#john laurens kin
tumberkin · 8 months
Hello , I have taken great interest in your blog . . . Hope this is not odd of me but would you be okay with creating a John Laurens (Hamilton Musical) 'moodboard' ? Perhaps with a sheep-related theme . . . I had a very vague memory with a sheep involved and I feel as if this would help . Thank you , kindest regards . - Laur 🌸
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John Laurens Moodboard W/ Sheep !
i hope you enjoy ! :3
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: 𝔽𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤
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Jeff the Killer - Jeffrey "Jeff" Alan Dan Woods
Homicidal Liu - Liuis "Liu" Victoria Woods
Sully - Sullivan "Sully" Akira Woods
Randy - Randall "Randy" Allen Warren
Keith - Keith Harvey Davis-Green
Troy - Troy John Green
Ben Drowned - Benjamin "Ben" Scott Lawman
Jane - Jane Todd Richardson-Vaughn
Mary - Mary Annabelle Vaughn
Ticci Toby - Tobias "Toby" Erin Rogers
Masky - Timothy "Tim" Buck Wright
Hoodie - Brian Hunter Thomas
Skully - Jay Gabriel Merrick
Kate the Chaser - Kate Eleanor Milens-Hayes
Charlie - Charles Matheson Jr.
Laughing Jack - Laughing Jack in a Box
Eyeless Jack - Jackson "Jack" Nicky Nyras
Slenderman - Simon (middle and last name unknown) (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Splendorman - Jim (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Trenderman - Beau (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Tenderman - Cedric (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Sally - Sally Maryam Dawn (formerly Williams)
Dr Smiley - Azerael Jesse Smiley
Nurse Ann - Annie "Ann" Lusen Mia
Nina - Nina Selene Hopkins
Candy Pop - Unknown
Candy Cane - Unknown
April Fools - Unknown
Jason the Toymaker - Jason Caleb Meyer
The Puppeteer - Jonathan Cole Blake
Clockwork - Natalie Priscilla Ouellette
Rouge - Heather Bridget Marshall
Wilson - Wilson Liam Marshall (neé Jones)
Zalgo - Z͠a̛'l͘ga̶t҉ot̡h
Queen Blackheart (oc) - Elizabeth Cindy Phillips (name prior to death)
Lazari - Lazari Natalie Swann
Stripes - Eloise Sarah Bellarose (name prior to her death)
Nathan - Nathan Maxwell Lux
Bloody Painter - Helen Delilah Otis
Kagekao - Unknown
Laughing Jill - Laughing Jill in a Box
Sadie - Sadie Marie Bennett
Hobo Heart - Unknown
Cat Hunter - Rodrigo Milo Ortiz
Chris the Revenant - Christine "Chris" Wendy Meyers
X-Virus - Cody Larkin Drake
Dollmaker - Erina Jezebel Kerenzalys
Frankie the Undead - Frankie Hades Asher (his real name prior to his death)
Judge Angels - Dina Angela Clark
Lifeless Lucy - Lucy Ava Jones
Lost Silver - Ethan Kin Fuji (his real name before his death)
Glitchy Red - Red (his real name remains a mystery)
Strangled Red - Steven Garrett Stoughton
Dr. Locklear - Evander Agnar Locklear
Lulu - Lucille "Lulu" Tiffany Greatfeil
Killing Kate - Katherine "Kate" Evelyn Knight
Screaming Dawn (oc) - Dawn Evelyn Woods
Will Grossman - William "Will" Gordon Grossman
Lulling Lauren - Lauren Robyn Ross (neé Evans)
CR - Carl Morton Ross
Emra - Emra Amelia Blake (neé Albridge)
Zero - Alice Marie Jackson
Slendrina - Charlotte (first name prior to death/experimentation)
Lily - Lily May Kennett
Nightmare Ally - Adeline "Ally" Ashley Abendroth
Zachary the Proxy - Zachary Julius Gibson
Oliver - Oliver Gorgon Henderson
Alex Kralie - Alexander "Alex" Joseph Kralie
Amy - Amy Callie Walters
Jessica - Jessica Ellie Locke
Seth - Seth Apollo Reid-Wilson (neé Wilson)
Sarah - Sarah Cassie Reid-Wilson (neé Ried)
Third Base - Richard "Doby" Vincent Doggers
Vailly - Vailly Suki Evans
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
Do you have any info on John's French ancestry? His grand or great grandparents were French and I am fascinated by what influence they could have had on him/his relationship with being French, especially during his """diplomacy""" trip
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Laurens had any major influence by his heritage in general.
