#johtonian body double
skygodtraumabond · 6 months
<Looks like a video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The scene opens up just outside of a Kalosian hotel. Juno is transfixed by a street performing Mr. Mime. This one seems to be a Kalosian variant—being a far more monochromatic black and white with red accents. It is walking up a flight of invisible stairs to steal a pair of red shorts from the balcony on the second floor, which it promptly puts on. It then admires itself in the window for a moment, then jumps off the invisible stairs, parachuting to the ground using an invisible umbrella. Juno applauds and tosses it a coin, which it catches with a bow before running off into the night.
As the camera floats through the doors of the hotel, Elodie can be seen kneeling in a hallway on the first floor, holding a chunk of scrap metal close to her chest. It's one of the battlebots from the Unovan botfighting ring. Clearly, this one didn't make it out. Elodie wipes her face and glares down the hall at a door as she sets the bot down on a small mat in front of her, covering it with a small white sheet and some twigs.
The camera then floats further down the hall towards the door that Elodie was glaring at. It bumps into the door a few times to emulate a knocking, then the door is opened... By a very tired Blaziken. Scorch peers suspiciously out the door for a moment, then relaxes as he realizes that it's just me and lets me in. How polite!
As the door shuts behind me, the camera pans across the room to show Snicker chasing Clem around the hotel room. Clem seems to be enjoying himself, but Snicker seems to be a little more intensely invested in the chase. Looking closely, it seems the Skwovet has stolen the Morgrem's collar, and is holding it in his mouth as he scampers under the bed.
The camera hovers over to a spot on the floor where Ray and Domi are sitting. Domi is holding their Linoone, Porter, in their lap while Ray mixes a berry paste into a small handful of kibble. Despite Ray's serene expression, the kid is visibly nervous, stroking the Linoone's head as the pokemon stirs with a paines expression. A scan reveals that Porter seems to be taking small amounts of damage from an unseen source. As Ray gently coaxes him into eating the berry mixture, though, the damage slowly subsides. By the time he is done eating, he seems a lot less restless, and settles into Domi's lap with a quiet huff.
Ray: ... There. That should take care of his soreness for a while.
Domi: Is... Is he going to be okay? This has been happening a lot lately.
Ray gathers up their berry mixing tools and begins wiping them off with a damp rag, nodding as they drum their fingers down the side of a pestle.
Ray: Yes, he'll be fine. He's just... Porter's quite old for a Linoone. I'm sure he still has a few good years left in him, but he's going to need a little help here and there. Some days he's going to be sore like this and need some medicine and patience. It's just a part of life.
Domi: ... So... It's like when maman wakes up with a sore back? And you need to put that berry paste on it and sit with him for a while?
Ray: ... Yes. Somewhat.
They smile and nod, tucking their mortar and pestle back into their backpack. They then give Porter a scratch on the head, pressing into his fur gently as he leans into the petting. Beyond those yellow goggles lies some other emotion, though. Something more indecipherable. Domi also seems to shift expressions somewhat, seeming more somber as they stroke Porter's back.
Ray: ... I saw that he got done with the trial, by the way. He should be back very soon.
Domi: ... Are you still mad at him?
Ray blinks in surprise for a moment, looking down at Domi. The child isn't even looking in Ray's general direction. They sigh and resume petting, choosing their next words carefully.
Ray: ... No. I think... Your maman says things that he doesn't exactly... Mean sometimes. It can be hard for me to tell the difference between him meaning what he says and him just... Being angry.
Ray nods at their own explanation, standing up with a smile as they stretch. Porter's ear flicks as the vagabond's back cracks, a light grimace on their face as they ride the wave.
