#j cody fanfiction
peakyblinders1919 · 2 years
Hey how are you hope you are ok I got a request 
For j Cody
So u and j are dating and you find out you are pregnant well basically you and j are at his and you get these really bad stomach pains and later find out you are in labour and you give birth and than later told everyone by bringing her or him round to show everyone and just cute you don’t have to do it hope that makes sense x
“Are you sure about this?”
“No,” he said gruffly, eyes hidden behind shades. It wasn’t his idea in the first place. If your boyfriend had it his way, none of his family would know about Kai.
Sleeping sounding in her blue and white striped blanket, you carefully took her seat out of the car. Unexpected, yes. A mistake, no. Never. How could something so beautiful, so perfect, ever be considered a mistake?
Taking her carrier from him, he opened the gate to his grandmother’s house with the other, letting you walk in first before him. Lips firm in a tight line, he didn't know what more he could say. It was hours of conversation that carried into the night about whether or not the rest of the Cody’s needed to know the family had increased by one. He wasn’t ashamed, never could be of something so miraculous, her tiny nose that you swore was a perfect match to his sending him into tears the first time he laid eyes on it. On her. His daughter. Never did he think he would be saying that by 21, but things happen for a reason. 
He had been adamant about protecting you from the moment he’d fallen in the love, and even more adamant about protecting Kia the moment she was born. And that’s why he had very strong opinions on bringing her over.
Very aware of the Cody’s reputation, someone who had very little living family left to rely on, you weren’t one to willingly take that away from her. If Kai even had one more person in her corner besides yourself and J, you considered that a win in her book. In the end, like everything else, you had convinced J that this was the best with a little help from your very convincing lips.
“Oh, baby, your home. We just put dinner out.” Smurf’s greeting was sweet, sickly sweet J thought. His knuckles white, grip tight, on the car seat carrier. Of course, she was being overly welcoming, she always was but he hadn’t been around for months, haven’t seen his family for months as he tried to disassociate. They were all bound for a surprise. 
“What’d you got there baby?”
“Is that a literal baby?” Craig’s voice came as he popped the top off his beer.
“Why does J have a baby?” Pope’s comment was devoid of any emotion or shock, just curious as everyone crowded around the kitchen. 
Smurf remained silent, eyes narrowed and falling not onto her great-granddaughter, but onto you. 
“Well, who’s this?” The California breeze wafting into the house from the backyard is cool, sometimes a relief against the hot sun, but today is the signal of what can be described as the start of California winter. Chilly, cold, with a bite, icy and mirroring Smurf’s question.
“This is Kai. Your…” his mouth unbelievably dry, your elbow to his side edged him on to finish. “Your great-granddaughter.”
“And you didn’t tell us…” The question hung in the air, the uncles less than interested in a new Cody, she wasn’t a threat to their fortune yet, what did it matter But you swore you saw a bit of a smile grace Deran’s lips as he looked at her for a fleeting moment. 
“Well, let me get a proper look at my great grandbaby…”
You could read J like a book; all rigid and stiff, telling you, telling everyone that he wasn’t comfortable with her touching his daughter, taking an involuntary step back as she approached. A comforting hand rested on his shoulder, a curt nod sent his way to reassure him that it needed to happen and it might as well happen now. For all the murdering they did, you knew in your heart that Smurf wouldn’t hurt Kai. Blood.
J knew a different story, and watched a smile sit uncomfortably, unfamiliar on the woman’s face. J knew Smurf loved her family, and her boys, and yet she’d hated Julie, hurt her, and left her to die. He knew what smurf thought of Cody's women, and he’d be damned if she tried anything like that on his little girl, her peach fuzz already a mysterious shade of brown, darker than his and yours, a bit of his mom passed down in a way that made him hurt more. A may that made him remember his mom, mourn her again, and fight for what she deserved all those years ago. 
He now had two women to avenge. 
And it was your quick wit that had convinced him this was the best way. Even late last night, surrounded by pink and purple painted butterflies on the wall, you nursing Kai, the three of you with barely any sleep keeping you energized, you remembered something your mother said to you, something his mother said once or twice, “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”
She’d never be the wiser to J’s ways with a new little bundle to focus on.
“See, it’s alright. It’s working,” you whispered in his ear, doing anything you could to ease the tension you felt in his shoulders, his focus razor-sharp on his daughter in his grandmother’s greedy arms. 
“She’s safe. She’ll always be. She has you.”
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ruthserbel · 1 year
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Fanfiction Information [x] Chapter Title: Chapter 12.5 (Ruth's POV from last chapter) Song: Photograph - Cody Fry/Golden Hour - J/\KE (if you listen to either song, you will likely notice some of the lyrics kinda sprinkled in here - although I had to reword them~) Release Date: October 9th, 2023 Word Count: 1k Content Warnings: N/A Notes: Hello all! Here's a shorter .5 chapter that contains Ruth's POV from last week + a bit more ~ On top of this, I have also posted a drabble post (SFW [x] & NSFW [x]) for Ruth Serbel. The NSFW one has a poll at the end - which is just asking if people are generally interested in a NSFW stuff. If it is a resounding no, then I won't bother writing it. So yeah, vote on that if you have the time! You might need to message me about how to view it (it's a setting that needs to be set), as it might be hidden due to it being tagged as 'Mature Content' that way minors can't interact with it. Next week we will continue where we left off. :)
Ruth's POV
Ruth awoke to the sound of feet moving within the room he was in. As he opened his eyes, he felt a small pain in his back from falling asleep while sitting up. He blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the morning fog in his brain as he tried to recall why he had fallen asleep on a chair instead of his bed. It didn’t take him long to realize why though, as he looked around the room, and found the source of the noise as well.
Aria was standing in the room a few steps away from him, although her attention was focused on something else. For a moment, Ruth was entranced by Aria as she stood there, the light from the window shining, eliminating her frame. If he wasn’t feeling the small pain in his back, he would have thought this was a dream.
After a moment, Ruth shook his head slightly, bringing his focus back. Once he was focused again, he followed her gaze, landing on a magical item he had been working on at one point, although he was never able to get it to work quite right. Ruth watched as she took a few steps towards it, reaching her hand out.
‘Is she going to touch it?’ Ruth thought to himself as he watched her for a moment longer, before realizing she indeed was going to.
“I wouldn’t touch that,” Ruth warned as he stood up from the chair, his joints protesting as he did so. His previous night of sleeping sitting in a chair proving to have caused some issues for him. For the moment though, he ignored it as he reached his hand out, grabbing onto her wrist, stopping her from moving her hand closer to the object.
Ruth took another small step forward, closing some of the distance between them before Aria turned her head towards him, whispering his name in acknowledgement. She must not have realized how close they were, as once she turned to face him, her face started to flush before she stammered over an apology to him.
"I'm... I'm sorry," she stammered. "I didn't mean to wake you up," she said as she pulled her hand back from his – but she didn’t move back. As wrist slid from his grasp, he noticed the change in the atmosphere in the room. It made him think back to what Jasper had said during their conversation the previous night. At the time, he pushed it off, not really believing in it. Could the atmosphere in the room just be in his mind? He felt as if there was a longing and excitement lingering in the room - although that could be his own.
As he looked at Aria closer now, with the feeling in the room, he felt like he would do anything just to have her reciprocate his feelings. Even just a little bit. He would give anything for it. His heart started to accelerate as his mind reeled. The light coming in the window seemed to be shining off her skin now – which Ruth knew wasn’t possible, but it seemed like it at this moment.
As the room stayed silent, Ruth wanted nothing more than to feel the gentle warmth of her lips against his. Without realizing, Ruth whispered her name, surprising himself. His voice was dripping with longing as he whispered her name.
‘I shouldn’t be doing this…’ he thought to himself as they held gazes with each other. ‘But…’ Ruth thought. Maybe just maybe, Jasper was speaking the truth?
“Do you trust me?” Ruth questioned in a whisper.
Ruth watched as she opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. She then nodded, which gave Ruth the last push he needed.
“Please... Stop me if you don’t want this,” he whispered, as he gently lifted his hand, placing it underneath her chin, tilting it up slightly. As he did so, he felt time slow down around him. As she fluttered her eyes closed, Ruth waited for a moment. This was his last chance. He could stop now, and not cross a line that would possibly ruin things between them.
Despite his concerns, Ruth leaned in, gently grazing their lips together at first – and he waited for her to pull away. He waited for any sign that he was currently going too far. But that never came. He then felt a cascade of emotions rushing through him. He deepened the kiss, his greed taking over for a moment. Ruth felt as if he could get drunk off this moment, although he wouldn’t mind the repercussions of it. He didn’t want it to stop.
As Ruth started to run out of breath, he reluctantly pulled back. As Ruth opened his eyes, his gaze met with hers again, and he was struck with the realization of what just happened. His mind reeled again – and he started to feel bad. He hadn’t even asked her.
“Sorry…” Ruth whispered as he caught his breath, his hand falling from beneath her chin. “I shouldn’t ha-“ he started, but he was cut off. Before he knew it, Aria had closed the gap between them again. She gently placed a kiss on his lips before whispering.
