#jordan bridgetower
beetlebethwrites · 8 months
🎁 What would be the perfect gift to buy your OC? What would be the worst gift? Are they themselves any good at gifting things or are they really indescisive? How do they wrap their presents? For the ROs!!
Matt is someone who gives and likes to receive functional gifts where possible. He doesn't want a gift just for the sake of it and won't give one just for the sake of it either. His things are entirely adequately wrapped but they will not be neat.
Eve does quite like to receive gifts but she's someone who would prefer to receive things she's requested, whether that's books or specific clothes or something similar. Books are her default gift for people and they will be very well wrapped. A card along with the gift will always be beautiful, picked very specifically.
Alex is a great gifter and receiver. They pick things up when they see them for people they love and will always gift many small things. Anything that is a thoughtful gift is perfect for them. Wrapping is often haphazard, clearly done at the last minute. They have been known to wrap with tissue paper and put everything in a colourful bag.
Jordan is an indecisive but great gifter. Everything they gift will be extremely thought out and will be the best thing they've been able to find. They prefer to receive experiences rather than items in return and like to have experiences they can share with the gifter, usually because they don't have lots of space to store their own things. Their wrapping skills are entirely average.
Char loves to receive gifts but isn't a great gifter, mostly because he isn't great at remembering to buy things for certain dates. A good gift for them would be some nice coffee, a patch or something else that you like and would like to share with them. They wrap badly, roughly and often on the way to an event.
Bo-yeon is not a gift-giver for no reason and doesn't love receiving gifts for nothing either. A nice quality food/bottle of wine is the safest food to gift xem. People xe cares about will always receive a gift on the relevant occasions and they will be thoughtful but not overly extravagant unless specifically requested. The wrapping is flawless, xe's one of those people who can wrap cylinders and bottles perfectly.
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nemowrites · 3 years
Guess what, I'm back again on my musical shenanigans | You Live and Fern Edition!
YEP I'M BACK ON THEM MUSICAL SHENANIGANS, took a musical break for a couple of weeks to shift my focus to writing and yeah that's that! :3
If you don't know what You Live and Fern is then I feel bad for you cause you're seriously missing out big time, GO CHECK IT OUT BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME AND BETH IS AWESOME :3
Anyhow let's get into this right now :3 :
Eve Keane:
So for Eve and the rest of the characters in this post I'm in standard tuning and here I'm playing my usual (Dsus2 - D - Dsus4) progression with hammer-ons and pull-offs. It gave me Eve vibes just playing it for some reason, Eve's character just reminds me of calmer and more familiar chords such as the ones above:
Jordan Bridgetower:
So for Jordan I'm playing a chord progression most guitar players are probably familiar with, which is the (E - A - D -A) progression and I played this one in particular because it's one of the first progressions I've learned and since Jordan is new to the team I decided it would fit perfectly to play this progression, plus I like those chords a lot sooooo 😌:
Matt Atkinson:
Aaaand last but not least, for Matt I'm playing a (Am - Bm7 - C - And I think G) progression and most people would say that music theory wise putting a Bm7 chord after an Am chord is very incorrect but we throw music theory in the garbage in these posts sooo yeah 😌 anyhow I felt like Matt's personality is definitely on the bolder side so that's why my strumming is a little bit aggressive and the chord choice is more leaning towards stronger chords that stick out so yeah:
And that concludes this post of musical shenanigans, I missed making them and yeah that's that @beetlebethwrites Beth I hope you like this and I hope I didn't butcher your awesome characters :3, BET YOU WERE SAFE FROM THE MUSICAL SHENANIGANS? NAH!!!!! 😌✨
And I hope y'all liked this and yeah that's that! :3
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beetlebethwrites · 8 months
Im not sure if this has been asked yet, but how would each RO react to receiving a spicy picture/text from MC while they’re working?
Matt would be pretty receptive to it. It would probably wake him up from the monotony of his job but he wouldn't reply too quickly; he doesn't want to actually get fired.
Eve wouldn't be comfortable receiving something like that while at work. She'd ask you to refrain in future, especially with pictures.
Alex would have to sneak off and reply in kind, it's their way and they do quite like sending a little spicy picture of themself. They're not shy in that way.
Jordan wouldn't be comfortable with it. They'd ask you to respect their boundaries and to not send them these kinds of things to them without asking.
Char would briefly look at it, play it off so well and then tell you that he can't look at this kind of stuff in the day but you'd be welcome to show them in person.