Ray: He was just frustrated, is all. I'm sure he'll be in higher spirits after he gets back from Hoenn-
Just then, a fire alarm goes off. Ray quickly hooks Domi under their arm and helps them to their feet, ushering them towards the door. As they open it, they can hear a confrontation between a Kalosian and someone speaking Hoennian with a thick, indistinguishable accent. The second voice is identified as Elodie. As smoke billows down the hall, the video cuts to black.>
<This transcript was provided by me: Techie the Rotom! Let me know how I did! Your feedback is greatly appreciated! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
<An image file is attached! Let me provide alt text!>
<The image is of Juno and Ray crouched down in a darkened alleyway. They are very visibly intoxicated and absolutely pampering a wild Trubbish, who seems to be relishing in the attention. Juno is feeding it the best food scraps they can find, as well as a handful of bugs that seem to include worms, beetles, roaches, and moths. Ray is petting it vigorously, their goggles up on their head and revealing that they've clearly been crying.>
<This alt text was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 10 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video has been taken from just outside the ScamVan. A campfire crackles in the background as the camera films directly into a large foam fast food cup of ice. Reuben is slowly sinking into the cup as the ice melts around them. I'm still not sure why they choose to stay in that phone.
As the camera turns, Juno and Elodie can be seen sitting near the campfire. Juno seems to be staring into the fire with a faraway look in xer eyes, Elodie is sitting beside xem. She isn't touching xem, but she is keeping a very close and worried eye on xem. They occasionally exchange a few words drowned out by the crackling of the fire. Chatot sits beside the pit, occasionally tossing a twig in and watching it burn.
Then, finally, it pans over to the back of the ScamVan. Ray is sitting on the mattress in the back, holding Marny in their arms. Marny is swaddled in Ray's robe, facing away from the fire as Ray stares directly into it, their goggles on top of their head and revealing their own thousand-yard stare into the blaze. Even from this distance, Marny can be seen visibly shaking, and Ray is digging their fingers into her back despite their hand being bandaged and stiff. As the fire pops, she suddenly flinches and tucks closer to Ray's neck... Causing Ray to visibly wince. It's not a reaction they usually display.
They then reach into their pocket and, with a shaky hand, send out Snicker. The Morgrem immediately seems overwhelmed by the sheer energy of the situation, but snaps back into focus as Ray makes a hissing noise and points at the fire. Nodding in understanding, he hops out of the back of the ScamVan, walks over to the fire, and summons a large blob of water over it. He then drops it on the fire, instantly dousing it and splashing everything within a radius of the fire with ice-cold water, including himself. He freezes up with a quiet squeal, Chatot is bowled over completely and squawks, Elodie shrieks and recoils, and Juno is entirely unfazed. Jumping to her feet, Elodie shoots a glare at Ray.
Elodie: RAY! What the f—!?
Ray: Not. Tonight. She can't handle it. Just... Not tonight.
Everything falls quiet at Ray's plea, and Elodie sits back down with a sigh to rub Juno's back. Zooming in on Ray and Marny, they can be seen rubbing her back, pain wrinkling their face as they continue to stare at the smoldering pit. They can be seen whispering quiet words to Marny, but nothing can be heard. Marny's shaking seems to slow as Ray traces gentle patterns into her through the patchwork of the robe, and she pulls away slightly and tilts her head back to stare up at Ray.
... Her mouth is bloody. The base of their neck is bloody and ripped up. Though her eyes are mostly hidden, an orange glow can be seen through her hair as she wheezes and shakes. As Ray leans down to kiss her on the head, she snaps up and bites Ray's throat. A choked, strangled gasp is heard from Ray, but they don't panic. Instead, they slip their bandaged hand into the gap between their flesh and Marny's teeth, getting her to bite into their hand rather than their throat. The blood oozes from under the bandages, and their breath returns to a shaky rhythm.
As Marny settles back down, suckling the blood from Ray's hand, they whimper softly and allow her to tuck herself into their chest. Their throat now has a newly-forming bruise on it, and Elodie almost stands to help, but Ray simply shakes their head at the concern, allowing themself to hurt for the sake of Marny's recovery. Elodie can only frown, settling in close to Juno.
Elodie: ... I just stitched that hand up, too...
The video then ends.>
<... Well, I hope I did alright! :> because what the fuck!>
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skygodtraumabond · 10 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video starts in darkness, a quiet groaning heard a little ways away from the camera. Then, the camera is picked up a little, revealing a dirt path . The lens is partially obscured by dirt and pink fingers. A quiet chuckling can be heard from just off screen, followed by a few footsteps and a quiet growl.
