tempesthorne · 29 days
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Since I am new to this platform, I didn’t realize that AO3 requires an invitation, which took me a week to obtain.
Here are ways to check out my story, Fleeting Thin Places (Joji 2024)
Archive of Our Own (AO3):
I started writing again because of George 'Joji' Miller. While he may be my muse, I firmly believe in the saying 'Never meet your heroes.' I remind myself often that he, like other people and celebrities, is merely an inspiration. At the end of the day, it’s best to remain ignorant of the things we don’t truly have the right to know. Otherwise, you'll go nuts.
I wrote this story for Joji fans today, particularly those who came in after his Filthy Frank era and aren’t familiar with Pink Guy or Frank. It’s especially for those around his age (he will be 31 this September 2024; correct me if I’m wrong)
"I wanna make people sad and horny, you know what I mean?" - George "Joji" Miller -- My story might make you sad and perhaps even a little bit horny, because life is nothing more than a series of fleeting moments—an endless transaction of beautiful conflicts, isn't it?
fleeting thin places looks at how our choices shape our lives and create different paths we can't all explore. It’s about the struggle to make a relationship work despite different priorities and life goals. While LOOSELY inspired by Joji (this does not represent him in reality), the focus is on two young people in love, dealing with timing and priorities.
The narrative reflects the human experience of giving up something we love for something else, showing the bittersweet side of life’s decisions. The fig tree symbolizes wanting more but knowing we can’t have everything. The story ultimately explores the sacrifices we make, similar to George's choice between a private life and fame
I've mentioned this several times throughout my story, usually in the end credits of almost every chapter, but Fleeting Thin Places is loosely inspired by George Miller, specifically the public persona he portrays, his branding as an artist, and his work in the entertainment industry. His love interest, Victoria, is a fictional character, so there's no need to worry about her.
George Milner (yes, Milner in my RPF; I have basically tweaked most facts out there) is a fictional character that is loosely inspired by George Joji Miller, but he’s not meant to be the real person. For me, characters in RPFs are not the actual individuals—they’re inspired by their public personas. Timelines may change, and some harmless facts may be tweaked for their protection. Please keep this HUGE difference in mind.
Ultimately, I wrote this story because Joji inspired me to pursue the things I love.
Here’s a quote from the man himself:
“It was the only and biggest changing point,” says Miller. “Immediately after that, my whole mentality changed. I stopped touching social media. I only cared about what I cared about. Life is short.”
(The Joker, Joji, Notion Online) Miller, G. (2024). The Joker, Joji. https://notion.online/the-joker-joji/
And I wholeheartedly agree. Life is short, so since Joji became an inspiration for me, I decided to write again. I made him my muse with no intention of offending him through this story.
I’ve decided to take a break from Tumblr for a while, so this will be my last post here for the time being, and I might not be active for a while. However, if you'd like to chat, have questions or feedback, or just want to say hi or discuss how insanely of a daddy Joji is (Jk!), feel free to email me at:
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faythelyse · 4 years
Joji x Reader {female reader} Apocalyptic setting. Part two.
It had been about a week since I had invited the two new men to our community. Tending to George became a regular part of my day. Cleaning the wound and dressing it atleast 2 times a day. He has slept through all of it, I wonder when he will come to. Ben and Ashlee have been going out every day for a supply run. We haven't been this stocked since everything shut down.
Ashlee had grown close to Ben already, they go out frequently on supply runs, and spend most of their waking time fixing up the truck that is now currently running. To top it all off we haven't seen any infected near the community in 3 days. On my way to now to what is basically George and Bens room. I think they might end up living here for a long time. The thought of that made me smile.
I walk in medical bag in hand ready to dress up his wound. He was actually sitting up with his legs crossed. He appeared groggy, but smiled as I entered. "Did you sleep well?" I asked in a happy tone. Sitting next to him I open up my bag and start getting stuff ready. George starts to try and rip at the medical tape around his bandages.
I reach out and stop him with my hand. "Here let me help" I take a cotton ball and soak it in baby oil and wipe it all around the edges of the tape. He watches quietly.
"Let that sit a bit." I got up to throw the cotton ball away and his eyes followed me around the room.
"Thank you" he says as I sit back in front of him. "Where is Ben? "How long have I been out?"
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"Ben is out in the garage with Ashlee, unless they have left already. They are heading out to get stuff to build up our walls a bit more, and you have been out for about 5 days. Did you dream?"
He rubbed his eyes "Um. Yeah, I did." He watched as I pulled out new clean bandages and tape. I start to softly pull off the tape around his ribs and chest. "You've been taking care of me all this time." I nod and continue to remove everything.
He winces as I clean his injury. Its healing. "You are lucky. It seems to be healing up great."
"Thanks to you.. We were lucky to stumble across you. I don't even recall what your name is."
"It's Y/N, if there's anything else you need just let me know" Right as I was close to the door he speaks up again.
"Can you just stay a moment with me. Ben and I haven't seen any others in months. It's nice to just be around someone who isn't infected."
"I understand. The girls and I who make up this community were getting restless not having anyone else to communicate with besides the raiders who come by to give us a hard time and steal our food."
"Raiders come and steal your food?" George looked genuinely worried knowing we really weren't in a good position to fight back.
"They killed Elenas fiance awhile back. We have tolerated them ever since." You look away not knowing what else to say on the subject. You couldn't yet explain to him that one of the raiders was especially infatuated with you and you had no choice but to go on tolerating it with no real way to fight back.
You change the subject "SO what did you do before the world shut down?"
"I made music. I still make music really. Just no ones around to hear it.. " He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "I heard you singing the other day when you came in to clean up the room."
You immediately blush. You don't sing in front of anyone.
