#jonathan saw the good in anyone really and sometimes thats a bad thing
maddyshome · 2 years
Aint no way Jonathan Joestar got no Pisces in his big 3. You must be insane to think he does not. Are you kidding me? This man is literally the healthy representation of a Pisces man. This is how Pisces men who are not toxic are like. I know hes canonly an Aries but he 100% has a Pisces moon. Aint no wayyy
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st-fandom-imagines · 5 years
Life or Death
So this one really got to me, I hope you guys like it!! SOME SEASON 3 SPOILERS! tag list- @tiger-hugger and @hannahmontanabutgayer let me know if you guys want to be added to my tag list! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Request-anonymous asked: Steve H x reader with the prompts 30, 3, 25, 27, 58, 59, 73, 74? (alotiksorry) super angsty where the reader is injured really bad and thinks theyre going to die so they are saying goodbye to bfSteve? Maybe they dont die in the end but thats up to you. Love your writing btw♡♡♡ 3-“I know it hurts” 25-“I’m scared” 27-“Please stay with me” 30-“Is that blood?” 58-“am I dead?” 59-“look at me” 73-“Please don’t say goodbye.” 74-“you’ve shown me what love can feel like.” ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Being a good person really sucks sometimes, without thinking you put other people’s needs before your own, you are always trying to help someone, protect them, and shit, was I in deep. Dustin roped Steve and I into this mess last October and now here we are, fighting the mind flayer in teams, trying to stop the world from caving in on itself. Steve and I started out as me being his rebound from Nancy and just that, but after you save each other’s lives so many times, you can’t help but having feelings for the person. We have been dating ever since the snowball, both being there for Dustin, Steve asking me to go with him to chaperone, by the end of the night we were confessing feelings and kissing on the hood of his car. It’s been amazing since then, Steve treats me like a queen, he never makes me feel insecure, he is always coming up with little dates and is always surprising me with little gifts. As I laid in the back seat of Billy’s car, hands tied behind my back, gagged at the mouth, I couldn’t help but cry and hope that for once, just once that Steve wouldn’t be a good person. Billy knew that if Steve could, he would save the kids, or at least give them more time, he would do it. Billy was betting on Steve coming on the rescue, betting that he would come and stop him, in turn, slamming into me as well. So when Billy saw me alone, he took advantage of that and took me with him, no one noticing, everyone radioing to everyone else, trying to figure out where I was, Billy made me radio to them, telling them I had a plan and to keep on track. Billy may have not been Billy but whoever he was or what he was turning into was smart, he knew killing me would hurt everyone, so even if we won the battle, we would all still be hurt. “Okay, show time.” I heard him laugh from the front seat as I heard Nancy yell at Jonathan to get the car started. Billy broke, just for a second, tears falling from his eyes. I felt the car slam on the gas, my crying only getting harder as I heard gunfire from Nancy who Billy was probably aiming for. Before anything else could happen, I felt the front of another car, hit Billy’s car, glass shattering all over me, cutting my face and body, a big shard stuck in my abdomen, lucky enough for me, one of the pieces of glass cut my mouth gag. As soon as I could catch my breath I began to scream, knowing that someone was bound to hear me. “Steve! Robin! Nancy! Jonathan! Anyone, please!!” I cried out before the door by my feet flung open, and I felt myself getting pulled out of the crushed car. “Is that blood?” I heard Robin ask as I looked down at my feet and saw Steve pulling me out with tears in his eyes. “Fuck, shit, I should have known something was up.” Steve crying as he pulled me fully out of the car, seeing me bleeding from many different places, pain spread across my face. All I could feel was pain, fear and tears and it was killing me to know that Steve did this, and I knew he was going to blame himself but I would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. “Quick! Get in!” Nancy yelled as she popped the trunk of the car, Steve picking me up bridal style and walking over to the car, hopping in the back with me in his arms, Robin helping him get me in the car with the least amount of blood loss. I felt Robin reach under me, breaking the zip ties that were on my hands, I immediately, touched my stomach, the main source of pain coming from that. "Steve, I'm scared." I groaned as I looked at my hands, that were covered in blood. My head was in Steve's lap, feet