joonsea · 7 years
spring with hoseok
oh wow the sun himself. every day would be bright and spent well bc he’d want to go on a lot of strolls with mickey and you’d have so much fun no matter what
you would probably have to double up on sunscreen bc he’s the sun and you’d kinda feel like the flowers are in bloom bc of him
you wouldn’t really have to open your curtains bc of the natural light that hoseok produces
the scent of fresh linen after the two of you would finish doing laundry
lots of days where the two of you would just relax and like wash each others’ hair bc why not and somehow you’d end up in a fit of laughter
hoseok surprising you with like a mixtape but it’s all about you and he compares you to the sun in one of the songs
and the mixtape is really light and romantic in a sense and hoseok is just soft rapping about you’d(no doubt about the smile that was on his face while at the studio)  and how much you mean to him and he sings occasionally and it’s such a beautiful sound bc hoseok singing is great
taking mickey for walks and very cute picnics in the park almost every weekend bc it’s just a thing that you do and it’s really cute
getting breakfast at the cutest cafes in the mornings and going grocery shopping after for ingredients so that he can cook for you
and you take turns cooking for each bc it’s more heartfelt that going to a restaurant but neither of you would be against the idea, it’s just that there would be something about being in the comfort of your home as watch hoseok dance as he stirs pots and etc.
there would also be those days where the two of you just lie on the couch and sip tea bc it’s raining or something and it’s so soft and warm like a polaroid image that was taken outside but the sunlight would be softened, that’s what those chill days with hoseok remind me of
spring with hoseok would be amazing bc there’d never be a dull moment with him and then also those really chill moments where you do nothing and he sings for you bc gREAT
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joonsea · 7 years
spring with jin
shopping for spring outfits and he would get a lot of ones that incorporate a pastel pink and he’d be so proud of himself. he’d look great in all of his pink shirts and etc.
would totally pick out something for you and if you don’t like pink he’d just get something with your favorite color
taking strolls through the park with jangu and you’d stop to sit on the grass and just take in the flowers blooming and the cool breeze as jangu would lie across your laps
lots of cute spring dates that would be spent at the park or going to the countryside or going to a beach or whatever and could you imagine jin singing softly bc wow
making pink lemonade bc why not and cookies and etc. with pink icing and you’d sit out on the balcony of your shared apartment and eat and talk as the spring breeze would brush past your hair
lots of baking. like, you’d tell yourselves that you’re only making cupcakes bc the mix and icing was like half off and it was pastel colors but no bc who would pass up sweets
you’d probably end having way too many cupcakes so you’d bring some over to the others except jungkook bc he was probably already at your place
would probably find spring-ish recipes (idk if that’s a thing) for the two of you to try out
and you’d probably have little get-togethers at your place or his favorite restaurant or something and you’d invite the rest of bts
doing your skincare routine together and he’d pick out which face mask he’d want you to wear
waking up early to stand out on your balcony just as the sun would rise and he’d hug you close to him
idk what this is but i feel like spring with jin would be just as amazing as any other time but the blooming flowers, cool breeze, and sunshine would somehow make things a thousand times better please love jin he’s so precious okay :)
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joonsea · 7 years
college jungkook
before college, jungkook played around with a lot of design software and photoshop and illustrator became his favorites bc all of the things he could do like making vectors and drawing and etc.
