I have made an accidental canon connection in my fic, lol. It was not intentional but I feel so big-brained now.
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eruherdiriel · 10 months
I love this passage so much.
The serving men brought every dish to Bran first, that he might take the lord's portion if he chose. By the time they reached the ducks, he could eat no more. After that he nodded approval at each course in turn, and waved it away. If the dish smelled especially choice, he would send it to one of the lords on the dais, a gesture of friendship and favor that Maester Luwin told him he must make. He sent some salmon down to poor sad Lady Hornwood, the boar to the boisterous Umbers, a dish of goose-in-berries to Cley Cerwyn, and a huge lobster to Joseth the master of horse, who was neither lord nor guest, but had seen to Dancer's training and made it possible for Bran to ride. He sent sweets to Hodor and Old Nan as well, for no reason but he loved them. Ser Rodrik reminded him to send something to his foster brothers, so he sent Little Walder some boiled beets and Big Walder the buttered turnips.
A Clash of Kings, Bran III
He listens to his advisors.
He appreciates what others do for him.
He shows people he loves them 🤗 🥺.
He can be petty (he's 8 okay!) and passive aggressive (and funny in the process).
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 5 months
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The Many Names of Lady Sabitha Blackwood - Meet Me in the After
Lady Sabitha Blackwood has been known by many names through the years, not all of them kind. As a girl, Sabitha was said to have greendreams, often seeing events that would unfold well into the future. For this gift, her father, Lord Owen Blackwood, bestowed on her the endearment Raventouched. Upon her wedding to Ser Theodred Smallwood, the second son of the widowed Lord Joseth of Acorn Hall, she was known as Lady Smallwood. Two years into her marriage, and her service to Queen Aemma, who was known to have called the Blackwood girl friend, her clandestine affair with Prince Daemon Targaryen was discovered, earning her the moniker of The Dragon's Plaything, oft believed to draw attention to the many years between the lovers in age. Though there were fifteen summers between them, it was said that the prince sought her council, and referred to his mistress as nuhos ozzālanos, or my pyre in High Valyrian, a term that filled his elder brother with a simmering anger.
It was recorded that at one time, the new Queen of Westeros, Alicent Hightower, called her former friend and confidant secret keeper, though many wondered exactly what secret the queen was referring to. Maester Mellos recorded that it was to do with King Viserys' choice of second wife, though Maester Gyldayne is confident that the secret in question had nothing to do with Queen Alicent at all, and everything to do with the sudden death of Queen Aemma. One evening, while in his cups, King Viserys cornered Lady Sabitha at a feast in celebration of his second daughter's birth, loudly proclaiming for all the hear that she would henceforth be known as The Barren Bride for her inability to provide Ser Theodred or his own brother with a child. He cursed her, saying she would bear neither heir nor bastard. It is noted that Ser Theodred did nothing to dissuade the king and made no effort to comfort his wife. After the brutal murder of his grandson, Prince Jaehaerys, and the attack on his daughter and granddaughter, Lord Otto Hightower declared that Lady Sabitha was a shapechanger and a witch, accusing the woman of shedding her human body to take the form of a rat, leading the murderers Blood and Cheese through the tunnels of the holdfast and assisting in their heinous crimes. "The whore knows no shame, no bounds," the Hand raged to his grandson, Prince Aemond. "She is guilty of blood magic and more and I will have her head and her husband's for the death of the heir." When Lady Sabitha heard of the Hand's outburst, she rolled her eyes, waving off the accusation. "A rat, he says? Fitting, considering his own loyalties and betrayals. Perhaps Lord Otto should learn more about his enemies, and his own family, for what use does a dragon have for a rat?" Lady Sabitha lived out her days as The Lady of Whispers, maintaining the once-ruined keep on the northeastern coast of the crownlands that Prince Daemon was granted upon their wedding, largely believed to be the eye of a storm in the Black Queen's attempt to reclaim the Iron Throne. Many believe the granting of this keep to be King Viserys' final jab at his younger brother, sending him away from King's Landing one last time to live out his days with his barren bride.
