#eddie vs veggies
xoxoladyaz · 2 years
It starts because the kids always demand food when they come over and Steve's wallet can't handle paying for pizza every five days, especially when both Mike and Lucas are in the midst of a serious growth spurt and can put one pizza away each.
It starts because Steve has had multiple conversations now with a frantic Claudia Henderson who is just so worried about Dustybun, he's not eating his fruit these days, all of this junk food just can't be good for the kids!
It starts because Steve only has a few things in the house when he hosts movie night and his parents aren't sending him grocery money until Sunday so he has to make due with what he has, and what does he have? Bread, peanut butter, bacon -
and a whole bunch of bananas.
(The kids would throw a fit if he gave them a banana to eat, of course. But if he mashes up the bananas and mixes them with a healthy amount of peanut butter and say that his mom stocked their pantry with some artisanal peanut butter from California or something, they'll inhale it like it's nobody's business.
And they did, and they loved it, and they started requesting his peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, like, daily.)
Eddie's finally over one Friday when Steve is making his specialty peanut butter and bacon (and banana) sandwiches. He makes a big deal of rolling his eyes and sighing loudly and saying how good can they possibly be?
Eddie eats three sandwiches and steals part of Max's off her plate.
Steve meets Wayne for the first time a few weeks later, and Wayne asks him about his "artisanal peanut butter." Steve tells him the secret ingredient, and Wayne Munson beams at him.
(I think he likes you better than he likes me, Eddie complains as he walks Steve out to his car.
Don't worry, Eds, Steve grins at him. You're my favorite Munson.
Their first kiss tastes like peanut butter and bacon and bananas.)
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tartarusknight · 1 year
King of the Freaks | Part 12
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Eddie wakes up by staticky sobbing. A female voice whispered, “Steve? Steve, come in. Please, Steve, are you there?” Eddie blinks awake and glances around until he spots the walkie on the desk. “Steve please, are you okay?” The girl is crying and Eddie picks it up. He thinks about answering but he doesn’t want to make whoever’s talking, feel uncomfortable. And since it sounds like Max, he knows she’d feel uncomfortable.
 So, he hurries downstairs but Steve’s not in the living room. He heads further down and instantly notices the light on. Just a couple of lamps turned on around the area. And in the middle is Steve sitting up on the couch playing solitaire like it wasn’t 4 in the morning. He’s got a Walkman over his ears and he looks incredibly tense. Eddie moves over and the minute he touches Steve, Steve wheels around and looks like he’s about to punch Eddie. However, he pauses and his eyes widen at the sight of Eddie. Then he glances at the walkie in Eddie’s hand and pales.
 He pushes his headphones off and grabs the walkie, Max’s frantic sobs still echoing. “Max, hey I’m so sorry. I didn’t- I’m here now.” Eddie pauses and takes Steve in. The tension in his body, the fear in his eyes, and the bags under his eyes. “Byers or Junkyard?”
Max sobs, “B-Byers.”
Steve squeezes his eyes shut, “Billy, Will, or the dogs?”
“Billy,” The word is so quiet and Eddie watches Steve’s shoulders slump. Steve glances back at him and he’s silently begging Eddie but Eddie has no clue what he wants.
“Do you want me to come and get you?” Steve offered but he got a no.
 Everything was quiet as Steve took a deep breath before he started. “Alright, listen closely Max,” Steve says and Eddie takes a step back, forcing himself to let them have this conversation, let them have privacy. “Lucas is fine, Billy wasn’t able to touch him. We stopped him, Max. You and I stopped him. Billy’s not a problem anymore. He’s left you and your friends alone.” Steve murmurs into the walkie as Eddie heads upstairs. His movements are slow as he grabs the cup Steve had been using and refills it, along with another cup. His mind whirls as he pictures the kids freaking out because of Billy Hargrove. He pictures them watching as Steve went down… but Steve said that Max helped.
 Suddenly he’s got this image of Steve on the ground, barely breathing as Max beats Billy into the ground. It’s stupid and he knows he doesn’t know what actually happened, but it was traumatizing enough to give the kids nightmares. And then there was the obvious fact. Max had gotten Billy to back off of her and her friends, but Steve hadn’t been let off the hook. Billy still took his anger out on Steve and Steve kept that from Max, from all the kids. Shielding them from the sharp truth that Billy Hargrove was an asshole.
 Eddie isn’t tired enough to not wait and make sure Steve's okay. So he just stands in the kitchen. Watching time tick by until he felt okay heading back down there. Because there was no way he’d leave Steve alone after that. Not after seeing how Steve hides. After around 30 minutes he grabs the two cups and heads back down. The walkie is silent on the coffee table and Steve’s holding himself close, like if he didn’t move everything would be okay. Eddie gently sets the two cups down and sits down next to Steve. He doesn’t even look at Eddie, but it’s okay.
 He's careful as he shifts, but he stays firm. Sure, his brain isn’t completely on and he’s too exhausted to really think twice about his actions. But it doesn’t matter, he just pulls Steve so Steve’s back is against his chest and he holds him. Steve is tense for a moment before letting out a small sob. Eddie lays back against one of the pillows and Steve shifts so he’s on his side, curled around Eddie with his head on Eddie’s chest. They lay like that as Steve shakes. Eddie rubs gentle circles on his back and eventually, Steve falls asleep like that. Eddie holds him close and looks up at the ceiling of the basement. No stains, perfect just like the rest of the house. He wonders what it was like growing up here. Eddie thinks it's more of a show house than an actual home.
 When Eddie wakes up and Steve’s gone. It takes him a moment to get his brain back up and running but as he fully wakes up, he’s alone. There’s a blanket over him and Steve’s cup is gone. As if he wasn’t ever in Eddie’s arms. He rubs his eyes and heads up the stairs. Grant is awake and at the kitchen island as Steve is moving around making some coffee. His hair is freshly washed and Eddie wondered how long he’s been awake.
 “Wow, it’s before 10, and you're awake?” Grant teases and Eddie flips him off. He glances at Steve who looks content acting like nothing was amiss. That he didn’t break down last night in Eddie’s arms… he just looked like he wasn’t sure what to do around Eddie.
Eddie blinks, “okay, I can’t cook anything but breakfast foods. So,” he drawls and Grant rolls his eyes as Steve watches him. He starts pulling things out and Steve moves out of his way, looking like he wants to offer a hand.
 “Favorite breakfast food,” Eddie points at Steve, and Steve looks honestly shocked that he was asked.
He shifts and looks uncomfortable, “Er- I don’t normally eat breakfast.”
Eddie glances over, “but do you have a favorite?”
Steve shrugs half-heartedly. “I think the kids would kill me if I said anything other than waffles.” He’s got a small smile on his face and Eddie grins.
“I can work with that,” he nods and Steve helps him pull out the last few items.
 He works with Steve smoothly and Grant even makes some bacon to go with it. By the time Jeff and Gareth come down, there’s a feast fit for kings. Throughout breakfast, he keeps an eye on Steve and he looks fine for the most part. Like he’s used to being up at 4 in the morning. Like he’s used to kids calling him crying about a nightmare. Like he’s unfazed by it all even as he barely sleeps. There’s a small tension in his shoulders but somehow Eddie knows it’s because he got to see Steve break down. It makes him think about their meeting. Steve had been panicking in a closet, full-on melting down. Steve’s got his fair number of problems and Eddie might only be touching the surface of them. But he wants to keep digging.
 Eventually, they end up at the table and Steve teaches most of them (minus Grant who already knew) how to play poker. They bet with pretzels and Eddie is having fun even as he goes broke. Grant is winning and Steve isn’t too far behind him. However, around 1 his phone rings. “Excuse me,” he mumbles and leaves the room. Gareth takes the moment to look at his cards.
“Dude,” Jeff huffs but he just looks amused.
 Surprisingly, they could hear everything Steve said from the other room. “Hello--- good afternoon to you to Dustin… I’m actually busy ask Jon--- yes, with Eddie but I don’t see how- Kid, what the hell are you going on about? No- I’ve got more than just Eddie here. Why are you so focused on Ed--- I’m not- Dustin- I don’t understand what’s up… I still hang out with you every Wednesday… yes, I know that… Oh, you’re- um, kid, you’re still my favorite, I promise... Yeah, sounds like a plan, dipshit… I promise not to have too much fun without you--- Sure, dumbass, I believe you.” It goes quiet and Eddie can’t help but smile at all the care in Steve’s voice.
 As Steve enters, he’s got a small smile on his face but his eyes narrow at Gareth, “you looked at my cards didn’t you?” They all gave him their most innocent smiles which made him laugh. “Yeah okay,” he rolls his eyes and sits back down. He takes all the cards which makes Gareth groan. However, no one actually fights it, letting Steve deal it back out easily.
 “What did Dustin want?” Eddie can’t help but ask.
Steve smirks, “he and the brats wanted a ride to the arcade.”
Eddie nods and Steve pauses, tapping his fingers on the table. “Actually, Eddie did he act-”
“Like I was his biggest enemy? Like a little ball of jealousy?” He offered and Steve laughed, nodding.
 They played until both Eddie and Gareth were ‘broke’ and then Jeff moved to make up some dinner. Eddie bounced in his spot, “so movie and then smoke?” He questioned and everyone easily agreed. Steve moved to help Eddie get out all of his movies and they sat down on the carpet to go through them.
 Eddie couldn’t help but check on Steve throughout the day but now in this small bubble of peace… he felt like he could ask. “Are you alright?”
Steve looked over at him and blinked in surprise. “Uh, yeah. I’m alright, and you?” He asked softly, his body growing stiff.
Eddie tries to smile and relieve some tension, “I’m pretty good. Just concerned about you,” he says honestly. Steve doesn’t seem to take that well, his eyes refusing to meet his. “You know, it’s okay to cry. And I-”
Steve huffs, “I’m fine, Eddie. Okay, sure I- Max doesn’t-” He shakes his head like he can’t find the words.
 “I used to get really bad panic attacks when I was growing up.” Eddie blurts and Steve finally looks at him. “My mom, she died when I was a kid. Overdosed when my dad was off doing some shit. I was young and I didn’t understand why she wasn’t waking up. My old man took it out on me. I lived terrified for years until he did something stupid and got arrested for it. After that, I lived with Wayne. I was 12.” He rambles and Steve stares at him. “I was too young to understand why my dad hit me. So, I didn’t know how to tell if Wayne was going to be the same way. Everything set me off and Wayne would hold me until I could breathe again. He’d get them to, from the war. We dealt with them together,” Eddie blinks as Steve reached over and take his hand.
 He looked at Steve and held tighter. “I’ve helped a lot of people calm down after someone bullies them because I wish someone would’ve held me after my dad-” he cuts himself off. “So, if you need someone to lean on, you can lean on me.” He says, “I’d feel better if you did.”
Steve looks at him and he draws in a sharp breath, “okay. I- I promise to let you hold me next time I break down.” He smiles at Eddie and while it’s in a teasing tone, they both know it’s honest. Eddie knows Steve’s hiding with jokes and smiles, just like Eddie hides behind leather jackets and taunting words.
 They pick out a movie after that, and Steve doesn't want to talk anymore. It doesn’t hurt Eddie but he hopes it’s enough. They end up deciding to bring the TV down in the basement. He helps Steve haul it down and it's awkward but they make it work. Gareth starts setting it up, stating that he's great at this kind of shit. They all watch him as Jeff brings down dinner and they have dinner down there. Jeff had made Avocado cucumber rolls that reminded Eddie of egg rolls. He didn't complain about the vegetables not when Steve was actually eating. Instead he forced it down and hated that it didn't taste bad. 
 Once their done eating, Gareth had it hooked up and they put on Slumber Party Massacre because Eddie thought it would be funny. While Steve didn't look super happy with the choice he didn't argue. Plus it was his movie, so Eddie knew he at least had seen it. Eddie rolls a joint and sits down next to Steve. lighting it up. They all pass them around until their all a little high. Steve is surprisingly a lightweight. He leans against Eddie as they trade back and forth. “You don’t smoke much?” Grant asks and Steve blinks like he’s trying to focus.
He shakes his head, “Tommy didn’t like me to do it often.” He murmurs and Eddie’s eyes narrow as Steve snuggles a little closer to Eddie.
“Why not?” Gareth asks and Steve hums, taking a hit before passing it.
He shrugs, “He only ever wanted to when it was just him, Carol, and me. I get super clingy and they said it’s better if I didn’t smoke at parties.”
 Steve stands and grabs a soda from the small stack they made but he doesn’t come back to sit next to Eddie. Instead, he drops down in Jeff’s space. Jeff blinks but doesn’t say anything as Steve gets comfortable wrapped around him. Eddie can’t help the flip in his chest, wishing Steve would do that to him. Before he realized they did just this morning. “Okay?” Steve questions, ever the gentleman even high.
Jeff wraps one of his arms around Steve who grins at the touch. “Yeah, this is fine.” Steve takes a sip of the soda, making a noise in the back of his throat like a pleased cat.
 Gareth is snickering but no one says anything to make Steve feel uncomfortable and take his movements back. It was getting late but they all stayed right there, on the couches, relaxing easily. Steve had brought down blankets earlier and it felt like a slumber party. A slumber party for seniors who were high out of their minds. Eddie glanced over at Steve and tried not to let this little green monster out as Steve sits on Jeff’s lap sideways, curled into his arms with a tired smile on his face. No, Eddie couldn’t be jealous, not when Steve actually looked happy and was the one to reach out first.
@zerokrox-blog @cyranx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @failedstarsandgoldenclouds  @bisexualdisastersworld @deadlydodos @anythingyouwanttobe @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaver @thehumblefigtree @megzdoodle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep @bxlthazar @autumnal-dawn @chillichats @nonbinary-eddie-munson @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @a-little-unsteddie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections @pyrohonk  @cherixxx69 @theotalksalot @tailsfromthecrypt @ledleaf @grimmfitzz
(I can’t tag any more people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 8 months
You are who you choose to be; Eddie Munson x reader
Well this is probably the first update of the new year idk but this idea's been buzzing around my head over the weekend and it took me just a couple of days to write it all down. Now awhile back someone mentioned a SKY HIGH AU! With Eddie Munson, now that got me thinking 'hell yeah I loved Sky High growing up and yeah I love the idea of him potentially being like Warren Peace with fire but then again, what if I took it another direction, and made him a waterbender/bloodbender'?
I won't give too much away you'll just have to read on to find out but here you guys go. Now some warnings since this is a MA style of super hero fics.
Warnings: swearing, bad parenting, kidnapping, mentions of r*pe (not on reader or any of the main cast of characters but it is mentioned so just heads up), some angst, and a bit of fluff.
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Lunchtime at Hawkins Academy was always a hustle and bustle.  Everyone in a rush to grab the first chocolate pudding cup or be the first in line to get their lunch and meet their friends.  But when those students all have some type of super-power, you know there’s bound to be trouble.
Thankfully I managed to get my lunch just before the first wave of students got there (minus those with super speed or teleportation) and I was the first person to reserve our table.  As more students came piling into the cafeteria I soon spotted the first group of my circle of friends.  I waved them over and soon they came over.
“Hey (n/n) surprised to see you here first.” Said Robin.
“Hey when it’s double stuffed crust pizza day I’ve gotta be first. Or at least be after the speedsters and teleporters.” I told her.
“I hear yah, although I don’t understand how you can stomach all of that grease.” Said Vicki.
“I told you not to eat the double stuffed crust at Giovanni’s. You eat that bad pizza and it scars you from pizza forever.” I reprimanded her.
“I just don’t see how either of you can stomach dairy products or anything meat wise. Don’t you know that I’ve been half of those animals?” Robin lectured us.
“Yes Robin we know.” Who would’ve thought that being an animal shapeshifter would turn a person into a hardcore vegetarian.  Even though Robin’s got this laid-back, snarky, sassy attitude, she can be pretty hardcore when it comes to vegetarian products needing to be enforced.  Hell I remember last year how she and Steve nearly tore their friendship apart from their Meat vs. Veggies menu planner for the school lunches.
“I swear if I have to hear coach Boomer scream at me one more time, I’m not only gonna need some hearing aids by the time I graduate, but a titanium skeleton.” Steve said as he and Nancy soon came walking side by side.
“The coach on your case again, Harrington?” asked Robin as they sat down.  Steve to Robin’s left while Nancy sat beside me.
“More than that. Think his last sonic boom he gave me made me throw my shoulder out. Probably gotta skip my next class just to go see the nurse.” He said rubbing his shoulder.
“So Nance, how’s your brother and his friends coming along so far?” I asked her.
“I’m told Mike, Dustin and Will got put into Hero Support while Lucas and Max were placed in the Hero class.”
“Damn, see this is why I hate the Hero vs Hero Support system of High school. Those boys have been together since preschool. And Max really got in with the guys when she joined them back when they were in 7th grade.” I said waving my spoon around before dipping it into my pudding cup and taking a big chunk of pudding into my mouth.
“Mike and Dustin don’t seem to really mind it. After all Mike still hasn’t really gotten his powers yet.”
“Still?” I asked incredulously and Nancy nodded.
“And I’ve tried working with Dustin’s powers but the glowing thing it-it—I’m sorry but it’s not a power. No matter how many times he says it is.” Steve said.
“Do you think we should offer them a place to sit here? At least for today?” I suggested.
“I wouldn’t worry about it. Seems your boy’s already heard the news and has offered a few spots at his round table.” Robin teased as she gestured behind us.  A few tables over was what everyone deemed ‘The Mizfitz table’.  A table where hero or sidekick could sit equally without the forced conformity being placed over them.
Running the table was one of the more infamous students known to Hawkin’s Academy, Eddie Munson.  On the outside he may look mean and scary with his many tribal tattoos, his wild, unruly mane that he calls hair, or the many rings he sports on his fingers.  But he’s one of the most powerful Water-benders this school has ever known.
I had seen for myself how when he was first placed in the Hero class, he actually managed to pull water from the air as well as from the plants that had been made by another student to create a water cloak (basically creating a barrier made of numerous tentacle-like arms).  However it wasn’t his Waterbending skills that got people talking, but his heritage.
You see while most of the students here are either the sons and daughters of either two heroes, or one hero and civilian, Eddie Munson was the child of both a hero and a villain.  His mother, before her passing in childbirth (or so I’m told), was known as Lunar Eclipse with the power to use the light of the Moon to push and pull the tides and bend water to her will.  His father, however, that’s what marred Eddie Munson as a villain to everyone in Hawkins, and not just here in school.
His father’s name was Alan Munson aka The Puppetmaster.  A man with the ability to control the water in another person’s body, enforcing his own will over theirs.  He ran the town’s deep underground criminal ring and got away with nearly every trail until the one that my Father actually worked on.  Thanks to him and his two partners, they were able to put Alan Munson away quadruple life sentences.
But even though it was my father’s ‘daytime job’ that put him away, the times I’ve interacted with Eddie were never hostile.  In fact he seemed glad to be rid of his father.  His uncle (who never got his powers) ended up raising Eddie after his father had been sent to jail.  And Eddie has said that he’s never felt more happier than he’s been since being raised by his uncle.
And I also won’t deny that for the past few years I’ve been secretly harboring a crush on the ‘bad boy’ of Hawkin’s Academy.
“Really (Y/n)? I can’t understand why you’re falling for someone like him?” Steve asked as he ate his banana.
“Oh leave her alone Steve!” Robin shoved him. “Let our little (Y/n) fawn for her blood-bending bad boy.”
“He doesn’t blood-bend! He hates it when people assume he does!” I snapped at her.  Everyone looked at me wide-eyed as I sat back down and felt my face burning up.
“Boy you’ve got it bad.” Nancy told me.
“Shut up! I just hate it when people judge him based on his bloodline. I mean hell Steve, just because you’re the son of The Commander and Jetstream didn’t mean that at first you were the humble idiot you are today.”
“She is right. You were a douchebag back in the day before the whole Vecna thing happened our 3rd year.” Robin said.
“Yeah, and even when we were dating at the time all you talked about was yourself or which freshman you were going to give the first swirly to.” Nancy chimed up.
“Alright, alright yeesh. I know I was a real asshole back then. No need to rub it in.” Steve said as he went back to his banana.
“If you like him so much, why don’t you ask him out?” asked Vicki.
“I—I don’t think he’d ever want to go on a date with me.” I said fiddling with my pudding.
“Is it because of your dad putting his dad away?”
“Actually no, they talk pretty much anytime they cross each other. All on friendly terms, perhaps a bit too friendly.” Nancy teased as she poked me in the ribs to which I let out a squeak and punched her in the arm.  She rubbed her arm and I said to Vicki.
“What I mean is, I don’t think I’m his type. I mean he actually has powers, I’m just a girl who can do acrobatic skills.”
“(Y/n), you’re the daughter of Daredevil—” Robin spoke but I interrupted her.
“Adopted daughter.”
“Details. My point is, Eddie is like the King of non-conformist. If he didn’t want to date you because of your lack of powers, then he’s a hypocrite. And that’s about the worst type of villain you can ask for. Well except for corporate, misogynistic pricks that try to force women who they should love or what they eat.” Vicki took her hand and gently squeezed it.  Robin took a deep breath and rested her head onto Vicki’s shoulder and the two cuddled close to each other.
“Just think, that could be you and Eddie if you grow a pair and talk to him.” Said Nancy.  I turned over towards the Mizfitz table and saw as Eddie was being his usual animated self and the guys all around him were laughing at whatever story he was spinning.
“How can he also be so adorable just by getting animated when telling a story?” Nancy and Vicki giggled at my statement while Robin and Steve rolled their eyes muttering lowly.
“Oh please.” I kept my eyes on Eddie and I swore for a brief moment I saw him look straight back at me and give me a wink to which I blushed and gave him a small wave.
By the end of the day it was now my last class and one of the other classes I shared with Eddie, Heroism Athletics.  Today’s practice was the traditional ‘Save the Citizen’ where two people could either be Heroes or Villains and the heroes only had 2 minutes to stop their villains and save the citizen before they were killed.
So far the reigning Kings for the past three years were the Heroes Tommy Hagan and Billy Hargrove, however if you ask me those boys are far from what you would call ‘Heroes’.  Steve used to hang with Tommy back in the day and Tommy practically poisoned Steve’s mind with arrogance and ego.  But when Billy came along and knocked Steve as the ‘King of Hawkins Academy’, Tommy ditched Steve and teamed up with Billy.
And when it came to ‘Save the citizen’ those two did everything in the book to cheat.  Even when someone would call out to Coach Boomer about an illegal move, he’s merely brush it aside unless the attack was directed towards him.  Like before, Tommy and Billy were slaughtering the villains that were Mako and Bolin.
“Those brothers really do know how to bend Earth and Fire together.” Eddie’s voice soon came up beside me.  I jumped at the sudden voice to which Eddie raised his hands in surrender, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, no it’s-it’s okay. Yeah I was just lost in the match.”
“I get it. Now I’ve seen those brothers bounce back at the last second, hopefully they’ll knock those douchebags down a peg or three.”
“Yeah. God knows they deserve it. It’s not every day you see a horse with two rear-ends.” Eddie gawked and let out a laugh.
“Damn you’re brutal. Remind me to never get on your bad side.” We then watched as the brothers had been defeated and the citizen had been saved.  Tommy slamming the mannequin down to the floor like she was a football and chest bumping with Billy as the students all cheered.  I turned to see Mako help his little brother stand up and the two hobbled away.  “Looks like a healing session is in order for Bolin before Hellfire tonight.”
“Hellfire? Is that your band name or something?”
“Actually yes it is. Since Jeff and Gareth moved out of the state, turns out Bolin plays a wicked drum solo and Mako’s not half bad on bass. We’ve got a gig coming up this Saturday. You should come see us.”
“Really? You’re inviting me?”
“Of course. I mean it’s not the Garden but gotta start somewhere right? Plus we do get a crowd. Of about five—drunks. At least with you you’d be sober.” I laughed as Coach Boomer announced.
“Alright, one last round before we clock out. Hargrove, Hagan, Heroes of Villains?”
“Heroes!” proclaimed Tommy.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” the coach muttered before saying in his normal loud tone, “Alright choose your villains.” The two of them looked at each other before announcing.
“Munson and (L/n).” My eyes widened as I turned to Eddie while Coach Boomer proclaimed.
“Alright, Munson, (L/n). Gear up!” Eddie and I stood up and we walked down towards the arena and put on the padding that was required for ‘Save the citizen’.  Once we came out onto the arena, we saw as the two of them smirked maliciously at us.
“Let me handle Hargrove, Hagan is all yours.” Eddie told me.  I turned to him and asked.
“You sure?” I remember how last year when Eddie and Billy fought against each other for a Hero vs. Villian exam, Billy nearly put Eddie into a coma.  He nodded and told me.
