"You're safe here with me" + "I won't let anything happen to you" with Casey? :) 💙
John had taken the space elevator down to the GDF headquarters no more than half an hour ago, at Colonel Casey's request. There'd been a cyber attack on base; an attempted takeover of the GDF's long range weapons systems, and though nothing has been fired - they needed to rule out the possibility that someone could. With the tech team scrambling for solutions, scouring the databanks for any way someone could have remotely accessed their codes and their LAN, the Colonel could only think of one man she both trusts, and who’s qualified to step in and salvage the situation.
And with an updated firewall to prevent remote access, that he personally provided the protocol for, the only thing John Tracy can do to help is show up in person.
Only, John's got the soft edge of an atmospheric headache throbbing in his sinuses and his eyeballs are always the slowest thing to respond to the change in pressure between Five and Earth, so, as he bypasses the office full of scurrying IT consultants and heads directly for the server room, ready to not-entirely-legally plug Eos’ palm sized mobile unit into the GDF’s databases to assess the damage, he completely misses the slim, shadowed figure in amongst the data processing banks.
Because the remote attack hadn’t actually been remote at all, and the gunshot wound to John's shoulder, now leaking a dangerous amount of blood all over his IR blues, seemed like a pretty big clue this was no employee.
They're currently holed up in Casey's office - after the head of the GDF had bodily dragged his skinny space ass out of there. She's trying to force him down behind her desk and out of the way, while the intruder pounds on the door: his threats mostly incoherent screams and stray gunshots. John might not be as hot-headed as Scott or his youngest brothers, but he's still a Tracy and, clearly, the last thing he wants to do is sit still while others might be in danger and so the damned fool, who’s clearly never been shot before, keeps trying to get up.
“Colonel, we’ve got to- argh!” The spaceman gasps and jerks like a livewire as Casey presses a wad of cloth - a runner snatched from the fancy corporate meeting table - hard against the dark, bubbling wound in his shoulder. John's feet kick out, heels scraping helplessly against the corporate grey carpeting, and his back arches against the pain in a way that plummets Valerie Casey’s heart straight through her shoes. She forces the emotion away, grabs one of his cold, blue-clad hands, and guides it on top of the wound.
“Keep pressure on that.” She instructs, as the dark stain spreads rapidly into not only his IR blues, but the ugly purple runner too. His fingers fumble and fail to take over the task, and a soft whine makes its way out between his teeth. “Come on John, you know to keep pressure on.” He's having a hard time focusing on her. She thinks he might be in shock.
“But the gunman,” John gasps, his head thrashing to the side, eyes wide, “he’s after-”
“John.” She cups John's ashen, blood-splattered face between both palms, like she would when he was a small boy and he'd come to the woman who was his Auntie in all but DNA with a bruised cheek and a split lip because he didn’t want to tell his Father he was being bullied at school. "You're safe here with me." Her mouth is a hard white line as she unclips her service pistol from it's holster, "I won't let anything happen to you."
The wood around the door handle audible splinters under a particularly savage impact, and Jeff's boy flinches under her fingers.
Oh, absolutely not.
"Security is on their way and no one is getting into this room, John. And if they somehow do," She raises the gun with both hands, holding it steady and level with the door, "they are not getting through me.”
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weirdburketeer · 9 months
Wishing you a Christmas full of light,love and laughter for you and yours.Hugs being sent who will find this year’s festivities hard 😘🎅🏼🎄🌟💗🌈
@cg29 @gumnut-logic @womble1 @tracybirds @janetm74 @godsliltippy @louthestarspeaker @mariashades @thundergeek59 @astranite @katblu42 @kayo-kyrano and all the rest of the #Thunderfam that my mush of a Long Covid/cyst brain won’t let me remember.