“Please… Don’t apologize.”
Ruth let out a soft chuckle as he processed what was said. He felt his greed come back. His mind focused on her last words; he wanted nothing more than to get drunk off kissing her. He almost missed the sound of the knocking coming from down the stairs.
The two stood still for a moment, before the knock repeated after a few seconds, causing Ruth to sigh.
“If they are interrupting me for nothing important...” Ruth whispered – not finishing the rest of his sentence aloud. He felt as if he would kill the person – although he knew that he wouldn’t. “Who is it anyway?” he questioned, pushing the idea of murder out of his mind as he walked towards the window to see who it was.
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taglist: @kunikida-simp, @tylerhasmyheart
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comphy-and-cozy · 3 years
sunkissed - J Cody
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Summary: J Cody has a crush, and he decides to do something about it once and for all.
Word Count: 3,862 words
Warnings: Smut/NSFW (18+ ONLY). Brief alcohol/drug mention, cocaine use, choking, semi-public sex, unprotected sex.
J Cody doesn’t do ‘crushes’.
They’re silly, and foolish, in his opinion, they’re bad news. It always starts off looking cute and shiny and new, and they might even last for a good little while. You’ll do the kisses, and the dates, and it’ll all seem like sunshine and daisies, but in the end, they always end in heartbreak. To J, romance is just another distraction.
And then came you.
It was never supposed to happen. You were Craig’s girl — sort of — at least, as much as any girl could really be Craig’s. He’d see you around at the house often, usually out by the pool or rummaging through the fridge wearing one of Craig’s oversized t-shirts. Your relationship was civil and limited, never having a reason to progress much further than that.
Sure, J found you attractive, but he had never viewed you as a viable prospect; you were with Craig, and that was that. No qualms, no objections, no problems. Until one day, everything changed.
It was a Saturday afternoon in the middle of June, the kind of day that made J thankful Smurf had a large pool and a well-kept tiki bar. It was scorching hot, which meant that friends from all over Oceanside came to the Cody house for some reprieve from the heat and the tourist-covered beaches.
J had stepped inside to cool off, needing a temporary break from socializing. He put his phone on the charger in his room, glancing at his messages before stepping down the hall to the bathroom.
However, instead of an empty room, he opened the door only to be taken aback by the sight in front of him: You, bent over the counter, with Craig behind you, his hands gripping your waist as he drove into you. Your eyes were closed, fingers clutching onto the sink, and the light reflected off your hair as it shifted with each pound of Craig’s hips.
J froze, unable to move, his fight or flight response slightly delayed. That, plus he was a bit mesmerized by the curve of your ass and the way your tits looked pressed into the countertop, and God, those moans that were echoing out of the sink were enough to make any man lose his train of thought.
Craig’s eyes met J’s, his pupils blown out from the coke, holding contact for just long enough before he winked and returned to his focus, railing you into oblivion. You hadn’t noticed his entrance, too caught up in the sensation, which was just as well, as J’s delayed reaction finally caught up to him. He offered a quick, apologetic nod toward his uncle before backing out and shutting the door quietly, turning around and walking briskly back to his room.
He couldn’t help himself as his fingers nimbly locked the door, quickly slipping a hand into his shorts. He might be embarrassed at his prepubescent reaction to the encounter, but he couldn’t deny the heavy twitch of his cock or the way it felt to replay your moans in his head as his hand pumped himself. As he got himself off in record time, surrounded by thoughts of you, he knew he was in trouble.
Since that day, nearly a year ago, J did his best to wrap up his feelings. At first, he just avoided you, making excuses to leave any time you were around. He soon came to realize that would be impossible with the amount of time you spent at the house, and so his only solace was in the private dark of his own room, the image of you burned into his eyelids while he desperately imagined his hand was you.
It ate away at him, the casual interactions and the light of your smile and over the course of several months, you got to know each other bit by bit. And bit by bit, his feelings for you grew until they were no longer deniable: he had a crush on you. And J Cody doesn’t do crushes.
And now here you are, standing in front of him with your skin and your curves on display, taunting him in the worst way. The strings of your bikini are tantalizing, his fingers itching to tug ever so slightly at the ties and watch the fabric fall away. Not like it’s covering up much, anyways. Minx.
It was Deran’s idea to have a family trip to celebrate the success of their latest job. J had moved into a beachside place with a dock that was otherwise useless, and with the volume of the most recent hauls, it was easy to justify the purchase of a boat. ‘We’ve got to live a little,’ J had said.
You received an invite, despite the fact that your relationship with Craig was more than fluid and currently far from stable. The boat was big enough to hold about 10, but the boys kept the invite list small for a Cody gathering, hoping to keep things a bit more intimate.
Which is how you find yourself seated between Pope and Adrian, wind whipping through your hair, as J drives along the coast. It’s warm, and the breeze feels incredible on your skin, and you close your eyes to soak in the sunshine. When you open them again, you catch the tail end of J’s glance, interrupted by Craig’s loud sniffling as he takes a bump off the railing.
You hide the roll of your eyes, thankful for the cover of your sunglasses, as you watch the water rolling in the distance. Once you’re sure it’s safe, you find your eyes trailing back to the captain, who’s watching the horizon for oncoming traffic.
His jaw ticks and you can’t help but notice the way his thumb drums on the steering wheel, your eyes trailing over the cut of his bicep. To say you hadn’t looked at him like that before would be a lie, and the fact that your ties to Craig were no longer romantic made the attraction that much sweeter.
So when J’s fingers brush against yours when he passes you a beer, you offer him a smile. And, yeah, maybe you target him over everyone else to rub the sunscreen into your back, and maybe you bend over a beat longer than necessary when you’re fishing snacks out of the cooler. So what?
His sunglasses stay on for most of the day, but you’re pretty sure you notice the more-frequent-than-usual glances. Or is it your imagination? At least once, you’re sure he catches you — but, honestly, how are you not supposed to admire the water dripping down his toned, tanned torso when he climbs out of the water?
The day passes slowly, putzing around the bay and finding a place to drop anchor, spending a few hours swimming, drinking, and having some rare quality time. There’s no bickering, no discussion of future jobs, and, for once, no stress, but instead laughter — real laughter. It’s the most relaxed you’d seen any of them in years, and, honestly, it looks good on them, especially on J.
After a few hours baking in the sun and a few too many drinks for some, you make your way back to shore. Craig stumbles toward the dock, and you roll your eyes, annoyed — his lack of self-control had been part of the reason you broke up, not that there was much of a relationship to break up. Adrian casts you a sympathetic glance as he and Deran support Craig’s arms, heaving him up onto the dock.
“Come on, man,” Deran mutters to him. “Let’s get you inside.”
“You coming?” Adrian pauses to ask you.
“I’ll help J clean up. See you later, Adrian.”
He nods, following the other two and Pope down the dock, heading back toward the house. It’s quiet, save for the gentle crash of the waves and the sound of the cans and bottles being collected.
“You think Craig noticed you checking me out?” J’s voice breaks the silence.
Read the rest on AO3!
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goodproofingwater · 4 years
michael gray or j cody with all or your favorite nsfw alphabet letters please ?
I see your thirst for Finn Cole and I am more than happy to oblige! 
Michael Gray
J Cody
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ivarsshieldmadien · 2 years
Anyone out there doing Animal Kingdom or Power Ghost fics? Send them my way!!!
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judysxnd · 3 years
Risking everything - part one
Okay so I guess I finally got some motivation to write the imagine I had in mind for a while now. I even got a bigger idea as I started writing. Hope you’ll like it! As usual I don’t like what I do, so I think it’s shitty.
Warnings: mention of domestic violence
sum: you have a violent father who tries to keep you as close as possible to him, especially since he discovered that you started dating J. He knew about his family, which you didn’t. One night your father has to leave for “business”, but he doesn’t leave you alone, and has paid two guards to stay with you. You got rid of them and you managed to stay at J’s place. But it won’t go as planned.
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“I told you once already, you stay away from that boy!” My father yelled. I was currently in the kitchen. My father had heard about me dating Joshua Cody some time ago. He warned me if I stayed with him I didn’t dare say a thing yet.
“I don’t want you to be close to his family, and-”
“I didn’t even meet his family!”
“I DON’T CARE” my father yelled as he step really close to me. I closed my eyes, scared he would touch me again. My heartbeats were going on like crazy, I thought my heart would just burst out of my chest. “you stay away from him, or I’ll make you” I opened my eyes again, meeting with his. I recognised this expression, the one he had when he locked me up in my bedroom for a few days. I was shaking with fear. “Got it?” I nodded. “I need you to say it” he said holding my face, forcing me to look directly at him.
“I got it” he smiled.
“good. now go to your bedroom” I left without saying anything.
I haven’t seen J in a couple days already, and it was killing me. The relationship we had was making this shit so worth it. We’ve been seen each other for a couple months. I was surprised my father didn’t say a thing before, maybe he didn’t know. Whatever. He was now, and I didn’t know how to tell J. I don’t have my phone anymore, nor my tablet. I just had my computer, but it’s controlled.