“Trust me, you don’t wanna go against Hargrove.” He rubbed his shoulder from when I had actually heard Billy break the bone that held his left shoulder in place.  “Plus, Tommy won’t expect what else you’ve been working on.” I softly grinned and we both turned to our Heroes as we stood side by side in first fighter’s stance.
“BEGIN!!” The clock began the countdown and the four of us charged at each other.  Billy flew in the air and immediately fired his laser eyes towards Eddie but Eddie created water tentacles around his arms and quickly sprung out of the way leaving Tommy and I to meet each other head on.
Tommy Hagan was a weapons specialist. Like any good back-stabbing son of a bitch, he always seemed to have any type of small sharp weapons hidden within his person.  Be it arrows, shurikens, small daggers and knives, and even flying ninja stars, Tommy is a force to be reckoned with, but when it comes to speed he’s not so good.
As he fired a few arrows toward me, I cartwheeled out of the way before doing a summersault and took out my dad’s old billy-clubs he had given to me on my 1st year here at school.  A little bit of extra protection he called it, plus it was like having the infamous ‘Man without fear’ being there at my side.  When he shot out five kunais in my direction, I used the billy clubs to block and redirect them before charging at him again but he shot out several more arrows in my direction.
Using the wall to my advantage, I leapt up and ran across and over it dodging any arrow that came my way before finally flipping gracefully right behind Tommy and finally got to use my secret move I had discovered at the end of last year.
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Holding my hand in a snake-like position, I used my thumb, index and tall finger to jab Tommy right at the center of his shoulder which made his right arm go limp.  Then using my proximal interphalangeal joint of both my hands, I jab them into the center of his lower back, shoulder blades and the section where his neck met his spine.
Tommy let out a pained grunt with each jab until he collapsed to the ground and snarled up at me.
“You’ll pay for that you bitch!”
“Consider that payback for what you did to Mako and Bolin earlier.” We then heard a loud boom and I saw as Billy had Eddie pinned to the floor of the gym, his hands squeezing his throat about to choke Eddie out.  Eddie struggled to free himself but Billy’s enhanced strength was too much for him to handle on his own.
“You know the one way to stop me Munson, show them who you really are.” He sneered.  As Eddie’s choked out gasps filled the stadium I quickly threw my billy-club which made a direct hit to Billy’s head and even made him bleed.  He released Eddie as Eddie let out a series of hard coughs.  Billy raised his hand to his head and once he saw the blood, his eyes glowed red at me.  “You shouldn’t have done that, Princess.”
He then fired his laser eyes toward me but I summersaulted out of the way before racing up the walls once again.  His laser beamed eyes trailed close behind me until I had no choice but to jump off and stand on top of one of the higher platforms in the arena.  Billy flew up towards me and flew right through the platform obliterating it and sending me falling 9ft towards the ground.  But with my billy-clubs I was able to shoot one of the clubs towards the railing and swing down to the ground.
Billy landed with a large thud creating a crater beneath him and he cracked his neck.  He then roared as he charged at me but I flipped over him.  Blinded by his rage, I used it to my advantage and toyed with him until I saw my shot and repeatedly stabbed my PIJ’s up his back until he collapsed to the ground.
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“I’ve seen the hardcore vigilantes be better heroes than you, Hargrove.” Suddenly I felt myself going towards the wall and saw myself being pinned by the ends of my uniform by three shurikens.  Tommy stood just a few feet in front of my and summoned out three more shurikens to sit between his fingers.
“I told you, you’d pay for that little trick.” He then threw his other arm outward and soon about a dozen arrows were heading my way.  That’s when an ice wall appeared before me and blocked the arrows just before they could skewer me like a shish kabob.  I looked to see Eddie had gotten back on his feet then he used the ice wall to create ice daggers and one by one fire them at Tommy allowing me time to pull the shuriken’s off my uniform and duck out of the way.
I took notice of the clock counting down and it seems to me that these two are pulling the same move as they did for Mako and Bolin.  Trying to tire us out to they can finish us off at the final second then save the citizen.  But what if we turned their tactic against them?  I raced towards the citizen but was stopped by Billy’s powerful fire blast creating a firewall between me and the Citizen dangling closer and closer to the razor pit.
“You’re not going anywhere.” He snarled at me.
“I have no need, I’m just getting started. Or are you feeling a bit winded, coming from you I wouldn’t be surprised. And I thought you’d be better than your old man.” The one thing Billy Hargrove hated more than anything in this world was when someone made him feel inferior to his father.  Billy let out a roar and fired two blue fire blasts from his hands to which Eddie surrounded us in an ice barrier.
“You’re really trying to push his buttons aren’t you?”
“Don’t you see, they’re trying to get us to tire out just so they can finish it all at the last second.”
“Like what they did to Mako and Bolin?” I nodded.
“Get us closer to the civilian, I’ve got an idea.” Eddie nodded then made us an escape route and allowed the water and Billy’s fire to create a large and powerful mist of fog.  So thick that hardly anyone could see the front of their noses.
And thanks to dad’s training, I was able to help guide Eddie through the fog with ease.  We got closer to the civilian’s imprisonment, I had Eddie create an ice platform right in front of the civilian’s chain then I told him to disband the fog.  With a wave of his arms, the fog quickly diminished around us and Tommy cried out.
“THERE THEY ARE!!” Both he and Billy fired their attacks but we quickly got out of the way and Tommy’s arrows pieced the civilian mannequin while Billy’s fire broke the chain and sent the civilian down to their untimely death.  Coach Boomer blew his whistle and proclaimed.
“Hargrove! Hagan! You two have not only failed to stop your villains but also skewered your civilian. You both FAAAIIILLLLLED!!” he sent his sonic boom sent them both flying across the gym.  “The winners our first set of villains since 1986, Edward Munson and (Y/n) Murdock!” the class cheered as Eddie gave me a gentle nudge and we waved to the others.
At the end of the day my friends and I all gathered at my house for a celebration.  Everyone including Eddie and the Mizfitz were all talking about mine and Eddie’s big win against Billy and Tommy.
“I seriously cannot believe you managed to knock my step-brother off his ass and finally put him in his place. I would’ve paid big money to have seen that.” Said Max as she reached over and ate some skittles.
“You guys really should’ve seen it. Her new ability is too cool that even Vecna himself would be petrified of.” Eddie praised.
“Eddie you’re too much. Besides it only works half the time. They still were somehow able to get up and use their powers again after a while. The first time I used it on some would-be robbers they could barely move.”
“You just need to keep working on it, after all you used it on normal humans. Not supers.” Robin told me.
“Yeah, yeah and the anatomy between the two is different, gotta find the right pressure points, blah, blah, blah.” I then heard the door open and the sound of a cane clanking along the wooden floors signaled to me that dad was home.
“Well this is a surprise. I come home after a long, hard-day’s work and find my daughter throwing a party without her old man’s permission.” The gang all turned to face my father but from the grin across his face, we knew he was just playing around.
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“You’re hilarious.” I said sarcastically.
“If you think that, you should’ve seen me and your uncle Foggy in our college days. I was a riot.”
“Evening Mr. Murdock.” My friends all chorused out with a wave.
“Evening children. I take it from everyone being here in our small apartment that something big must’ve happened at school today.” He said as he took off his jacket and hung it over the coat-rack as well as placed his suitcase down beside it.
“You bet. Eddie and (Y/n) took victory at ‘Save the Citizen’!” exclaimed Dustin.
“Really? Last I heard of any new champions was when Hargrove and that kid Tommy became the champs. I take it you two were the villains in the scenario?”
“Yep. Not pissed about it are yah?” I asked with a hint of nervousness.
“You’d be surprised to know that I’ve played both Hero and Villain at Save the citizen in my time at school.” Dad said as he began to prep himself a sandwich.  “Oh by the way Robin, about that meeting you had planned to take with our PA Karen, she’s unfortunately going to have to reschedule. A case has suddenly come up and she’s needed out of state for this matter.”
“Damnit! Now where am I going to find a PA to interview in two weeks?”
“I told you yah should’ve tried to interview her as early as possible.” I lectured in a sing-song tone before taking a bite out of a salsa-dipped chip.
“Isn’t there another PA, oh what’s her name uhh—” Steve snapped his fingers trying to remember the name.
“I believe you’re referring to Jessica Jones?” my dad piped in.
“That’s the one! What about her?”
“Steve, if you don’t know Jessica Jones, you’ll know she’s not the easiest person to talk to. The woman is so hardcore, not even the cruelest Russian forms of torture could break her.” Said Lucas.
“Jessica Jones has a past and certain things happened to her that is her right to not speak about to others.” My dad stated using his ‘lawyer tone’.  “However Jones does owe me a favor, perhaps I could cash in that favor for you.”
“Seriously? Oh my god Mr. Murdock thank you! You’re amazing!”
“However I would take my daughter’s advice. Don’t hold things off till the last minute.” Suddenly the TV that we had on as background noise stopped playing the current show that was on and brought up the News Bulletin.
“We interrupt this program to bring you this urgent announcement. Earlier today, Former Crime Under-lord and infamous villain The Puppetmaster Alan Munson has escaped from his prison hold. 13 years ago Alan Munson was sentenced to four consecutive life sentences, possibility of parole after his third sentence. He was known as the Puppetmaster due to a rare ability known only to the Waterbenders known as blood-bending. Which may have been the aid he needed to escape his prison cell.”
As we all tuned out the news reporter, our attention turned to Eddie who looked unreadable but deep down I knew he was a mixture of emotions.
“Authorities have issued an urgent curfew until for the time being. No one is allowed out after sunset and must not be near any large bodies of water. Absolutely no one is to leave their homes after dark for this week a full moon arises, which is the only time Bloodbending can happen. If anyone has any news in regards to Alan Munson’s whereabouts, don’t hesitate to contact the local authorities.”
Yeah that wouldn’t really matter much anyway.  While it is true that Bloodbending could only happen during a full moon, Eddie’s father was one of those rare diamonds in the rough that could actually bloodbend without the need of a full moon.  That’s why he’s so dangerous and why everyone gives Eddie a hard time.  People at the school believe he has his father’s unique ability as well and try to egg him on to use it just so they can ‘prove a point’ (whatever the hell that means).
“I think it’s time you kids started heading home.” My dad spoke in his ‘Daredevil’ voice.  The guys all began packing their stuff and bid me goodbye, all except for Eddie who just remained still as a statue.
“Eddie?” I asked cautiously.  Slowly I walked over to him and slowly reached out and touched his hand.  He flinched back and looked at me, his eyes a mixture of rage and fear and he immediately said.
“I—I gotta go.” Without another word, he grabbed his stuff and raced out of the apartment.  I turned to my dad and he looked in my general direction.
“Things are already hard on him as it is at school. Now that word’s gotten out about his dad escaping, people will really be on his ass now. What do I do daddy?” Dad sighed deeply and came over to me.
“Treat him as you always have. You and your friends are all he really has outside of his uncle.” I looked down solemnly but I felt my dad’s hand on my shoulder gently squeezing it comfortingly, “But if I’m honest, I think all he’ll really need is you.”
“Did you have to go and listen to his heart?” I asked accusingly.
“Not really, even a blind man can see just how in love you both are for one another.” I groaned as he softly chuckled. “I’m gonna be out late tonight, don’t wait up on me.”
“Do you have to?” I asked worriedly.
“The city’s gonna be in mass panic, especially for the non-supers in this city. All heroes and vigilantes are required to make finding The Puppetmaster their first priority.” I nodded solemnly.
“Just be careful. I know you’re one of the rare heroes that keeps both identities of Daredevil and Matt Murdock separate to your enemies, but I don’t wish to be an orphan a second time.” Dad took my hand and placed it on his chest, I could feel the steady beat of his heart as he said to me.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to come back to you.” This was a common thing between us ever since he adopted me and I found out about his ‘other job’.  Most heroes tend to lie and say they are invisible and will come back no matter what.
However my dad isn’t like most heroes.  He can’t fly, he doesn’t have super healing abilities, or super strength, not even control over the elements.  All he is is a guy with enhanced senses that enables him to see the world even though all he sees is a ‘World on fire’.  He’s been trained in almost every style of martial arts but it took him decades of training and he didn’t get it right away like most heroes would.
And growing up with a dad who always burdened himself with ‘protecting the city he loves’ it put a strain on us for a while.  Until one day I got the courage to express to him my concerns and he didn’t reprimand me nor did I him.  I just wanted him to know that I was scared that I was going to one day get the news of Daredevil found dead in dumpster and that once again I’ll be alone without a family.
So this was our vow.  Since he taught me that there’s a spike in people’s hearts when they lie, whenever it came to uncertainty missions that required his attention, he’d place my hand over his heart as he’d speak that very phrase.  And every time he said it, there was never a spike in his heart.
I hugged him as hard as I could burying my face into his chest.  He rubbed my back and rocked me softly.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
“I love you too daddy.” He kissed the crown of my head before finally separating from me and went over to his old wardrobe where his suit was kept.  In an old trunk that once belonged to his dad who was a well-known boxer back in the day.
I was currently in my room having just finished the rest of my homework when I heard a soft knock at my door and there my dad stood in his full Daredevil suit.  The red devil eyes from his mask had been known to send fear up even the darkest of criminals spines.  His billy clubs rested in a holster at side of his left thigh.
“Be careful, Daredevil.” He gave me a nod and said.
“Lights out by ten, and make sure to brush your teeth.” I softly laughed.
“If only people could hear the infamous ‘Man without fear’ tell his adopted daughter to make sure she did her teeth and got to bed on time.” I couldn’t help but tease.
“Probably would make them even more afraid of me.” He teased back.
“Child labor at its finest.” I teased again as dad softly scoffed.  He then used the fire escape and in his Daredevil fashion, he disappeared into the night and acrobatically scaled down the building before going on the hunt for the Puppetmaster.  “Love you dad.” And so I was left to man down the fort until it was bedtime.
The next few days, as I had predicted, were chaotic at school.  Due to the Heroes still not being able to find Eddie’s father, all after school activities were cancelled until further notice.  Which meant not Starlight Flying, no track meets, not even gymnastics (which I’ll admit I am bummed about but I get why they’re doing it).  And every student has had it out for Eddie.
Just the other day after the Big Championship game had to be cancelled between our rivalry school, Eddie got beans, mashed potatoes and chocolate pudding dumped on him by Jason and his lackies.  Before he could even start something, I held him back and told him they weren’t worth it.  They were trying to rile him up and get him to prove to them that he’s the monster they think he is.
And now all day today he’s been up on the rooftop gardens were Lily and the other earth-benders have their club meetings.  Creating new plants and practicing their Earthbending.  I found Dustin, Mike, Will and Lucas sitting outside their normal D&D room and asked them.
“Is Eddie still on the roof?”
“Gareth and Jeff just told us he’s refusing to ever come down. He didn’t even go home last night to his uncle.” Dustin told me.  I looked up at the ceiling worriedly before sighing.
“You guys get on the next bus, I’ll talk to him.”
“You sure?” asked Mike.
“Yeah. Besides Nancy told me you three have a big midterm coming up so I suggest you study. First semester Midterms are no joke, especially to first years. No matter if you’re in Heroes class or Hero Support.”
“Good luck (Y/n).” Will said as they walked off to the bus ramp to get back down to the ground (yeah the academy is actually levitated high up in the sky).  I went up the stair way that lead up to the gardens and there I saw Eddie bending the water within some vines, making them shift and move around the columns they were wrapped around.
“Do you have room for one more?” Eddie jumped and turned towards me but when he saw it was me, he calmed down and said.
“Knock yourself out.” I came over to him and sat down beside him on the bench he was sitting on.  He continued his bending until he just stopped and was deep in his head again.  I reached out and touched his hands, softly fingering around his rings and said.
“What’s going on up there Eddie?”
“My mother’s name doesn’t even matter. All anyone can see me is my old man’s son. The son of the infamous Puppetmaster. Believe me if I had the power to choose, I would’ve had my old man be a normal human who just ran out on me. But nope, I got the shortest end of the stick and no matter what I do, nothing I say or do is ever gonna change that!” his voice raised in anger as he paced while he ranted.  “I don’t……Sometimes I just wish I had died alongside my mother. Or better yet never have been born. She should’ve gotten rid of me when she had the chance.”
“Stop! Don’t ever say that!” I snapped as I stood up.
“Oh c’mon (Y/n) we both know that it’s true! My mother was assaulted by him, I am a product of a rape. Who could ever love someone like that?” a single tear secretly fell down his face as he seethed that self-hatred line.  “But since I’m too much of a coward to kill myself, I start to think fuck it. Why not just go down the path of a villain? Everyone else has decided that for me already.”
“Even though you have the power to go down that road, you’ll never take that step.”
“How do you know that?!”
“Because I know the real Eddie Munson. The boy who takes in the sidekicks who think they’re not worthy being in this school. The boy who spends his time feeding the stray cats at his trailer park, and not just them but the dogs you free from the underground dogfights. The boy who reads fantasy books and comes up with the wildest campaigns for his friends. That is the Eddie Munson I know.” And that’s the boy who I’ve always loved and will always love.
“What did you just say?” he suddenly asked.
“Do you really need me to repeat that whole rant I just did?”
“Just the last part.”
“That that’s the Eddie Munson I know.”
“After that.” After that? What’s he talking about?
“That you save dogs from underground dogfights.”
“No you said that in the middle after the stray cat feeding at my trailer park. I meant the very last thing you said.” The last thing I—oh god. Oooooh no…..please don’t tell me I actually verbally—oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! Fucking hell no! Please god don’t tell me that didn’t stay in a though bubble!
My thoughts were broken by Eddie cupping the side of my face, my eyes staring deeply into his chocolate brown ones.
“What did you say sweetheart?” I swallowed hardly as my heart began to skyrocket out of my chest and I choked out.
“I—I-I……” Eddie chuckled and said.
“You always were cute whenever you got flustered like this.”
“Are-are you making fun of me?”
“Not at all.” He brushed the strands of hair out of my eyes before slowly leaning forward and he whispered, “Just use your new little technique if you want me to stop.” I shook my head no and wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him down to my lips.
He let out a muffled grunt but his body soon relaxed under our kiss as his arms slowly wrapped around my back bringing me in close.  Ever so slowly, my right leg raised up as I tightened my grip around Eddie’s neck and he deepened the kiss.  I then felt him lift me off my feet as we continued to kiss one another until we were left breathless and drunk on our love.
We caught the last bus from the school and now Eddie was driving us back to his trailer for us to spend a little one on one time before the city curfew could ruin this perfect moment another second.  Our hands were intertwined with the other’s and we refused to break that bond, at least not yet.  Every now and then, he’d raise our hands up and kiss the back of my hand and I did the same to him.
But as we pulled up to his trailer, Eddie’s love-sick expression soon turned to dread as he looked upon his uncle’s trailer home.  My expression grew fearful as I too saw what it looked like.  It had been completely torn to shreds, the door was busted right off it’s hinges and the ground was soaked with mud and water.  Eddie immediately raced inside and I followed after him.
The inside didn’t look much better.  The furniture was turned up like the place had been burglarized, but nothing was taken.  The curtains and blinds looked like they had been sliced up by something and there were occasional wet puddles on the inside of the floor and carpets.  But what had us both fearful and enraged was that Eddie’s uncle is usually home by this time, but the trailer was like a graveyard, empty and silent.
Eddie slowly walked further in and grabbed an old picture of him and his uncle just shortly after he had been taken in my him after his father was imprisoned.  I could see that the glass frame was completely cracked but I could also see Eddie’s body shaking with rage until he let out the most gut-wrenching, rageful, and mournful scream I had ever heard out of a man.
I took Eddie back to my apartment and gave him a cup of warm tea but he just sat there with a stoic, broken expression on his face.  Tearstains glistened on his cheeks, his eyes bloodshot red.  I sat down beside him and slowly wrapped my arms over him and I placed my head on his shoulder.
The door opened and in came my dad.  But before he could greet us, he licked his lips and stood at attention.  I knew he could taste the salt from our tears and he asked us.
“What happened?”
“It’s Wayne.” I told him somberly.  My father’s brows raised in shock and he quickly came down over to us kneeling down before us.
“Are you both alright?”
“We—Wayne was already gone when we got there. The trailer was completely destroyed.” Dad let out deep sigh before kissing my forehead and turned toward Eddie.
“Another reason why I can’t stand heroes. They claim to be going day and night to finding my old man, and yet he hasn’t been caught. And now he has my uncle, the only person in this whole world that even gave a shit about me!” Eddie snarled lowly, hos body seething with rage and I knew dad could sense it a hell of a lot more than I could.
“I understand your frustrated…..” Eddie stood up from the couch and unleashed his fury.
“OF COURSE I’M FRUSTRATED!! My psychopathic bastard of a father escapes a prison that is supposedly impenetrable and made my life hell this past week! Now the one time I’m not there for my uncle he captures him and will most likely kill him and this WHOLE TIME THE HEROES ARENT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT WHILE I’M STUCK HERE AND YOU TWO CAN’T EVEN HELP ME!!” Dad and I stared at him in shock.  His rageful expression softened as he realized just who he was talking to.  He collapsed back down onto the couch beside me and said in a calmer, softer tone, “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.”
I took his hand in both of mine and gently kissed his knuckles and I told him.
“It’s alright. You’ve been piling up everything that’s happened this past week inside of you. You hardly scratched the surface earlier this afternoon.”
“But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you or your dad.” He said regretfully.
“She knows you didn’t really mean what you said. And neither do I.” my dad spoke up.  Eddie let out a deep sigh and said.
“I’m just trying to understand why all of this is happening, and why now. But nothing makes any sense. And now—now that Wayne is involved I…..” tears once again filled his eyes as he buried his face into his hands, sniffling into his palms.
“Eddie,” my father started as he knelt down in front of him.  He reached up and grasped his shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze as he continued, “I know you’re feeling lost and frustrated right now. And it’s alright to feel that way, everyone whether hero or normal civilian feels something like this every day. Even Daredevil himself once felt this way when the Kingpin forced him to choose between saving his friends or his child.”
That was a day I never hoped to remember, it reminded me so much of the first time I came across ‘The man without fear’ back when I was a child and my parents were killed in front of me and I was taken by child traffickers.  They would’ve sold me to the highest bidder had Daredevil not found me in time.
After finding out I had lost both my parents and that I had no other family in the city to take care of me, I was taken to the orphanage and within a couple of weeks Matt Murdock came into my life and adopted me.  And the rest was history.  But when Fisk had found out about my father’s true identity, he had a villain named Bullseye take me and hold me hostage while apparently Foggy and Karen were being watched by the corrupt cops Fisk had under his belt ready to take them out.
“He—I can’t even begin to imagine what I would’ve done if that were me.” Eddie said as he took my dad’s story to heart.
“But he knew he couldn’t lose himself. He had to keep his calm and composure to try and work a way to save them both. And not only did he accomplish that, he also managed to put Fisk away for a long time with a proposition of his own.”
“Compared to my dad, Kingpin’s a saint. He won’t bargain anything or with anyone. How is anyone supposed to defeat him?”
“He’s been convicted and captured once before, not every villain is invincible. All it takes if for the right hero to stop him for good.” My dad stood up and walked over to the kitchen as he also told him, “Since your trailer is an active crime scene, you’re welcome to stay here. But I strictly advise you newly appointed lovebirds, no hanky-panky in this apartment. Don’t ask me how I’ll know, I just will.”
“Dad!” I groaned out.  He smirked and started to prepare us dinner.  After dinner Eddie and I sat on top of the roof looking out over the city.  My arms wrapped around his right arm while my head rested on his shoulder. “We’ll find him Eddie, one way or another.”
“I swear if he even lays a hand on him I swear to fucking God I’ll—” I rubbed his arm soothingly trying to ease his anger.
“One thing you should know is that my dad always knows what to say. I know you’re pissed, your scared, you’re high-strung. But all this tense anxiety won’t do you any good. Take a deep breath and focus.” He took a deep breath in before exhaling.  “I know we were too young when he was first arrested but, is there any place you think he’d take Wayne? Some place of meaning between the two of them?”
“I doubt it. They were never really close with one another even as kids. Even though Wayne was the older brother, since he never got his powers he was considered the black sheep of the family while my father was the prodigal son.” I nodded in understandment. “It’s getting late and the curfew is still in place. Why don’t you head inside?”
“You sure?” I asked.
“Yeah, plus I can practically feel your exhaustion.” I groaned quietly as I felt Eddie chuckle.  “Go on sweetheart, I’ll be there in a bit.” I looked up at him and we both kissed each other.
“I love you so much.” I told him softly.
