#joseph will oldham
nofatclips · 4 months
When we are Dogs by Jaye Jayle featuring Bonnie Prince Billy and Patrick Shiroishi
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carloskaplan · 2 years
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Joseph Highmore: O señor Oldham e os seus invitados (ca. 1735)
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dr-otter · 1 year
Apropos of a recent post, I want to talk a little about Francis Oldham Kelsey.
Born in Canada in 1914, she studied pharmacology at McGill University in Montreal, and went to a PhD program at the university of Chicago.
When she arrived in Chicago the FDA was dealing with a national emergency; a series of deaths had followed the use of the antibiotic "Elixir Sulfanilimide" made by Massengill Co., and as a grad student she worked in the team that identified diethelyne glycol (DEG) as the toxin. This wasn't malicious on the company's part; it wasn't widely known that DEG was toxic at the time and safely testing new drugs or preparations wasn't required prior to 1938. Over 100 people died in that incident, and the owner of the company denied that they had any responsibility because they "not once could have foreseen the unlooked-for results". And that was precisely the problem; you SHOULD look and make sure you aren't producing poison before you sell a medication to the public.
That's why we require safety testing. Federal regulations are often written in blood; remember this the next time someone tells you they are "burdensome to innovation."
Dr. Kelsey went on to medical school, taught pharmacology, worked as a primary care physician for awhile, then was hired by the FDA as chief of the Division of New Drugs. Her job was to decide whether to approve new medications for use in the US, and as we noted, this was a relatively new concept at the time and there were no formal requirements around how safety testing was done. Companies just submitted an application and expected it to be taken at face value. Kelsey received an application for thalidomide from F. Joseph Murray, an executive from the William S. Merrill Co. that looked on paper like a wonder drug for insomnia and treatment of morning sickness in pregnancy (among other things). It was already approved and in use in Europe and Australia, where it was becoming wildly popular, but some parts of the application stood out; they claimed it had no side effects and no lethal dose (even water has a lethal dose). The "data" was a collection of anecdotes (data is not the plural of anecdote). She denied it. They resubmitted.
She noticed an article linking thalidomide to nerve damage in England and asked why they hadn't addressed that, and requested safety data for the fetus since this was supposed to be given to pregnant women. Denied. Resubmitted (still without safety data).
Murray went on to pressure Kelsey by writing an angry letter to her boss, and resubmitting the application a total of five times. Around the same time he was pushing for approval, reports of birth defects involving missing or deformed limbs started emerging in Europe and Australia. It took some time to connect these to thalidomide.
Kelsey had rejected the approval of thalidomide four times and it was withdrawn on the fifth. Around 8,000 babies were born with severe birth defects, and thousands more were miscarried. Only 17 of these were in the US, from samples Merrill gave out as an "investigative trial".
One result of this was that now safety trials have to be based on adequate, controlled studies and the FDA can inspect labs to ensure that this is happening. It also requires any human participants in those trials to give informed consent; if you are taking a drug that isn't approved you have to be told, and understand the risks. This was not the case before 1962!
Again for the folks in the back: Federal regulations are often written in blood. The reason we require safety testing is 100+ deaths from an antibiotic elixir and 8,000 babies with no limbs. Also, if you were born in the 60s with all 4 limbs, thank Frances Kelsey.
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oldhamk · 2 years
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wutbju · 2 years
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Richard J. Heigl, Sr., a native of Buffalo New York and long time resident of Houma, 93, was called home to spend eternity with his beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on Saturday, April 16, 2022.
Visitation will be held Tuesday, April 26, 2022 from 10am to 12pm, with the memorial service to start at 12pm, at Samart Funeral Home of Houma, West Park.
He is survived by one sister, Geraldine Sobarnia, two sons, Richard J. Heigl, Jr. and his wife Denise, Jonathan Heigl, his son in law, Riecke Schaefer; 10 grandchildren, Brittney Oldham and her husband Brad, Jake Heigl and his wife Ashley, Lindsay Cantrelle and her husband Jarrett, Tara Heigl, Jonathan Heigl, Jr. and his wife Sarah, Lauren Heigl, Rachel Heigl, Lee Arceneaux, Jr. and his wife Jessica, Brad Arceneaux and his wife Katie, Brian Arceneaux; and 21 great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his loving wife, Connie, of 56 years, daughter Dixie Schaefer, his parents Joseph and Laurel Heigl, and his brother Joseph Heigl.
