weirdburketeer · 9 months
Wishing you a Christmas full of light,love and laughter for you and yours.Hugs being sent who will find this year’s festivities hard 😘🎅🏼🎄🌟💗🌈
@cg29 @gumnut-logic @womble1 @tracybirds @janetm74 @godsliltippy @louthestarspeaker @mariashades @thundergeek59 @astranite @katblu42 @kayo-kyrano and all the rest of the #Thunderfam that my mush of a Long Covid/cyst brain won’t let me remember.
Thank you all for the many,many hours of entertainment 😘
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#TAG #TOS #Thunderbirds #ScottTracy #VirgilTracy #JohnTracy #GordonTracy #AlanTracy #JeffTracy #KayoKyrano
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thunderbirdsfanspage · 9 months
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My drawing of Alan Tracy in a wig #thunderbirdsarego #thunderbirds #alantracyfanart #alantracy
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musicaltb2fics · 3 years
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Prompt: Rug
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willow-salix · 4 years
Fluffember prompt: Bedtime
@gumnut-logic​ its ya boi again...
Day 10 of Isolation on Tracy Island 2.0
She regretted picking the extra strong coffee, both for what it did to Alan and the fact that, even though she said she felt fine, she couldn’t seem to make her eyes stay closed.
Alan had indeed drunk the entire jug of chocolate chip frappe masquerading as an innocent milkshake and it wasn’t just colours that were behaving weirdly for him. He seemed to be vibrating with hyperactive energy, bouncing around in a permanent state of alertness that I usually only saw from John or Scott when he’d been chugging those energy drinks to get his late night mission reports finished. 
We tried everything to wear him out and settle him down, but it was like having an overly excited puppy with springs for legs trying to get your attention.
“Scott! Scott! SCOTTTT! Look what I can do!” he yelled and proceeded to plant his hands on the floor, flip his legs up into the air and try to run on his hands. He didn’t get far.
Scott’s groan of despair was so deep and heartfelt, I wondered if he might walk out and never return. I hadn’t heard that one since Brandon last came for dinner and told us all about how he'd abseiled for charity wearing a fluffy bear costume, which didn’t sound too bad until you heard that he hadn't been wearing anything underneath it. Apparently the suit was very hot and heavy so he had decided, after trying it on for a few practice descents on an indoor wall, to forgo what he considered unnecessary clothing. That would have been fine if he hadn’t caught the tail on a jagged rock and not noticed. Although, seeing his bare behind on a live stream had doubled the amount of donations that had poured in. Now he was planning to try naked skydiving and was trying to get us to join him. You can guess what the answer was to that.
“Come on, dudes, it’ll be like, totally extreme! Picture it, The Bear and the Boys, think of the publicity, man. You guys are like, thrill junkies, same as me. You’ll love it, the wind in your hair, adoration of millions of fans. It’ll be off the hook!” he’d rambled, getting far too excited for his own good. Scott had had to excuse himself and hide in his office for half an hour while Brandon talked excitedly to Alan about his latest videos. I left them to it too.
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, Alan...
“Alan will you stop!” Witchy yelled when he crashed sideways like a felled tree for the fourth time, almost taking out Gordon who was walking past, innocent for once.  
“No! I can do this!” Alan protested, trying to right himself but just making it worse. “The world is upside down” he was lying on the floor at this point, “so if I make myself the same then the world will be right side up again! Simple.”
“No, not simple,” Scott groaned, helping pick Gordon up off the floor. “You need to calm down.”
“I am calm!” Alan protested. “I’m totally zen.”
I must say, his idea of zen is a lot different to mine.
Scott grabbed Alan’s legs and flipped him over, dragging him to his feet. 
“Woah! Are you like a wizard or something? That was totally magical!”
"He's even starting to talk like him," Gordon mused, rubbing his elbow, sore from its collision with the side of my piano. 
Witchy groaned, hiding her face in her hands. “It’s gonna be a long day, isn’t it?”
She wasn’t wrong. 
It turned out that Alan hadn’t just magically appeared in the kitchen when he’d gotten hungry, no, he’d just woken up from a four hour nap and needed a drink. So, not only was he hyped up on enough caffeine to wake the dead (or John after a three day mission stint) but he was also stuffed full of sugar…
“Alan, it’s four in the morning, you have to settle down,” she begged, looking so worn out I thought she might keel over. I didn’t blame her, I felt roughly the same. Gordon had gone to bed hours before, as had Grandma, Kayo and Dad. I had stayed up because it was partly my fault that we were in this situation in the first place and Scott was up because he’s Scott and just has to be involved with everything.
“I can’t,” Alan argued. “I’m not tired.”
“We are!”  she insisted. “You can’t stay up all night.”