Ray: Did that picture come out alright, buddy?
The growl becomes louder and more indignant as the phone and its handler are gently lifted up off the ground. The camera sways a bit as the Morgrem behind it stumbles a bit, then shakes as it's passed back to Ray, who inspects it for damage. As the phone is flipped around, it's revealed that beyond Ray and Snicker, I am also hovering overhead, looking down at the phone with a thin smile.
Ray: It's not damaged, don't worry. Hm... Hey. Do you think you could possess this thing in midair?
I leer at Ray, the smile seeming a bit more forced now. Ray just chuckles as they dust Snicker off a little, the Morgrem leaning into his trainer slowly and with a glower on his face as he gets pet.
Ray: What? It shouldn't hurt anything so long as you can keep it from hitting the ground. Honestly, even if you don't stop it in time, I'll catch it. Trust me.
I roll my eyes as Ray scoops Snicker up, holding him in one arm as they get to their feet and hold the phone up to me.
Ray: Alright, alright, I won't do it. Here you go.
The camera feed corrupts and flashes blue as the phone is possessed and I take back control. I then hover back a ways, revealing that Ray has their entire team out. Snicker is laying in their arms and enjoying being pet, Ponch is standing close by looking very concerned about the younger Morgrem, Sparky is perched on Ponch's shoulders and sticking his tongue out at Snicker, Scorchovia is standing close beside Ray, looking somewhat tired but overall at peace as he keeps a vigilant eye on his trainer. Scout is squabbling with a Talonflame in the background, puffed up and shrieking. Glitch is being as horrifying as always, peering halfway out from behind a tree and staring directly into the lens. Ray themself seems at peace, and is holding a large tote bag of... Presumably it's about 80% apples.
<Bzzt! If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to break this thing!>
Ray: Bold to assume that I need to try.
They gesture for me to follow and continue walking down the path, whistling for Scout to stop fighting. The Swellow body slams the Talonflame into the ground, then returns to flying over his trainer, keeping an eye on the surrounding areas. Glitch seems to blink out of existence as the camera pans, reappearing on Scout's back.
After a few minutes of walking, they make it to the end of the path and to a small clearing in the route where the ScamVan is parked. Almost immediately after Ray enters the clearing, Marny shoots out from seemingly nowhere and tackles them to the ground and out of view of the camera, Snicker barely escaping the attack and scampering over to go bother Chatot. Several kissing sounds can be heard as Ray starts laughing.
Ray: Hey, quit it! Marny! That tickles, c'mon, stop!
Marny: Oh, does it now?
Ray: W-Wait—!
As even more laughter erupts from out of frame, the team begins to disperse around the camp. Notably, Glitch materializes next to Juno, who proceeds to maintain unbroken eye contact with the digital creature, and Scorch takes the bag of supplies over to Elodie, rolling his eyes at his trainer. Elodie smiles up at the Blaziken, then starts looking through the bag. The more she looks, and the more apples she finds, the less amused her expression is.
Elodie: ... We really need to give them a detailed list before they leave.
Scorch nods in agreement, sitting down next to Elodie. Despite the exhaustion from certain members of the group—whether caused by Ray's shenanigans or the long day of training—the general mood is one of peace and happiness. For once, we can all just exist.
The video ends here.>
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> I'm going to be enjoying some time out of the phone for a while. I'll read your feedback later!>
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skygodtraumabond · 10 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video opens facing an open field with a few trees dotting it, the sunset painting the sky a tapestry of oranges and deep blues. A keen eye might be able to recognize the gently rolling hills and nearby dirt paths as those near Mesagoza in Paldea. A folding chair is set up off to the left, and Juno's mostly-silhouetted figure can be seen observing the sunset with xer Espeon curled up in xer lap.
Footsteps can be heard approaching from behind the camera. Moments later, Ray trudges into frame and plops down next to the folding chair with a quiet groan, holding a large paper bag in their hand. Their bathrobe has been tied around their waist, their hair is fraying away from their braid, and most of their body is slick with sweat, indicating a hard day's work. Juno doesn't even turn to acknowledge their existence, instead just holding out xer hand as they wordlessly reach into the bag and pass xer a sub sandwich wrapped in deli paper.
