#john egan gifs
aramblingjay · 3 days
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I should've been up there with you. ↳ ft. what bucky does when he's up there with buck
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whitetrashjj · 18 hours
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(in)correct mota
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carnevol · 16 hours
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Buck & Bucky sparing a child's life
requested by anonymous
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avonne-writes · 2 days
That smile, that moment when 'my underwear just dropped to the floor' after Gale told him, 'you don’t have to send me any flowers.' We know John, obviously, he’s going to send him flowers as soon as possible.
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Let me illustrate what went through John's mind during the stages of that smile:
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All The Things I Did (10): Together We Can Get Somewhere
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a/n: ayyyyeeee we are back on the common era timeline! heavy dose of morning after pillow talk. a really great scene between cass and harding that i love sm. a tiny bit of background on cass/mary. and some of the filthiest john/cass acts we have ever seen. but we are all so feral for possessive john that i am not sure anyone will really mind. we are slowly progressing towards him singing blue skies and i know so many of us (including myself) are waiting to see cass in that moment. it also means north africa and her brother and LONDON are working their way towards us as well...come chat with me! xoxo
warning: smut
The sun filtered in gently through the blinds of her window, Cass’ eyes fluttering open slowly. Most mornings she had gotten in the habit of Mary frantically knocking on her door or the incessant cawing of an alarm clock but today she woke feeling settled. As light as a feather. Warm and sated and full of a new vigor to face down whatever the day may have planned.
Her head was rested against the inside of the bicep of the man behind her, the gentle and rhythmic rise and fall of his chest showing no signs of disturbance. 
She closed her eyes briefly with a smile and raised her arm to fill the gaps between his fingers with hers. It felt so right to wake up in his arms and no matter how many times she did, she didn’t think she would ever get used to the exaltations in her chest and the bubbling, unbridled joy that ached to sneak up her throat and out her mouth as a declaration of love and comfort and commitment to always and forever.
“Good morning, baby,” he mumbled into her hair. John curled around her tighter and puckered his lips against the back of her head before settling back into the dreamy place between waking up and falling back asleep. 
“Morning, Johnny,” Cass replied as he moved his arm to wrap around her waist and pull her back flush to his chest.
“Go back to sleep. Staying here with you all day.” She giggled and rolled over so the tip of her nose nestled into the notch of his collarbone. 
“Say good morning again.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Good morning, Spook.” The deepness of his voice in the morning reverberated through her with a pleasant hum and desire took over as her tongue flicked against the front of his throat. 
“Something about you in the morning is just infinitely more delicious,” she reasoned as she propped herself onto her elbow.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Cass, but I will appreciate it even more if you let me hold you a little while longer.” His chest felt empty without the weight of her head against it. His arms felt barren without her body to wrap around. In a short amount of time, Cass had become an intrinsic part of him. He needed her around to feel whole. Needed her touch to feel alive. Needed to express his love to her in order to feel anything at all.
“I get antsy first thing in the morning,” she rested her head back on the pillow and her hand found his cheek as his smoothed over the contours of her pert butt cheeks, “if I don’t get up right away, I never will.”
“I fail to see the issue with that.” John was known for falling in and out of sleep until he eventually decided he should get out of bed. The warmth of blankets and softness of a pillow were perks but not necessary. He had fallen asleep waiting in line for dinner at the mess hall. At the Thanksgiving dinner table with his family. During his college graduation. It was truly a gift in his mind.
“I’m positive my entire day is going to be filled with retelling the story of Berlin over and over again for hours at a time.” He tightened his arms around her. 
“Tell them to fuck off if it becomes too much.”
“Just like that?” she chuckled, kissing his lips and then his nose. “I’m not as prolific with my insolence as you are, Major Egan.”
“Prolific insolence? Spook, I need a few minutes in the morning for my brain to be able to process your brilliance.” The way her nipples were pressing against his chest was doing nothing to help either. 
“Well, we are going to have plenty of mornings like this for you to work on it.” Cass pushed his curls back from his forehead as he leaned down to kiss her. “In South Carolina, I could hear the birds chirping every morning and the sounds of the wind rustling the trees and my sister’s dog barking at the squirrels…” Her voice trailed off as she let herself think of the memory. She hadn’t left her home and her family on the best of terms and there were moments that she regretted it more than anything. 
“Sounds like a dream, Cass. I can’t wait to wake up with you in my arms just like that.” 
“Tell me about waking up in Wisconsin.” John sighed and settled back into the pillows, his hand rubbing up and down her back as she rested her head on his chest.
“My sisters were always up before me so they could use the bathroom mirror to get ready. I could always hear them bickering over their hair and their makeup and accuse each other of stealing the other’s dress. That was my alarm clock. And my ma’s morning cigarette and pot of coffee wafting up the stairs…” She smiled as he drifted into the memory. 
“Do you miss home?” she asked as her fingers found the wispy curls on his chest and traced over them gently. 