Thank you all for the many,many hours of entertainment 😘
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#TAG #TOS #Thunderbirds #ScottTracy #VirgilTracy #JohnTracy #GordonTracy #AlanTracy #JeffTracy #KayoKyrano
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oneyeartowrite · 3 years
Broken Promise #3/Memory Loop part 3
Fancy another part :D...here goes: 
“238 passengers and 5 crew members are on board. The pilot reported a disturbance, ground control lost all contact with the plane. It’s still in the air, but it has changed direction. In an hour it will be out of fuel.”
“Understood.” Scott shifted his back against the pilot seat of thunderbird one, trying to get comfortable. It had never been an issue before, but lately, the tension in his back and shoulders never left him. Virgil told him it was stress, but that was as useful as telling him the sky was blue. Of course, he was stressed. His brother was out there somewhere, being tortured and controlled by a mad man.
“Catch up with the plane, match speed, board, and retake control of the computer…I’m feeling a sense of Deja vu.” He snorted, but it was humorless.
Eos didn’t comment.
“How are the others doing?”
“They are performing their rescues at optimum levels.”
Scott released a long sigh. He missed John. God, he missed John. If only he’d held on tighter. Scott shook his head, flinging the thought from his mind. He couldn’t dwell on that while he was on a rescue, that was for later when he drank himself into oblivion night after night and had to be carried to bed by an angry Virgil.
He looked up at Eos’s hologram. It was rare that she hesitated.
“What is it?”
“I’ve been trying to get access to the plane’s computer since it went offline, but something is blocking me. It’s code. I recognize it. It’s John’s.”
“John? John’s taken control of the plane.”
“It appears so, yes.”
“What…why?” Scott inwardly rolled his eyes. “I know why, the hood, but what does the hood want with a passenger plane. Wait…the manifest. Who’s on that flight?”
“Searching the manifest now…there’s no obvious target.”
“I’m here now,” Scott said, matching speed with the plane below. “Will you be able to access the door of the plane?”
“Strictly speaking, that’s illegal.”
“Of course.”
“Grappling hook deployed. Helmet on. Jet pack secured. Let’s get this plane back under control. You with me?”
“I’m with you Scott.”
There was a flash of something out of the corner of Scott’s eye during his descent. He stopped, feet firmly planted on top of the plane and stared at the clouds surrounding him.  He narrowed his eyes, hoping it would help, but he couldn’t detect anything.
“I noticed too,” Eos said. “There’s someone else there. I picked up their signal for a second, then it blocked me.”
“I don’t know. I’m scanning again.”
Scott flexed his hands at his sides, wanting so badly to remove every cloud in the damn sky just to chance seeing him.
Scott sighed. Rescue first. John later. Once he’d saved the plane he’d search every inch of the sky to find his brother if there was a chance it was him.
“Eos, door.”
“Yes, Scott.”
There were screams of terror when he boarded, but after a few seconds, when he’d managed to secure the door, the passengers closest seemed to recognize his blue uniform, and fear turned to excitement. They began clapping and snapping pictures of him on their phones.
Scott grinned at them awkwardly. “Thank you, but I’ve not actually done anything yet.”
“You walked through a door, that deserves a clap.”
The snort escaped Scott before he could catch it. “Sometimes you remind me so much of my brother.”
Eos whirled in his ear, a happy whirl, Scott had learned meant she was pleased. She missed John as much as any of them, maybe more. Not more than Scott though. Scott missed him so much it became a non-stop ache in his chest.
He backed away from the passengers. One woman lifted her baby at him like she expected him to kiss her child. He tapped his helmet as if that was the reason he wouldn’t. “I’m gonna go fix the plane—
“Scott!” Eos snapped, never happy when she was ignored.
“Yep, I’m here.”
“The plane, the computer. It’s back under the pilot’s control.”
“What?” Scott pushed through to the cockpit.
The co-pilot turned around and gave him a thumbs up. “Thank you international rescue.”
“Urm…No worries.” Scott said, hovering behind. They were talking to ground control, making a plan.
He spoke to Eos through gritted teeth, hoping no one else heard. “Eos, what the hell’s going on?”
“I don’t know, the code resisted all my attempts, then suddenly, it stopped.”
“John stopped it?”
