#joshua 'j' cody imagines
peakyblinders1919 · 2 years
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The burning in her lungs was familiar for a cross country runner like her, but this time it was different. She wasn’t racing towards the finish line; she was trying to run away from something. Someone.
She knew a bad thing when she saw it, that was just the way life was for someone like her; practically growing up on the streets of Oceanside, you learned to trust your gut.
That’s why she couldn’t believe she was running now. She hadn’t seen it.
It had taken until date number three to realize Kyle Ruiz was like every other boy trying to get her to pull her pants down for him in the backseat of his car. Sure, she always knew him to be a bit handsy, but just because she’d let him slip his hands under her shirt on date two, didn’t mean that allowed him access to the rest of her whenever he wanted. Parked out by the beach where they watched the sun lower to the horizon where sky met ocean, he tried again, hands wandering south as they kissed. 
She pulled back abruptly. And when she told him “no”, told him firmly to “stop it”, apparently it was hard to hear her or he suddenly didn’t speak fucking English because it didn’t make him stop. Hands, scalding hot, continued their descent down under her skirt until she slapped him across the face. He retaliated, ego bruised, and the only way he knew how to make it up was continually forcing himself onto her. She struggled, seeing red, until she landed her Converse to his side and scrambled out the door.
Running but with no destination in mind was familiar too. It seemed to be a not-so-subtle metaphor for her life, running, always running towards the end goal that she knew nothing about. She’d been running for so long, she was starting to fear it didn’t exist. 
Her feet had taken her far across the city and beach. But not far enough. Headlights opened by a sickening familiar truck blinded her from down the road, and she had no choice but to act quick.
That’s how she found herself in the middle of someone else’s backyard. Thrown into the midst of what she originally thought was a wholesome family dinner, she discovered it was actually an infamous Cody family meeting. Wholly undressed, a deer caught in head look gracing her features, the menacing stares she earned from the Cody boys in turn were less threatening than that sleezeball Kyle Ruiz. Right about now, she’d much rather been in the notorious family gang’s presence than his. 
Locking eyes with the youngest, J, she knew all about him. Coming from Oceanside as a bit of a legend herself, it was a wonder how the two weren’t closer. She opened her mouth, though words failed her at that moment.
“Y/N, hey, I thought we agreed we’re studying tomorrow.” 
There was the scraping of his seat against the concrete patio as he stood, the condescending voice of his grandmother asking him,” who‘s the friend of yours baby,” and the intimidating nature of his three cousins either waiting for her answer or to forcefully show her the way out. All followed by the subtle raise in J’s eyebrow as his way to say “play along”.
“Oh, did we? Sorry, must have gotten my days mixed up. I uh.. I can just come back, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Interrupt whatever it was she literally had ran into.
“Offer her a drink baby. We’ll finish this later.” She was suddenly very aware of her heavy breathing, hair stuck to her forehead cheeks with sweat from her run, and it was obvious her entrance was planned. She could use a getaway.
She followed J inside and took him up on his offer for a cold beer. It was silent as they sipped in unison, not sure when the other would make the first move, ask the obvious question: You know my name?
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah.” She lied, eyes glued to the tab on her beer can. “Sorry, I got turned around on my run, I don’t know how I ended up here.” Literally.
“What were you running from?” He was quick to judge, quick to know better than to ask why were you running. Something only an Oceansider would know. Her blank expression was more telling than she thought. “Is there someone following you?”
She looked up abruptly, his voice deep, matter-of-fact, and surprisingly comforting.“No. Not anymore.”
“Was it someone you knew?” He talked with such authority, crossed his arms on a powerful way.
“Kyle Ruiz.” She mumbled under her breathe, embarrassment hidden underneath.
“Kyle Ruiz? What… what were you doing with Kyle Ruiz?” If he sounded the least bit  jealous, he had no right to be.
“Not what he wanted, so I had to get out of there.”
He chuckled. “I thought you were smarter than agreeing to go on a date with Kyle Ruiz. He’s a grade A pervert.” She didn’t know how to accept his compliment and did all in one.
“Are you actually alright?” His voice was softer now as it filled the silence between them. She nodded.
“Does he know where you live?” 
She nodded again. It was the first and last time she’d let a guy pick her up from her house for a date.
“We’ll, you can stay here if you want. Smurf’s got an extra room; it’s like collecting strays is her pastime. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. I can… we can watch out for you, you know. Kids like us, growing up on the streets of Oceanside, we’ve got to look out for each other.”
It was their first real conversation and she had thought he barely knew her name, instead he was offering her an invitation to stay, as if they were that close.
“Thanks Cody, but I think I can manage.” She finished her beer and for up to leave, overwhelmed by the situation she had found herself in, all because of the situation she’d so dumbly put herself in earlier that night. She was never a charity case, and there was something about the way the silver moon seemed to reflect on J’s green eyes (thought impossible) that made her question things. Was he like Kyle Ruiz, wanting whatever he could get too?
Heading towards the sliding door, she felt his hand grasp her rust, gently holding her in place. 
Cool. His hands were the opposite of Kyle’s; where his left painful burns, J’s was cool and soothing, immediately making her heart slow. Like she was safe.
“Stay,” he said softly before clearing his throat and letting go of her wrist. “Until he’s not angry about not getting his way anymore. As much as Kyle’s a dumbass who can’t pass freshman math, he’s a street smart. Knows how to get what he wants. Until he moves on.” While he had been talking he stripped his bed of the pillows and blanket. A hint of a smile finally crossed his features. “You can stay in here, I’ll have the couch. Goodnight Y/N.”
“Hey, uh, J?” She called, making him look back at her. “Thank you.”
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comphy-and-cozy · 3 years
Keeping You Waiting - J Cody x OFC
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Summary: J Cody doesn’t have a history of healthy relationships. When his ex shows up to a party for the first time since their break up, she isn’t sure what will happen, but she knows for certain it will be a night she won’t forget, no matter how badly she wants to.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Filthy, filthy smut. Very little plot. I’m not sorry. Unprotected sex, rough-ish sex. Brief drug mention.
The music reverberates through her body, bass pumping as she maneuvers through the throngs of drunk teens and twenty-somethings. The heady scent of weed, mingled with cigarette smoke and bad tequila clings to her nostrils, and she waits for her senses to adjust to the smell. Nervous anticipation fills her core, eyes scanning the room for familiar faces; or, more realistically, a familiar face that she somehow simultaneously dreads and longs to see.
“Whoa, look who finally made it out,” a voice calls from behind her, causing her to turn around in the direction of the sound. She knows that voice.
She smiles, the head of greasy blond hair a comforting sight amid the sea of strangers. He turns his head to blow cigarette smoke out of the corner of his mouth before opening his arms for a hug as she greets him, “Hi, Deran.”
“Hey yourself, girl,” he replies, giving a quick squeeze before taking another drag of his cigarette. “Good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you, too,” she answers, and she means it. He was always friendly with her, quickly falling into a sort of pseudo-older-brother type of relationship, and she had missed his company in her… absence.
There’s a beat of silence as the unspoken question hangs in the air between them, thick with uncertainty.
“He’s around here, somewhere.”
“I figured.”
