Kenneth Garger
Where is the $90 million dollars collected by BLM? Michael Brown’s father, Ferguson activists demand $20M from BLM
Shaun King attempted to discredit Samaria Rice when she spoke against the political exploitation of racism and police brutality done by pseudo-social activists, celebrities, and politicians. Shaun King stated that she was not thinking the way that liberal white "woke" supremacy wants her to think. She isn't sticking with their destructive narrative and agenda for Black people. They're redlining us into feeling that we can't be self-reliant! Meanwhile, Closet Capitalist Anarchists ease into the neighbohoods they help to destroy to start businesses, buy real estate for commercial and residential purposes;etc. #UnfollowShaunKing
"I read Shaun King’s piece about Samaria Rice’s critical social media comments and this is some of the most patronizing ugly sh-t I’ve ever seen"
BLM destroyed a beautiful,civilized movement as well as communities. It could have been a beautiful,civilized movement yet they ruined it w/buffoonery such as twerking for Martin Luther King, Jr Day and WAP stupidity
Joe Biden's non-response reminds me of this scene from Tales from The Hood:
Duke Metger in Tales from the Hood, "No Reparations!" https://youtu.be/7vjwA1IkIRk
and Black ministers
Apostate False Preachers for Feticide and Infanticide: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
have been its main proponents and propagandists since the early 1900's when it was known as the American Birth Control League. To appeal to Black people, Sanger said:
The Use of Ministers for The Negro Project in a 1939 letter to Dr. C.J. Gamble:
"The ministers work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
In Birth Control and the Negro, Sanger talked about the value of the influence of black ministers:
“The project would hire three or four ‘colored Ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities’ to travel throughout the South and propagandize for birth control, since ‘the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through religious appeal” (as cited in Gordon, 2007, p. 235).
Dr. Albert Lasker, Sanger (1939) stated, "If we could get the Negro Universities and the Negro medical groups behind this project it will go over really big I think, especially if there is a little money to give to those for time spent and for supplies in their clinics."(para. 3)
One of her biggest propagandists was W.E.B. DuBois (See: Negroes and Birth Control, https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/16e5b6a56c2c4aedb3274e7124f3006e.jpg)
W.E.B. DuBois (1939) stated:
“Among the more intelligent class, was a postponement of marriage, which greatly decreased the number of children. Today, among this class of Negroes few men marry before thirty, and numbers of them after forty. The marriage of women of this class has similarly been postponed.
In addition to this, the low incomes which Negroes receive make bachelorhood and spinsterhood widespread, with the naturally resultant lowering, in some cases, of sex standards. On the other hand, the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” (para. 4 and para.5).
Joe Biden has more in common with Duke over the course of his career than does Trump. Here are the facts listed in my article, Joe Biden has built his career by FIGHTING AGAINST EQUITY and EQUALITY, https://followerofthewayforever.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/joe-biden-has-built-his-career-by-fighting-against-equity-and-equality/ :
"Joe used the drug epidemic to target Blacks and poor people to serve longer sentences for trafficking by promoting proganda that crack is more lethal than cocaine. Blacks and poor people could afford crack for distribution and sell because it was less expensive than cocaine which Biden gave lesser sentencing. This occurred during the time the number privatized prisons began to increase. These were for-profit prisons. This first company to take over a prison was Core Civic in 1984. Civic Core took over a Shelby County, Tennessee prison.
Vox.com's German Lopez https://www.vox.com/2015/8/26/9208983/joe-biden-black-lives-matter shares Jamelle Bouie's list at Slate.com https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/08/joe-biden-presidential-run-why-its-a-bad-idea.html:
"Comprehensive Control Act: This 1984 law, spearheaded by Biden and Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-SC), expanded drug trafficking penalties and federal "civil asset forfeiture," which allows police to seize and absorb someone's property — whether cash, cars, guns, or something else — without proving the person is guilty of a crime. Under the federal Equitable Sharing program, local and state police get up to 80 percent of the value of what they seize as funds for their departments, which critics say creates a for-profit incentive to take people's stuff.