My Father's story "Mercy Bestowed on a Lost Sinner" taken directly from a letter he had written to his cousin his words.
Things don't "just happen," but all are related to our good by a gracious God. Don't ask me how, for providence is nearly as great a mystery as redemption. We have been preserved until now, and that's a blessing.
But, you would not believe the hills and valleys that I have traveled to get to this point. As I grow older, I can see God's hand in every situation. I can see mercy extended for no cause, grace intervening when justice was due. In early life I was very athletic, morally clean, because God controlled the situations in my life-mildly interested in church, read the Bible some, but never saw much in it except "don't do this," and "don't do that.
I had every intention to study for the ministry so I enrolled in Bob Jones University (Greenville, SC) in 1953-but just before I left for school the second greatest thing in my life happened to me. I was reading a sermon out loud to my Mom in the backyard as she was hanging clothes. The text was Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?" That message was called "The Total Depravity of the Human Heart." As I was reading, how I hoped Mom would understand it! She asked, "Son, do you understand those things?" I said, "Sure I do! The harder the preaching, the better I like it." Soon I finished reading and walked down the driveway to go back in the house when a voice heard only by my heart said, "You really don't know what you are reading. What you've read is true, but you are a total stranger to all of it. You are the lost, ignorant sinner you were reading about!" All I could do was quietly admit, "Yes, Lord, I am lost." Then I figured I'd quickly "get saved" and get on to my preaching, but to no avail.
I arrived at Bob Jones University as scheduled. The first week they had assembly every day to get everybody "saved" before school got underway. Three thousand preacher boy students, all of them "saved" except me. You see, all they had to do was make a decision, say they believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and by this simple believing they were told that they were saved. I had done all of this several years before God awakened me to the fact that I was still a lost sinner. Now God was teaching me a few things about this heart of mine which I thought was so "righteous." I now knew that to be saved, God the Spirit would have to do the work. That same voice which told me I was lost must also speak peace to my heart and reveal Christ to me (II Corinthians 4:4-6).
I did fine in all BJU classes except in religion. There, instead of really learning anything about God's Word, they wanted small groups of us to go out and find children playing in their yard or in the streets. We must force them to say they believed in Jesus, get their names and hurry back to class with a "convert" to our credit! My soul totally rebelled against such a bunch of foolishness and I skipped every session after the first one! What a horrible deception and trafficking in souls! I gave out a few sermons by old Puritan writers and it nearly caused a split in the school, so I graciously bowed out after one semester. A short time after that is when Mom, Sis and I moved to New Orleans, LA. to be under sound preaching. That was in 1954. My only desire now was to know the Lord who died for sinners. Mom endured it, Sis hated it, but God was bringing me down.
Soon I met Connie, a girl who worked as church typist and had actually typed the first message God used to awaken me. God had revealed Christ to her heart when she was only 17. The Lord gave her a love for me and me for her; her special beauty to me was that she was in Christ.
Self-righteous hearts have the most to learn, and slowly but surely the Lord was teaching me that first lesson-that the heart truly is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. In the following years we were poor, with a growing family, and I cried unto the Lord continually and wore out several Bibles.
Read till your eyes water, pray till you fall asleep, but you can't make God save you.
In October 1968 a preacher from Michigan held services in a country home near where we lived. Many of our friends and neighbors were there. After the message, I felt such a desire to know Christ that I stood up and said so, in the presence of everyone who knew me. (Feeling myself such a lost sinner, the one desire of my heart was to be joined to Christ.) Those people all thought I was a saint, for I had talked often of things in the bible, and I lived the best life outwardly that I could. But I knew at the time that I could no longer play games. I was serious and didn't care who knew it! That part of the battle was won.
Several weeks later, after crying and praying for days, I was in the center bedroom of our house. My books were stored in a closet, and as I looked at my vast library of Puritan writers I said to myself, "What good are these books doing me? I'm still a lost sinner." Then I read Matthew 11:28 I cried, "Lord, You alone know that I'm coming, I'm laboring and have a terrible burden of sin, and I need rest. How can I take thy yoke? I don't even know what that yoke is. I have no strength, no faith. Lord, just send me on to Hell where I belong, for I cannot believe." It must be for that moment I was truly sincere, for that blessed voice which said "You are lost," now spoke again, and He said "I died for you." My first reaction was to pray for mercy, but I couldn't; instead, my heart just wanted to reach out to Him and thank God for deliverance in Christ. I began to praise Him for His great salvation. But I dared not tell anyone for several weeks, afraid that I might yet be deceived.