They both stare off into the distance for a minute in silence as Juno starts eating the sandwich, Ray digging into the bag and retrieving a sandwich of their own. They seem to hesitate before eating it, eyes locked on a distant tree as they wince and rub their arm. On closer inspection, their sandwich only seems to contain jam and strawberries.
Ray: ... She's still at it?
Juno: Mhm.
Ray: Figures.
They sigh as the soreness in their arm is worked out, taking a bite of their sandwich. The tree in the distance noticably shakes, something rustling in the leaves.
Juno: ... You're not mad?
Ray: Nah. I had to set most of the stuff up, sure, but... Elodie helped with some of it. It wasn't like I was alone... Besides...
Just then, Marny falls out of the tree in the distance. A flock of yellow Squakabillies take off from the tree and descend upon her as she lays on the ground, squawking angrily. One even steals her net as she flails her arms around and scrambles away.
Ray: ... She got the shorter end of the stick anyways.
Juno and Ray watch for a few minutes as Marny teaches the local wildlife some Kalosian vulgarity, silently eating their hard-earned sandwiches in peace. Reuben can be seen trying to evade the angry birds as they line up for a shot.
Ray: ... I should probably help her.
As the ex-champion wraps up their sandwich and puts it back in the bag, they stand back up with a quiet grunt as their joints audibly pop. Stretching, they take out a pokeball from their pocket. The video ends as they walk over to help Marny, whose headband has now been stolen by one of the Squakabillies.
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 10 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video opens with a scene shot from a hotel room window. Through the haze of the bug screen, the parking lot can be made out, and Ray can barely be seen laying on the roof of the ScamVan, the burnt out lights in the parking lot too dim and few in number to completely illuminate them. Several bug types hover around the light posts, and occasionally a Zubat can be seen swooping in for a shot at a meal.
Marny: Hey, Techie. You alright, little buddy?
The camera turns to reveal Marny standing just behind it, dressed in an old oversized t-shirt and black boyshorts. In the background, Elodie can be seen laying on one of the beds. She seems to be on the phone with someone, her legs kicked up as she laughs and chatters on about something in Orrish that can't be fully picked up from across the room. Juno lays on the floor with a travel-sized bottle of shampoo balanced on xer forehead. Xe seems deep in concentration.
<Bzzt! What do you mean, of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be fine?>
Marny: You've been staring out the window for the past hour... Is it because Ray's out there?
<... I'm just making sure they don't run away again. That's all. I'm sure they won't, but... Never hurts to be cautious! Ha...>
The camera turns to look back out the window. Ray is still there up on the roof of the ScamVan. Hasn't even moved an inch. A loud fluttering of wings and a thud can be heard as Chatot lands on the windowsill next to the camera and presses her face against the glass. Faintly, the sound of a silk scarf slitting across the fabric of Marny's T-shirt can be heard.
Marny: Oh, chill out, would you? Sorry, I was talking to the sword, not you. You've got a good reason not to chill. Look, Techie, I... I get it. I get why you're worried. Trust me, it took a minute for me to get used to the idea that they weren't going to burn all my shit to the ground again. I think they would have run off already if they wanted to. I mean, no one's really out there stopping them.
A silence hangs between us for a moment as Elodie's phone call picks up in intensity. The telltale thud of a travel-sized shampoo against thin carpet-covered concrete can be heard over the chatter.
Marny: ... Do you want me to go out there and talk to them?
<You don't have to—>
Marny: No, I think I need to. They've been out there a while. I... Don't even think they've been in the hotel room. Something is bothering them. They're just being stubborn about it.
The sound of the hotel room door opening can be heard, as well as a shuffling that indicates some sandals being put on.
Marny: Hey, guys, I'm gonna try to get Ray to get off of the van and come in here. If I'm not back in like... An hour, throw something at me.
A travel-sized shampoo whizzes just past Marny's head, bouncing off the wall with a hearty thunk, causing the camera to whip around for a moment. Marny seems less than amused.
Marny: Juno.
Juno: Whoops. Didn't catch that first part.