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thevelaryons · 10 months
The way GRRM wrote these 2 dragonseeds, it's apparent they are meant to be contrasted against each other. With other dragonseeds, like Ulf, he exists as a sidekick to Hugh and someone who tries to take up Hugh's mantle after his death, so we don't even get much of a description of what he's truly like. Ulf's role in the story is more about having a presence as one of the betrayers so that the 2 Treasons plot can have urgency. Ulf is to Hugh what Alyn is to Addam. And because of that contrast, obviously Alyn is a character with much greater importance than Ulf. Nettles stands apart from the rest of the dragonseeds which is why her story takes a different turn at the end. With Addam and Hugh specifically though, they are narrative foils.
Small and quick as their mother, these bastards of Hull were both silver of hair and purple of eye, and soon proved to have “sea salt in their blood” as well, growing up in their grandsire’s shipyard and going to sea as ship’s boys before the age of eight.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: The Red Dragon and the Gold
The son of a common blacksmith, Hammer was a huge man, with hands so strong that he was said to be able to twist steel bars into torcs. Though largely untrained in the art of war, his size and strength made him a fearsome foe.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant
And Addam Velaryon, lately Addam of Hull, sought out the Sea Snake after the battle; what they spoke to each other even Mushroom does not say.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: The Red Dragon and the Gold
Mushroom tells us there were two men on Dragonstone that night who drank to the slaughter in a smoky tavern beneath the castle: the dragonriders Hugh the Hammer and Ulf the White, who had flown Vermithor and Silverwing into battle and lived to boast of it. “We are knights now, truly,” Hard Hugh declared.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: The Red Dragon and the Gold
Addam Velaryon was relentless and determined and glib of tongue, and the riverlords knew much and more of the horrors that had befallen Tumbleton. By the time Ser Addam was ready to descend on Tumbleton, he had near four thousand men at his back. Benjicot Blackwood, the twelve-year-old Lord of Raventree, had come forth, as had the widowed Sabitha Frey, Lady of the Twins, with her father and brothers of House Vypren. Lords Stanton Piper, Joseth Smallwood, Derrick Darry, and Lyonel Deddings had scraped together fresh levies of greybeards and green boys, though all had suffered grievous losses in the autumn’s battles. Hugo Vance, the young lord of Wayfarer’s Rest, had come, with three hundred of his own men plus Black Trombo’s Myrish sellswords. Most notably of all, House Tully had joined the war.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Overthrown
Though Hammer’s ambition was unseemly in one born so low, the bastard undeniably possessed some Targaryen blood and had proved himself fierce in battle and open-handed to those who followed him, displaying the sort of largesse that draws men to leaders as a corpse draws flies. They were the worst sort of men, to be sure: sellswords, robber knights, and like rabble, men of tainted blood and uncertain birth who loved battle for its own sake and lived for rapine and plunder.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Overthrown
Ser Addam flew far and fast, descending on castles great and small whose lords were loyal to the queen, to piece together an army.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Overthrown
Lord Hammer (as he now styled himself) began to dream of crowns. “Why be a lord when you can be a king?” he told the men who began to gather round him.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant
As Ser Luthor Largent and his gold cloaks rode up Rhaenys’s Hill with the queen’s warrant, the doors of the Dragonpit were thrown open above them, and Seasmoke spread his pale grey wings and took flight, smoke rising from his nostrils.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant
Nor did the once-gentle prince hesitate when Lord Unwin Peake presented him with warrants for the execution of Hard Hugh Hammer and Ulf White, but eagerly affixed his seal.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Overthrown
Young Ser Addam died bravely at the Second Battle of Tumbleton, proving his faithfulness with his life after it had been called into question by the deeds of the Two Betrayers.