“You sleep if you’re so tired,” he snapped back. He’d been doing that all day, flipping from adorably sweet and compliant to downright murderous in an instant, we were trying not to take it personally. “I’m not tired. I’m gonna call Brandon and chat to him if you guys don’t want me around.”
“No!” Scott jumped in before we could. He knew full well that if Alan spoke to Brandon in this state he’d agree to a million crazy schemes in a matter of seconds. He had to be protected for his own good.
"We do want you around," she argued. "But we also need to lie down before we fall down. So please, if you love me at all, stop trying to sneak off to eat more cookies and vegemite, because one, it's gross, and two…its gross. Where was I going with this?" she asked me, looking so confused I had to turn away so I didn't laugh. 
“Do I even want to know what’s going on in here?” John asked, appearing in the doorway having apparently just arrived home. There were rules now, if he had finished his work and she was on the island he had to come home, no matter how late it was. EOS was perfectly capable of handling monitoring duty and most things could be coordinated remotely if it was needed, and if it couldn’t it only took eight minutes for his elevator to take him back. He had no excuse.
“Oh, thank the gods, I’m so tired and my eyes hate me, my eyelids are broken” she groaned, making grabby hands in his general direction which he ignored to stare at Alan.
“Alan drunk coffee,” Scott told him. “Their super strong coffee.”
“What? Why? Who was stupid enough to give him that?”
“No one, he helped himself, thought her frappe was a milkshake,” I told him. 
“John! You’re home! This is great! Watch what I can do!”
“No!” Scott, Witchy and I all yelled at once.
“Maybe you should stay where you are,” John suggested, obviously wishing he’d stayed in space even if that did mean he’d get yelled at later.
“I don’t want to sit anymore, I’m bored.”
We all looked at John imploringly, he was the one that Alan would always listen to. 
“Hey, Alan, do you wanna watch a movie?” John offered.
"Is that a good idea," Scott started, his expression clearly saying that he thought John was insane to even be thinking of it. We wanted Alan to settle and calm down, not get extra hyped from watching one of his action movies. 
Alan stopped bouncing for a second, looking suspicious but also interested. “What movie?”
“Your choice, what was that one you’ve been asking us to watch for months, I can’t remember?” John made his way over to the couch and Witchy shifted over to make room for him, draping her legs over his the moment he sat down.
“The new superhero one?” Alan asked hopefully.
“Sure, we can do that one,” John agreed, sending me a small smirk when Alan dropped back down on the couch, ready to watch. I gave it two minutes before he’d be leaping up again and running off to jump in the pool or something.
For once Scott didn’t dare tell Alan it was too late to start watching anything or that he should be in bed, he was just grateful that Alan had stopped rolling around the floor pretending to be a turtle stuck on its back.
“Oh, yay, I’ve been wanting to see this,” Witchy said, perking up, apparently forgetting all about her rebellious eyes and tiredness, getting what she called her second wind. We all knew that one, when you had been up so long and were so tired that you had actually gone past the point of tiredness, past the point of being able to sleep and were suddenly wide awake again.
John started the movie, lifting his arm to drape it across her shoulders when she snuggled against his side, her arm sliding around his waist. Alan shifted too, dragging his movie blanket over his legs, wedging a cushion against her side so he could lean against it, clearly getting comfortable. Scott and I exchanged a look, maybe there was hope for this plan of John’s after all.
Ten minutes into the movie Alan moved to curl up to her, both of them leaning against John, squashing him into the side of the couch, but at least they were settled. 
Another five minutes and she was yawning, her head dropping to rest against John’s shoulder.
“Tired, love?” John asked innocently, smiling softly to himself when she shook her head firmly, but soon, despite her protests, her eyes started that slow blink of a very tired person who is trying desperately to stay awake.
Alan yawned, pulling his blanket up to cover his shoulders and Scott risked a small smile in hope that he would soon be able to get some sleep himself. I didn’t blame him. The ironic part of this day was the fact that we had finished off all the other coffees to ensure we stayed awake longer than Alan.
Her eyes drooped, slowly closing but she snapped awake a moment later.
“I thought you wanted to watch this?” Scott teased her, earning himself a glare.
“I do, I am watching, look, eyes, facing the screen, watching.”
She might have said the words but her actions said otherwise.
“Shall we turn this off and watch it another day?” I asked when Alan’s head dropped forward although he instantly snapped to attention again.
“No, I’m watching it,” he answered stubbornly.
I lifted my hands in surrender and followed John’s lead, staying quiet and watching the movie.
“Why don’t we go to bed?” John murmured to her a little while later when she’d jerked herself awake for the third time.
“No, I’m not tired, I told you, I want to watch this.”
"You just fell-" Scott started but John cut him off with a warning eyebrow raise. 
"I did no such thing," she grumbled, sitting up a bit straighter to prove her point. "I was watching."