“I love you more.” He softly kissed my forehead before I stood up and got ready for bed after a long, confessional and stressful day.
*Eddie’s POV*
Just as (Y/n) got inside, ironically enough it started to rain.  Of course to not people the rain was a nuisance especially to most heroes when it came to night patrols.  But to me, rain was life and a relief.  Mix that with the full moon that shone above the city I could feel myself feeling more alive than I’ve ever been in my entire life.
I realized at this point, I couldn’t wait any longer.  If the heroes weren’t going to do anything to find my father, then I would.  I went over to my van and grabbed a special bag that not even (Y/n) had known about.  I came back inside the apartment and unzipped it to reveal my graduation gift my uncle had made for me.
A traditional Waterbender warrior uniform (with my own modifications).  At the belt’s center design engraving instead of the traditional Water symbol, I had engraved a carving of the moon, the same moon carving that my mother once bore on her armor.  The sleeves I had torn off and had them replaced by black elbow-length fingerless gloves with the center forearm of the gloves wrapped up in war tape.
I also began to give myself the traditional war paint of the waterbenders.  Black markings under my eyes and the symbol of water at the center of my forehead.  I then pulled up my face mask to cover the lower half of my face because in order to find my father, I was going to need to get in touch with some of his old friends, and I couldn’t risk them seeing my face.  But there was one last thing I needed to do.
I went into (Y/n)’s room and saw her deep asleep as the brief flashes of lightning lit up her room.  I silently walked over to her and gingerly brushed the strands of hair out of her face and saw her left hand resting not too far from her face, her palm exposed.  I took off my wolf fang necklace and placed it into her palm.  Truthfully I don’t know if I will come out of this alive or not, but what I have to do in order to save Wayne, I’d rather her remember me as I was instead of who I’m about to become.
Having just confessed our feelings to one another only to lose her now, that’s the damage my father brings out in people.  But I don’t want her to be involved in this anymore than Wayne is now forced to be in.  I saw as her palm closed over my necklace and I whispered to her.
“I love you sweetheart, always remember that.” I then went back to the roof and took a deep breath in before exhaling and waved my arms around to have the rain water spin around me before I shot out into the sky, a flash of lightning coming down then I used the rain to forge a water patch for me to jump across.  Each step I took, water formed under me until I was running on the raindrops.
I soon came to one of my dad’s old dealers Yakone.  Yeah I may have been a kid but my old man certainly liked to take me out to all of his dealings and I got to meet every single bloodbender, drug dealer, and crime boss this city had to offer.  I peeked inside the window and saw Yakone counting up his money even though he had just gotten out of prison and was currently on parole.
Once a crime boss, always a crime boss.  I used my power to spill his whiskey across the counter which forced him to stand up and walk out to get something to clean up the mess.  Once he was gone, I slipped inside his office and waited.  The second he came back in, he froze on the spot before suddenly jerking his arm up.  He groaned as his arm soon shot to the left then the right, his bones snapping with each jerk until he was forced to bend forward.
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I made myself known with my left hand in a knife-hand position at my face level before lowering it downward while at the same time his body fully went down to the ground.
“You’re going to tell me where Wayne Munson is and don’t even think about lying.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” sneered Yakone.  I took a step forward and pushing with my other arm as I extended it, Yakone’s upperbody was forced upward and I snapped at him.
“You were once Alan Munson’s second in command. If he ever broke out of prison, the first person he’d go to is you. I won’t ask a third time; where. Is. Wayne Munson!?” Yakone continued to groan in agony as I bloodbended him.
“Tenth and Cicero X! He took that nonbender of a brother of his to the docks along Tenth and Cicero X!” I narrowed my eyes and with a wave of my arms, he was throw across the room, his back hitting the corner of the wall and he let out a pained groan.
“If I find out he’s not there, you won’t have to worry about the heroes finding out about your parole breaking. Cause I’ll see to it that you will be stopped permanently.” Then I used my Bloodbending to knock him out before finally leaving the scene as if nothing happened.
I stood along the rooftop of one of the buildings that overlooked the docks of the city and saw the old warehouse where Yakone said Wayne was being kept hostage.  I could see guards patrolling around the warehouse all either carrying guns or specialized arrows.  Odd that my old man would hire assassins and non-benders to guard my uncle, but no matter they’ll be out of my way soon enough.
I snuck my way down the fire escape of the building and crept up towards the warehouse before diving head first into a bay.  I created a water-helm for me to breath as I swam towards the edge of the warehouse.  I then summoned out a water tendril and reached out for one of the guards and pulled him out into the bay.  I then created a whirlpool tornado and shot myself upward.
“OPEN FIRE!!” one of the guards called out and a hellfire of guns and arrows were shot at me.  Creating an ice barrier I shielded myself before coming down with a back axe-kick which caused the whirlpool to follow me and push half of the men into the street knocking them out.
Using the remaining water, I created a water whip and proceeded to fire ice shards at the rest of the men.  Knocking their weapons out of their hands and then piercing them to either the walls or old shipping carts.  When the first set of guards I had knocked out started to get up, I proceeded to bloodbend all of them stopping them in their tracks.
Forcefully controlling them to stay where they were and getting down on their knees when suddenly I felt something metal hit me in the back of my head forcing me to release them.  I reached behind me and felt blood on the back of my head and I heard the sound of someone landing in front of me.  From the light of the full moon there was no denying who the man in the red suit was that stood before me.  One billy club in his hand, the devil helmet and those piercing red eyes from the mask staring at me.  The Man without Fear aka Daredevil had come.
“You need to back off.” He warned me in the voice that had been known to send shivers down any criminals spine.
“And you shouldn’t interfere with family affairs.” I seethed back at him.  I formed water tendrils around my arms and went on the offense but Daredevil proved to be just as fast as me, if not faster.
“You’re making a mistake.” He told me.
“You made the mistake by coming here!” One of my tendril arms froze over as I went to skewer him but he dodged out of the way forcing the ice shard to pierce through the asphalt of the street.  I broke my arm free of the ice and dropped the other tendril before stepping into a front stance and held my arms parallel of each other to use the rain to knock him off his feet but once again Daredevil’s agility was something.
Each time two waves of water tried to knock him down, he was able to either to flip between them, roll underneath them, or bend so far back against the ground there was no chance of the water touching him.  I growled impatiently and charged at him this time.
However only just two punches he not only dodged them but got me to my knees and had my in a chokehold.
“First rule of combat, never attack in anger.”
“I’m not angry! I’m annoyed there’s a difference!” I snapped as I tried to break myself free from his grip but he held firm.
“I can tell, but that’s the first rule they teach in combat. Now listen to me, you can still turn back. Let me finish the job and you can be reunited with your uncle by morning, your father will go back to prison, and all of this can be put behind you.”
“It won’t matter.”
“Yes it will. You’re young, you have a future to look forward to, you still have a choice. But if you cross this line, the journey back isn’t easy. Trust me, I know.” Looking down at the water I did a few finger flicks which caused a water whip to wrap around his neck and pull him off of me.  I then used my Bloodbending to keep him in place.  He let out a cry of agony as I forced him to stand at attention.
“It’s already too late, I’ve made my choice. One way or another, Alan Munson is dying tonight. He crossed the line when he kidnapped my uncle, who’s to stop him from going after my friends? My—” I trailed off thinking about (Y/n).  The torture alone that my old man could put her through, especially since she doesn’t have any powers to fight him back with.  “If he ever got to her, I’d never forgive myself.”
“Got to her ehh?” I tensed as I released Daredevil and turned to see the man I’d hope I’d never see again.  His hair was longer and madded and the eyes I inherited from him were soulless and cold.  He somehow managed to find his old armor once again and in his grip, he had Wayne levitating in the air.  “Now this I’d love to hear more of, especially if you did all of this for your excuse of an uncle.”
  My heart was pounding in my ears as my blood boiled in rage.  Extending my arms outward in a T position but with my hands standing upward, I made the rain pause around us and slowly form a shield around all of us.
“Release him.” I ordered.
“Or what little man? You gonna kill me?” the Puppetmaster mocked.
“If I have to.” I said soullessly.
“Sounds a bit dark for the son of Lunar Eclipse. But if you were my son, you’d do it without hesitation.”
“Eddie…..don’t do it son.” I heard Wayne groan out.  “Even if you do attack, he’ll use me as a shield.” He said again.
“He’s telling the truth.” Daredevil soon spoke.
“I can protect him.”
“You’re blinded by rage and won’t be able to stop it in time!” Daredevil spoke up again.  “Your uncle raised you to be a hero, not a murderer!”
“I’m already a murderer.” I soullessly stated referring to the men I had just taken out.
“They’re still alive, I can hear their heartbeats. Your father knew those men wouldn’t be worth your time because he knew the only one you were willing to kill was him.”
“Eddie, son listen…..” my uncle strained out.  “Take a good look at the man standing before you, is this the man you’ll want to become if you do this? Because you were the one to break the chain and not be like him ever since you were born. You chose to walk away from his path and choose your mother’s.”
“Listen to your uncle Eddie Munson, you’ve got people who care about you, even love you. One of them especially. Your father, he has no one. No one to call family, friends or even a partner to love and cherish. If you do this, you’ll never see any of your friends or your beloved again! So don’t. Do it!” My body trembled in rage as I stared daggers at my old man.
I waved my arms and let out a rageful cry as the shield dropped and formed into a thousand ice sharps varying in size and flew right towards him.  But just as some pierced the ground and Wayne’s body was moved directly in front of my father’s, I stopped the attack.
The ice shards floating in mid-air before I stood there in the rain and the ice shards immediately turned back into water, drenching both my uncle and father.  My father tossed Wayne aside as Daredevil went over to check on him as my father said to me.
“Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak.”
“You’re wrong.” After 13 years, I was able to stare my father down not in fear and surprisingly not in rage (at least anymore).  “I always wondered just what kind of man you are to have done the things you’ve done. Now that I see, I think I understand. There’s just nothing inside of you, nothing at all. You’re pathetic, sad and empty. And as much as I hate you—I just can’t find it in me to kill you. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t come prepared.” Next thing he knew, he was trapped by a zero anti-gravity forcefield and the entire Heroes Council soon came on the scene.
“Alan Munson, you are under arrest by the City of Hawkins.” Proclaimed Chief Hopper.  Ms. Byers and Robin’s mother soon came up and put my father back in chains and guided him towards the police car.  I closed my eyes and felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders but there was still a sliver of doubt floating in my mind.
As the night droned on, I found myself back at the Murdock’s apartment, the rain finally subsiding and I knew in a few hours dawn would break.  My uncle had been taken to the nearby hospital for a healing session and to give his statement to further incriminate my father’s quadruple life sentences.
“I’m proud of what you did back there. You even managed to fool the Devil himself.” I heard Daredevil say behind me.
“I wanted to do it. I wanted to take out all my anger at him but—I couldn’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too weak to do it or—due to the people that I have in my life, it’s given me the strength not to go down his road.”
“You did the right thing tonight Eddie Munson. Forgiveness is the first step you take to begin healing.” I stood up from the edge of the balcony and walked over to him and told him.
“But I didn’t forgive him. I’ll never forgive him for what he did. In a way he did win,” I looked down at my hands.  “I swore that I would never use his taboo art of Bloodbending but—I did. I…..don’t know if I…..” I soon felt arms wrap around me.  When I looked up, I found myself surrounded by red and I was surprised to see that the infamous Daredevil was hugging me.
I surrendered to his embrace and hugged him back as I softly began to cry.  Now that my anger and rage was gone, the sorrow, the guilt and shame was all that remained in me.  And I finally let it all out and Daredevil not once tried to get me to stop or tell me to suck it up.  In fact he didn’t say a word, he just allowed me to fully let it out until my tears were finally spent.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Brother Dearest Pt 45
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Nausea came in hard and fast and a try to make tea for Norma had her slumped back in her chair at the table waiting to the sound of the water boiling. Something was wrong and the new phone line in the house came in handy as a way to get the Doc on notice of what was going on. “Almost done Jeanie.” You said readying the mug and bag of tea that you poured the warm water over so she wouldn’t scald herself. Some honey was added in a hope to calm her stomach and over to her. The smell however had her stomach lurch and you turned with hand extended to the trash bin that zapped over to float in front of her to catch the little she could get up. Over her back your hand smoothed and you said, “Just breathe, it’s okay. Just breathe.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled accepting the towel you zapped over to wipe her own mouth and catch your eye to the lower of the can. “You made me tea,” with shaking hands she accepted the mug and forced down a few sips.
Beside her you sat with eyes fixed on her in each of her calming breaths to the mental count back to when they guys would be coming home. Dawn was with her family and had taken the kids with her that just left the dogs and even Mr Whiskers who were showing hints that they were catching signals the birth would be coming soon. All attentive and crowded around while she finished her tea and you sent the mug to the sink and rose to help her to her feet. “Let’s get you to bed and off your feet.”
A splash around her feet once up had your eyes drop and in a sway from her your hands steadied her in her groan at the sway of the room. “I’m not doing this on purpose.”
That had you giggle and reply, “Jeanie, I would never peg you for a purposeful splasher in my lifetime. Just mean’s baby is getting ready to come, Ambrose spent about an hour mid labor with her head in the bin. Let’s get you to bed sweetheart.” Against you she leaned as her nerves amped up and right to her bed you went to lay over the rubber sheet she laid over the bed each day in hopes of meeting her child. Carefully you helped to ease off her stockings she refused to stop wearing and her garter belt after she had slipped out of her now wet shoes. As easily as possible you helped to change her into a more comfortable dress she’d picked for the birth for her to lay back in and focus on her breathing between sips of water you ensured she took to stay hydrated.
Sight of the Doc’s car in the driveway however had the brothers’ hearts racing and once the truck was parked they both shot out of it not even closing the doors to the truck on their race inside. “Nora?!” Victor called out once through the front door you knew to warn the Doctor to leave propped open.
You came into the doorway with a sigh right into their wide eyed view and calmed them in saying, “Bout five centimeters. Just had to call the Doc she was nauseous for the past few hours, but he gave her something to help.”
Victor nodded and looked to the door that he passed by you hearing, “In bed, Vicy. I feel better now.” Right up against her side he curled with eyes on the Doctor who was explaining the simple powder he’d given her to drink in water you got her. His nerves eased with his hand smoothing over her stiffening belly that was shifting lower revealing signs that the baby was coming soon. Right off he could sense the only issue was the period of nausea that she’d scooted past. Though through the doorway however he caught your pause to rest your head against James’ chest for a melt into the hug he offered with hushed murmurs that he would take you to get something to eat to calm your own tilt to the room at the ordeal that had put off your lunch after a sliver of breakfast due to an accidental knock of your plate by Teddy off the table while Dawn was readying him to go that morning.
Gently he pressed his lips to your temple and with an arm across your back he led you from the door, “Let’s see what we have in the fridge hmm?”
The last of the fish was fixed up with some veggies for a meal you felt a bit guilty size wise that he fixed up to his setting it in front of you with a smile, “Eat up Darling. Been a hard morning. We’re off the rest of the week easy so Teddy can’t steal your meals from you.”
You sighed and said, “I don’t know why I’m so light weight these days.”
Down into the seat beside you he sat with hands on your leg and hand closest to him with eyes fixed on yours, “You are in no way a light weight. You need to eat and you need to sleep. Now eat up and get your strength up before Doc has to come and check on you when you pass out.”
A check of the progress had Victor sent out and had him curiously in search of you and on the empty seat beside you and asked, “Hard morning Pipsqueak?”
While your mouth was full James said, “Teddy knocked her breakfast off the table and lunch was put off.”
Victor softly murmured, “Pipsqueak,” still knowing about the lingering effects any amount of hunger had on your body only compounded by stress, of which you had plenty at the moment that had explained why the doors and drawers in the bathroom and kitchen he noticed had been open upon their return.
“I’m ok,” you said after swallowing. “I am.”
Victor, “Doc said her nausea was extreme and you got her through that, you kept her drinking and sucking on spoonfuls of honey and ice cubes. Thank you, now look at the kitchen.” Your head turned and your lips parted eyeing the open drawers and cabinets you eased shut again mentally then looked to him again, “You needed a break. Relax, Dawn’s off till tonight, Eddie too so I’m going to be in that room with you and Jimmy. Take a breather, pace on the patio, we got some time.”
The Doc however called him back and proved otherwise, merely enough to rinse off your dishes and take a moment in the sunlit patio where Mr Whiskers was stretched out in the warmth.
“Hey, what did I say about the face?” You asked the infant lying halfway underneath your propped up shoulders and face that was curling it’s legs and hands to bump into your nose after another waking stretch. Twelve pushes in an awkward array of positions for little Leanora Iris Creed to be born was endured and now Norma and Victor slept after a long night up staring at their daughter who once she had her first meal slept soundly. Two parents so worried about her safety had worried themselves to needing to sleep. The bald little girl with almost shimmering hazel eyes stared up at you with grunts and coos galore in a try to say something to you. Lowly however a chuckle from the returned James with tray of food in hand he had gone to fetch came to take over staring duty for the girl soon to be cradled to his chest lovingly so he could cuddle closer to you. “Come here Petal. Just wait and when you’re grown your auntie Bunny will teach you some serious tips on dishing out bruises.”
“Petal?” You asked with a wide smile at the now smiling man who inched even closer to your side with hands fixed to cradle his niece.
“Vic always wanted a Petal. We’re slipping it in, Shh.” Softly you giggled and turned your focus back to the food as he began to speak to you about any and everything to keep his mind off your own babies you’d have one day he pondered the faces and adorably perfect hands and feet he’d never let go of once here.
Arguments of course ensued with the tiny girl caught in the battle of nicknames, Sunshine vs Petal. Compromise was found by the common renditions of ‘You Are My Sunshine’ to the girl who would have to grow up with two nicknames from her parents related to her first two names. Help was given by means of your dad’s nickname for you contrasting your mother’s. And the early summer found Victor off work to stay with Norma and Leanora while you were granted shifts at the diner again and private drives with your loving husband who on the way back used the privacy to his benefit and took the long way home more than once to always steal just one more kiss.
Post signing sales however brought business back to your mind between trips to the comic book studio to Freckled Moose’s headquarters where they shared that availability was being expanded to England and America. Negatives were shipped back and forth again to ready the shipments and restock the shelves to fulfill back orders that by the end of June had your muffled squeak behind your hand to the number on the check sent to you for your cut of the first round of sales on the initial supply printed and bound. James handled the bank trip for you with a massive proud grin at the amount that was agreed to help pay off any tuition for yourself when the amount your father had saved for you was depleted. With the remainder to be added to the funds to come from the rest of the sales of this book and any others to go towards school funds for Erik and your future babies.
There was no way that would ever be a hard sell. Erik wasn’t that much younger than you and needed help to reach his goals and James wanted his daughters especially to be well educated and his sons to be able to have a good footing for their own futures and families they may have. Years ahead you had planned and even with a spreadsheet on a legal pad you had found a huge gap of funds that would be left over you couldn’t comprehend ever having earned that now spoke to how vastly your circumstances had changed from Steve’s watch to being under the protection of the Howlett brothers and Eddie.
Even had you not met James or Victor your future would have been far cushier compared to the nothing that had been willed down to you. All you truly had was that school fund and even on that you would have struck on your own to make a life for yourself under the legal watch of the Brocks until you could be claimed by someone else. Still, for the price near to an ironing board and far less useful in day to day life hundreds of thousands of copies of what you had snapped with an inherited camera for class was now a joining factor in countless lives and stirred conversations once impossible between strangers until that book had been released. Manhattan and Washington however would come calling soon enough as you were guaranteed two dates there as well.
“So what do you have planned for school?” You asked Erik in his path past yours in the diner where he’d been back to helping out since the baby had been born once his spare summer month long course had helped to catch him up to the final credits he’d need to graduate on time after being so behind.
Food was settled out for the table of truckers and his empty table had been cleared and wiped down for your paths to meet again behind the counter where you collected the next trays worth of plates and utensils. “Um,” he muttered on your way around the counter again almost reluctant to say his aspirations after his recount of his collected tips so far.
Back again at his side in the break where all the tables had been seen to between the both of you he stood lost with a drifted look on his face after having counted his cut of the tips from his cleared tables. “Erik?”
His eyes snapped up and he grabbed the coins and slid them into the slot of his tip box built into the counter and forced out a grin. “I might just work here a few more years first.”
That had you lean in and place a hand on his arm in the turn of the cook back to his grill after having taken notice of his expression in handing off Dot her lunch she was taking after her cousin had gotten off hers. His eyes widened a tad and you could see the deeply held fight not to cry in them and you said, “If it’s about the money for school I have money left over from the book after the rest of what I have mapped out to spend for mine that I was considering putting in an account for you.”
Instantly his arms shot around you and a smile eased across your lips to his right hug you returned gladly as he mumbled into the top of your head, “I can’t thank you enough I won’t let you down.”
“Oh I never doubted that Erik.”
In his draw back he looked you over ensuring he hadn’t messed up your uniform and said, “I have almost a thousand saved up already so it’d just be whatever’s left over after that. Will that be much?”
“Depends on how far you want to go,” you said with a smirk to his creeping grin.
“Far as I can. I wanna try for Columbia, like you.”
Softly you giggled and turned your head to a throat clearing at he counter to signal politely a need for a refill for a driver needing to go soon but wanted a top up first. In a turning reach for the coffee pot you answered, “Then we can see about the Brocks hiring you at the bar on weekends if you like.”
One more year was all that was left and the seventeen year old couldn’t be more excited to be able to head to Brooklyn with you, hopeful that he could get good enough grades to get into the fantastic school to be closer to his cousin and learn in one of the top schools in this side of the world.
Nose deep in the lake you tread water with watch of Eddie on his day off and Teddy in hand letting the boy get his first swim lesson. Victor on the deck sat with hold of his girl to Norma’s bashful drop of the towel around her. Dawn was off at work while James was helping a neighbor with something. Timidly Norma crouched to ease into the water from the deck eager to hide her belly you had been joining her a few times a week for some laps back and forth across the lake. “Norma it’s the water weight, no need to be bashful,” Eddie said luring a smile across her face.
“I just have to be camera ready before the premier in October,” she replied.
“Norma you’d have folks lined up even with Leanora still in your belly.” You said in her dunk neck deep into the water to Victor’s lift of his daughter’s body to kiss her forehead in her grunt at a passing dragon fly. Chatter continued in the cool off break between each lap you ticked off the weekly roster before you went inside to get out of the heat.
Irritating twinges in your belly now had you inside your tub while the hand scrubbed swim suit you’d left to hang on the sink to get the telling blood stain out from the unnoticed streak down your leg Eddie had warned you of on the way back from under the bottom of your towel. There was a promise to wait on babies but still another cycle had come and now you were nose deep in the tub after having scrubbed up and wound your washed hair on top of your head to simply seep in all the warmth of the water while it lasted joined by stray tears. Footsteps from the bedroom had you wipe warm water over your face and stopped in a knock on the door.
Victor through it asked, “Hungry Pipsqueak?” He had questions he wanted to ask but held back to wait for James to get home so he could pamper you back out of this troubling week that even the girls could tell wore heavily on you. Even Norma had suggested her own tips to the guys surrounding her own monthly troubles and painful cycles that had her wondering if you faced the same condition she had been enduring.
“Little bit,” you did reply and leaned back with eyes closing to the stretch of your legs irritating your cramped hips and lower back.
“I’ve got stew on the stove for you when you’re ready.” He paused a moment and asked, “You need anything else?”
Over your eyes your hand laid and you answered, “I am okay, just feels like I’m being stabbed from the inside out.”
You could hear his forehead press to the door in a sigh from a trapped sense of helplessness against this physical pain you faced. “Nothing?”
To give him something to help with you asked, “Do we still have some of those warm honey buns?”
“Honey buns, on it.” Back he stepped and to the tug on the drain chain you heard him sharing with Eddie once downstairs, who let Venom take over and get him into town to the bakery in his own urge to help.
Dried and changed into some comfy shorts and a blouse to join the others in the living room where Erik joined you also smoothing his fingers through his hair while you did the same to yours. Five minutes after Eddie’s return James had returned home with Dawn and your husband caught onto the tell tale signs and adoringly swept away right into extra cuddles and massages between spare snacks he could add to your afternoons and evenings.
August was the month to ready and September had the house boarded up for the lengthy drive back to Brooklyn. A couple days were used to freshen up the nurseries as you and James traveled for the two book signings. Washington came first and upon arrival you were taken straight to the Blair House, a guest home to dignitaries and others visiting the President, where you were gifted a lovely room that seemed a bit over the top for this simple stay. You had arrived in late and it wouldn’t be until the next day that Truman could meet with you in the planned dinner after your morning and afternoon for the signing.