“Scott.” Eos shrieked in alarm. “Thunderbird one.”
“What about her?” He pulled up the hologram from his forearm, noting she looked fine, matching their speed nicely. “The grappling hook is gone.”
“And she’s no longer above, but alongside.”
Scott flung himself at the nearest window, able to see his bird flying next to him.
“There’s someone onboard thunderbird one,” Eos said. “They’re accessing her systems.”
The pilot’s voice crackled over the speakers, announcing the plane was okay, and international rescue had saved them all. Everyone began shouting and cheering, but Scott couldn’t even force a smile. He rushed for the door. “Eos…”
“I can’t open it.”
“What do you mean you can’t open it?”
“Something is blocking me.”
Scott stopped trying to elbow his way to freedom. He pulled up his arm and studied his thunderbird. “Do you know who’s inside?”
He knew. It was a sixth sense. His brother was close by, so close.  The ache in his chest throbbed. John was right there, less than thirty meters away.
“Accessing thunderbird ones internal camera…It’s John.”
“Okay.” Scott eased out a breath. His heart was drumming. “Okay, Eos, I need you to take remote control, seal it, fly him back to Tracy Island.”
“I can’t…”
The hologram of thunderbird one coming from Scott’s arm blinked out. “Eos?”
“Thunderbird one has lost all power. She’s falling.”
Scott launched at the window again, watching her fall from view with his heart in his throat. “What? Why?” He slapped his communicator. “Brains. There’s something wrong with thunderbird one.”
“We’ve lost all signal to thunderbird one.” Brains replied. “She’s plummeting. Scott—
“Save her Brains. John’s inside.”
“John’s inside!”
The claps and cheers died off. All the passengers were staring at him, uneased by his rising panic. Thunderbird one was dropping from the sky, with John inside. Why was he there? Did he need help? Had he remembered and come back to Scott—
“Brains?” His voice came out in a squeak. He gripped the top of his uniform, tried to tug it, and flap some air down his body. It was hot, too hot, and his heart was pounding far too fast.
“I’m trying Scott, I’m trying.”
“Impact in 10…9…8….”
Scott clutched his chest at Eos's emotionless countdown. John was going to smash into the earth.
“Please,” Scott chanted under his breath. “Please, please, please.”
“Thunderbird one is rebooting!” Brains shouted.
Scott slumped against the side of the plane. “Rebooting…”
“She’s rising Scott.”
He nodded even though neither Brains nor Eos could see him. “Thank God, right.” He back shuffled up the wall. “Brains remote pilot back to Tracy Island. Lock the doors. Wait till I’m back before opening--”
“I…I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
“I have no control over thunderbird One.”
“Eos?” Scott gasped.
“John has severed our systems. He’s cut the camera, and disabled the tracker.”
“Disabled the track…”
Scott pressed himself against the window again, not that he had any chance of seeing his brother or his thunderbird.
“He’s taking her,” Scott said numbly. “He’s taking thunderbird One.”
“Taken,” Eos said. “I couldn’t hack him in time. He’s… gone.”
Back on the Island, Scott sat stiffly on one of the couches, staring at the portrait of his brother. Four months had passed since he had John in his arms, since he’d promised him he’d never let the hood harm him again. Four months since he lied.
Virgil sat down beside him and pressed a comforting hand to his knee. “It’s oka—
“None of this is okay!” He winced, then glanced at Virgil. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I just…” Scott chewed on his bottom lip. Emotion almost overwhelmed him, but he managed to hold on, and murmur, “I want him home.”
Virgil nodded and tugged Scott closer by his shoulder. He collapsed into Virgil’s side and closed his eyes.
“I know. We all do.”
Scott looked at his other brothers. Alan looked on the verge of tears, and Gordon sat beside him, rubbing his back, whispering things neither he nor Virgil could hear.
Something hissed and crackled. They all looked up at the projection in front of them, beaming from all the portrait's eyes. The hood stood in front of them, smiling ear to ear.
It was completely irrational, but Scott still launched off his seat and tried to punch the smug look off his face. Virgil grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back.