next to Robin who was looking at me in pure shock. I looked up at my boyfriend and I could see his lips moving but I couldn't hear anything he was saying. His face was turned towards the front of the car most likely talking to Jonathan and Nancy. I then turned my head to the back window of the car, seeing the Mind Flayer chasing us. "(Y/N), look at me!" Steve yelled, pulling me back into the car and making me realize that I was only loosing more blood by the second, this might be it for me. "We cant take the glass out or you will bleed out, you just have to hold on for me, okay? I know it hurts, I'm so  sorry." He sobbed moving pieces of blood soaked hair out of my face as he cried down on me. I cupped the side of his face with one of my hands, and smiled softly. "The needs of one, out weigh the needs of many. We knew the dangers, and it worked, the kids are safe. Steve, I love you-" I began but he cut me off, sobs rocking his body, head shaking back and forth. "Please don't say goodbye. You are going to be fine, we are going to be fine. You can't die, our story isn't over." He pleaded making me look at Robin who was still looking at me with wide eyes and mouth open. "Be there for him, make him realize it wasn't his fault, Robin, promise me." I demanded making her nod over and over again, tears welling up in her eyes as well, we had all gotten so close over the summer. I then turned my attention back to Steve who was covering me with a old blanket that was in the back of the car, trying to get my body temperature up as blood poured out of me. "Steve, Steve, please..." I whispered, making him lock eyes with me once again, I had never seen him cry this hard, it was breaking my heart. "Please, stay with me." He begged, resting his forehead on mine, our tears mixing together as they fell from our eyes and ran down my face. "I love you Steve Harrington, I always have and I always will. You have become such an amazing guy, and when this is all over, don't blame yourself, don't let my memory hold you back, live Steve, live for me." I tried to comfort him but he wasn't having it, stubborn till the end. "You are going to be okay, when we get out of this, we are moving in together, we are going to make plans, talk about baby names, fuck, I'll marry you next week, please. Just don't... just don't die. You cant, you've shown me what love can feel like." He cried making me smile, feeling my eyes getting heavy, feeling my body getting weak, I knew Steve loved me, I had no doubt about that, I just hope he can love someone else once I'm gone. I could hear him say my name over and over as my eyes closed, but I couldn't do anything about it, it was my time. ** It felt like only a second, only a second of darkness before my eyes fluttered open and I saw bright light, making my hand fly up to cover the light from my eyesight , groaning at the brightness, well at least I made it to heaven. "Am I dead?" I groaned, hoping someone would answer and much to my surprise, no one did so I turned my head to the right, and I saw Steve asleep in a chair that was pulled up next to me, both of his hands holding onto one of mind. I smiled with tears in my eyes, knowing that I in fact, was not dead. "Hey, loser." I coughed out, clutching my stomach with both of my hands, making Steve shoot up from the chair, feeling the movement. "Oh my god, oh fuck, (Y/N), shit!" He screamed as he cupped my face in his hands, looking into my eyes as if he didn't believe it was really me. My coughing began to stop and he ran towards the door of the hospital room. "Doctor, we need a doctor!" He yelled before rushing back over to me, making me smile softly. He sat down on the bed next to me, kissing my hand, lingering there for a second before sighing in relief. "Did you think you could get rid of me that easily?" I joked making him let out a watery chuckle as tears welled up in his eyes. He ran one hand through my hair, his other hand, holding mine once again. "I really thought I lost you, we got you here just in time." He smiled making me sit up from the bed with wide eyes. "Steve, the kids, Hopper, Joyce, everyone, what happened?" I hoped he would smile yet again but he just hushed me to lay back down, not wanting me to strain myself. "I will explain, but we need to make sure you are okay first, especially if we are going to get married in a week." He joked as the doctor walked into the door with a chart in his hand. I knew Steve meant what he said when I was bleeding to death but I also knew he would wait to marry me until I was cleared and until everyone else had recovered. As the doctor explained to Steve and I what they had to do and what they would be watching for in the next few days, he held my hand the entire time, making me smile, knowing he was going to be here, in sickness and in health.