“I miss my family. I miss American food,” they both giggled, “but being with you feels a lot like home, Cass. I’m learning it doesn’t have to be a place. It can be a person.” She kissed his shoulder. 
“I like that.” His eyes widened with glee as he sat up and pressed her back into the mattress.
“Cassandra Ann Cooper, you like that? Like? That word means nothing to me.” The cheshire cat smile was wiped from her face as his finger found her sides and tickled her relentlessly. “I cannot believe you would reduce my declaration of you feeling like home to that word.” 
“You win! You win!” she wheezed as she coughed around the ferocity of her laughter. “I’m warmed by the sentiment. How’s that?”
“Much better.” He kissed her lips then her cheeks then her nose and everywhere else on her face he could reach. 
“Can you promise me something?”
“Promise me we’ll always be like this. That we’ll always laugh and have fun and wake up kissing and go to sleep kissing and you’ll never shut me out of that beautiful mind the same way I’ll try to never shut you out of mine.” The dichotomy of Sidney Landry and John Egan was not lost on her. The way Landry had made her close herself tighter and feel weaker and sullen. The way he had poked and prodded at her until her fire retreated into a corner and eventually went out. But John stoked the fire inside of her. He breathed oxygen into her soul and nurtured her passion and knew the right time to add fuel versus when to calm her down. He was her twin flame, dancing and flickering in the night and relaxing to a morning filled with warmed embers.
“I promise, my love, I promise.” Her legs settled around his waist as he kissed her like he might lose her, a wet trail making its way down her throat and between her breasts, past her belly button and to the aching apex between her legs. John was nipping at the inside of her thighs when there was a knock on the door. 
“Lieutenant Cooper? Colonel Harding is asking for you.”
“I need-” she sucked in a breath as his tongue teased at her entrance, “-five more minutes, Mary.”
“I’ll have her ready in two!”
The fabric of her uniform felt itchy against her skin after a morning of John’s skin against her own. True to his word, he had gotten her over the edge in damn near exactly two minutes. Had her thighs shaking and toes curling and eyes rolling to the back of her head. Cass remembers her sister or her friends sitting at afternoon tea together and blushing over their wedding nights and the appetite of men. They always talked about it being painful and never full of pleasure. They had learned how best to take care of themselves and on particularly hot afternoons, would exchange tips on what worked for them and how they hid their own releases from their husband in the middle of the night. If she was a betting woman, she would bet this was not something she would ever have to worry about. John seemed to derive more pleasure with his head between her legs than he did in any other situation. She smirked at how jealous her older sister was going to be when she told her.
“Lieutenant. You’re looking much better this morning,” Colonel Harding remarked as he motioned her into his office.
“Yes, sir. I slept very well.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Not because Berlin meant nothing, sir. Was just at the limits of my exhaustion.”
“Well, I’m certain the OSS equipped you with all necessary skills to complete your missions and still sleep at night. Have a seat.” She smoothed her skirt underneath her and sat in the chair across from him. When she went to cross her legs, she was reminded of the gift John had sent her on her way with. His warm cum was coating the inside of her panties It had been less than an hour since she’d left their love nest and her clit was throbbing with need. 
“Sir, I believe my after action report for Berlin was thorough and contained everything that the upper brass might ask-”
“I didn’t ask you here to talk about Berlin, Cassandra. I have a separate issue I require your assistance in remedying.” It wasn’t very often someone was able to surprise her. She was intrigued. 
“Of a personal or professional nature, Colonel?” 
“It’s a gray area. I need a plus one for a dinner with my British counterpart tonight.” He puffed around the cigar in his mouth as Cass rolled her eyes.
“That is what you have an executive officer for. A plethora of coffee cart girls and typists and-”
“None of those people you’ve listed are as beautiful as you. As smart as you. As talented as you at asking just the right questions to get the information I need to make sure him and I are on the same page.”
“The Brits are our allies, Colonel, they should be telling you exactly what you need to know whenever you ask for it.” He smiled at her wolfishly and she had to admit he was a handsome man. 
“Exactly, Lieutenant. You always know what to say.” She really wanted to argue with him and decline the invitation but the professional flattery was working wonders on her. She blamed John for increasing the pliancy of her mind from the moment she woke up that morning. 
“Fine. I suppose this dinner could be mutually beneficial. I’ll see what I can scrounge up in terms of proper clothing.” 
“No need. I had the tailor in town come up with something I’m sure will be to your liking.” Twice now he had gotten the upper hand on her. Cass was beginning to feel like she had underestimated the Colonel’s commitment to pursuing her. 
“If it doesn’t fit right, you’ll be hearing from me.” 
“My girl got the measurements from your girl. Shouldn’t be an issue.” 
