#joey's mom
matchingbatbites · 1 year
It's hot in their room.
Yeah, okay, they did just finish having sex like. Ten minutes ago. But still, he shouldn't be this warm. It's the only thing stopping him from burrowing into Eddie's side for post-sex cuddles, just the thought of sticky, tacky snuggles making his skin crawl.
Steve rolls into his back and looks up at the ceiling fan as it spins around, not really doing anything to cool the air around them.
"What direction is the fan supposed to spin in during the summer?"
He hears Eddie hum and shift a little. "Uh, counterclockwise, I think."
Yeah, the fan is definitely going the wrong way. Steve climbs out of bed, ignoring Eddie's questioning "Babe?" as he goes to the bathroom and wets down a hand towel.
He climbs onto the bed and stands on the plush surface, completely indifferent about his state of undress as he carefully stops the fan and begins to wipe the blades with the towel, collecting the dust that has accumulated over the months.
It's not easy, trying to reach above himself while keeping balance, and he glances down and back at his boyfriend. Eddie seems to be absolutely entertained by the sight in front of him, if the eyes glued firmly to Steve's bare ass and the teeth biting into his lip are any indication.
"Babe? Can you hold me steady so I don't fall?"
A bright sparkle appears in those brown eyes, and Steve instantly knows that he's up to something.
"Of course, Stevie."
Eddie moves to kneel behind Steve, hands firm on his hips as the younger reaches up again and finishes his task of cleaning the fan blades. He flicks the little switch on the body of it and watches as it starts to spin in the proper direction, but he doesn't even have time to feel proud of himself before teeth sink into his right ass cheek.
He yelps and jerks forward, and probably would have gone tumbling off the bed if it weren't for Eddie's hands still on him.
His boyfriend is laughing as he hauls Steve in close and nuzzles into his shoulder.
"Sorry, sorry sweetheart. How can you expect me to resist when it was right there?"
"You fucking animal," Steve mutters lightheartedly as he turns, shifting just enough so he can bite into Eddie's shoulder in retaliation. It only sends Eddie into another fit of laughter, and Steve can't help but join in as they tangle their limbs together, finally able to relax and cuddle as the room gradually starts to cool down.
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orangechickenpillow · 3 months
Maybe you just need to listen to the amazing devil at a volume that will give you hearing loss and then you'll rediscover the will to live
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jackienova · 2 months
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And years from now at night, that storm will break. You'll step outside.
Adding another to this series two years after the last. Based on “Welly Boots” by The Amazing Devil.
The design is up in my shop @ jackienova.redbubble.com
6"x6" Gouache and Micron Pen. May 2024.
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lemon-wedges · 2 years
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Quick redraw of this because I couldn't resist
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makeyourownluck · 2 months
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Dont know about you but I'm definitely watching
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 4 months
How are the gang’s relationship with their parents(and extended family)
OH BOI this took a lot especially because I had to think and RETHINK relationships and stuff, but here we go!
Abby's Family
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Abby lives with her parents since she's still studying (and a minor too). They're still in a good relationship, as close as ever, and with new people around the house! Her older brother Jacob and his son Simon are living at her home since Jacob got a new job at Mr. Boss' company (his other kid and wife are living at their house in the next city, but they see each other in the weekends and often visit them at Abby's home!). Only problem is with Cree: since she got married in secret, she's seen less and less at the house, also because she moved with her new husband. Her and Abby don't talk anymore after a huge fight they had some years before. Jacob too doesn't talk to her too much, for some reason.
Also, they all love Hoagie, he's always welcome in the house! Sometimes they force Abby to invite him over...
Wally's Family
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Wally too still lived with his parents and Joy at their house, but things are not too good. Wally doesn't have a good relationship with his mother anymore, they mostly scream at each other and argue a lot. His father keeps out of their arguments, doesn't even try to mitigate them anymore at this point; if they start, he just takes Joey to the living room to watch TV or something. Sydney has a better relationship with him, even if Wally never wants to talk about his problems with him. Teenagers...
At least things calm down when Kuki's over; they all love the girl!
He's incredibly close to Joey. The two spend a lot of time together, Wally allows him in his room whenever he wants, plays with him sometimes and also lets him sleep in his bed!
Also, since Lou and Syd reconnected, sometimes he hangs around the house too, if they need a babysitter for Joey. Wally... tolerates him. He's good at videogames, at least.
Kuki's Family
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Kuki too lives with his family: her parents and Mushi. Her parents are still strict and serious, maybe a bit demanding now that she's in high school, but she handles it pretty good most of the times. But things are not good. Her parents barely talk to each other without arguing, and it is starting to take a tool on her. Also, they don't like Wally at all, considering him a "no good imbecile punk".
She isn't allowed to have him at home, Kani also doesn't want him to get NEAR the house, so sometimes Kuki has to get out without them knowing. But they ALWAYS get to know what she does, and it's because Mushi always tells on her.