A school nearby was used for this backdrop with the auditorium for the questioning afterwards. Far beyond what you had expected collectively over all the eight dollar paperweight now spreading through this country as well as England to those who had expressed some sort of demand had grown to be the unthinkable. True you were about fifty miles below Rembrandt or other staple artists in any country but still it was a bit flattering to say the least that this book and not just your comic books had been picked off the shelves by thousands of strangers.
Even here more children had brought their favorite issues for picture worthy moments to be flooded through papers, including a boy who hijacked his mother’s question time to ask about his favorite now signed comic book. A separate picture however even on your own picture was taken with the President and other members of the White House staff who had their own copies. All of which you signed before and after the planned supper with the First Family who were glad to hear all the details of your travels and possibly catch hints of what your next book might be covering.
The train back scattered across the hours had random people that had seen you who milled through the train to pass by and ‘casually’ work their way back to your spot to ask if you would sign something of theirs. After a stop at the house for the night up to Manhattan you went to be on time for the next signing. Familiar faces from random years through the state had come to pop up again with proud grins at their silent ties to the famous face so many had come to greet and hear from. Absolute love however came from your own town and block that by household took turns delivering their books to you if they wanted it signed between others who just wanted to ask about some of their favorite images.
The back of the line however from a fancy car Howard Stark joined the line a few people behind where Albert Einstein stood. The former lingered to the side while you greeted the others between him and the final book clutching guest, Howard. “Refrigerator magnet science, you really put that as how you managed the floating objects?”
With a smirk you accepted the book he held out for you and replied, “Well, I would give you the technical answer but that would be what it would be simplified to anyways. How is the floating car coming?”
Howard sighed, “Not well, been scrapped to help on some tech to help search for Commies.” His hand outstretched to accept the book back again he eased the cover back to smirk at the comment written there with well wishes for his flying car you wanted dibs on the first model up for grabs. “So you’ll have to wait on dibs for the first car.”
Einstein, “Truly the pity that now battlefields turn to hidden spies on home soil. Can only turn the world darker, brother un-trusting brother.”
James sighed and took your hand in the reminder that the questions were to start after your lunch the duo now tagged along to a nearby eatery with a reserved table set for you. Howard had his hand fixed around a not so shocking shot glass and said to break the silence, “Saw the wedding. Paid a whole ten cents for the ticket to catch that reel before some absurd little ditty filled nonsense I didn’t stick around for.”
That had you smirk and say, “I feel like I should say I’m flattered.”
Howard, “Oh don’t be. I don’t know how you managed it.” He looked to James, “Forty five minutes, I timed it. How did you manage that without screaming?”
James grinned replying in almost a hum, “Almost did, but we waited five years and I’d have waited hours through any ceremony to be hers. The length of the ceremony is irrelevant, I know the traditional ceremony would have made her parents proud while mine would have wished it to be longer, amusingly enough.”
Einstein chuckled and stated, “My wife loved the ceremony. Very beautiful dress, quite close to hers though hers was, silk? I believe, something shiny.”
You smiled and said, “Thank you. I’m just glad we are married now and nobody can add anything else on the ceremony to what they wanted.”
“Ah,” Howard said with a smirk, “And there you are. Didn’t take you as the Princess the film reel made you seem to be acting up to from our meeting. How’d you talk them into filming it?”
James, “King George offered, well, he didn’t really offer, just said the cameras were coming. Even brought their Royal Photographers that handle their own ceremonies, also insisted on noting the title I inherited for the papers from my grandfather.”
Einstein, “Obviously had you chosen the titles yourselves you would have insisted to be named as a Baron upon our first meeting.”
James, “Just a another word.”
Howard scoffed, “No it’s not. If I was a Baron I certainly wouldn’t be out living in a forest. I would be living it up.”
James smirked, “Forest helped to bring me Bunny. Had hundreds of chances to walk away but never could seem to let go of the land something said to stay put. Enjoy the silence and space and just wait.”
Einstein nodded, “Land is always a welcome home to return to. For its small size New Jersey had quite the offer of actual patches of land around houses we chose between.”
“Bet it’s beautiful, we have a tiny patch out back of our place. Thirty by thirty, if that. But the dogs do appreciate it.”
Howard, “You don’t like the yard?” He asked with a smirk.
After a pause that had his head shift to look you head on you said, “I grew up in that building, there’s more than a few of my old neighbors who tend to pass through time to time.”
Howard, “You need a good fence and a new gate.”
Einstein looked to him after taking notice of the food approaching, “She means their souls Howard.” Parting his lips in a glance between you.
The food was settled on the table to ample thanks and he asked, “Your house is haunted? Like murderous ghouls and screaming cabinets and all that.”
“Just a few pass through the yard, mainly on anniversaries. The only screamer we had was when the guys moved the furnace and fuse box.”
James chortled, “Ya, found a buried box Jaqi knew whose son should have gotten after he died, but he was deployed and got evicted when Hildi’s uncle who owned the place stopped renting and boarded it up. Left after that.”
“Ya, he never really got along with his neighbors but he was a good challenger in checkers. Liked to have another Polish speaker close by to ramble off at on occasion.”
Howard, “I don’t get you.” You smirked and he said, “No, every time I talk to you or see you it’s another crazy pony in the derby to crazy town. You don’t match up, I’m a scientist, everything has a pattern and you’re just dots all over the damn page. You were a kid, sent to a war, somehow built this unmatched weapon you won’t share with anyone else that can tear planes out of the sky and tanks apart. Now you have a book on photography of all things, are in school for who knows what and now you live in a haunted house when not living in the middle of nowhere Canada.”
“Well you’re not wrong there, not likely to make sense to many.” You said taking a slice off of your food to the twitch of his eyebrow.
Einstein chuckled saying, “As it should be, if everyone knew all the secrets to the stars no one would look up towards the light in the dark. Mystery is key.”
Howard looked to him and said in his own bite of food, “You are not helping,” making the physicist chuckle around his mouthful.
James said, “Can’t imagine what you would be expecting to find.”
Howard said to him after a glance at you, “No one is that good.”
Smirking to yourself slicing off another bite you said, “Good thing you never met my brother Steve, according to him and his friend I was born a monster.”
Howard scoffed finally lifting his utensils, “You’re no monster. No fairy princess either but not a monster.”
“Trust me if I had magic things would be completely different.” You said easing the fork between your lips while he chewed.
Enrollment came around again and your class list had you back in line again wading through the sea of open books you signed and answered a few questions on each. English, English Composition, two Advanced Mathematics courses, Chemistry, Astronomy, Psychology, Literature, Sociology and Rhetoric were your chosen courses; the first two English courses being the only ones alongside Literature actually on Barnard campus. Though each woman married or otherwise took time to bring up the wedding and questioned the honeymoon afterwards and summer that everyone seemed to just love a romantic break away from the city with your adoring husband. And tucked between every few women was the hand off of hushed tips shared on how to have babies to get started on your own little family with the man who clearly loved your nephew and nieces beyond words.
In passing your Advanced Mathematics Professor ensured he had a moment at your side with pipe lowered to ask, “Did I hear this correctly, you have a young cousin near to college years?”
Subtly the end of your brow ticked up under the edge of your bangs and you replied, “Yes, my cousin Erik, he’s got his final year in school starting in a week.”
The smoke from his next listening puff on his pipe billowed between you as he said, “Where is he looking for his studies after he’s graduated?”
“Well, here, actually.”
A smirk eased across his lips and he said, “Well I can’t wait to see what sort of student he is compared to his cousin and uncle. Even Elliot is anxious on the wait. All of us on the admissions essay pool judges are going to keep our eyes peeled for his application. What’s his last name?”
“Lehnsherr, Dad changed his to Rogers when he moved to Brooklyn.”
After a glance at someone calling his name he let out another puff of smoke and nudged his pipe at you briefly to say, “I will remember that name and keep an eye out for it.”
“He’ll be glad to hear it,” you said in his nodding step away that had you glance up at James in his smirking reach for another book from the stack that the freshmen that rushed back with to complete the required textbooks you’d need. “Sounds like fun times are coming. Might as well pick a room I guess for Erik.”
James chuckled and said, “Me and Vic have been sprucing up some of our ground floor rooms he could pick from so he won’t have to be surrounded by babies the whole time.” When he took another book and you gave a soft sigh just making him chuckle again and claim the final book so you had hands free to get your paperwork and sign the paperwork to get the tuition paid for in advance again for the fall and spring semesters.
Dawn and the three babies were waiting for you at home and she relaxed while you and James got lunch ready then took charge of Teddy as the younger girls were down for their naps.
Monday this year was the day this semester began on. English on the Barnard campus was how the day began. Ready in a peach dress and cardigan from James tied seamlessly to your figure by a sash you settled into your seat trying to ignore the title of the article that had been apparently counting down on your baby clock since the big ‘I Do Day’. Even now the public’s image that you were a real life Cinderella who had come from the very bottom as a penniless orphan who had nabbed yourself a Baron and had changed your life now simply requiring a baby to make it all picture perfect. You hoped the pressure would die down but where the Congressman’s comments on your roots had high hopes on conceiving fairly early like most Irish women were perceived to be able to simply fall pregnant with ease and would remain pregnant for a good chunk of their lives afterwards until too old to get pregnant anymore.
Mama Brock however recalling the same weight had encouraged her girls to not put any pressure on that movement and to try and spread through town as best they could that the hope would be for you to get your degree first. Halfway almost to getting the first of them most women did accept that a couple years wouldn’t a spinster make as you were still just 22 and had years ahead.
Relief however came in your second class with the same Advanced Mathematics Professor for Trigonometry who welcomed you and the other females up to his course for this and the next three courses on the Columbia Campus until your final class. Minimal female interaction between classes aided in that the men were less likely to enforce that public biological clock countdown. The air seemed different in this upper level course with male students who already knew how talented you are and that you had well earned your seat in their courses and could head up against any guy who tried to test you academically.
A second Mathematics Professor for Calculus came next just a few doors down. Across the campus to another wing you had to weave your way to your Chemistry course that would come up after your lunch break. Portia animatedly upon meeting in her car spilled her exciting new course list and her plans for this year she had used to double up more of her own courses for her own degree.
From desks to stools at stations around the room in groups of three you settled in timidly formed groups. Yourself with two of the left over guys who you’d known loosely in their tries to get to know Portia and your lunch group the hour prior as the other females had grouped up leaving just you and the rest of the male classmates. At least for them they hoped to possibly at the least have some good word shared about them to their hopeful future dates. And around you they took up the stools so you wouldn’t have to be near the gas burner or the sink on the ends and settled in for the first class that would have your first group assignment to warm you all up to the process of each in class experiment and assignment afterwards.
Psychology came next, the most interesting of your classes you had read ahead on in the textbook that could have a great impact at least on some of your own internal struggles and those that your family might have faced. The lengthy class opened with just full speeches and presentations you took notes through to the end when you would have to get up and head across to Barnard for your Literature class you had with Portia. After which the first meeting with the paper came with the proud group who got started in the opening meeting with a list compiled of topics to ready for the paper to be put out in a couple days. Five sketch topics were given to you for various sections of the paper that you had a basic draft of each they commented notes for you to add to each of them through the rest of the days until they were due.
“I’m so glad we’re back in school.” Portia said with a smile you shared on the stroll to the front entrance of the school where James and her driver were waiting. “Been such a long summer apart.” In a glance your way she asked, “James still being as romantic as ever? A couple of my cousins said their hubby’s seemed to switch once they traded rings.”
Softly you chuckled and said, “Surprisingly more romantic than ever.” Widening her smile even more, “He’s excited for me to have another year of schooling under my belt too.”
“Maybe I should take more trips up to Canada for a fella like him.” She teased with a giggle matched by yours.
“I’ll keep my ears open, and two of the fellas from lunch happen to be my lab partners in Chemistry if they tickle your fancy.”
“Oh it’ll take more than small talk over chicken cold cut sandwiches to win my heart in just a year with kind words and flattery. Any man wants to come courting has to step up and set a meeting with my daddy first or they’re all just howling at the moon.”
“Fair tip, send them up to Big Sir for him to bite them into shape.”
She smiled saying, “Exactly.”
Pt 46
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mohaganythebruja · 6 years
(old and new)
- 6teen
- adventure time
- a pup named scooby doo
- all grown up
- all dogs go to heaven; the series 
- atomic betty
- american dragon: jake long
- avatar the last airbender
- baby looney tunes
- bee and puppycat
- beettlejuice
- big city greens
- brandy and mr. whiskers
- bruno the kid
- camp lazlo
- captain planet
- care bears
- casper the friendly ghost
- catdog
- catscratch
- chalkzone
- chowder
- crashbox
- clone high
- class of 3000
- class of the titans
- code lyoko
- codename kids next door
- dan vs
- danny phantom
- daria
- dark oracle
- dave the barbarian
- dexter's laboratory 
- dr. katz 
- drawn together
- ed edd n eddy
- edgar and ellen
- evil con carne
- fillmore
- fish hooks
- foster’s home for imaginary friends
- fraggle rock
- gravity falls
- grims adventure with billy and mandy
- happy tree friends
- heathcliff
- hilda
-i am weasel
- invader zim
- jackie chan adventures
- johnny bravo
- josie and the pussycats
- justice league
- kick buttowski
- kid vs cat
- kim possible
- krypto the superdog
- lilo and stitch
- lucy the daughter of the devil
- might b
- mucha lucha
- mummies alive
- my gym partner's a monkey
- my life as a teenage robot
- over the garden wall
- pucca
- recess
- regular show
- ren and stimpy
- rocko's modern life
- rudy gloom
- rugrats
- sabrina the teenage witch
- sagwa, the siamese cat
- samurai jack
- sanjay and craig
- shaun the sheep
- steven universe
- stoked
- summer camp island
- teacher’s pet
- teen titans
- the amazing world of gumball
- the magic school bus
- the proud family
- the powerpuff girls
- the replacements
- the wild thornberrys
- tom and jerry show
- total drama action/island
- totally spies
-ultimate book of spells
- veggie tales
- w.i.t.c.h
- wallace and gromit
- we bare bears
- whats new scooby doo
- winx club
- wordgirl
- young justice
(please be sure to add on other old shows i know i forgot a HUGE amount)
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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BPRD: Garden of Souls - Chapter Five
Story: Mike Mignola & John Arcudi | Art: Guy Davis | Colours: Dave Stewart | Letters: Clem Robins
Originally published by Dark Horse in BPRD: Garden of Souls #5 | July 2007
Collected in BPRD - Volume 7: Garden of Souls | BPRD: Plague of Frogs - Volume 3
Plot Summary:
Abe smashes stuff.
Reading Notes:
(Note: Pagination is in reference to the chapter itself and is not indicative of anything found in the issue or collections.)
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pg. 1 - Edward’s a jerk.
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pg. 2 - Daimio unperturbed by proximity to the bomb is hilarious. He’s kind of got a point that if it blows, a little bit of armour isn’t going to do anything, he’d be smithereens regardless.
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pg. 4 - It’s funny that the pick-up from the cliffhanger is dismissed so readily. That the Victorian cyborg’s attempt to kill Abe is superseded by the crisis with the bomb alarms.
pg. 5 - You kind of wonder if Daimio forgot about Abe for a moment there while he was distracted with the bombs.
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pg. 6-7 - Telling that the Oannes guys want to accelerate their timeline for killing people when just one of their bombs goes dark. It’s almost like they just want to kill people and gain power from their souls, rather than any kind of supposed altruistic reasons of “saving” humanity.
Also, I think Edward just wants to get naked.
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pg. 8 - Abe Sapien: Action Hero. The visual of a fish man vs. a steampunk cyborg is priceless. Guy Davis is amazing.
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pg. 10 - Round two with another cyborg.
pg. 11-12 - This one doesn’t go as well as the first battle, but it’s beautifully depicted by Davis and Dave Stewart. The growing flames in the background are a nice touch.
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pg. 13 - It’s somewhat funny that they thought that Abe would arrive to lead them and carry on their ideals as Caul apparently would have, only to dismiss him when he doesn’t share their beliefs, and consistently underestimate his abilities.
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pg. 15 - Ooh, the Victorian sub.
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pg. 17 - I love the layout and lighting of these panels. Great atmosphere provided by Davis and Stewart. It’s also clear through the word balloons from Clem Robins that this fight is taking a lot out of Abe.
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pg. 19 - Aw, poor old man in a tin.
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pg. 20 - Edward’s really gone full bore into his delusions.
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pg. 21 - I think this is one of the bloodier sequences in the series so far. Davis does a great job with dismemberment.
Also, it’s a very good sign that Abe as he is now adheres to what seems to be a more agreeable moral code than Caul did.
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pg. 22 - This fight scene is just weird. Good, but weird.
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pg. 24 - Oh boy.
pg. 25-26 - Nice interpretation of the end scene summation that’s been a staple of BPRD stories.
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Final Thoughts:
It’s interesting for these past two chapters that the subplots back in Colorado have essentially been dropped, waiting to be picked back up potentially in the next arc, in lieu of full on action in Indonesia. 
This chapter in particular primarily featuring Abe in an all out action hero turn. It’s a nice fit for him, more akin to his own character arc in Seed of Destruction, and a nice change from the mopey, distant Abe since The Dead. From a certain standpoint, it could have been a test to see if he could carry the narrative on his own before they set up his own series, even while dealing with some of his past. In my opinion, he definitely does.
Also, we’ve got another new addition in Panya. As the cast grows, it makes you wonder what they’re building towards.
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d. emerson eddy thinks that fish-free fish sticks are weird. Sure, he understands them in the same way conceptually as veggie bacon and hot dogs, but fish-free fish sticks? Who likes the taste of processed fish in bar form enough to make a replica of it?
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ms--galactic · 2 years
This is just a random blog I've created in 2018...it was empty then it blew up. Here are some things I'm into though😐 Or stumbling upon
(?=Never heard of)
(🤩=Obsessing over)
Columbo 💜🤩
Veggie tales 🥺🤩 THIS...YESH ALWAYS!!!
Bluey ( started: 12/28/22 yes, I know I'm LATE!! )🤩💜
Crash Bandicoot games ( walkthroughs are what I watch )💜🤩
Tutenstein 🥺
Kenny the Shark 🥺
What happened...to robot Jones?
Looney Tunes Show🥺
Bob the Builder ( wow how can I forget) 🥺
Muppet Babies (og) 🥺
Wonder Pets 🥺
Strawberry Shortcake 🥺
Franklin 🥺
Little Bear 🥺
MLP 2010s & 80s🥺
Winx Club 🥺
Little Bill 🥺
Starla & the jewel riders?
Flintstone kids?
Dog city?
Jem & the Holograms 🥺
Fraggle Rock 🥺
Yogi Bear/Jetsons/Flintstones/Scooby/other Hanna Barbera shows 🥺
Berenstain Bears🥺
The Real Ghostbusters 🥺 HOLY WAS THIS SHOW SCARY
Chloe's Closet 🥺
Galaxy High?
TMNT (og) 🥺
Monchhichi 🥺 maybe my mom has the toy
Lalaloopsy 🥺
The Littles🥺
Anne of Green Gables 🥺
Pound Puppies 🥺
Adventures of the Gummi Bears 🥺
Summer Camp Island 🥺
Timmy Time 🥺
Adventures of the Little Koala?
Kid vs. Kat 🥺
Wabbit 🥺
Thunder cats Reboot 🥺
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 🥺
Sym-Bionic Titan?
Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies🥺
Jungle Junction 🥺
Pocoyo 🥺
Paz show ( 11/7/22: hmmm looks.... familiar)
Nash Bridges 🤩
Martial Law 🤩
Walker Texas Ranger (og)🤩
MacGyver (og)🤩
Courage the Cowardly Dog 🥺
Powerpuff Girls Z
Busy Town Mysteries ( 💖💖💖 *sobs*)🥺
Adventure time 🥺
Kipper the dog🥺
A pup named Scooby Doo 🥺
Codename: Kids Next Door🥺
Fish Hooks🥺
Proud Family🥺
King of the Hill🥺
Regular Show🥺 (sister & I first hated it, then loved it 😂 long story)
Foster's home for imaginary friends 🥺🤩💜
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack🥺
Tuff Puppy🥺
Fanboy & ChumChum🥺
Ed,Edd, & Eddy🥺
Camp Lazlo🥺
My gym partner's a monkey 🥺💜
Robot Boy🥺💜
Brandy & Mr. Whiskers💜
Mr. Iglesias 💜
Gotham 2014 🤩💜
Carmen Sandiego { There's a reboot? }
Johnny Test🥺💜🤩
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police🤩
Lupin III💜🤩
Inspector Gadget 🥺🤩💜 {wtf I miss you cuties 😭🥺}
ϺЯ. Ϻᄐᄁ & ᄂΙȚȚᄂᄐ ϺΙଌଌ🥺🤩💜
My life as a teenage robot🥺
Hello Kitty/ Sanrio🥺
• Wow wow wubbzy (childish much???) 🥺
•ACE ATTORNEY anime{uhm, I haven't all seen the games yet}
•animaniacs/ Pinky and the Brain [not so hyped for the reboot, but I still go & make posts about it]
Sonic The Hedgehog 🥺
•The Bad GUYS (2022)
•špïdεr-mαη ïη†⊕ †hε špïdεr∀εršε
•Dragon Ball ╮(╯_╰)╭ yesh
•ppg 🥺
•Scooby Doo
•ᵈᵃᶰᶰʸ ᵖʰᵃᶰᵗᵒᵐ
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⚡ і ӉᗋᗐЄ ᗰ◎ГЄ, & і ҠЄЄթ Ғ◎ГԌЄҬҬіทԌ⚡
Ohhh, I love doodles/sketches/drawing (I guess bc mine are super, puper, druper clumsy 😖😖😖)
Yeahhh, I have multiple comfort characters...👉👈 probably just leave it at that
Aesthetic(s)... ones I'm familiar w/
I have a weakness for adorably clumsy (un)scruffy detectives/cops/inspectors {same thing right}
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youngbloodbuzz · 3 years
Has someone mentioned the whole eddie getting dani a hawaiian pizza when she dislikes it vs jamie getting dani her favourite veggie pizza?????? Because that just slipped straight into my mind just now unprovoked. Its 1 am and im bout to sleep and bam now im in my feelings. The contrast! Her life with eddie et al vs the Taylors™️. To be seen (debatable) vs to be seen and heard. A house vs a home. Im wrecked because of PIZZA YALL
lol i think someone has actually in the ao3 comments but i'm glad you noticed that deliberate parallel! agljdsfskjfs sometimes pizza just fucks you up i guess lmao
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xoxoladyaz · 2 years
The most unsurprising thing about Steve Harrington is that he loves being physically affectionate with the people that he, ya know, loves.
He’s always throwing an arm around Nancy, smacking kisses on top of Robin’s head (and dodging out of the way of her flailing limbs while she screeches about cooties), ruffling his hands in Dustin’s hair, pulling El into long hugs when she starts to get overwhelmed, and so on and so forth.
He’s the most physically affectionate with Eddie - tucking his hand into the back pocket of Eddie’s jeans, pressing kisses to his forehead/cheek/hands/lips, slinging an arm around his shoulder, guiding him through crowds with his hand at the small of Eddie’s back, hugging Eddie from behind and just standing and talking with whomever Eddie is talking with for hours on end. And Eddie? Eddie eats it up.
But what Eddie is quick to learn is that while sober Steve is very affectionate, drunk Steve is even more so. Sloppy kisses on everyone’s cheeks, tackling hugs that just turn on to full on cuddling, and Eddie - being Steve’s boyfriend - is lucky enough to get the brunt of it.
But the thing is - the thing is - Eddie isn’t quite like Steve. He’s more like a gremlin, or a small and slightly feral puppy. He likes to bite Steve, and he does it all the time - out in public and in the privacy of Steve’s bed. And Steve is a kinky fucker who likes being possessed as much as Eddie likes possessing him, and seeing all the marks that Eddie leaves on Steve’s body is something they’re both super into, but, you see, Drunk Steve isn’t quite like sober Steve. He’s sensitive.
So one night when the whole gang is over, Corroded Coffin included, Steve goes to boop Eddie’s nose and Eddie bites down and actually bites his finger and actually draws blood.
Steve spends the rest of the night sitting on Robin’s lap, teary-eyed like Eddie just killed his dog, and Eddie spends the night trying - and failing - to convince Robin to “let me take Stevie, for fuck’s sake.”
(Robin sleeps in bed with Steve that night. Eddie sleeps on the couch.)
In the light of a sober morning, Steve laughs it off and says all is forgiven, and Eddie knows he means it.
