#jorge headers
stuffsviolettos · 5 months
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like/reblog if you save♡
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giovannawtonelli · 2 years
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headers steloisa
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pirateboy · 2 years
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freenchs · 12 days
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- ̗̀꒰ᐢ • ˕ • ᐢ꒱  ̖́- passivas pateticas icons & headers !? like or reblog
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGemcDwPY/ Vale doing this to Marc a couple years down the line (when their relationship has been established, maybe they’re already engaged at this point, disgression) in the FCO AU because google calendar used to be that place that they had to share with the PR people from Honda/Yamaha and that Marc obviously loathed and obviously they no longer have access to them now and I don’t think that Valentino is like, enough of a nerd to do this, BUT, I think it could happen once and it would make Marc blush like a fool (he definitely takes a screencap of the invite just in case it ever disappears)
it’s literally like. okay we are past all of the #angst and headfirst into the reality of rosquez in a loving and committed and deeply horny relationship that has been well established at this point. several years post outing, post fake dating, post screamin and fighting and kissing in the rain, et cetera. they are sweet! they are in love! BUT. they are ALSO two of the busiest people on the planetttttttt. so it’s been. literally like three fucking weeks at this point since they’ve gotten more than a night alone together. agony. first it was a double header and then vale had sponsorship obligations and marc had a photo shoot and vale had to meet with one of the academy kids and then they BOTH had testing and like. it’s one thing to have lots of sexy fun sneaking around the paddock trying to find a spot that can lock long enough to fuck in between press conferences. it’s another when EVERYONE knows you guys are fucking and STILL the only time together you get outside of literally being unconscious is AT those same press conferences!!!! not fun!!!! not sexy!!!! (dani voice. can you two please stop playing footsie. jorge voice. marc that is in fact my foot. and my thigh.)
SO! what is a romantic little prankster to do when he wants to plan a fucking. at this point it feels like BIANNUAL date night with his favorite generational talented but unfortunately very busy twink ass boyfriend?? well if you’re vale, you hack his google calendar when he’s sleeping and you trick him. for funsies. he loves a scheme he loves a plan he loves a joke he loves a surprise !
so like. it’s post fucking media day at a race and marc is EXHAUSTED and all he wants to do is find vale and curl up in one of their ludicrously tricked out mobile homes and pass out with his nose pressed like. into vale’s armpit. and dream about merging their souls into one ephemeral but eternal being. typical marc stuff. and he’s almostttt out the door when his friendssistant (they ALL HAVE ONE !) jose tugs on his sleeve near the end of the day and is like. i’m sorry marc, but there’s one more thing… and he literally nearly CRIES. he hasn’t gotten dicked down in a FORTNIGHT it’s dire. it’s rough.
BUT! it also means that he doesn’t ask many questions. so when he gets led (easily) to whatever goofy ass elaborate rich people venue vale has chosen for date night (neither of them have changed clothes this so so essential to me… just both of them in khaki shorts so big they could legally be classified as parachutes. and new balances/vans. in the rich people venue.) he is SUPRISED ! and delighted… it’s perfect… vale sitting there eyes sparkling SO pleased to get one over on marc in the lovely little joyful way you get when you play a sweet little joke on your partner and is marc SO happy to get some alone time/attention just basking in it… like they LOVE each other… it’s the perfect night… and they do get papped (FCO AU is fundamentally about being famous and having no privacy i have to stick to the THEMES of my story) and they don’t even care!!! because the photos are them like. slow dancing and slightly tipsy pressed together… marc’s hands looped around vale’s neck… swaying… and the photos are kind of blurry but the smiles on their faces come through clear as day…
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
Again thank you so much for helping identify the previous panel! I hope you don't mind my spam but I also wanna know what comic the panel in my header is from (this one:)
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Ah, Harley beating up cops :') Ive had that as my header too and I'm always tempted to go back to it skdjsks Jorge Jimenez draws her SO pretty omfg makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrr
And its from Batman (2016-) #107 <3
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post Joker War (so Harley's at the point she knows Bruce is Bruce) and this was the chapter we're introduced to Bella, Ivy's ex girlfriend from college! :D she's so pretty
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and she's got little plant dogs !! she's so cool
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Jorge Martin- Be mine forever
A/n: this is going to be the start of a mini series where there will be two parts for proposals, weddings and honeymoons so hope you guys enjoy 
Jorge's POV
Here we are yet another weekend where y/n can't make it to the race and god do I miss her so much this race had been a double header so I haven't been home in between and its killing me. Y/n couldn't make it to the first race because she had work but she said she would try and come this weekend but things just didn't work out as they really rely on her at her job so it makes it hard for her to get away. In fact she's only been to 3 races so far this season with all of them being in driving distance of where we live which has been hard on us both because I'm away so often that we don't spend a lot of time together but I know she desperately wants to come to more races its just she can't get away from work. I know she feels awful about it because she is always apologising even though it's not her fault and I don't mind that much I just want her to be here because I miss her every weekend she's not around. 