I was laying in bed, fighting the urge to cry, when I heard footsteps, then the door suddenly opened. It was my father, if I could call him that.
“I have to leave for a while. But I’m not leaving you alone” then two massive guys showed up behind him.
“guards??? seriously???”
“what did you expect?” he smiled. “I can’t let you alone and you know that.” he then left. The two guards stayed still, looking at me. I sat in my bed, not being able to do anything else. Then I heard a car leaving.
Wherever I was going in the house, I had those two guys following me. They were staying so close to me it was so annoying.
“You know I’m not stupid, I’m not going to leave” They didn't say anything. I went to my bedroom. “Can I at least close the door to have intimacy?” They looked at each other. One guard stepped inside, went to check the bathroom and then the windows, then went back in the corridor.
“Don’t lock it. We’re not going anywhere, we’re staying here” I simply closed the door.
“I need to find a way out of here” I whispered. I went to the window.
“too high” then I had an idea.
“SHIT” I said out loud, the door suddenly opened.
“what happened?”
“I- no, nothing, I just remembered that I have this project for tomorrow with my friend”
“then do it”
“didn’t you hear me? I said it was with my FRIEND dumb ass. I need to go to her place so we can finish it”
“I can’t even talk to her ! I don’t have a phone ! I can’t do anything on my computer ! If I fail this, my father will not be happy about it. And you know who he’ll blame? You guys, because I will tell you that you refused to help me” They didn’t say anything for a moment.
“Fine. But make it quick”
“I’ll need to stay there for the night.”
“No way”
“how do you want us to write an entire essay in just a few hours?” they rolled their eyes.
“you can check my location with my computer and you’ll know what I’ll be doing on it, I won’t go anywhere, I promise”
I finally arrived at my best friend’s place. She knew most of my situation. She wanted to say something to the police and all, but I begged her not to do anything. He is bribing them, so it would come back at us. I rang at the door.
“y/n? What are you doing here?”
“I’ll explain, let me in please” I quickly went to her bedroom. She followed me.
After some time, I finally told her everything.
“that was genius, those guards are dumb as hell”
“tell me about it. Can I use your phone? I need to speak to J” she smiled
“no problemo, you can even tell him to come” I looked at her.
“now you’re the genius one! I wanted to try and sneak out of here”
“very risky, it’s less dangerous if he comes”
“thank you”
half an hour later, I heard knocking on the window. We both turned to see J. I ran to the window to open it. When he was fully inside, I hugged him tightly.
“I missed you so much”
“Me too” he said “where have you been? you weren’t at school today”
“I need to tell you everything J” he was kind of confused.
“I’ll leave you two alone” you best friend said.
For the next twenty minutes J and you were sitting on the bed. You were explaining him everything.
“I can help you y/n”
“J, I appreciate that, but you can’t. He is armed and violent, it’s not a good combination”
“now it’s my turn to tell you the truth”
“Your dad is kind of right to make you stay away from my family”
“They- we.. rob places, my grandmother, smurf, she is paying a lot of people, she has an entire business, so when I say we can help, it means we can”
“I don’t know what to say”
“Just say yes. Y/N, you can’t stay in that situation, he locked you up, he beat you, that’s not acceptable. I won’t let that happen to you again.” You smiled. He was so protective over you, and you liked it. You hesitated for a moment. You thought about your past. Yes your dad was a bad person now, but he wasn’t always like that. Before your mom died, he was the opposite.
“yes” J was kind of surprised, but he was happy.
“Okay, we need a plan. To protect you, you need to come with me.”
“I have two guards outside waiting for me” he hesitated “maybe I can go back home, and sneak out, you pick me up and then we’re good.”
“No no, I don’t want you to go back there”
“I know, but we can’t do it here. I don't want to put my best friend in danger. They’ll go after her if something happens here. Plus, I could take my stuff at my place”
“If I leave now, in an hour you can pick me up, is it okay?”
“okay, I’ll park not to close to your house, but I’ll wait under your window so you can give me your stuff”
“Are we really doing this?” J cupped your face with both of his hands.
“Yes we are” You kissed him passionately. He was doing this all for you. Risking his life, his family, for you. It meant so much.
After explaining everything to your best friend, J left, and you were heading outside too.
“be careful” she said.
“I’ll tell you everything once I’m settled”
“I love you”
“I love you too, and be careful too, they can come asking questions.”
“Don’t worry about me”
I walked towards the car where the guards stayed. I opened the door and sat.
“We can go now”
“I thought you said you were staying the night”
“I know, but we finished early, and I’m not feeling really well” we left.
An hour later, I packed most of my stuff, and was waiting for J to show up. I had kept my window open so I could hear him coming. I was laying on my bed, when I heard footsteps outside. When I went to check, I saw J which made me smile. He made a sign so I could give him my stuff. I grabbed my bags and threw them outside. After he got everything and brought it to the car, he came back, I was about to try to go outside when the guards knocked at my door.
“shit” I whispered. I went back inside and told J to hide. I then went at the door. “Yes?”
“What are you doing?”
“Why your window is open?”
“Got hot”
“it’s not”
“I didn’t say it was. I say I was”
“Close it”
“I will, now if you’ll let me, I said earlier that I didn’t feel well, so I’m going to bed” I was about to close the door, but the guard stopped me.
“don’t close the door”
“I’m not sleeping knowing you’re at my door watching me”
“closed or not we’ll be here”
“with the door close I won’t see it. And you said it, opened or not, you’ll be here”
“you better not try to do anything”
“good night” I said closing the door. I waited a few minutes, then I closed the window, but I closed it from the outside. After a few minutes and a lot of thinking I was downstairs. I don’t know how I got down but I did.
“You did it” said J, smiling.
“Let’s get out of here before they find out” J took my hand and we ran away.
We finally arrived at his place. I went there a few times, but we were always alone, his family was never around. It meant I was going to meet them. It was past midnight, and no one seemed to be sleeping. We arrived in the kitchen with all my stuff. An old lady was waiting for us, I guessed it was his grandmother.
“Hi baby” she said “how do you feel?”
“good, but I probably think it’s the adrenaline, I'll be panicked in a minute” she laughed.
“don’t worry, you’re safe here”
“are you sure? My dad is very dangerous”
“where do you want me to put those?” a man interrupted us. He was holding two big guns.
“put them on the table with the others” then I saw the rest of it. There were guns every where.
“What is this for?” I said.
“I told you you were safe here” she said “we’re going to protect you” she put her arm around my neck “now you need to rest, go with J to your bedroom” I turned to face J, then I followed him.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Is it weird that- I wasn’t scared ?”
“Scared of leaving?”
“Yeah, but, also- all those guns, I wasn’t scared, it made me feel safe”
“no it’s not weird” he smiled. I was sitting on his bed, he sat next to me.
“you know that my dad has probably the same stuff on his side, and he won’t mind use it”
“that’s why we got this, we won’t mind use it too” I looked at him.
“Thank you, for everything, for risking your life, risking everything for me” he simply smiled and kissed me.
“Come on, let’s go to bed, you deserve it”
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peaky-gray · 4 years
Save Yourself
Pt. 4/?
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A/N: here is part 4! again, please let me know what you think and if you want more. thank you, enjoy! *if someone doesn’t get the reference i threw in at the end, i’ll cry ;)
Listen while you read
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After your panic attack in the alleyway, Bonnie took you home. You spent the day resting, at Bonnie’s request. Tommy was made aware of your situation by Polly, asking her after Bonnie had finished talking to him and left with your purse and coat. 
Tommy liked you; you worked hard, did your job well, and never caused any trouble. When you first arrived, you started as a secretary for Michael and it was quickly made clear that you could do much more for the company. Tommy never gave you an official job title, because you did it all, the legal part of the business that. You worked closely with Michael, monitoring the books, and meeting with businessmen to work out deals. While Michael was very good at his job and good with numbers, he made it a point for you to double-check his work every evening.  You knew he was doing it to try to flirt with you, he never had any errors yet always insisted for you to check because “Today might have been the day I messed up. You are pretty distracting.” Never once had he messed up.
Floating back down to reality after flashing back to that memory, you stared blankly across the kitchen table to where the chair sat vacantly. You and Michael would have breakfast together every morning, letting absolutely nothing stop the tradition, even if it was just tea on a busy morning. You loved Michael immensely. He was completely opposite of you, he was your perfect match. No matter how bad the business got you both had each other. After John’s death and Michael’s shooting, he proposed with a shiny diamond ring, the recent traumatic event making him realize he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. The two of you were in love at one point but you couldn’t pinpoint where exactly it ended. Maybe it never even ended, maybe you would never know. 
Arriving to work the next day, Tommy called you into his office. 
“Prudence, how are you feeling? If you need more time off, just ask, I don’t want you back if you’re not ready.”
“I’m fine Tommy. Thank you though.”
