#jokes on eddie and Jeff the real threat is robin
xoxoladyaz · 2 years
The most unsurprising thing about Steve Harrington is that he loves being physically affectionate with the people that he, ya know, loves.
He’s always throwing an arm around Nancy, smacking kisses on top of Robin’s head (and dodging out of the way of her flailing limbs while she screeches about cooties), ruffling his hands in Dustin’s hair, pulling El into long hugs when she starts to get overwhelmed, and so on and so forth.
He’s the most physically affectionate with Eddie - tucking his hand into the back pocket of Eddie’s jeans, pressing kisses to his forehead/cheek/hands/lips, slinging an arm around his shoulder, guiding him through crowds with his hand at the small of Eddie’s back, hugging Eddie from behind and just standing and talking with whomever Eddie is talking with for hours on end. And Eddie? Eddie eats it up.
But what Eddie is quick to learn is that while sober Steve is very affectionate, drunk Steve is even more so. Sloppy kisses on everyone’s cheeks, tackling hugs that just turn on to full on cuddling, and Eddie - being Steve’s boyfriend - is lucky enough to get the brunt of it.
But the thing is - the thing is - Eddie isn’t quite like Steve. He’s more like a gremlin, or a small and slightly feral puppy. He likes to bite Steve, and he does it all the time - out in public and in the privacy of Steve’s bed. And Steve is a kinky fucker who likes being possessed as much as Eddie likes possessing him, and seeing all the marks that Eddie leaves on Steve’s body is something they’re both super into, but, you see, Drunk Steve isn’t quite like sober Steve. He’s sensitive.
So one night when the whole gang is over, Corroded Coffin included, Steve goes to boop Eddie’s nose and Eddie bites down and actually bites his finger and actually draws blood.
Steve spends the rest of the night sitting on Robin’s lap, teary-eyed like Eddie just killed his dog, and Eddie spends the night trying - and failing - to convince Robin to “let me take Stevie, for fuck’s sake.”
(Robin sleeps in bed with Steve that night. Eddie sleeps on the couch.)
In the light of a sober morning, Steve laughs it off and says all is forgiven, and Eddie knows he means it.
But Drunk Steve? Drunk Steve doesn’t forget. Drunk Steve goes out of his way to boop everyone on the nose aside from Eddie. And when Eddie tries to talk to Drunk Steve, to say it’s okay, Eddie won’t bite him again, Drunk Steve just tears up and then Robin comes to his rescue and Eddie, once again, sleeps on the couch.
And so, unless he wants Buckley to kick him out of his own goddamn bed yet again, Eddie just has to deal with the fact that Drunk Steve likes to boop everyone aside from him on the nose. (Especially Jeff. Drunk Steve really likes Jeff, and Eddie feels Very Normal about it, thank you very much.)
It finally gets resolved six months later, when Drunk Steve accidentally boops Jeff on the nose more than Drunk Robin, and then Eddie is left to shuffle a teary-eyed Drunk Steve into bed instead of Buckley. And hey, as long as they’re there, he might as well show Drunk Steve that biting isn’t all bad.
Eddie wakes us the next morning with several bite marks all over his neck. Steve looks far too smug, but Eddie can’t be too mad because Steve gives him a kiss and boops him on the nose.
(Robin doesn’t talk to Steve for two days. It takes four different phone calls, a bouquet of flowers and an extremely expensive sushi dinner before she forgives him.
Robin pretends Jeff doesn’t exist for about a month. Jeff thinks Eddie is way too happy about that.)
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 27: You'll Be In My Heart
Word Count: 729/Rating: M/Pairing: None/CW: canon-compliant, Eddie's funeral, dead dove!!!/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, Jeff's POV, Metallica, Corroded Coffin, funeral, death
Divider credit to @silkholland
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Life, it seems, will fade away Drifting further every day
Today was the second time Jeff had stood in as Corroded Coffin’s frontman.
The first time was two years ago. Eddie had gotten laryngitis right before a gig and asked Jeff to take over rather than cancel the show altogether.
“You know all the chords and the lyrics,” he’d croaked into the phone. Jeff could hear the smile in his voice. “Go out there and kick ass.”
With abundant trepidation, Jeff took center stage that night, his nerves easing and confidence growing with each note he played. The sound wasn’t as full with only one guitar, and his voice wasn’t as powerful as Eddie’s, but he was good. Good enough to warrant praise from the band’s fearless leader.
Getting lost within myself Nothing matters, no one else
“Don’t let this go to your head, now,” Eddie had teased, clapping a hand on Jeff’s back, “but you made me damn proud. Not just the way you played–Grant and Gareth told me you were a total fuckin’ rockstar, by the way–but for stepping up when we needed you.”
That first time was a celebration. The second time was agony.
Jeff stood behind the microphone at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, feeling Gareth staring at him from where he sat at his drum set. Grant kept his gaze on the strings of his bass, eyes shiny with the threat of tears. If he made eye contact with either of the other two young men beside him, he’d almost certainly begin sobbing.
I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free
Despite having sung the Metallica cover hundreds of times, the lyrics felt foreign coming out of Jeff’s mouth. His voice was warped in his own ears the way a well-loved cassette sounds when the tape unspools.
The crowd was tiny but mighty, if not confusing. Among the expected attendees was Eddie’s Uncle Wayne, who had been the one to ask Corroded Coffin’s three remaining members to play at his nephew’s funeral. It seemed macabre to have a band with the word ‘coffin’ in its name to play such an occasion, but Wayne had insisted upon it.
“It’s what Eddie would’ve wanted,” he’d said, his whiskered jaw trembling the same way it was now.
Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can't be real Cannot stand this hell I feel
Dustin Henderson sat beside him, lips tucked into his mouth as he swallowed back tears. A running joke among the Hellfire Club was that Dustin hadn’t shut up since the moment he learned to talk, but he’d barely spoken a word since that godforsaken earthquake hit. 
Behind them sat the Sinclairs. Jeff couldn’t help but notice the way Lucas and Erica’s fingers intertwined, eyes stained with the harsh redness that only came from nonstop crying. The whole Wheeler family was situated next to them, along with Mike’s girlfriend from California, her buzzed hair just like Eddie’s back in junior high.
Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now he's gone
The most surprising guests were Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. Jeff watched a mascara-tinged tear trail down the awkward band geek’s freckled cheek, the former King of Hawkins High digging into his suit jacket and offering her a Kleenex. He hadn’t been aware that those two were friends nor that they were close enough to Eddie to attend his funeral, but he lacked the energy to question it.
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late Now I can't think, think why I should even try
A calming presence enveloped Jeff as the song neared its conclusion, bringing the same tingle of joy that he’d had when Eddie had lauded him after his first foray into lead guitarist. He wasn’t sure how he’d go on–how the band would go on–without Eddie’s guidance, but he’d solve that problem when his world hadn’t been turned on its head. His job now was simply to be the leader that Grant and Gareth needed. The leader that Eddie had taught him to be.
Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye Goodbye
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