“Miss Richards would never offer up my personal information unless you had hidden your true intentions and I will not have you or anyone else attempting to trick her like that.” Mary had become a sacred corner of solace in Cass’ life and she would protect her as furiously as she would anyone else she loved. They had been working together since the moment Cass had graduated OSS school and been assigned to Thorpe Abbotts. Mary had been responsible for handling all of her paperwork and supplying her with her uniform and everything else that most people took for granted behind the scenes but Cass had known was the difference between success and failure for her tenure across the pond. The secretary had not been used to an officer bestowing such praise and genuine gratitude upon her and the two of them had been inseparable ever since. No matter where she went, Cass planned on taking Mary with her. 
“Understood, Lieutenant. I will make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Harding’s eyes twinkled at the passion on display in front of him. How he ached to go back in time and take her for himself that night in London. The way she had shined in her satin gown and diamonds draped around her neck and had even laughed with eloquence at everything the Brit said to placate him into trusting her. The way his heart had damn near fluttered when she conversed with the Belgian representative in perfectly accented French. Against any rationality in his brain, he had almost gone to the small jewelers down the street to buy her a ring right then and there. In a different world, Cass would’ve said yes.
“Good. I’ll see you tonight, Colonel. I have a habit of being on time so please be prompt to pick me up.” 
“I wouldn't deign to keep you waiting, Cassandra.” Her tongue was physically clamped between her teeth to prevent the biting words from coming out of her mouth. She hated the use of her full name unless John was using it to try and capture the magnitude of his feelings for her. When the letters of Cass were just not enough and he needed more. It was also why Cass had yet to refer to him by his ever present nickname of Bucky. Something about John, the name his mother had given him, she felt showed that she loved exactly who he was at his core. Exactly who he was when he had been born and exactly who he would be if it all ended. She loved the innermost sanctum of him just as much as she did the boisterous, intelligent goof he always presented himself as. Every nook and cranny was hers to explore and love and cherish for all time.
“I’ll see myself out, sir.” Cass was turning on her heels and out the door before he could quip anything back. “Have a nice day, Eloise.” 
“You as well, Lieutenant!” Cass didn’t blame her for Harding’s surreptitious behavior towards Mary. She knew the two women were close friends and would always trust Mary’s gut as much as she trusted her own. 
Her steps took her out into the fresh air, her hands ripping the tie of her uniform over her head as she checked her watch to try and figure out where John might be. It was in between breakfast and lunch so he wouldn’t be at the mess hall. She knew he wasn’t scheduled to fly any practice missions today and he would have gotten his maintenance report from Lemmons first thing in the morning. Her best guess was mission briefings in headquarters or he was talking Mary’s ear off until Cass returned to her billet. She’d start with the offices.
Everyone who passed her seemed to sense she was not in the mood for conversation. Her hands were clenching in and out of fists at her side, her steps more than purposeful as she moved towards her intended target.
Not only did she need to warn John about the potential circus she had just agreed to participate in but he had also promised her a reward if she found him after and had held onto his cum like a good little Spook would know how to. Cass shuddered with anticipatory pleasure at the thought.
The office spaces were abuzz with navigators and typists and orderlies as she successfully worked her way through the crowd and politely greeted each and every person that she crossed paths with. Standing by the large canvas map and watching the way her OSS colleague was tracing the route of their next mission were a group of men but most importantly there was Major John Egan.
“Lieutenant Cooper! I was hoping you’d be available in time for the next portion of the briefing. You are much more familiar with Regensburg than I am,” Major Bowman announced as she joined the group, flushed and breathless and ready to cash in on whatever John had planned.
“Oh, that is coming up isn’t it?” she mused, not even sparing the Major a glance as her gaze was transfixed on the profile of her lover. “I’m sorry, sir, but might I borrow Major Egan for a moment?” It was going to be longer than a moment. Most certainly. But she didn’t want to give the officers any more of a reason to snicker than they were already getting. And she really wasn’t waiting for an answer, her finger lacing with his and gently tugging him in the direction of her office. 
“Sorry, Red,” John shrugged as he followed after her, “we all got our duties!” The door slammed shut behind them and Cass was closing the blinds to offer them as much privacy as they could find in the cramped building. 
“There’s something you must know,” she began as his lips were already attached to the side of her neck. Biting and sucking and repeating before soothing over the new marks with his tongue. “Colonel Harding invited me to dinner tonight.” That served to get his attention. 
“Did you tell him you had my cum between your legs?” John dropped to his knees and shrugged off his layers so he was left in his button up. Cass lifted her hips off the wall as he shimmied her pencil skirt up her legs. 
“I could feel it the whole time. Keeping me warm.” He hummed at the sight of the wet spot through her panty hose. 
“Such a good girl,” he whispered in a trance. With one hand on either side of the waistband, he pulled and ripped her tights clean down the middle. 
“John! These are good tights!” she gasped.
“Things that get in the way of me and you may get ripped.” He tossed the offensive fabric to the side and his mouth watered at the prize that rested between her thighs. Dainty, pink lace covered her cunt and the remnants of his morning wood was snuggled up against her. “We have to get some of this back in you, baby.” He gently kissed the sensitive skin below her belly button as his fingers curled around the band of her panties and slid them down her legs. Cass stepped out of them, John bringing them to his nose before they were tucked into the inside of his sheepskin. “We smell so good together, Spook. Could die a happy man with that scent wrapped around me.”