at first, he was like yeah i’m gonna major in visual arts bc graphic design but later developed a fear that he may not be able to lead the kind of lifestyle he wanted or get a really good job but like of course you can
so to be safe, he decided to major in informatics with a concentration in media technology which kinda combines a lot of the things he enjoys so jungkook decided that was the major for him
minors in visual arts bc it was highly recommended for informatics + media technology majors which is like an additional 21 credit hours (7 classes) plus 6 more (2 classes) when his major already requires about 30 credit hours per semester
but the good thing is that he was able to pick the 2 classes and he chose intro to printmaking and digital photography and the older boys helped him with scheduling and told him when and where to get textbooks and scantrons
yeah so like this bunny was so excited before the 1st week of classes bc his schedule looked great and he had like an hour between each of his classes but the bad thing was that he and the others somehow forgot to check the time for his precalculus algebra & trig class and it’at 8AM on like mwf
which sucks bc as soon as this kid was done with his assignments (or about 75% bc he procrastinated) he’d play video games up until like midnight
also watching anime with the other members of the anime club
okay so you know how taehyung, jimin, and hoseok all work at that restaurant mentioned in tae’s? well not hoseok bc he graduated but yeah jungkook usually passed out there even though it’s farther than the dorms
like as soon as he was done with his afternoon classes he’d just show up at the restaurant and jimin would find him at a table near the back, drooling on a menu but good thing they were laminated
so they’d have to wake him up and walk him to the dorms he’d be so disoriented like he was going on about his calc class and how much he dislikes his the writing class he has to take and the kid was just really stressed out
but it gets better during his 2nd semester bc he didn’t schedule any 8AM classes which meant more sleep and this kid loves sleep like a lot which is important in college and it just seems like can you never get enough
he’s definitely the type to have a skateboard or bike and he’d just listen to his music on his way to class. sometimes he’d be seen racing taehyung on their way to the little restaurant bc it’s like their hangout
okay so there’s track tryouts during the spring semester and he was kinda shy about trying out but with the right amount of nudging from tae and jimin he eventually tried out and made the team
also joins a dance team/club that post dance covers on youtube and create choreo and jungkook was very excited bc he was in his element
now even though he’s good at a lot of things, most people had no idea that he could sing but you did
one night there was a meeting for the anime club in one of the rooms in the auditorium which was just the members catching up on anime
and you were there but not in the same room bc you volunteered to help clean for the guest lecture the next day and you’d occasionally hear shouting which was the anime club and just kinda shrug it off
yeah so the club meeting ended and jungkook kinda stayed behind to sing bc he thought no one was on that side of the auditorium but you were and you heard someone singing and it sounded really nice
and you just continued to clean but you had to check all of the rooms to make sure they were in good condition and the last room you checked happened to be the one jungkook was in and he was just froze in place when the door opened
you apologized and he was like “nah it’s cool” and you explained what you were doing and he;s like ah okay well gotta go and he was so red and scurried out so fast that you weren’t able to compliment him on his singing
so a few days went by and jungkook didn’t really think anything of your encounter and that’s probably bc he was so busy with his classes and track meets that jimin and taehyung weren’t surprised to find him passed out at the restaurant almost every day
you happened to visit the restaurant every now and then and the one day that you went you find jungkook passed out at like the only available table and you were kinda !! bc you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable
and jimin was like “are you sure you wanna see here? i think his drool is gonna reach your end of the table soon” and you were like “it’s okay” but you were kinda screaming on the inside bc what if he wakes up but then jimin assured you that he wouldn’t
so you just kinda sat there and ate while jungkook snored and occasionally talked in his sleep and then he jolted up when taehyung placed a burger in front of him and he kinda stared at you for a second
he thanked taehyung and the two of you ate in silence before you told him that you liked his voice and he slowly came out of his shell after that and exchanged numbers
the two of you started out as best friends bc you were both in the same writing class and bonded over anime and video games and he showed you some of his graphics and he’s really good like they’re very distinguishable from any other graphic designs you had seen
some nights the two of you would go bowling and see who could eat the most slices of pizza and jungkook would regret it the next day bc of track practice
he shyly invited you to one of his meets and he was so surprised when you said yes but he was happy to have you cheer for him in the stands and then a bunny smile appears and it’s so cute
