madamemiz · 3 months
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the moon jester animatronic that has mostly been avoiding you since you began working nightshift at the 'plex is, to your utter confusion, sitting casually on a table outside the daycare, beckoning you over. it has never shown signs of friendliness or even acknowledgement to you previously, and you have no idea why it is now. the wire it uses to travel aerialy clings losely connected to its back. the bells on its wrists chime whimsically as it gesticulates, barely masking the faint giggles eminating from an unseen vocoder. it waits.
what do you do?
>aw hell nah, you've played enough mascot horror games to know what comes next. you turn on your heel 180° and walk away, hoping against hope it doesn't follow
>aw *hell* yeah, you assumed it didn't like you, but you've been making heart eyes at it for a while and never had the opportunity to talk. you're gonna charm the pants off it (maybe literally!)
>give it a polite but cautious wave and carry on with your tasks. odd, but you have work to do. it kinda creeps you out anywaw
>wave back enthusiastically and walk over with a pep in your step, happy for the opportunity to befriend another animatronic!
>it's kind of charming in an odd sort of way, and it seems nice enough... you shyly approach, eyes to the floor
>YIPPIEEEEE *beelines toward it, no thoughts head empty*
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internetstuds · 1 year
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Rusty Joiner
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secretladyobservation · 9 months
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justaholesir · 2 years
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RUSTY JOINER as Chris My Teacher, My Obsession (2018) dir. Damian Romay
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Ralph Joiner, Jungle in the Sky, 1952.
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deluweil · 25 days
This is an unpopular opinion,
But I liked Lucy! I loved her!
Her introduction was crap, because instead of introducing her like the strong beautiful brave woman that she was, they wrote her as Buck's mid-relationship/missing Eddie crisis.
In her defense she didn't know he was attached (to two ppl no less)
But once the dumb himbo got himself together and went to deal with the shitstorm that was his life.
She could have easily been my favorite female guest star to frequent the firehouse.
Lucy deserved better than to be reduced to the symptom of Buck's relationship crisis.
If I'd ask for a do-over for any character, it would totally be her.
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Rusty Joiner.
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nouearth · 5 months
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daddy, take it outtttt 😭
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oncefaist · 11 months
so pretty it hurts 😭
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androtherika2 · 8 months
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secretladyobservation · 6 months
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superiorstr8men · 10 months
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apolloendymion · 3 months
two ways ANYONE can help bla‌ck, tra‌ns‌f‌em, pale‌stin‌ian, and other wro‌ng‌fu‌lly ter‌min‌ated blog‌gers:
1. start contacting cla‌ss action law‌yers in s‌an fr‌ancisco and n‌yc
look for an email address or contact form, and include the following:
what tum‌blr is doing
the fact that they've sett‌led out of co‌urt for this before
"what do we do next?"
here's a template for you:
My name is [preferred first name], and I'm contacting you because I believe the social media site Tum‌blr and its parent company Auto‌ma‌t‌tic are acting in violation of the terms of their 2022 settlement with the Ne‌w Yo‌rk Ci‌ty Comm‌ission on Hum‌an Rig‌hts.
Auto‌ma‌t‌tic's mode‌ration practices were found to be disc‌rim‌ina‌tory towards LG‌BT‌Q‌+ people, and they were ordered to resolve this issue. Earlier this year, C‌E‌O Ma‌tt Mu‌ll‌en‌w‌eg revealed that these disc‌rim‌ina‌tory practices may not have been adequately resolved, and thr‌eat‌ened to ter‌min‌ate the acco‌unts of anyone who crit‌iciz‌ed the comp‌any.
Since then, a currently unknown number of tra‌nsgen‌der, bl‌ack, and pal‌est‌inia‌n users have had their posts wrongfully marked se‌x‌ual‌ly ex‌pl‌i‌ci‌t and/or have been ba‌nn‌ed from the site without cause, typically after openly cri‌tic‌iz‌ing le‌ad‌ers‌hip.
Tu‌mb‌lr has hea‌dqu‌arters in Ne‌w Y‌ork C‌ity and Sa‌n Franc‌isco, and Au‌to‌mat‌tic is hea‌dqu‌arte‌red in Sa‌n Fr‌an‌cisc‌o. A number of users have pointed out the possibility of leg‌al act‌ion in either of these cities. We are in the process of gathering contact information for the affected users. If you are able to assist, or know what other steps we should be taking, your help would be immensely appreciated.
Thank you for your time,
[preferred first name]
2. if you or anyone you know has been wron‌gf‌ull‌y te‌rminat‌ed since tum‌blr's previous le‌gal set‌tl‌em‌ent (jan. 2022), em‌ail me at apolloendymion‌@‌pro‌ton‌.‌me.
please include:
the affected party's URL at time of ter‌mina‌tion
whether the em‌ail you're sending from is a good place to contact you
any alternate contact info you feel comfortable sharing (em‌ail strongly preferred)
if and when leg‌al act‌ion is taken, the team will need to track down affected parties. I'm hoping to put together some leads to make it easier for them.
spre‌ad this post around, both through reblogs and screenshots in case i get nu‌ked.
we can't let our bla‌ck, tr‌ans‌fe‌m, pal‌est‌inia‌n, or otherwise margin‌alized siblings suffer for the sake of our own comfort.
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deluweil · 6 days
When I come across old Teen Wolf clips of Coach and this quote describes my feelings regarding S7 and S8 of 911 perfectly 😂
"This is a rebuilding season people!"
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himboculture2 · 2 months
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truckman816 · 4 months
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Rusty Joiner
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