#josty spam
going-full-shmoo · 5 years
I’m here to talk girl dad Tyson because those kids would be so frickin spoiled
@matbaezal why must you hurt me like this so early in the morning
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I am 1000% completely convinced he’d be one of the best girl dad’s in the entire league
his mama raised him RIGHT
whether its natural, or by adoption, he is absolutely going to be wrapped around her finger the instant she’s in your lives
you can tell very quickly that he’s smitten with her, with his eyes all watery and the brightest smile on his face
he will obviously call his mom and his sister with a million questions to make sure that he can be the best dad for her 
and they are also going to be just as soft with this baby girl no matter if she’s family by blood or adoption
she will absolutely be the most spoiled child in the world
he tries so hard to control himself because he wants to raise his kids to not be entitled and to be kind and compassionate
but one look from that girl and he’s like “I will buy you the whole world”
if she cries
daddy’s there to comfort her and make her smile, whether it means getting a makeover done or just making ridiculous faces until she laughs
he’s absolutely the kind of dad that will play dress up, read stories with funny voices, and do whatever else his little one asks
as they start to grow up, he is determined to learn how to do their hair all by himself
if it means watching tutorials online and doing his own research for hair care, he’s going to do it, and he will master it
if it means calling his sister for ideas, he’ll do it
we appreciate men who unlearn toxic masculine bullshit
he’s proud to be able to take care of his little girl with all his heart because he knows that they are just as important to him
whenever he hears other dads complain about how hard it is to raise girls, he’s there with his little girl in his arms, covered in glitter and smelling like flowers, with rainbow stickers on his face, like “well maybe if you realized women are people too, you’d actually put some effort into raising them instead of ignoring them”
he’s not here for that “girls are complicated” bullshit
as they start to get into their teenage years, he’s absolutely not ashamed to go out and buy them pads or tampons whenever they need it
he’ll always get some kind of treat to go with it because, like I said, they will absolutely be spoiled and he’s not here for seeing his little girl hurting
if he hears about someone teasing them or making them feel bad, you will absolutely have to stop him from throwing hands with a child
no one hurts his little girl and gets away with it
but, even through all that, he makes sure that they know that their value isn’t placed on their looks, if they have a “man in their life”, or any of that bullshit
those girls will know that they are amazing no matter what and that their worth comes from themselves, not anyone else
if his daughter comes home and complains about how dumb boys are he’ll be like “hell yeah we are you don’t need them”
he will teach them never to settle for anything less than what they deserve, which is the whole world to him
but the most important thing to him when raising his little girl is making sure that they know how totally badass women can be
he will make sure to find plenty of female role models for them and teach them they can do anything, no matter what anyone says
and he, of course, has his mom, grandma, and amazing Auntie Kacey to back him up
if his little girl is into hockey (like father like daughter), he’s going to make sure that they know all about the amazing women playing hockey like Hilary Knight, Marie Philip Poulin, Amanda Kessel, and of course, Auntie Jesse (the better Compher...sorry JT)
if his little girl is into volleyball, obviously he’s hyping up Auntie Kacey, but also women like Misty May (Long Beach represent) and Kerri Walsh
If she’s into superheroes, he’s buying every piece of Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Storm (gotta rep the X-Men), and Bumblebee (yes she’s a superhero pls appreciate) merch he can
science? he’s got you covered with women in science from every decade he can find from Marie Curie to Katherine Johnson, to even Dr. Katie Bouman, the first person ever to photograph a black hole in space
he’s determined to show them that even though the world will try and convince her that she can’t do certain things because she’s a girl, that she can always prove them wrong just like them
I need to stop before I ramble on forever because honestly I could
but to summarize
with the support of the badass women in his life, whoever his partner is, he’s going to make sure that his little girl gets the best life she can
whether she’s natural or adopted, he’d raise some kick-ass daughters with the same curls and sweet, charming, and goofy personality
50/10 excellent girl dad
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intermission-report · 5 years
i apologize in advance for all the avs spam
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hookingminor · 3 years
head so full of josty thoughts omfg
send them in babe I think y'all should spam my inbox and then we can go absolutely fucking insane tomorrow night
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domesticmail · 4 years
happy holidays!
i want to begin this post by apologizing for my inactivity recently! the week of christmas is very important to my family, so i’ve been busy with them !! if it seems like i’ve been ignoring you, i promise, i’m not! i’m just very, very busy this week. <3
that being said, since it’s christmas eve, i have some lovely people on here i’d like to recognize! these are just the mutuals who i speak to/interact with regularly !! please don’t be offended if you don’t see your name on this list - i promise, i love all of you with my entire heart!!! (you’ll also be getting dms from me ! <3)
first up - @makarsy !