— The World of Ice and Fire, Aegon II
When he spied Hard Hugh, Roxton saw his chance, and said, “Lord Hammer, my condolences.” Hammer turned, glowering. “For what?” he demanded. “You died in the battle,” Bold Jon replied, drawing Orphan-Maker and thrusting deep into Hammer’s belly, before opening the bastard from groin to throat.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Overthrown
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daenystheedreamer · 3 months
your last reblog got me looking up who tf elissa farman is istg i thought i was having a stroke for a minute bc her name sounded far too modern
there's two historical characters named tyler hill and addison hill TELL ME THATS NOT JUST TWO FRAT GUY BROTHERS! there's also guys named BRANSTON and BRAXTON! like okay is that not some mormon kid from brigham young university. joseth sounds like a brother of jojo siwa
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sirenascelestiales · 5 months
"He sent some salmon down to poor sad Lady Hornwood, the boar to the boisterous Umbers, a dish of goose-in-berries to Cley Cerwyn, and a huge lobster to Joseth the master of horse, who was neither lord nor guest, but had seen to Dancer’s training and made it possible for Bran to ride. He sent sweets to Hodor and Old Nan as well, for no reason but he loved them." -Bran III, Clash of Kings
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year
EDDARD STARK, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North,
His wife, LADY CATELYN, of House Tully,
Their children:
ROBB, the heir to Winterfell, fourteen years of age,
SANSA, the eldest daughter, eleven,
ARYA, the younger daughter, a girl of nine,
BRANDON, called Bran, seven,
RICKON, a boy of three,
His bastard son, JON SNOW, a boy of fourteen,
His ward, THEON GREYJOY, heir to the Iron Islands,
His siblings:
[BRANDON], his elder brother, murdered by the command of Aerys II Targaryen,
[LYANNA], his younger sister, died in the mountains of Dorne,
BENJEN, his younger brother, a man of the Night’s Watch,
His household:
MAESTER LUWIN, counselor, healer, and tutor,
VAYON POOLE, steward of Winterfell,
JEYNE, his daughter, Sansa’s closest friend,
JORY CASSEL, captain of the guard,
SER RODRIK CASSEL, master-at-arms, Jory’s uncle,
BETH, his young daughter,
SEPTA MORDANE, tutor to Lord Eddard’s daughters,
SEPTON CHAYLE, keeper of the castle sept and library,
HULLEN, master of horse,
His son, HARWIN, a guardsman,
JOSETH, a stableman and horse trainer,
FARLEN, kennelmaster,
OLD NAN, storyteller, once a wet nurse,
HODOR, her great-grandson, a simpleminded stableboy,
GAGE, the cook,
MIKKEN, smith and armorer,
His principal lords bannermen:
RICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,
ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort,
JON UMBER, called the Greatjon,
WYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor,
MAEGE MORMONT, the Lady of Bear Island.
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stromuprisahat · 11 months
Benjicot Blackwood, the twelve-year-old Lord of Raventree, had come forth, as had the widowed Sabitha Frey, Lady of the Twins, with her father and brothers of House Vypren. Lords Stanton Piper, Joseth Smallwood, Derrick Darry, and Lyonel Deddings had scraped together fresh levies of greybeards and green boys, though all had suffered grievous losses in the autumn’s battles. Hugo Vance, the young lord of Wayfarer’s Rest, had come, with three hundred of his own men plus Black Trombo’s Myrish sellswords. Most notably of all, House Tully had joined the war. Seasmoke’s descent upon Riverrun had at last persuaded that reluctant warrior, Ser Elmo Tully, to call his banners for the queen, in defiance of the wishes of his bedridden grandsire, Lord Grover. “A dragon in one’s courtyard does wonders to resolve one’s doubts,” Ser Elmo is reported to have said.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
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A Clash of Kings - 21 BRAN III (pages 293-302)
Bran hosts a feast at Winterfell. Meera and Jojen Reed join the party, fashionably late though they are.
The low stone steps balked Dancer only for a moment. When Bran urged him on, he took them easily. ... Still, it made him swell with pride. For so log as it too him to ride the length of that hall he forgot that he was broken. ... - and a huge lobster to Joseth the master of horse, who was neither lord nor guest, but had seen to Dancer's training and made it possible for Bran to ride.
Good job Joseth! (Am I still in love with all the ways they're doing quality of life and living for Bran? Yes. Could you tell? You know what? Drinking game for y'all, take a shot every time I gush about it.)
Alebelly lead two new guests into the feast. "The Lady Meera of House Reed," the rotund guardsman bellowed over the clamor. "With her brother, Jojen, of Greywater Watch."
YAY, MEERA!!! AND JOJEN!! Hiiiiiii!!!!