It's Saturday evening after qualifying and everything is done and technically I'm with my friends but I keep checking the time waiting for it to be the time that y/n will be home so I can FaceTime her and see her face. They must have noticed I was distracted because suddenly the room went silent and Jack waved his hand in front of my face which brought me back to the real world. Once I was back in the room they continued talking but I still wasn't paying too much attention as I was still thinking about y/n and what she might have done today or how ecstatic she's going to be that I got pole position as she always knows whats happening on track even if shes not watching. Finally it got to about the time y/n would be getting home so I waited for the current conversation to end before I tried to excuse myself. 
"Guys I'm gonna go y/n should be home soon" I said knowing they'd understand 
"You really miss her don't you?" Pecco questioned
"Yeah its hard not having her here I feel like I can't celebrate properly because the one person I want to share it with isn't here" I replied 
"Wow man thats real love" Jack said 
"She's the one I want to spend my life with oh my I want to marry that girl" I said while realising it for myself 
No more words left my mouth I just ran out the room and to my motorhome to gather all the millions of thoughts going through my mind. For a long time I've thought about marrying y/n but never seriously even though I love her so much it just seemed like something for the future. However talking about how much I wish she was here made me realise that I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her like she is my future thats for certain and of course I would love to still be racing in years to come but if I'm not as long as I have y/n I'll be ok. In that moment it seemed obvious that I need to get myself together and actually propose to her as nerve wracking as that seems I know it will be the right move and a good next step for us to take.
When I picked up my phone to call y/n there was a a much bigger smile on my face than usual which she picked up on right away but I lied and said it was because of the pole position which seemed to satisfy her as she went on to talk about how proud she was of me. I tried to ask her about her day but she answered all my questions in just a few words before moving on to talking about the race tomorrow which she said she would be watching while working from home. The whole time we were talking all I was thinking about was marrying her and spending the rest of our lives together. The thought of getting to see her smile first thing in the morning and cuddling last thing at night for the rest of our lives was like a dream to think about but hopefully I can make that a reality. Y/n knew that my thoughts were elsewhere I could just tell but she definitely doesn't know what I am thinking about or at least I hope she doesn't because when it happens I want it to be a complete surprise although I don't have the best track record of keeping secrets from her but this one will be worth it.
It's been a few weeks of being at home with y/n which has been the best thing ever and I have a new spring in my step for this next race not only because I'm excited to be back racing but also because I have other plans this weekend. Seeing as y/n isn't going to be here I'm going to use the opportunity to go out and buy an engagement ring. Since I first thought about proposing it hasn't left my mind and secretly I've been looking at rings online to try and find some that would be perfect for y/n but so far none of them seem right but this weekend I'm determined to find something special that will be perfect for y/n. I have also stolen one of y/n rings that's she sometimes wears on the correct finger on her right hand so that I can get the size right but she did ask me if I'd seen the ring before I left so I need to do this quickly before she gets suspicious.