Bo-yeon would reply quickly telling you not to message this to xem while xe's at work. It's not appropriate and xe works hard to look as professional as xe can. That being said, xe wouldn't be unhappy to receive messages like that in other circumstances.
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beetlebethwrites · 1 year
💰 for everyone?? :3
💰 If your OC had all the money they could ask for what would they do with it? Where would they go and what would they buy? Are they the only one who benefits from this wealth?
Matt would definitely want to continue with the channel. He'd make it so that all of the team can get the software and equipment they need and that they have a fair wage to do whatever they want. He'd almost definitely help Jordan (and anyone else) with any further study that they want and maybe consider a masters for himself as well. He'd be thrilled at not having to continue to work.
Eve would first and foremost help her mum buy her house/buy a new house. Then she'd probably travel some, learn to drive etc. She isn't materialistic but would likely have some splurges for clothes she could never think to afford before but has always loved. She'd use the chance to give up working and write instead.
Alex would undoubtedly buy loads of things. They are the kind of person who buys a lot of things anyway, they enjoy owning objects. The big thing that they could buy with unlimited money would be stability and they'd do it for the team, their housemates and everyone else as well. They'd also likely pay for their younger brother to go through whatever education he wanted as well as whatever their grandparents want. An extended trip to Portugal for their family would be paid for as well.
Jordan would run the risk of paying for all sorts of things and leaving themself out of the rounds. They would pay for whatever their family needs first and then get around to themself after. They'd probably buy a few nice things for themself like trainers they really like, a special holiday, driving lessons, a few things like that.
Char would help his parents pay off their mortgage, pay off his own and then probably go around and go to concerts and festivals across the world. He'd get a good quality drumkit. They'd maybe get some upgrades to their hearing aids if there was something he really felt like he would really benefit from but he's not too fussed about getting more discreet ones.
Bo-yeon would use the money to buy a flat and take the opportunity to travel more, particularly home. Xe would definitely pay for things when xir parents need it, and the money would just pay for an increased level of freedom away from grant applications etc.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
for the ros that want to have kids, how would they be as parents?
So I answered who wants children here and building on that;
Matt would be a pretty strict parent. He'd definitely be the type who would push his kids to be in everything they enjoy and try as much as they can. He would likely replay some of the mistakes his father made, whether he means to or not.
Jordan would be a super involved, keen parent. Their child would undoubtedly be raised by their entire family, especially their mother. It would be a positive but busy environment for a child.
Bo-yeon would love to be a super involved parent but that's not the type of display that comes naturally to xir. Xe'd no doubt be very affectionate and positive towards xir child's achievements. Xe would be exceptionally proud of everything they did without a doubt - would definitely have pictures of xir child everywhere at work.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
but would the other ROs be mad if bitten lovingly ?
None would be mad but some of them get it more than others.
Eve doesn't really get it in a social sense, she's an only child. However she does get that it feels nice to bite things so will bite back.
Char is also an only child but biting (affectionate) is definitely a language he understands. Will definitely bite back affectionately, probably actually started it.
Bo-yeon doesn't really get it but won't think twice to allow it when explained. Will not bite back affectionately.
Jordan has sisters, they get it. Will bite back affectionately but tentatively.
Matt would allow it but doesn't really get it, it feels improper to him somehow. His scraps with family members have been proper fights rather than affectionate bites.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiii beth 💚
what is the casts favorite comfort watches movie wise ????????
Matt is a bit of a basic British lad sometimes so his go tos are kind of cheesy comedies. He can still rewatch 21 Jump Street and the Cornetto Trilogy.
Eve's go tos are The Princess Bride and also Grand Budapest Hotel. She likes movies with strong choices.
Alex really loves Bend It Like Beckham, they watched it a lot when they were younger. They also never get tired of Pride, but cry at the ending every. single. time.
Jordan is partial to kids films like Megamind and Ratatouille. It's a bit of a routine for after church and lunch on a Sunday to watch family films together.
Char's comfort films are definitely not designed to be comfort films at all. Their repeat watches are Jurassic Park and Alien.
Bo-yeon's comforting Korean film is Little Forest and xir English comfort film is Roman Holiday - mostly because xe knows it pretty much word for word and doesn't have to think about it when watching.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
Heya! Totally in love with YLAF . In a scenario when someone is openly flirting with mc , what would the ro's reaction be like 🤔 also how jealous/possessive do they get?
( sorry if this has been asked!)
I've written about jealousy etc here but this was kind of written as if the MC is already in a relationship with the RO, so here's a reaction with an MC as they are in the story!