“There’s a girl hanging around him,” he says with a warning tone, a flash of concern in his blue eyes as he flicks the ash off his cigarette. “Just so you know.”
She rolls her eyes, resisting the urge to scoff. “I couldn’t give less of a fuck.”
“I’m just saying,” Deran says, holding his hands up in a mock defense.
She finds her way to the cooler, in search of a beer — though she’d really like something stronger — before making her way back to Deran.
“How’ve you been?” she asks conversationally, taking a sip of her shitty beer of choice.
“Oh, you know, same old,” shrugs Deran. “Smurf went on a tirade this morning, so I’ve been hiding out at the bar all day.”
She nods, understanding the sentiment, opting to take another drink.
“You should come see it. We got a new stereo system and re-tiled the bathrooms. It looks great.”
“I’d love that,” she muses. “I don’t know how, but you make the best greasy potato fries ever.”
He grins, “It’s a secret recipe.”
And that’s when she sees him, leaning against the wall so casually, one hand in his pocket, the other loosely holding a sweating glass bottle from which he takes a long swig. He’s flanked by two girls, both vying for his affections, and it is strange to see, considering he is a man who prefers to sit on the sidelines rather than be the center of attention.
Light from the tiki torch next to him casts a warm glow over his tanned skin, allowing the darkness in his eyes to be accentuated. Even at a party, he is cunning, aware, planning, and she briefly wonders if he’s seen her.
The muscles in his neck jump as he swallows the cold liquid, and her line of sight trails down over the plain, fitted tee he is wearing. He isn’t the most muscular guy, but she knows each line of the body that lies underneath the cotton of his shirt; she can practically feel the sinewy flesh beneath her fingertips as she watches him.
He looks good, and he knows it.
Read the rest on AO3!
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theliterarybeldam · 2 years
Five Thousand Dollars?!
Found this in some old writing journals. I'm pretty sure it was based off a prompt? I made a note that Josh was based off J Cody from Animal Kingdom 🤤
I don't wanna say this is a fic....but it's something? Anyways enjoy, while I go rewatch Animal Kingdom because now memories are coming back!
J Cody x OC!Reader
warnings: pregnancy
Main Masterlist
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“Oh god, I hope he’s okay..” Naomi whispered to herself as she cleaned up the living room for what seemed like the 5th today.
She was getting kind of worried about her boyfriend Josh. He was never really good at shopping by himself, but he insisted this time. It worried him to see Naomi walking around all the time at 7 months pregnant.
They had bought all the essentials already: diapers, baby wipes, breast pump, bottles, formula (though she would be breastfeeding majority of the time), and all the little knick knacks that came with expecting your first child. As well as gifts from the unavoidable baby shower thrown by Josh's grandma, Smurf.
The only thing that was missing was the crib. Josh and Naomi have been having a hard time with agreeing on one. Naomi knows the baby will probably be sleeping near them in a bassinet the first couple months, so she doesn’t want to spend a lot of money on a crib right now. Josh on the other hand has gone for the most expensive crib in EVERY. SINGLE. STORE.
Naomi froze remembering this as she grabbed a snack from the fridge.
“Shit.” She mumbled.
She had already dialed Josh’s cell when she heard the front door open. She walked over to the hallway warily, gasping seeing him dragging in a ready-made crib with one of the neighbors helping him.
“Thanks man, appreciate it.” he smiled at the neighbor before turning to Naomi excitedly as he closed the door with his foot. “Surprise!”
Naomi slowly walked around the crib rubbing her stomach gently.
“What. The hell. Is this?” she spoke slowly.
“Our new crib!”
She looked up at Josh raising an eyebrow.
“How much was it?”
“$5,000…” he mumbled looking away from his pregnant wife’s gaze.
“Five thousand dollars?! You have got to be kidding me.” She yelled walking away.
“Babe? Baby.” he said following her.
“You have 24 hours to take that shit back or you’re sleeping on the couch for the next 2 nights.”
Josh stopped walking and gaped at her.
“But it’s supposed to work super well….has a built in baby camera…mirrors since babies like mirrors…and a mobile that hangs over the baby or you can disconnect it and hang it from the ceiling.” He tried reasoning.
Naomi groaned sitting down on the couch looking at him.
“Take it back. You promised we’d get a simple crib.”
He sighed in defeat before nodding sitting next to her. It was quiet for a bit before Naomi gasped sharply.
“Are you okay?!” he asked worriedly putting his arm around her.
“I’m okay.” She giggled seeing him visibly relax. “The baby just keeps kicking the same spot. She’s trying to kick her way out or something.”
Josh began to rub the spot where the baby had kicked before freezing slightly.
“You said she…..does that mean..?”
Naomi grinned kissing his cheek and leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Yea you’re getting a little princess.”
“Damn I should’ve gotten the pink one then.” He mumbled, pulling her onto his lap and rubbing her belly softly.
He laughed to himself at his joke as she groaned irritated cuddling into her boyfriend.
“You’re lucky I love you.” She whispered as she fell asleep.
“Looks like we’re keeping it.” Josh mumbled to himself, smiling in victory, before carrying her sleeping figure upstairs.
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1-800-imagines · 3 years
Pool Day (Soft! J Cody Imagine)
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You were in charge of your little sisters who were 4 and 7 for the day. Your mom was out and your dad was at work. You were supposed to hang out with your boyfriend but you were accustomed to dropping plans when you had to babysit.
“Hey, I gotta watch my sisters. Sorry to bail.” You said quickly calling J to let him know.
“It’s Y/N,” He said, obviously to someone in the room with him, “She’s watching her sisters so she can’t come over. Sorry baby, hold on, Smurf is talking to me.” He paused for a second, “Smurf says to bring ‘em over. We can hang out by the pool.”
You smiled, “Yeah? Okay, that sounds great. Tell her thank you. We’ll be there in 30 minutes.” You hung up and went to get your sisters ready.
In 20 minutes, you were packed up, sun screened and changed. Olivia and Cecilia were excited. They LOVED J. You drove the 10 minutes to J’s and went through the gate. You prayed that they would be on their best behavior.
J was standing, waiting for you in his sunglasses and swim shorts. You smiled at the thought of him actively swimming and playing with your sisters.
Liv had to be watched since she was only 4. Cece could swim like a fish. You got Liv out of her car seat and Cece unbuckled herself. J walked up to the three of you and picked Cece up, “Hey, how are my favorite girls?”
“We’re good. Ready to swim!” You exclaimed to get the girls excited, you grabbed your bag from the front seat and walked towards the backyard.
Smurf was there with a spread of snacks, cookies and juice, “Oh wow.” You said.
“She was prepared. Had everything out and made in under the 30 minutes.” J chuckled. “Especially since she has food and stuff for Lena.”
“Thank you so much, Smurf. This is amazing. I already know the girls are gonna have a blast.” You smiled and put Liv on the ground. Cece had already made her way over to the food.
“Of course, baby. Anytime you need. Now girls, Grandma Smurf has a surprise for you.” Smurf kissed your cheek and walked over to Cece and Liv.
You looked back at J and smiled. “Hey hot stuff.” You trailed your finger along his abs.
“Hey baby,” J said and kissed you for a second, “I like your swimsuit,” he admired the emerald green bikini for a moment before moving his eyes back to your face.