But Drunk Steve? Drunk Steve doesn’t forget. Drunk Steve goes out of his way to boop everyone on the nose aside from Eddie. And when Eddie tries to talk to Drunk Steve, to say it’s okay, Eddie won’t bite him again, Drunk Steve just tears up and then Robin comes to his rescue and Eddie, once again, sleeps on the couch.
And so, unless he wants Buckley to kick him out of his own goddamn bed yet again, Eddie just has to deal with the fact that Drunk Steve likes to boop everyone aside from him on the nose. (Especially Jeff. Drunk Steve really likes Jeff, and Eddie feels Very Normal about it, thank you very much.)
It finally gets resolved six months later, when Drunk Steve accidentally boops Jeff on the nose more than Drunk Robin, and then Eddie is left to shuffle a teary-eyed Drunk Steve into bed instead of Buckley. And hey, as long as they’re there, he might as well show Drunk Steve that biting isn’t all bad.
Eddie wakes us the next morning with several bite marks all over his neck. Steve looks far too smug, but Eddie can’t be too mad because Steve gives him a kiss and boops him on the nose.
(Robin doesn’t talk to Steve for two days. It takes four different phone calls, a bouquet of flowers and an extremely expensive sushi dinner before she forgives him.
Robin pretends Jeff doesn’t exist for about a month. Jeff thinks Eddie is way too happy about that.)
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tartarusknight · 2 years
King of the Freaks | Part 11
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Steve was exhausted from swimming… from everything. From the look of panic on Eddie’s face every time he flirted with Steve. It felt like a slap in the face every time Eddie backpedaled. He tried to tell himself that it was because it was not safe to be out and proud. But it never seemed to sink in. So, as he gets to his house and sees the light on, something they always did whenever he was getting there after them. He just sat in his car.
It was going to be the first time in a long time that he’s had a group of friends over. Spending the night… “Fuck,” he whispered to himself. Thinking of the nail bat under his bed. The machete he bought and secured under the couch in the basement. The fire pokers that he brought out of storage even though they never used the fireplace. The gun he got and hid in the kitchen. The hunting knives that are hidden all over the house. Or the ax and metal bat in the trunk of his car. He thinks about waking up screaming and knows it’s a mistake.
But he’s got a game plan. He cleaned and made sure everything was ready for them. He didn’t get a bunch of sleep but it would be worth it.
Then the door to his house swings open and it’s Jeff waving at him. He gives a little wave back and grabs his bag before getting out of the car. “Hey, thought I heard your car,” Jeff grinned and Steve smiled back. This was definitely a mistake but it didn’t mean he didn’t want them here.
“You mean you could hear anything over the noise they make?” He joked and as he got in, the house was loud. It wasn’t the overwhelming quiet that choked Steve but filled with laughter and yelling.
Jeff threw his arm around Steve and Steve tried not to show how much he loved it. “We were taking 15,” he explains and Steve looks to see them around his kitchen.
The door to the pool was right behind them and he was reminded of how much he wanted to board it up, never to be opened again. “Steve!” The other three cheer breaking him out of his thoughts. And it’s weird like they are actually happy to see him. It’s overwhelming and he glances away. He looks at Jeff but it only makes him realize Steve’s shorter than him. By a few inches even.
“Have you ever thought about playing basketball?” Comes out of his mouth before he can even think about it. Jeff’s brows furrow but Steve doesn’t give him a chance to be offended or anything, “Just because you're tall. I mean, taller than me. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed. But you are- uh tall.” Steve chokes out, feeling like an idiot.
Jeff laughs, “I’m more of a watcher than a player.”
“Kinky,” Gareth and Eddie chorus from their spots on Steve’s island.
Steve can’t help but laugh as Jeff says, “fuck off.”
Steve looks these people over and they seem so much more comfortable than they had all those times before. “Alright, alright, well I’m going to go shower. Which isn’t something you can watch,” he winks at Jeff and gets shoved away with a laugh in response. It makes his heart happy like he could be friends with these people. So, he heads up to the shower.
By the time he’s done with his shower, he’s ready to relax. The hot water made his muscles untense and he remembers his game plan. All he has to do is stay on a separate floor from the others and then everything should be fine. That way he hopefully won't wake anyone up by screaming. He’s more sure of himself as he heads into the kitchen. The boys are back downstairs and Steve opens up his fridge to see the different foods he got in preparation.
He sighs and shuts the door, leaning on the counter of the kitchen. Steve doesn’t understand why food has gotten so hard. Why, even when he’s hungry, he can't picture actually being able to eat anything. He hates how everything seems unappealing. Sure, Jeff’s suggestion for leaving meat out of his diet has helped, but it hasn’t fixed everything. He still doesn’t want to eat even when he knows he should. Especially when the swimming couch is telling him that he’s losing steam. Steve doesn’t want to admit that he’s had more dizzy spells because of the lack of food.
He pushes away from the counter and heads downstairs. Everyone’s listening as Eddie paints the picture. It makes Steve want to stay right there and watch until Eddie runs out of words. It makes him think of his Grandpa or Boppa, which is what Steve had called him. Because Boppa would tell all these stories of his late wife that died giving birth or stories of his time at war. He always wrapped Steve in words until Steve felt safe and Eddie does the same thing. He weaves his words into magic for those around him.
Steve blinks and shakes his head. “I’m going to cook up dinner. Are there any preferences?” He forces himself to say. If he tells them, they’ll rely on him and then he’ll have to make something.
They all look over at him with a smile but it’s Eddie who speaks, “whatever sounds good to you. We’ll eat just about anything.” He grins and Steve nods even if he doesn’t quite believe him.
Jeff sits up straighter, like he’s about to stand, “do you want any help?”
Steve chokes back a yes and shakes his head. “I’ve got it, you guys just keep on going.” He waves his hand dismissively and heads back up.
Then he’s back in front of the fridge. He doesn’t even open the door, just stands there wondering. He wants something to jump out at him, he wants to want food but he just doesn’t. “Hey,” Jeff says and Steve jumps from the fridge. “I know you said you didn’t need help but my character is almost dead and needs to rest.” Steve doesn’t know the game; he doesn’t know if it’s a lie. He just nods and lets Jeff open the fridge doors.
“Okay, does anything sound good?” Jeff questions and Steve shakes his head. He doesn’t feel like he needs to lie to Jeff which is a new feeling. He lies often, sometimes he doesn’t even need to lie, it just comes out anyways. “Okay, how about Chili? I know this good recipe for black bean and lentil chili. My sister loves it,” Jeff offers and Steve grimaces. “Or how about grilled sandwiches? I know this one with avocado, tomato, cheese, and spinach.”
Steve’s stomach doesn’t instantly rebel at the idea of it. “Yeah, okay.” He nods and goes to get out what they needed.
It’s quiet for a little while until Jeff hums, “so how was swimming?”
Steve glances over at him, the knife in his hand pausing. “Fine, nothing worth noting,” He shrugs. The last thing he wants to do is bore them with his hobbies. “Um, so, you guys have a band, right?” At Jeff’s nod, Steve continues, “so what kind of instrument do you play?”
“Bass,” Jeff does a little air guitar using the spatula like it’s the neck of the guitar. “You should come to watch us. We practice in Gareth’s garage.” He grins over at Steve and Steve nods easily. Pathetically clinging onto whatever they throw his way.
“Do you play any instruments?” Jeff asks and Steve thinks about his parents having him play the piano, and how he dropped it just to start a fight. How his parents had gotten him to play it before they started leaving him alone for months at a time. Before his dad was sleeping around so much that Steve's mom felt the need to go with him, to keep an eye on her husband. How at first, they had come to watch him. But eventually, they stopped coming. Steve worked hard to get so good that they’d want to come back, but it never helped. So, Steve stopped playing, he wanted the fight… His parents hadn’t even known he had still been playing.
“I noticed the piano in the main room, do you play?” Jeff asked and Steve gave a jerky nod.
He cleared his throat, “I used to. Not anymore,” He goes back to slicing up the tomato. It was quiet for a moment before Steve cleared his throat, “When do you guys prac-” He started to say.
But Jeff started to apologize at the same time. “Sorry if I-” They went back to silence and Jeff cleared his throat, “I’m sorry if it’s something you don’t want to talk about. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Steve finished up the tomatoes, “it’s fine. Uh, no one really knows, I guess. I played for a long- a really long time but-” I was too much of an attention whore to continue. Is what he didn’t say. He just shrugged, “no reason to continue.”
Jeff was quiet for a moment. “Well, I’d love to listen if you wanted to dust off those skills.” He grinned and it looked honest. Steve wanted to hug him he really wanted to hug him but he just smiled. 
He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the tears starting to well up. “Um, yeah it sounds like a plan. If I want to play, I’ll tell you.” Jeff’s smile is blinding and it makes Steve slump a little. They put the sandwiches together before heading down and giving them out.
Steve watched Eddie pick at the vegetables but once Eddie noticed Steve’s gaze, he quickly took a bite. Humming like it was the best thing he’s ever had. It made Steve grin and take a bite of his own. Steve was next to Gareth today, somehow always able to be on the couch with the hidden machete. Not that the guys knew it was there, they probably just noticed how often Steve tended to stick to this couch. They were like that, doing small things Steve normally wouldn’t notice if he wasn’t watching them so closely.
After they finished, they started back up the game. Jeff slipped back in easily. Too easy for his reason to leave, to be the truth. But Steve didn’t mind that Jeff had gone up to help him. Steve sat by Gareth, letting the younger boy show him a few things as they played until 9. At 9, he stood and headed up to his room. Grabbing the walkie and waiting for the first one to speak. One by one they checked in. All but Nancy and Jonathan, who weren’t home yet. Steve pushed back the nerves and said good night before heading back down.
The game was still going strong and Steve enjoyed watching. However, he still found himself falling asleep. Blinking in and out as they play around him. Eventually, Gareth shakes him awake from where he’s leaning against the younger boy. “Mm, sorry,” he mumbles and shifts away.
“It’s all good, it’s just- uh, we were wondering where we can sleep.” Gareth is soft but he sounds awkward. Steve nods and gets to his feet.
“Right,” he nods for them to follow him and they head up and up. The house has 3 guest rooms so with his room they’re covered. He passes his parents' room, leaving it closed like always. He opens each door as he passes and lastly opens the door to his room. “You guys can take a room,” he says and gestures at the opened doors.
“That’s your room,” Eddie points out and Steve straightens.
He raises one eyebrow, daring him to fight him on this. “And? Pick a room, gentlemen.” He states and heads back downstairs.
He gets to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of water as he hears them talking above him. If they refused to take his room, he still wouldn’t sleep up there. They needed at least a floor difference. “Steve,” Eddie hops the last few steps and stops in front of him. “We’re not going to sleep in your room.” He states and Steve huffs, swallowing a large gulp of water.
Then stares dead at Eddie, “Well then no one will. I never sleep in there, so I don’t get the problem.” His voice is slipping into the tone he used around Tommy and Carol but he can’t stop it.
Eddie looks at him, truly looks at him, “why?”
Steve doesn’t break eye contact. “Because I always sleep on the couch when my parents aren’t here.”
Steve’s stare is turning more into a glare, he can feel it. But he doesn’t stop it. “Why can’t I? I’m alone in this house, I can sleep where I want. Are you saying that I can’t sleep-”
“Steve, I’m just wondering why you don’t sleep on a bed. I don’t understand why you’d rather sleep on the couches that are really firm.” Eddie says and his tone says calm, patient.
Steve just shakes his head, “please drop it, Eddie.”
Eddie moves forwards like he’s going to hug Steve but he stops himself. “I will… but I really want you to- um, I hope one day we’ll be close enough you’ll tell me.” He says softly and Steve nods setting down his cup. “Do you want company on the couches?”
Steve blinks and Eddie goes beat red but Steve doesn’t let him get worked up. “Nah, I’m just gonna sleep. Why don’t you go take my bed?” Eddie gives a sharp nod and gives Steve’s shoulder a squeeze before he heads back upstairs. “Night, Eds.”
Eddie looks back and smiles softly, “night, Stevie.”
@zerokrox-blog @cyranx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @bisexualdisastersworld @deadlydodos @anythingyouwanttobe @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaver @thehumblefigtree @megzdoodle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep @bxlthazar @autumnal-dawn @chillichats @nonbinary-eddie-munson @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @a-little-unsteddie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections @pyrohonk  @cherixxx69 @theotalksalot @tailsfromthecrypt @ledleaf @grimmfitzz
(I can’t tag any more people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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fitsostrange · 3 years
Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose
Paleo Diet – Lamb Versus Beef Which Meat To Choose: A healthy soil, and healthy plant, and a healthy animal are all necessary components of a healthy ecosystem, we believe, result in healthier food. All of our lands are organically certified, which means we never use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Which Meat to Choose?
We never routinely administer medications to our animals or treat them with hazardous pesticides. The animals are housed in various pastures where they are free to roam and forage for whatever nourishment they require at the moment. There is substantial evidence that grass-fed beef has a more excellent omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and higher amounts of numerous essential micronutrients than conventional cattle.
Organic, grass-fed red meat in any form is healthful and safe. If forced to select between lamb and beef, however, lamb is the superior choice. Due to rising demand, beef production has become industrialised. As previously said, grass-fed animals generate higher-quality meat. Additionally, lambs require grassland for grazing.
Unlike cattle, large lamb production does not result in high-quality meat. As a result of the more humane way lambs are produced, they are more nutritious and healthier than beef.
Chicken is one of the most often consumed meats in the world of bodybuilding. It is incredibly lean (assuming you use chicken breast) and simple to prepare. Additionally, this meat freezes nicely, so you may prepare it ahead of time if you want to cook your meals fast and conveniently.
Recently, grass-fed beef has grown in popularity, owing mainly to numerous media outlets revealing the atrocities of conventional meat production. In my case, the film Food Inc. and Michael Pollan’s outstanding book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” sparked my interest in the subject.
When I say “grass-fed beef,” here is a brief explanation: Cattle have adapted to graze grass throughout time. As a result, they obtain all of their nutrition from grass alone.
  Ideas for quick organic dinners
We all have hectic schedules, it can be tempting to order takeout or microwave a prepackaged meal. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it is best to cook your meal from scratch. It’s much better if you utilise organic food. Organic foods are not handled with chemicals.
Therefore they are just as God intended. They have more flavour and a greater variety of nutrients. And, with our hectic schedules, we want to stay as healthy as possible. So eating organic, fresh food makes sense on multiple levels. The challenge now is, what can you make that is organic, healthy, and quick to eat?
Cook in Small Batches.
Cooking in batches is one approach to ensure you have food ready to go. So please spend a few hours cooking all of your favourite dishes, portioning them out, and freezing them.
An organic ragu base sauce is a terrific thing to have on hand in the freezer. Follow this basic recipe and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Two cans of chopped tomatoes (400g) (organic)
Two celery stalks (chopped)
Two peeled and sliced carrots two onions (peeled and finely diced)
100 g brown mushrooms, organic (finely chopped)
One garlic clove, coarsely grated
A handful of basil leaves (recommended but not required) or dried basil
1 quart of water
2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
A few grains of Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning.
250g organic minced beef, lamb, turkey, or Quorn
In a skillet, sauté the celery, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, and onions in olive oil (if using beef, lamb or turkey, add the meat at this stage).
Add the canned tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree, water, and spice when the veggies are tender, and the beef is browned.
If you’re using Quorn mince, you can add it now.
Stir the ingredients together and then slowly boil for around 30 minutes. Make sure to mix it occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
Before freezing, remove the bay leaf.
This base is suitable for the following dishes:
Bolognaise is best served with organic wholemeal pasta or spaghetti.
Cook organic boiled and mashed potatoes for Cottage Pie (beef) or Shepherd’s Pie (lamb).
Instead of basil, use home-grown mint to make this classic lamb meal stand out.
Alternatively, experiment with mashed organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rutabagas.
Serve with cooked organic brown rice and a tin of organic kidney beans and chilli powder for a great chilli con Carne.
The ultimate fast food is organic free-range eggs.
And who doesn’t enjoy a good frittata? You can use up food sitting in the back of the fridge and make dinner tonight.
Ten eggs
The onion (chopped)
Two garlic cloves smashed
Grass-fed butter (25 g)
200 g organic cooked vegetables Broccoli, wilted spinach or kale, peppers, mushrooms, or asparagus are all excellent choices (or anything else you fancy).
50 g grated cheese of choice – cheddar, feta, or goat’s cheese work well.
Black pepper and Himalayan salt
Extras to give your frittata a bit more zing – chopped herbs such as basil, thyme or chives or how about a sprinkle of chilli powder or cayenne pepper.
1. if not already cooked, lightly steam or fry the vegetable(s) (in extra virgin olive oil). 2. Thoroughly drain all vegetables, especially spinach and green cabbage. 3. Cook onion and garlic in the butter until they are tender. 4. in a bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the spices, cheese and any extra herbs or seasoning if necessary. 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the onions. 6. 6. pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir to ensure everything is mixed through. Cook for about five minutes so the bottom and sides are cooked. 7. Then place under the preheated grill for a further 5 minutes to cook the top. 8. Remove and cut into portions. Serve hot or cold with salad or on their own.
So there you have it. A few organic, quick dinner ideas that can be adapted in different ways. Enjoy
Breakfast On The Paleo Diet
Does the prospect of breakfast, lunch, and supper consisting entirely of steak make your mouth water? Alternatively, does your stomach churn? Given that many of my colleagues and members of the Paleo-Keto community are experimenting with and promoting the meatless carnivore diet, I felt forced to research the benefits and hazards linked with it.
While I attempt to provide an unbiased assessment of paleo diet fads by informing you of their benefits and drawbacks, I will share my view.
Sustainable Weight Loss On A Paleo Diet
You’re going to be surprised at where pork ends up on this list! I say, shocked!
We’ve previously discussed individuals who are persuaded that eating only meat is the way to go. “Carnivore dieters swear by a laundry list of benefits associated with an all-meat diet, the most significant of which is that it results in immediate and consistent weight loss,” my colleague Eddie Kim writes. But, not unexpectedly, her views contradict those of Dana Hunnes, senior nutritionist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, about the nutritional benefit of a meat-only diet. “Let me begin by stating that a plant-based paleo diet is the healthiest option available,” Hunnes says.
While the carnivore diet is popular, it is a very restrictive diet with little scientific support. While it may produce immediate outcomes such as weight loss, many people will likely struggle to maintain it over the long run. In addition, exclusion of entire food groups from a carnivore’s diet may result in malnutrition. Individuals interested in attempting a high-protein paleo diet should examine the palaeolithic or ketogenic diets instead.
The most significant benefits were: no stomach issues or inflammation, improved constant energy (it took roughly seven months after the switch), no-carb or food cravings, no constipation, regular appetite and satiety, no inflammation, and finally, fat reduction. I began the carnivore diet to improve my health, not of losing fat or weight.
This is the message I preach to my clients: Prioritize your health and restoration; everything else will fall into place. The issue with yo-yo dieting is that you are pursuing unattainable objectives and expectations while adhering to an unsustainable diet or exercise regimen.
I was very interested when I first heard about this diet. It flies in the face of everything we’ve ever learned about food. Consuming nothing but meat?! It seems insane, but it’s also quite intriguing. It appears that folks who first try Paleo or Keto end up trying Carnivore for various reasons. For example, many believe that when they consume meat solely, they get miraculous remission from autoimmune disorders and other health problems and weight loss.
Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Taste
This article compares lamb to mutton, taking into account characteristics like taste, cooking time, and health. Giriraj Singh argues that beef vs mutton is analogous to sister vs wife… India. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to tell the difference between real and imitation mutton.
Lamb tends to be leaner as lamb is mostly pure grass-fed, unlike beef which is more commonly fattened. History says that after the Norman invasion of England, English words for prepared foods took on their French equivalents. Although mutton is often considered old-fashioned, it has recently seen a massive upsurge in popularity.
  What Is the Paleo Diet? A Beginner’s Guide to This Popular Diet
Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk. Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk.
Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and has been an important component of the human diet. Red meat is typically derived from farm-raised mammals. Such as Red meat is a popular dietary choice for followers of the Paleo diet, which bases food choices on what our forefathers and mothers would have had available to them.
Lamb vs. Beef: Nutrition Facts
When animals are free to move and consume the nourishment they require, a superior product is developed. Numerous clients remarked on our beef’s delectable flavour, which is significantly more aromatic than standard feedlot beef. Our lamb is mild in flavour and delectable, owing to its growth and the Katahdin breed.
Our pork originates from traditional breeds that are renowned for their flavour. We cultivate standard breeds of fowl, but the ability to obtain half of their food from various pasture and move significantly improves their taste.
Lamb and beef are two different and frequently available cuts of red meat that are high in nutrients. Beef is a readily available red meat that is widely consumed, particularly in the United States. Lamb, on the other hand, is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. We shall compare the nutritional worth, health benefits, and flavour of lamb versus beef in this post.
Grass-fed and pasture-raised beef and lamb – of which we are particularly fond of New Zealand’s – are not only delectable but also nutritionally dense. Packed with whole proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pasture-raised beef and lamb provide unmatched nutritional benefits for a better life.
When you purchase our grass-fed beef, lamb, and other meats, you are purchasing the same meals that our forefathers and mothers ate and that our children deserve. Grass-fed meals are higher in nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) than factory-farmed beef and lamb. Additionally, they are lower in saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids.
The nutrients in our beef come from the sun, grasses, and soil on our property, not from the grain truck. Grass-fed goods are free of herbicide residues such as Roundup, making them a far cleaner and healthier alternative to grain-fed beef.
Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef?
A fun fact about lamb is that it is more nutritious than pork or beef. It contains a plethora of benefits that can assist and perhaps astonish you. Given that consuming excessive amounts of pork and beef can frequently result in health concerns, and I would suggest is that you explore lamb as a healthier alternative. Continue reading: What flavour do lentils have? What should I anticipate?
Another element that contributes to lamb being healthier than beef is the meat’s quality. Lamb is predominantly grass-fed, whereas processed beef is derived from grain-fed cattle. Now that animals cannot digest whole grains completely, our bodies are unable to digest such meat.
Due to the presence of ruminants in lamb flesh, it is easily digested. Due to the significant fat content of red meat, it is not considered lean meat. However, the fat content of various cuts of meat differs.
Not only do New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb have a taste of nature, with subtle overtones of the verdant pastures where the meat was reared, but they also have unmatched nutritional benefits. Grass-fed red meat has more vitamin A and E and has a healthier fat profile.
In addition, it contains less total fat, more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a healthier ratio than grain-fed beef. Packed with complete protein, bioavailable iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, as well as bioactive creatine, carnitine, and carnosine, and antioxidants, there is no doubt that New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb are nature’s powerhouse.
Generally, the following meals are on a carnivore’s* menu: Meat includes beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. Oysters, scallops, clams, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are all examples of shellfish. Additional animal products include eggs, fat, bone marrow, and bone broth. Offal, liver, kidney, and heart are all organ meats—unflavored, carbonated, or non-carbonated water. Whenever feasible, consume only pasture-raised or wild-caught animal products for a healthier version of the carnivore diet.
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  Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Taste
Are you sick of the flavour of ground beef? Or maybe of chicken mince? May we introduce you to lamb mince? You may recognise this protein, famous throughout the Mediterranean, from one of the numerous Greek, Turkish, or Moroccan cuisines that incorporate it. While it may not be as standard on your dinner table as chicken, there is a reason for its international popularity.
Grass-fed beef and steak have a distinct flavour compared to grain-fed beef and steak. Chefs frequently assert that the fat is what gives meat its flavour. Due to the difference in diet between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, each type of meat has a specific vitamin and lipid profile, imparting a distinct flavour. Many Americans are accustomed to grain-fed beef.
However, there have been arguments over which type of meat tastes the best. According to some restaurateurs, pasture-raised beef is dry or rough, while others believe it has a “meatier” and “earthier” flavour.
White meat and red meat are the two primary types of meat. What constitutes a distinction between the two? Generally, meats classified as “red meat” are red before and occasionally after cooking. For example, beef, lamb, and venison are all red because they contain myoglobin protein. This is an iron-containing protein that contributes to the red colour of certain meats.
Lamb is becoming more popular as a regular part of people’s diets, as the taste is enjoyable and gives a variation from chicken and beef. However, portion control is critical when it comes to lamb, as it is one of the fattier cuts of red meat.
If you eat a large amount of it, you increase your risk of developing a range of various diseases, not to mention the likelihood of gaining body fat.
Is Lamb Fattier Than Beef?
Lamb and beef contain a high concentration of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, is lamb fattier meat than beef? Indeed, it is. Lamb is slightly fattier than beef. However, the fat found in lamb meat is beneficial to one’s health. Lambs are high in omega-3 fats due to their grass-fed diet. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is particularly remarkable and beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Which is the superior meat, bison or beef? How about bison or lamb?