I was bursting inside to tell everyone what God had done for me. Finally I did so, and have been telling it ever since. The learning process never ceases, for the more I learn of myself the greater my Redeemer is to me. I still want to sing praises to my precious Lord Jesus Christ. I sought Christ and knew not how real He is, but now I know and understand that the desire and strength to seek Him was given to me by His sovereign mercy.
The first thing the Holy Spirit does is to open the heart of the sinner (Acts 16:14) and reveal what is inside, then when the sinner is broken before Him and comes to the end of his fleshly way, the Lord gives him faith to believe on Christ as Lord and Saviour. Now we see that others are awakened and desire to come to Christ. There are none beyond God's power to save, but He and He alone must do the work!
(Words of Richard J. Heigl, Sr. beloved brother, retired custodian of H.L. Bourgeois High School, pastor of a little group of the Lord's people, known as truth Baptist Church)
MERCY BESTOWED In the beginning, the Father elected The Son became a curse on the tree The Holy Spirit called and convicted, And Mercy said, "Let that sinner go free." Judgment hangs low o'er that guilty sinner, The Law cries, 'He's never, never kept me." No hope in sight, but cannot quit pleading, Then Mercy says, "Let that sinner go free." Blinded by sin and Satan our father, Doomed and damned forever to be A Substitute died on Calvary's mountain, Now Mercy says, "Let that sinner go free." Mercy Bestowed On A Lost, Guilty Sinner, When that sinner faces reality. When justice declares, "I'll keep him forever," But Mercy says, "Let that sinner go free." --Song by the late brother Edward Hale
Samart Funeral Home of Houma, West Park is in charge of arrangements. To send flowers to the family of Richard, please visit our floral store. Published by Samart Funeral Home of Houma - Bayou Blue on Apr. 21, 2022.
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harpianews · 17 days
Oldham: 64-year search for child ends after mass grave is found
BBC Joan said her family had been “upset for years” as they had to wait 64 years to find out where her uncle Joseph Morris was buried. People who for more than half a century did not know where their loved ones were buried have finally been able to visit their graves. This was followed by the discovery of a mass cemetery in Royton, Oldham, where 145 dead babies, 128 newborns and young children,…
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angelboydream · 2 months
Alexander Wang - Sisters from Pavel Brenner on Vimeo.
Milano Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2022 Berlin Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2021 Berlin Commercial Nomination 2021 1.4 Awards Longlist 2021
Official Summer 21 Campaign for Alexander Wang Music by GRRL
Cast: Ashley Wang, Piya Chitsmaran, Yoa Mizuno, Olive Zuker-Brunzell, Sandra Diola, Seven Liu, Greena Park, Stella Tran, Bayana, Oprah Wambui, Juliet Marcroft, Grace Baik, Celline Lee, Lyn, Alejandra Avalos, Anisa Brown Stunt Double: Isabella Miller, Serena Li, Rhea Cullentas, Robyn Diamond, Keerati Julsophon, Nicole Cookpitman, Mizzel Serra, Johnathan Gleason Director: Pavel Brenner Cinematographer: Christopher Ripley Executive Producers: Malcolm Duncan, Fabien Colas, David Laven, Alex Wang Creative Producer: Camilla Gai Producer: Christina Jobe Sound Designer: Bastien Benkhelil Production Designer: Tyler Evans Art Director: Angus Bernsen Set Dresser: Theo Cohn, Erica Laguan, Brendan Sheley, Oliver Bernsen 1st Assistant Director: Mel Anderson 2nd Assistant Director: Alex Dolan 1st Assistant Camera: Jacob Perry 2nd Assistant Camera: Joe Ashi Loader: Chastin Noblett, Jake Duggar Gaffer: Mathias Peralta Set Lighting Technician: Chris Ginnaven Key Grip: Pablo Ruff-Berganza Best Boy Grip: Andres Gutierrez Best Boy Electric: Nick Haynes Grip: Jesse Curl Steadicam Operator: Bill Hunt Drone Pilot: Andrew Petersen Gimbal Operator: Jake Howard Drone Tech: Bryce Howard Drone Dudes: Ryan Bunnell Balloon Tech: Dave Cupp Digitech: Jason Wang Motocrane: Robert G Streeper Jr, Neil Maciejewski Talent / VIP relations: Kameron Kubicki Casting: Anita Bitton / Establishment New York Casting Associate: Calvin Wilson Stunt Choreographer: Isabella Miller, Serena Li Stylist: Worthy Dye Background Stylist: Damien Lloyd Hair Stylist: Edward Lampley Hair Assistant: Sol Rodriguez, Jessica Padilla, Alysha Walks, Jenelle Oldham Make Up Artist: Tarezka Fras Make Up Assistant: Mina Abramovic, Mila Nesmeyanov Nails: Sojin Oh Production Manager: Takara Joseph Production Coordinator: Sho Schrock Production Assistant: Ari Garber, Chris Hamilton Storyboard Artist: Camilla Gai Production Truck Driver: Jesse Martinez G&E Truck Driver: Filippo Bencaini Camera Truck Driver: Bill Colino Motorhome Driver: Richard Linville Craft Sevices: Xochil Chavira Studio Teacher: Michelle Garcia Medic / Safety Officer: Sharr Siamson Covid-19 Safety Officer: Jamie Pinon
Photographer: Hao Zeng Photo Assistant: Ryan Elliot, Justin Brooks
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spoldhamauthor · 4 months
Children's Books - The Snow Creatures
Wendy Mitchell and I are thrilled to announce that the first of our children's books is now available on Amazon! Thank you to Red Cape Publishing and Little Red's Publishing for your support, help and encouragement. Please share with anyone you know who have children who love to read, or those who might enjoy being read to. Thank you.
P.S Some of you may know me as S P Oldham. However, there is another side to me, as an author. With my sister as illustrator, I have written a series of five children's stories, of which The Snow Creatures is the first. Thanks for taking the time!
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The Blurb: Joseph loves to feed the birds and animals that visit his garden. The snow has been falling for days now and the creatures are getting hungry. The problem is, Joseph has been very poorly and has not been allowed to go out in the cold. Eventually, the animals find the most unexpected – and amazing – way to let him know they need his help. The strange thing is their special, natural sort of magic just seems to vanish – poof! – the moment a grown-up lays eyes on it…
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 St. Louis Cardinals Roster
#27 Andrew Kittredge (Spokane, Washington)*
#31 Michael Lynn (Brownsburg, Indiana)*
#32 Steven Matz (Brookhaven, New York)
#38 Drew Rom (Ft. Thomas, Kentucky)
#39 Miles Mikolas (Jupiter, Florida)
#44 Kyle Gibson (Greenfield, Indiana)*
#52 Matthew Liberatore (Glendale, Arizona)
#53 Neil Pallante (San Clemente, California)
#54 Sonny Gray (Smyrna, Tennessee)*
#55 Riley O'Brien (Shoreline, Washington)*
#56 Ryan Helsley (Tahlequah, Oklahoma)
#57 Zach Thompson (Selma, Indiana)
#59 Joseph Romero (Oxnard, California)
#64 Ryan Fernandez (Tampa, Florida)**
#65 Giovanny Gallegos (Ciudad Obregón, Mexico)
#93 Keynan Middleton (Milwaukie, Oregon)*
#40 Willson Contreras (Puerto Cabello, Venezuela)
#48 Iván Herrera (Ciudad Panama, Panama)
#6 Masyn Winn (Houston, Texas)
#13 Matt Carpenter (Sugar Land, Texas)*
#16 Nolan Gorman (Phoenix, Arizona)
#19 Tommy Edman (San Diego, California)
#28 Nolan Arenado (Lake Forest, California)
#35 Brandon Crawford (Pleasanton, California)*
#46 Paul Goldschmidt (Houston, Texas)
#3 Dylan Carlson (Elk Grove, California)
#11 Victor Scott; Jr. (Power Springs, Georgia)**
#18 Jordan Walker (Decatur, Georgia)
#21 Lars Nootbaar (El Segundo, California)
#33 Brendan Donovan (Enterprise, Alabama)
#41 Alec Burleson (Lincoln County, North Carolina)
#63 Michael Siani (Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania)
Manager Oliver Marmol (Orlando, Florida)
Bench coach Daniel Descalso (Mountain View, California)
Hitting coach Brandon Allen (Conroe, Texas)
Assistant hitting coach Turner Ward (Orlando, Florida)
Pitching coach Dusty Blake (Candor, North Carolina)
Assistant pitching coach Dean Kiekhefer (Oldham County, Kentucky)
Assistant pitching coach Julio Rangel (Ciudad Panama, Panama)
Bullpen coach Jamie Pogue (Guelph, Ontario)
Bullpen catcher Kleininger Teran (Maracay, Venezuela)
1B coach Richard Clapp (Windsor, Ontario)
3B coach Ron Warner (Alhambra, California)