Now that I'm done for the day I've roped some friends into going with me to a list of jewellers I gathered from looking at Google, I was going to go alone but when I mentioned it they wanted to come along and I thought it was best to have a second opinion so that I don't get carried away. They met me outside my motorhome and we got a car to the nearest town where we could walk to all the places I had looked up but that's when I got nervous because this is a big deal to pick an engagement ring. I mean what if find something I think is perfect and she hates it or what if she says no and then I have a ring that hold nothing but bad memories. We have talked about getting married before but it was when we had not long started dating and at the time we both said we wanted to get married in the future but is now the right time for her or will she have changed her mind completely. Despite trying to stop myself thinking about that it didn't work and all that was going through my mind was scenarios of everything going wrong. 
"There's no need to be so nervous dude I'm sure she'll love whatever you pick because it's from you" Fabio reassured me clearly noticing that I was stressing about everything 
"That's the least of my worries what if she says no?" I questioned 
"You definitely don't need to be worried about that we can see the way she looks at you and I'm sure the other guys agree there is no way she will say no" Fabio said as the other guys agreed 
"Thanks guys that helps but for the record I'm still nervous" I joked 
They all shook their heads as we arrived at our destination and got out the car to head into the first jewellery shop, from the outside the place looked small but when you went in it was packed with display cases filled with all sorts of sparkling jewellery. An older lady greeted us when we came in the door and asked what we were looking for and when I told her she led me to the back of the place to a large display case with a load of beautiful rings in and then she showed me another smaller one with more rings in it. That's when I saw one that just stood out to me it was a gold ring with a string a 3 tiny diamonds leading to a slightly bigger one but it wasn't too big. It was so delicate but classy at the same time and it wasn't too flashy which is what I've been looking for as y/n doesn't like to stand out so any jewellery with big stones on it isn't her style at all. 
As much as that ring stood out I wanted to make sure what I picked was perfect so we left and went to all the other jewellers I had found but all of them just had rings with bigger and bigger diamonds on them and even the ones that didn't just didn't seem right. The whole time I was looking at the other ring I was comparing them to the first one which is how I decided it was the perfect ring for y/n, I knew that when I found the one it would stand out and it really did that ring was like no others I've seen anywhere which makes it even more special. By this point the guys were bored but I made them go back to the first jewellers with me as they didn't get to see the ring and I wanted their opinion before I committed to it even though I'm pretty much 100% sure it's the right one. We went back and the lady said hello to us again as I went right back to the small display case that held the ring and showed the guys eagerly awaiting their opinion, luckily they all thought it was y/n's style which settled it. 
Before I could ask the lady running the place for her help she came over clearly able to read my mind, she asked if I knew what size I needed the ring so I grabbed y/n's ring out my pocket and gave it to her so she used it to get the right size before going into the back of the shop and coming back with a little black box and showed me the ring inside which made a smile spread across my face just looking at it. The lady explained that the ring was one that had been ordered over a year ago but never picked up but it was the exact same size as y/n's ring and the lady kept it the whole time as she was sure it would sell at some point which happens to be today. That made it really feel like the right decision it was like everything had fallen into place perfectly which is what I was looking for when picking a ring it needed to be perfect and this one really is. 
Your POV
Holidays are supposed to be a time to relax and now that it's Jorge's off season I was excited to take some time off work and spend time with him after not seeing him much for a good part of the year but he just seems off. The whole time we've been away he's just not been himself it's like there is something bothering him but he hasn't brought it up so I'm not going to ask him about it as he always shares things with me so he's clearly just not ready to talk about whatever it is yet so there's no point pushing him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little worried about him though because I've never seen him act like this in the whole time we've been together and a small part of brain can't help but worry that maybe he's fallen out of love with me when I'm more in love with him than ever. For the last few months I've fallen more and more in love with Jorge every time I see him and I've even been thinking about wanting to spend the rest of my life with him so if he really is falling out of love that would be devastating. Loving someone has always been hard for me but it didn't take long for me to feel that way with Jorge which is how I knew he was the one for me but that feeling has really intensified over the last year to the point that I don't think I could ever love someone as much as I love him. 