“Eos!” Scott snapped. “Are you tracing this?”
“He’s blocking me.”
“John.” The hood answered. He laughed. “I understand why you hid him away from me for so long. He really is an asset.”
“Give him back.”
“Now why would I do that?” The hood lifted one of his eyebrows. “I was just calling to say thank you for the thunderbird. She’s impressive. Not a fan of the paintwork, she needs a respray, I’m thinking black and red. What do you think?”
Scott ground his teeth together. “When I get my hands on you—
“Good luck with that. I’m now the owner of the faster aircraft on earth, I’d love to see you try to catch me. It will be most entertaining.” He pressed his hands together in a prayer pose. “I want to say a heartfelt thank you for your thunderbird, and your brother.”
“I swear one day…One day,” Scott pointed at the hood. “I’m going to kill you.”
The hood raised his hands. “I can understand why you’re angry, but I’m not an unreasonable man. I’m willing to give you a choice…”
“Choice?” Scott frowned. “Between what?”
Scott looked at Virgil, then Gordon and Alan. “I don’t understand.”
“Which thunderbird will John steal for me next. Thunderbird two, or thunderbird three. It’s up to you, Scott Tracy…”
So, readers (if there is anyone out there) should John try to steal thunderbird 2 or thunderbird 3...AKA should the next chapter feature John and Virgil or John and Alan?
Decisions, decisions LOL
Let me know <3
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willow-salix · 3 years
There's only one lad that's going to get me through working a Saturday, in retail, with three ear piercings booked in already.
Wish me luck guys...
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soniabigcheese · 5 years
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Original series Thunderbirds, John Tracy #johntracy #thunderbirds https://www.instagram.com/p/B-IVW_tF5Qp/?igshid=1nycyxj380fwv
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cg29 · 5 years
‘Happy New Year John’ was trending on Twitter and I automatically think of this beautiful man...
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katharinehxpburn · 4 years
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“He really was a unique creature Spencer – I was lucky to be the one – So I try to think of that” - Katharine Hepburn in a hand written response to Anne Kramer’s letter of condolence (June 1967) ⁣ ⁣ Even after caring for his every need for years, semi-retiring for him, finding doctors/treatments, etc. Kate still felt the need to protect Mrs. Tracy before the Tracys arrived by briefly moving her own things from the house before she realized what she was doing was ridiculous. In the videos in this post, you can see how she still defended Louise Tracy publicly - During the same interview, Donahue labeled Katharine as the other woman which she reminded him that his marriage was pretty much over before she came on to the scene. ⁣ ⁣ “When he needed taking care of, she was the one who did it. She was right there all the time.” - Susie Tracy (Larry King Live, 2003)⁣ ⁣ Rest in peace, Spencer Tracy! (d. June 10th 1967) ⁣ ⁣ (VIDEOS: Katharine Hepburn talks about Spencer Tracy and the night he died on this semi-rare Phil Donahue interview, 1991) ⁣ ⁣ • #katharinehepburn #spencertracy #phildonahue #louisetracy #mrsspencertracy #johntracy #onthisday #onthisdate https://www.instagram.com/p/CBRCf6EHznF/?igshid=1jd0310hvdm8
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amuuedits-blog · 6 years
‘I thing we may be out of a job…’ . Some shady shit is going to go down with these ROBots… I can feel it… I really don’t like them. Also they really didn’t give me much to work with but I made something out of that midweek clip 😂😂😂 . Song: OZZIE - IDNY
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They’re here to save the day - the Tracy brothers, Alan, Gordon and John. Following their siblings Scott and Virgil into the danger zone, the Tracy boys are now available to pre-order. Expanding the Thunderbirds Character Replica Figure Collection, fans of the classic series can relive their favourite moments from the show. Featuring the most faithfully re-created replicas in miniature, with accurate likenesses, hand-tailored costumes, moveable eyes, poseable hands and special, light-up display bases. Pre-order yours today and choose to pay by Payment Plan (monthly instalments), or Payment in Full and receive an Exclusive Art Print of the specially