You took his hand and lead him towards the pool, excited to just relax and swim with him and the girls. Smurf was there and had put a life jacket floaty on Liv who was seemingly happy about it.
J looked at the girls and smirked, “Hey Livvy, Ce. Watch this.” He took off running and cannonballed into the pool. The girls giggled hysterically and Cece took off after him.
You took Liv’s hand to get in the water with her. The life jacket made her float immediately and she was happy to be independent. J and Cece were in a splash battle on the other side of the pool.
Smurf was sitting by the side of the pool with a magazine and a cocktail, sipping it. “Come relax with me, baby!” She called to you.
J made his way over with Cece hanging on his arm, “Go relax. I’ll play with them. C’mere Livvy.” He smiled and Liv waded over to him. He hoisted her up to hold her. It melted your heart to see him with them and call them nicknames. He was so good with them and you just knew he would make an amazing dad one day.
“Okay, I’m right there if you need me.” You said and smiled, “Have fun.” You climbed out of the pool and sat in a lounger next to Smurf. Smurf and J both knew you needed a break. You were constantly working or watching the girls and barely got a chance to rest.
“You’re doing a good job. You take care of them like their your own and I admire that.” Smurf said, nodding. “But I want you to know that you’re apart of this family too. J loves you and so do I. Deran and Craig too. Anything you need, you got baby.”
The rest of the day you spent in and out of the pool watching J and the girls. Deran and Craig eventually came out too. The girls had a blast and ended up falling asleep on the couch before it was time to go home.
“Thanks for today,” You said, giving J a kiss goodbye after loading the girls in the car.
“Of course baby. We all had a great time. We could do this every day.” He said and kissed your forehead, “I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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cedricssmile · 5 years
i have a fare few 
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader (harry potter)
George Weasley x Fem Reader (harry potter)
Joshua “J” Cody x Fem Reader (animal kingdom)
Michael Gray x Fem Reader (peaky blinders)
John Shelby x Fem Reader (peaky blinders)
Finn Shelby x Fem Reader (peaky Blinders)
inserts so they will be the ones that I will be posting from now on!!!!
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god I love my boyfriend so freaking much. like what a babe
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Being J’s Twin Sister Would Include (Animal Kingdom)
Author: Cherry🍒 Requested: Anonymous.
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- Quickly becoming favoured by the uncles while J is Smurf’s favourite.
- Being able to get away with almost anything.
- Being welcomed into the jobs quicker than what J is.
- Getting to experience things you never thought you would be able to like skydiving, skiing, etc.
- Enjoying and loving the freedom of being rich and not having to worry about being financially unstable.
- Having sweet nicknames from Pope, Craig, Baz and Deran.
- Helping Deran run his bar, he’d even teach you how to bartend.
- Babysitting Lena for Baz and him letting you drive any of his cars from his collection.
- All of the uncles would be very protective of you, they’d never let anything bad happen to you or let Smurf get to you.
- Anytime you start dating they’d go into the very over-protective mode.
- Being taught how to fight and use weapons.
- Smurf teaching you how to cook.
- Always being J’s confidant.
- Having a pact with J to never let anything get between the two of you.
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obscure-imagines · 7 years
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“take a look at her.” Craig exclaimed, watching you on the beach.
J looked to the beach and his eyes found you immediately, you were the most beautiful girl there.
“best surfer gets to ask her our.” Craig stated, “which will be me.”
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myscxllanxous · 7 years
Can you do what dating J Cody would be like?
Dating J Cody would Include…•J is always caught up with the hectic and harsh side part of his life when living with his grandmother, so he’d come over to your house just to cool down and chill out and be an actual teenager • When he comes over, he’d just lie on your bed and not really do anything • Smurf inviting you over to the house for dinner • Helping clean up afterwards • Maybe smoking a joint with his uncles on the off occasion but other than that you just do it with him or not at all • Hand holding • Cuddling • Stealing kisses from each other all the time • Helping each other out with homework • Scolding him because he never goes to school anymore • Being comfortable with Nicky around but it’s still kind of awkward • He’ll always joke about pushing you in the pool until he actually does it and you have something important in your pocket • He’d shower you with gifts. But gifts like, buying you your favourite snack and dropping it off at school just because • Walks on the beach • Playing with Lena when she comes over • Spooning • Having sex when the house is empty and it’s either a quickie or its really intimate
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peakyblinders1919 · 2 years
Hey how are you hope you are ok I got a request 
For j Cody
So u and j are dating and you find out you are pregnant well basically you and j are at his and you get these really bad stomach pains and later find out you are in labour and you give birth and than later told everyone by bringing her or him round to show everyone and just cute you don’t have to do it hope that makes sense x
“Are you sure about this?”
“No,” he said gruffly, eyes hidden behind shades. It wasn’t his idea in the first place. If your boyfriend had it his way, none of his family would know about Kai.
Sleeping sounding in her blue and white striped blanket, you carefully took her seat out of the car. Unexpected, yes. A mistake, no. Never. How could something so beautiful, so perfect, ever be considered a mistake?
Taking her carrier from him, he opened the gate to his grandmother’s house with the other, letting you walk in first before him. Lips firm in a tight line, he didn't know what more he could say. It was hours of conversation that carried into the night about whether or not the rest of the Cody’s needed to know the family had increased by one. He wasn’t ashamed, never could be of something so miraculous, her tiny nose that you swore was a perfect match to his sending him into tears the first time he laid eyes on it. On her. His daughter. Never did he think he would be saying that by 21, but things happen for a reason. 
He had been adamant about protecting you from the moment he’d fallen in the love, and even more adamant about protecting Kia the moment she was born. And that’s why he had very strong opinions on bringing her over.
Very aware of the Cody’s reputation, someone who had very little living family left to rely on, you weren’t one to willingly take that away from her. If Kai even had one more person in her corner besides yourself and J, you considered that a win in her book. In the end, like everything else, you had convinced J that this was the best with a little help from your very convincing lips.
“Oh, baby, your home. We just put dinner out.” Smurf’s greeting was sweet, sickly sweet J thought. His knuckles white, grip tight, on the car seat carrier. Of course, she was being overly welcoming, she always was but he hadn’t been around for months, haven’t seen his family for months as he tried to disassociate. They were all bound for a surprise. 
“What’d you got there baby?”
“Is that a literal baby?” Craig’s voice came as he popped the top off his beer.
“Why does J have a baby?” Pope’s comment was devoid of any emotion or shock, just curious as everyone crowded around the kitchen. 
Smurf remained silent, eyes narrowed and falling not onto her great-granddaughter, but onto you. 
“Well, who’s this?” The California breeze wafting into the house from the backyard is cool, sometimes a relief against the hot sun, but today is the signal of what can be described as the start of California winter. Chilly, cold, with a bite, icy and mirroring Smurf’s question.
“This is Kai. Your…” his mouth unbelievably dry, your elbow to his side edged him on to finish. “Your great-granddaughter.”
“And you didn’t tell us…” The question hung in the air, the uncles less than interested in a new Cody, she wasn’t a threat to their fortune yet, what did it matter But you swore you saw a bit of a smile grace Deran’s lips as he looked at her for a fleeting moment. 