Laurens was French Huguenot on his father's side. The immigration of French Huguenots moving to Charleston was actually quite common and predated Laurens's ancestors. A colony of Huguenots arrived in South Carolina, Charleston, having been sent out by the English Government to enltivate oil, wine and silk. But the larger immigration came in 1685-6, when French Protestants flocked to the State in great numbers. They formed four settlements, one in the City of Charleston, and the other three in the country, where they erected Churches in each settlement. [x]
There appears to be no ground for the late 20th century claim that the family descended from André du Laurens, the physician of both Henry IV. and his queen, Marie de' Medici, Chancellor of the University of Montpellier, the author of extensive medical works and belonging to the lower nobility. Henry Laurens knew nothing of such a connection, and never supported it. But while it is also highly improbable, there is also to consider that someone like Henry - descended far too down the line to properly recollect such an account - would have known or not known of it with any sincerity. The theory mostly stems from John Laurens's similarly named great-grandfather, André Laurens, who left France only seventy-three years after the death of André du Laurens. But hypothetically, he would also have been quite likely to keep his name Du Laurens, as that of the physician, like all the other descents had. And there would be no reason to doubt he would have cherished this relation from one of the most distinguished savants of his time.
It's hard to trace the Laurenses with the little record surviving of them, the name was common in the west and southeast of France and was borne by many families having no known connection at all, so much so, that many years before John Laurens's family left France there were numbers of Laurenses in New York, sometimes with the same Christian names as the ones from JL's folks. But it is known André was native of the Catholic France—And his family hailed from Annonay, Vivaris Province. André's father, Jean Laurent (Laurens), was a merchant in Rochelle, and died before 1681, leaving his widow, Elizabeth Menigaut (Manigault) and their son André. They resided in the parish of Saint Sauveur. Among the closest and oldest friends of the Laurenses was the family of Daniel Lucas, also a merchant of Rochelle, who owned a small farm nearby Périgny. Like other Huguenots, the Laurenses left France for the hope of religious freedom—In the wake of Louis XIV's efforts to stamp out Protestantism, when the pressure of persecution was becoming heavier; André, his mother, and Daniel alongside his wife, Jeanne Marchand, with their four children, fled to England in 1682. Jeanne Lucas soon died in her new home, but the friendship between the families grew into a closer bond when her daughter, Marie Lucas, and André were married in the French church in Threadneedle Street, February 22, 1688. [x]
The Laurenses tried their fortunes in Ireland, and then later, Marie and André settled first in New Jersey, then in New York City. [x] Where many of their kin had immigrated to priorly, some of the family fled from the persecution in France to Holland. The new-comers in New York were not among strangers, for the numerous colonies whose interests centered around the French church were a sympathetic community, living very much its own distinct life, and there are several reasons for supposing that they had Laurens relatives in the town. In the Collections Huguenot Society of America there is plenty of correspondence from André and his family to others, and even an account of a mother and son in 1700 as witnesses at the marriage of a Jean Laurens and Marie Benereau.
It was there on the 30th of March, 1697, Marie gave birth to the third of their five children, Jean Samuel Laurens (Possible namesake of their new friend, Samuel Grasset). While in New York, the Laurenses befriended another family of Huguenot refugees, the Grassets, who fled from France about the same time as the Laurenses and Lucases. Jean - age nineteen - married Esther Grasset - age fifteen or sixteen - shortly before André decided to uproot his family again. Finally, they sailed and moved to Carolina around 1715, where many Huguenots had already settled. Charleston served as the provincial capital as well as the economic heart of the low country.