Is bison, chicken, or beef a healthier protein source if you’re seeking a nutrient-dense source of protein? Bison contains one of the most extraordinary levels of protein of any meat. As with beef, chicken, or turkey, the exact amount of nutrients found in bison varies depending on the cut of bison meat purchased.
All leaner cuts of meat, such as Top Sirloin and the equivalent of London Broil, are fewer in calories and fat than other cuts of meat with higher fat content.
So I set out to compare grain-fed American lamb, New Zealand lamb, and grass-fed American lamb. American lamb used to be significantly more expensive than New Zealand lamb, but I’ve seen that American prices are now comparable to or cheaper than New Zealand pricing.
Meat Quality: Another Reason Lamb Is Better Than Beef
In conclusion, lamb appears to be a superior choice for red meat when compared to beef. Grass-fed lamb and beef provide a plethora of health advantages. However, grass-fed beef is more challenging to come by than grass-fed lamb.
While lamb has slightly more calories than beef, it is more flavorful and provides high-quality protein. Regardless matter whether you choose lamb or beef, red meat should not be consumed daily. If you must have red meat daily, be mindful of your amounts and the cuts of meat you consume, particularly beef.
Red and processed meats are frequently associated with higher inflammatory markers, according to the majority of research. However, these studies frequently make no distinction between beef, hog, lamb, and other red meats; also, processed meat is consistently worse than fresh meat. Furthermore, the studies make no distinction between the meat’s quality or preparation (e.g. grilled vs non-grilled).
Many consider a lean cut of lamb to be one of the healthiest types of red meat you can eat. Lamb is a good source of all essential amino acids and protein of excellent quality. Mutton is comparable to lamb, except that it is the meat of an adult sheep. Lamb is a healthy meat option in part because it is typically grown naturally. Sheep gain weight through grass consumption and are customarily fed a natural, healthy diet.
The Article “Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose” First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
This post Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose first appeared on Walrus Video
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kokido-kuku · 3 years
Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose
Paleo Diet – Lamb Versus Beef Which Meat To Choose: A healthy soil, and healthy plant, and a healthy animal are all necessary components of a healthy ecosystem, we believe, result in healthier food. All of our lands are organically certified, which means we never use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Which Meat to Choose?
We never routinely administer medications to our animals or treat them with hazardous pesticides. The animals are housed in various pastures where they are free to roam and forage for whatever nourishment they require at the moment. There is substantial evidence that grass-fed beef has a more excellent omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and higher amounts of numerous essential micronutrients than conventional cattle.
Organic, grass-fed red meat in any form is healthful and safe. If forced to select between lamb and beef, however, lamb is the superior choice. Due to rising demand, beef production has become industrialised. As previously said, grass-fed animals generate higher-quality meat. Additionally, lambs require grassland for grazing.
Unlike cattle, large lamb production does not result in high-quality meat. As a result of the more humane way lambs are produced, they are more nutritious and healthier than beef.
Chicken is one of the most often consumed meats in the world of bodybuilding. It is incredibly lean (assuming you use chicken breast) and simple to prepare. Additionally, this meat freezes nicely, so you may prepare it ahead of time if you want to cook your meals fast and conveniently.
Recently, grass-fed beef has grown in popularity, owing mainly to numerous media outlets revealing the atrocities of conventional meat production. In my case, the film Food Inc. and Michael Pollan’s outstanding book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” sparked my interest in the subject.
When I say “grass-fed beef,” here is a brief explanation: Cattle have adapted to graze grass throughout time. As a result, they obtain all of their nutrition from grass alone.
  Ideas for quick organic dinners
We all have hectic schedules, it can be tempting to order takeout or microwave a prepackaged meal. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it is best to cook your meal from scratch. It’s much better if you utilise organic food. Organic foods are not handled with chemicals.
Therefore they are just as God intended. They have more flavour and a greater variety of nutrients. And, with our hectic schedules, we want to stay as healthy as possible. So eating organic, fresh food makes sense on multiple levels. The challenge now is, what can you make that is organic, healthy, and quick to eat?
Cook in Small Batches.
Cooking in batches is one approach to ensure you have food ready to go. So please spend a few hours cooking all of your favourite dishes, portioning them out, and freezing them.
An organic ragu base sauce is a terrific thing to have on hand in the freezer. Follow this basic recipe and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Two cans of chopped tomatoes (400g) (organic)
Two celery stalks (chopped)
Two peeled and sliced carrots two onions (peeled and finely diced)
100 g brown mushrooms, organic (finely chopped)
One garlic clove, coarsely grated
A handful of basil leaves (recommended but not required) or dried basil
1 quart of water
2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
A few grains of Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning.
250g organic minced beef, lamb, turkey, or Quorn
In a skillet, sauté the celery, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, and onions in olive oil (if using beef, lamb or turkey, add the meat at this stage).
Add the canned tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree, water, and spice when the veggies are tender, and the beef is browned.
If you’re using Quorn mince, you can add it now.
Stir the ingredients together and then slowly boil for around 30 minutes. Make sure to mix it occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
Before freezing, remove the bay leaf.
This base is suitable for the following dishes:
Bolognaise is best served with organic wholemeal pasta or spaghetti.
Cook organic boiled and mashed potatoes for Cottage Pie (beef) or Shepherd’s Pie (lamb).
Instead of basil, use home-grown mint to make this classic lamb meal stand out.
Alternatively, experiment with mashed organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rutabagas.
Serve with cooked organic brown rice and a tin of organic kidney beans and chilli powder for a great chilli con Carne.
The ultimate fast food is organic free-range eggs.
And who doesn’t enjoy a good frittata? You can use up food sitting in the back of the fridge and make dinner tonight.
Ten eggs
The onion (chopped)
Two garlic cloves smashed
Grass-fed butter (25 g)
200 g organic cooked vegetables Broccoli, wilted spinach or kale, peppers, mushrooms, or asparagus are all excellent choices (or anything else you fancy).
50 g grated cheese of choice – cheddar, feta, or goat’s cheese work well.
Black pepper and Himalayan salt
Extras to give your frittata a bit more zing – chopped herbs such as basil, thyme or chives or how about a sprinkle of chilli powder or cayenne pepper.
1. if not already cooked, lightly steam or fry the vegetable(s) (in extra virgin olive oil). 2. Thoroughly drain all vegetables, especially spinach and green cabbage. 3. Cook onion and garlic in the butter until they are tender. 4. in a bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the spices, cheese and any extra herbs or seasoning if necessary. 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the onions. 6. 6. pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir to ensure everything is mixed through. Cook for about five minutes so the bottom and sides are cooked. 7. Then place under the preheated grill for a further 5 minutes to cook the top. 8. Remove and cut into portions. Serve hot or cold with salad or on their own.
So there you have it. A few organic, quick dinner ideas that can be adapted in different ways. Enjoy
Breakfast On The Paleo Diet
Does the prospect of breakfast, lunch, and supper consisting entirely of steak make your mouth water? Alternatively, does your stomach churn? Given that many of my colleagues and members of the Paleo-Keto community are experimenting with and promoting the meatless carnivore diet, I felt forced to research the benefits and hazards linked with it.
While I attempt to provide an unbiased assessment of paleo diet fads by informing you of their benefits and drawbacks, I will share my view.
Sustainable Weight Loss On A Paleo Diet
You’re going to be surprised at where pork ends up on this list! I say, shocked!
We’ve previously discussed individuals who are persuaded that eating only meat is the way to go. “Carnivore dieters swear by a laundry list of benefits associated with an all-meat diet, the most significant of which is that it results in immediate and consistent weight loss,” my colleague Eddie Kim writes. But, not unexpectedly, her views contradict those of Dana Hunnes, senior nutritionist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, about the nutritional benefit of a meat-only diet. “Let me begin by stating that a plant-based paleo diet is the healthiest option available,” Hunnes says.
While the carnivore diet is popular, it is a very restrictive diet with little scientific support. While it may produce immediate outcomes such as weight loss, many people will likely struggle to maintain it over the long run. In addition, exclusion of entire food groups from a carnivore’s diet may result in malnutrition. Individuals interested in attempting a high-protein paleo diet should examine the palaeolithic or ketogenic diets instead.
The most significant benefits were: no stomach issues or inflammation, improved constant energy (it took roughly seven months after the switch), no-carb or food cravings, no constipation, regular appetite and satiety, no inflammation, and finally, fat reduction. I began the carnivore diet to improve my health, not of losing fat or weight.
This is the message I preach to my clients: Prioritize your health and restoration; everything else will fall into place. The issue with yo-yo dieting is that you are pursuing unattainable objectives and expectations while adhering to an unsustainable diet or exercise regimen.
I was very interested when I first heard about this diet. It flies in the face of everything we’ve ever learned about food. Consuming nothing but meat?! It seems insane, but it’s also quite intriguing. It appears that folks who first try Paleo or Keto end up trying Carnivore for various reasons. For example, many believe that when they consume meat solely, they get miraculous remission from autoimmune disorders and other health problems and weight loss.
Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Taste
This article compares lamb to mutton, taking into account characteristics like taste, cooking time, and health. Giriraj Singh argues that beef vs mutton is analogous to sister vs wife… India. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to tell the difference between real and imitation mutton.
Lamb tends to be leaner as lamb is mostly pure grass-fed, unlike beef which is more commonly fattened. History says that after the Norman invasion of England, English words for prepared foods took on their French equivalents. Although mutton is often considered old-fashioned, it has recently seen a massive upsurge in popularity.
  What Is the Paleo Diet? A Beginner’s Guide to This Popular Diet
Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk. Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk.
Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and has been an important component of the human diet. Red meat is typically derived from farm-raised mammals. Such as Red meat is a popular dietary choice for followers of the Paleo diet, which bases food choices on what our forefathers and mothers would have had available to them.
Lamb vs. Beef: Nutrition Facts
When animals are free to move and consume the nourishment they require, a superior product is developed. Numerous clients remarked on our beef’s delectable flavour, which is significantly more aromatic than standard feedlot beef. Our lamb is mild in flavour and delectable, owing to its growth and the Katahdin breed.
Our pork originates from traditional breeds that are renowned for their flavour. We cultivate standard breeds of fowl, but the ability to obtain half of their food from various pasture and move significantly improves their taste.
Lamb and beef are two different and frequently available cuts of red meat that are high in nutrients. Beef is a readily available red meat that is widely consumed, particularly in the United States. Lamb, on the other hand, is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. We shall compare the nutritional worth, health benefits, and flavour of lamb versus beef in this post.
Grass-fed and pasture-raised beef and lamb – of which we are particularly fond of New Zealand’s – are not only delectable but also nutritionally dense. Packed with whole proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pasture-raised beef and lamb provide unmatched nutritional benefits for a better life.
When you purchase our grass-fed beef, lamb, and other meats, you are purchasing the same meals that our forefathers and mothers ate and that our children deserve. Grass-fed meals are higher in nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) than factory-farmed beef and lamb. Additionally, they are lower in saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids.
The nutrients in our beef come from the sun, grasses, and soil on our property, not from the grain truck. Grass-fed goods are free of herbicide residues such as Roundup, making them a far cleaner and healthier alternative to grain-fed beef.
Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef?
A fun fact about lamb is that it is more nutritious than pork or beef. It contains a plethora of benefits that can assist and perhaps astonish you. Given that consuming excessive amounts of pork and beef can frequently result in health concerns, and I would suggest is that you explore lamb as a healthier alternative. Continue reading: What flavour do lentils have? What should I anticipate?
Another element that contributes to lamb being healthier than beef is the meat’s quality. Lamb is predominantly grass-fed, whereas processed beef is derived from grain-fed cattle. Now that animals cannot digest whole grains completely, our bodies are unable to digest such meat.
Due to the presence of ruminants in lamb flesh, it is easily digested. Due to the significant fat content of red meat, it is not considered lean meat. However, the fat content of various cuts of meat differs.
Not only do New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb have a taste of nature, with subtle overtones of the verdant pastures where the meat was reared, but they also have unmatched nutritional benefits. Grass-fed red meat has more vitamin A and E and has a healthier fat profile.
In addition, it contains less total fat, more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a healthier ratio than grain-fed beef. Packed with complete protein, bioavailable iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, as well as bioactive creatine, carnitine, and carnosine, and antioxidants, there is no doubt that New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb are nature’s powerhouse.
Generally, the following meals are on a carnivore’s* menu: Meat includes beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. Oysters, scallops, clams, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are all examples of shellfish. Additional animal products include eggs, fat, bone marrow, and bone broth. Offal, liver, kidney, and heart are all organ meats—unflavored, carbonated, or non-carbonated water. Whenever feasible, consume only pasture-raised or wild-caught animal products for a healthier version of the carnivore diet.
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  Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Taste
Are you sick of the flavour of ground beef? Or maybe of chicken mince? May we introduce you to lamb mince? You may recognise this protein, famous throughout the Mediterranean, from one of the numerous Greek, Turkish, or Moroccan cuisines that incorporate it. While it may not be as standard on your dinner table as chicken, there is a reason for its international popularity.
Grass-fed beef and steak have a distinct flavour compared to grain-fed beef and steak. Chefs frequently assert that the fat is what gives meat its flavour. Due to the difference in diet between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, each type of meat has a specific vitamin and lipid profile, imparting a distinct flavour. Many Americans are accustomed to grain-fed beef.
However, there have been arguments over which type of meat tastes the best. According to some restaurateurs, pasture-raised beef is dry or rough, while others believe it has a “meatier” and “earthier” flavour.
White meat and red meat are the two primary types of meat. What constitutes a distinction between the two? Generally, meats classified as “red meat” are red before and occasionally after cooking. For example, beef, lamb, and venison are all red because they contain myoglobin protein. This is an iron-containing protein that contributes to the red colour of certain meats.
Lamb is becoming more popular as a regular part of people’s diets, as the taste is enjoyable and gives a variation from chicken and beef. However, portion control is critical when it comes to lamb, as it is one of the fattier cuts of red meat.
If you eat a large amount of it, you increase your risk of developing a range of various diseases, not to mention the likelihood of gaining body fat.
Is Lamb Fattier Than Beef?
Lamb and beef contain a high concentration of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, is lamb fattier meat than beef? Indeed, it is. Lamb is slightly fattier than beef. However, the fat found in lamb meat is beneficial to one’s health. Lambs are high in omega-3 fats due to their grass-fed diet. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is particularly remarkable and beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Which is the superior meat, bison or beef? How about bison or lamb?
Is bison, chicken, or beef a healthier protein source if you’re seeking a nutrient-dense source of protein? Bison contains one of the most extraordinary levels of protein of any meat. As with beef, chicken, or turkey, the exact amount of nutrients found in bison varies depending on the cut of bison meat purchased.
All leaner cuts of meat, such as Top Sirloin and the equivalent of London Broil, are fewer in calories and fat than other cuts of meat with higher fat content.
So I set out to compare grain-fed American lamb, New Zealand lamb, and grass-fed American lamb. American lamb used to be significantly more expensive than New Zealand lamb, but I’ve seen that American prices are now comparable to or cheaper than New Zealand pricing.
Meat Quality: Another Reason Lamb Is Better Than Beef
In conclusion, lamb appears to be a superior choice for red meat when compared to beef. Grass-fed lamb and beef provide a plethora of health advantages. However, grass-fed beef is more challenging to come by than grass-fed lamb.
While lamb has slightly more calories than beef, it is more flavorful and provides high-quality protein. Regardless matter whether you choose lamb or beef, red meat should not be consumed daily. If you must have red meat daily, be mindful of your amounts and the cuts of meat you consume, particularly beef.
Red and processed meats are frequently associated with higher inflammatory markers, according to the majority of research. However, these studies frequently make no distinction between beef, hog, lamb, and other red meats; also, processed meat is consistently worse than fresh meat. Furthermore, the studies make no distinction between the meat’s quality or preparation (e.g. grilled vs non-grilled).
Many consider a lean cut of lamb to be one of the healthiest types of red meat you can eat. Lamb is a good source of all essential amino acids and protein of excellent quality. Mutton is comparable to lamb, except that it is the meat of an adult sheep. Lamb is a healthy meat option in part because it is typically grown naturally. Sheep gain weight through grass consumption and are customarily fed a natural, healthy diet.
The Article “Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose” First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
This post Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
abbys-horror-story · 3 years
Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose
Paleo Diet – Lamb Versus Beef Which Meat To Choose: A healthy soil, and healthy plant, and a healthy animal are all necessary components of a healthy ecosystem, we believe, result in healthier food. All of our lands are organically certified, which means we never use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Which Meat to Choose?
We never routinely administer medications to our animals or treat them with hazardous pesticides. The animals are housed in various pastures where they are free to roam and forage for whatever nourishment they require at the moment. There is substantial evidence that grass-fed beef has a more excellent omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and higher amounts of numerous essential micronutrients than conventional cattle.
Organic, grass-fed red meat in any form is healthful and safe. If forced to select between lamb and beef, however, lamb is the superior choice. Due to rising demand, beef production has become industrialised. As previously said, grass-fed animals generate higher-quality meat. Additionally, lambs require grassland for grazing.
Unlike cattle, large lamb production does not result in high-quality meat. As a result of the more humane way lambs are produced, they are more nutritious and healthier than beef.
Chicken is one of the most often consumed meats in the world of bodybuilding. It is incredibly lean (assuming you use chicken breast) and simple to prepare. Additionally, this meat freezes nicely, so you may prepare it ahead of time if you want to cook your meals fast and conveniently.
Recently, grass-fed beef has grown in popularity, owing mainly to numerous media outlets revealing the atrocities of conventional meat production. In my case, the film Food Inc. and Michael Pollan’s outstanding book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” sparked my interest in the subject.
When I say “grass-fed beef,” here is a brief explanation: Cattle have adapted to graze grass throughout time. As a result, they obtain all of their nutrition from grass alone.
  Ideas for quick organic dinners
We all have hectic schedules, it can be tempting to order takeout or microwave a prepackaged meal. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it is best to cook your meal from scratch. It’s much better if you utilise organic food. Organic foods are not handled with chemicals.
Therefore they are just as God intended. They have more flavour and a greater variety of nutrients. And, with our hectic schedules, we want to stay as healthy as possible. So eating organic, fresh food makes sense on multiple levels. The challenge now is, what can you make that is organic, healthy, and quick to eat?
Cook in Small Batches.
Cooking in batches is one approach to ensure you have food ready to go. So please spend a few hours cooking all of your favourite dishes, portioning them out, and freezing them.
An organic ragu base sauce is a terrific thing to have on hand in the freezer. Follow this basic recipe and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Two cans of chopped tomatoes (400g) (organic)
Two celery stalks (chopped)
Two peeled and sliced carrots two onions (peeled and finely diced)
100 g brown mushrooms, organic (finely chopped)
One garlic clove, coarsely grated
A handful of basil leaves (recommended but not required) or dried basil
1 quart of water
2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
A few grains of Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning.
250g organic minced beef, lamb, turkey, or Quorn
In a skillet, sauté the celery, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, and onions in olive oil (if using beef, lamb or turkey, add the meat at this stage).
Add the canned tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree, water, and spice when the veggies are tender, and the beef is browned.
If you’re using Quorn mince, you can add it now.
Stir the ingredients together and then slowly boil for around 30 minutes. Make sure to mix it occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
Before freezing, remove the bay leaf.
This base is suitable for the following dishes:
Bolognaise is best served with organic wholemeal pasta or spaghetti.
Cook organic boiled and mashed potatoes for Cottage Pie (beef) or Shepherd’s Pie (lamb).
Instead of basil, use home-grown mint to make this classic lamb meal stand out.
Alternatively, experiment with mashed organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rutabagas.
Serve with cooked organic brown rice and a tin of organic kidney beans and chilli powder for a great chilli con Carne.
The ultimate fast food is organic free-range eggs.
And who doesn’t enjoy a good frittata? You can use up food sitting in the back of the fridge and make dinner tonight.
Ten eggs
The onion (chopped)
Two garlic cloves smashed
Grass-fed butter (25 g)
200 g organic cooked vegetables Broccoli, wilted spinach or kale, peppers, mushrooms, or asparagus are all excellent choices (or anything else you fancy).
50 g grated cheese of choice – cheddar, feta, or goat’s cheese work well.
Black pepper and Himalayan salt
Extras to give your frittata a bit more zing – chopped herbs such as basil, thyme or chives or how about a sprinkle of chilli powder or cayenne pepper.
1. if not already cooked, lightly steam or fry the vegetable(s) (in extra virgin olive oil). 2. Thoroughly drain all vegetables, especially spinach and green cabbage. 3. Cook onion and garlic in the butter until they are tender. 4. in a bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the spices, cheese and any extra herbs or seasoning if necessary. 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the onions. 6. 6. pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir to ensure everything is mixed through. Cook for about five minutes so the bottom and sides are cooked. 7. Then place under the preheated grill for a further 5 minutes to cook the top. 8. Remove and cut into portions. Serve hot or cold with salad or on their own.
So there you have it. A few organic, quick dinner ideas that can be adapted in different ways. Enjoy
Breakfast On The Paleo Diet
Does the prospect of breakfast, lunch, and supper consisting entirely of steak make your mouth water? Alternatively, does your stomach churn? Given that many of my colleagues and members of the Paleo-Keto community are experimenting with and promoting the meatless carnivore diet, I felt forced to research the benefits and hazards linked with it.
While I attempt to provide an unbiased assessment of paleo diet fads by informing you of their benefits and drawbacks, I will share my view.
Sustainable Weight Loss On A Paleo Diet
You’re going to be surprised at where pork ends up on this list! I say, shocked!
We’ve previously discussed individuals who are persuaded that eating only meat is the way to go. “Carnivore dieters swear by a laundry list of benefits associated with an all-meat diet, the most significant of which is that it results in immediate and consistent weight loss,” my colleague Eddie Kim writes. But, not unexpectedly, her views contradict those of Dana Hunnes, senior nutritionist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, about the nutritional benefit of a meat-only diet. “Let me begin by stating that a plant-based paleo diet is the healthiest option available,” Hunnes says.
While the carnivore diet is popular, it is a very restrictive diet with little scientific support. While it may produce immediate outcomes such as weight loss, many people will likely struggle to maintain it over the long run. In addition, exclusion of entire food groups from a carnivore’s diet may result in malnutrition. Individuals interested in attempting a high-protein paleo diet should examine the palaeolithic or ketogenic diets instead.
The most significant benefits were: no stomach issues or inflammation, improved constant energy (it took roughly seven months after the switch), no-carb or food cravings, no constipation, regular appetite and satiety, no inflammation, and finally, fat reduction. I began the carnivore diet to improve my health, not of losing fat or weight.
This is the message I preach to my clients: Prioritize your health and restoration; everything else will fall into place. The issue with yo-yo dieting is that you are pursuing unattainable objectives and expectations while adhering to an unsustainable diet or exercise regimen.
I was very interested when I first heard about this diet. It flies in the face of everything we’ve ever learned about food. Consuming nothing but meat?! It seems insane, but it’s also quite intriguing. It appears that folks who first try Paleo or Keto end up trying Carnivore for various reasons. For example, many believe that when they consume meat solely, they get miraculous remission from autoimmune disorders and other health problems and weight loss.
Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Taste
This article compares lamb to mutton, taking into account characteristics like taste, cooking time, and health. Giriraj Singh argues that beef vs mutton is analogous to sister vs wife… India. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to tell the difference between real and imitation mutton.
Lamb tends to be leaner as lamb is mostly pure grass-fed, unlike beef which is more commonly fattened. History says that after the Norman invasion of England, English words for prepared foods took on their French equivalents. Although mutton is often considered old-fashioned, it has recently seen a massive upsurge in popularity.
  What Is the Paleo Diet? A Beginner’s Guide to This Popular Diet
Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk. Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk.
Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and has been an important component of the human diet. Red meat is typically derived from farm-raised mammals. Such as Red meat is a popular dietary choice for followers of the Paleo diet, which bases food choices on what our forefathers and mothers would have had available to them.
Lamb vs. Beef: Nutrition Facts
When animals are free to move and consume the nourishment they require, a superior product is developed. Numerous clients remarked on our beef’s delectable flavour, which is significantly more aromatic than standard feedlot beef. Our lamb is mild in flavour and delectable, owing to its growth and the Katahdin breed.
Our pork originates from traditional breeds that are renowned for their flavour. We cultivate standard breeds of fowl, but the ability to obtain half of their food from various pasture and move significantly improves their taste.