“Well, let me get a proper look at my great grandbaby…”
You could read J like a book; all rigid and stiff, telling you, telling everyone that he wasn’t comfortable with her touching his daughter, taking an involuntary step back as she approached. A comforting hand rested on his shoulder, a curt nod sent his way to reassure him that it needed to happen and it might as well happen now. For all the murdering they did, you knew in your heart that Smurf wouldn’t hurt Kai. Blood.
J knew a different story, and watched a smile sit uncomfortably, unfamiliar on the woman’s face. J knew Smurf loved her family, and her boys, and yet she’d hated Julie, hurt her, and left her to die. He knew what smurf thought of Cody's women, and he’d be damned if she tried anything like that on his little girl, her peach fuzz already a mysterious shade of brown, darker than his and yours, a bit of his mom passed down in a way that made him hurt more. A may that made him remember his mom, mourn her again, and fight for what she deserved all those years ago. 
He now had two women to avenge. 
And it was your quick wit that had convinced him this was the best way. Even late last night, surrounded by pink and purple painted butterflies on the wall, you nursing Kai, the three of you with barely any sleep keeping you energized, you remembered something your mother said to you, something his mother said once or twice, “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”
She’d never be the wiser to J’s ways with a new little bundle to focus on.
“See, it’s alright. It’s working,” you whispered in his ear, doing anything you could to ease the tension you felt in his shoulders, his focus razor-sharp on his daughter in his grandmother’s greedy arms. 
“She’s safe. She’ll always be. She has you.”
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comphy-and-cozy · 3 years
sunkissed - J Cody
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Summary: J Cody has a crush, and he decides to do something about it once and for all.
Word Count: 3,862 words
Warnings: Smut/NSFW (18+ ONLY). Brief alcohol/drug mention, cocaine use, choking, semi-public sex, unprotected sex.
J Cody doesn’t do ‘crushes’.
They’re silly, and foolish, in his opinion, they’re bad news. It always starts off looking cute and shiny and new, and they might even last for a good little while. You’ll do the kisses, and the dates, and it’ll all seem like sunshine and daisies, but in the end, they always end in heartbreak. To J, romance is just another distraction.
And then came you.
It was never supposed to happen. You were Craig’s girl — sort of — at least, as much as any girl could really be Craig’s. He’d see you around at the house often, usually out by the pool or rummaging through the fridge wearing one of Craig’s oversized t-shirts. Your relationship was civil and limited, never having a reason to progress much further than that.
Sure, J found you attractive, but he had never viewed you as a viable prospect; you were with Craig, and that was that. No qualms, no objections, no problems. Until one day, everything changed.
It was a Saturday afternoon in the middle of June, the kind of day that made J thankful Smurf had a large pool and a well-kept tiki bar. It was scorching hot, which meant that friends from all over Oceanside came to the Cody house for some reprieve from the heat and the tourist-covered beaches.
J had stepped inside to cool off, needing a temporary break from socializing. He put his phone on the charger in his room, glancing at his messages before stepping down the hall to the bathroom.
However, instead of an empty room, he opened the door only to be taken aback by the sight in front of him: You, bent over the counter, with Craig behind you, his hands gripping your waist as he drove into you. Your eyes were closed, fingers clutching onto the sink, and the light reflected off your hair as it shifted with each pound of Craig’s hips.
J froze, unable to move, his fight or flight response slightly delayed. That, plus he was a bit mesmerized by the curve of your ass and the way your tits looked pressed into the countertop, and God, those moans that were echoing out of the sink were enough to make any man lose his train of thought.
Craig’s eyes met J’s, his pupils blown out from the coke, holding contact for just long enough before he winked and returned to his focus, railing you into oblivion. You hadn’t noticed his entrance, too caught up in the sensation, which was just as well, as J’s delayed reaction finally caught up to him. He offered a quick, apologetic nod toward his uncle before backing out and shutting the door quietly, turning around and walking briskly back to his room.
He couldn’t help himself as his fingers nimbly locked the door, quickly slipping a hand into his shorts. He might be embarrassed at his prepubescent reaction to the encounter, but he couldn’t deny the heavy twitch of his cock or the way it felt to replay your moans in his head as his hand pumped himself. As he got himself off in record time, surrounded by thoughts of you, he knew he was in trouble.
Since that day, nearly a year ago, J did his best to wrap up his feelings. At first, he just avoided you, making excuses to leave any time you were around. He soon came to realize that would be impossible with the amount of time you spent at the house, and so his only solace was in the private dark of his own room, the image of you burned into his eyelids while he desperately imagined his hand was you.
It ate away at him, the casual interactions and the light of your smile and over the course of several months, you got to know each other bit by bit. And bit by bit, his feelings for you grew until they were no longer deniable: he had a crush on you. And J Cody doesn’t do crushes.
And now here you are, standing in front of him with your skin and your curves on display, taunting him in the worst way. The strings of your bikini are tantalizing, his fingers itching to tug ever so slightly at the ties and watch the fabric fall away. Not like it’s covering up much, anyways. Minx.
It was Deran’s idea to have a family trip to celebrate the success of their latest job. J had moved into a beachside place with a dock that was otherwise useless, and with the volume of the most recent hauls, it was easy to justify the purchase of a boat. ‘We’ve got to live a little,’ J had said.
You received an invite, despite the fact that your relationship with Craig was more than fluid and currently far from stable. The boat was big enough to hold about 10, but the boys kept the invite list small for a Cody gathering, hoping to keep things a bit more intimate.
Which is how you find yourself seated between Pope and Adrian, wind whipping through your hair, as J drives along the coast. It’s warm, and the breeze feels incredible on your skin, and you close your eyes to soak in the sunshine. When you open them again, you catch the tail end of J’s glance, interrupted by Craig’s loud sniffling as he takes a bump off the railing.
You hide the roll of your eyes, thankful for the cover of your sunglasses, as you watch the water rolling in the distance. Once you’re sure it’s safe, you find your eyes trailing back to the captain, who’s watching the horizon for oncoming traffic.
His jaw ticks and you can’t help but notice the way his thumb drums on the steering wheel, your eyes trailing over the cut of his bicep. To say you hadn’t looked at him like that before would be a lie, and the fact that your ties to Craig were no longer romantic made the attraction that much sweeter.
So when J’s fingers brush against yours when he passes you a beer, you offer him a smile. And, yeah, maybe you target him over everyone else to rub the sunscreen into your back, and maybe you bend over a beat longer than necessary when you’re fishing snacks out of the cooler. So what?
His sunglasses stay on for most of the day, but you’re pretty sure you notice the more-frequent-than-usual glances. Or is it your imagination? At least once, you’re sure he catches you — but, honestly, how are you not supposed to admire the water dripping down his toned, tanned torso when he climbs out of the water?
The day passes slowly, putzing around the bay and finding a place to drop anchor, spending a few hours swimming, drinking, and having some rare quality time. There’s no bickering, no discussion of future jobs, and, for once, no stress, but instead laughter — real laughter. It’s the most relaxed you’d seen any of them in years, and, honestly, it looks good on them, especially on J.