André died soonly after arriving in Charleston. David Duncan Wallace describes him as; “as a man of piety, shrewdness and force. At the time when the humble foundations were being laid for the great fortunes and family careers which the next two generations were to witness, he did his part in giving his children their start in the race.” [x] His grandson, Henry Laurens, later recalled that he; “had Saved So much Money as enabled him” to provide his five children “with Such portions as put them above low dependance.” [x]
But after André's death, little cultural preservation is noticable in the family. Henry says “Some of them retained the French pride of Family, & were content to die poor. My Father [Jean S. Laurens] was of different Sentiments, he learned a Trade, & by great Industry acquired an Estate with a good Character & Reestablished the Name of his Family.” [x] After the family moved to Charleston, Jean chose to anglicanize his name, and he became known as John, whom John Laurens was named after. Both Jean and his wife were born Americans, ‘the French pride of family’ died out in a generation or two with little resemblance left. Instead to keep his family afloat; like most Huguenots, Jean immersed himself in the South Carolinaian traditions and culture. He learned the trade of saddler at the bench and followed it with such industry as to make himself a much-respected citizen. Over time he prospered in his trade and invested in real estate. He also joined the established Anglican church, where he served as warden of St. Philip’s Parish, and he owned at least five slaves. Yet he remained ambivalent toward the institution that formed the basis of South Carolina's prosperity. On one occasion, he made a cryptic prediction that slavery would eventually collapse. [x]
It was said that Jean; “gave his children the best education which (Charleston) afforded.” [x] Jean seems to have had solid expectations for Henry, as his education was directed into merchantry. Henry journeyed overseas to receive further training, in 1744 Jean sent Henry to London to work in the counting house of the respected merchant James Crokatt. In 1747 Henry finished his apprenticeship and returned to South Carolina. He didn't learn Latin or Greek, and barely knew French himself—As he only seems to have had fluently spoken a few expressions, which might indicate that as a man he picked up a small amount of French. But later he requested a friend to translate his letter of 1774 to the Poictiers Laurences into French, stating that he could not write in the language. [x]
And it seems that Henry wasn't interested in reconnecting his family to their French heritage either, as JL did not learn French at a very young age. He only eventually took up the language at age thirteen, on December 28, 1767, which was basic schooling for the wealthy class at the time period;
My Jack has made an Amazing progress in French from the 28th December when he enter'd upon that branch, I say so because those who are good Judges & can't flatter tell me so, & I know a little of the Matter too.
Source — Henry Laurens to John Moultrie, [January 28, 1768]
Laurens's conduct in France was also quite grounded on his identity as an American Patriot (A headstrong one) and cultural unfamiliarity that he broke their etiquette. So, it is quite apparent JL's generation of the family were not tightly knit to their heritage. As it was commonly accustomed - similarly to this day - that immigrants convert their traditions and cultural aspects to match their new country of residence, especially those who traveled to the colonies.
John Laurens and the American Revolution, by Gregory D. Massey
Huguenot Church in Charleston, by Margaret Middleton Rivers Eastman, Richard Donohoe & Maurice Eugenie Horne Thompson, with Robert P. Stockton
The Life of Henry Laurens: With a Sketch of the Life of Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens, by David Duncan Wallace
Collections of the Huguenot Society of America, Volume 1
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Large Bracket Round 1
Large Bracket
No. No! Unless…
Patrick Bateman               (American Psycho)
Tyler Durden                      (Fight Club)
<3<                                      (Homestuck?)
Hedonist Lit
Lestat de Lioncourt          (Interview with a Vampire)
Dorian Gray                       (The Picture Of Dorian Gray)
Virtually the same person. I guess?
Discord                (My Little Pony (Friendship is Magic Gen 4))
Q                           (Star Trek)
The Doctor vs The Master 1
The Master (Delgado)     (Doctor Who)
Dr. Griffin                           (The Invisible Man)
The Doctor vs The Master 2
The Master (Crispy)         (Doctor Who)
Doc Scratch                       (Homestuck)
The Doctor vs The Master 3 (Animal Kin Edition)
The Master (Ainley)         (Doctor Who)
Doc Ock                              (Into the Spiderverse)
The Doctor vs The Master 4
The Master (Simm)          (Doctor Who)
Dr. Evil                                (Austin Powers)
The Doctor vs The Master 5
The Master (Missy)          (Doctor Who)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz       (Phineas and Ferb)
The Doctor vs The Master 6
The Master (Dhawan)     (Doctor Who)
Dr. Facilier                         (The Princess and the Frog)
This is so tremendously unfair, but hey it's the two inspirations of my favorite OC
Bill Cipher            (Gravity Falls)