Assistant coach Patrick Elkins (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Assistant coach Willie McGee (Richmond, California)
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elhowe · 6 months
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collage 👍🏻
Works used:
Female Bathers, William Etty, colorized version of a print by Thomas Oldham Barlow (the gals)
Young Dreams, James Clarke Hook (girl on the rock on the right)
The Mouth of a Cave, Hubert Robert (the cave outline + foreground)
Tintern Abbey- The Crossing and Chancel, Looking towards the East Window, Joseph Mallord William Turner (background, behind the bathers)
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blog-quantran · 1 year
Alexander Wang - Sisters from Pavel Brenner on Vimeo.
Milano Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2022 Berlin Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2021 Berlin Commercial Nomination 2021 1.4 Awards Longlist 2021
Official Summer 21 Campaign for Alexander Wang Music by GRRL
Cast: Ashley Wang, Piya Chitsmaran, Yoa Mizuno, Olive Zuker-Brunzell, Sandra Diola, Seven Liu, Greena Park, Stella Tran, Bayana, Oprah Wambui, Juliet Marcroft, Grace Baik, Celline Lee, Lyn, Alejandra Avalos, Anisa Brown Stunt Double: Isabella Miller, Serena Li, Rhea Cullentas, Robyn Diamond, Keerati Julsophon, Nicole Cookpitman, Mizzel Serra, Johnathan Gleason Director: Pavel Brenner Cinematographer: Christopher Ripley Executive Producers: Malcolm Duncan, Fabien Colas, David Laven, Alex Wang Creative Producer: Camilla Gai Producer: Christina Jobe Sound Designer: Bastien Benkhelil Production Designer: Tyler Evans Art Director: Angus Bernsen Set Dresser: Theo Cohn, Erica Laguan, Brendan Sheley, Oliver Bernsen 1st Assistant Director: Mel Anderson 2nd Assistant Director: Alex Dolan 1st Assistant Camera: Jacob Perry 2nd Assistant Camera: Joe Ashi Loader: Chastin Noblett, Jake Duggar Gaffer: Mathias Peralta Set Lighting Technician: Chris Ginnaven Key Grip: Pablo Ruff-Berganza Best Boy Grip: Andres Gutierrez Best Boy Electric: Nick Haynes Grip: Jesse Curl Steadicam Operator: Bill Hunt Drone Pilot: Andrew Petersen Gimbal Operator: Jake Howard Drone Tech: Bryce Howard Drone Dudes: Ryan Bunnell Balloon Tech: Dave Cupp Digitech: Jason Wang Motocrane: Robert G Streeper Jr, Neil Maciejewski Talent / VIP relations: Kameron Kubicki Casting: Anita Bitton / Establishment New York Casting Associate: Calvin Wilson Stunt Choreographer: Isabella Miller, Serena Li Stylist: Worthy Dye Background Stylist: Damien Lloyd Hair Stylist: Edward Lampley Hair Assistant: Sol Rodriguez, Jessica Padilla, Alysha Walks, Jenelle Oldham Make Up Artist: Tarezka Fras Make Up Assistant: Mina Abramovic, Mila Nesmeyanov Nails: Sojin Oh Production Manager: Takara Joseph Production Coordinator: Sho Schrock Production Assistant: Ari Garber, Chris Hamilton Storyboard Artist: Camilla Gai Production Truck Driver: Jesse Martinez G&E Truck Driver: Filippo Bencaini Camera Truck Driver: Bill Colino Motorhome Driver: Richard Linville Craft Sevices: Xochil Chavira Studio Teacher: Michelle Garcia Medic / Safety Officer: Sharr Siamson Covid-19 Safety Officer: Jamie Pinon
Photographer: Hao Zeng Photo Assistant: Ryan Elliot, Justin Brooks
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carloskaplan · 2 years
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O señor Oldham e os seus invitados, por Joseph Highmore (1735-45)
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A Construction Company You Can Trust
A trusted construction company in Crestwood KY, Stickler Construction has been serving the community for years. Everything they are able to accomplish is motivated by people and values. You won't be disappointed when you hire them, and they will be thrilled to work with you. Their goal is to create a community of homeowners who want the best results from each construction or remodeling job. This family-run business places a premium on excellence and is not simply referring to the superb craftsmanship and quality of the structures they build, or the careful process they follow. It encompasses everything they do, from start to finish, and beyond.