“Don’t talk like that,” she pleaded as one of her legs went over his shoulder. “Don’t talk about leaving me.” His fingers traced around her entrance, the tip of his pointer finger broaching her slowly as he pressed his cum back into her.
“Colonel Harding know that you took me with you to your meeting? Do you think he knows you make me come so hard that my cum leaks out of you?” Cass sighed as he began to gently tease her swollen pearl.
“He invited me to dinner with the Brits tonight.” John paused and his touch slipped from her wetness. “Wants me to be fully spooky. Bought me a dress to wear specifically.” His eyes dragged up her body and he rose to his full height, her leg dropping shakily to the ground but Cass made no move to readjust her skirt. 
“You’re going to wear a dress he bought you while on his arm at a fancy dinner?” She nodded. His hand wrapped around her throat and she whimpered. “You said I was yours. That also means you’re mine. And I’m going to fuck you so hard, Casssandra Ann Cooper, that you won’t know anything other than that fact tonight. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Major.” He had said the night before that he would have his time to take control and ravish her. She was delighted that the time had come. John kissed her in a way she knew would bruise her lips, spanking the bare skin of her bottom that was peeking out from under her skirt. 
“On your desk,” he ordered. Cass practically skipped over to her desk and wasn’t quick enough to carefully put away her belongings before one swipe of John’s wingspan sent it all crashing to the floor. 
“John! They’re going to hear-” 
“Part of the fucking point,” he muttered as he lifted her by the waist and placed her on top of her desk. He grabbed his sheepskin. “Lift your hips.” She did, the jacket going under them to provide him with better leverage. He gripped around her ankles and pulled her so her cunt was right at the edge of the desk. 
“Make it so I only know your name and the way you feel inside of me,” she whispered. Cass’ mouth salivated watching him undo the buckle of his belt, his cock springing proud once he freed it. One hand went to each of her knees and pushed down until she was pliant and ready. He pressed into her slowly as black spots practically danced across his vision at the way being inside of her felt. It completely forced all of his thoughts into one singular thread to please her and provide for her in any and all ways.
She was only able to take half of him before her walls were contracting around his shaft and he moaned her name with no qualms over the notion that someone could hear him. Let them know who he belonged to and who she belonged to. Let them know that no matter Harding’s efforts to woo her away, she would always come back home to John Egan. 
“I belong inside of you, Cass. You belong wrapped around me like this.” His hips were snapping as quickly as he could without hurting her, fingers curled around the side of the desk as she tried to anchor herself to reality. “No one else is ever going to have you like this. No one is allowed to ever dream about you like this.”
“Yes, John. I’m fucking yours. Fucking all yours forever.” John swatted at the hand that was reaching for her clit and replaced it with his own. She gasped and bared her throat and he ached to sink his teeth into the supple skin as she began to chant his name like it was holy. To her, it was.
“Come for me. Come all over my cock, baby.” Cass obliged his request with a curse and a cry before focusing on the way her lover’s features were pulling together tightly. 
“You’re so beautiful when you fall apart, John, so beautiful and all mine.” She used his tie to pull him down against her lips and she swallowed his moans as he quickly pulled himself from her and shot his cum over her inner thigh. He kissed her like an animal as his high worked its way down to a simmer and the racing of their hearts calmed to a normal pace. “I would’ve had Harding ask me out sooner if I’d known,” she breathed. Feeling like seeing how far she could push him, Cass reached a fingertip to the soft skin of her thigh and dragged it through the creamy substance before bringing it to her lips. 
“One day, when all this is over, I’ll give you all the same things he can. Fancy dresses and dinners and whatever else his salary can buy.” 
“John? You really think any of that means something to me? Matters in how I feel even a smidge?” Her palm rested along the curve of his jaw so her thumb could land on his lips. 
“I know it doesn’t. Doesn’t make my desire to give it to you any less,” he murmured before kissing the pad of her thumb. 
“I have plenty of dresses and been to plenty of dinners. But I’ve only got one John Egan and I’m rather fond of him. Would like to keep him around and in one piece for as long as possible.” 
“Well, Spook, the world could really only handle one John Egan, don’t you think?” She smiled widely with a giggle and he pulled her closer for a kiss to her lips then nose. “I love you. No one else. Just you.” Cass closed her eyes and nodded in understanding. 
“Whenever Red is done pretending he knows what he is doing, you can bother Mary and me while I get ready. Escort me to Harding’s like I’m sure you want to.” What he wanted was to be able to provide for her the way she deserved. Be the type of man worthy of being called her husband one day. Love alone didn’t buy a house or nursery furniture or a fence for the family dog. 
He had no way of knowing the family wealth she came from. That his worry about providing for her seemed beyond frivolity. That anything she could ever dream of wanting could be hers tomorrow with the Cooper family name behind her. She had meant exactly what she had said. The only thing money could not buy her was love and the only person she wanted it from was John Egan. Cass knew he had it in spades. 