Motioning for you to sit down, he began to speak again with a small smile, “The Gold boy cares for you. Burst in here yesterday telling me that he was taking you home and you wouldn’t be returning until you were ready. Didn’t know he could get that aggressive outside of the boxing ring.”
“We’re just friends Tommy, nothing more.”
Tommy smirks, “Sure, Prudence. Now get to work. And if you need something, ask.”
You left Tommy’s office, heading into your own, eager to dig into your work and keep your mind off your troubles.
The week passed quickly, Friday approached much to everyone's joy.  That evening you and Ada got drinks, conversation flowing easily amongst the two of you. You and Ada had always been close, the first one in the family to welcome you with open arms. Being in the Garrison you knew no one would bother either of you, it was Blinder territory. 
“So, Prudence, I’ve noticed you and Bonnie have gotten close, he’s a cute one, hard to believe he’s a boxer. He looks like he couldn’t hurt a fly.”
Stifling laughter, “Jesus Ada, do I need to write up a bulletin that says he and I are just friends? Everyone seems to think we’re together. And yes, he’s very nice.”
Laughing, Ada asks, “Well why aren’t you two together? You are single since Michael is being a prick. You deserve happiness, and Bonnie clearly makes you happy.”
“I don’t know Ada. I still care for Michael, even if I shouldn’t. And Bonnie is incredible, but I just don’t know.”
“You think too much, Pru. Turn off your brain for a minute and let your heart make the decisions.”
Pondering for a moment, “You know what, I will.”
The universe must have heard you because in walks Bonnie Gold, high off adrenaline after just winning a boxing match. Not expecting you to be there, Bonnie had to do a double-take when he saw you.
Approaching you with arms wide, Bonnie yells, “There’s my girl!” Engulfing you in a hug and spinning you as you laugh into his neck, arms secure around you.
Setting you down, you look up at his brightly smiling face, “I don’t think I need to ask if you won or not, your smile says it all.”
“Were you doubting me, Ms. Jones?” Bonnie says with a laugh.
You laugh, “Of course not! What’s the prize this time?”
Bonnie responds quickly, “You are.” Behind you, you hear Ada choke on her drink. 
“Very funny Bonnie. You’re the winner here, what would you like?”
“I’m glad you asked. I want a dance.”
“Are you sure you don’t have a concussion? I don’t dance.”  You used to love dancing. You and Michael would dance late at night together, sometimes it was the only time you had together. Now, dancing had lost its sparkle. 
He laughs wholeheartedly, “Well you do tonight. Although I’m willing to take a raincheck, but only if you come with me to the bonfire later.”
After every won fight by Bonnie, Aberama would have a bonfire to celebrate the win with friends.  You had been invited in the past with Michael but never had the pleasure of attending.
“You have yourself a deal, Mr. Gold. Let’s go.” Telling Ada goodbye, you follow Bonnie out of the bar hand in hand.
Arriving at the camp you see people mingling amongst themselves. You notice Aberama chatting with one of his daughters. You smile and wave at him to yourself for a bit as you sat on a bench observing the party near the fire that shone bright and warm. Everyone was kind and enjoying themselves, congratulating Bonnie on yet another win under his belt. 
Later in the evening after people started to leave, Bonnie walked over to you on the bench. Holding his hand out, “I believe you owe me a dance. I made sure to wait until people left so you wouldn’t be nervous with people watching.”
Laughing, you put your hand in his, him pulling you up off the bench easily. Your hand still in his, you notice his bruised knuckles, dried blood only present on one hand. 
“Bonnie, your hands. Do they hurt?”
“No, dove. I’m used to it. Don’t think that’s going to get you out of dancing with me.” Bonnie says with a smile. All he wanted was a dance with you, nothing more. 
You and Bonnie started to dance by the fire in silence, swaying easily to an imaginary tune. Dancing was by no means your favorite pastime anymore but with Bonnie, it was easy and enjoyable, especially since he was thoughtful enough to wait for people to be gone. He noticed how uneasy you were around strangers and wanted you to feel comfortable, especially with him, always. 
Breaking the comfortable silence you asked, “So, is this a good enough prize?”
Bonnie looks down at you, “It’s perfect.”
“Are you sure I couldn’t make it better?” You said gazing up at him. 
“How would you do that?”
“Like this.” You lean up onto your toes, kissing Bonnie softly.
 Pulling away, Bonnie blushes a deep shade of red. You tease him with a smile, ”Are you scared of me, fighter boy?”
Bonnie smiles down at you, arms tightening around your waist, “No, that made it better. Do it again.”
Unable to tell him no and not wanting to say no, you kiss him again. Despite receiving no oxygen, your lungs felt light like you were on a cloud. Kissing someone never felt so right. You were finally happy again.
Tag list: @multi-fandom-iimagines​
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Welcome to my rules!
I’ve tried to list things out as best as possible and cover all important topics, but if I’ve missed anything or you are confused or you have a question, please don’t hesitate to send me a message, whether in my inbox or my messages. I do highly encourage that you read all of my rules as any request that goes against any of my rules will not be accepted.
What I Write For:
The Peaky Blinders
Aberama Gold
Ada Shelby Thorne
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Esme Lee Shelby
Grace Burgess Shelby
Finn Shelby
Isaiah Jesus
John Shelby
Johnny Dogs
Linda Shelby
Lizzie Stark
Luca Changretta
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Thomas Shelby
Cast of the Peaky Blinders
Cillian Murphy
Finn Cole
Harry Kirton
Joe Cole
Paul Anderson
Tom Hardy
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Alexandra Cabot
Amanda Rollins
Casey Novak
Dominick Carisi
Donald Cragen
Elliot Stabler
John Munch
Nick Amaro
Olivia Benson
Odafin Tutuola
Rafael Barba
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Joyce Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Murray Bauman
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Steve Harrington
Will Byers
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Mike “Viper” Metcalf
Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
I will not accept any requests that have been send to other writers. 
No writer enjoys seeing the same request they’ve recieved get send to other writers. It’s not fair to anyone and no one enjoys it. Now, if your request hasn’t been accepted then, at least for me, feel free to send it to other writers. But please wait until you know whether its been accepted or not to do that. 
What I Write:
One Shots & Blurbs
One shots are usually anything that is 1k or more and blurbs are anything under 1k. When requesting, you can use the prompt list on my master list, but you don’t have to. 
Please list the characters you would like in your request. There is a minimum of three characters for preferences, but I have yet to set a maximum. That doesn’t mean you should go crazy about it.
Gif Imagines
These are only ever don by request, just so you guys know.
How to Request Something:
I know it sounds stupid to have this but it can be hard.
Have the name of the character or characters you want somewhere in the request. I have gotten requests that were just prompts and what do you do with that? 
When more fandoms are added to the list, state the fandom.
Tell me what you are requesting. I need to know what format you would like it in. 
What I am Comfortable Writing:
Male x Male / Female x Female or whatever else
Poly relationships
Age gaps (I have to be comfortable with the gap, though, and it has to be legal)
Abuse (but it will never be romanticized)
I don’t want to sugar coat anything and pretend things don’t happen. Abuse of any form is real and it’s horrible, I know that. Any fics that include abuse will say so in the warnings.
Writing for real people.
What I am Not Comfortable Writing:
Romanticized abuse & self harm
It’s a short list, but if you want to know if I’m comfortable with something that’s not on either of these lists, just ask. It’s better to ask so then everyone becomes informed.
If you have any questions about anything, don’t hesitate to ask and I do have the right to refuse to write something if it makes me uncomfortable or I have no interest in it.
You can find my ask box here.
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johnismyreason · 6 years
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I finally managed to become what I wanted to be. I worked day and night with Janet to pass our exams. And we both got there. We are finally nurses. We were only 12 years old when our fathers went to war. They were not called in 1914 but in 1916 because of their age. They saw their friends a little younger being called. When they were on leave, they returned home wounded, traumatized. Most didn't talk about what was happening at the front, but some did, and when that happened, my father would order me to leave the living room or bar where we were going together. I tried to eavesdrop but they didn't speak loud enough, and my mother chased me away. Before my father left, there was first my brother who was 21 years old in 1914. The perfect age for a patriotic sacrifice. He didn't come back. My mother cried for a straight month. I thought she was going to die of sadness. The day my father went to war two years later, my mother ran after the cart that was taking him away, begging him to come back for ten minutes. She stopped when she tripped over a rock. I lifted her up, brought her home and took care of her until my father came back at the end of the war. Janet's father also returned, but he was no longer the same. The horrors he saw traumatized him to the point where he stopped talking, except in his sleep where he screamed in fear. Janet and I decided to become nurses because we wanted to take care of these soldiers. Today we have succeeded and we are celebrating this victory together, as we have always done.
Janet moved to Birmingham. I don't see why, this town is really not well frequented. She keeps telling me that things are going to change, that more and more bourgeois people are moving in, that it is now time to buy before apartment prices go up. "No way," I replied, "I already have what I need". We spent an entire weekend together, in her new city, going out, drinking, celebrating,... In a week's time we both start working in the new hospital halfway between Birmingham and my home in Sheffield.