Lamb and beef are two different and frequently available cuts of red meat that are high in nutrients. Beef is a readily available red meat that is widely consumed, particularly in the United States. Lamb, on the other hand, is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. We shall compare the nutritional worth, health benefits, and flavour of lamb versus beef in this post.
Grass-fed and pasture-raised beef and lamb – of which we are particularly fond of New Zealand’s – are not only delectable but also nutritionally dense. Packed with whole proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pasture-raised beef and lamb provide unmatched nutritional benefits for a better life.
When you purchase our grass-fed beef, lamb, and other meats, you are purchasing the same meals that our forefathers and mothers ate and that our children deserve. Grass-fed meals are higher in nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) than factory-farmed beef and lamb. Additionally, they are lower in saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids.
The nutrients in our beef come from the sun, grasses, and soil on our property, not from the grain truck. Grass-fed goods are free of herbicide residues such as Roundup, making them a far cleaner and healthier alternative to grain-fed beef.
Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef?
A fun fact about lamb is that it is more nutritious than pork or beef. It contains a plethora of benefits that can assist and perhaps astonish you. Given that consuming excessive amounts of pork and beef can frequently result in health concerns, and I would suggest is that you explore lamb as a healthier alternative. Continue reading: What flavour do lentils have? What should I anticipate?
Another element that contributes to lamb being healthier than beef is the meat’s quality. Lamb is predominantly grass-fed, whereas processed beef is derived from grain-fed cattle. Now that animals cannot digest whole grains completely, our bodies are unable to digest such meat.
Due to the presence of ruminants in lamb flesh, it is easily digested. Due to the significant fat content of red meat, it is not considered lean meat. However, the fat content of various cuts of meat differs.
Not only do New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb have a taste of nature, with subtle overtones of the verdant pastures where the meat was reared, but they also have unmatched nutritional benefits. Grass-fed red meat has more vitamin A and E and has a healthier fat profile.
In addition, it contains less total fat, more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a healthier ratio than grain-fed beef. Packed with complete protein, bioavailable iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, as well as bioactive creatine, carnitine, and carnosine, and antioxidants, there is no doubt that New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb are nature’s powerhouse.
Generally, the following meals are on a carnivore’s* menu: Meat includes beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. Oysters, scallops, clams, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are all examples of shellfish. Additional animal products include eggs, fat, bone marrow, and bone broth. Offal, liver, kidney, and heart are all organ meats—unflavored, carbonated, or non-carbonated water. Whenever feasible, consume only pasture-raised or wild-caught animal products for a healthier version of the carnivore diet.
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  Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Taste
Are you sick of the flavour of ground beef? Or maybe of chicken mince? May we introduce you to lamb mince? You may recognise this protein, famous throughout the Mediterranean, from one of the numerous Greek, Turkish, or Moroccan cuisines that incorporate it. While it may not be as standard on your dinner table as chicken, there is a reason for its international popularity.
Grass-fed beef and steak have a distinct flavour compared to grain-fed beef and steak. Chefs frequently assert that the fat is what gives meat its flavour. Due to the difference in diet between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, each type of meat has a specific vitamin and lipid profile, imparting a distinct flavour. Many Americans are accustomed to grain-fed beef.
However, there have been arguments over which type of meat tastes the best. According to some restaurateurs, pasture-raised beef is dry or rough, while others believe it has a “meatier” and “earthier” flavour.
White meat and red meat are the two primary types of meat. What constitutes a distinction between the two? Generally, meats classified as “red meat” are red before and occasionally after cooking. For example, beef, lamb, and venison are all red because they contain myoglobin protein. This is an iron-containing protein that contributes to the red colour of certain meats.
Lamb is becoming more popular as a regular part of people’s diets, as the taste is enjoyable and gives a variation from chicken and beef. However, portion control is critical when it comes to lamb, as it is one of the fattier cuts of red meat.
If you eat a large amount of it, you increase your risk of developing a range of various diseases, not to mention the likelihood of gaining body fat.
Is Lamb Fattier Than Beef?
Lamb and beef contain a high concentration of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, is lamb fattier meat than beef? Indeed, it is. Lamb is slightly fattier than beef. However, the fat found in lamb meat is beneficial to one’s health. Lambs are high in omega-3 fats due to their grass-fed diet. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is particularly remarkable and beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Which is the superior meat, bison or beef? How about bison or lamb?
Is bison, chicken, or beef a healthier protein source if you’re seeking a nutrient-dense source of protein? Bison contains one of the most extraordinary levels of protein of any meat. As with beef, chicken, or turkey, the exact amount of nutrients found in bison varies depending on the cut of bison meat purchased.
All leaner cuts of meat, such as Top Sirloin and the equivalent of London Broil, are fewer in calories and fat than other cuts of meat with higher fat content.
So I set out to compare grain-fed American lamb, New Zealand lamb, and grass-fed American lamb. American lamb used to be significantly more expensive than New Zealand lamb, but I’ve seen that American prices are now comparable to or cheaper than New Zealand pricing.
Meat Quality: Another Reason Lamb Is Better Than Beef
In conclusion, lamb appears to be a superior choice for red meat when compared to beef. Grass-fed lamb and beef provide a plethora of health advantages. However, grass-fed beef is more challenging to come by than grass-fed lamb.
While lamb has slightly more calories than beef, it is more flavorful and provides high-quality protein. Regardless matter whether you choose lamb or beef, red meat should not be consumed daily. If you must have red meat daily, be mindful of your amounts and the cuts of meat you consume, particularly beef.
Red and processed meats are frequently associated with higher inflammatory markers, according to the majority of research. However, these studies frequently make no distinction between beef, hog, lamb, and other red meats; also, processed meat is consistently worse than fresh meat. Furthermore, the studies make no distinction between the meat’s quality or preparation (e.g. grilled vs non-grilled).
Many consider a lean cut of lamb to be one of the healthiest types of red meat you can eat. Lamb is a good source of all essential amino acids and protein of excellent quality. Mutton is comparable to lamb, except that it is the meat of an adult sheep. Lamb is a healthy meat option in part because it is typically grown naturally. Sheep gain weight through grass consumption and are customarily fed a natural, healthy diet.
The Article “Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose” First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
This post Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
yuri-otabek · 3 years
Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose
Paleo Diet – Lamb Versus Beef Which Meat To Choose: A healthy soil, and healthy plant, and a healthy animal are all necessary components of a healthy ecosystem, we believe, result in healthier food. All of our lands are organically certified, which means we never use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Which Meat to Choose?
We never routinely administer medications to our animals or treat them with hazardous pesticides. The animals are housed in various pastures where they are free to roam and forage for whatever nourishment they require at the moment. There is substantial evidence that grass-fed beef has a more excellent omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and higher amounts of numerous essential micronutrients than conventional cattle.
Organic, grass-fed red meat in any form is healthful and safe. If forced to select between lamb and beef, however, lamb is the superior choice. Due to rising demand, beef production has become industrialised. As previously said, grass-fed animals generate higher-quality meat. Additionally, lambs require grassland for grazing.
Unlike cattle, large lamb production does not result in high-quality meat. As a result of the more humane way lambs are produced, they are more nutritious and healthier than beef.
Chicken is one of the most often consumed meats in the world of bodybuilding. It is incredibly lean (assuming you use chicken breast) and simple to prepare. Additionally, this meat freezes nicely, so you may prepare it ahead of time if you want to cook your meals fast and conveniently.
Recently, grass-fed beef has grown in popularity, owing mainly to numerous media outlets revealing the atrocities of conventional meat production. In my case, the film Food Inc. and Michael Pollan’s outstanding book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” sparked my interest in the subject.
When I say “grass-fed beef,” here is a brief explanation: Cattle have adapted to graze grass throughout time. As a result, they obtain all of their nutrition from grass alone.
  Ideas for quick organic dinners
We all have hectic schedules, it can be tempting to order takeout or microwave a prepackaged meal. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it is best to cook your meal from scratch. It’s much better if you utilise organic food. Organic foods are not handled with chemicals.
Therefore they are just as God intended. They have more flavour and a greater variety of nutrients. And, with our hectic schedules, we want to stay as healthy as possible. So eating organic, fresh food makes sense on multiple levels. The challenge now is, what can you make that is organic, healthy, and quick to eat?
Cook in Small Batches.
Cooking in batches is one approach to ensure you have food ready to go. So please spend a few hours cooking all of your favourite dishes, portioning them out, and freezing them.
An organic ragu base sauce is a terrific thing to have on hand in the freezer. Follow this basic recipe and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Two cans of chopped tomatoes (400g) (organic)
Two celery stalks (chopped)
Two peeled and sliced carrots two onions (peeled and finely diced)
100 g brown mushrooms, organic (finely chopped)
One garlic clove, coarsely grated
A handful of basil leaves (recommended but not required) or dried basil
1 quart of water
2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
A few grains of Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning.
250g organic minced beef, lamb, turkey, or Quorn
In a skillet, sauté the celery, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, and onions in olive oil (if using beef, lamb or turkey, add the meat at this stage).
Add the canned tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree, water, and spice when the veggies are tender, and the beef is browned.
If you’re using Quorn mince, you can add it now.
Stir the ingredients together and then slowly boil for around 30 minutes. Make sure to mix it occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
Before freezing, remove the bay leaf.
This base is suitable for the following dishes:
Bolognaise is best served with organic wholemeal pasta or spaghetti.
Cook organic boiled and mashed potatoes for Cottage Pie (beef) or Shepherd’s Pie (lamb).
Instead of basil, use home-grown mint to make this classic lamb meal stand out.
Alternatively, experiment with mashed organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rutabagas.
Serve with cooked organic brown rice and a tin of organic kidney beans and chilli powder for a great chilli con Carne.
The ultimate fast food is organic free-range eggs.
And who doesn’t enjoy a good frittata? You can use up food sitting in the back of the fridge and make dinner tonight.
Ten eggs
The onion (chopped)
Two garlic cloves smashed
Grass-fed butter (25 g)
200 g organic cooked vegetables Broccoli, wilted spinach or kale, peppers, mushrooms, or asparagus are all excellent choices (or anything else you fancy).
50 g grated cheese of choice – cheddar, feta, or goat’s cheese work well.
Black pepper and Himalayan salt
Extras to give your frittata a bit more zing – chopped herbs such as basil, thyme or chives or how about a sprinkle of chilli powder or cayenne pepper.
1. if not already cooked, lightly steam or fry the vegetable(s) (in extra virgin olive oil). 2. Thoroughly drain all vegetables, especially spinach and green cabbage. 3. Cook onion and garlic in the butter until they are tender. 4. in a bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the spices, cheese and any extra herbs or seasoning if necessary. 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the onions. 6. 6. pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir to ensure everything is mixed through. Cook for about five minutes so the bottom and sides are cooked. 7. Then place under the preheated grill for a further 5 minutes to cook the top. 8. Remove and cut into portions. Serve hot or cold with salad or on their own.
So there you have it. A few organic, quick dinner ideas that can be adapted in different ways. Enjoy
Breakfast On The Paleo Diet
Does the prospect of breakfast, lunch, and supper consisting entirely of steak make your mouth water? Alternatively, does your stomach churn? Given that many of my colleagues and members of the Paleo-Keto community are experimenting with and promoting the meatless carnivore diet, I felt forced to research the benefits and hazards linked with it.
While I attempt to provide an unbiased assessment of paleo diet fads by informing you of their benefits and drawbacks, I will share my view.
Sustainable Weight Loss On A Paleo Diet
You’re going to be surprised at where pork ends up on this list! I say, shocked!
We’ve previously discussed individuals who are persuaded that eating only meat is the way to go. “Carnivore dieters swear by a laundry list of benefits associated with an all-meat diet, the most significant of which is that it results in immediate and consistent weight loss,” my colleague Eddie Kim writes. But, not unexpectedly, her views contradict those of Dana Hunnes, senior nutritionist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, about the nutritional benefit of a meat-only diet. “Let me begin by stating that a plant-based paleo diet is the healthiest option available,” Hunnes says.
While the carnivore diet is popular, it is a very restrictive diet with little scientific support. While it may produce immediate outcomes such as weight loss, many people will likely struggle to maintain it over the long run. In addition, exclusion of entire food groups from a carnivore’s diet may result in malnutrition. Individuals interested in attempting a high-protein paleo diet should examine the palaeolithic or ketogenic diets instead.
The most significant benefits were: no stomach issues or inflammation, improved constant energy (it took roughly seven months after the switch), no-carb or food cravings, no constipation, regular appetite and satiety, no inflammation, and finally, fat reduction. I began the carnivore diet to improve my health, not of losing fat or weight.
This is the message I preach to my clients: Prioritize your health and restoration; everything else will fall into place. The issue with yo-yo dieting is that you are pursuing unattainable objectives and expectations while adhering to an unsustainable diet or exercise regimen.
I was very interested when I first heard about this diet. It flies in the face of everything we’ve ever learned about food. Consuming nothing but meat?! It seems insane, but it’s also quite intriguing. It appears that folks who first try Paleo or Keto end up trying Carnivore for various reasons. For example, many believe that when they consume meat solely, they get miraculous remission from autoimmune disorders and other health problems and weight loss.
Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Taste
This article compares lamb to mutton, taking into account characteristics like taste, cooking time, and health. Giriraj Singh argues that beef vs mutton is analogous to sister vs wife… India. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to tell the difference between real and imitation mutton.
Lamb tends to be leaner as lamb is mostly pure grass-fed, unlike beef which is more commonly fattened. History says that after the Norman invasion of England, English words for prepared foods took on their French equivalents. Although mutton is often considered old-fashioned, it has recently seen a massive upsurge in popularity.
  What Is the Paleo Diet? A Beginner’s Guide to This Popular Diet
Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk. Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk.
Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and has been an important component of the human diet. Red meat is typically derived from farm-raised mammals. Such as Red meat is a popular dietary choice for followers of the Paleo diet, which bases food choices on what our forefathers and mothers would have had available to them.
Lamb vs. Beef: Nutrition Facts
When animals are free to move and consume the nourishment they require, a superior product is developed. Numerous clients remarked on our beef’s delectable flavour, which is significantly more aromatic than standard feedlot beef. Our lamb is mild in flavour and delectable, owing to its growth and the Katahdin breed.
Our pork originates from traditional breeds that are renowned for their flavour. We cultivate standard breeds of fowl, but the ability to obtain half of their food from various pasture and move significantly improves their taste.
Lamb and beef are two different and frequently available cuts of red meat that are high in nutrients. Beef is a readily available red meat that is widely consumed, particularly in the United States. Lamb, on the other hand, is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. We shall compare the nutritional worth, health benefits, and flavour of lamb versus beef in this post.
Grass-fed and pasture-raised beef and lamb – of which we are particularly fond of New Zealand’s – are not only delectable but also nutritionally dense. Packed with whole proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pasture-raised beef and lamb provide unmatched nutritional benefits for a better life.
When you purchase our grass-fed beef, lamb, and other meats, you are purchasing the same meals that our forefathers and mothers ate and that our children deserve. Grass-fed meals are higher in nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) than factory-farmed beef and lamb. Additionally, they are lower in saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids.
The nutrients in our beef come from the sun, grasses, and soil on our property, not from the grain truck. Grass-fed goods are free of herbicide residues such as Roundup, making them a far cleaner and healthier alternative to grain-fed beef.
Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef?
A fun fact about lamb is that it is more nutritious than pork or beef. It contains a plethora of benefits that can assist and perhaps astonish you. Given that consuming excessive amounts of pork and beef can frequently result in health concerns, and I would suggest is that you explore lamb as a healthier alternative. Continue reading: What flavour do lentils have? What should I anticipate?
Another element that contributes to lamb being healthier than beef is the meat’s quality. Lamb is predominantly grass-fed, whereas processed beef is derived from grain-fed cattle. Now that animals cannot digest whole grains completely, our bodies are unable to digest such meat.
Due to the presence of ruminants in lamb flesh, it is easily digested. Due to the significant fat content of red meat, it is not considered lean meat. However, the fat content of various cuts of meat differs.
Not only do New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb have a taste of nature, with subtle overtones of the verdant pastures where the meat was reared, but they also have unmatched nutritional benefits. Grass-fed red meat has more vitamin A and E and has a healthier fat profile.
In addition, it contains less total fat, more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a healthier ratio than grain-fed beef. Packed with complete protein, bioavailable iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, as well as bioactive creatine, carnitine, and carnosine, and antioxidants, there is no doubt that New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb are nature’s powerhouse.
Generally, the following meals are on a carnivore’s* menu: Meat includes beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. Oysters, scallops, clams, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are all examples of shellfish. Additional animal products include eggs, fat, bone marrow, and bone broth. Offal, liver, kidney, and heart are all organ meats—unflavored, carbonated, or non-carbonated water. Whenever feasible, consume only pasture-raised or wild-caught animal products for a healthier version of the carnivore diet.
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  Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Taste
Are you sick of the flavour of ground beef? Or maybe of chicken mince? May we introduce you to lamb mince? You may recognise this protein, famous throughout the Mediterranean, from one of the numerous Greek, Turkish, or Moroccan cuisines that incorporate it. While it may not be as standard on your dinner table as chicken, there is a reason for its international popularity.
Grass-fed beef and steak have a distinct flavour compared to grain-fed beef and steak. Chefs frequently assert that the fat is what gives meat its flavour. Due to the difference in diet between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, each type of meat has a specific vitamin and lipid profile, imparting a distinct flavour. Many Americans are accustomed to grain-fed beef.
However, there have been arguments over which type of meat tastes the best. According to some restaurateurs, pasture-raised beef is dry or rough, while others believe it has a “meatier” and “earthier” flavour.
White meat and red meat are the two primary types of meat. What constitutes a distinction between the two? Generally, meats classified as “red meat” are red before and occasionally after cooking. For example, beef, lamb, and venison are all red because they contain myoglobin protein. This is an iron-containing protein that contributes to the red colour of certain meats.
Lamb is becoming more popular as a regular part of people’s diets, as the taste is enjoyable and gives a variation from chicken and beef. However, portion control is critical when it comes to lamb, as it is one of the fattier cuts of red meat.
If you eat a large amount of it, you increase your risk of developing a range of various diseases, not to mention the likelihood of gaining body fat.
Is Lamb Fattier Than Beef?
Lamb and beef contain a high concentration of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, is lamb fattier meat than beef? Indeed, it is. Lamb is slightly fattier than beef. However, the fat found in lamb meat is beneficial to one’s health. Lambs are high in omega-3 fats due to their grass-fed diet. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is particularly remarkable and beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Which is the superior meat, bison or beef? How about bison or lamb?
Is bison, chicken, or beef a healthier protein source if you’re seeking a nutrient-dense source of protein? Bison contains one of the most extraordinary levels of protein of any meat. As with beef, chicken, or turkey, the exact amount of nutrients found in bison varies depending on the cut of bison meat purchased.
All leaner cuts of meat, such as Top Sirloin and the equivalent of London Broil, are fewer in calories and fat than other cuts of meat with higher fat content.
So I set out to compare grain-fed American lamb, New Zealand lamb, and grass-fed American lamb. American lamb used to be significantly more expensive than New Zealand lamb, but I’ve seen that American prices are now comparable to or cheaper than New Zealand pricing.
Meat Quality: Another Reason Lamb Is Better Than Beef
In conclusion, lamb appears to be a superior choice for red meat when compared to beef. Grass-fed lamb and beef provide a plethora of health advantages. However, grass-fed beef is more challenging to come by than grass-fed lamb.
While lamb has slightly more calories than beef, it is more flavorful and provides high-quality protein. Regardless matter whether you choose lamb or beef, red meat should not be consumed daily. If you must have red meat daily, be mindful of your amounts and the cuts of meat you consume, particularly beef.
Red and processed meats are frequently associated with higher inflammatory markers, according to the majority of research. However, these studies frequently make no distinction between beef, hog, lamb, and other red meats; also, processed meat is consistently worse than fresh meat. Furthermore, the studies make no distinction between the meat’s quality or preparation (e.g. grilled vs non-grilled).
Many consider a lean cut of lamb to be one of the healthiest types of red meat you can eat. Lamb is a good source of all essential amino acids and protein of excellent quality. Mutton is comparable to lamb, except that it is the meat of an adult sheep. Lamb is a healthy meat option in part because it is typically grown naturally. Sheep gain weight through grass consumption and are customarily fed a natural, healthy diet.
The Article “Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose” First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
This post Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
sarcasminho · 3 years
Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose
Paleo Diet – Lamb Versus Beef Which Meat To Choose: A healthy soil, and healthy plant, and a healthy animal are all necessary components of a healthy ecosystem, we believe, result in healthier food. All of our lands are organically certified, which means we never use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Which Meat to Choose?
We never routinely administer medications to our animals or treat them with hazardous pesticides. The animals are housed in various pastures where they are free to roam and forage for whatever nourishment they require at the moment. There is substantial evidence that grass-fed beef has a more excellent omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and higher amounts of numerous essential micronutrients than conventional cattle.
Organic, grass-fed red meat in any form is healthful and safe. If forced to select between lamb and beef, however, lamb is the superior choice. Due to rising demand, beef production has become industrialised. As previously said, grass-fed animals generate higher-quality meat. Additionally, lambs require grassland for grazing.
Unlike cattle, large lamb production does not result in high-quality meat. As a result of the more humane way lambs are produced, they are more nutritious and healthier than beef.
Chicken is one of the most often consumed meats in the world of bodybuilding. It is incredibly lean (assuming you use chicken breast) and simple to prepare. Additionally, this meat freezes nicely, so you may prepare it ahead of time if you want to cook your meals fast and conveniently.
Recently, grass-fed beef has grown in popularity, owing mainly to numerous media outlets revealing the atrocities of conventional meat production. In my case, the film Food Inc. and Michael Pollan’s outstanding book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” sparked my interest in the subject.
When I say “grass-fed beef,” here is a brief explanation: Cattle have adapted to graze grass throughout time. As a result, they obtain all of their nutrition from grass alone.
  Ideas for quick organic dinners
We all have hectic schedules, it can be tempting to order takeout or microwave a prepackaged meal. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it is best to cook your meal from scratch. It’s much better if you utilise organic food. Organic foods are not handled with chemicals.
Therefore they are just as God intended. They have more flavour and a greater variety of nutrients. And, with our hectic schedules, we want to stay as healthy as possible. So eating organic, fresh food makes sense on multiple levels. The challenge now is, what can you make that is organic, healthy, and quick to eat?
Cook in Small Batches.
Cooking in batches is one approach to ensure you have food ready to go. So please spend a few hours cooking all of your favourite dishes, portioning them out, and freezing them.
An organic ragu base sauce is a terrific thing to have on hand in the freezer. Follow this basic recipe and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Two cans of chopped tomatoes (400g) (organic)
Two celery stalks (chopped)
Two peeled and sliced carrots two onions (peeled and finely diced)
100 g brown mushrooms, organic (finely chopped)
One garlic clove, coarsely grated
A handful of basil leaves (recommended but not required) or dried basil
1 quart of water
2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
A few grains of Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning.
250g organic minced beef, lamb, turkey, or Quorn
In a skillet, sauté the celery, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, and onions in olive oil (if using beef, lamb or turkey, add the meat at this stage).
Add the canned tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree, water, and spice when the veggies are tender, and the beef is browned.
If you’re using Quorn mince, you can add it now.
Stir the ingredients together and then slowly boil for around 30 minutes. Make sure to mix it occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
Before freezing, remove the bay leaf.
This base is suitable for the following dishes:
Bolognaise is best served with organic wholemeal pasta or spaghetti.
Cook organic boiled and mashed potatoes for Cottage Pie (beef) or Shepherd’s Pie (lamb).
Instead of basil, use home-grown mint to make this classic lamb meal stand out.
Alternatively, experiment with mashed organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rutabagas.
Serve with cooked organic brown rice and a tin of organic kidney beans and chilli powder for a great chilli con Carne.
The ultimate fast food is organic free-range eggs.
And who doesn’t enjoy a good frittata? You can use up food sitting in the back of the fridge and make dinner tonight.
Ten eggs
The onion (chopped)
Two garlic cloves smashed
Grass-fed butter (25 g)
200 g organic cooked vegetables Broccoli, wilted spinach or kale, peppers, mushrooms, or asparagus are all excellent choices (or anything else you fancy).
50 g grated cheese of choice – cheddar, feta, or goat’s cheese work well.
Black pepper and Himalayan salt
Extras to give your frittata a bit more zing – chopped herbs such as basil, thyme or chives or how about a sprinkle of chilli powder or cayenne pepper.