"To Winterfell we pledge the faith of Greywater," they said together. "Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord. Our swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our helpless, and justice to all, and we shall never fail you." "I swear it by earth and water," said the boy in green, "I swear it by bronze and iron," his sister said. "We swear it by ice and fire," they finished together. Bran groped for words. Was he supposed to swear something back to them? Their oath was not one he had been taught.
I was going to say "this isn't the oath of fealty I typically see flung about in fics." I like it. Mercy, help, and justice. nice. Also gives allusions to world building without bogging down the story.
I do like that we got a chance to see what feasts are like in the north, music, dancing, food. And to hear about the differences in the Crannogman diet... do you think they eat frogs legs like the French? I've never tried it, strangely I imagine it would be rather like chicken wings, with the meat to bone ratio.
Not best pleased to see the Walders. Nor to see them being racist.
And Bran had a waking 'wolf dream' in this chapter, warging powers are leveling up!
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "Th"
Adaith Adith Adithalien Adithen Adithéo Albascarth Albeth Albethélin Alenrithola Alenthel Alenthia Alietthy Alippath Amarthy Ambethan Amirgenth Amunthene Andreinetth Anikath Anthaline Anthenda Anthild Anthy Arikarienth Aurthéo Aurthéranda...
Benthilie Berethylle Beristholl Berth Berthe Berthellie Bethar Bethard Bettha Betthelis Beunth Biannierth Bierrethim Bithamonia Bithy Bobbyneth Borenth Borithlotty Brolgenth Bruth Béath Béathell Béathia Caranthary Cathari Catheine Cather Cathia Cathry Chelmuth Chenifferth Chrither Chrithrie Chrithy Claurth Coregoth Corethatris Coretth Corith Cotha Cothuby Dagmutth Dagottherd Danthar Darcesleth Dardonrith Deathy Delmathe Delmuthann Denthmattel Dethenna Dethélivice Dierthelle Ditherhany Dithrin Dithéo Doreineth Eançoinanth Edindrath Eidithaelia Einatth Emath Emathie Erethale Erthowanne Erthy Esemmatheid Etharya Ethild Ethrieley Eugothille Eulikath Fabranthle Faintharley Fanthane Fanueth Felothany Floisabith Flottharcur Frafabeatha Frathilet Fravirethen Frenth Frethia Fricatthane Frithiere Frithmario Gannathéra Gelothes Genath Genthand Gerthiamen Gethoph Getth Gienath Gieuntheina Ginathard Glathie Glorath Gotha Gothannik Gothard Gothel Gothene Gotherna Gothes Gothom Greanmath Greduanth Guanith Gwerth Günth Günthargina Handrithel Hecianthari Heinath Helmatth Herth Herthany Hileth Homath Horysth Howalvineth Huanthile Hugenthil Hugoth Hunthy Ireintha Jacelianth Jangerthim Jasmuthrie Jasonith Jeanfretth Jeanth Jeantheile Jeanuethyl Jeath Jeatharold Jeathenna Jeathilina Jeathéo Jeathérômel Jefinth Jentharoy Jenthowad Jerthein Jesthillen Joanneth Joretholy Joseth Juanpathard Judrother Juthel Juthy Kariethan Karithil Karsth Katha Kathald Kathanluci Kathartamer Kathece Kathein Kathelyn Kathene Katheodia Kathew Kathie Kathinette Kathison Kathonda Kathord Kathrie Kathuntonie Kathyl Katth Kenthimig Kienthy Krieth Kureth Lanestopath Latruth Leinetthy Leithanthel Leodnathy Letha Lienath Listharl Lothanolby Lotheandi Lothia Lucath Luciethyl Luidnathy Lukath Lukathene Lukathy Luppathed Luthily Luthmart Léathard Léathéo Mabetthelva Maith Mandianthéo Manith Manthanne Marbeth Maristhe Marith Maromicasth Maroth Marreennith Marthy Mathan Matheina Mathel Mathellee Mathellen Mathien Mathon Mathophie Mathunda Mathy Matrithma Mattherd Matthris Maxieth Melmathérie Menritheon Merethmam Mermathéri Merth Micharother Micherinith Miethan Milianluth