"Hurry up, I'll miss my train!" I told her, pressing her. I elbow my way between passengers in the station lobby.
"Y/N, wait! You have 15 minutes left before your train leaves, slow down!" Janet grabs my hand to make me stop. "Here's your purse. Do you have your ticket?" I check in my bag pocket and take out the folded paper.
"There." I show her, relieved. "Well... It's better to say goodbye here, rather than on the platform, you'd be able to get on the train with me."
"I don't do that anymore..." she sighs. She caresses my arms and looks at me with a nostalgic look.
"What's the matter?" I ask.
"It's just... Everything's going to change. We won't see each other like we used to, I couldn't take my bike, ride for five minutes and be at your place. Who I'll talk to at night, and..."
"Hey! Everything's gonna be fine, don't worry. We work in the same place together, we'll see each other all day. And then, it's life, things change," I take her hands to calm her down, before hugging her against me. "We'll always be together, I promise." Janet hugged me harder against her chest as a sign of approval. "Janet... you're suffocating me now..."
"Oops, sorry!" she quickly cleared out, giving me my breath back. We laugh before finally saying goodbye. I take my suitcase in one hand, my bag on my shoulder, the new white gloves I just bought to congratulate myself on passing the nurse's exam, and I leave. Janet stays fixed, waiting to stop seeing me to leave. I turn around one last time, wave at him with a big smile, and continue on my way.
People on the dock are pushing me, and I'm trying to get to my car. My suitcase is slowing me down. Why does my car have to be at the end of the line? I struggle, dodge people in my path while trying to find my way around. I stop to ask an agent if my car is the one indicated on my ticket. He tells me that no, it's the opposite. I sigh with frustration. I turn around to get back on my way without wasting any more time, but a man runs into me, dropping my new snow-white gloves in the brownish mud.
"For God's sake..." I bend down to pick them up. The man does the same "They're screwed now..." I look up to scream at the man but my heart stops when I see his face. I hadn't seen him in 4 years, he's changed so much, and yet I would have recognized him among thousands. "Henry?" His eyes open slightly.
"Y/N ? I... What... What are you doing here?" he asks as he gets up, training with him.
"I... um... I came to spend the weekend here with a friend. Janet, do you remember her?"
"Is Janet here too?"
"She lives in Birmingham now."
"Oh I see..." he replied, nodding. We look at each other for a few seconds, not knowing if this scene was real or not. I have a silly smile on my lips that I try to hide in vain. A whistle brings me back to reality.
"Shit... my train will be leaving soon." I quickly pick up my suitcase that I had put on the ground. "I have to hurry, my car is the opposite"
"I'm coming with you."
"Oh... no, don't bother," I replied shyly
"Don't be silly, let me carry your suitcase" I didn't have time to fight back that Henry had my stuff in his hands. He took my hand and guided me through the crowd. His palm is hot against mine. He stepped up, I've never known him like that before. He's changed so much... He was a shy boy, who didn't have many friends and now he's... a man. His hand in mine and the crowd remind me of the night we were at the village ball. He had dragged us into the middle of the piste and we had been dancing all evening. I've never laughed as much as this night. We then spent the night together walking around in nocturnal silence. Henry stopped suddenly and took me out of my memory. "Here we go." He put my suitcase at the foot of the car door and turned towards me.
"Thank you, you didn't have to, you know..." I put a lock of hair that had come off my bun behind my ear.
"I wasn't going to leave you alone with that big suitcase," he smiled at me. "And then... it's good to see you again." I look at him and I feel my pulse increasing, my cheeks blushing. "I'll buy you new gloves, I promise!" he continues.
"Oh no, I'm sure I can wash them. It's nothing."
"No, no, I insist! I'll send them to you by mail. Besides, do you still live with your parents?"
"No, I moved out. Remember that little abandoned house I loved?" He nodded as I climbed the first step of the train, "Well, I bought it. She wasn't worth much considering the state it was in."
"It's true that it was far from being a palace," he laughs. A whistle sounds to say that the train is leaving. He starts slowly at first, I move into the wagon, take my place and put my head through the window. "When will you be back?" Henry asks while walking with the train.
"I don't know yet... Soon I hope so!"
"Okay, I'll wait for you," he said a little louder so that his voice would cover the engine noises. He raises his hand to me so that I can take it and say goodbye. I'm stretching mine and not letting Henry go until he can't follow the train. Our fingers slide over each other to feel each other's skin until the last moment. He smiles at me and stays motionless on the dock until he can no longer see me. I put my head back inside and sit in my place.
Pushed into my seat, I gradually realized what had just happened. Henry. Henry was there, in front of me. I haven't seen him in three years. He disappeared overnight shortly before his 18th birthday. We used to see each other every day since we were 11 years old. Janet, come and spend time with us from time to time, but she never lingered. She didn't like Henry too much, she always thought he was hiding something. While I... I found him hypnotizing. Maybe I should have been suspicious like Janet... I come back to reality and realize that I have already arrived at my station. In a hurry, I get my things back and hurry out of the car before the train leaves. I barely have time to put my first foot on the platform when the train resumes its journey. I breathe relief and giggle alone at my clumsiness.
The station is not very far from my home even if it takes twenty minutes to walk. Fortunately, everyone knows each other in this small village, there is always one with a cart to take me home when I need it. This time, it's a friend of my parents' who offers to help me. I accept without hesitation and put my suitcase in the back before sitting next to him. We have a bit of discussion on the way to avoid embarrassing silences. A few minutes later, he stops in front of my house and takes my suitcase out of the cart. I thank him by promising to say hello to my parents. I painfully drag my suitcase inside and close the door exhaling a breath of fatigue.
Two days have passed since I got back. I can't help but think of Henry... I may try to get him out of my thoughts, but it doesn't matter: I tidied up my house, did the shopping, fixed the hole in one of my shirts, went for a bike ride, even revised my already acquired annual classes for my first day in the hospital next week! Nothing helped me to stop thinking about him. It's 7am, I can't sleep anymore because of him... I get up suddenly, determined to find the thing that will get my full attention. Gardening. I did everything but gardening. These are the last beautiful days before the cold of autumn and winter, so I take this opportunity to arrange the small garden in front of my house. I pick, dig, fill with flowers, pull, cut, arrange,... I'm so focused that I can't hear the postman screaming my name for the fourth time.
"Oi, Y/N !" I jump up and straighten up.
"Oh, sorry..." I said embarrassed
"It's nothing," he snickers, "I have a package in your name."
"Oh, yeah?" I replied confusedly. I never receive a package. I take off my gloves, undo my apron and move towards him. He hands me the package wrapped in brown paper with a string. "Who is it from?" I asked him.
"Oh, Miss Y/N I can't tell you that. I'm just the postman." He gets back on his bike.
"Okay... Thank you, have a good day."
"Good day, miss" and he went back on the road.
I turn the package around to see if there is a note, a name or an address, but apart from my contact details there is nothing. I'm going back inside without further delay to open it. I cut the string with a pair of chisels and tear off the paper. I discover a white box closed with a pale pink ribbon. I make sure my hands are clean by wiping them on my apron. I gently undo the knot of the ribbon and open the box. A note on a paper is placed on the translucent paper.
"Dear Y/N,
This is a little gift to make up for dropping them in the mud. I hope you'll enjoy them.
Come back to me soon,
- Henry"
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peakyblinders1919 · 2 years
ohh dang no "eat" but ohh heat and breath leave many ideas of what the sentences could be 😂😂 And ok for dad blurb ideas what about one other J Cody or Michael Gray where it's him and reader are married and it's their daughters first Halloween and the reader wants to find a costume for her even if she's still to small to trick or freak but the reader wants to wear matching in costumes for their families Halloween party? 💗
“For someone who’s in disguise all the time, I’d think you’d love Halloween.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t.”
“What’s not to love? Dressing up in pretty costumes, eating candy until you puke, scary movies…” 
“People pretending to be something they’re not… see, she agree with me.”
“She’s laughing at the clown behind you.”
“Do we really have to dress up?”
“For the family Halloween party? Yes. Uncle Fred has won the costume contest once too many times, this year we’re going to dethrone him, aren’t we Kai?”
Your daughter banged her hands together in a makeshift clap, something like a laugh mixed with a gurgle falling from her lips as she tried to communicate with you. She was one, there was no way to know what was going through her head but she seemed to agree with you. “Tell Daddy you want to win. He’ll do anything if you ask him pretty girl.” You whispered the last part to her, as if it was a secret kept between you two when your husband was right across the room watching and listening, a hand grazing over the fluff on her head.
She squealed happily at the word Daddy, little grabby hands thrust his way. 
“Kai, you don’t want to embarrass Daddy, do you?” J asked already feeling defeated. 
“J, come on.”
“I’m not dressing up.”
“It’s not for me, it’s for your daughter.” You knew he’d do anything for her. He shook his head, helping Kai reach the puffs on her highchair tray before focusing back on his laptop. She squealed and clapped again.