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skiasurveys · 5 years
Do you feel comfortable wearing tube tops? - Honestly  with the right outfit. But I prefer crop tops, since I am short waisted they usually only show a little bit of my belly lol
Has something someone said today annoyed you? Yeah my co worker lol
Do you like listening to new music, or just sticking to your favorites? I always like new music 
Did you ever feel that there was something you couldn’t tell anyone? - Yes there are a few things
Do you tend to gossip, even if you don’t mean it to cause harm? sometimes. sometimes im just trying to vent or rant.
When was the last time you were bitten by a bug? Omg, i domnt know tbh
Have you ever gotten your hair permed? Nah
Do you have a pair of sunglasses that are worth over $200? Yup, 500, but i got them on a discount cus my mom works for an eye doctor. I would never spend that much hahah unless i was super rich
Would you ever go on a trip to Europe? Yes. I want to
Are you brave when it comes to trying new foods? Nope.
When was the last time you saw your significant other? Right now. We live together.
Is there a friend that you can always go to for advice? Yes, usually sasha.
If you see a piano, are you tempted to go over and play a little something? Lol, no. 
Is there someone you know who bakes amazing sweets? Jennifer hahah
Are you ashamed of your singing voice? I guess? I just cant hit the notes lol
Has anyone teased you with the “K-I-S-S-I-N-G” song? when i was a kid
Have you ever had a dream where you could understand a foreign language? Nope..lol
What time is it where you are? 8:45 PM
Do you have anything important to do tomorrow? Just work tomorrow 
Have you ever owned a beanbag chair? no i want one though.
If you own a laptop, do you have a case for it? Yes and I have a backpack thats meant for caring around electronics
What was the last movie you purchased on DVD? No idea, I dont buy DVDs anymore
Are you a fan of retro things? Yaaas.
Do you do your own laundry? Yeah, lol I hate it.
Have you ever used pastels? They’re fun 
Is there a song you’re listening to at the moment? Nah, I hardly listen to music when I do surveys tbh
Have you ever been in possession of a hundred dollar bill? Yes haha
Is there one food you cannot give up, even though you know it’s unhealthy? Mcnuggets
Will you bother having a party for your next birthday? Idk. This year I didnt do one, so who knows.
If you’re with someone right now, do you think it will last? I hope it does.
What was the last movie that was unable to capture your interest? IDk. 
Have you heard of the Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers? No.
Do you have something to do, that you would rather not do? my job
Are you, in any way, feeling hopeless right now? Kinda
Is there someone you just need to call and talk to? Maybe not call.. 
Are you one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a pound? -Kind of? My eating habits are bad but i dont rly gain but i dont lose weight hgahaha
Are your nails painted at the moment? I wish :(
Is there a song you’ve been listening to lately on repeat? Not rly.
Do you know who you’re planning to ask to your grad prom? I graduated 5 years ago haha
When was the last time you went shopping? a while ago.
Is there anyone who did something absolutely hilarious today? - Nope.
Are you having one of those days where you feel unattractive? Not today 
Do you like hotdogs? sometimes i get these weird stages where i just love hot dogs for some reason lol
Do you ever get bored of your music collection and get new songs? Yeah sometimes I just need something new.
Have you ever bought a designer purse? Yes, Guess.
What’s the limit on how much you would pay for a shirt?
Depends on the shirt tbh.
Would you ever like to see the Walk of Fame? One day.
Have you been in any sort of physical pain today? a little.
Who were the last people you hung out with? My boyfriend
Has someone ever called you “obnoxious”? of course
Most commonly, do you obey rules, or break them? I obey, always hahaha
Do you like making funny faces in pictures? I usually like to take a good one and a funny pic
Is there something you look back on and go “I can’t believe I did that”? Yep
Are you good at offering advice? I feel like I am
When was the last time you had to resort to a map? not a physical one but google maps lol
Your significant other: have you told them you love them lately? Last night I did.
What was the last thing to confuse you? just work stuff
How many different colors have you dyed your hair? Dark brown, blonde streaks ( cringe), redish, red orange brown ombre (fire ombre), blonde, purple tips
Do you know someone who always spells “bored” like “board”? hahahaha yes.
Are you wearing make up right now? yes, that reminds me to clean it off lol
Is there a phrase that you use a lot? "you know”
Are you old enough to vote? yes
Do you have a favorite pair of earrings? I dont have my ears pierced. 
Are you a fan of Keira Knightley? Not a fan tbh but I dont dislike her? 