Mineathe Mintopath Morethy Mothara Mothel Mothowaye Muthianes Mutthernd Nathalia Natharo Nathelman Nathy Natrithian Nicalethie Niethe Nithan Nitholena Olaukath Olfraynth Opathessa Opathrie Othaelis Othaet Othan Othari Othaël Otheina Otheringer Othilie Othire Othirge Othitela Othrie Othélaures Othélie Pamathaël Pathadikatt Pathann Patharcus Pathart Pathawna Patheinoé Patheliste Pathencald Pathenola Pather Pathia Pathiandy Pathiank Pathle Pathola Patholdo Pathris Pathurtried Pathy Pathérian Paurégisthy Pegfrithand Pethendrina Phellethéo Philmaitha Prinethrie Prith Rentheine Rethylvie Riedmuth Rilainether Rineath Robenthy Rolethy Rollacqueth Rossabereth Rothelm Ruberthe Rutha Ruthelexim Ruthie Ruthy Rédritha Régothilia Sabranthard Samuth Selmuntha Selothia Sethaminda Shanmather Shantha Shazelenth Shelmutthen Sherithean Siguaneth Stasth Sthesta Stithisley Tertheil Thadovio Thaliette Thandram Thandrégor Thangine Thann Thanne Thard Tharl Tharlherres Thawn Thazel Thaël Theance Theandrisay Theidanne Theine Thell Thelle Thellie Thellris Thelseant Thenz Therise Therna Thert Thertinin Thesa Thiashae Thientz Thieve Thilan Thildemaina Thilence Thilher Thilherold Thilivia Thillenz Thilley Thinrich Thiranolda Thircece Thistiecia Thlorie Tholenda Thrik Thuane Thuberle Thurtnesie Thyla Thylvick Thérine Thérolbert Thérène Toydithilix Tronathel Truthelhan Tyadithale Uderthal Udithillias Ulinethar Uthel Uthertale Uthle Utholyn Uthuguno Uttheartral Valotharrya Valtonnethe Venth Venthérôme Verth Vethard Viertharan Vinathelis Virethall Virith Wennether Wenthalorin Wiethy Willeoreth Winath Xelisthamer Élath Élawredieth Évettholloy
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asobai · 3 months
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the  following  account(s)  have  twenty  four  hours  to  adhere  to  activity  guidelines  or  risk  being  reopened  :
@regalfury    ⸻    introduction  +  first  in - character  post  (  cyrena  stark  ).
@braavcsi    ⸻    first  in - character  post  (  alys  reyaan  ).
@chaosluvers    ⸻    first  in - character  post  (  tahlia  harlaw  ).
@melicos    ⸻    first  in - character  post  (  alon  hightower  ).
@shewulfs    ⸻    first  in - character  post  (  lysara  stark  ).
@regalitics    ⸻    introductions  +  first  in - character  posts  (  gysella  tully  neé  karstark  &  sarella  martell  ).
@godbvrns    ⸻    two  in - character  posts  (  trystane  blackwood  ).
@wxstxrxstrgd    ⸻    one  in - character  post  (  jarion  lannister  &  joseth  mallister  ).
@illuminvtes    ⸻    one  in - character  post  (  juran  baratheon  ).
@chronitis    ⸻    two  in - character  posts  (  perseus  dondarrion  ).
@g0ldensaints    ⸻    two  in - character  posts  (  rohanne  reyne  ).
@bledwords    ⸻    two  in - character  posts  (  jonquil  caron  ).
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culodemofeta21 · 3 months
Siento que el hecho de no haber tenido un padre afectó mi forma de socializar.
Hacer vínculos de amistad sanos es algo realmente difícil para mí, en mis primeros años de adolescencia me hice amigo de un par de hermanos; Joseth y Albeiro. Los conocí por la música, Albeiro tocaba muy bien la guitarra en el colegio y se me hacía muy genial, me la pasaba con él porque así aprendía cosas, él entonces me dijo que la forma más fácil de conseguir chicas era esa, y que las más fáciles eran las cristianas, porque él tocaba música cristiana en el colegio.
Por otra parte, Joseth era más inclinado a la poesía, la labia y picardía le ayudaba a conseguir chicas.
Ese par se me hizo genial, con el tiempo empecé a compartir más y más con ellos.