Matt gets quite jealous but always tells himself that he doesn't, so he doesn't do anything. The MC's choices are theirs and theirs alone, so Matt isn't going to question those, no matter how he feels. So he'll let someone flirt with the MC, even if he doesn't like it.
Eve would let it happen without a second thought but she wouldn't raise it to the MC. She'd end up talking it out with her mother instead but would try not to show the MC that she is jealous.
Alex would have their nose put a little out of joint by it, but they'd reason it away as the likelihood that their favourite person could be moving away from them. They wouldn't be actively against the MC being flirted with (unless it was someone they dislike doing the flirting) since they flirt a lot themselves!
Jordan isn't really a jealous person. To the point of their own detriment, they wouldn't say anything about the MC being flirted with. Ultimately, they'd rather the MC be happy with anyone, even if they wanted that person to be them.
Char doesn't do jealousy. They always encourage a bit of flirting and would only step in if the MC seems uncomfortable with the situation. If it went further it wouldn't bother him.
Bo-yeon would be jealous, although xe also wouldn't say anything. Xe isn't the type to blatantly flirt when entering a relationship, the fun with xir tends to come later.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
How would you rank the ROs in terms of their cooking? Who could make michelin worthy meal and who could burn water?
So.... best to worst cooks;
Bo-yeon > Jordan > Alex > Eve > Char > Matt
Bo-yeon and Jordan both grew up cooking and around cooking so they cook really instinctually. Food in their families was a big ritual and a part of showing how much they were cared for. The only reason Bo-yeon is higher up than Jordan is that xe's had a lot more time living by xirself and so is more used to being creative when cooking.
Alex is pretty competent cook, as largely taught by their grandmother. They're used to making something out of nothing and have collected a small but useful collection of spices and other things to make food taste great. They know a lot of tricks to bulk food and make it taste better on the cheap.
Eve and Char are both completely fine as cooks. They can follow recipes but there's no kind of flair from them past occasional substitutes for ingredients. Eve can cook 4 things from saved recipes and that's it. Char occasionally stretches into baking which he's also decent at as long as he has the time to properly follow the instructions.
Matt isn't a bad cook. He can't burn water but his food is largely limited to things you can either boil or put into the oven. As a result, his food is pretty bland and he tends to get takeaway for people who are coming over rather than cooking.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
for more marriage-minded ros, which ones would rather propose and which ones would rather be proposed to? how would they like to propose/what type of proposal would they like to receive?
Eve and Alex don't want to get married.
Matt would want to propose. He'd go down the traditional nice meal and down on one knee kind of thing.
Jordan has no preference over whether they would be the proposer or proposee but they would want it to be something nice and preferably around their family.
Char would be pretty unlikely to propose in anything like a formal way. Maybe a quiet agreement to get married on a lazy morning.
Bo-yeon has no preference over whether xe would be proposing or proposed too. Xe would prefer it to be just the two of you, maybe after a particularly nice meal, on an anniversary or a date that means something to you.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? and How does your character behave around children? for Jordan and/or Eve?
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Eve usually has pens, a notebook if her pockets are big enough and glasses cleaning cloths. Plus all the expected stuff.
Jordan doesn't often have a lot with them, mostly just their phone and keys.
How does your character behave around children?
Eve isn't someone who does well with baby talk and that kind of thing. She talks to children like they're adults, but age appropriately. She's very patient, she just doesn't have the want to talk to them like they're stupid.
Jordan is great around children, largely due to their extended family and community within their church. They're attentive and always willing to explain what they can. You can hand them a baby and they'll stil; be holding them and cooing at them hours later.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
Update - 1st Jan 2023!
Happy New Year! I hope you all managed to celebrate in a way that you wanted!
I’ve finally made some really good progress with YLAF chapter 4. It’s just a first draft but I’m happy with the way it’s going. It’s looking like it’ll be a shorter chapter like chapter 3 was but that’s because chapter 5 is promising to be absolutely massive in terms of branching and coding.
As promised, the results of the romance survey are below;
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[ID for anyone finding it difficult to decipher the bar chart; Out of 127 responses to the survey the results are as follows from highest to lowest.
Alex Sancho - 68 votes, 53.5%
Matt Atkinson - 55 votes, 43.3%
Char Graham - 45 votes, 35.4%
Bo-Yeon Park - 36 votes, 28.3%
Jordan Bridgetower - 36 votes, 28.3%
Eve Keane - 30 votes, 23.6%
Eve Keane/Char Graham Poly Route - 15 votes, 11.8%
No romantic route - 3 votes, 2.4% ]
Maybe not so surprisingly, Alex came first with over half of respondents selecting them as one of the routes they intend to take.Unsurprisingly to me, Eve was last 🙃 (but still with approximately 1 in 4 of respondents interested in her route!) I was following the survey along and she was doing worse than this for most of the duration so only being last by 5% was pretty alright in the end.