Have you ever resorted to alcohol to make you feel better? hahahah yes
Are you aware of the significance of the date April 14th, 1912?Titanic...?
Do you ever just lay back and watch the stars?
I do when its warm
Lately have you had much time to relax? nah
Did anything important/changing happen to you in March 2019? Not really in march.
Have you ever felt like a “new person”? yes.
Do you own any expensive jewelry? my rings 
Has there been someone in your life that just wouldn’t leave you alone? Yes, but i got rid of them hahaha
Do you hate to use public bathrooms? Usually but if i have to go, i go.
Would you consider yourself to be loyal? almost too much
Do you find most remixes of songs to be good or bad? depends on the song! some dont need it, some make them cool and unique.
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runningwitches · 7 years
Summary: The reader is sad because they feel useless. Steve makes sure they know that’s not true and the party cheers them the heck up.
Request?: Nah M8 I’m just sad as heck
Word Count: 1819
A/N: i mean, seasonal depression and a neverending fear that nobody will ever love me and that I will die alone drove me to binge read a shit ton of steve harrington x reader fics and cry despite the fact that i havent finished season two of stranger things but im gonna write this anyways.
i guess this is steve x reader but thats not the main point of the story
idfk i just want to be loved
(umm, henderson! reader who is loved by everyone, i do not give a shit if this follows the exact storyline, ok? i just wanna be happy again) (also i do not look anything like a henderson! so reader can be adopted or some shit? maybe a cousin?  who tf knoes? not me, thats for sure !!
Warnings: Probably Season Two Spoilers, No Editing, Probably super OOC and all that because I started this at almost three in the morning and now its four and I’m exhausted but I cant sleep because I’m sad. Anyways I’m just trying to say that it’s bad but I’ll love you if you read it anyways.
I was curled up in my bed, isolating myself from everyone as per usual. After the events with the mind flayer and demodogs and upside down, I realized something pretty depressing. Nobody needed me. I mean like? Sure I was Dustin’s sister. And sure, I was kinda helpful in saving Steve’s ass from the demodogs and Billy, but it just feels as if I weren’t there, nobody would even notice. As if my presence had no positive value to anyone in The Party™.
So instead of socializing with them while they all played DnD and joked around, I sat myself in my room, wrapped in a blanket burrito, holding back tears. I had my music on in the background as I mindlessly flipped through one of the magazines my mom had bought for me. Everyone was downstairs as it was Dustin’s turn to host the DnD night, and everyone was over. I mean, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, and I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if I walked downstairs to find Joyce and Hopper there too. Every once in awhile I would hear some loud laughter come up from the group, signifying how happy they were without me there. It definitely wasn’t easy for me to sit there by myself staring blankly at the pictures of celebrities I didn’t even care about, but I continued to tell myself that they would be happier without me, attempting to drown out the sounds of their joy with the mixtape I had made for myself a little while back.
As I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing, trying to force the tears that had started to pool back into my eyes, I heard someone knocking on my door. I quickly wiped my eyes to ensure there weren’t any stray tears, pulled the blanket tighter around my body, and attempted to look miserable. But miserable in a sick way and not in a sad way. If it were anybody except Dustin or Steve, I knew I was going to be able to pull off the “I’m not feeling very well” charade, so my chances were pretty good (though odds were rarely skewed in my favor).
Of course with my luck my little brother came bursting through the door.
“(Y/N)! Why aren’t you down there playing DnD with us?!” he asked, voice booming loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. As I prepared to try my excuse with him to see if my acting skills had gotten any better, I noticed someone else walking through the door. Looking up, my watery eyes met the concerned look on Steve’s face.
“Hey shithead, stop screaming. You don’t need to tell everyone in Hawkins about your sister’s lack of participation in game night,” he said to Dustin, ruffling his hair and then muttering for him to go back downstairs. Dustin looked angrily at Steve for a moment before looking between us for a second, muttered something to himself, and then left the room, surprisingly closing my door as he left.
“What’s up with you lately? It’s not like you to miss game night, but you haven’t been to a single one these past few weeks.”
“I’m just not feeling well, Steve, don’t worry about it,” I told him, looking down at the magazine in my lap and trying to will the tears away.