Stickler Construction
Homebuyers are constantly looking for economical solutions to increase the worth of their properties especially as the cost of houses continues to rise. Do you know that your home's value and return on investment can be increased simply and profitably by adding unique decks and pergolas? These extensions are among the most popular because they offer a year-round outdoor living area, which is a necessity for modern living. Beyond merely increasing the size of your property, custom decks and pergolas bring nature to your home, enhance its aesthetic appeal, increase the resale value, and lessen your stress. Call Stickler Construction if you are looking for a Pergola Builder in Crestwood KY. They have the knowledge and skills you need to boost your home's worth.
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History of Crestwood, Kentucky
During the early years of the railroad, in the 1850s, Crestwood was known as Beard's Station. At that period, a large portion of the rural landscape was made up of enormous hardwoods. To cultivate in and around the region that is now known as Waldeck Farm, Joseph Beard bought 263 acres in 1839. Over the years, he gathered considerable landholdings and, thanks to his foresight and charitable nature, contributed significantly to the neighborhood's growth. The railroad's extension from Louisville to Frankfort provided an opportunity for him. He gave land for the railroad as a sign of his civic-mindedness and constructed a warehouse, which later served as the station where the train line and Kentucky Highway 329 meet.
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens in Crestwood, Kentucky
Yew Dell is a gorgeous attraction with great historical significance that serves as a center for education, gardening, and vegetation. It used to be the late Theodore Klein and his family's home, gardens, and business nursery but now provides the general public with exceptional display gardens, a full calendar of educational programs and neighborhood events, ongoing garden plant research, hiking trails, and event rental opportunities. This location is stunning and is ideal for an outdoor wedding with a backdrop of fragrant flowers, castle-like structures, and a floral arch. The variety of exotic plants from all over the world will leave you enthralled.
Semi-truck Struck By Train In Crestwood
Anyone driving a vehicle should be in top mental condition. They should give full attention to the road ahead since a slight distraction can put every passenger's safety at risk. Aside from that, vehicles, whether they are compact sedans, pickups, or big transport trucks, should be well-maintained because breakdowns, especially on the highway, are dangerous. In addition, seatbelts, lights, batteries, and brakes must all be in good order. Going too slow or too fast can also increase the chance of accidents. In Crestwood, a train struck a semi-truck on Highway 22 along Railroad Avenue. Fortunately, Oldham County Police said that no one was hurt. Read more here.