After a few hours baking in the sun and a few too many drinks for some, you make your way back to shore. Craig stumbles toward the dock, and you roll your eyes, annoyed — his lack of self-control had been part of the reason you broke up, not that there was much of a relationship to break up. Adrian casts you a sympathetic glance as he and Deran support Craig’s arms, heaving him up onto the dock.
“Come on, man,” Deran mutters to him. “Let’s get you inside.”
“You coming?” Adrian pauses to ask you.
“I’ll help J clean up. See you later, Adrian.”
He nods, following the other two and Pope down the dock, heading back toward the house. It’s quiet, save for the gentle crash of the waves and the sound of the cans and bottles being collected.
“You think Craig noticed you checking me out?” J’s voice breaks the silence.
Read the rest on AO3!
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judysxnd · 3 years
Risking everything - part one
Okay so I guess I finally got some motivation to write the imagine I had in mind for a while now. I even got a bigger idea as I started writing. Hope you’ll like it! As usual I don’t like what I do, so I think it’s shitty.
Warnings: mention of domestic violence
sum: you have a violent father who tries to keep you as close as possible to him, especially since he discovered that you started dating J. He knew about his family, which you didn’t. One night your father has to leave for “business”, but he doesn’t leave you alone, and has paid two guards to stay with you. You got rid of them and you managed to stay at J’s place. But it won’t go as planned.
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“I told you once already, you stay away from that boy!” My father yelled. I was currently in the kitchen. My father had heard about me dating Joshua Cody some time ago. He warned me if I stayed with him I didn’t dare say a thing yet.
“I don’t want you to be close to his family, and-”
“I didn’t even meet his family!”
“I DON’T CARE” my father yelled as he step really close to me. I closed my eyes, scared he would touch me again. My heartbeats were going on like crazy, I thought my heart would just burst out of my chest. “you stay away from him, or I’ll make you” I opened my eyes again, meeting with his. I recognised this expression, the one he had when he locked me up in my bedroom for a few days. I was shaking with fear. “Got it?” I nodded. “I need you to say it” he said holding my face, forcing me to look directly at him.
“I got it” he smiled.
“good. now go to your bedroom” I left without saying anything.
I haven’t seen J in a couple days already, and it was killing me. The relationship we had was making this shit so worth it. We’ve been seen each other for a couple months. I was surprised my father didn’t say a thing before, maybe he didn’t know. Whatever. He was now, and I didn’t know how to tell J. I don’t have my phone anymore, nor my tablet. I just had my computer, but it’s controlled.
I was laying in bed, fighting the urge to cry, when I heard footsteps, then the door suddenly opened. It was my father, if I could call him that.
“I have to leave for a while. But I’m not leaving you alone” then two massive guys showed up behind him.
“guards??? seriously???”
“what did you expect?” he smiled. “I can’t let you alone and you know that.” he then left. The two guards stayed still, looking at me. I sat in my bed, not being able to do anything else. Then I heard a car leaving.
Wherever I was going in the house, I had those two guys following me. They were staying so close to me it was so annoying.
“You know I’m not stupid, I’m not going to leave” They didn't say anything. I went to my bedroom. “Can I at least close the door to have intimacy?” They looked at each other. One guard stepped inside, went to check the bathroom and then the windows, then went back in the corridor.
“Don’t lock it. We’re not going anywhere, we’re staying here” I simply closed the door.
“I need to find a way out of here” I whispered. I went to the window.
“too high” then I had an idea.
“SHIT” I said out loud, the door suddenly opened.
“what happened?”
“I- no, nothing, I just remembered that I have this project for tomorrow with my friend”
“then do it”
“didn’t you hear me? I said it was with my FRIEND dumb ass. I need to go to her place so we can finish it”
“I can’t even talk to her ! I don’t have a phone ! I can’t do anything on my computer ! If I fail this, my father will not be happy about it. And you know who he’ll blame? You guys, because I will tell you that you refused to help me” They didn’t say anything for a moment.
“Fine. But make it quick”
“I’ll need to stay there for the night.”
“No way”
“how do you want us to write an entire essay in just a few hours?” they rolled their eyes.
“you can check my location with my computer and you’ll know what I’ll be doing on it, I won’t go anywhere, I promise”
I finally arrived at my best friend’s place. She knew most of my situation. She wanted to say something to the police and all, but I begged her not to do anything. He is bribing them, so it would come back at us. I rang at the door.
“y/n? What are you doing here?”
“I’ll explain, let me in please” I quickly went to her bedroom. She followed me.
After some time, I finally told her everything.
“that was genius, those guards are dumb as hell”
“tell me about it. Can I use your phone? I need to speak to J” she smiled
“no problemo, you can even tell him to come” I looked at her.
“now you’re the genius one! I wanted to try and sneak out of here”
“very risky, it’s less dangerous if he comes”
“thank you”
half an hour later, I heard knocking on the window. We both turned to see J. I ran to the window to open it. When he was fully inside, I hugged him tightly.
“I missed you so much”
“Me too” he said “where have you been? you weren’t at school today”
“I need to tell you everything J” he was kind of confused.
“I’ll leave you two alone” you best friend said.
For the next twenty minutes J and you were sitting on the bed. You were explaining him everything.
“I can help you y/n”
“J, I appreciate that, but you can’t. He is armed and violent, it’s not a good combination”
“now it’s my turn to tell you the truth”
“Your dad is kind of right to make you stay away from my family”
“They- we.. rob places, my grandmother, smurf, she is paying a lot of people, she has an entire business, so when I say we can help, it means we can”
“I don’t know what to say”
“Just say yes. Y/N, you can’t stay in that situation, he locked you up, he beat you, that’s not acceptable. I won’t let that happen to you again.” You smiled. He was so protective over you, and you liked it. You hesitated for a moment. You thought about your past. Yes your dad was a bad person now, but he wasn’t always like that. Before your mom died, he was the opposite.
“yes” J was kind of surprised, but he was happy.
“Okay, we need a plan. To protect you, you need to come with me.”
“I have two guards outside waiting for me” he hesitated “maybe I can go back home, and sneak out, you pick me up and then we’re good.”
“No no, I don’t want you to go back there”
“I know, but we can’t do it here. I don't want to put my best friend in danger. They’ll go after her if something happens here. Plus, I could take my stuff at my place”
“If I leave now, in an hour you can pick me up, is it okay?”
“okay, I’ll park not to close to your house, but I’ll wait under your window so you can give me your stuff”
“Are we really doing this?” J cupped your face with both of his hands.
“Yes we are” You kissed him passionately. He was doing this all for you. Risking his life, his family, for you. It meant so much.
After explaining everything to your best friend, J left, and you were heading outside too.
“be careful” she said.
“I’ll tell you everything once I’m settled”
“I love you”
“I love you too, and be careful too, they can come asking questions.”
“Don’t worry about me”
I walked towards the car where the guards stayed. I opened the door and sat.
“We can go now”
“I thought you said you were staying the night”
“I know, but we finished early, and I’m not feeling really well” we left.
An hour later, I packed most of my stuff, and was waiting for J to show up. I had kept my window open so I could hear him coming. I was laying on my bed, when I heard footsteps outside. When I went to check, I saw J which made me smile. He made a sign so I could give him my stuff. I grabbed my bags and threw them outside. After he got everything and brought it to the car, he came back, I was about to try to go outside when the guards knocked at my door.
