#josie and becca are both adults now too
simlypixies · 11 months
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FINN BIRTHDAYYY!! ft. his childhood best friends who are also teens now :')
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immortalpramheda · 5 years
The 100 6x11 ‘Ashes to Ashes’
Sheidheda is still taunting Madi. As she faces him in a game of chess, he tells her what it is he wants from her. He wants her to get revenge for Clarke, and kill anyone who gets in her way. He wants her to rule this world, just like he did the last.
I’m thinking more and more that he might be Cadogan. From what we’ve learnt previously, Cadogan burnt Becca alive and it’s seems very likely he then took over the Grounder culture and made it what it ultimately became. There’s a huge possibility that he could be the Dark Commander. Maybe now being in Sanctum (a new world), it’s awoken him and he wants to rule this one and turn it into something more twisted, just like he did to the last world.
“Mistakes are forgivable, not learning from them isn’t.” Miller and Gaia were two of Bloodreina’s most loyal followers in the bunker, but we’ve never really seen them interact before. They both feel regret at how they stood by and didn’t do anything to stop all the horror that transpired. Miller in particular still feels immense guilt. But as Gaia points out, they can be forgiven as long as they learn from their mistakes.
Miller goes back to his roots as a thief and is the reason they manage to escape. He steals a knife from a guard, but he doesn’t use it to to kill, he uses the wire to pick a lock. He’s learning from his mistakes that violence is not always the way. If there is another option, then they should take it. These two together were gold and I’d love to see more of them!
Echo is to be the first new host, using bone marrow extracted from Madi. She’s turned into a Nightblood the same way that Clarke was. She’s terrified of being mind wiped, and we learn why. Because she’s been erased before.
When Echo was a child she was being trained by Queen Nia to become an assassin. When she fails to kill a man, she is instead tasked with killing her friend, Ash. If she fails at this too, then they both die.
She’s hesitant and refuses to put up much of a fight, even begging Ash to fight back and show there’s value in her too. But Ash ends up killing her instead. Nia gives her the name of Echo and Ash is erased.
Ash’s whole life up until then was forgotten and she was forced to take on the name and life of her best friend. And how fitting is her name, she’s an echo of the friend she had to kill.
This is something she has never confided to anyone before. She’s ashamed, she feels like an imposter. Her whole life was upended and she’s always struggled with her identity, never quite knowing who she is. That’s why Spacekru was so important to her. It was the first time she felt like she had a family and knew her place. It’s a sad backstory, and explains a lot about who she is as a person.
She told Ryker, a stranger, because that’s easier than telling a close friend. Killing him also means the secret dies with him, but I wonder if she’ll ever be comfortable opening up to anyone else.
The big question is, why was she turned into a Nightblood? She could still become Simone or another Prime. Or maybe she could take the Flame and becomes Commander? But that doesn’t really check out, because the Grounders think synthetic Nightblood is a betrayal of their culture. I doubt they’d follow her. But there must be a reason.
Bellamy’s plan was to bargain for peace with Josephine’s mind drive, but the drive is empty. So she is gone for good. She can’t resurrected again.
A lot of really subtle, sweet moments between Clarke and Bellamy this episode. Comforting her after waking up from a nightmare, how he apologises for not protecting her, and the way he’s hesitant to let her put herself in danger again.
“You’re my sister. But you’re not my responsibility. Not anymore.” The Blake siblings are finally on their way to mending their relationship. Octavia is determined to do whatever it takes to earn his forgiveness. Bellamy loves her, but the truth is that their relationship was toxic. They can’t go back to the way things were, it wouldn’t be healthy. She is not his responsibility anymore. They’re adults and need to take responsibility for their own actions. Hopefully soon they’ll have the chance to just be brother and sister, rather than this unbalanced relationship they’ve had their entire lives. It seems that we’re heading that way and I’m very much looking forward to it.
The Children of Gabriel have not been sure whether Gabriel (the Old Man) is actually alive or not. It seemed that they’d abandoned him. They’re surprised, and relieved, to see Xavier again. One of them is his sister. Layla. He reveals he is Gabriel, and has been for the past ten years. His sister is furious that this imposter has been living in her brothers body for that long, fooling them all. Introducing Xavier’s sister is an interesting addition, I hope we get to see more of her.
Bellamy suggests they make a bomb with Red Sun Toxin and let it loose in Sanctum. Causing everyone to go mad and use it as an opportunity to kill the Primes. Clarke isn’t completely on board with this plan, it reminds her a lot of Mount Weather. These people have been brainwashed, they’re innocent, and they shouldn’t be punished. She has another idea, make the bomb strong enough to only effect the bugs. Force an evacuation instead of a mass psychosis, while she poses as Josephine to bring down the shield. If they have the chance to save innocent lives, then they should.
Bellamy is hesitant to let Clarke go on a dangerous mission because he doesn’t want to lose her again. Their goodbye was bittersweet, there’s no guarantee their plan will work. But he acknowledges this is the best course of action and lets her go. “For Monty.”
Despite everything that Clarke has been through, having her body stolen and almost dying, she is the one determined to keep Monty’s wish. Revenge isn’t the way. Saving their people and freeing the innocent people of Sanctum from this false religion is how they do better. Even if it means putting herself in danger, because that’s what Clarke Griffin always does.
Clarke does a great job of playing Josephine, complete with the hair twirl and nonchalant attitude towards torture and death, and Russell seems to completely buy that she’s his daughter. Murphy buys it too (I think? He seemed to believe she really is Josie but maybe he’s just playing along).
She almost breaks when she sees Madi strapped to an operating chair, but she keeps her composure. She has no choice but to play along or risk blowing her cover. (Kudos to Eliza Taylor for playing many different iterations of characters this season - Clarke, Josephine, Josephine playing Clarke, and now Clarke playing Josephine, she’s absolutely killing it!)
Gabriel mentioned that Simone is the one who originally weaponised the Red Sun Toxin. She and Josephine were intrigued by the visions of those who survived being caught out in the eclipse, and they began leaving test subjects outside to study. The believers of the Primes reported seeing the Primes as ‘gods’ in the hallucinations, and their aggression was almost always aimed at the less faithful. And so the ‘Adjustment Protocol’ was born. Every once in a while they let loose a bomb of the toxin and let the believers kill the non believers. A way for them to ensure Sanctum is full of only loyal followers.
Considering ‘Adjustment Protocol’ is the name of the next episode, I’d say it’s likely that things won’t exactly go to plan. Not just the bugs will be affected, but there will probably be a mass psychosis and it will be mayhem. Maybe Murphy will be the only person who isn’t affected again?
Another great episode! It pushed the plot forward in some really exciting ways, and Bob did an amazing job at directing! Only two episodes left now, and I can’t wait to see what happens!
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