Marny: Didn't catch it my ass—Whatever! Maybe you'll actually shower now instead of trying to levitate the shampoo with your psychic powers that you don't have! Just! Make sure I'm not dead if I'm not back in an hour, alright? Geez...
Marny shuts the door, then can be seen walking over to the ScamVan from the window. As she stands beside the van, she can be seen talking, though her words are inaudible. Ray barely seems to respond, only really turning their head to look in the direction of Marny's voice. Eventually, she seems to groan and walk around to the back of the ScamVan, climbing up on the crooked bumper and pulling herself up onto the roof with Ray. This seems to startle them into sitting up, giving her some room to sit down too.
As Ray finally seems to be convinced to speak, they draw their knees up to their chest. Marny scoots a bit closer and slides her hand over Ray's, gently encouraging them to keep going.
The video ends as Marny gently leans into their side.>
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 7 months
hi ray.
🔮 -tell me of powers
also someone said to me that you actually didn’t like rayquaza? that was really weird i wonder why someone said that. you still like rayquaza, right?
— juno.
What?? Who would say that? Why?
Of course I still adore and revere the Guardian as I always have. You say you wish to hear of powers?
Through talk of psychics and chosens and the simply superpowered, how many have forgotten the great gift that the Guardian has bestowed on all his creation? How quickly does humanity cast disdain and ingratitude to their sky-born gift? How quickly are they to call it cruel?
He, in all his grace, shattered the meteors over our heads and left behind the gateways to his energy. Mega evolution almost sounds too quaint a term for it. For doing what you simply should—treating your team as family and tying your heart with theirs—you can finish the triad and bask in his endless light, even if only for a moment. Even if the sky is unseen to you, no matter how far you bury yourself in the subterrane, he will reach you. How is this a cruelness? How is is so wrong to relish in such glowy with your family by your side?
It only becomes cruel when desecrated. The practice is holy, but the practitioners can be remarkably profane. I could never lose my faith in such a power, and certainly not in the gifter. Only my faith in man.
They are the weak link. They are the desecrators.
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skygodtraumabond · 7 months
Hey, Juno? Is techie okay?
[An image is attached. It is of Ray on the floor of a hotel, face-down and attempting to shield their head and neck as Techie uses hex on them and Elodie kicks them in the side.]
it is fine.
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skygodtraumabond · 7 months
<Bzzt! Ray's doing flight training with Scout today and they left me on the ground because my device's altimeter was going haywire. '':> It kept thinking I was being dropped from over a mile in the air and setting off life preservation alarms! Not fun!
I can't even blame the functionality of the device for this one, though. I mean, look at this!>
<A video is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video seems to be of the sky, pointing straight up from the ground. Far in the air, the barely-distinguishable shape of a large flying type—Scout the Swellow—can be seen ascending further and further into the atmosphere. Then, he seems to hit a peak and invert sharply before entering a dive. He rockets towards the ground at an alarming speed, a blinding light cloaking him as he approaches the ground.
Then, just as it seems he's about to crash, he pulls up slightly. At this distance, Ray can be seen clinging to Scout's back, gripping tightly to his back feathers. The camera can barely follow as both pokemon and trainer rocket past, flying mere feet away from the ground before seeming to collide with a large, dying tree. Only, Scout is completely unimpeded, simply spreading his wings and beginning his ascent back into the skies as the glow dissipates.
As the Swellow exits the frame, the tree is revealed to have numerous large slashes in its trunk and several limbs completely severed. This blow in particular seems to have split it in half, and the massive chunk of tree dangles by a chunk of fibers for a moment before crashing to the ground. The video ends as Juno walks into frame to collect some fungus off of the dying bark.>
< ''':> They've been at this for about twenty minutes! They said they'll stop when the tree falls!
They've been training really hard since last night <:> I think the latest threats against Amy are getting under their skin a little. Hopefully they don't push themself too hard this time.>
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
Is anything T-Posing on you again?