“So, not even for me?” You whispered in his ear, hands featherlight yet teasing as they grazed over his shoulders, tense from another long day’s work. Lips pressed just under his ear, lips pursed as you blew along his skin, trailing kissing up and down his neck. A moan involutnarily slipped through his lips, eyes narrowing and brows furrowed as he locked eyes with Kai across the table.
“Mommy’s not playing fair Kai. What do you’ve got to say for her?”
She squealed, louder and longer than before. Warm lips pressed against goosebumped skin.
His sigh was sign of his surrender. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well…” And you were rattling off ideas from a bumble bee and beekeepers to chefs and a pot of spaghetti and meatballs. Kai clapped her hands, suggesting she actually preferred some ideas to others, but J’s face was an obvious tell of the inner workings of his head. And he seemed to hate them all.
“Well, what’s your great big idea mister?”
He smirked.
“Are you saying I get to pick the costumes?”
“Sure, if that’s what is takes,” he sighed. Heavily. “Just make sure I look pretty, hm?” You poutede, eyelashes fluttering overdramtatically and kissing him on the cheek. “And it better be Y/L/N trophy worthy.”
“It will be.”
That’s how, two nights later, you ended up in a costume closely resembling Pamela Anderson’s red Baywatch bathing suit, whistle and all, as J held Kai- the baby shark- and he donned the least creative costume possible, a shark attack victim, a white shirt with some rips and fake blood stains. While you didn’t have high hopes leaving that night, the smile on your face as you placed the annual Halloween best-dressed award on your mantelpiece said otherwise.
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fanfictionfans · 7 years
Deran, Craig, Pope, J, Baz Cody-Blackwell// IMAGINE
Imagine Smoking with Deran and Baz getting mad.
You, Craig and Deran just got back from destroying the get away car for the last job. The boys insisted on setting it on fire..as usual. What is it with guys and fire you always thought to yourself.
Craig went straight for the fridge breaking out the beer and throwing you one as Deran went to get his joint out of his room.
“You gonna stick around today?” you asked him unscrewing the cap off the beer bottle
“yeah there's no real action at my crib tonight” he laughed and sat on the floor by the table and started his usual line of coke.
smirking you set the bottle on the counter and racked up the balls on the pool table and started shooting, making every ball in the pockets
“Fuck y/n, remind me to never play you for money” Deran laughs grabbing a beer from the counter and plopping down in the chair.
“Maybe strip pool” you said with a wink at him you hear Craig sniff hard and pound on the table with his hand
“YESSS!” he yelled when hitting the table. You and Deran start laughing
“So wheres Baz and Pope?” Craig says turning the tv on and starts another line on the table
“I don't know, probably still scouting the new place to hit” I sigh and hit another ball in the pocket.
“Probably, fuck wheres J?” Deran says and takes a hit from his joint and picks up a magizine
You hit the last ball in the pocket and put the stick down “Probably girlfriends..you know” You say and grab your beer bottle “You two could be helping baz and pope instead of getting buzzed and stoned” you sigh sitting on Derans lap
“And..you could be helping them to but boss man baz said to finish the vehicle” Deran states and leans back
“mmhumm” you mumble and take the joint from him and put it between your lips “I am helping I'm watching you two clowns” You smile
You three continue laughing, smoking (and Craig snorting) for what feels like hours.
“You are sooo much more comfortable then the couch” you say to deran laughing
“Don't tell mamma Smurf that, that couch was 10k” Deran Laughs and you hear the door slam, leaning your head back on deran you two continue laughing
“What the fuck” you hear and turn your head
“FINALLY!” you laugh “You two took forever!”
“THIS is what you three do when we are out working?? Smoking and Snorting??” Baz Yells
“We torched the vehicle like we were supposed to” Craig says
“TORCHED???” Baz yells louder, Pope comes into the livingroom with a beer and sits down
“Chill out man” Deran says
“Can someone get Baz a drink” Craig says
“Yeah make it a big one” J says finally stumbling in with a black eye
“the fuck happened to you?” You look at him
“Nothing..” he mumbled and grabbed your beer and sat next to Craig
“Pope and I are working our asses off and you three are hanging on each other smoking and snorting” Baz looks directly at me.
Finally having enough you get off Derans lap and push Baz to the other room
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“Are you fucking kidding me??” You yell at him
“NO are YOU fucking kidding me” He yells in your face and you push him back
“Don't. get in my face” You fiercely tell him. He backs off remembering how your parents treated you and leans against the counter across from you
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“NOW you want to be the leader, You told us what to do. YOU LED US and we listened and your PISSED ??? The Job is done and it was DONE right and quick” You yell at him
“Must be nice, I mean hey i would never trade you for the world when it came to jobs. but being able to chill after a job must be nice, wait for the orders to come, oh and hey! You get to smoke and snort as much as you want after its over, you get me as a boyfriend and a side dick at the same time” he smirks and goes to the fridge for a beer
“What the fuck did you just say to me.” You yell and come up and slam the fridge door
“You heard me. You and Deran, really didn't see that coming. Really my little brother? Your making your way around the family now, whos next? Pope..J?”
Slapping him hard across the face “You think I would fucking fuck your brother..or nephew” mumbling you say “or should I say son..”
“Look at you!” he says with his arms open He never heard the son part.
“NO! You’re beautiful, you can have whoever you want and however many you want, the world is yours for the taking” He says and it finally clicks
“...Your jealous” you say quietly
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“Pshh...what. NO. NO I'm not..Im saying that..” he starts
“OH MY GOD” You laugh
“THIS ISNT FUNNY” he sighs and takes a swig of his beer
“Babe..” You walk up to him and pull on his shirt “I swear its okay” you say and start kissing his jawline all the way up to his ear then you whisper
“Your brother is into dudes” you smile and make your way back down his jawline
“Wait..Wha” he stops “Holy fuck it finally happened” he smiles and picks you up
“I really didn't think you would react that way” You laugh
“Hes my little brother, you don't think I had doubts about him and woman? I mean yeah I thought you and him but..”he starts and you kiss him
“Just..lets stop and see why J’s all banged up” you two grab your beers and walk back into the livingroom where J now has his shirt off and Pope, Craig and Deran are examining him
“..We might have a problem..” Pope says looking and Baz
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kingsmakers · 7 years
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Jungle ~ Animal Kingdom TNT 
Coming next week
Millie Reynolds is a gifted young hacker whose talents come to the attention of tough matriarch Smurf Cody - after all, she's known Deran since high school, and there's an obvious attraction between her and Craig. The IT student dives right into the criminal underbelly of Oceanside, California - leaving her roommate and the son of a cop, Alex Wilson, to consider where his loyalties lie. Especially considering Alex's own interest in Deran. The problem with jumping into the deep end is that if you can't swim, you sink.
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comphy-and-cozy · 4 years
Keeping You Waiting - J Cody x OFC
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Summary: J Cody doesn’t have a history of healthy relationships. When his ex shows up to a party for the first time since their break up, she isn’t sure what will happen, but she knows for certain it will be a night she won’t forget, no matter how badly she wants to.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Filthy, filthy smut. Very little plot. I’m not sorry. Unprotected sex, rough-ish sex. Brief drug mention.
The music reverberates through her body, bass pumping as she maneuvers through the throngs of drunk teens and twenty-somethings. The heady scent of weed, mingled with cigarette smoke and bad tequila clings to her nostrils, and she waits for her senses to adjust to the smell. Nervous anticipation fills her core, eyes scanning the room for familiar faces; or, more realistically, a familiar face that she somehow simultaneously dreads and longs to see.
“Whoa, look who finally made it out,” a voice calls from behind her, causing her to turn around in the direction of the sound. She knows that voice.
She smiles, the head of greasy blond hair a comforting sight amid the sea of strangers. He turns his head to blow cigarette smoke out of the corner of his mouth before opening his arms for a hug as she greets him, “Hi, Deran.”
“Hey yourself, girl,” he replies, giving a quick squeeze before taking another drag of his cigarette. “Good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you, too,” she answers, and she means it. He was always friendly with her, quickly falling into a sort of pseudo-older-brother type of relationship, and she had missed his company in her… absence.
There’s a beat of silence as the unspoken question hangs in the air between them, thick with uncertainty.
“He’s around here, somewhere.”
“I figured.”
“There’s a girl hanging around him,” he says with a warning tone, a flash of concern in his blue eyes as he flicks the ash off his cigarette. “Just so you know.”
She rolls her eyes, resisting the urge to scoff. “I couldn’t give less of a fuck.”
“I’m just saying,” Deran says, holding his hands up in a mock defense.
She finds her way to the cooler, in search of a beer — though she’d really like something stronger — before making her way back to Deran.
“How’ve you been?” she asks conversationally, taking a sip of her shitty beer of choice.
“Oh, you know, same old,” shrugs Deran. “Smurf went on a tirade this morning, so I’ve been hiding out at the bar all day.”
She nods, understanding the sentiment, opting to take another drink.
“You should come see it. We got a new stereo system and re-tiled the bathrooms. It looks great.”
“I’d love that,” she muses. “I don’t know how, but you make the best greasy potato fries ever.”
He grins, “It’s a secret recipe.”
