#john loved arthur like a brother he wanted to honour that by killing micah
arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
I will never be normal about the red dead redemption protagonists getting caught in the cycle of revenge for their loved ones
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jamiedc-they-them · 3 years
Being Arthur, Sadies, and John’s younger sibling
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You are there when Jake is killed, he became a good friend of yours. 
Sadie always watched out for you, but now she is even more protective of you
She teaches you how to shoot now, sort of sheltering you from the group before this moment 
She takes you out hunting sometimes, even out with herself and Arthur (he becomes a best friend to you as well as Sadie) 
If anyone in the camp has a problem with you, she steps in to defend you, no matter what 
She always makes sure she can keep any eye out for you; both out of being your older sister, and just out of you being the only person from her old life she has left 
As the group starts to fracture, she definitely makes sure to keep you close, even as you see her slowly lose herself to her want for revenge 
You see her slip up more, start to take more risks and be more angry, even at you 
After helping her with her revenge, she sees how empty she is now; you let her go 
Then she pulls you aside at camp, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I dragged you into this...I...I lost myself.” 
“We’ll find you again, Sadie. I promise.” 
And, you do, after you leave Arthur to get Abigail out 
You help her find herself, she becomes a bounty hunter; and you help occasionally 
Then she finds you, making you an offer:
“We can make Micah, Y/N. We can fix this.” 
It takes some talking, but she gets you into it 
Then, after it, you help patch her up
She takes you to South America, wanting to go there herself, but also knowing you wanted to go
And, finally, you are allowed to rest 
You aren’t being hunted 
And she sees how more stress free you are now. How at peace you are now 
And she couldn’t be happier 
He’s protective, but does let you live your own life amongst the group 
He’s normally the muscle, and you stay and help the camp while he hunts 
But if anything, you are a damn good skinner 
Sometimes he takes you, and you have your idle chatter about the group as you go; opinions on certain people and what not 
He loves those talks, makes himself feel smarter too seeing how smart you are 
While he’s convinced he is a bad man, you constantly remind him that he isn’t and can be good; that he can change 
He resists your words, but deeply appreciates them even if he doesn’t believe them 
He looks to you on advice for things too 
If he’s second in command, you’re like a third despite not going out as much
He takes you out with Lenny, and he too loses track of you 
When he gets Micah out, he is weary of the man 
He knows how Micah and you can be 
When he isn’t there or out with her, he makes sure to ask Sadie to look out for you
She does anyway, but she does assure Arthur she will
Arthur also sees how you get along with John quite well, joking and having chats late at night 
Sometimes when Arthur comes back he sees you talking to Jack
Out of the two, you’re more passive one, but you can still fight 
When the gang starts to break apart, the two of you stick together more; speaking more in private as he knows you have noticed things 
Along with Saide/John, you become a quadruple 
Then comes the big one, your escape with John
You know you’re outnumbered, but still Arthur pushes you and John away
“Arthur, no --” You try and say 
“Y/N, go. Go, I love you.” It’s the first time he’s told you that, but it still hits you 
John, with that moment of stunned surprise, takes you with him 
He takes you in and brings you along with Abigail and Jack
The four of you live a normal enough life for a bit, with some action
But John can see how Arthurs death still hurts you 
He knows he can’t heal it, but he does play brother to you
And you appreciate it
Avenging Arthur by killing Micah, and finally doing that brings you some sort of rest 
It doesn’t heal it, but you now know Micah isn’t a threat 
And, with John by your side, you aren’t alone with the grief…
Being John’s sibling means you have some lack of common sense sometimes and make some ill judgements 
But you, along with Charles and Arthur, find him almost frozen to death 
When you bring him back, you stay with him when you can, “Honestly, Y/N. How do you do it?” Abigail asks you, not in a mean way, more like a teasing-but-I’m-trying-to-cope way
She secretly prefers you as you are less of an idiot than John, but still
“Hey, kid.” He says to you when he wakes up and you visit him 
“You scared me.” You admit 
“I ain’t leaving you yet, Y/N.” He assures you 
You stay with him as he heals
Then when he starts to go out more, you go with him 
You both work well as a team, having each others’ back
You both clear up for the other when you fuck up (be that in combat or at camp/when out) 
He cares for you deeply
You’re a great figure to Jack, and he loves you and loves spending time with you
When everything with the group closes in, you make sure to stay extra close to one another; out of fear of a collapse of the group and losing one another
You almost do when he gets shot 
You go with Arthur to stop the rest of the group and find him alive 
Then it’s you three against an army 
Arthur gets you out, calling you both his siblings before sending you away 
You both try to live in his honour, protecting people and trying to live a normal life
But the life of a cowboy comes back with Sadie 
And, just like that you both go back in
And you know that you both will have each others back, no matter what happens...
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