1. if not already cooked, lightly steam or fry the vegetable(s) (in extra virgin olive oil). 2. Thoroughly drain all vegetables, especially spinach and green cabbage. 3. Cook onion and garlic in the butter until they are tender. 4. in a bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the spices, cheese and any extra herbs or seasoning if necessary. 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the onions. 6. 6. pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir to ensure everything is mixed through. Cook for about five minutes so the bottom and sides are cooked. 7. Then place under the preheated grill for a further 5 minutes to cook the top. 8. Remove and cut into portions. Serve hot or cold with salad or on their own.
So there you have it. A few organic, quick dinner ideas that can be adapted in different ways. Enjoy
Breakfast On The Paleo Diet
Does the prospect of breakfast, lunch, and supper consisting entirely of steak make your mouth water? Alternatively, does your stomach churn? Given that many of my colleagues and members of the Paleo-Keto community are experimenting with and promoting the meatless carnivore diet, I felt forced to research the benefits and hazards linked with it.
While I attempt to provide an unbiased assessment of paleo diet fads by informing you of their benefits and drawbacks, I will share my view.
Sustainable Weight Loss On A Paleo Diet
You’re going to be surprised at where pork ends up on this list! I say, shocked!
We’ve previously discussed individuals who are persuaded that eating only meat is the way to go. “Carnivore dieters swear by a laundry list of benefits associated with an all-meat diet, the most significant of which is that it results in immediate and consistent weight loss,” my colleague Eddie Kim writes. But, not unexpectedly, her views contradict those of Dana Hunnes, senior nutritionist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, about the nutritional benefit of a meat-only diet. “Let me begin by stating that a plant-based paleo diet is the healthiest option available,” Hunnes says.
While the carnivore diet is popular, it is a very restrictive diet with little scientific support. While it may produce immediate outcomes such as weight loss, many people will likely struggle to maintain it over the long run. In addition, exclusion of entire food groups from a carnivore’s diet may result in malnutrition. Individuals interested in attempting a high-protein paleo diet should examine the palaeolithic or ketogenic diets instead.
The most significant benefits were: no stomach issues or inflammation, improved constant energy (it took roughly seven months after the switch), no-carb or food cravings, no constipation, regular appetite and satiety, no inflammation, and finally, fat reduction. I began the carnivore diet to improve my health, not of losing fat or weight.
This is the message I preach to my clients: Prioritize your health and restoration; everything else will fall into place. The issue with yo-yo dieting is that you are pursuing unattainable objectives and expectations while adhering to an unsustainable diet or exercise regimen.
I was very interested when I first heard about this diet. It flies in the face of everything we’ve ever learned about food. Consuming nothing but meat?! It seems insane, but it’s also quite intriguing. It appears that folks who first try Paleo or Keto end up trying Carnivore for various reasons. For example, many believe that when they consume meat solely, they get miraculous remission from autoimmune disorders and other health problems and weight loss.
Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Taste
This article compares lamb to mutton, taking into account characteristics like taste, cooking time, and health. Giriraj Singh argues that beef vs mutton is analogous to sister vs wife… India. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to tell the difference between real and imitation mutton.
Lamb tends to be leaner as lamb is mostly pure grass-fed, unlike beef which is more commonly fattened. History says that after the Norman invasion of England, English words for prepared foods took on their French equivalents. Although mutton is often considered old-fashioned, it has recently seen a massive upsurge in popularity.
  What Is the Paleo Diet? A Beginner’s Guide to This Popular Diet
Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk. Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk.
Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and has been an important component of the human diet. Red meat is typically derived from farm-raised mammals. Such as Red meat is a popular dietary choice for followers of the Paleo diet, which bases food choices on what our forefathers and mothers would have had available to them.
Lamb vs. Beef: Nutrition Facts
When animals are free to move and consume the nourishment they require, a superior product is developed. Numerous clients remarked on our beef’s delectable flavour, which is significantly more aromatic than standard feedlot beef. Our lamb is mild in flavour and delectable, owing to its growth and the Katahdin breed.
Our pork originates from traditional breeds that are renowned for their flavour. We cultivate standard breeds of fowl, but the ability to obtain half of their food from various pasture and move significantly improves their taste.
Lamb and beef are two different and frequently available cuts of red meat that are high in nutrients. Beef is a readily available red meat that is widely consumed, particularly in the United States. Lamb, on the other hand, is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. We shall compare the nutritional worth, health benefits, and flavour of lamb versus beef in this post.
Grass-fed and pasture-raised beef and lamb – of which we are particularly fond of New Zealand’s – are not only delectable but also nutritionally dense. Packed with whole proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pasture-raised beef and lamb provide unmatched nutritional benefits for a better life.
When you purchase our grass-fed beef, lamb, and other meats, you are purchasing the same meals that our forefathers and mothers ate and that our children deserve. Grass-fed meals are higher in nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) than factory-farmed beef and lamb. Additionally, they are lower in saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids.
The nutrients in our beef come from the sun, grasses, and soil on our property, not from the grain truck. Grass-fed goods are free of herbicide residues such as Roundup, making them a far cleaner and healthier alternative to grain-fed beef.
Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef?
A fun fact about lamb is that it is more nutritious than pork or beef. It contains a plethora of benefits that can assist and perhaps astonish you. Given that consuming excessive amounts of pork and beef can frequently result in health concerns, and I would suggest is that you explore lamb as a healthier alternative. Continue reading: What flavour do lentils have? What should I anticipate?
Another element that contributes to lamb being healthier than beef is the meat’s quality. Lamb is predominantly grass-fed, whereas processed beef is derived from grain-fed cattle. Now that animals cannot digest whole grains completely, our bodies are unable to digest such meat.
Due to the presence of ruminants in lamb flesh, it is easily digested. Due to the significant fat content of red meat, it is not considered lean meat. However, the fat content of various cuts of meat differs.
Not only do New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb have a taste of nature, with subtle overtones of the verdant pastures where the meat was reared, but they also have unmatched nutritional benefits. Grass-fed red meat has more vitamin A and E and has a healthier fat profile.
In addition, it contains less total fat, more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a healthier ratio than grain-fed beef. Packed with complete protein, bioavailable iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, as well as bioactive creatine, carnitine, and carnosine, and antioxidants, there is no doubt that New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb are nature’s powerhouse.
Generally, the following meals are on a carnivore’s* menu: Meat includes beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. Oysters, scallops, clams, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are all examples of shellfish. Additional animal products include eggs, fat, bone marrow, and bone broth. Offal, liver, kidney, and heart are all organ meats—unflavored, carbonated, or non-carbonated water. Whenever feasible, consume only pasture-raised or wild-caught animal products for a healthier version of the carnivore diet.
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  Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Taste
Are you sick of the flavour of ground beef? Or maybe of chicken mince? May we introduce you to lamb mince? You may recognise this protein, famous throughout the Mediterranean, from one of the numerous Greek, Turkish, or Moroccan cuisines that incorporate it. While it may not be as standard on your dinner table as chicken, there is a reason for its international popularity.
Grass-fed beef and steak have a distinct flavour compared to grain-fed beef and steak. Chefs frequently assert that the fat is what gives meat its flavour. Due to the difference in diet between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, each type of meat has a specific vitamin and lipid profile, imparting a distinct flavour. Many Americans are accustomed to grain-fed beef.
However, there have been arguments over which type of meat tastes the best. According to some restaurateurs, pasture-raised beef is dry or rough, while others believe it has a “meatier” and “earthier” flavour.
White meat and red meat are the two primary types of meat. What constitutes a distinction between the two? Generally, meats classified as “red meat” are red before and occasionally after cooking. For example, beef, lamb, and venison are all red because they contain myoglobin protein. This is an iron-containing protein that contributes to the red colour of certain meats.
Lamb is becoming more popular as a regular part of people’s diets, as the taste is enjoyable and gives a variation from chicken and beef. However, portion control is critical when it comes to lamb, as it is one of the fattier cuts of red meat.
If you eat a large amount of it, you increase your risk of developing a range of various diseases, not to mention the likelihood of gaining body fat.
Is Lamb Fattier Than Beef?
Lamb and beef contain a high concentration of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, is lamb fattier meat than beef? Indeed, it is. Lamb is slightly fattier than beef. However, the fat found in lamb meat is beneficial to one’s health. Lambs are high in omega-3 fats due to their grass-fed diet. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is particularly remarkable and beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Which is the superior meat, bison or beef? How about bison or lamb?
Is bison, chicken, or beef a healthier protein source if you’re seeking a nutrient-dense source of protein? Bison contains one of the most extraordinary levels of protein of any meat. As with beef, chicken, or turkey, the exact amount of nutrients found in bison varies depending on the cut of bison meat purchased.
All leaner cuts of meat, such as Top Sirloin and the equivalent of London Broil, are fewer in calories and fat than other cuts of meat with higher fat content.
So I set out to compare grain-fed American lamb, New Zealand lamb, and grass-fed American lamb. American lamb used to be significantly more expensive than New Zealand lamb, but I’ve seen that American prices are now comparable to or cheaper than New Zealand pricing.
Meat Quality: Another Reason Lamb Is Better Than Beef
In conclusion, lamb appears to be a superior choice for red meat when compared to beef. Grass-fed lamb and beef provide a plethora of health advantages. However, grass-fed beef is more challenging to come by than grass-fed lamb.
While lamb has slightly more calories than beef, it is more flavorful and provides high-quality protein. Regardless matter whether you choose lamb or beef, red meat should not be consumed daily. If you must have red meat daily, be mindful of your amounts and the cuts of meat you consume, particularly beef.
Red and processed meats are frequently associated with higher inflammatory markers, according to the majority of research. However, these studies frequently make no distinction between beef, hog, lamb, and other red meats; also, processed meat is consistently worse than fresh meat. Furthermore, the studies make no distinction between the meat’s quality or preparation (e.g. grilled vs non-grilled).
Many consider a lean cut of lamb to be one of the healthiest types of red meat you can eat. Lamb is a good source of all essential amino acids and protein of excellent quality. Mutton is comparable to lamb, except that it is the meat of an adult sheep. Lamb is a healthy meat option in part because it is typically grown naturally. Sheep gain weight through grass consumption and are customarily fed a natural, healthy diet.
The Article “Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose” First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
This post Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
gloriousninjapeanut · 3 years
Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose
Paleo Diet – Lamb Versus Beef Which Meat To Choose: A healthy soil, and healthy plant, and a healthy animal are all necessary components of a healthy ecosystem, we believe, result in healthier food. All of our lands are organically certified, which means we never use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Which Meat to Choose?
We never routinely administer medications to our animals or treat them with hazardous pesticides. The animals are housed in various pastures where they are free to roam and forage for whatever nourishment they require at the moment. There is substantial evidence that grass-fed beef has a more excellent omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio and higher amounts of numerous essential micronutrients than conventional cattle.
Organic, grass-fed red meat in any form is healthful and safe. If forced to select between lamb and beef, however, lamb is the superior choice. Due to rising demand, beef production has become industrialised. As previously said, grass-fed animals generate higher-quality meat. Additionally, lambs require grassland for grazing.
Unlike cattle, large lamb production does not result in high-quality meat. As a result of the more humane way lambs are produced, they are more nutritious and healthier than beef.
Chicken is one of the most often consumed meats in the world of bodybuilding. It is incredibly lean (assuming you use chicken breast) and simple to prepare. Additionally, this meat freezes nicely, so you may prepare it ahead of time if you want to cook your meals fast and conveniently.
Recently, grass-fed beef has grown in popularity, owing mainly to numerous media outlets revealing the atrocities of conventional meat production. In my case, the film Food Inc. and Michael Pollan’s outstanding book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” sparked my interest in the subject.
When I say “grass-fed beef,” here is a brief explanation: Cattle have adapted to graze grass throughout time. As a result, they obtain all of their nutrition from grass alone.
  Ideas for quick organic dinners
We all have hectic schedules, it can be tempting to order takeout or microwave a prepackaged meal. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit, it is best to cook your meal from scratch. It’s much better if you utilise organic food. Organic foods are not handled with chemicals.
Therefore they are just as God intended. They have more flavour and a greater variety of nutrients. And, with our hectic schedules, we want to stay as healthy as possible. So eating organic, fresh food makes sense on multiple levels. The challenge now is, what can you make that is organic, healthy, and quick to eat?
Cook in Small Batches.
Cooking in batches is one approach to ensure you have food ready to go. So please spend a few hours cooking all of your favourite dishes, portioning them out, and freezing them.
An organic ragu base sauce is a terrific thing to have on hand in the freezer. Follow this basic recipe and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Two cans of chopped tomatoes (400g) (organic)
Two celery stalks (chopped)
Two peeled and sliced carrots two onions (peeled and finely diced)
100 g brown mushrooms, organic (finely chopped)
One garlic clove, coarsely grated
A handful of basil leaves (recommended but not required) or dried basil
1 quart of water
2 tbsp. organic tomato puree
A few grains of Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning.
250g organic minced beef, lamb, turkey, or Quorn
In a skillet, sauté the celery, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, and onions in olive oil (if using beef, lamb or turkey, add the meat at this stage).
Add the canned tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree, water, and spice when the veggies are tender, and the beef is browned.
If you’re using Quorn mince, you can add it now.
Stir the ingredients together and then slowly boil for around 30 minutes. Make sure to mix it occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
Before freezing, remove the bay leaf.
This base is suitable for the following dishes:
Bolognaise is best served with organic wholemeal pasta or spaghetti.
Cook organic boiled and mashed potatoes for Cottage Pie (beef) or Shepherd’s Pie (lamb).
Instead of basil, use home-grown mint to make this classic lamb meal stand out.
Alternatively, experiment with mashed organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rutabagas.
Serve with cooked organic brown rice and a tin of organic kidney beans and chilli powder for a great chilli con Carne.
The ultimate fast food is organic free-range eggs.
And who doesn’t enjoy a good frittata? You can use up food sitting in the back of the fridge and make dinner tonight.
Ten eggs
The onion (chopped)
Two garlic cloves smashed
Grass-fed butter (25 g)
200 g organic cooked vegetables Broccoli, wilted spinach or kale, peppers, mushrooms, or asparagus are all excellent choices (or anything else you fancy).
50 g grated cheese of choice – cheddar, feta, or goat’s cheese work well.
Black pepper and Himalayan salt
Extras to give your frittata a bit more zing – chopped herbs such as basil, thyme or chives or how about a sprinkle of chilli powder or cayenne pepper.
1. if not already cooked, lightly steam or fry the vegetable(s) (in extra virgin olive oil). 2. Thoroughly drain all vegetables, especially spinach and green cabbage. 3. Cook onion and garlic in the butter until they are tender. 4. in a bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the spices, cheese and any extra herbs or seasoning if necessary. 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the onions. 6. 6. pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir to ensure everything is mixed through. Cook for about five minutes so the bottom and sides are cooked. 7. Then place under the preheated grill for a further 5 minutes to cook the top. 8. Remove and cut into portions. Serve hot or cold with salad or on their own.
So there you have it. A few organic, quick dinner ideas that can be adapted in different ways. Enjoy
Breakfast On The Paleo Diet
Does the prospect of breakfast, lunch, and supper consisting entirely of steak make your mouth water? Alternatively, does your stomach churn? Given that many of my colleagues and members of the Paleo-Keto community are experimenting with and promoting the meatless carnivore diet, I felt forced to research the benefits and hazards linked with it.
While I attempt to provide an unbiased assessment of paleo diet fads by informing you of their benefits and drawbacks, I will share my view.
Sustainable Weight Loss On A Paleo Diet
You’re going to be surprised at where pork ends up on this list! I say, shocked!
We’ve previously discussed individuals who are persuaded that eating only meat is the way to go. “Carnivore dieters swear by a laundry list of benefits associated with an all-meat diet, the most significant of which is that it results in immediate and consistent weight loss,” my colleague Eddie Kim writes. But, not unexpectedly, her views contradict those of Dana Hunnes, senior nutritionist at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, about the nutritional benefit of a meat-only diet. “Let me begin by stating that a plant-based paleo diet is the healthiest option available,” Hunnes says.
While the carnivore diet is popular, it is a very restrictive diet with little scientific support. While it may produce immediate outcomes such as weight loss, many people will likely struggle to maintain it over the long run. In addition, exclusion of entire food groups from a carnivore’s diet may result in malnutrition. Individuals interested in attempting a high-protein paleo diet should examine the palaeolithic or ketogenic diets instead.
The most significant benefits were: no stomach issues or inflammation, improved constant energy (it took roughly seven months after the switch), no-carb or food cravings, no constipation, regular appetite and satiety, no inflammation, and finally, fat reduction. I began the carnivore diet to improve my health, not of losing fat or weight.
This is the message I preach to my clients: Prioritize your health and restoration; everything else will fall into place. The issue with yo-yo dieting is that you are pursuing unattainable objectives and expectations while adhering to an unsustainable diet or exercise regimen.
I was very interested when I first heard about this diet. It flies in the face of everything we’ve ever learned about food. Consuming nothing but meat?! It seems insane, but it’s also quite intriguing. It appears that folks who first try Paleo or Keto end up trying Carnivore for various reasons. For example, many believe that when they consume meat solely, they get miraculous remission from autoimmune disorders and other health problems and weight loss.
Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Nutritional Value, Health Benefits, and Taste
This article compares lamb to mutton, taking into account characteristics like taste, cooking time, and health. Giriraj Singh argues that beef vs mutton is analogous to sister vs wife… India. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to tell the difference between real and imitation mutton.
Lamb tends to be leaner as lamb is mostly pure grass-fed, unlike beef which is more commonly fattened. History says that after the Norman invasion of England, English words for prepared foods took on their French equivalents. Although mutton is often considered old-fashioned, it has recently seen a massive upsurge in popularity.
  What Is the Paleo Diet? A Beginner’s Guide to This Popular Diet
Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk. Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and Increased red meat consumption has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including type 2 diabetes. According to research, food processing is a significant component in increasing the risk.
Red meat in its purest form is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins and has been an important component of the human diet. Red meat is typically derived from farm-raised mammals. Such as Red meat is a popular dietary choice for followers of the Paleo diet, which bases food choices on what our forefathers and mothers would have had available to them.
Lamb vs. Beef: Nutrition Facts
When animals are free to move and consume the nourishment they require, a superior product is developed. Numerous clients remarked on our beef’s delectable flavour, which is significantly more aromatic than standard feedlot beef. Our lamb is mild in flavour and delectable, owing to its growth and the Katahdin breed.
Our pork originates from traditional breeds that are renowned for their flavour. We cultivate standard breeds of fowl, but the ability to obtain half of their food from various pasture and move significantly improves their taste.
Lamb and beef are two different and frequently available cuts of red meat that are high in nutrients. Beef is a readily available red meat that is widely consumed, particularly in the United States. Lamb, on the other hand, is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. We shall compare the nutritional worth, health benefits, and flavour of lamb versus beef in this post.
Grass-fed and pasture-raised beef and lamb – of which we are particularly fond of New Zealand’s – are not only delectable but also nutritionally dense. Packed with whole proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pasture-raised beef and lamb provide unmatched nutritional benefits for a better life.
When you purchase our grass-fed beef, lamb, and other meats, you are purchasing the same meals that our forefathers and mothers ate and that our children deserve. Grass-fed meals are higher in nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) than factory-farmed beef and lamb. Additionally, they are lower in saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids.
The nutrients in our beef come from the sun, grasses, and soil on our property, not from the grain truck. Grass-fed goods are free of herbicide residues such as Roundup, making them a far cleaner and healthier alternative to grain-fed beef.
Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef?
A fun fact about lamb is that it is more nutritious than pork or beef. It contains a plethora of benefits that can assist and perhaps astonish you. Given that consuming excessive amounts of pork and beef can frequently result in health concerns, and I would suggest is that you explore lamb as a healthier alternative. Continue reading: What flavour do lentils have? What should I anticipate?
Another element that contributes to lamb being healthier than beef is the meat’s quality. Lamb is predominantly grass-fed, whereas processed beef is derived from grain-fed cattle. Now that animals cannot digest whole grains completely, our bodies are unable to digest such meat.
Due to the presence of ruminants in lamb flesh, it is easily digested. Due to the significant fat content of red meat, it is not considered lean meat. However, the fat content of various cuts of meat differs.
Not only do New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb have a taste of nature, with subtle overtones of the verdant pastures where the meat was reared, but they also have unmatched nutritional benefits. Grass-fed red meat has more vitamin A and E and has a healthier fat profile.
In addition, it contains less total fat, more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a healthier ratio than grain-fed beef. Packed with complete protein, bioavailable iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, as well as bioactive creatine, carnitine, and carnosine, and antioxidants, there is no doubt that New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb are nature’s powerhouse.
Generally, the following meals are on a carnivore’s* menu: Meat includes beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and pork. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. Oysters, scallops, clams, prawns, crabs, and lobsters are all examples of shellfish. Additional animal products include eggs, fat, bone marrow, and bone broth. Offal, liver, kidney, and heart are all organ meats—unflavored, carbonated, or non-carbonated water. Whenever feasible, consume only pasture-raised or wild-caught animal products for a healthier version of the carnivore diet.
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  Lamb vs. Beef: Difference in Taste
Are you sick of the flavour of ground beef? Or maybe of chicken mince? May we introduce you to lamb mince? You may recognise this protein, famous throughout the Mediterranean, from one of the numerous Greek, Turkish, or Moroccan cuisines that incorporate it. While it may not be as standard on your dinner table as chicken, there is a reason for its international popularity.
Grass-fed beef and steak have a distinct flavour compared to grain-fed beef and steak. Chefs frequently assert that the fat is what gives meat its flavour. Due to the difference in diet between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, each type of meat has a specific vitamin and lipid profile, imparting a distinct flavour. Many Americans are accustomed to grain-fed beef.
However, there have been arguments over which type of meat tastes the best. According to some restaurateurs, pasture-raised beef is dry or rough, while others believe it has a “meatier” and “earthier” flavour.
White meat and red meat are the two primary types of meat. What constitutes a distinction between the two? Generally, meats classified as “red meat” are red before and occasionally after cooking. For example, beef, lamb, and venison are all red because they contain myoglobin protein. This is an iron-containing protein that contributes to the red colour of certain meats.
Lamb is becoming more popular as a regular part of people’s diets, as the taste is enjoyable and gives a variation from chicken and beef. However, portion control is critical when it comes to lamb, as it is one of the fattier cuts of red meat.
If you eat a large amount of it, you increase your risk of developing a range of various diseases, not to mention the likelihood of gaining body fat.
Is Lamb Fattier Than Beef?
Lamb and beef contain a high concentration of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, is lamb fattier meat than beef? Indeed, it is. Lamb is slightly fattier than beef. However, the fat found in lamb meat is beneficial to one’s health. Lambs are high in omega-3 fats due to their grass-fed diet. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is particularly remarkable and beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Which is the superior meat, bison or beef? How about bison or lamb?
Is bison, chicken, or beef a healthier protein source if you’re seeking a nutrient-dense source of protein? Bison contains one of the most extraordinary levels of protein of any meat. As with beef, chicken, or turkey, the exact amount of nutrients found in bison varies depending on the cut of bison meat purchased.
All leaner cuts of meat, such as Top Sirloin and the equivalent of London Broil, are fewer in calories and fat than other cuts of meat with higher fat content.
So I set out to compare grain-fed American lamb, New Zealand lamb, and grass-fed American lamb. American lamb used to be significantly more expensive than New Zealand lamb, but I’ve seen that American prices are now comparable to or cheaper than New Zealand pricing.
Meat Quality: Another Reason Lamb Is Better Than Beef
In conclusion, lamb appears to be a superior choice for red meat when compared to beef. Grass-fed lamb and beef provide a plethora of health advantages. However, grass-fed beef is more challenging to come by than grass-fed lamb.
While lamb has slightly more calories than beef, it is more flavorful and provides high-quality protein. Regardless matter whether you choose lamb or beef, red meat should not be consumed daily. If you must have red meat daily, be mindful of your amounts and the cuts of meat you consume, particularly beef.
Red and processed meats are frequently associated with higher inflammatory markers, according to the majority of research. However, these studies frequently make no distinction between beef, hog, lamb, and other red meats; also, processed meat is consistently worse than fresh meat. Furthermore, the studies make no distinction between the meat’s quality or preparation (e.g. grilled vs non-grilled).
Many consider a lean cut of lamb to be one of the healthiest types of red meat you can eat. Lamb is a good source of all essential amino acids and protein of excellent quality. Mutton is comparable to lamb, except that it is the meat of an adult sheep. Lamb is a healthy meat option in part because it is typically grown naturally. Sheep gain weight through grass consumption and are customarily fed a natural, healthy diet.
The Article “Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose” First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
This post Lamb Versus Beef – Paleo Diet Which Meat To Choose first appeared on Walrus Video
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