“Once I see you in that dress, I might not let you leave.” His nose nuzzled against hers. 
“You will when I tell you that if you let me leave, you’ll get to take it off as quickly as you wish after.” He could rip it to shreds if he wanted to. John knew he wanted to. 
“I want to dance with you in it after. Get another taste of the life we are going to have once we go home together.”
“Home together. Makes my heart warm.” 
“Don’t tell Buck. I’ll never hear the end of it.” Cass mimed locking her lips and throwing away the key. “My Spooky Spook. So good at keeping secrets.” He kissed her to lock it in for good measure. Cass looked down at the cum drying on her legs and the mess of papers and paper clips and other office supplies on the floor. 
“We have quite the mess to clean up.” John hummed. 
“Good thing no one came knocking.”
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willyoubemycherryy · 4 hours
Order➬𝒇𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕 ❥❥ 𖤐๋࣭ ໒꒱ 𐙚˙⋆.˚. . @pm0544 “𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝, 𝑦𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤…”
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𝑰𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔: 𝒐𝒉 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆, 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒈𝒐, 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝒙 𝒗𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆, 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆, 𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑, 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒇*𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒕𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌, 𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆 ✪𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒔𝒎𝒔, 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒐-𝒔𝒊-𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑴𝑼𝑪𝑯 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆😭𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆 ♡︎!
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✩last warning, you really might need to take 15 after reading this😭⚠︎︎
It’s cliché to say that it all started with a kiss but here you are.
Weeks of flirting and spontaneous dates with the official also played a role in leading up to right now. You remember the first time he walked into the infirmary, he was there to check on one of his boys that was admitted earlier and locked eyes with your wide ones. He was an absolute unit, undeniably gorgeous. Roguish and strong, you had no idea eyes could be that shade of blue and you didn’t know you were staring that obviously until he winked at you, making your cheeks flush with heat.
You heard of him but you never saw him so this? It was automatic electricity and conflicting feelings. Your already pounding heart quite literally jumped in your throat as he made his way over to you.
Jesus Christ on a bike, he was tall.
“One kiss from you and every injury I’ve ever had would be all better”, he’s smooth with it, enjoying the way you fidget.
You were pretty, real pretty and he’d try his best to at least get you to let him take you out sometime. He gives you his name and holds out his hand. You’re timid when you tell him your name, placing your hand in his bigger one, his palms rough and warm.
You let out a soft startled gasp when he raises your hand to his lips, looking you in your eyes as he bends and kisses the back of your hand. Strange warmth fills you as you stare back and John knows in that moment he needed to have you.
“Certainly a pleasure meeting you. Hey, later if you’d like, how’s about we go out about the town? Grab a few drinks, get to know each other?” He asks, licking his lips and your eyes follow the motion, acutely aware that he’s still holding your hand before looking back up to his gleaming eyes. Determined not to let your shyness ruin it, you decide to be bold in a way that’ll change your life.
“How’s about an hour from now? I’ll even buy the first round?” John barks out a laugh. Maybe he underestimated you. Nodding along, he smiles.
“An hour from now it is. See ya then, toots” and then he’s gone and you are smitten.
That date as well as the other ones, go wonderfully and he’s not only gorgeous, he’s also funny, witty, charming, strong, and a natural leader. You learn so much about each other and it’s great but you’ve never gotten further than heated kisses.
John didn’t mind since he was simply following your lead, but he couldn’t help but wonder if you were…comfortable, with him.
So one night after seeing a jazz band, you found yourselves back at his room. You were in a fabulous mood, draped across Bucky’s lap as you rambled about how fun it was and what you guys should get up to next when he kisses you, effectively silencing you.
You cup his face, kissing him back as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. His tongue slides in your mouth and you moan, the sound makes Bucky’s head spin as he moves you so your legs are on either side of him and grinds up against your center.
His hands feel so good all over your body, that same strange warmth surrounds you making you shiver as you pull away with a gasp, resting your forehead against his.
It usually ended like this, you stopped before things went further so John has to know.
“What’s wrong, bunny? S’ it something I’m doing wrong?” He asks you, softly. Nudging his nose against yours and embarrassment fills you. It’s not like you didn’t want him, you’ve just never…. So you don’t exactly know how to go further and the last thing you want is for him to think he’s the problem.
“N-no. I haven’t…or yet-“ you let out a frustrated sigh and try to best convey what you’re trying to say, “nobody’s-er..I mean, I’ve never gotten this far…” your voice trails off and John freezes as it dawns on him. Suddenly your shyness makes a whole new kind of sense and now he’s harder than a full day of 9 hour drills on 45 minutes of sleep when he asks,
“You’re a virgin?”
You duck your face into his chest, shifting in embarrassment. John groans when you move on his erection and you’re struggling with the feelings the sound arises in you.