“shit” I whispered. I went back inside and told J to hide. I then went at the door. “Yes?”
“What are you doing?”
“Why your window is open?”
“Got hot”
“it’s not”
“I didn’t say it was. I say I was”
“Close it”
“I will, now if you’ll let me, I said earlier that I didn’t feel well, so I’m going to bed” I was about to close the door, but the guard stopped me.
“don’t close the door”
“I’m not sleeping knowing you’re at my door watching me”
“closed or not we’ll be here”
“with the door close I won’t see it. And you said it, opened or not, you’ll be here”
“you better not try to do anything”
“good night” I said closing the door. I waited a few minutes, then I closed the window, but I closed it from the outside. After a few minutes and a lot of thinking I was downstairs. I don’t know how I got down but I did.
“You did it” said J, smiling.
“Let’s get out of here before they find out” J took my hand and we ran away.
We finally arrived at his place. I went there a few times, but we were always alone, his family was never around. It meant I was going to meet them. It was past midnight, and no one seemed to be sleeping. We arrived in the kitchen with all my stuff. An old lady was waiting for us, I guessed it was his grandmother.
“Hi baby” she said “how do you feel?”
“good, but I probably think it’s the adrenaline, I'll be panicked in a minute” she laughed.
“don’t worry, you’re safe here”
“are you sure? My dad is very dangerous”
“where do you want me to put those?” a man interrupted us. He was holding two big guns.
“put them on the table with the others” then I saw the rest of it. There were guns every where.
“What is this for?” I said.
“I told you you were safe here” she said “we’re going to protect you” she put her arm around my neck “now you need to rest, go with J to your bedroom” I turned to face J, then I followed him.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Is it weird that- I wasn’t scared ?”
“Scared of leaving?”
“Yeah, but, also- all those guns, I wasn’t scared, it made me feel safe”
“no it’s not weird” he smiled. I was sitting on his bed, he sat next to me.
“you know that my dad has probably the same stuff on his side, and he won’t mind use it”
“that’s why we got this, we won’t mind use it too” I looked at him.
“Thank you, for everything, for risking your life, risking everything for me” he simply smiled and kissed me.
“Come on, let’s go to bed, you deserve it”
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1-800-imagines · 4 years
Let me help you (J Cody Imagine)
Request: “Let me help you.” with J Cody
Authors note and trigger warning: A little bit angsty but also fluffy, mentions of depression. Also soft J again
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You were overwhelmed. Exhausted. Your depression was taking over your life. You felt helpless, worthless even. You didn’t know what to do anymore. You were currently sitting in your shower with the water running on you with your bra and underwear on. You just felt defeated and this was the best you could do at the moment.
You knew you needed to get up and take your underwear off but you didn’t have any energy to. You just couldn’t. You couldn’t even explain it. 
You had been in the shower for over 30 minutes when J walked in from your bedroom. “Baby?” He said, looking at you opening the shower door and immediately getting in with his underwear on too, not caring. “What’s wrong?”
Tears had been streaming down your face for a while. You just felt numb. You shook your head, “I-I just can’t...”
He picked up your face in his hands, “Let me help you.” He said softly. He stood up and picked you up with him. He held you close to him while he stripped you of your clothes and he stripped him. He rinsed your hair and scrubbed it together. You wanted to protest, you just didn’t have the willpower. 
“I’m sorry.” You said softly.
“Don’t be sorry. I’m always going to take care of you. I love you, okay?” He titled your head up to look at you. He nodded and continued to wash your hair. Once he was done, he turned the water off and got out of the shower. He wrapped you in a towel and carried you into bed. He was doing everything perfectly.
“I love you, J. So much. More than you know.” He smiled lightly at you and kissed you.
“I know you do baby. You take care of me when I need it too.” He pulled out one of his shirts and handed it to you, you slipped it and some underwear on and crawled back into bed. J followed soon after and let you curl into him. “We don’t have to do anything today, okay?” J knew exactly how to make you feel better.
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
Finn Cole: The King of Animal Kingdom and Kingston. I introduce to you Mr Finn Cole, my boyfriend and my favourite actor of all time. We love him as Michael Gray in Peaky Blinders and Joshua “J” Cody in animal Kingdom. He is beautiful and kind, we just can’t help but fall in love with him. We love and support you finn.
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Harry Kirton: The Prince of fashion and Peaky blinders, I introduce to you the youngest of the Shelby brothers who plays Finn on Peaky Blinders it’s Harry Kirton everyone, I just love Harry he seems so sweet, he’s beautiful I can’t wait to see what he does next in his acting career. He’s a perfect model. He’s another one of my crushes. GO HARRY.
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Joe Cole: The King of Gangs of London. We will see him next in the Ipcress File and Against the Ice 🧊. I introduce to you all Mr Joe Cole, not to be confused with Joe Cole the footballer ⚽️ 😝 I love Joe with all of my heart, he’s a fantastic actor and I imagine he’s a fantastic brother to Finn, Harley, Rory and Declan. I love John Shelby and I was so sad to see him leave the show and die. I can’t wait to see the Ipcress file and against the ice. Love yah Joe.
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I just love Finn, Harry and Joe and I love Michael, Finn and John. They are all perfect and talented.
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honeykngdom · 5 years
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prompt: person A sits on the last bench in a corner and writes things like ‘I hate physics’, ‘I’m bored’, etc on the desk. person B takes another course which is conducted in that same room, sits at the same desk and replies to all what person A writes. now they have shared all their life stories with each other except for their identities a/n: obviously this was revised a little but like .. the idea still applies. 
In the corner of the tiny lecture hall, there sat a clock. It’s ticking echoed loudly in the midst of the silent room. Students huddled over their Scantrons, trying to fill in bubbles to the correct corresponding answers, in hopes of passing their midterms. Jillian — Maddox, as she preferred  — finished her exam earlier than she anticipated and now sat listening to the tick, tick, tick of the clock above her head. She attempted to busy herself for the last twenty minutes, taking her pencil to the bottom of the desk to start drawing floral patterns and geometric shapes.
It was to her dismay that she arrived Monday morning for her midterm exam and noticed that the desks were clean, erasing all previous conversations she had with her desk buddy. This came as a surprise, given that she noticed over the last two months the janitor hadn’t once made his way to the back row to collect garbage.
She had been looking forward to the response. When their notes first began, it wasn’t by her own fault. Maddox complained about hating the professor’s stupid bow ties. Turns out, whoever sat in this same desk after her also happened to dislike his bow ties.
The first three days had been full of small talk. What’s your major, are you a local, etcetera. By the time the first week was over, they were exchanging stories. She knew they liked her drawings., and that they were the same age. She knew this person felt like they had very little control in their life, and that bothered them. She knew they were private. She knew they had uncles that weren’t always the friendliest. From this, she drew the conclusion that this friend might feel a little lost.
But, they lived with their grandmother. That couldn’t be all bad, right?
Maddox contemplated an idea for several minutes before she thought fuck it , and wrote it down. Above the flower she finished, she left her phone number. Just in case , she added along with it. She didn’t expect a response, and then realized she very well could have given a super gross random her phone number. But she was curious to know if her desk buddy had made hedge way with their uncles.