<An image is attached! It appears to have been taken from the inside of a hedge facing towards the sky. A freshly-pierced Juno looms overhead menacingly.>
Does this count for anything
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The scene opens in a grungy-looking tattoo parlor, dimly-lit with Unovan emo rock playing in the background. Juno is laying flat on xer back on a table, Ray sitting on a stool by xer side, both with their eyewear removed. They're holding hands in a way similar to an arm wrestling grip, making direct eye contact as a third person rubs a numbing gel on Juno's forehead, directly between xer eyebrows. Their grip is visibly white-knuckle, and it's unclear who's crushing whose hand harder.
Then, the piercer makes two marks on Juno's face: one between her eyebrows and one slightly further above them. She then quickly takes a piercing needle and removes a small plug of skin from each marked point. Even as the blood is wiped away, the two do not break eye contact. The only reaction from Juno is a slight twitching in xer free hand.
Juno: ... I think your psychic beams are winning. My brain feels like it's... Melting. Like ice cream on a hot summer's day. I will... Be a puddle in... Two minutes.
Ray: I'm not psychic... You just... You kinda got your face stabbed?
Juno: ... Ah
Ray: Yeah.
They continue holding that eye contact as the piercing needle is threaded through xer face, and along with it, a small metal bar. Blood continues to get wiped away as the bar is affixed in place. Juno seems more uneased the more xer face is touched, but Ray scoots in a little closer and says something indiscernible to xem in Johtonian that seems to calm xer nerves a little. Still, the grip between the two is shaking.
Then, two gems are screwed into the piercings. There's a larger teardrop-shaped opal directly between xer eyebrows, and a slightly smaller pearl just above it. The piercer then cleans the area before finally backing off. The piercing can now be clearly seen to be a vertical bridge piercing, known colloquially as a third eye piercing.
???: Alright, that should do it! Now, you're going to want to take care of it for about 4-6 weeks until it fully heals. I recommend—
Before she finishes talking, Juno is already standing up. Or, rather, trying to. Xe is very unsteady on xer feet, and as Ray stands with xer, it's clear that they seem to need the other to stay balanced at this point. The piercer rolls her eyes, seemingly used to this behavior.
???: Do you at least want to see how it looks before you go stumbling face-first into a dumpster?
Juno: What? Oh... Hm.
Xe looks up at Ray, rubbing xer face and grimacing. There's still a bit of blood around the piercing, and the area around it is slightly swollen.
Juno: How does it look?
Ray: Kickass.
Juno: Well. That's all I needed to know. Thank you piercing lady. I will... Send you so much good psychic energy. Your head will explode. Positive. Like. Positive vibes... Head explode in a good—
As Juno continues to mumble to xerself, Ray gently leads xem out the door and the video cuts out.>
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video opens in a rather nice hotel room. Ray is sitting on the floor with Juno, who is painting a few Scamballs with Artisan. Ray is also trying their hand at it, though they aren't doing quite as well, and they're leaning back against a half-asleep Ponch. Between them sits a couple of bottles of alcohol, all open and all missing a fair bit of liquid. The two seem to be a bit restless, Ray clicking quietly as Juno occasionally bites the end of xer paintbrush.
Ray: ... So. Do you know what—
Juno: No.
Ray: You don't even know what I was going to ask, dick.
Juno: Yeah I did. Psychic. I know what you're going to say. Forever. You never need to talk again.
Ray: So you can read my mind, but not Marny's?
The two stop what they're doing and make direct eye contact for a full two minutes. Artisan seems to be going off-model with the Scamballs and is instead adding completely new designs. Eventually, Ray breaks eye contact to take a drink of wine.
Juno: Ha.
Ray: You're still not psychic. I'm just thirsty.
Juno: Thirsty because I'm melting your miiiiind oooooooo-
Ray gently bonks Juno over the head with the bottle, a quiet "thunk" heard throughout the room as they do. Juno hardly even reacts beyond just shutting up.
Ray: You're nervous about something. I can see it.
Juno: Projecting.
Ray: I never said I wasn't nervous. She... Hasn't told me anything about her plan. She just keeps giving me that smile. I don't know what's going on.
The two sit in silence for a bit, Ray holding the bottle in their lap as they visibly tighten their grip and stare into it. Juno doesn't seem to know how to respond to this, seeming more uncomfortable at the implication of strain between the couple than anything, and just goes back to work. After a few minutes, Ray speaks up again.