“Yes..but it’s not for total lack of interest-! I just don’t know how to, you know, and there was never anyone I liked enough to let them-” Bucky cuts you off with a searing kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue ravages your mouth before he pulls away.
“Sorry, shit…,” he clears his throat and your reeling, “if you want to, we can. But if you don’t, that’s fine.” Bucky’s turned on something fierce but he wants you to be comfortable more than anything, so he’s giving you an out.
But you want him, no out needed.
You’re shy when you look up at him through your lashes, making John’s blood hot.
“..and if I want to? And what if I want you to show me?” He sucks in a sharp breath, you were more tempting than you knew, leaning down to whisper against your lips.
“Then I could help…”
This time, you’re the one to kiss him first. The slow, tentative, almost sweet movements of your mouth drive him wild. Bucky sets a hand on your waist and squeezes making a shudder wrack through your body. He kisses you back a little harder and eventually your falling into a easy rhythm, your hips unconsciously rolling into his, moaning in unison at how good he feels bumping into your pussy. You pull away slowly, looking into his eyes as your heart pounds.
“What now?” Bucky curses at how innocent you sound, needing him to show you. Suckling wet kisses down your throat, you gasp when he rasps a deep ‘lay down’ in your ear.
Pillows surround you as you look up at his broad body on yours, clenching your thighs together with nerves filling you. John raises to his feet to undress, getting completely naked and your dizzy as you take him in.
Crawling back on top of you, he’s back to kissing your neck, hot tongue laving over your cleavage. Your back arches and you whine at him. He tugs the hem of your dress and you nod eagerly. You’re naked in less than a minute with him licking down your body as you melt under him, breathless cries of pleasure spilling from your throat.
Bucky’s hands are everywhere, setting your body on fire before spreading your legs. Looking at your tight, dripping hole, and you look utterly delicious.
“You’re so perfect, bunny. So wet f’me…anyone ever kiss you here?” You’re shaking due to how anxious you are but you’ve never wanted anything more.
“No…no one’s t-touched me there”, Bucky groans and can’t hold back anymore, mind gone as he swallows you whole.
He doesn’t give you time to adjust to the sensations before he’s licking you up and thrusting his tongue inside your sopping cunt, mouth moving in tandem with his sucks. Pleasure ricochets through you sharp enough to leave you gasping for air.
“Oh god!” You cry out for him, fingers twisting in the sheets. “Buckyy-! Please!”
You don’t even know what you’re begging for but Bucky seems to and he can’t ignore your request, not when you’re breathing it so sweetly below him, voice wavering, syllables drawn out as though you can’t quite stop herself. He continues slipping his tongue in and out of you, jaw widening as he curls it up inside you. You’re beyond wet and the taste of you is sharp in his mouth, filling his senses and his cock with its headiness. He feels your thighs shaking on either side of his head, the muscles twitching as you raise your hips and meet his thrusts halfway, and he knows you won’t last long.
When he draws his tongue out, you sigh, the sound high and almost keening, but it turns silent as he slides his mouth over your clit and sucks gently. It drives him half-mad to know he’s giving you so much pleasure and it’s his own selfishness that compels him to slip two fingers inside of you, battering his thick fingers right against somewhere you never even felt before and watch you fall apart.
“What-! Oooh-oh my GOD! Bucky!” You moan his name, drawing it out as you jerk and push against his mouth and hand, coming with a squeeze of the muscles around his fingers until you drop your hips back to the bed, body slumped in pure exhaustion.
He pulls away, dropping a kiss to the knee over his shoulder before slotting himself between your thighs. Sliding himself in your juices.
“How do you feel, angel?” He coos and you’re in heaven. You feel so good you worry you’ll float away before you can go all the way.
“So good…you feel so good”, your honeyed voice praises him before motioning him down for another heated kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue as the muscle fills your mouth until he’s pulling away.
“Good. Now, I go inside of you. It’ll probably hurt a bit at first but after, it’ll feel so good,” he pauses at the worried look that crosses your face when he says hurt but he’s quick to soothe you, “but if you want me stop at any time, just say the words. Okay, sweetness?”
Taking a deep breath, you nod and Bucky holds your hand as he slides in.
It burns.
The pressure alone makes you lose your breath while you grip his hand, scrunching your eyebrows through the seemingly never ending stretch.
Bucky leans down to suckle at your sweet spot behind your ear, bottoming out as you gasped and shivered beneath him. Rolling his hips softly into yours to slowly get you used to the intrusion, he closes his eyes to try and calm himself. You were so soft and warm and so goddamn wet, choking his cock with your walls.
You shift your hips up to get comfortable, making Bucky hit your clit with each rock and you choke. The simmering heat suddenly boiling, while you squeal, getting his attention.
“Move, please”, and he’s unsure.
“Yes! More-!”
You’re cut off as he suddenly pulls out before slamming back in, the fat head of his cock kissing your g-spot with each thrust, you’re leaking like a faucet. You really didn’t need to tell him twice. He’s been wanting to fold you in half the minute he laid eyes on you in the med center.