This morning I woke up to an empty bed which right away made my heart sink but before I could get too carried away Jorge opened the door to the bedroom and gave me the first genuine smile I've seen from him the whole time we've been away. Right away he crawled on top of me and showered my face in kisses which brought a blush to my cheeks and butterflies to my stomach which he still manages to do despite us having been together a few years now. Once he was done he rolled back off me and slid his arms under my back which he used to pick me up and place me over his shoulder making sure I was ok before moving his arms further down my body and gripping on tightly as he walked into the living area of the beach house were were staying at. He carried me until we got to the sofa where I thought he would gently let me down but no he leaned over and just let me fall which didn't hurt because the sofa is soft but it did take me by surprise. 
He made me stay sat down as he went to make finish the breakfast he had started making so I took the opportunity to look out the back door out at the beautiful view from the beach house. The sun was still rising to its position in the sky but the sky was still a beautiful blue colour and there was hardly any clouds in the sky. Through the balcony you could see the water which was quite far out but the there were still small waves gently splashing against the shore in a calming rhythm. Jorge soon took me out of my daydream when he came in with a breakfast of waffles for us both which I gladly took from him and tucked in to as he sat down next to me joining me in looking outside at the view. Once we finished eating he took the plates and put them in the sink for us to deal with later before coming back and pulling me up so we could change into swimsuits and go and sit out on the beach like we have done every other day we've been here. I stupidly decided to wear a bikini that required tying around the back where I couldn't reach so I had to wait for Jorge to be ready so I could get him to do it. 
"Baby can you tie this for me please my arms are too short" I said when he came out the bathroom 
"Of course love turn around" he instructed 
"This bikini looks stunning on you" he complimented when he was done and I turned around 
"Thank you you look pretty good yourself" I replied running my hands down his chest and stomach gently making him blush 
I kept teasing him a little bit before he decided he wasn't going to take it anymore and pushed me down on the bed and started tickling my sides where I'm the most ticklish which got rid of the smirk I had on my face within a second and instead left me laughing while begging him to stop because I was running out of breath. It took a few minutes for him to stop but eventually he did and he let me catch my breath before leaning down and kissing my lips gently and then pulling away to offer me a hand to help me up which I took and kept hold of as we walked out the back to the beach. The beach was relatively empty because only the set of beach 10 or so houses have access to it so there is never many people which is exactly what we both like because we spend a lot of time surrounded by people so it's nice to get away. Me and Jorge set up our towels and other things in front of our beach house and as far away from everyone else as possible. 
We laid under the sun together for a while with me laying on my stomach reading a book and Jorge doing the same but with his arm around me and watching me read even though he definitely has no idea what's going on. After I finished a chapter he asked me what was going on in the book so I explained the storyline which he listened to and then started reading with me when I started the next chapter. We read together and when it got to a good part of the story he audibly gasped which made me laugh as he talked to me about what just happened as if I wasn't also reading the same thing as him but we talked about it nonetheless before going back to reading. I closed the book at the end of the next chapter which he was disappointed about but when I got up to drag him to the water he cheered up very quickly. 
When we got the the water he pulled me in behind him until we got far enough out that my feet couldn't reach the floor any longer which is when he grabbed hold of my waist and spun me round as he pulled me to his chest. He just stared into my eyes for a while before kissing my nose and letting go of me so we could actually swim around which we did and it was super relaxing as the water super warm from the sun and the waves were only small so it made swimming a lot easier. At one point I stopped swimming and saw Jorge laying on his back floating looking very relaxed and the mischievous part of my brain took over so I quietly swam over and splashed him taking him completely by surprise and making myself laugh. He quickly got me back by trying to push me under the water but I saw it coming and pulled him down with me which meant when we came up we were both laughing at each other like idiots. 