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986: This law, sponsored and partly written by Biden, ratcheted up penalties for drug crimes. It also created a big sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine — even though both drugs are pharmacologically similar, the law made it so someone would need to possess 100 times the amount of powder cocaine to be eligible for the same mandatory minimum sentence for crack. Since crack is more commonly used by black Americans, this sentencing disparity helped fuel the disproportionate rates of imprisonment among black communities.
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988: This law, co-sponsored by Biden, strengthened prison sentences for drug possession, enhanced penalties for transporting drugs, and established the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which coordinates and leads federal anti-drug efforts.
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act: This 1994 law, partly written by Biden and signed by President Bill Clinton, imposed tougher sentences (including some mandatory minimums) and increased funding for prisons, fostering the explosive growth of the US prison population from the 1990s through the 2000s — a trend that's only begun to reverse in the past few years. Since black Americans are disproportionately likely to be incarcerated, the law helped contribute to the mass incarceration of black Americans in particular. But the law also included all sorts of other measures, including the Violence Against Women Act that helped crack down on domestic violence and rape, a 10-year ban on assault weapons, funding for firearm background checks, and grant programs for local and state police.
The RAVE Act: This 2003 law built on the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 to impose civil penalties on businesses that knowingly lease, rent, use, or profit from a space where illicit drugs are being stored, manufactured, distributed, or used. The idea was to go after raves in which drugs are widely used. But the law has been widely criticized for making rave organizers so paranoid about anti-drug crackdowns that they stopped doing anything that would implicate them in drug use, including providing medical or educational services for drug users."
Interesting that Joe and Strom Thurmond partnered to write the 1984 Comprehensive Control Act during the same time period that Core Civic took over a facility in Tennessee. The increase in the number of privatized coincided with Biden's focus on creating crime bill's. To sell his 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act #1994CrimeBill, Biden's rhetoric was "Lock the S.O.B.'s Up" to further vilify the poor and other disenfranchised people to justify mass incarceration.
-'Lock the S.O.B.s Up’: Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration
He now plays down his role overhauling crime laws with segregationist senators in the ’80s and ’90s. That portrayal today is at odds with his actions and rhetoric back then.
His magnum opus was his 1993 Predators Beyond the Pale Speech
-Joe Biden Warns Of "Predators On Our Streets" Who Were "Beyond The Pale" In 1993 Crime Speech
- Joe Biden wrote the Clinton approved Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act:
Bill Clinton's crime bill destroyed lives, and there's no point denying it
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/15/bill-clinton-crime-bill-hillary-black-lives-thomas-frank "
In addition to creating legislation that racially profiles minorities into a system of for-profit mass incarceration, he has also been a loyal supporter of planned parenthood.
Current Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson says:
"Margaret Sanger’s beliefs caused irreparable damage to the lives and health of generations of Black people, Latino people, Indigenous people, immigrants, people with disabilities, people with low incomes, and many others." Read more from
: https://p.ppfa.org/3x3N29f
I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder
Despite McGill-Johnson's statement of the racist activities of planned parenthood as well as Kamala Harris' expression of fear of Joe Biden's praise of the known white supremacists of whom he has shown reverence:
What bothered Kamala about Joe? Interview with Kamala Harris on the campaign trail - Face the Nation
11:35 mins: “Praising and coddling individuals who made it their life work and built their reputation off of segregation of the races in the United States........I would not be a member of the United States senate if those men he praised had their way."
What bothered Kamala about Joe?
Let's talk about Joe Biden - 10:53 mins
this year he has still allowed the government to give over 400 million dollars to continue to decimate the Black community.