commissioned retro box art, created by renowned fan-favourite artist Lee Sullivan. GREAT SAVINGS… The Tracy Brothers 3-Pack Pre-order Alan Tracy and his fellow siblings Gordon and John and save £40.00* for the set of three Character Replica Figures. * Purchaser must select to pay via Payment Plan monthly instalments, or Payment in Full. Offer valid until 31.05.18. The Tracy Brothers 5-Pack Pre-order Scott Tracy and his fellow siblings Virgil, Alan, Gordon and John and save £60.00* for the set of five Character Replica Figures. Plus receive Exclusive Retro Box Art Print Set including all five characters by renowned fan-favourite artist Lee Sullivan, available while stocks last. * Purchaser must select to pay via Payment Plan monthly instalments, or Payment in Full. Offer valid until 31.05.18. https://www.bigchiefstudios.co.uk/collectables/thunderbirds-captain-scarlet #thunderbirds #tracybrothers #alantracy #gordontracy #johntracy #gerryanderson #characterreplicafigure #greatsavings #bigchief #bigchiefstudios
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thunderbirdtwo · 3 years
In thinking of Alan moments one of my favourite moments in the whole series is with Alan and John on a TBird 5 changeover, Danger at Ocean Deep I think? When Alan goes up earlier than normal and tells John he owes him the extra six hours and John just’s like “haha yeah, see ya” and walks out
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starman-john-tracy · 5 days
How’s my favourite Tracy brother doing 🤗
"I've been teaching Eos scrabble." John grins, "She's much easier to play with than my brothers because we don't just have to stick to one language. If the letters happen to make something in Taiwanese then I want to use something in Taiwanese.” The astronaut shakes his head, “Even when I stick to English, I get a lot of ‘John, there's no way that's a real word’ from Scott, and I have to find it in a dictionary to prove it to him. It's not my fault the man should know what an asterism is."
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“I made Eos her take herself offline when we play though, just to make it fair." He adds, "It's more fun for her to learn something from the ground up anyway. When she gets too good, we have to switch games or erase her databank on the subject, or else she gets bored with me... and I’m pretty good at Scrabble, for a human.” John's clearly parroting his AI there. "Besides, I'd take teaching Eos a game over playing one with Gordon any day. Gordon cheats."
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weirdburketeer · 3 years
Nowhere near the standard of the other artworks in @gumnut-logic ‘s #ThunderbirdsFanArt but I enjoyed drawing them at the time.💙💚🧡💛❤️ #VirgilTracy/KayoKyrano #ScottTracy #VirgilTracy #JohnTracy #GordonTracy #AlanTracy #TAG #Thunderbirds #Thunderfam.
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willow-salix · 5 years
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When an almost stranger gifts you the most beautiful things... I'm sooo in love it's crazy. #thunderbirds #thunderbirdsarego #johntracy #scotttracy #virgiltracy #alantracy #gordontracy #ladypenelope #beautiful #pefect #inlove https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Uz5cCgaW5/?igshid=ebqrasvadrn4
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soniabigcheese · 5 years
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John Tracy in arteza pencils. Tried to upload to tumblr four times with no success so hopefully it'll work here. And this isn't a good likeness. I'm sorry #johntracy #thunderbirdsarego #arteza #artezapencils https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hAp4glO29/?igshid=i3pk4d7uzbqe
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amuuedits-blog · 7 years
Not going to lie, I cried after I’d finished making this. The music coupled with some of my favourite clips from Season 1 just brought some emotions to the surface. It was @thunderbird-5-cosplays song choice and idea, he just needed my magic (and premiere pro skills) to bring it to life. I hope you all like it 💚💚💚 . Song: Tightrope - The Greatest Showman Movie Soundtrack ©Atlantic Records
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colonel-jeff-tracy · 4 years
So has john touched the thermostat?
I don’t even let @tos-johntracy adjust the one on Thunderbird 5.
I told him it was an egg timer.
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