After spending most of the day out in the sun we went back inside and Jorge told me to get ready to go out for dinner which of course I did because we haven't been out together in a long time as we are often too tired to go out anywhere. Luckily I brought a few nice dresses with me incase we went out so I looked through them and decided to wear a black dress with long off the shoulder mesh sleeves which I haven't actually had the chance to wear out yet but I thought it looked pretty good when I brought it. I got ready quickly doing simple makeup and leaving my hair pretty natural just touching up a few bits to make it look neater before putting on my dress and checking myself out in the mirror before I left the bathroom to find Jorge. He was waiting for me in the living area looking at his phone so I called him name to let him know I was ready which made him turn around and I watched his jaw drop as he looked at me which made me blush knowing he thought I looked good. 
"Take a picture it will last longer" I joked walking toward the door to grab my shoes 
"Sorry babe but I can't help but stare when you look so stunning" he admitted 
"Why thank you you look nice too" I said 
No more words were said he just grabbed my hand and we walked to the nearest restaurant which was only about a 5 minute walk. The place wasn't busy so when we got our table there wasn't really anyone else about which made it easy for us to talk to each other during our meal. While we were eating I noticed Jorge get nervous again and I could tell he was nervous because he was fidgeting a lot which is what he usually does when he's nervous for a race. It was kind of sad to see him go back to the way he's been acting because I really enjoyed today with the normal happy Jorge not the one that doesn't say a lot and doesn't want to be as affectionate as he usually is. 
Once we finished dinner he took me down onto the beach to walk along the sand enjoying the last of the sun before it disappeared over the horizon leaving the sky to grow darker and darker the longer we walked for but there was still light from the stars and moon shining in the sky. It was actually really romantic it's just a shame that Jorge had gone back to thinking about other things leaving me feeling like it was just me living this moment by myself. As we walked along I felt Jorge's hand slip out of mine which I ignored for a moment but when I couldn't feel his presence I turned round to see what was going on, I did not at all expect to see him down on one knee holding a box containing a ring. He reached out and grabbed my hand with his spare one looking up at me and suddenly everything made sense and I understood what has been going through his mind all week.
"Y/n I've never felt happier than when I'm with you and it made me realise that there isn't a single other person I'd want to spend the rest of my life with so will you make me even happier and marry me?" He asked 
"Y-yes" I managed to stutter out while holding back tears of pure joy 
He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up placing his hands either side of my face and kissing me sweetly. When we pulled away he rested his forehead against mine for a moment before properly pulling away and taking my hand so we could walk back home. It was only when we got inside and I looked at the beautiful ring in my finger that it really sunk in that we were engaged and I would be spending the rest of my life with Jorge just like I've been thinking about doing for the past year. In that moment nothing would have taken the smile off my face I was just that happy to be engaged to the love of my life.
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raulfernandez · 1 year
Wtf happened to my header, did Jorge drown??
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rosesheavn · 2 years
ㅤㅤ↳ jennie headers
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ㅤㅤ↳ jennie header inspirado na música "Inesperado" - Jorge & Mateus
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giovannawtonelli · 2 years
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travessia - cap 2
icons & headers
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trendingjournals · 2 months
Argentina Defeat Colombia 1-0 To Win Record 16th Copa America
Lautaro Martinez scored an extra-time winner as Argentina beat Colombia 1-0 to win a record 16th Copa America title at Hard Rock Stadium on Sunday.
A game of few chances, which had been marred by security and crowd issues, forcing a 82-minute delay, was decided by a quality finish from substitute Martinez -- who finished the tournament's top scorer with five goals.
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The win was the third straight major tournament title for Argentine following their 2021 Copa victory and their triumph in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
There were tears before the celebrations though with Argentina captain Lionel Messi going off injured in the 66th minute watching the rest of the game distraught on the bench, while there was an emotional farewell for Angel Di Maria in his final game for the national team.
For Colombia, whose only title came in the 2001 Copa America and who were unbeaten in 28 games, it was a disappointing night when little seemed to work for Nestor Lorenzo's team.