Joe Biden Gives Abortion Industry $467.8 Billion, 19 Times More Tax Money Than Obama
Black people make up 13% of the population and Black women only represent 6% of the total population yet account for 36.9% of the nation’s abortions whereas white women account for 36% of the nation’s abortions however white people are 76% of the nation’s population. (Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al, 2015).
Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al. Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2015. MMWR Surveill Summ 2018;67(No. SS-13):1–45. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.ss6713a1
Regarding the near extinction of the Black population in America due to abortion, Nyhiem Way El stated to reparations group American Descendants of Slaves,
"- Based on the January 2018 estimate that there have been 60 million abortions in the United States since 1973,20 we can deduce that well over 18 million of them were performed on black babies.
- As of July 2017, the black population in the U.S. stood somewhere around 40 million, which means that abortion has reduced the size of the black community by more than 30%—and that doesn't include the children and grandchildren that would have been born to those aborted more than a generation ago.'
Abort73.(n.d.). Abortion and Race. Retrieved from https://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/
Essentially, this is a 50% halt in population growth if you look at the children and grandchildren who would've been born since 1973 of the aborted. (Way El, 2019)
**As of July 2017, the black population in the U.S. stood somewhere around 40 million, meaning abortion has reduced the size of the black community over 30% and doesn't including potential children and grandchildren born to those aborted a generation ago
Planned Parenthood owes reparations to Black people, Hispanics, those living in poverty, women, AND fathers who wanted their children that were aborted.
GOD hates the Oppression of the Disenfranchised: Proverbs 30:14 & Jeremiah 34:8 - 22
Proverbs 30:14
“There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.”
Hypocrisy of Joe Biden: A Legacy of Self-Entitlement and Oppression against the Disenfranchised
Biden's overall opinion of Black people continues to be low,especially of those who would vote for him. In August 2020, Biden stated at a meeting with Latino voters:
"By the way, what you all know, but most people don’t, unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”
—#JoeBiden 8/6/2020 https://youtu.be/f4lXYR0su-8
I'm glad that I'm a notable exception - I didn't vote for him.
I will never support the removal of GOD being THE GUIDE of America, abortion
Scriptures Against Abortion and Child Abuse
Matthew 18:5-6,10
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven
the destruction of traditional marriage and family, the destruction of traditional gender roles,eugenics, population control,euthanasia, and government and corporate hoarding rationing for totalitarian purposes disguised as environmentalism and sustainability.
Way El, N.(2019,May 16).Predatory Abortion Industry causes 50% halt in black population growth
Du Bois, W.E.B.(1939, April). Negroes and Birth Control. Smith
Sanger,M.(1939).Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. C.J. Gamble December 10,1939. Smith Libraries Exhibit, Accessed January 10, 2019, Retrieved from https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/d6358bc3053c93183295bf2df1c0c931.pdf
Gordon,L.(2007). Birth Control and the Negro. In The Moral Property of Women, p.235. Urbana; Chicago: University of Illiniois Press.
Sanger,M.(1939).Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. Albert Lasker November 12,1939. Smith Libraries Exhibit, Accessed January 11, 2019, Retrieved from https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/087da25e33426c0e81b01eebcdcc079d.jpg
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madworldnews · 4 years
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usnewsrank · 3 years
Donald Trump ally Marjorie Taylor Greene posts video saying Joe Biden is ‘piece of sh*t’ over Afghanistan
Donald Trump ally Marjorie Taylor Greene posts video saying Joe Biden is ‘piece of sh*t’ over Afghanistan
Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (left) slammed President Joe Biden (right) on his handling of Afghanistan’s collapse (Pictures: Julia Dalrymple/ABC News) Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene called President Joe Biden a ‘piece of sh*t’ over how he’s handling the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, using a social media platform created by a staffer of former President Donald Trump. Greene, a…
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triple-tree-ranch · 10 months
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lgbtqnation · 3 years
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Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Joe Biden a “piece of sh*t” on social media at: https://ift.tt/3z15pfB
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archiweekend · 3 years
“You Traitor! Piece of Sh*t!” – LIVID MOB of TRUMP SUPPORTERS Mobs Traitor Lindsey Graham at DC Airport (VIDEO)
“You Traitor! Piece of Sh*t!” – LIVID MOB of TRUMP SUPPORTERS Mobs Traitor Lindsey Graham at DC Airport (VIDEO)
An angry mob of Trump supporters confronted Senator Lindsey Graham at the airport in Washington DC on Friday. Lindsey is notorious for promising to hold deep state officials accountable and then doing nothing! It was sad to watch how quickly turncoat Lindsey turned his back on Trump just as soon as Biden had enough votes for China Joe. Trump supporters mobbed Lindsey at the airport today…
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smokeybrand · 4 years
More of the Same
Okay, here's the brass tax for me. Biden won. Good. Everything else, not so good.