“Don’t try that bullshit with me, (Y/N). I know you better than that, do you really think I’d believe that crap?”
“There’s no bullshit to be had Steve, just go back downstairs, I’ll be fine,” I told him, yet I still refused to make eye contact. So when he sat down on the edge of my bed, put two fingers under my chin, and lifted my head up in order for me to make eye contact, I saw his face immediately soften.
“I’m not gonna go back downstairs until I figure out what’s wrong with my favorite girl.”
It took all of the resolve in the world for me to not break down at those two words, and it still didn’t even work. “Favorite girl?” I repeated, but only in my own head. “There’s no way I’m his favorite girl, he’s lying to me. Everyone always lies to me” I told myself. And in that second it was like the dam was broken. The tears started to fall freely from my face. I curled myself into more of a ball than I already was, which was a surprising feat of human flexibility, if I’m being completely honest. Steve’s arms immediately went around me, pulling us closer to each other, and practically pulling me into his lap.
I didn’t say a word as he stroked my hair and shushed me softly, I simply let out a series of what I would consider disgusting sobs.
He continued whispering to me, little things telling me that I’d be okay, or that he was there for me, or that everything was gonna be fine. As my breathing finally evened out, he hadn’t asked me what was wrong like I had expected, so I knew I had to speak up.
“Why are you even here, Harrington?” I asked him bitterly.
“What do you mean?” he replied, exasperated.
“Why do you even care about me?” I reiterated with a sniffle.
“Why do I care about you? (Y/N) what are you on about? It would take me ages to list all of that back to you.” I didn’t respond, but I allowed myself to relax a bit, leaning now onto his chest instead of holding myself as far away as I could while somehow still being in his lap. “(Y/N) you’re wonderful. You care so much about all of the kids, sometimes I think you out-mom even their own mom’s.” That was greeted with a sharp exhale from my nose which was (correctly) interpreted as a laugh. “You’re fucking badass. You can use a gun, a bat, a hockey stick, and pretty much anything else you can get your hands on to slay monsters, like real life monsters.” He checked my face after this comment, and was lucky he did, because he almost missed the slight curl of my lips. “You never let anybody get in the way of doing what needs to be done. Not even racist douchebags that show up and kick my ass. And you certainly don’t take shit from anyone.” A few more tears fell from my eyes, but he grabbed my face and used his thumbs to wipe them away, looking into my eyes. “And you’ve got a whole group of teenagers sitting down there worried sick about you because you mean so much to all of them.”
I sniffled again and threw my arms around his neck, whispering an almost inaudible, “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetheart. Now let’s go get you cleaned up so we can finish that game of DnD.” I almost blushed at the pet name he gave me, if he didn’t sweep me up into his arms and carry me to the bathroom so I could rinse my face off. He made sure to grab my blanket from my bed and grabbed my hand to lead me down the stairs.
“Wow, it’s so nice of you to join us,” Dustin said the second we were down the stairs, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Steve shot him a look that said, “shut up or I’ll kill you,” while I just gave him a small smile. Before I even got settled on the couch I was smothered by two bear hugs.
“I missed you (Y/N),” El told me, gripping me in probably the tightest hug I’ve ever had. “You were gone for three weeks!”
“Yeah dude! Don’t leave us alone with these losers for that long ever again!” Max exclaimed, hugging me almost as tight as El was.
I smiled down at both of them, hugging them back just as fiercely. Looking up, I saw the smile Steve had on, but I ignored it in favor of the smiles on my girls’ faces. Ruffling their hair, I removed myself from their grips and went to sit on the couch between Steve and Nancy.
“It’s a good thing you came back (Y/N). I almost killed your brother, and not in the campaign, in real life. I’m pretty sure you’d be the only one who could stop me.” I chuckled to myself and then smiled at Lucas.
“It’s a good thing that I’m back then, huh?”
Will looked up at me this time, “Definitely! I was waiting for you to come down so I could show you this drawing!” I smiled down at him, glancing briefly at Jonathan, only enough to recognize the immense pride on his face at the fact that Will was genuinely happy and smiley. He brought it up to show me a picture that he had drawn of me fighting a monster, a cute little label that pertained to my name at the top. “Steve said you fought a monster and won! And I didn’t even get to see it. So I thought I’d draw it out for you.”