sophie. i have no idea what i would do without you. you are, for all intents and purposes, my soulmate, the literal love of my life, my hockeyblr best friend. the sid to my nate, the moose to my goose, the absolute feral to my rat craziness. i! have! so! much! love! for! you!!!! i would move mountains for you if you asked!! i would write poems for you!! songs!! entire fics!! you have my entire heart <3 i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you (i literally can’t say it enough times. catch me spamming your dms. anyway <3)
caitee!!! you are so sweet and kind and adorable, i just want to hug you and never let you go! you’ve been so warm and comfortable with me since day one, and i really can’t believe we met. you light up my inbox, and my dash, and my dms, and literally anywhere i see you !!! you never fail to send me sweet things when i’m having a tough time, and i genuinely don’t have the words for how much it means to me. i love you so so so much <3
of COURSE i’m gonna put my big sister on here!! we don’t talk enough, nikki, and it’s absolutely outrageous. every time i see you on my dash i get a HUGE smile because i just!! you make me feel so incredibly safe and welcomed and loved. i love that i can talk to you and ask you about anything, and i know you’ve got my back no matter what. you’re the best big sister i could possibly ask for, i love you!!! <3
corwin i would literally be lost on here without you. you’re an absolute badass in the best sense of the phrase, and i would do anything to have the confidence and courage you do. you’re so smart and powerful and strong and every time i see you on my dash i can’t help but be in awe of what an incredible person you are. i love you to the moon and back, and if you EVER need me, i’m here for you!! <3
ari!! pen pal!!!!! the person responsible for getting me into hockeyblr!!!! i love you so much i don’t know WHAT i would do without you. literally. like, you’d better be coming to FLC with me, so we can be roommates and have the literal time of our lives in college!!!! you’re always such a calming and kind presence on my dash, i love interacting with you (also it’s 100% YOUR FAULT that i have the BIGGEST crush on aaron hotchner. this is your fault ari you’ve ruined my life skjdfhkjdsfhkdh) <3333
rayleene!!! guess what!!!!!!!!!! i literally love you so much i would go to the ends of the earth for you. we’re both leos and i love that for us bc we get along so well it’s???? insane????? we need to interact more because i literally love talking to you !!!! we should go on a road trip and stare at our reflections in beautiful lakes, i feel like that’d be good for us <3
a final note - 
thank you so much to all of you. you’ve all been so kind and supportive of me, i don’t know what i would do without you guys. i hope you’re all having a fantastic december, and a fantastic holiday season!! i love you all so, so, so much. if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask me!!! <333
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dmonchld · 4 years
I havent checked my asks in a while but ill simply spam yours for the time being while i spiral over josty and his curls
i think i’ve sent you askies of me screaming down the dark hallway that is ur ask box
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Your spam is blessing my feed right now so thank you! How about some Josty in there? 😇 (justjosty)
@justjosty the first reblog, unsurprisingly, had to do with josty’s hair. crazy how that happens huh
Send me your fav hockey players and I’ll reblog (at least one of) my favorite pictures/gifs/videos of them! boys can be requested more than once!
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matbaerzal · 3 years
Catch me spamming the fuck out of your blog and liking every single thing you post even though I really don’t usually simp josty? Sorry if it’s driving you nuts? But I don’t know what to say other than dude you have a gift, thank you for sharing it with us ❤️❤️❤️
stOP IT you’re making me blush ❤️❤️ thank you so much 🥰
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no-pucks-given · 3 years
gahh i havent read the new josty fic but im excited to read it !! be on the lookout i may ‘liveblog’ and spam ur inbox anonymously as im reading
Omg, please do! I'd love that, hahaha. I hope you like it! 💕
Thank you for your sweet message, really made my morning!
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mondieumat · 3 years
please spam my dash w landy nate gravy andre josty cale closeup gifs please🥺
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
What's your favorite(s) photo of Josty?
Ooo thats tough...Lemme find a few
Credit to: @roastyjosty​ @tsonjost​ @soft-hockeybros​ @samgirard​ @jetsmorrissey​ and @matbaezal​ for these photos
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There’s a million more that I could put here honestly cause I just...love his face...but for the most part these make up most of them.
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
how would josty react if you guys hadn’t seen each other in a while bc and you came to surprise him at a game?