Look, I'm not some delusional Millennial antifa anarchist. I do believe that the taxes i pay, however high, should go toward enriching this nation and bettering the world. I believe Big Oil is ruining the planet and stifling societal progress. I feel the same way about Big Pharma, Fracking, and the coal industry. I believe that alternative energy, free education, and Universal healthcare should be the cornerstone of our nation going forward. I believe these things, not because of some liberal dog whistle, but because of monetary reasons. That sh*t is how we get back to the MAGA the idiot half of the country keeps braying about. The great America these ass hats seem to covet with no context had subsidized higher education, strong unions, and lead the way in worldwide innovations.
Our scientist rivaled that of Germany and we built massive roads the crossed this country. One could support a family on a relatively thriving wage without fear of a medical bankruptcy or a lost job over some bullsh*t because the free market was kept in check by strong unions. Becoming a billionaire was a near impossibility because employers were forced to actually follow labor laws and pay their employees enough not to be the working poor. The Middle Class existed and thrived due to regulation and oversight, checks and balances. Literally the system set forth by the whole ass constitution.
I don't want anything for free. I'm not looking for a handout. I want the sh*t i already pay for. I want my tax dollars to support us, here at home. I don't want 750,000,000,000 of it to go toward US Imperialism every f*cking year, not when literally half of that is enough and still leads the world in warmongering. I want my taxes to subsidize higher education so we can grow a new generation of US scientists and engineers, ones that can rival the Japanese, without locking them into a future of crippling debt that forces them to take less than scrupulous jobs just to make ends meet. I want that id with Palsy to get a new wheelchair without going bankrupt or having it built out of pipe cleaners at he local high school. I want the Union to take a hard look at institutionalized racism and reform the police state from the ground up. I want the war on drugs to end so we can add that branch of ludicrous revenue to our budget, nationwide. I want the Electoral College gone and a direct line to the people going forward in our elections. I want the America these assholes keep hearkening back to when they spew their zealous vitriol, I'm just smart enough to understand that dream needs to be updated into modern terms. We need to walk forward into progress, not stagnate in the fear of conservation.
Wanting the same things that literal every other world power already has, does not make me a socialist. It makes me a person with understanding. It makes me a person who sees all of the benefits and all of the draw backs. It makes me a person who wanted the best for our nation, even if i have to pay a little bit ore in taxes. It's insane to me that so many people scream about the economy or taxes or gun rights, but never actually take the time to compare our reality to the reality of the world. All of this partisan bullsh*t distracts from the fact that we are, in effect, a third world country for the majority of the people who live in this country. Social programs aren't handouts. They're not the bogey man. The Welfare Mom doesn't exist, not in the way you think she does. Stop buying into Facebook conspiracies and 4chan trolls. Do your own research outside your echo chamber. Look at the sh*t objectively and do the math. Stop being so easily manipulated by nationalism and fickle, patriotic, emotions. We're supposed to live in a f*cking society. Let's act like it.