A parte de eso, también quería alejarme de otro mundo que me estaba persiguiendo, pero ya contaré eso más adelante.
Me hice muy buen amiga de Joseth y Albeiro, empecé a escuchar su misma música, a hablar como ellos y de cierta forma a pensar como ellos, aprendí cómo piensa una chica y qué es lo que una chica quiere y cómo le gusta a una chica.
Aprendí lo que era un trío y una orgía, fui testigo de varios encuentros sexuales de ellos con chicas que yo conocía, nunca fui participante.
Los admiraba de cierta forma pero con el tiempo me cansé de pretender algo que no soy, me di cuenta de que la forma en la que trataban a las mujeres no me gustaba, me desagradaban como personas, me daban asco, me sentía triste cuando me di cuenta de que las mujeres no son mera diversión, de que los actos de ellos no van a corde a mis valores, (aunque no sé cuáles exactamente sean mis valores) no me sentía cómodo con ellos y los dejé, ellos intentaron buscarme en varias ocasiones pero yo fui claro en que no los quería más en mi vida.
Por esa época, tuve un amigo intermitente que se llamaba Nicolás, él desde que lo conocí ha tenido amistades turbias, con las que traficaba drogas y a veces armas, no sé qué nos llevó a hacernos tan amigos, pero así fue, empecé a juntarme con gente que me daba miedo y empecé a consumir drogas, de vez en cuando hice de bodega para Nicolás porque en su casa lo requisaban, fue entonces cuando Joseth y Albeiro me ayudaron a alejarme de ese mundo y esas personas, se deshicieron de las drogas, cuchillos y manoplas que yo tenía.
Empecé a ver a ese par como mis "protectores". De cierta forma creo que busca un papá en ellos sin darme cuenta, por muy raro que suene creo que así fue, me incomoda bastante hablar de esto, pero creo que es necesario darle las palabras adecuadas a esto.
Tiempo después entré a la universidad, allí conocí a Cuervo y Ortega, estos dos eran mi nuevo Joseth-Albeiro, no me había dado cuenta de ello, nos hicimos amigos en el segundo semestre de la carrera y empecé a comprarme intelectualmente con ellos, me sentía menos y quise sentirme más, empecé a tomar viejos hábitos, como adoptar su música, sus pensamientos, su forma de hablar y grupo social, en esa época me llené de muchas inseguridades, viéndolos también como figuras paternas. Hasta que me cansé, me agoté y renuncié.
Ahora estoy en otra universidad, mismo mundo y mismo lenguaje, pero un poco diferente.
Me estoy emancipando de la idea un padre, no sé desde hace cuánto tiempo pero ahora me siento conciente de ello.
Quiero dejar de tener miedo a hacer amigos, siento miedo porque creo que me voy a dejar influenciar y me convertiré en algo que no soy, tengo miedo de que en mi búsqueda por encontrar mi ser, termine encontrando máscaras y falsas banderas.
Soy huérfano de padre pero no lloro su ausencia, he llorado más su presencia en los falsos ídolos que he puesto en su lugar.
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hqcrowns · 8 months
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WELCOME TO THE CAPITAL : joseth . we do so hope you find your quarters to your liking , please ensure you are in the great hall in twenty four hours to welcome the new king. ALL HAIL THE KING ! archie renaux is now taken ! ** catelyn stark potential romance / protector .
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thevelaryons · 2 months
With how Addam seeks that closeness to Laenor & Corlys, I’d say he’s in search of a father figure in his life. Before them, he would’ve had his maternal grandfather (but Marilda’s father died while Addam was still quite young). Addam is written as someone seeking the guidance of more wiser/experienced people.
Which is why I wonder about the nature of Addam’s relationship with Elmo Tully (who is a father with two sons of his own). He’s the one whose approval Addam had to earn in order to secure house Tully’s allegiance. Not much is known about Elmo except that he was the heir to Riverrun (and acting Lord) at the time and the text describes him as a “reluctant warrior”. That description does bring to mind someone like Corlys, another person who exercises caution in any conflict. Addam had to make an effort to prove himself to Corlys to earn the title of Heir to Driftmark, so that he could one day follow in Corlys’ position. With Elmo, Addam has to do much the same in impressing his worth so that Elmo knows for certain that Addam is worth following. There’s now a subtle shift in Addam’s arc from follower to leader.