Gripping your hips in both hands he draws out his cock, greasy and dripping in a mix of your juices, until only the head is spreading your deliciously raw hole open. Then he slams in, hard, sending the most gorgeous shriek rolling from his pretty nurse’s tongue. Your body shakes with dry, heaving sobs, insides fluttering and clenching impossibly tight.
“John, so-s m’ ah! Biiiig!” Your slurred voice drawls listlessly. The pleasure has your mind fading. As soon as Bucky laid hands on you, your brain had switched off, leaving you registering only the most carnal of sensations. Your fingers grapple weakly at the bed, floating away entirely.
You’ll never be the same after this. You don’t want to be. Is this what you were missing?
John groans over your, powerful hips starting up an unforgiving pace. With each thrust you grow limper, melting like warm cream beneath his hands.
“John,” you whine, thrusting his hips back against the bruising thrusts. “So good, please, deeper –,”
“Yeah? Whatever you want, y’ so good f’me baby,” Bucky growls. He grips your hips and bends himself over the your pliant form, using his weight to drive the full force of his thrusts deep into your spasming pussy, licking a rough, wet stripe from your erect nipples to your neck. At the shift of angle you let out a weak scream, shoulders shuddering. “You were made for me.” All his. “Say it baby…”
“I was made for you!” You cry, voice hoarse. “I think-! S-somethings! I’m-unghh –,”
“Fuck-! Just like that baby, wet my dick up..”
And just like that you’re cumming. Clenching so tight he can’t breathe.
John’s mouth hangs open as he gasps for air, drawing deep, ragged pants as he fucks hard and fast into you, sweat coursing over his skin. He’s coming then, melting along with you.
His muscles pull tight while he fills you up as he feels you cum again below him; for all the life he just railed out of you, he half expects you to begin foaming at the mouth, but all that spills from your pretty lips is drool. Your cute face contorted in pleasure, hair glowing and dishevelled, body shining and slick with sweat and cum as you twitch beneath him, hips humping wildly on his cock, spraying that sweet liquid, drenching you both to the point where you’re dripping all over the bed.
A sound leaves you – soft and breathy – as he slips out of your dripping hole, pulling you on top of him, waiting for you to catch your breath.
It’s a while until your soul finds its way back to your body, but when it does, you’re beaming at him drowsily from ear to ear. John huffs out a chuckle, leaning up to kiss you between your eyes. Asking the same question as earlier.
“How do you feel? Anything hurtin’?”
You shake your head and snuggle back into his chest, relaxed like never before.
“Mmmhm, I’m good. Great, even..sleepy too.” He hums, he could’ve figured that.
“Then sleep, sweet girl. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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redbelles · 3 months
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Any of you know if Buck made it?
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rcbertleckie · 3 months
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staud · 4 months
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mota 1x02 / 1x04
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4o4notf0und · 4 months
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k-wame · 2 months
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AUSTIN BUTLER · CALLUM TURNER · ANTHONY BOYLE ↳ · Behind The Scenes · 'Masters of the Air' set
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basilone · 4 months
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"You know, if this whole thing ended, and there were only two pilots left up in the air... it'd be me and it'd be you, Buck." "Don't count on it."
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whitetrashjj · 9 hours
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you and i are going to be partners until they put us in the fucking ground
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carnevol · 2 days
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Bucky & Buck | Lucky Charms
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avonne-writes · 12 hours
I love when Buck says 'Jesus, John' as Bucky gives him the lucky deuce, acting like a tough guy. It's just a facade, though, since deep down he loves John's act of love and his heart has started to race.
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Actually, I love the "Jesus, John" too, but not because of that. I think it shows Gale realizing that Bucky is extremely worried for him and it also shows Gale's scepticism towards superstition. I don’t think Gale is trying to be tough, not exactly. I think he's rejecting a notion he doesn’t believe in. Then, his understanding of the depth of John's worry grows even more when John still insists he keep the lucky deuce. This is when Gale knows he wasn't told everything about what's coming and that it's going to be much worse up there than he thought. He takes the deuce for John's sake. He will look back on this gesture with love, for sure, but in that moment, I think all he feels is worry, confusion and the first wisps of anger towards John (for not telling him what it was like up there).
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thedeviltohisangel · 2 days
i feel like the more feral i get, the more feral you get. i've never had a writer be so intuned to my fanfic needs, like you're genuinely reading my mind. so please forgive my spamming you 🙏🏻
but back to your prompts:
"love, don't hide your face, don't.." hands gently removing yours from your flushed face. "you make me flustered. " you say, but they kiss you through those words and mumble against your lips, "you fluster me more, sweetheart."
is such a bucky and cass thing it makes it hard to breathe. like maybe it's her realizing how much bucky egan just NEEDS her during the beginning of their relationship or them as official newlyweds after the war? just explicit smutty goodness i beg
this is one of the best compliments I could have ever received. I am honored to try and match your feral nature and will continue to strive to do so. please never apologizing for popping into my inbox or DMs because it is my lifeblood and I love you for it.
this was giving freshly arrived in south carolina vibes. and we don't talk nearly enough how I think these two are exhibitionists.
warning: smut
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The whiskey was good, at least he could admit that. The fancy club that the Cooper family was having dinner at that night seemed to be dripping with wealth. Everything from the wood floors to the silverware to the different glasses on the table were polished to the point he could see his reflection. Someone had taken Cass' jacket in the foyer and she had worn silk gloves and diamond earrings and he couldn't find a way to get comfortable in these chairs.