“I love it Will!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug and looking at the drawing again. It wasn’t until this second look that I noticed a label by the monster’s head as well. It simply read, “Billy” with a little arrow to indicate that the monster I was beating up was named Billy. I laughed at the naming of the monster and pulled Will into another hug, pressing a light kiss to the top of his head. He grabbed the drawing and placed himself back into his spot.
“(Y/N), you want to hop in on this campaign? We’ve still got a while left to go and we’re in a pretty good spot to add another character?” Mike offered, as he was playing Dungeon Master.
“Yeah, come on (Y/N)! You haven’t actually played in forever!” Dustin added.
The rest of the group added their own chorus of “Yeah”s to try and convince you to join.
“Okay, I guess. But only if I get to be a healer! I’m tired of killing the monsters,” I joked, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.
“Okay, okay, so the group walks up to the tavern in town, hoping for a nice evening away from the fighting for once. But the open the door and see, A MOM, not just A mom, it’s their mom!”
“What?” El asked.
“Mike what are you on about?” Lucas added.
“OH MY GOD, (Y/N)’S GONNA BE LIKE OUR TEAM’S MOM!” Max shouted in realization. The whole group looked at Mike in anticipation. “Well obviously, how else would I have gone about this? It’s perfect, and the perfect position to make her the healer.”
“I mean, technically she’s my sister,” Dustin announced, implying that you couldn’t be his mom.
“See (Y/N), I told you I was gonna kill him.”
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angry-mango · 5 years
103 questions
Alisons: Sexuality? ollie
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender? she/her, female
Amaryllis: Birthday? december 28
Anemone: Favorite flower? snapdragons
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? i have a lot right now but it’ll probably always be supernatural
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? like 2 hours
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? i love quotes but i don’t really have a favorite
Aubrieta: Favorite drink? arizona green tea
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? n/a i’ve never kissed anyone
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love? currently 😌
Baneberries: Favorite song? my blood (tøp)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family. complicated
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it? i have two: ollie and jonathan
Begonia: Favorite color? black or red
Bellflower: Favorite animal? sloth
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? both
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be? a sloth
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children? love them but like? also hate them but i feel like it’s way different when it’s yours and you know how to raise them does that make sense
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? losing people, bad storms, the uncontrollable
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. i ate cat food once
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth? i’d fly to ohio and kiss ollie
Buttercup: Relationship Status? basically taken
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? that cat cafe in japan
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? talking to ollie
Canna: Do you have any tattoos? not yet (devastating, i know)
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings? two on each ear
California Poppy: Height? five one
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts? yes
Carnation: What are you currently wearing? black tshirt, jean shorts (what a rare sighting)
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight? yes
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged? jonathan
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed? my cat
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font? haven’t used fonts in a while but i’m pretty sure it’s georgia
Columbine: Are you tired? permanently
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to? right now, getting my income tax
Coneflower: Dream job? vet tech but who knows i might change my mind in a couple days (although i’m pretty sure this time)
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert? introvert
Crocus: Have you ever been in love? you already asked this, dumbass
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about? hours
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it? this bunny from build a bear, i named her swirly cuz she has almost like a rosette pattern on her fur, i still have her
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign? capricorn
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering? no
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? surviving up til now
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)? uh sorry bout that
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to? ollie
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at? gaming i guess
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at? literally everything
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 1- ive lost 5 pounds this month 2- ollie makes me really soft and i’m just super in love with her 3- i bought some new clothes and they’re two sizes down so it makes me really happy to wear them
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today? it’s actually been great
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life? not really but i’m working on it
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? hopefully get my ged, start working on college or some kind of second education like that, and maybe meet ollie cuz i don’t wanna wait any longer >:(
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? ollie, my mom, my gamecube, my cats, my bee necklace, my tahitian bracelet, fall out boy, twenty one pilots, my ipad, and my pillow
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed? ollie (i know she’s been in like 30 of these answers but it’s the truth), sometimes just breathing and sitting on the floor, doing my hair
Hellebore: How do you show affection? idk i’m really bad at it but i try? i usually remind them like a hundred times a day that i love them, check up on them, buy them stuff (only if i REALLY love them though)
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of? i defeated the shadow queen at age 6 >:)
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day. sounds lazy but literally watching tv with a cozy blanket
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time? video games
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them? ollie: through instagram, five months. jonathan: middle school, six years
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything? y’all already know.