There was chaos around entry to the stadium for fans, with organisers blaming supporters for trying to enter without tickets while fans blamed the lack of an efficient entry system to the venue.
The scenes were alarming with some fans needing medical attention for heat exhaustion but after the decision to suddenly throw open the gates, with no checks on those entering, the situation was largely resolved and the game went ahead.
Colombia's Jhon Corboba hit the bottom of the post with a speculative shot in the seventh minute but neither side were able to find their flow in the early stages.
Di Maria found Messi in the 20th minute with a low ball into the box and Messi's left-foot shot was saved by Colombia keeper Camilo Vargas.
Colombia had looked the more lively in the opening period and they went close in the 33rd minute when Jefferson Lerma tried his luck from 25 yards out and his low drive forced Emiliano Martinez into a diving save.
There was concern for Messi in the 36th minute when he dribbled to the byline but was halted by a sliding challenge from Santiago Arias which was ruled fair left the Argentine captain needing treatment.
Messi, who now plays his club football in Miami, then curled a free-kick in from the left flank but Nicolas Tagliafico's header was just off target.
It had been a disappointing first half and it didn't improve much after the break, when the fans had at least received some entertainment from Colombian singer Shakira.
Argentina failed to deal with a James Rodriguez corner and the ball looped to Davinson Sanchez but he was unable to keep down his header which floated over the bar.
There was finally some of the expected quality when Di Maria produced one of his trademark runs in from the left and forced Vargas into action, the Colombia keeper turning the ball wide of the post.
Then came a major blow for Argentine hopes when Messi went down, without contact, as he ran in midfield, and clearly in pain he went off to be replaced by Nicolas Gonzalez in the 66th minute.
It was too much for Messi, in what may have been his last major tournament, as he sat in tears on the bench, unable to hold back his emotions.
The Argentine fans thought they had grabbed a winner in the 75th minute when Tagliafico found Gonzalez in the box, who beat Vargas with a low drive but the effort was ruled out for offside.
Little changed in extra-time with a half-chance from Miguel Borja after a flick from Jorge Carrascal but the game was settled by a worthy winner.
Leandro Paredes won the ball in midfield for Argentina with a perfectly timed tackle, found Giovani Lo Celso whose first time pass was perfect for the on-running Martinez who confidently fired home the winner.
Di Maria, who had left the field for the last time in an Argentina shirt to huge applause, said the team's 'Triple Crown' achievement needed to be appreciated.
"It seems easy but it is very difficult. I know this because I experienced the other side for 10, 11 years as well. It's not easy to get to the finals and win them," he said.
Colombia's Argentine coach Lorenzo said his team had struggled physically.
"The boys felt the effort of the whole tournament a little, they played 6 games in 21 days," he said noting that several players had struggled with cramp in the latter stages.
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Can someone please tell me why @motogpblr-love s header with the vale choking image is so sexy to me. I dont have a choking kink. Its something about how he leans into Jorge's space like he belongs there. His vibe is so hot. It's so effortless and demanding.