he had an assignment in his digital photography class where he was asked to photograph things that he saw daily that made him feel some sense of happiness and he asked you and the rest of bangtan if he could take the pictures and it was cool
and he edited them and they came out really nice even though he almost blurred the boys’ faces and kept yours as the main focus
but that’s okay bc he also had an assignment in his graphic design fundamentals class but he had more creative freedom so he drew a silhouette of someone which was actually you and added different geometric shapes in different colors to contrast with this b&w of the silhouette
and he added little quotes here and there that were actual things you said and the end product is kinda minimalistic with a lot of negative space but he left room for viewers to interpret the focus as they pleased. like it was almost interactive like is the focus the shapes, quotes, or the silhouette? which kinda added depth to the piece in a way
he got a’s on both assignments and a chance for them to be featured in the campus art gallery for a month but he turned it down bc the pieces were kinda personal and he wanted to be the one to show you the graphic he created
so he went to your dorm room one afternoon, laptop clasped in his hands and showed you and you thought it was amazing and the quotes kinda made you realize that the silhouette was you
and you found yourself pulling him into a hug and before either of you knew it, you kissed and it was short and sweet and left both of you stuttering apologies but then jungkook got this bout of confidence and kissed you again
not long after that the two of you were officially a thing and taehyung called you over to the restaurant bc he baked a cake to celebrate and you and jungkook are blushing like crazy bc it’s kinda over the top but you could tell that taehyung and jimin were genuinely happy for you
some days you’d see jungkook riding his bike from class and he’d always stop to ask how your day was going and if he couldn’t he’d definitely made sure to text you as he was running up 5 flights of stairs and the text actually said something like dhwoieh kjeod but then he’d text you again with a message you could understand
you’d be the first person he showed any of his graphics to and the model in any of the photographs he’d take
the two of you still went bowling but it was officially called dates where he’d walk you back to your dorm with your hand in his and maybe kiss you goodnight if his heart could take it
also, dates at the restaurant and taehyung and jimin filming your entire date and cooing at the two of you like proud parents and send it to the rest of bangtan
college jungkook is just a very sweet, multi-talented kid who likes eating pizza and watching anime with his best friends and of course you
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joonsea · 7 years
college taehyung
a/n: kinda sorta back. still stressing but i think writing aus, drabbles, well, writing in general, helps me to alleviate some stress. so, i’ll be finishing the college bts aus & etc.(i might redo hoseok’s) bc why not write about the cause of my stress lol
with the thought that college isn’t for everyone in mind, taehyung still applied to different colleges bc he always heard people say that it’s a path of self-discovery and all that yada yada
also bc namjoon inspired him to go bc extremely intelligent older brother figure and the rest of bangtan agree that he should go and the good thing is that they all attend the same college crazy right? well not really
he was thinking of majoring in education bc little kids then veterinary but he changed it during his orientation to nursing with a concentration in pediatrics bc he adores kids
as an overachiever, he wanted to double minor in care and development of young children and music bc jazz studies but namjoon was like “you’re looking at about 4 additional semesters are you sure??”
and the curriculum for music minors was already packed so he drops it and only focused on 1 minor
yeah so his freshman year actually went by smoothly bc he had namjoon and hoseok to look out for him and jimin and they were so thankful bc college is 4 (or whatever amount of time you attend) years of stress so some of that dissipated thanks to the older boys
probably tried to dress kinda fancy-ish on the 1st day of classes like there’s this and he underestimated the weather and it’s actually like 12 degrees warmer and there isn’t a breeze and he’s not doing that again
that just reminded him to always check the weather app but yeah his everyday attire is actually nice like he always dressed comfortably and still looked like a model
speaking of model, a lot of the visual arts majors, mainly the painters and drawers, used him as a reference for this really cool mural on the side of the art building
he joined the biking and cross country club. even signed up for zumba classes on tuesday and thursday nights with hoseok
he even got a job at this cute, hidden gem eatery on campus as a waiter and he told everyone about the place and was like a living advertisement
he even created a snapchat for it and that was like one of the main reasons for the huge amounts of customers that showed up
so there’s a jazz night and he sings sometimes and plays the saxophone and everyone adores him bc he’s such a friendly person like he’s always there to help if anyone’s in need of anything
he even helps out the parents with fussy kids by promising them a cupcake after eating all of their veggies and the parents are like “thanks so much how much do i owe you?” and he’s like waving his hands “it’s on me” actual angel right there
so it’s no surprise that he’d still be working at the place during his sophomore year alongside hoseok and jimin.