What did surprise me was how popular Bo-yeon is considering xe’s not in the game yet and also that about 12% of respondents intended to go down the poly route! I’m excited to write both of these so I hope that everyone who picked these options is happy in future!
As always, even though those wanting no romantic route are in the minority, I will endeavour to make You Live And Fern as fun for you all!
Thank you for reading all of this if you’ve got this far! Hopefully I’ll have some new content for you soon! 💛
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
Are they lovers? Are they fighters (fighting for their love, at the moment when MC is distant in a relationship)? Are they both (lovers and fighters)?
Alex is a lover, they don't do well with conflict and it's a little in their nature to not fight for something. If someone chooses to let them go they find it hard not to feel that in some way they deserve it.
Jordan is a lover too but from a different point of view. They reason that it'll happen if someone loves them and it's meant to be.
Matt will fight and go down swinging. If he doesn't want to let someone go then he won't.
Eve isn't someone who seems like she's a fighter and for the most part, she isn't, but if something is worth it then she'll fight.
Bo-yeon is good at fighting when xe needs to, xe's fought hard to be where xe is at the moment but overall xe is a lover. Now more than ever xe knows what xe wants and because of that, xe is less inclined to fight for a compromise than others.
Char does tend more towards fighting for someone he really loves but that doesn't mean arguments as much as them always making the effort to communicate as well as they can to stop disagreements spiralling. As I've said before, he's never had a bad breakup.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
Do any of the ROs have siblings?
Matt has two older brothers.
Eve and Char are only children.
Alex has a much younger brother.
Jordan has two sisters, one older, one younger.
Bo-yeon has one younger sister.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
👀 and 😍 for everyone?
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Matt does see himself as quite attractive. He did think he was more so prior to breaking his nose but he's physically fit and fairly handsome so he does know he's objectively quite attractive and he definitely uses that fact when he can.
Eve is mostly indifferent toward the concept of being 'attractive'. She knows people do find her attractive but if it's not for her personality and thoughts then she isn't interested. She knows her appearance could get her advantages but she never consciously uses it.
Alex is happy to say that they do find themself pretty attractive, yeah, but they've worked hard to get to a point where they can look and feel like themself and feel attractive. They love to use it to their advantage where possible.
Jordan does think they're fairly attractive, they like how they look overall. A lot of work goes into looking for nice clothes that fit their budget and a lot of time goes into their hair. They don't ever use it to their advantage.
Char knows that they're not 'typically' attractive, their piercings and body sees to a lot of that. Still, they find themself attractive because he likes the aesthetic that he keeps. He can't really use it to his advantage though, as other people don't really find him attractive that often; he usually uses his appearance to be intimidating.
Bo Yeon doesn't think xe's massively attractive. Xe works to try and keep xirself into a pretty narrow margin of what xe thinks as xir 'most attractive' state. Xe would describe xirself as attractive in personality and prospect rather than physicality.
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
So I've answered similar questions before so I'm going to link you to here, here and here (nsft). I think I'd basically just be rehashing those answers in this.
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beetlebethwrites · 3 years
ROs reaction to when they first realize they have feelings or are attracted to the MC?🥳
I was trying to figure out if this is spoiler-y or not... so to be safe it's under the cut!
Matt is alright with it. He knows he finds the MC attractive in many ways anyway but this is a little more than that. He's confident in himself and happy to try to get what he wants.
Eve gets a little attracted to a lot of people for a lot of reasons. At first, she wouldn't think too much of it, until she realises that you're actually a big part of what she sees her future being. Then it's scary.
Alex is basically in denial over it. They can't be attracted to their best friend, right? It's just the normal feelings of very close friendship? Right?
Jordan is pretty happy with the idea of being attracted to the MC. It's pretty natural for them, they're your friend and they don't really see a reason not to go for it. Their sisters are right behind them in encouraging them to tell you how they feel!
Charlie is completely cool with it. He's happy to be attracted to someone he already knows he likes and gets along with well. Their only concern is that they're your boss so don't want to step over a line.
Bo-yeon is the most against it out of the ROs. Xe doesn't really want to be attracted to someone who isn't in the same stage of life as xir or feels that xe is clashing with.
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