The little girl somehow managed to get out of her lifelong grounding, and is now her dad's favorite girl. She's like one of those Delightfuls: a spoiled educated kid who always does what adults say.
Hoagie's Family
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Hoagie still lives with his mom, his grandmother (when she wants to hang around) and his brother Tommy. Everything's fine on this side, luckly! His mom still works at Mr. Boss' company, but managed to become Head of Marketing, so she has a lot to do and not too much time to spend home. Hoagie makes sure everything is always ready and clean, cooks for everyone (and he's even GOOD at it!), takes care of laundry and makes sure Tommy showers AT LEAST once at week. He's the man of the house! Especially since no one knows or cares where his father is, at this point.
Abby's always welcome to their house, but Betty always asks to invite her when she's home too, so they can talk! She loves the girl!
His grandma usually hisses at her. Tommy too.
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After getting his house back when he turned 18, Nigel lived alone in a house that slowly started looking like a messy prison: dirty dishes, clothes everywhere, dust and cracks. The only rooms that were intact were his parent's bedroom (which he started to sleep in) and his old bedroom, that he never entered since he went back. Penny arrived at the right time, as he needed something to get himself together and remember why he was still there and fighting in the TND: for the sake of kids all around the world. The same kids his parents protected as long as they could. Penny claimed the bedroom and is thinking of adding mermaid touches EVERYWHERE. The house still needs cleaning tho.
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l3irdl3rain · 6 months
Why can't Chester fly and are your other birds able to fly? I don't know a lot about birds sorry
A lot of larger parrots in captivity can’t fly because they were never given the opportunity to and they’re also lacking the proper muscle. With smaller birds it tends to be easier for them to relearn that skill because it requires so little for them to get lift.
Chester knows to flap his wings to fly, but before I got him he spent many many years locked in a tiny cage full time. So if he tries to fly he can’t get any lift, it just sort of allows him to fall more gracefully. He can do a really cool maneuver though where he runs along the floor and flaps his wings and he can get moving fast, he just doesn’t get off the ground.
Joey on the other hand doesn’t get the flying thing at all. He never tries to, and if he does get startled and jump off his cage or his perch he just plummets. Doesn’t even bother flapping his wings once. I feel like he probably never knew how to fly in the first place. I would guess it’s due to never having enough space / possibly always having his wings trimmed.
The lovebirds can fly though. They’ve been in a cage large enough to allow them to fly a little so they haven’t lost that muscle definition. And then like I said before, it takes a lot less for tiny birds to fly. We’ve had people come in and their lovebird / budgie / (insert other tiny bird here) is able to fly with literally one or two flight feathers on each side.
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tedchaough · 9 months
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Joey Jeremiah and Craig Manning in Degrassi: The Next Generation
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the-butternut-tree · 10 months
when the amazing devil said “pick your chords well loves, but sing your notes off key” and when they said “tell them all your names” and when they said “we’ll be all that you hate about yourself so you can grow” and when they said “we were the winter nights so you could be the morning snow” and when they said “life begins by leaving and our love is shown in the letting go”
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Fun fact: The night I saw Grunch, Joey's actual and famously supportive father was sitting in the audience behind me. Which rather added a wild, additional level of humor to Joey's character's big song being the struggles of having an absentee Dad.
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arqdyke · 1 month
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i was in the recent harley-english bloodlines zine! go check it out ^w^
(id in alt text)
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jerichogender · 8 months
thinking about the time they actually gave joey dialogue in the new teen titans: games…
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“He could be role-playing with us. Art represents civilization. Maybe he’s showing us his end game?”
this says sooo much about him: his deductive reasoning skills, his appreciation for art, his understanding of other people’s psychology. i need more stories where joey gets to play detective, especially in an art or music history context, and i NEED him to have proper dialogue
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Favorite Pacey/Joey Moments Per Episode: 6x18 Love Bites (Part 2)
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992) directed by Roger Spottiswoode and starring Sylvester Stallone and Estelle Getty
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fishymom-art · 11 months
Metal and Ink Extra Finale Part 3
Part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/fishymom-art/723476611223240704/metal-and-ink-extra-finale-part-1?source=share
Part 2 - https://www.tumblr.com/fishymom-art/723476640909410304/metal-and-ink-extra-finale-part-2?source=share
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Thank you everyone who stayed here from the beginning to the very end. I couldn’t have finished it without all of your love and support. The fact that I finally finished it after 4 years is unreal. I don’t think I’ll be able to fully realise that it’s over for a while.
Special thanks, as I already mentioned, go to: @mutatedleemon @sassinapaperbag @phoenixvitae @halfusek @waruihoshi @/meeychanco, @im-the-ant​ @gimme-your-expresso​ @joan-with-rebar​ @mimikiplovesgaming​ @magiefish​ @ab-arts @obscurelog​ AND ALL OF YOU!!!
Thamk you so so so much again.
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