Link to maps
Yew Dell Botanical Gardens 6220 Old Lagrange Rd, Crestwood, KY 40014, United States Head south on Old Lagrange Rd 0.6 mi Turn left onto Veterans Memorial Pkwy 0.2 mi Turn left onto Ballardsville Rd 7.0 mi Turn left onto KY-53 N 381 ft Turn right onto Grand Dell Dr 0.1 mi Turn left to stay on Grand Dell Dr 0.4 mi Turn right onto Grand Cir Destination will be on the left 180 ft Stickler Construction 4401 Grand Cir, Crestwood, KY 40014, USA
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oldhamk · 2 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 9 January 1835
9 20
11 ½
no kiss damp rainy morning F35 ½° at 10 am in my study - breakfast at 10 10 - had Thomas Greenwood from 10 55 to 12 ½ - much talk about the election – then he paid the Xmas rent of the Sheep croft and his pew in the old church and I paid him the amount of both – 5/. in full of a bill he had against me for timber for Lower place in May 1833 and some little things of furniture quite lately for Shibden – spoke to him about Northgate – offered him the field next the church with  a road thro’ it (for his sole use) and a temporary cottage for his foreman built at one end of it - he thought I had better see 1st what I could do with the house - and if I could let it without the land – he would take the land – he values the house at £85 a year or at any rate it should be worth £80 and I said the land was before valued at £6 per D.W. – said I should tell Mr Parker to put out hand-bills advertising the house to let with or without land - Thomas G- recommends Stevenson the engineer of Oldham to see about the mill at Mytholm for Aquilla Green – then from 12 ½ to 4 ¼ (with the exception of speaking to Joseph Mann in the meanwhile who could not get Holt to come and measure off the drift in John Bottomelys’ land)  had Hinscliffe in the house and, then, in spite of the rain went out with him to the drift – he went into it and found fault that they were driving it 4ft. wide instead of 3 – so rainy did not go up to the pit - but came in in 10 minutes at 4 35 -  H- had told me all about the Spiggs colliery Loose – I had better (and I could do it easily) stop just within the Wellroyde land, as the people had a regular right to come thro’ Wilkinson’s land - they said they had a right to come thro’ mine – I explained and satisfied H- they were mistaken – said I would not promise shew my uncle Joseph’s books to anyone, but he should look over them with me if he liked – I then read him from volume 2 Business letter-book, the account I wrote to Mr Briggs (my late steward) of Mr Clarke’s coming to me about the loose - vid. p.10-12 dated 10 September 1831  and gave him a ½ sheet of paper to shew to Keighleys and co., a copy of the 2 entries in my uncle Joseph L-‘s book as follows
Septmber 7 ‘Received of John Green and co. in part for driving drain up Willroyde holmes   32.5.0
April 29 ‘Received of T. Clark and J. Green and co. for driving the drain up Willroyde holmes in full 25.0.0
Shibden hall. Saturday 10 September 1831.
A. Lister’
the above is a copy of what I wrote on the back of a paper brought to me by Mr. James C. Holt, on the 10th of September 1831. A. Lister Friday 9 January 1835.
with the above  Hinscliffe seemed satisfied – said he saw how it was  - and he would see William Keighley again about it – he gave me small rough sketch of the yesterday waterhead of Spiggs colliery – said they ought to pay me for the loose – it would loose all Mickelmoss - and told me en grand secret he had heard of some combination of Holdsworth and people to take the Stump X Inn and land and then smuggle something to one another about the loose – advised me to be cautious - told him the sort of year to year lease I let on, and would this time make all particularly sure - would secure looses, right to get coal etc on paying reasonable damages - he said the custom was double rent - yes! but said I, if a great price is given on account of the house this may create a difficulty about the value of double rent of the land so I will fix the damages at £3 per D.W. for the land above the house and £4 per D.W. for the land below it which H-- thought very fair - he seems to think Holt has not behaved well in the business to the Keighleys - and on the subject of the work going on here, said he had too much to do at the public houses to look after it properly - should be here almost every day - thought the drift at J. Bottomley’s would not be worth
 much - we should fetch the water down this way by our pit-drift - said I had ordered them to stop and meant to leave the drift open next summer to see how it would answer - talked about rails - and ended by desiring him to get me 2 tons at Brighouse (as he recommended) at £8 per ton - good metal such as they could bore thro’ - he would advise having every rail tried with a file - still recommends vent-stones, 18in. broad and to let them remain for a sort of drain for the water afterwards - he thinks he can get them for me at 2d. per yard - From H-‘s manner of close attention to all I said about the Stump X Inn, it would not surprise me if his son offers for it - H- is of whig politics - but let him turn conservative and........... came in at 4 25 (H- having just gone home on coming out of the drift) and tho’ only out 10 minutes wettish, and changed my dress – then sometime with my father and Marian – dinner at 6 ¼ - coffee – from 8 ¼ to 9 ¾ wrote yesterday – then with my aunt till 10 at which hour F39° in my study - wild, windy, rainy day
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nofatclips · 4 years
The Devil Is People (The Cheech Wizard's Hemiolic Chantey At The Edge Of The Anthropocene Epoch) by Bonnie Stillwatter, remixed by Bundy K. Brown
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