joneliasweek · 2 years
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AU: Soul mate | Phrase: “Careful… you’ve never had to fight me before. ” | Image: Sunday
AU: Time Travel | Phrase: “This is what we’ve been waiting for. ” | Image: Monday
AU: Different First Meeting ‎AU | Phrase: “Look me in the eyes and say that again.” | Image: Tuesday
AU: Détective criminal AU | Phrase: “How bad is it this time?” | Image: Wednesday
AU: Comedy Show ‎AU | Phrase: “We’re a good team, you know. “ | Image: Thursday
AU: Roommates/Housemates ‎AU | Phrase: “Things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour. " | Image: Friday
AU: Witchcraft ‎AU | Phrase: “We need to leave. ” | Image: Saturday
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literatehiss · 2 years
Dreaming, Waiting
Day 1 of JonEliasWeek2022. Read on AO3 here Elias has been waiting in that cold dusty office for so long, and this bright young man is exactly what he wants. The whispering began almost as soon as Jon accepted the position.
He hadn't exactly planned to become a tutor, and not to a rich brat whose parents hadn't deemed it necessary to meet him before hiring him on. The only Lukas he had met was a moody uncle who had introduced him to the child in question, shown him his room and then vanished into the long empty hallways of Moorland House. His room was sparse though his pay was significant, especially for only a year's work, and he had a little office next to the room he would be tutoring his young ward in.
The tiny office he had been given was barely fit for purpose and had to be some kind of power play by the Lukas’, given how big the house was. His room was barely bigger, mostly taken up with an unnecessarily large bed that left him feeling adrift each night he slept in it, like the other side was meant to be taken up by another body. But despite the general lack of decorations, his office did have one peculiar addition. In the middle of the bookshelf that took up the entire left side of the room, a skull sat and a gem studded crown precariously balanced on top. It had immediately drawn him in when he first had arrived, his sight darting over the intricate design of the crown. Mostly small gems apart from the solid dusky diamond that took up the centre with metal wrapped around it to form an eye. 
Jon picked the skull up, turning it this way and that, examining it for any kind of markings or sign of where it was from. The crown fell and the change was immediate.
The room became cold, and the ever present fog crystallised on the windows in long streaks. 
That's when he first heard it.
A low whisper, unintelligible at first that slowly grew louder until Jon could just make out words. Before anything else happened, he shoved the skull back on the shelf and haphazardly threw the crown onto its head. Swearing that he wouldn't even look at the skull again, it was barely an hour before he started to hear the voice once more. 
And all it did was ask questions.
Endless questions.
Who Jon was
Why he was in the Lukas Manor
Demands to come back into the office and speak to it. 
It went on and on and on and Jon could barely concentrate as he tried to teach his young charge. Evan was a polite young man, with a cheeky streak that he would only share when behind the locked doors of their small classroom, as if it was something to be ashamed of. 
After Jon stumbled over his words for the third time in less than a minute, he sighed and sent Evan off to the library for independent study. 
Collapsing onto his bed, Jon felt his hair stand on end, the feelings being watched flooding through him. Peeking out of the window showed nothing but the endless rolling fog that surrounded Moorland House and there was no way the Lukas' had set up a camera system when they didn't even have a television. But the voice had stopped, now there was only the deadly silence of the manor. 
It wasn't even dark yet, but still Jon found himself falling into a restless sleep. 
He couldn't tell you how his dream started, but even once he awoke,  the rest of his dream was crystal clear. He was in a library, it honestly looked like the library Evan's uncle had shown him earlier in the day, if not a little cleaner and the room was lit with flickering candles rather than the cold LED bulbs that did the job currently. He wasn't alone in the room, an older man sat, legs crossed, on the red velvet sofa that stood out against the beiges and cool blues that made up the colour scheme of most of Moorland House. As their eyes meet, the other man smirked, looking Jon up and down. He didn't look like a Lukas, despite the cold grey eyes, though he acted like he was familiar with the space. Jon took a step back as the stranger stood up,and felt himself falling as the world faded and he awoke with a start.
Weeks passed. 
An endless cycle.
The voice dogging his waking hours and the man slowly growing closer and closer each night. And then one night the man wasn’t where he was the night before. Jon frowned and went to stand, when cool hands rested on his shoulders and pushed him back down. “Now you are an interesting one Mr Sims. Sit down, you always escape from me so quickly.”
The man pushed Jon steadily back into his chair and, with one hand still on his shoulder, he walked around the chair to loom over Jon. The details were more evident here, a large bruise around his throat, a familiar fog wrapped around him and blood welling up in his grey eyes. It looked like he had been attacked.
It quite honestly, in Jon’s not-so-expert opinion, looked like he was dead. 
So, so pale and the blood didn’t so much as pump as it did steadily drip drip drip.