“Of course you were,” John agreed placidly, not bothering to argue with her but I did notice that his fingers snuck into her hair, playing with a few strands. She sighed softly, nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder as she watched the action on the screen, letting herself relax again. 
She lasted another fifteen minutes before she stopped fighting her body's needs and closed her eyes, letting them stay closed. 
A soft snore drew our attention and we turned from the projection to see Alan, mouth open, eyes closed, fast asleep. John shifted slightly, pulling witchy onto his lap, letting Alan's pillow slide down taking him with it. His hand snuck out, tugging at Alan’s blanket, pulling it up to cover his head.
We waited a few more minutes, sitting quietly, not wanting to risk breaking the fragile peace by waking them up, allowing them to settle deeper into sleep.
“OK, I think we’re good,” John whispered conspiritally. 
“How did you know to do that?” Scott asked, shocked to the core that his standard approach of ordering followed by threats had failed on both his brother and his best friend, while John had sailed in and succeeded with minimal effort and without raising his voice once.
“They always do that,” John said, shrugging one shoulder so as not to disturb her. “She’s a woman, you can guarantee she’ll say she wants to watch a movie but she’ll fall asleep half way through, she always does. If she can’t sleep I'll just put an episode of something on and that usually does the trick.”
He pointed to Alan. “It’s the same with him. Who do you think he called in the middle of the night when he was thinking too much about homework or the million other things that teenagers seem to worry about? Tell him to pick a movie, cover him with a blanket and he’ll be out in minutes.”
“That’s…” Scott paused, unsure what to say. “Useful to know,” he finished.
"Arguing and pushing someone doesn't always work, you have to use your brain, assess the situation and pick your battles. Tired people are stubborn people."
"You can say that again," I muttered having dealt with my fair share of tired and stubborn family members, the two worst culprits being the ones currently talking. 
“You take care of him, I’ve got her,” John nodded at Alan, smoothly changing the subject. 
Scott helped me lift Alan who, although skinny, was growing lankier by the day, all long limbs and sharp elbows that you have to arrange carefully or risk dropping him. I took him to his room, putting him to bed then returned to fetch Scott.
“He still asleep”? Scott asked, still in his chair. 
“Yep,” I answered. “He’ll be in for a surprise when he wakes up though, he hardly ever uses his bed. He'll think that he teleported again.”
"True enough," Scott chucked softly. "You need help with her?" He nodded at witchy, who hadn't moved. 
"Nope, I got this, it's not my first time." With the ease of much practice he gathered her closer, sliding an arm under her legs, shuffled to the edge of the couch and got awkwardly to his feet. "You two should get some sleep too." 
"We will," I assured him. 
"Well, see you both in the morning," he said, heading to the door. 
"Wait a second," I called and he paused. I grabbed the little notebook she'd left on the table, holding it up for him to see. "She hasn't filled this in today, you wanna take it?" 
"She doesn't trust me," he shifted her slightly, rebalancing her in his arms, her face buried in his neck. "Not since last time, though I don't know what she expected when she told me to report what had happened, reports are for the facts, I did just that. If she'd wanted me to recall every single detail of the day she should have specified that. You write it."
"Sure, I can do that," I agreed, pocketing it. 
"Night then." 
"Night, John."
"Night, Scott."
Three down, one to go. 
"Come on, bro, all your chicks are nested, now it's our turn," I said, patting his shoulder as I passed. "Even smother hens have to sleep some time."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, " he grumbled, yawning loudly, stretching as he got to his feet, too tired to even protest the hated nickname. "Bedtime."
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oneyeartowrite · 3 years
This is my account ‘oneyeartowrite’ where I took a year out to see if I could make a wage as a full time writer. 
Let’s just say, that didn’t work out. Someone’s dream has to fail, right? and I’ll own that.
I’ve got a day job in a supermarket that drains the soul, but *sometimes* I get a chance to write, and I thought maybe I’d launch it into the void and hope someone chances on it and gives it a read. 
Currently, I’m running thunderbirds ideas around in my head, so they may appear on this blog. 