Despite the orders of his own grandfather, the Lord of Riverrun, Elmo had barred Riverrun to outsiders at the onset of the war.
Lord Grover insisted that Riverrun would fight for young King Aegon. Yet no such word went forth. The old lord was bedridden and would not live much longer, Riverrun’s maester had declared. “I would sooner the rest of us did not die with him,” declared Ser Elmo Tully, his grandson. Riverrun had no defense against dragonfire, he pointed out to his own sons, and both sides in this fight rode dragons. And so whilst Lord Grover thundered and fulminated from his deathbed, Riverrun barred its gates, manned its walls, and held its silence.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
It’s a nice turn of events that Addam, who is described as “glib of tongue” is the one who finally gets Riverrun to break its silence in the war.
Elmo came to be Lord of Riverrun in his own right during the war, after his grandfather passed away. At this point, we get a juxtaposition between Addam (heir) and Elmo (lord). It is the Lord of Riverrun, in his direct position of command, who is shown to be following the example of the Heir to Driftmark.
Benjicot Blackwood, the twelve-year-old Lord of Raventree, had come forth, as had the widowed Sabitha Frey, Lady of the Twins, with her father and brothers of House Vypren. Lords Stanton Piper, Joseth Smallwood, Derrick Darry, and Lyonel Deddings had scraped together fresh levies of greybeards and green boys, though all had suffered grievous losses in the autumn’s battles. Hugo Vance, the young lord of Wayfarer’s Rest, had come, with three hundred of his own men plus Black Trombo’s Myrish sellswords.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
To him gathered Benjicot Blackwood of Raventree, already a seasoned warrior at three-and-ten; his fierce young aunt, Black Aly, with three hundred bows; Lady Sabitha Frey, the merciless and grasping Lady of the Twins; Lord Hugo Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest; Lord Jorah Mallister of Seagard; Lord Roland Darry of Darry; aye, and even Humfrey Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge, whose house had hitherto supported King Aegon’s cause.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
While Addam may have found something like a father figure in Elmo, it’s also a possibility that his time in the Riverlands is also the point in Addam’s story where he breaks free from his daddy issues at last.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
least fave asoiaf name?
Oh My God there's so many split between 'this sounds gross', 'this pisses me, an insane etymologist enthusiast, off'
SOUNDS GROSS: bennifer (like the fucking celeb portmanteau??), gaemon (ugliest targ name. naming my baby gayman), aenys (bruh.), dake (.bruh), hobber (mina tyrell why did u name ur kid this.), gargon (sounds like when my 10yo brother tries to do a dragon deez nuts across your face joke), garse(ok this one and hobber are supposed to sound gross but cmon bro)
PISSES ME OFF EYTYMOLOGICALLY: patricia, henrietta, isembard, christian-derived names like josua, criston, joseth. he has a bunch of surnames (usually scottish) used as names which is a common practice in the USA but sounds weird in a medieval setting eg cameron, kyle, qarlton
FRAT GUY QUICK ROUND (names that i dont necessarily hate but make me go lmao thats a westerosi frat guy): bradamar, braxton, addison, ambrode, chett, gareth, harys, josua, joseth, kevan, kyle (so many kyles omg), malentine, raylon ok ill stop there its no longer a quick roung
thats just off the top of my head plus quick browse of The Spreadsheet im sure theres more i have opinions on!
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mitchie02 · 9 months
"The serving men brought every dish to Bran first, that he might take the lord’s portion if he chose. By the time they reached the ducks, he could eat no more. After that he nodded approval at each course in turn, and waved it away. If the dish smelled especially choice, he would send it to one of the lords on the dais, a gesture of friendship and favor that Maester Luwin told him he must make. He sent some salmon down to poor sad Lady Hornwood, the boar to the boisterous Umbers, a dish of goose-in-berries to Cley Cerwyn, and a huge lobster to Joseth the master of horse, who was neither lord nor guest, but had seen to Dancer’s training and made it possible for Bran to ride. He sent sweets to Hodor and Old Nan as well, for no reason but he loved them."
~A Clash of Kings, by George R. R. Martin
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