Am i excited that Biden won? F*ck no. Dude has literally said he's going to be more of the same, that nothing will fundamentally change. Am i excited to get back to zero? F*ck no but i saw what the alternative looked like. That sh*t is not supposed to happen here. We're supposed to be better than that. There is no f*cking way that there should be a 2020 civil rights movement for the history books. That's insane to me. Leaders of the free world shouldn't be science deniers and QAnon subscribers. There shouldn't be 220,000 of us dead from a pandemic that could have been handled in literally three months if leadership actually lead. The most powerful nation in the world, the one who decided to police the globe, shouldn't be caging brown kids and sterilizing them. I am not excited about Joe Biden being in the big chair. He's going to be a mediocre president. I am relieved that Trump isn't. That's where i am, just like the rest of the world; Relieved but disillusioned. These four years have exposed us, exposed every dark secret we've kept hidden for the two centuries of our existence, even from ourselves. How do we go forward from here? How do we communicate when half the goddamn country was just fine with four more years of this sh*tshow?
I'm not excited that Joe Biden is the president of the United States. I'm not looking forward to forcing the needle back to neutral. I'm disillusioned that's where we are in 2020, that more of the same is seen as a radical ideal. That we have to come back from so far, because half the country decided to be bootlickers for four years. I'm not excited for what comes next because the pieces that allowed Trump to become a thing, are still sewn in 74,000,000 US citizens. Biden's presidency isn't a rebuttal, it was a reprieve. We're going to have to go through this bullsh*t all over again, in four years. It took a literal act of god to get 45 out of office in the form of the pandemic. What's it going to take to force out the next American Demagogue?
I'm not excited about a Joe Biden presidency. I want more from my elected officials. I want the prosperous America my parents had, updated for a modern age. I am also aware that's a whole ass pipe dream, not with the demographics this last four years presented to the world. What i am, is frustrated that half this country is fine with fascism wrapped in a vile coat of proud white supremacy. Which, i supposed, is just business as usual for the greatest country in the world.
This is America.
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tvwriteups · 4 years
Watching election coverage these past few days is making me truly believe that the problem with the Democratic Party is the DNC and the megadonors.
As much as people are touting Buttigieg and Klobuchar for dropping out as well as O’Rourke for lending his endorsement to Biden, it feels like the party establishment is making monetary promises to support them down the road. Because why drop out before Super Tuesday unless 1) you really are afraid of Bernie Sanders/Progressives or 2) your funding dries up when the megadonors decided that Biden was dependable enough to throw their money behind?
And because I always follow the money I believe that it’s that second part more than the first. Every pundit is talking about unity but I can’t help but think that the fact is Warren has grassroots money that neither Buttigieg nor Klobuchar had to keep a campaign solvent through Super Tuesday. The donors they had been relying on probably called them up and said, “No, Joe is the one we’re going to give our money to.”
To be completely honest, I have a hard time envisioning Warren or Sanders (especially Sanders) being able to successfully get the Dems to support more progressive policies and fix the broken pieces of government but to me they are infinitely better than folks who just want to return to the old broken sh!t (and who I can’t even envisioning getting even that far).
The only part I can concede are the effects on down-ballot election. I’ve only lived on the coasts so I really can’t fathom what works in flyover country. It’s not that I think I’m right or wrong but that I simply don’t know on that count.
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triple-tree-ranch · 3 months
F*ck Joe Biden and every single democrat, anti American pieces of sh*t
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usnewsrank · 3 years
Donald Trump ally Marjorie Taylor Green posts video saying Joe Biden is ‘piece of sh*t’ over Afghanistan
Donald Trump ally Marjorie Taylor Green posts video saying Joe Biden is ‘piece of sh*t’ over Afghanistan
Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (left) slammed President Joe Biden (right) on his handling of Afghanistan’s collapse (Pictures: Julia Dalrymple/ABC News) Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene called President Joe Biden a ‘piece of sh*t’ over how he’s handling the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, using a social media platform created by a staffer of former President Donald Trump. Greene, a…
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