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have? i wanna say four friends but there’s other acquaintances that i’m close to
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? ollie called me pretty once or like twelve times
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself? disgusting. don’t talk to me about that thing.
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? uh i can bake a mad chocolate chip cookie 
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? myself
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child? i liked littlest pet shop and eating breakfast idk
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid? the r*xana 😔
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for? dropping out of school
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about? mental illnesses
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name? annie means grace. while my mom was pregnant, she had a dream where a curly haired little girl with a round face was running and she kept calling “annie” so she decided to name me that. weirdly enough, as i grew up, i had the same curly brown hair and round face that she saw in her dream.
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it. i grew up in a small house with my mom and dad until i was six. i don’t want to talk about it here because it’s kinda private and personal and i don’t wanna share it with the world.
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up? my bedroom used to be really messy but as i grew up and developed my ocd everything’s pretty neat most of the time
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  i’m still a teenager calm down. it’s horrible there’s too much pressure i wanna be twelve again
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom. she’s amazing but she also makes me feel like shit a lot
Onions: Tell about your dad. where do i begin. used to be a complete asshole until a couple years ago he got a girlfriend that completely turned him around bless her soul. she broke up with him though. distant but i still love him with all my heart. i worry about him alot.
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents. moms mom (granny)- lives with me, i have to love her cuz she provides for us but god damn she gets on my nerves and i’m pretty sure she hates me. moms dad- used to be really cool, disappeared for six years, came back two years ago, now he’s an alcoholic, has dementia, and is a complete asshole. he’s dead to me. dads mom- the kind of grandparent that appears during holidays and birthdays and stuff and then disappears for most of the year. dads dad- wasn’t too close to him, but he died six months ago from cancer and i got pretty sad about it. he looked a lot (a lot) like my dad but just much older, so to see him in the hospital bed with all the tubes attached to him.. it was pretty emotional.
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable? most memorable birthday was probably age six i think?? i had a really cool birthday party at a park with some first grade friends, and i took an iconic picture thats super cute and i still look at occasionally but it’s hard bc it’s got the r*xana in it
Peony: What was your first job? i’ve never had one
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any? met her through instagram
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain? grit my teeth, walk around, distract myself
Pink: Where is home? technically, miami. but home is a feeling.
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? i don’t know, really. i know it’s impossible and it’s totally metaphorical but if i could, not only could i not choose just one, but i do believe in destiny and i worry that if i change something then everything down the road would change and maybe i wouldn’t have met you her.
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them. i don’t really look up to anyone i just wanna be a good person and i also wanna be thin.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life. well number one, this would take forever, number two, youre the only person that’s probably gonna read this and and you already know
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child? the basics: santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life? hmm i wonder who 😌
Rose: What’s your favorite sound? everything’s quiet except for the rain falling on the window, maybe some light music in the background
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? i don’t want to think about this right now
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory? also don’t want to think about this right now
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want? you
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? it’s usually really difficult but you make it so easy somehow
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without? once again, you. but also gamecube or flowers or bagels or hoodies or nail polish
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night? a lot actually? i think like eight hours woah that’s a weeks worth
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning? i’m about to copy and paste these answers they’re getting repetitive
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job? pretty good, being that i don’t have one
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? generally? hoodies. my personal one? it’s either my new black pants or my trench hoodie
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic. damn i don’t even know 🥵 it’s probably white or light furniture and windows with natural light shining in on houseplants and nice comfortable sofas
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you? i love clothes or flowers or money
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now? i’m not stressed about anything at this minute so i don’t wanna think about something that’s stressing me out because then i’ll start stressing about it
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called? i read the fallen queen on wattpad does that count
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year? hopefully getting somewhere with my education. i’d love to get my ged instantly but i’m not gonna pressure myself or be upset at myself if i don’t pass the test the first time. i might have to take classes for it, and that’s okay. i hope.
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is? whasthat
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself. i hate food but love cooking/baking
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