taehyung kinda has a lot going on right which is one of the reasons why he’s constantly drained but no one other than bangtan really notice it
you kinda notice it though and were like “this kid must’ve overworked himself” bc he once fell asleep on a bench outside his dormitory at like 12AM which is right when the gates get locked and you had ran out to go get milk from the little grocery store across the street or something
so of course you were scared bc there was a body slumped over a bench are they okay?? and just when you were about to poke him, he snored which makes you sigh bc he was alive
it takes you a while to decide what to do so you just shake him awake and he’s like “whaat? did i miss my psych class??” and you had to explain to him that it was midnight and that he must have fallen asleep
so you help him up since he’s very disorientated and help him inside but then you have to grab the laundry that you forgot in the laundromat
and even then he’s like “I’ll help you” and you’re like “nah i got it dude-” and it was too late bc he already had the basket in his hands and carried it for you to the elevators and until you got off on your floor and you thank him and he’s like “why are all of your clothes either grey or black” and you shrug and he’s like “well thanks for waking me up”
he tells jimin about what happened a few hours later and jimin called hoseok who screamed through the phone like “why?? are you okay?” and he reassured him that he was fine thanks to you and they’re like who?? and that was when he realized that he didn’t get your name
but that’s okay bc you see him in the library like a week later. now, say the library has 3 floors and the 1st floor is for group/individual studying without a volume limit, the 2nd is the same but it’s more chill, and the 3rd is completely quiet
that’s how you noticed him. he was trying his best to not make any noise but someone he dropped his phone, forgot to put it on silent, and laughed out loud
and even though a lot of people adore him, they just want to study their material and he was being a bit too loud so he apologized and you kinda silently laugh bc he can’t see you since you were sat at a table behind him and he only noticed you when he was about to leave
and he’s like “hey!” and someone sighed loudly so you grab your stuff and gesture for him to follow you and the two of you walked down the stairs and he introduced himself and you tell him your name
you two just walked and talked about your majors before either of you noticed that you were outside the restaurant he worked at and he was like “have you eaten here before” and you were like yeah and he offered to buy you lunch and you kinda blushed bc he’s so nice
but after lunch you both gotta blast bc class but not before he gave you his number and he just smiled and waved and since he didn’t know what time your classes ended he texted you later that night and you were both :D
and before the both of you noticed it, you were constantly together like walking to class, eating, studying, and the occasional getting him and jimin up to get breakfast with you
honestly, i think it wouldn’t take that long for taehyung to realize that he has feelings you bc yeah he’d be close with everyone he knew but he didn’t want to kiss them or date them so he’d tell all of bangtan one day when they’re all hanging out
they gave him good advice and told him to make sure that you felt the same way
so he’d be working at the restaurant one night and his shift would end kinda late but he didn’t mind and you showed up to keep him company and he was all heart eyes like that would really mean a lot to him
just the fact that you thought about him made him fall harder for you bc taehyung seems like, well, we can see that he is caring and having someone that cared about him, esp someone he liked more than a friend would make him feel touched
so one the two of you were just roaming around campus and went to the roof of one of the buildings and that was the moment he confessed and you confessed back and he pulled you into a very warm hug bc tae just seems like such a warm person aww
he saw his chance to kiss you and went for it and it was such a sweet and warm kiss that felt like you were floating
honestly, nothing really changed afterward, like, he held your hand and hugged you before he confessed but one change was that he could kiss you
you two were a very close couple and told each other everything and you would see right through him when he was tired or stressed and you got some of his favorite foods and put on his favorite movies while you played with his hair
then you pulled him to the library for a surprise and it was actually the therapy dogs during finals weeks and taehyung felt some of the stress melting away
he didn’t know where to start to thank you for all that you did for him but it wasn’t a problem for you bc you cared about him
yeah so college taehyung would be the sweetest, hardworking person you ever met who loves people, esp. little kids, and jazz as well as discovering new things whether that be music or food, it didn’t matter bc he’d be open to a lot of things :’)
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