If you love thunderbirds, follow me and I’ll follow back :)
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They’re here to save the day - the Tracy brothers, Alan, Gordon and John. Following their siblings Scott and Virgil into the danger zone, the Tracy boys are now available to pre-order. Expanding the Thunderbirds Character Replica Figure Collection, fans of the classic series can relive their favourite moments from the show. Featuring the most faithfully re-created replicas in miniature, with accurate likenesses, hand-tailored costumes, moveable eyes, poseable hands and special, light-up display bases. Pre-order yours today and choose to pay by Payment Plan (monthly instalments), or Payment in Full and receive an Exclusive Art Print of the specially commissioned retro box art, created by renowned fan-favourite artist Lee Sullivan. GREAT SAVINGS… The Tracy Brothers 3-Pack Pre-order Alan Tracy and his fellow siblings Gordon and John and save £40.00* for the set of three Character Replica Figures. * Purchaser must select to pay via Payment Plan monthly instalments, or Payment in Full. Offer valid until 31.05.18. The Tracy Brothers 5-Pack Pre-order Scott Tracy and his fellow siblings Virgil, Alan, Gordon and John and save £60.00* for the set of five Character Replica Figures. Plus receive Exclusive Retro Box Art Print Set including all five characters by renowned fan-favourite artist Lee Sullivan, available while stocks last. * Purchaser must select to pay via Payment Plan monthly instalments, or Payment in Full. Offer valid until 31.05.18. https://www.bigchiefstudios.co.uk/collectables/thunderbirds-captain-scarlet #thunderbirds #tracybrothers #alantracy #gordontracy #johntracy #gerryanderson #characterreplicafigure #greatsavings #bigchief #bigchiefstudios
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amuuedits-blog · 7 years
Not going to lie, I cried after I’d finished making this. The music coupled with some of my favourite clips from Season 1 just brought some emotions to the surface. It was @thunderbird-5-cosplays song choice and idea, he just needed my magic (and premiere pro skills) to bring it to life. I hope you all like it 💚💚💚 . Song: Tightrope - The Greatest Showman Movie Soundtrack ©Atlantic Records
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honeybee-hayes · 5 years
TOS Alan (you asked for it): Snuggle Time!!
Send in “Snuggle time!” To snuggle with my muse
{ Oh my god what did I do }
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                          « ♥ »  —— For one long moment, Beatrix is suitably horrified at the prospect of having to snuggle with this blond ——— she stops right there, dreading to think of precisely how many names she could call him. That train of thought occupies her a little too much and makes her blind to the arms that wrap around her waist and pull her down onto the sofa next to him. 
“HEY! LET ME GO!” She wriggles and fights and contemplates biting him at the very least, but eventually settles down when she realises his grip isn’t loosening any. Grumbling, she crosses her arms and tries to wriggle a few inches of space between them so they’re not quite so close.
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I can't believe it, this random vid got 600+ likes and 2700+ views WHAAAAT
I didn't expect it to be this big, it's just an edited video.
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weirdburketeer · 3 years
Nowhere near the standard of the other artworks in @gumnut-logic ‘s #ThunderbirdsFanArt but I enjoyed drawing them at the time.💙💚🧡💛❤️ #VirgilTracy/KayoKyrano #ScottTracy #VirgilTracy #JohnTracy #GordonTracy #AlanTracy #TAG #Thunderbirds #Thunderfam.
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realcollectors · 6 years
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Un Cliente satisfecho más, @diegofernando.ortega.96 gracias por confiar en @realcollectors aquí recibiendo este set de #thunderbirds de los años #90s en increible estado de conservación 10 de 10, que lo disfrutes! #RealCollectors #RealCollectorsCo #thunderbirdsrescuepack #matchbox #thunderbird1 #thunderbird2 #thunderbird3 #thunderbird4 #thunderbird5 #ladypenelope #fab1 #scotttracy #alantracy #collector (at Santiago de cali)
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artandhue · 7 years
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Happy 82nd Birthday to #MattZImmerman, the voice of #AlanTracy in Thunderbirds! The final episode of #Thunderbirds aired on Christmas Day 1966 & creator #GerryAnderson passed on this day in 2012. artandhue.com/thunderbirds/ #OTD #OnThisDay #ThunderbirdsAreGo
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willow-salix · 5 years
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When an almost stranger gifts you the most beautiful things... I'm sooo in love it's crazy. #thunderbirds #thunderbirdsarego #johntracy #scotttracy #virgiltracy #alantracy #gordontracy #ladypenelope #beautiful #pefect #inlove https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Uz5cCgaW5/?igshid=ebqrasvadrn4
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iprefermactavish · 7 years
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I have an idea but which #tracybrother do you think I could #cosplay? #thunderbirds #thunderbirdsarego #TAG #gerryanderson #britishtv #classicbritishtelly #internationalrescue #scotttracy #johntracy #virgiltracy #gorgontracy #alantracy
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tos-johntracy · 6 years
Has anyone butt dialed or drunk dialed International Rescue? If so, what was your reaction & what did you say?
@tos-alantracy and I don’t want to talk about it #PTSD
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amuuedits-blog · 7 years
‘Inferno’… Where Virgil looks smoking hot in that fire resistant suit (puns puns puns), we learn Thunderbird 2 has the best party speaker system in the world and Alan… Well… Poor Thunderbird 2… (Also, McCready is lovely! The way Virgil looks at her is just absdkbfhasdjdkmdbsrkrh. I like them 😊😊😊) . This has been a long time coming… Also… MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day! This is my Christmas present to you all because I love you all so much 😊😊😊💚💚💚 . Song: Save Me - Veorra
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