One of those pale hands traced under Jon’s eye in a manner that felt simultaneously like a soft caress, and a direct threat. 
“ You have met my Peter haven’t you,” and the man’s hand retracted to trace the bruise around his throat, “ He always had been a selfish man at heart, but I didn’t expect him to kill me when I laughed at his marriage proposal, I wonder how different things would have been if I had said yes. I have to say I like the crown though, a fun little artefact he stole from my office.”
And Jon could see the spectre of the crown appear around the man’s head as he leaned down into Jon’s space. 
“ My name is Elias,” he reached up to his own head, to the crown that was growing and twisting into incomprehensible shapes, and pulled it away, “and I have been waiting so long for someone just like you.”
Jon felt the crown touch his head as his vision was filled with the bloody visage of Elias. 
And everything faded as cold lips touched his own.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Watch out for June 19th
That's when we're releasing our prompts!
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Saturday July 23 prompt 2022
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ID[ A photograph of a piano on fire. The flames have completely consumed the piano, but the structure is still standing. Behind the piano a brick building is visible.] End ID
Au prompt: Witchcraft ‎AU
Phrase prompt: “We need to leave.“
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Friday July 22 prompt 2022
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ID [ A photograph of household stairs from profile view. The stairs are wooden and polished so they reflect the overhead light. The wall has multiple yellow and brown paintings with hints of red. There are also lights hung on the wall. The wallpaper itself has a floral print of yellow sunflowers on a brown background with hints of another plant that’s blue. In the left corner, there’s an entrance to another room where a chandelier is visible.] End ID
Au prompt: Roommates/Housemates ‎AU
Phrase prompt: “Things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour.“
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Monday July 18 prompt 2022
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ID[A back and white photograph of several houses on a hill. There is a person holding up a glass that has multiple flying saucers painted on it. They are varying shapes and the glass makes it look like the UFO’s are in the sky.] End ID
Au prompt: Time Travel
Phrase prompt: “This is what we’ve been waiting for.”
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Sunday July 17 prompt 2022
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ID[ A photograph of a desk with many books neatly placed on it. In the far right there are floral curtains visible, and a stack of white books next to it. Behind the books is a drawing in a frame leaning against the window sill. In the center of the picture is a human skull on a round black stand. The skull has a golden crown. Next to the skull, is a old clock with a large wooden frame.]END ID
Au prompt: Soul mate
Phrase prompt: “Careful… you’ve never had to fight me before.”
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Thursday July 21 prompt 2022
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ID[ A photograph of two people in the rain. They are standing under a tunnel and are silhouetted to the viewer. The left figure is in a jacket and is holding the gray umbrella. The figure to the right is also under the umbrella, and is looking up at the person to the left. Behind the figures there is a cobblestone street of people with umbrellas.]End ID
Au prompt: Comedy Show ‎AU
Phrase prompt: “We’re a good team, you know.“
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Wednesday July 20 prompt 2022
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ID[ A photograph of a library with a librarian desk in the center. There is no one at the desk and nothing on top of the wooden desk besides an old computer that has some blue squares on the screen. Behind the desk are several shelves that have nothing on them. Above the receptionist desk on the wall says “The End”.]End ID
Au prompt: Détective criminal AU
Phrase prompt: “How bad is it this time?“
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Tuesday July 19 prompt 2022
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ID[ A photograph of a building at night. The only thing visible are the lit windows that are glowing red, yellow, and orange. In the top center there is an orange window with a human silhouette in the frame.]End ID
Au prompt: Different First Meeting ‎AU
Phrase prompt: “Look me in the eyes and say that again."
How do the three different prompts work?
Art prompt (pictures) + AU + phrase.
1) Art prompt- you will get a picture and can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
2) AU- there will be a daily au. Fix-it au, coffee shop au, etc. you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
3) phrase- You will be given a phrase for example, “I dare you” or “of course I love you” you can draw a picture, write a story, create a playlist/mood board, or etc based on it!
Remember: The prompts are being released so creators can start early but the actual week event starts July 07.17 and ends July 07.23.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
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We're done editing the page!
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joneliasweek · 3 years
This tumblr page is under construction for 2022.
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joneliasweek · 2 years
three days left!
7/17 is the official start of our prompt week! Our AO3 collection is here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JonEliasWeek2022
And all out prompts are listed here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/joneliasweek/688016092764012544?source=share
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joneliasweek · 2 years
hi! Super interested in writing fic for this week... is there an AO3 collection for it yet? I can't find one.
Yes we do! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JonEliasWeek2022
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joneliasweek · 2 years
Sorry for the delay in releasing the prompts.
I'll be honest. I went camping and forgot to post the prompts before I left, but now I'm back and the prompts are ready!
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joneliasweek · 2 years
This Tumblr page is now done with construction!
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