And that’s when she sees him, leaning against the wall so casually, one hand in his pocket, the other loosely holding a sweating glass bottle from which he takes a long swig. He’s flanked by two girls, both vying for his affections, and it is strange to see, considering he is a man who prefers to sit on the sidelines rather than be the center of attention.
Light from the tiki torch next to him casts a warm glow over his tanned skin, allowing the darkness in his eyes to be accentuated. Even at a party, he is cunning, aware, planning, and she briefly wonders if he’s seen her.
The muscles in his neck jump as he swallows the cold liquid, and her line of sight trails down over the plain, fitted tee he is wearing. He isn’t the most muscular guy, but she knows each line of the body that lies underneath the cotton of his shirt; she can practically feel the sinewy flesh beneath her fingertips as she watches him.
He looks good, and he knows it.
Read the rest on AO3!
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kiingdcmscome · 5 years
Promises - Part One
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Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any canon characters in this fanfiction, I do claim ownership of the original characters featured and mentioned in this work. This is an au / alternate timeline fanfiction for the TNT drama Animal Kingdom and will feature characters and events from that show. ( This is a rewrite of promises part one, which i posted a few months ago. I went back and reread it, and absolutely hated it, so here we go, hopefully this is better ).  (gifs and photos are not mine unless stated otherwise. this gif belongs to the lovely @demctozdemir​ and can be found here ).
Summary: Marley Dossier is lost. Her mother has just been arrested, her dead beat father won't pick up the phone, and her grandmother wants nothing to do with her. Unsure of what else to do, she tracks down her childhood friend, J Cody. Little does she know, she's going right back into the world her mother fought so hard to keep her from, and the world that destroyed her family before it even started. | This fanfiction takes place six months after the death of nineteen year old J Cody's mother Julia. J and his best friend Marley have been reunited, though their reunion might bring more heartache than either can handle.
Content Warning: Mentions of Absentee parents, drug abuse, jail/prison, homelessness. | My main character Marley is in a wheelchair, please keep that in mind. 
Word Count: 1.5k
       The hot California sun beat down on me and my muscles throbbed in protest. He better fucking live here. The house was nice, which made me think I had the wrong place. Those suspicions were confirmed as I approached the front door. An older woman, probably in her sixties, came out the front door before I even had a chance to knock. Dressed in those obnoxious printed yoga pants with short blonde hair and oversized sunglasses she reminded me of one of those "cool" grandma's you saw on tv.
       "Can I help you?" She looked me over. Starting at my slightly worn sneakers to my braided hair. She barely stopped to take in the wheelchair, which honestly surprised me.
       "I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong place." Turning away, I didn't get far before a familiar voice brought my attention back.
       "Marley?" I turned to see him, a smile erupted over my face. It was so good to see him, especially since I hadn't seen a familiar (nevermind friendly) face in over a week.
       "Hey J..." He didn't look half as happy to see me as I was to see him.
       "What are you doing here?" His question confirmed it. He didn't want me here, and I couldn't help the confusion and hurt that worked its way into my chest.
       "Well, you stopped visiting, so I thought I'd come out here, see if you were still alive." I didn't want to tell him the real reason, not yet.
       "Uh, Smurf...This is Marley, she and I grew up together." He introduced me to the older woman, who'd taken a step closer to me. She reached out her hand, and I offered mine. She didn't shake it, instead, she just gave it a gentle squeeze and gave me a smile.
       "He's being modest. Our moms actually used to do smack together."
       "Marley, this is my grandmother. Smurf." Shit, I just insulted this woman's dead daughter. Instead of appearing insulted, she just nodded, her smile growing slightly before letting go of my hand.
       "You kids hungry? I'll go and make you two something to eat." Before either of us could answer, she disappeared into the house.
       "So did you really come all this way just to check on me?" He questioned once she was gone. I contemplated lying to him but realized there wasn't any use, he'd have seen right through it.
       "It's a long story, so I hope you've got time."
       "Credit card fraud? How did that even happen?" I'd just got done telling him all the gory details of my mom getting arrested and charged with credit card fraud. We were sitting in the backyard, his feet dangling in the pool. "And this all happened two months ago? Why didn't you call me?"
       "I tried. Your number was disconnected or something." I leaned back in my chair, looking him over for a moment. "She was dating this guy Jimmy, you know, the manager at the restaurant. He's a real piece of shit. He was running some fraud scheme and she got caught up in it." I wasn't defending my mom. She'd been stupid, but if Jimmy hadn't dragged her into his shit she'd have never been arrested. "Her lawyer's advising she take a plea deal."
       "And how much time is she looking at?" His question had an answer I didn't want to think about.
       "Five years. Minimum." I sighed, leaning forward. "I can't believe this shit. The relapse, now this."
       "Oh. I didn't tell you about that." I took a deep breath, staring down at my hands. "Yeah, about five months back, less than a month after your mom died...I got a call from the hospital. She relapsed. Clean eight years and then that shit."
       "Why didn't you call me?"
       "Cause your mom just ODed and died. You had enough stuff to deal with." I finally glanced up at him. "Besides, we weren't really talking."
       "Where are you staying?" He asked, changing the subject, which I was grateful for.
       "I was staying with Claudia. But she kicked me out after realizing I wasn't going to be able to pay rent." Claudia, my grandmother (if one can even call her that) hadn't wanted me there in the first place. "Rita let me stay at her place, but her grandkids needed the room cause her daughter got evicted. I tried contacting Charlie-" My dead beat dad. "But he didn't even bother picking up the phone. So, this past week I've been at that shelter over on Granger."
       "Shelter?" He stared at me for a moment. I could almost see the gears in his brain working to solve my problems, something he'd done since we were kids. "What about your uncle Eddie?"
       "Eddie's in New Mexico or something. I haven't heard from him in weeks. But don't worry, I'll figure it out." I take his hand in mine, glancing down at his knuckles. Bruised, which wasn't anything new. "You can't fix all my problems J, and I not here because I need you to. I'm here because I've missed you, and I needed a familiar face."
       He didn't get a chance to answer before Smurf popped her head out the sliding glass door beside us. "You kids come inside, I've got lunch on the table."
       The house was nice. Way nicer than anywhere I've ever lived. Nicer than anywhere J's ever lived too. For as long as I could remember, J's lived in the shitty apartment above the one me and my mom lived in.
       "Thanks for the food, Mrs. Cody." I leaned back in my chair, popping the last potato chip on my plate into my mouth. I couldn't help but stare at the place. The kitchen and living room itself was almost as big as my apartment.
       "Call me Smurf." She sat down at the table beside me, and I gave her a smile. "And you're welcome." I glanced over at J, who seemed to be watching us closely. I furrowed my brow, and he just shook his head.
       "So, how long have you two know each other."
       "Almost twelve years." It was so weird to say out loud. "Me and my mom lived in the apartment below him and Julia."
       "And how long have you two been dating?"
       "We're not." J and I spoke in unison. He looked to each other, a small smile forming on both of our faces.
       "We're friends. Best friends." Thankfully, someone opened the sliding door, breaking the awkwardness.
       "You fucking asshole." I glanced behind me. Holy shit. The person I should have been thanking for breaking the awkward silence was...hot...And covered in bright orange and blue paint splatters. Dark hair, tattoos, facial hair. I probably should have checked to make sure I wasn't drooling.
       "Oh Craig, did your brother shoot you with the paintball gun again?" I didn't have to know Smurf well to detect the mock concern in her voice.
       The door opened again, and another guy, blonde, definitely shorter than the other one, and also covered in paint came inside. "Don't even think about crying to Smurf. You shot me first."
       "Twice. You literally emptied yours into my back." He turned around, revealing large red welts on his back.
       "Don't start shit you can't finish." At that comment, the taller one, Craig, grabbed the blonde around the neck, putting him into a chokehold.
       "Boys, enough. Can't you see we have a guest." They stopped, both looking down at me. The blonde just stared a moment, but the brunette managed to muster a small smile.
       "Who's this?" He asked, staring at me long enough that I could feel my face heating. Jesus, stop acting like you've never seen an attractive guy before.
       "I'm Marley, J's friend." I offered a small smile to both him and the blonde, but neither of them smiled back. Instead, the blonde when to the fridge, and the brunette continued to stare at me.
       "Jesus Craig, you look like you've never seen anyone in a wheelchair before," J commented. He's done in it the past, especially when we were in high school. Anyone who looked my way wrong heard it.
       The blonde snickered, and the brunette turned away from me, also heading towards the fridge. "What're you making for dinner?" He grabbed a beer, tossing the cap into the sink.
       "We're having salmon. Marley, are you staying for dinner?"
       "Actually I have to get back." I looked at J, "Do you think you could give me a ride? I'm pretty sure my arms are going to be spaghetti tomorrow from the way over here."
       "Do you still live in J's old building?" Smurf asked.
       "Actually no." I wondered exactly how much more I wanted to say in front of a bunch of strangers. "I'm actually in-between places right now. There's this...Home, I'm staying at that has a curfew."