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cssmonster · 10 months
Explore 10+ CSS Vertical Accordions
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Welcome to CSS Monster, where you can explore our curated collection of CSS vertical accordions. We've carefully selected these examples from various resources, including CodePen, GitHub, and others. As of August 2023, we're thrilled to announce that our collection has been updated, now featuring 3 new and innovative vertical accordion items for you to discover and integrate into your web projects. CSS vertical accordions represent a versatile display widget commonly used in website navigation. They excel in efficiently organizing content within limited space, allowing users to access different sections by clicking on respective headers. Opting for CSS in crafting vertical accordions brings forth several advantages. Customizability is a key highlight, allowing you to easily adjust the size, color, and other properties of the accordions to seamlessly align with your website's unique design. The scalability of CSS accordions ensures they adapt gracefully to various screen sizes, making them an ideal choice for responsive web design. Additionally, as part of the code, CSS vertical accordions load faster than their image-based counterparts, optimizing performance for a smoother user experience. Our collection boasts a diverse array of creative and visually appealing vertical accordions. Whether you lean towards a minimalist design or seek something more intricate, our selection caters to a variety of preferences. We invite you to explore this collection and leverage these vertical accordions for your web development projects. Each accordion comes equipped with its HTML and CSS code example, simplifying the process of incorporation into your project. Enhance your website's navigation and content organization with these expressive vertical accordions. We hope you find this collection valuable for creating engaging and user-friendly web experiences. Happy coding! Author Prabhu Kalyan Korivi February 10, 2022 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS / JS About a code ACCORDION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Johnatan Vargas February 8, 2022 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code ACCORDION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author MOZZARELLA January 27, 2022 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code RAINBOW ACCORDION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Ian November 30, 2021 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code PURE CSS ACCORDION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Kniw Studio September 17, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code COLLAPSING ACCORDION PURE CSS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:font-awesome.css Author Mert Cukuren March 17, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code ANIMATED ACCORDION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Natalia September 25, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code PURE SCSS ACCORDION TABS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author Monica Wheeler May 15, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (Post CSS) About a code CSS VERTICAL ACCORDION
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Author Jorge Brunetto November 7, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML About a code ACCORDION WITH INPUT EDIT
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Author Elior Tabeka November 3, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code ANIMATED CSS ACCORDION Author Alex Bergin April 17, 2014 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (Sass) About a code CSS+HTML ONLY ACCORDION ELEMENT Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Nathan Long September 4, 2013 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code CSS MULTI-LEVEL ACCORDION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
1. What are CSS vertical accordions? CSS vertical accordions are versatile display widgets used in website navigation, efficiently organizing content within limited space. Users can access different sections by clicking on respective headers. 2. Where can I find CSS vertical accordion examples? Our collection includes carefully selected examples from platforms like CodePen, GitHub, and other online resources. Explore CSS Monster to discover and integrate these creative and functional vertical accordions into your projects. 3. How can CSS vertical accordions be customized? CSS vertical accordions offer easy customization, allowing adjustments to size, color, and other properties to match your website's design seamlessly. 4. Are CSS vertical accordions suitable for responsive web design? Absolutely! CSS accordions scale without losing quality, making them ideal for responsive web design. They adapt well to various screen sizes for a consistent user experience. 5. Why choose CSS vertical accordions over image-based accordions? CSS vertical accordions, being part of the code, load faster than image-based accordions, optimizing performance and contributing to a smoother user experience. 6. How often is the vertical accordion collection updated? Our collection is regularly updated with the latest and most creative CSS vertical accordions. Check back for new additions and stay on top of the latest trends in web design. 7. Can I use these vertical accordions in my web development projects? Certainly! Each vertical accordion in our collection comes with its HTML and CSS code example, making it easy for you to incorporate them into your projects. Feel free to explore and integrate these accordions into your web development endeavors.
In conclusion, CSS Monster is your destination for discovering and integrating 10+ CSS vertical accordions into your web projects. With advantages like customizability, scalability, and improved performance, these accordions add a dynamic and visually appealing touch to website navigation. Explore our collection, stay updated with the latest additions, and elevate your web design with expressive vertical accordions. Happy coding! Read the full article
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scarletnews · 2 years
Spain boss Vilda vows to carry on as rebellion forces his hand for double-header
Spain boss Vilda vows to carry on as rebellion forces his hand for double-header
Jorge Vilda insisted he has no plans to resign as head coach of the Spain women’s team after a player rebellion forced him to name a massively under-strength squad on Friday. The besieged boss left captain Irene Paredes and record scorer Jenni Hermoso out of his group for high-profile friendlies against Sweden and the United […] The post Spain boss Vilda vows to carry on as rebellion forces his…
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bimbobi · 3 years
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Atenção estudantes 👨‍🏫 as redações do ENEM 2021 serão corrigidas pela Chuu do LOOΠΔ !
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iconsbymel · 2 years
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steloisa headers
like, reblog ou créditos na @malapias
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