Then, she erased the number and sat back with a huff. She repeated this action at least twice more before she decided to leave the number. All things considered, if she ended up needing to, she could change it later.
When the class came to an end, and students handed in their midterms, Maddox left the lecture hall whilst shoving her headphones in. Her attention was elsewhere when she knocked into a hard body. The impact caused her to stumble back into the student behind her, earning her a hard shove from the victim and she fell forward again. The hand that caught her happened to snag onto her headphone wires in the process, ripping them out of place.
“Hey,” the voice in front of her was hard, almost angry. “Watch it, douchebag.”
Maddox brought her eyes up to the boy standing in front of her, using his arms to keep her upright. He had been the body she ran into , but that was no ones fault. His eyes narrowed, glaring at the group of students that passed her; they wore matching polo shirts and khakis. How fucking lame.
When there was less traffic, Maddox fixed her ear buds back into place and looked down at her phone. “You okay?” It startled her for a moment. She didn’t realize that she still had company, thinking that he would have carried on into the lecture hall.
“I’ll live.” She replied, offering him a tight smile. Then, she gestured to the open room behind her, “Good luck.”
She left him standing by the door, pulling her hood up over her hair and into the gentle rain. Students ran along the narrow sidewalks, scurrying to get cover, Maddox joining suit until she safely made it across campus to the parking lot. Her black Hyundai Elantra sat isolated in the far left; the Hyundai was something she had to split with her twin brother. It worked in her favour that the rain held off until she happened to have the vehicle for the afternoon to avoid getting caught in it.
Public transportation in Oceanside wasn’t exactly the most reliable.
Maddox threw her bag into the backseat and sat for a few moments, relishing the sound of the rain hitting the roof of the car. She let the heater blow on low while she looked through her playlist, sounds of her favourite band playing quietly through the speakers Jaxson had installed a week after Joey handed it the car down to them.
The ride back towards the shops on the strand was shorter than anticipated. With the unusually cool weather, most of Oceanside’s residents were dry indoors. Those on the road were only outside because they had to be. She was almost home when her phone vibrated in the cup holder. She assumed it was one of her brothers, could even be Joey’s fiancee, but there was a brief glimmer of hope.
It could be her desk buddy.
With that in mind, she turned onto her street and barreled towards the driveway, barely missing the curb at the front as she pulled into the garage and parked. Simultaneously, she undid her seatbelt and opened her phone, excited to see it was an unknown number.
OUTGOING: pls tell me ur the one ive been talking to for the last week
She waited in the driver's seat with her phone in hand, bottom lip caught between her teeth as the last of the warmth from her heaters began to dissipate.
OUTGOING: if so, ur reply from fri was cleaned off the desk
It was several moments before a reply came through.
UNKNOWN: that’s unfortunate
Maddox blinked, staring down at the words. Instead of giving them a response, she reached for her bag and stormed into the house. She didn’t expect anyone to be home, but it wouldn’t have surprised her if she found Elena lounging in the backyard with a mimosa in hand.
Instead, the house was silent, meaning the boys were out doing what they did best, and Elena was doing what she did best. Maddox was the only one in her family not overly mixed up in the lifestyle her eldest brother had chosen, but she decided that if it meant rent was paid on time and they had food, she could turn her cheek the other way every once in a while. Grabbing a bottle of juice from the fridge on her way down to her room, she pulled her phone out and gnawed on her bottom lip in contemplation.
UNKNOWN: how’d you do on the midterm?
OUTGOING: I finished it in like half an hour.  what do you think?
UNKNOWN: did u study?
Maddox rolled her eyes, mouth stretching into a knowing smile. Absolutely not. She typically didn’t need to, but truthfully physics wasn’t her major, and it certainly wasn’t her strong suit. She sent back a laughing emoji, then turned her attention to her laptop on her desk, hopeful to finish the lit paper due the following day.
It was quiet for a few hours following her response; the house was still empty, her paper was nearly finished and she was heating up leftovers from last night’s dinner. Maddox had named the unknown contact ‘Desk Friend’, but after hours of silence, it seemed she may not hear back from them.
When a reply finally did come through, it was the following day after her last class. This conversation lasted longer than before, and went well into the late hours of the night. When midnight came and her eyes began to feel heavy, she rolled over in her bed onto her side and plucked the phone from the nightstand.
DESK FRIEND: my uncles are having a party tomorrow. U wanna come?
She was hesitant to agree. Mostly because the majority of their conversations had taken place on a desk and through the phone. She didn’t even know who she was really talking to. But, Jillian Maddox didn’t have many friends, if any at all. She had her brothers, she had Elena, and a pen pal she wrote back in the sixth grade -- and then her Desk Friend.
OUTGOING: won’t it be all old people?
DESK FRIEND: definitely not. there are some students I invited.
Deciding she would sleep on it, she rolled back over towards the wall and pulled the blanket up over her head.
┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
 After much deliberation and a lengthy conversation with her brothers, she had been allotted a few hours of freedom. It was ridiculous to her that she was twenty and still asking for permission to go out, but sometimes it was necessary. Joey didn’t like taking risks, and he saw his little (and only) sister to be one of the biggest compromises to the family. For this reason, she wasn’t allowed to make (or keep) very many friends.
Joey never worried about Jax, mostly because her twin was already good at keeping his distance from people. Being an introvert worked in the family's favour. But even as a child, Maddox always had light around her. She was bubbly and inviting -- perhaps not so much anymore, due to years of isolation, but Joey could see it every time she got a little too comfortable with someone new.
It was safe to say nervous was an understatement. Her stomach flipped upside down, erupting with butterflies each time she thought about having to fully face her new friend. Could she call them a friend? Who are they? Maddox didn’t know whose house she was even going to -- she lied and told Joey it was some girl named Martha from lit.
Stupidly, he believed her. Normally because she didn’t have any reason to lie.
Her desk mate had said that if she wanted to, she could bring a swimsuit. Given that Maddox was fair skinned, she opted out of that part of the offer. Her attire consisted of cut offs and a frilly top, only bothering to grab a small bag to keep her keys and wallet handy in.
It turned out her new friend didn’t live too far from where she was, deciding to walk versus talking the car. Just in case.
You definitely should not drink.
In ten short minutes she was turning onto the street she needed to. The driveway was packed, but the gate (which you could tell was typically locked) was left wide open; from a distance, Maddox could hear the loud laughter and heavy bass. The music increased in volume as she made her way into the backyard.
It was decorated in pretty string lights, the garden in the far back a touch she certainly admired. Desk buddy had been right. Students had been invited. There were also a lot of adults in their mid to late twenties, and tons of girls varying from all ages. Which was slightly appalling, given that some relationships she could see were definitely not okay.
Her stomach erupted with another bout of butterflies, wondering when or if she’d hear from the anonymous texter. Maybe she needed a drink after all. If for any good reason, just to calm her nerves; currently her skin was hot and her chest felt tight.