       "Like a shelter?" She questioned, and before I could answer, "Why don't you stay here until your new place is ready?"
       "That's probably not a good idea," J answered before I could.
       "Of course it is. You don't want your friend staying in a shelter, do you?"
       "I don't want to be a bother."
       "Of course not. You're staying, end of discussion. I'll get the couch set up for you. Do you have anything you need to go get?"
       "No. All of my stuff is with one of my mom's friends." She got up, leaving the kitchen.
       "What just happened?" I asked, watching after her.
       "Smurf." J didn't seem happy, "Smurf happened."
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Do you know if anybody in the fandom writes a J Cody fanfiction? Because all I can find is just imagines
I write J Cody fic and there are a few others who do as well.
Yo, like this post if you write for J. Please, for anon and for me.
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judysxnd · 3 years
Risking everything - part two
I’m finally posting the second part. I hope you guys liked the first one!
Warnings: mention of shootings and gunfire
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sum: you have a violent father who tries to keep you as close as possible to him, especially since he discovered that you started dating J. He knew about his family, which you didn’t. One night your father has to leave for “business”, but he doesn’t leave you alone, and has paid two guards to stay with you. You got rid of them and you managed to stay at J’s place. But it won’t go as planned.
You were sleeping peacefully (for once) in J’s arms. It felt good, finally resting, sleeping knowing no one will burst through the door and take you somewhere, beat you. J was holding you tight, refusing to let you go. He will not loose you. But a big noise woke both of you.
“What was that?” I said my heart racing.
“I don’t know” he got up. “Don’t move” he quietly walked towards the window.
“do you see anything?” I whispered.
“People, I- shit” He quickly came back to the bed.
“What is it?” He looked at me while grabbing something under his bed. “J” He pulled out a gun and charged it.
“you stay here”
“It’s my dad isn't it”
“It’s going to be okay. Just hide in the closet okay? If you hear anything, you DON’T move” the door suddenly opened, J turned and was about to shoot.
“Fuck sake, Pope!”
“they’re here”
“yeah no shit”
“there are many, at least 5/6 guys”
“shit. Where’s smurf?”
“I don’t know, she’s not here. I’ll go get Deran and Craig” then he left.
“y/n, go in the closet” I didn’t say anything, just did what he said. I heard him leaving. I was trying not to panic, everything was because of me. I put everyone in danger. Then suddenly, I heard gunshots. I gasped. I was hoping that no one would be heart because of me. Then I heard yelling.
“WHERE IS SHE” I recognised the voice, my father. I knew he would come, he won’t leave me alone. I don’t know why he wants to keep me, I’m not very useful for him, more like a burden.
I didn’t hear anything for some time, so I quietly opened the door. I didn’t see any one so I got out. When I arrived at the door, I check but didn’t see anyone. It was so dark, I could barely see. Then I heard something behind me. I slowly turned my head to see that someone was at the window, and was about to shot me. shit. I quickly ran outside the room, not knowing where to go. I was looking for J, or anyone that could help me. Then someone grabbed me, I was about to scream but the guy put his hand on my mouth.
“Ssh don’t make a sound”
“who are you?” I whispered.
“Oh okay good, someone good”
“you should have stayed where you were hiding”
“I know, but I didn’t hear anything, so.. I thought I was over” he gave me this bitch-are-you-stupid-look.
“you haven’t watched enough movies? That’s the thing they all do and they die or get kidnapped because of that” I rolled my eyes.
“anyway. where’s J?”
“I don’t know, I think outside”
I don’t know how it happened, but J was in fact outside, on the ground covered in blood, because my father was beating him. Someone was holding me tight. Deran was being held too. He ran out of bullets and we got caught. Then someone shot from the roof. Everyone went on the ground. I took advantage of that and ran inside. I was hiding behind the counter in the kitchen. I was hearing gunshots outside.
“DON’T SHOOT OR I’LL KILL HIM” I stood up a little, just enough to stay hidden. I saw that my father was pointing the gun towards J. Then I heard noise from the roof, and two people fell from it. I gasped.
“shit” I said.
“Y/N !! I know you’re not really far, come outside” I was wondering what I was supposed to do. Everyone got caught, they could not help me. More guys would probably be in the rest of the house, I literally have no issues. Then my eyes wondered on the table on my right. There was still some guns. I crawled there, and took one.
“I can’t do this, I can’t do this” I whispered. “but if I don’t, they’re all going to die, I can’t let that happen, I'll be dead anyway” I took a deep breath and crawled back where I was. I was on my knees, trying to point to the guards holding Deran. “You can do this, you can do this. You don’t have the choice.” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and I pulled the trigger. I heard a scream. I hid under the counter again. “did I do this? Was it someone else? Smurf?” I couldn’t watch, it was too much. Then I heard an other gunshot. I opened my eyes, realising it wasn't me. I didn't do that. I stood up to look outside to see two guards on the ground. My father was nowhere to be found and J was gone too. This was too much. I put the gun under my shirt and went outside, holding my hands in the air. “STOP PLEASE STOP” I screamed.
“y/n no!” I heard J screamed, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I saw my father standing up from behind the bar, holding J really tight, the gun pointed to his head.
“Don’t hurt him please”
“It’s a little too late honey. I told you to stay away from him and his family”
“They’re less dangerous than you”
“Since when you answer me back”
“Since I'm not scared of you anymore”
“Is that so?” he smiled.
“Let him go”
“never” I could see something move behind him. It was Pope. It was about to burst out of the room and kill him, at least I thought I was about to do that. But instead, he walked slowly outside.
“Put the gun down” he simply said.
“Like I would” my father responded, not even looking at him. Then I heard something behind me. I quickly turned around, to see the last guard who was holding Craig I think, try to shoot Pope. But Craig stopped him, not he was holding him. Deran was injured and couldn’t move. Before I could think, I pulled out the gun I had on my back, and pointed it to my father.
“I said let him go” I had tears in my eyes.
“You won’t pull the trigger”
“You really think I can’t do it?
“You don’t have the guts to do it, just like your mom never did” It took a few seconds to realise what he just said.
“What did you just say?”
“You really heard me. You really think she had a heart attack that led to a car accident?”
“Y-You killed her?” I was shaking, the tears were running down on my face. I could see that J was getting more and more upset. Suddenly, J hit my father and before he could shoot, I shot him. I don’t know where I hit him but he fell to the ground. J ran to me.
“You okay?” He asked me. I was shocked. Tears were still running down my face, not because for what I’ve done, but for what I just did. I finally looked at J who was concerned.
“He deserved it”
“he did” we looked at each other for a second.
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, you’re going to be okay” he smiled then hugged me. I held him tight. I could see Pope checking on him. Deran finally got up and joined him. Craig was taking care of the last guard.
“Did he hurt you?” I asked him. He had blood everywhere on his face
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry”
“We need to check the house” Pope said.
“You stay here” said J, before leaving with Pope and Deran inside. I walked towards my father. I simply looked at him, then suddenly he coughed. I pointed my gun at him. He just laughed.
“I-I really didn’t t-think you could do it”
“After everything you did, that’s the only thing that matters?”
“Y-Yes, because n-now, I know that you’re t-tr-truly my daughter”
“I could have been if you acted like a father. I hope you’ll rot in hell, like you deserve it” I said, very angry. He seemed surprised by what I said. I was about to shoot him again, but blood ran from his eyes, he choked for a few seconds then he finally died.
“the house is clear” said J as he stepped outside the kitchen, followed by Pope.
“what do we do about him?” Asked Craig, still holding tight the last guard.
“I’ll take care of him” said Pope. J walked towards me.
“You did what you had to do” I looked at him.
“I know. It’s just- I thought it would devastate me, but- I don’t feel a thing”
“It’s because you knew he deserved it” I simply nodded. Deran and Craig went inside to take care of Deran’s injuries, Pope and J put the bodies in a truck, Pope then left, and J and I started cleaning the house.
After we finished cleaning, I sat outside for a minute. The sun was rising, the day was starting as if nothing happened. I could see through the window that Craig was going to bed. I turned my face towards the kitchen when Deran stepped out with two beers.
“You want one?”
“no thank you”
“I’ll take it” J said as he arrived behind him. “Are you okay?” Asked J to Deran.
“It hurts but I’ll be fine”
“I’m sorry” I said.
“It’s not your fault”
“Kind of, we’re in this situation because of me”
“It was not because of you y/n” said J.
“Whatever, it’s over now, you can rest, we can all rest” finally said Deran as he laid down on a sun lounger. J and I looked at each other.
“I think I’m going to bed, if I can sleep” I said. “Thank you guys, for everything” then I left.
I was trying to fall asleep, but I couldn’t help and think of what happened tonight again. I heard the door open.
“I knew you wouldn’t be sleeping”
“I can’t get it off my head”
“It’s normal” J got undressed and joined me in bed. “But now, you can finally rest, and sleep, I’m here, I’ll always be here to protect you.” I looked at him then kissed him.
“Thank you” you laid on his chest, and finally fell asleep, really knowing that nothing would happen to you.
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