"Everything alright?" Cass rested her hand on his thigh as she dabbed at the corner of her mouth with a cloth napkin. Her hair was pulled back into some intricate clip that he couldn't quite understand. His fingers twitched to pull and let it loose.
"Just don't know which fork to use," he muttered as he twined his fingers through hers.
"Start far away from the plate, then work your way in with each course."
"Got it," he nodded but squeezed her hand tighter. Cass hid her mouth as she made eye contact with her older sister across the table and giggled.
"Don't worry, John, you look exactly like you belong," Olivia smiled around her martini. She had been struck by the handsomeness of her sister's husband. Had noticed every woman at the club that night tracking his movements as soon as he had entered. Olivia knew John Egan would be the talk of every lunch and tea and beauty salon in South Carolina for the next few days.
"Most handsome man is this stuffy, mothball of a place," Cass whispered as she indulged in a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Your husband," he whispered back. It was more important that people know he belonged to her than anything else.
"And you get to marry me all over again soon." John hummed and opened his mouth to hers, Cass ignoring all her training in manners to groan against him.
"Cassandra Ann." Her mother's voice rang out from the end of table. "Mind your posture." Cass' back straightened on command and she returned to picking at the food on the plate in front of her.
"Yes, mama," she replied with a smile. "My love, I think I left my compact in the pocket of my coat. Will you accompany me to look for it?" Olivia smiled wickedly as she read between the lines of her younger sister's words.
"Of course, Mrs. Egan." Cass thinks she heard her mother's heart constrict.
"Make sure they don't wait for us to eat," Cass said to her sister as John pulled out her chair and pressed his hand to the small of her back, guiding her back towards the coat check.
"How long have we got to say we are looking for your compact?" John asked, ducking his lips to brush against her ear as his wife surveyed the hallway before sneaking through the coat clerk's entrance.
"As long as we want. I don't care about the stares and whispers. Not anymore. Not when I've got you to keep my mind preoccupied." Her fingers gripped around the lapel of his suit jacket as she walked backwards and pulled him deeper and deeper into the racks of coats until her back hit a wall.
"Just your mind?" he asked as his fingers pulled up the hem of skirt, his mouth water as he found the clips of her stockings and kept moving up. His middle finger found the front of her panties and stroked up and down until she tingled all the way down to her toes.
"Actually, you might be better at clearing my mind," she smiled. Deftly, he tucked the lacy undergarment to the side and moaned into her mouth at the feeling of her soft and warm and wet with no barrier.
"How long have you been wet for me?" he teased as he traced featherlight circles over her clit.
"Always wet for you," she whimpered. She spread her legs wider as he slipped two fingers inside of her with little resistance, his kisses increasing with urgency at the feeling of her walls contracting around him.
"How wet?" Cass could read that exact glint behind his eyes. He curled his fingers deliberately against the front of her and her suspicions were confirmed.
"John." His name came out in a whine as her hips moved in tandem with his fingers.
"Come on, baby, make a mess for me." His thumb worked against her clit as his fingers pulled and stroked and pulsed against the sensitive front wall of her pussy, Cass' breath coming in pants as she closed her eyes to focus fully on the sensation.
"Oh, John. Oh, fuck that feels so good. Please don't ever stop." She searched for something to hold onto and she settled for the front of his jacket again, John's forehead falling against hers. He tapped his nose against hers sweetly, in direct contrast to the sinful movements of his fingers, a sweat collecting across her chest as her breathing came quicker. It skipped slightly at the sound of the clerk opening the door.
"Is he going to learn how pretty my wife sounds when she comes?" Cass could barely nod as the words were trapped in her throat. She could hear and feel just how wet she was. Knew her orgasm was about to explode out of her. A whine left her lips as he buried a third finger to the hilt and a grinded the heel of his hand against her clit, her slick leaking out of her and coating his hand, the skin of her inner thigh and rolling down her leg. With a breathless laugh, she brought her hands to her face and covered her enflamed cheeks. "Love don't hide your face, don't..." He wrapped his hands around her wrists and gently pried her hands away from her face.
"You make me flustered," she laughed, her legs quivering as John wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush to his chest.
"You fluster me more, sweetheart," he mumbled against her lips. "I love you. I love you so much, Spook."
"I love-"
"Hello? Is someone back here?" With a giggle, he took her hand they were off. Off to cause chaos in another corner of the world.
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