"Don't be embarrassed" he laughed so casually "Y/N you sounded beautiful."
You smile nervously still not able to say anything. You could feel your face get hot as he just sat and stared at you for a moment.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to secretly listen in, I just didn't want you to stop.."
Ashlee opens the door "Y/N! We kind of have a small emergency." She motions for you to follow her. Before you leave you grab a pen and some paper from the desk in the corner of the room and lay it on Georges lap. "To write music." You say and smile before leaving the room.
George feeling great about finally having someone else to bond with besides Ben is immediately struck with inspiration and starts writing. George glances over at the green coat he had been injured in and has a flash of memories about the night he had met you. The tone of your sweet voice bounces around his head. Your messy hair, soft eyes and pouty lips had immediately drawn him to you. He wanted to know you.
Ben bursts in and plops down whilst shoving an immense amount of potatoe chips into his mouth. "They have ramen" he says with a mouthful. George rolls his eyes and smiles at his friend. "Yeah Im doing fine, thanks for asking dickhead."
"Aw come on, I knew you'd be fine, you've literally eaten a hair cake and survived." Ben laughs and shoves more chips in his mouth.
"You keep bringing that up like it's some life achievement." George manages to stand up and leans up against the wall next to the window. Ben walks over and gazes out the window with him. Ashlee and Y/N are outside trying their best to catch a mean goose that had laid her eggs in Elenas garden. They had plans to catch and breed her for food. George and Ben laugh quietly while watching this go down. "So what do you think of the girls? They seem great right?" Ben watches Ashlee, he is clearly into her.
"I actually completely agree with you on this one. They are great.." He says while thinking of you. "What if the people who gave me this" he points out his woind" find us here. Then we are putting them in danger."
Bens expression turns serious. "How are they going to find us? Besides if I see those fuckers again I'll be prepared this time."
"They found us last time, and we barely escaped.."
"That was last time, this is different. Have trust." Ben slaps George on the shoulder and starts to leave " Besides, we owe these girls. It wont hurt to stay awhile."
"And your dick has no alternative motivation for this?"
Ben smirks "Of course not, I have no idea what you are implying. " he shuts the door behind him.
George still by the window looks over the area for a moment. A garden was out in the right corner of the yard where a young woman was planting seeds while talking to
Y/N, who was sitting on a nearby stone bench. She appeared to be writing. George thought for a long time on if staying here was the right choice but something about Y/N made him want to linger a bit longer.
He walked outside, and stood behind y/n for a moment before making her aware of his presence. She was so immersed in her writing she didn't hear him walk up.
"You have nice handwriting." George spoke softly but his gentle voice made y/n jump even higher. "Jesus, you scared me. Also its rude to spy on someone who is so obviously journaling." You slam your book shut hoping he hadn't read to much into what you were writing. His big dark brown eyes lightened slightly in the sun. "Could I get a tour of the place? We can talk about how to pay off my debt to you. I really owe you my life." He was serious. You stand up and glance over at Elena. Elena looks up and waves her hand at you giving you the okay to leave her to her garden. "Sounds good, I'll show you around." You lead him out the gate into the front yard. You turn around and show him the full outside view of the house. "This is where we lived before we combined the house behind us, we decided it would be better to have a larger space, and fenced in both backyards, even cleared the second house. Now we have plenty of room in and out without having to worry about infected." You both walk back in, you lead him around the kichen and show him to all the rooms. "Where is your room?" You are starting to get the sense he could be flirting with you. You open the last room revealing your space. It was filled with old cds, books and papers, a bed with maybe too many blankets, and couple game systems hooked up to a tv that was plugged into a generator. "Homey" he says as he walks in making himself comfortable and plopping on your bed.
"You seem comfortable." You smile taking in his small gestures and goofy smiles as he gives your room a good look over. "Okay we can move on to the -" he interrupts you "Whats this?" He picks up a wrinkly piece of paper. It was a suicide note you had written a month or so ago after the raiders had killed elenas fiance and deemed you their new play thing. You didn't want to live in a world where you were trying so hard to survive only to get used whenever they decided to come back. Which was about twice a month. Sucked it up though. You care to deeply for all of your friends. You couldn't leave them to a worse fate. "I don't plan on doing that anymore. It's not a big deal." You whisper while looking down out of embarrassment. He walks up to you and pulls your chin up to meet his gaze. "Y/N I'm here to help if you need me." He pulls you into an unexpected hug. You relax in his arms. That was the moment he decided he didn't want to leave. He wanted to hold onto you and this peaceful place as long as possible. This felt like a dream to him. Ben and George had been wandering with no real home for atleast a couple years now. This felt like it could be home. "I'll pay my debt by helping you get rid of those assholes who think they can come by and take whatever they want." You push away from him. You knew this was dangerous, thinking about standing up to them at all made you sick to your stomach. We couldn't continue living in fear though. You nod your head in agreement. And you both walk back outside where everyone was circled up talking.
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tempesthorne · 1 month
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I finally finished a #joji #fanfic that I wrote initially for myself and myself only.
After a while, I thought, why not share it with the internet world?!
So here I am in this silly little promotion, hoping my story reaches the right readers, and if this resonates with you, then cool, we're friends now!
The story is called Fleeting Thin Places (Joji 2024) on Wattpad. If you are more on Ao3, don't worry, I will post it there too. I'm new to all of these things so thank you in advance for your patience.
I hope you enjoy the story, and I appreciate you taking the time to join me in their journey. My main characters became my babies, I got sad when they finally reached the end of the story. LOL
Just a quick open warning, the plot is something that teenagers might not relate with, so if you are quite young, that probably isn't for you.
Comments and feedback are always welcome! I mean, it's the internet 🤷 😘
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