It didn’t look like it mattered who took from where, so she bent to grab a fruity cooler from one of the large bins. A couple she recognized from campus watched her from their seats by the pool, and perhaps rightfully so. Maddox didn’t associate with any of her peers — regardless of Joey’s rules, she made zero effort to talk to anyone. She stuck her headphones in, always made herself busy. It was probably baffling to see her outside of the classroom, and she was definitely stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the bare skin that was darkly tanned.
She caught her lip anxiously between her teeth when she decided to pull her phone from her rear pocket and hit call. Not that she would speak if they answered, she just wanted to look around to see who might happen to pick up their phone. Of course she called four times before she realized she wasn’t calling a dead phone, and regretted the idea immediately.
Her drink was nearly finished after fifteen minutes, hoping if she nursed it long enough, she would hear from someone.
But nothing.
Maddox wondered if it might have been some sort of sick joke. Suddenly she found she was embarrassed for one too many reasons already, and decided she to go home. After swallowing the last of her raspberry beverage, she began walking back towards the way she came in, dodging the large leaves of a bush when she crashed into a hard frame. This time the hands of the offender were quick and caught her before she could stumble backwards.
This guy again?
“I’m sorry,” he laughed, eyes looking over her for a few moments before recognition lit his features. Features that Maddox found very appealing — hard jawline, pretty eyes, freckles of his own to match hers.
Joshua Cody.
Yeah, she knew of him. Most kids from Oceanside did, not much about him personally, but everyone knew about Nicky, and Nicky talked. Outside of their budding relationships, everyone knew he was one of the only kids from high school that ever paid attention in class or did the assignments.
They also knew he was trouble.
And her family? Well, Elena had connections of her own that made her privy to information about The Cody family most folks in Oceanside didn’t know about. Given that they worked in a similar business, it was only natural Elena tried to stay on top of things.
That was part of why Maddox wasn’t allowed to get too close to people. And this was the last person she wanted to be talking to.
“No biggie. I was just leaving.”
“Oh.” Was she seeing things, or did he look slightly disappointed? “You don’t seem very drunk.”
She shrugged, “I don’t really drink. Or do this,” she gestured to the cloudless sky with her pale arms.
“There’s couches inside, you know.” She nodded in agreement, trying her best to remain polite. She really did want to get home, but the longer she was kept with Josh, the more distracted she became. Weirdly calming. “Who invited you?”
Maddox hesitated. She didn’t have a name to offer, and wasn’t going to reveal that she was invited by someone she met via desk notes. “Just someone from campus, but they didn’t show.” It wasn’t an entire lie. They were someone on campus.
The way he watched her then shifted the vibe completely. He was studying her, his mind likely reeling with questions but underlying it all was this general sense of understanding. Like something clicked.
“I see.” He finally moved around her frame, going towards the front door to the house. “Well, if you’re hungry … I can make us something. Maybe if you wait a little longer,  your friend will show up.”
Maddox didn’t really want to wait any longer, she felt ridiculous enough. But the food was a tempting offer. “Sure.”
Given the hoard of people taking space in the kitchen, he gently brushed her fingers with his and tilted his head towards the hall. Following, they weaved between bodies until they came to rows of doors; rooms sat behind them no doubt. He opened the one at the end, walking into the empty space.
“Are you sure we're allowed in here?” She asked after looking around the room. It was bare, if anything it made her feel like a homey hotel. Not very many knacks — it could’ve been a guest room.
Josh snorted in response, plopping himself down onto the mattress with a smile. “Why wouldn’t we be? It’s my room.”
Back up.
“You’re my desk buddy?”
He laughed. “I’m your what?”
“It’s you. You’re the one writing back to me on the desk.”
Josh nodded, her sudden realization an amusement to him obviously. “Yeah. It was sort of planned.”
Her earlier anxiety replaced with confusion, “Planned?”
There was a pause. His face dropped with a seriousness, jaw clenching as he leaned forward. His eyes focused intently on hers, gaze creating hot pools in her stomach along with continuous flutters. This wasn’t a flirty look. This wasn’t even a friendly look, but she knew what this look meant.
This was business.
“There’s something we need to talk about, Maddox. Close the door.”
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goodproofingwater · 4 years
#56 with J Cody! 💕 (xsyntheticsensation)
Please note that I’m no longer taking requests for J Cody
56: “ Are you flirting with me? ”
Long years of education had lead to this one day. You had expected it to feel like the end of an era, the start of a new one, anything but just another day and the excuse to dress up that it was. Not that you weren’t looking forward to celebrating the end of high school but the whole thing just seemed a little over the top when most people were going to the same colleges anyway. 
The ceremony was exactly as you had imagined it, nerves at standing in front of the entire year group and all of their families if only to walk across a stage, the nerves as you desperately tried not to trip and the handshake from the headmaster which was met with a smile that you couldn’t quite read - was he happy for you all for graduating or just happy to see the back of you?
You certainly knew the answer as you sat down and watched a particular blonde man grasp the headmaster's hand with such vigour that it could easily be mistaken for a father and son if you didn’t know any better.
Joshua Cody had been the star student, had aced all of his classes and had helped several people - including yourself - pass theirs. He was one of a kind, loved by teachers and students alike. And every single person ignored the fact that he was raised by a family of criminals because of just how well he did in school.
There were some who outright refused to be tutored by him because of the rumours that spread about him, but it didn’t bother you. If anything, you enjoyed it. It made him a hell of a lot more interesting than everyone else in the school, and in the town. 
Although the ceremony was what it was actually about, the after-party is what you were more interested in. 
Held in J’s uncle’s bar, the party promised to be sober and tame to parents, while simultaneously allowing those that wanted to drink in the back by the fire pit. Of course, even Deran didn’t know about that part, J having seen to it that only a few people that wouldn’t rat him out be let back there, but people let there hair down in different ways, and who were the Cody’s to stop them?
You arrived late, having taken the time to change into a tight black dress that you were comfortable in but wouldn’t look out of place, and after you had said hi to few of your friends, you noticed J sitting at the bar and ordering more beers than he could carry discreetly. 
“Need a hand with that?” you approached, smiling at Deren as he ran his eyes over you and smirked at J, the younger Cody turning and flashing you a smile you knew would floor most of the girls at the party. 
“Yeah if you could. There’s a beer in it for you” You laughed at the deal and nodded, taking a few and following him through to the back where a small group of people sat awaiting their beer. 
After the bottles had been distributed he turned to you, passing you one of the two he had reserved for himself, and clinked the neck of your bottles together. 
“I’m expecting a little more than a single beer than payment, Cody” You spoke, your eyes running over the crisp suit he had changed into, the dark tie calling out for you to pull it toward you. You had no idea what had come over you, the “yeah he’s cute” feeling that you had always held toward him had totally been overridden by the way he was looking at you, the way he licked his lips as his eyes lidded as they moved over your body. 
“Are you flirting with me?” He smirked, leading you to sit down and taking a drag of the joint that was passed to him.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the insinuation, and you shook your head, plucking the joint from his fingers and taking a deep drag, letting the smoke pass your lips slowly and holding back the smirk on your lips at his expression. 
“Trust me, you’d know if I was flirting with you,” You speak, licking your lips as you pass the joint back to him, watching as he french inhales and you feel everything inside you clench and he smirks at you once more before you sit back and sip your beer. This was going to be an interesting night.
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