Solf J Kimblee     (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Dracula was on Buffy the Vampire slayer too
Spike                     (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dracula                (Dracula)
Entitled White Lady- Names (Since we don't have a Karen)
Helen the Distortion        (The Magnus Archives)
Lauren Mallard                 (Welcome to Nightvale)
Jennifer Check                  (Jennifer's Body)
Actual Entitled White Ladies
The Handler                       (Umbrella Academy)
Cruella De Vile                  (101 Dalmatians)
Fairy Godmother              (Shrek 2)
Fight your shadow lego self
Lego Joker           (The Lego Batman Movie)
Joker                    (Batman (2005))
*Heard over the speaker system, when you are about to have a bad time*
The Narrator      (The Stanley Parable)
Cave Johnson     (Portal)
Style Icons
Misa Amane                                     (Death Note)
Her Imperious Condescension     (Homestuck)
Nui Harime                                       (Kill la kill)
Hunson Abadeer                              (Adventure Time)
Asgore Dreemur                              (Undertale)
Mayor Richard Wilkins III             (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Can do so much better than their ex
Harley Quinn      (Birds of Prey)
Spinel                   (Stephen Universe)
An image of the self
Kevin                                                  (Welcome to Nightvale)
Frankenstein’s Creature                (Frankenstein)
Double Trouble                                (She Ra)
Entitled Creeps
Nevel Papperman             (iCarly)
Killgrave                              (Jessica Jones)
Lil Gideon                           (Gravity Falls)
Scorpion tails >:3
Tyrian Callows   (RWBY)
Scorpia                 (She Ra)
Big Jack Horner  (Puss in Boots: The last wish)
Eggman               (Sonic)
Wheatley             (Portal)
GLaDOS               (Portal)
Monika                (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Marx                     (Kirby)
Rouxls Kaard      (Deltarune)
Second career as highschool staff
Yzma                    (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Baron Draxum    (Rise Of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Just a child, no, No Ignore the destruction and the carnage. this is a baby
The Collector                    (The Owl House)
Flowey the Flower           (Undertale)
Creates an empire with his "children"
Horde Prime                                                                  (She Ra)
John Gaius, Emperor Undying, Necrolord Prime   (The Locked Tomb)
Soft and fluffy, Soft and fluffy. Sharp and pointy! Soft and fluffy..
Kyubey                (Madoka Magica)
Monokuma         (Danganronpa)
In another world they're just an ordinary hero, and honestly that's worse
Gentle Criminal                 (My Hero Academia)
Megamind                          (Megamind)
Goro Akechi                       (Persona 5)
Fairy tale vibes
Rumpelstiltskin   (Once Upon a Time)
Salem                   (RWBY)
Space bois!
HAL9000                             (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Marvin the Martian         (Looney tunes)
Love and Anxiety is stored in the them
Spamton              (Deltarune)
Navy Ruby           (Stephen Universe)
Jinx                       (Arcane)
One says "you're gonna die" because of how good his food is, and the other you're gonna die and become food..
Lalo Salamanca                 (Better Call Saul)
Hannibal Lecter                (Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs)
Kira ;)
Yoshikage Kira   (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Light Yagami      (Death Note)
Radio Adjacent/Death Adjacent
Alastor                 (Hazbin Hotel)
Dusknoir              (Pokémon)
Their crime is basically just being a capitalist
Mr. Grizz              (Splatoon)
Varrick                 (Legend of Korra)
Elias Bouchard   (The Magnus Archives)
Merasmus          (Team Fortress 2)
Magolor              (Kirby)
Death gods
Hades    (Hercules)
Ryuk      (Death Note)
Abstract Fears
Michael Distortion           (The Magnus Archives)
Other Mother                   (Coraline)
Godzilla                               (Godzilla)
King Boo                             (Luigi's Mansion games)
Queen                                 (Deltarune)
Prince Humperdinck        (The Princess Bride)
The absence of the thing they're addicted to causes Problems
Gamzee Makara               (Homestuck)
Bender                                (Futurama)
I'm calling them both pirates
Long John Silver                (Treasure Island)
Khan Noonien Singh        (Star Trek)
Gustavo Fring                    (Breaking Bad)
Wilson Fisk/Kingpin         (Daredevil (Netflix))
Listen, I don't know how long it would take to actually fit these three into a category that makes sense, I'm just glad I technically only have one strict Miscellaneous vote (actually there are 6)
Oogie Boogie                    (The Nightmare before Christmas)
Roman Torchwick            (RWBY)
Medic                                  (Team Fortress 2)
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so i have a hamilkin discord server and the children in the server would like it to be revamped and so basically if ur hamilton kinnie cmere and join my discord server pm me for da link 
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timwright-gayartist · 5 years
I have decided to post a kin list of all my kins. Here it is.