Ray: ... Is there anything you've wanted to do, but you were too scared to do it?
Juno: What kind of NPC question—
Ray: Just answer me, you crunchy-haired bitch.
Juno taps the paintbrush to xer lips for a moment, then takes a drink of what seems to be just straight everclear. Xe stares into the distance for a few more seconds before answering.
Juno: Face piercings, I guess. The needles freak me out.
Ray nods and stands up, picking their wine up with one hand and offering the other to Juno.
Ray: Alright then. Let's go.
Juno: Go—?
Ray: Castelia never sleeps. If we stay in this hotel room any longer we're going to explode. Let's do something stupid.
Juno: Hmm... I don't know. Hold on.
Juno then proceeds to slam a fourth of xer bottle in one go, then nods and takes Ray's hand, letting them help xer to xer feet.
Juno: Alright. I'm in.
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
I have been cleaning out the ScamVan. Looking for more photos. I have had mixed results.
I have found multiple French fry boxes, three bouncy balls, one tarot card (the tower), the tire to a toy car, and a cheese puff that Marny insists is shaped like Xerneas. It. Is not. It will not sell for "the big sawsbucks" online. I promise.
But. I did find this.
<An image is attached! It's an old photo of Juno and Ray in the Petalburg Woods. They are taking turns stacking Silcoon into a tower. They seem to stick to each other like Velcro, making it much easier to create a large stack. Ray is stretching to reach the next point over their head while Juno seems to be contemplating where to put the next one. They are both absolutely covered in Wurmple silk.>
I remember we reached about 17 before Elodie told us to stop.
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The scene opens on two trainers, seemingly in their early 20's, sitting beside the ScamVan. One is sprawled out on a blanket, covered in bandages and stitches and trying to catch their breath. The other seems to be sitting watch over them with slightly fewer bandages, a Tadbulb floating by their side with a worried expression. They're wearing different clothes, but the color schemes are identical—light grey with accents of yellow, blue, and pink. A keen eye might be able to identify these two as Team Curiosity grunts.
The camera then pans over to the left, showing Marny on the phone with someone, Excalibur wrapped contentedly around her waist and Chatot nestled in her curls. She is holding the phone about a foot away from her face, wincing and rolling her eyes at the muffled Sinnohan yelling from the other end. Off in the distance, Juno can be seen sitting beside the river with one hand on xer temple and the other reaching out towards the water. Xer motives are unknown.
Marny: Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. I understa—yes ma'am. Y. Yeah. I mean, yes ma'am. Yes ma'am. Y—HEY, WAIT A MINUTE, FUCK YOU! WH. Sorry. Sorry, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
As the phone call continues, another conversation can be heard from behind the camera.
Ray: Hey. Are they going to be okay?
Elodie: Yeah, they should be... I still can't believe Excalibur just chased them down like that! I mean, they're here to protect us! I thought the royal guard's sword would've understood what a guard is!
Ray: Well... It didn't. So...
Elodie: ... Are you being serious right now?
Ray: A bet's a bet. And I won.
Elodie can be heard groaning and giving Ray a shove with her robotic arm, sending them staggering back a few steps. The smug aura is almost tangible.
Elodie: You're a cunt, y'know that? Fine. Give me a minute...
As Elodie digs for something in her bag, Marny suddenly gives the phone the middle finger.
Marny: Oh, FUCK OFF! You know I haven't done any of that trainer bullshit since your Bastiodon—MY POINT IS, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE SWORD WAS GONNA ATTACK YOUR BESTEST BOYS!? Chatot's been out of a ball for years and... Oh. Well, I mean—I figured it wouldn't—yes ma'am. Okay. Yes ma'am.
Juno suddenly snaps xer arm into the river and pulls out a blue-stripe Basculin. The video then ends.
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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skygodtraumabond · 10 months
It was a mistake to stay behind it was a mistake it was a mistake and she might be dead because of that mistake I need to go after her I need to make sure her brother doesn't take her back to Johto I need to
Get your fucking hands off of me I don't need a plan I need to go I need to save her let go let go let go
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