-main: Timothy Wright(Marble hornets)
-shiba inu
-Eyeless Jack(creepypasta)
-Harry Potter(you know who this is
-Danny Fenton(danny phantom)
-jack frost(rotg)
-bill cipher(gravity falls)
-jd (heathers)
-heather chandelier (heathers)
-castiel (supernatural)
-John laurens(historykin)
-Mortimer (Eddsworld)
-Apollo (Greek god)
-Hibari Kyoya (Khr)
-Remy Sanders (sandersides/shorts)
-Blue diamond (su)
-wade wilson/Deadpool(marvel)
-Michael Mell(bmc)
-Evan Hansen (deh)
-will graham(Hannibal)
-Scorpia (She-ra)
-Shadow (Sonic)
-Shiro (Voltron)
-Peter Quill (Marvel)
-Alois Trancy (Black Butler)
-Alphonse Eric (Full Metal alchemist)
-Reborn (khr)
-Aren (Saiki k)
-Saiki (saiki k)
-Sai (Naruto)
-Flug (villainous)
-Flynn and Rapunzel (Tangled)
-milo (tribetwele)
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kinning-happy-havoc · 6 years
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hi! would i be able to request a Lams themed tumblr header? Or an aesthetic board with a motivating, love theme? (Lams is a ship from 'Hamilton', for John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton. Since the topic of Hamilkin is kinda controversial its okay if you dont feel comfy!)
Here you go! Im so sorry this took so long nonnie!!
~ Mod Junk
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kin-squad-finder · 6 years
Hi I’m John Laurens from Hamilton (musical) I’m looking for anyone willing to talk but especially Alex :) Interact with this post and I’ll message you! I’m also a minor thanks!!
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turtle-boi-laurens · 6 years
Hey! I’m Hamilkin, and still trying to figure this mess out??? I’m p sure I’m John Laurens but I’m still trying to figure it out! I think I do have memories though! Of like a modern (??) au, and Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton, and le french baguette being in a poly relationship with moi. Lafayette was non-binary. We were all very gay and stupid it was great.
I am boy-flux! That means that my gender switches between male, agender, and non-binary. He/him as a standard, please! Don’t use the others unless I tell you that I am another gender! Please don��t use she/her (I am afab)!
Hit me up if you remember this, or you are also Hamilkin and want to make a new friend!
Also, I am under 18, so pls don’t interact if 18+!!
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For a John Laurens from the Hamilton musical who misses his Lafayette, with night skies <3 Ask if anything needs to be changed!
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hear-ye-hear-me · 6 years
My name is Samuel Seabury, and I’m here with a few things about my canon!
- it was a modern setting, everyone was in college.
- my canon would fall under urban fanatasy, I don’t remember many humans at the college
- I remember being an angelic being, though I wasn’t very religious.
- I roomed with (Charles) Lee, who was a wolf shifter who couldn’t handle a lot of noise, George Frederick III, a vampire who was semi-distant royalty who came from a wealthy family, and (James) Reynolds, who was a fae
- We kicked Reynolds the Fuck out of our dorm when we found out he was abusing his girlfriend and my adoptive sister. Burr, who was human, ended up moving in instead
- Mariah (Lewis) was a siren, and she was my adoptive sister. She loved going to karaoke with all of her friends
- I had a huge crush on Lafayette, but I don’t remember if I acted on it or not
- (John) Laurens and (Hercules) Mulligan were both humans, while Alexander (Hamilton) was a mer-shifter and Lafayette was vampire. They all roomed down the hall from us.
- Lee and Burr were dating.
- The Schuyler Sisters all shared a room. The three were all adopted siblings. Angelica was a genderfluid witch, Eliza was a nonbinary Druid, and Peggy was a transfeminine Angel.
- The Washington’s were Alexander and John’s adoptive parents, Martha (Washington) was a selkie and George (Washington) was an Immortal
- The college has an annual fair that always ended up with someone in the hospital, wether it be from alcohol poisoning, getting in fights, or getting in some form of accident.
- Mariah and I would host girls nights with the Schuyler’s and we would paint each other’s nails and talk about stuff while old movies played in the background.
- I used any pronouns, but checked off ‘Male’ when gender was required
- There was a bit of tension between humans and non-humans, but it was only a little and rarely caused any big drama where we were
That’s all I have at the moment, but I’ll probably add more eventually as I remember more stuff!
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ask-iams-blog · 7 years
It's been so nice talking to some of you guys and sharing memories and stuff!!! Please please please message and follow us and shit so we can make more connections like these ❤
-Admin T/John
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captainwebs · 7 years
Another kincall!
Hi, me and my John are looking for our Lafayette. We were in a poly relationship, if you’re lafayette and you remember this please message me! I’m open to anyone who’d like to share memories, though I’m mainly looking for Laf. I have memories of a lot of people! 
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hamilkincomfort · 7 years
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Aesthetic for a violent and soft John Laurens! I hooe you like it John, don't hesitate to ask if anything needs changed!
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aesthetic for john laurens! -mod chihiro
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ah yes. and so it repeats,,,,
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