Oooooooooo hun don’t even get me STARTED
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cue the over-excited puppy energy
the whole team noticed that he was a bit mopey lately 
long road trips were never fun for anyone, but especially now that he had you in his life, they seemed especially exhausting
he definitely understood now why these guys are so happy to be home after a long road trip
because it meant being with their loved ones
and that meant you
it was right in the middle of one of their longest road trips in the season, and Tyson missed you like crazy
he did his best to keep up his usually happy demeanor, but everyone could tell there was something missing
that’s why they had secretly managed to convince you to fly out for a game so he would snap back to normal
as they all got ready in the locker room, they can see him check his phone quite a few times, seeing him texting you that he misses you and stuff like that
they are all whispering to themselves about the plan and everything and he doesn’t even notice
they know that you are waiting at the zamboni entrance for warm ups, with a sign just for him
as soon as he got out onto the ice for warmups, he almost trips over himself because he wasn’t expecting to see you there
he skates over to you and presses himself up against the glass with the biggest smile on his face 
the team has to physically pull him away to get him back into warmups
but for the rest of warmups, and even the game, he’s got the same glowing smile on his face, and everyone could tell he felt ten pounds lighter
he ended up getting a goal and an assist that game, with one of his best games of the season
after cleaning up and dealing with the media, he practically sprints out of the locker room to find you
and as soon as he does, he practically launches himself into your arms, bringing you up to spin you around a few times
he’s holding on so tight to you it feels like he’ll never let go, which he honestly doesn’t want to
not that you’re complaining
“I missed you” you can hear him mumble into your shoulder
“I missed you too”
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
I could imagine Josty being a complete show off after noticing you down by the glass during warm-ups. The boy is a clown and I love it 💕 (victor-e-green)
@victor-e-green loving Tyson Jost is our brand. He is definitely a clown and we love him.
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Ok so he is 100% pure dork, with very little shame
and so he would definitely do his best to capture your attention if he thought you were cute
so he sees you near the ice during warm ups, and immediately he’s like
“its my time to shine”
naturally the first thing he does is take some more shots on net, using a little more force than usual
hits the crossbar one too many times for his liking, but a few go into the net
he looks over to see if you’re still watching, and he notices you smile and he’s like
“fuck now I gotta step up my game we gotta keep that smile there”
instead of going to his usual spot to stretch, he comes over to right in front of where you are, doing his usual stretches but a little more exaggerated
but not before he bounces off the glass right in front of you just to be a little bit show-off-ish
takes a page out of Gabe’s book and does a few push ups, which he doesn’t normally do
so he almost has his gloves slip out from under him, but he catches himself
for the rest of warm-ups hes got a slight red tinge on his cheeks and ears
he does some skating, some very extra stick handling featuring the lil tongue thing he does because at this point he can’t help but do it
he’s waiting his turn to do another lap around the ice when Compher leans over and whispers
“Hey they’ve had their eyes on you for like, the whole time and you’ve been acting weirder than usual. You think they’re cute?”
he would just respond by punching JT in the arm
after doing some more ridiculous shots on net, some spin-o-ramas, some slapshots and such, warmups are about to finish
so he skates over, bouncing a puck on his stick, to right in front of where you’re standing
he taps the glass to get your attention and points at you before launching the puck over the glass, into your hands
you smile at him and tap the glass, telling him “thank you”
and he gives you a wink and a smile before skating off
but not before almost tripping over the door
he didn’t know if he’d see you again, but at least he knew he put a smile on your face when you were there
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
Sleepy morning cuddles with Jost would be the best
Oh anon you stop it...my heart’s too soft for this
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look at this soft adorable sweet boy
morning cuddles would honestly be a must between the two of you whenever you could
obviously its hard to do that when he’s away on road trips and stuff, or when he has early practices
but on the days he can, be prepared to not leave the bed for a very, very, very long time
to me he just looks like a really cuddly sleeper
so even if you start on opposite sides of the bed
by the morning he is pretty much laying completely on top of you with his arms around you
you’d wake up either on your back, face to face, or as the little spoon with his full weight just right on top of you, his face nestled into your neck
no matter how hot you are, there’s pretty much no chance of escaping his grip while he’s still asleep
if you try and get up, he’ll whine and only hold on to you tighter, so you’ve learned to just let him sleep and enjoy the moment
if you’re on your back you just admire him for a while, and start running your fingers through his hair and on the nape of his neck gently
he just looks so soft and so peaceful, you just can’t bring yourself to wake him up
you’re able to look through your phone for a little while and take a few photos, some cute, and some less than flattering for kicks
eventually you start pressing little kisses over his face and he begins to stir and shift around
“good morning” you whisper to him, completely endeared
“...morning” you hear him mumble into your shoulder, his voice still filled with sleep
“babe I gotta get up for a second” you tell him, hoping it’ll get him to loosen his grip on you
you hear him whine a soft “no” and try and nuzzle closer to you, if that’s even possible
“I’ll be back before you know it” you say as you leave a kiss on his nose before managing to squeeze out of his grip
you can hear him whining for you
you go and freshen up and stuff before returning, and as soon as the bathroom door opens you can see his head pop up again
his face is still half-asleep, and his curls are everywhere (major bed head alert), but its the cutest sight you have ever seen
“see, I told you i’d be back” you smiled at him as you crawled back under the covers
the instant you were down on your side, he was pulling you towards him, tucking his face right back into your neck
“you’re so needy this morning” you joke with him, your hands going to his hair and his back
he just grumbles in response and holds you close to him, and you swear he falls back asleep almost instantly
the rest of the morning is filled with him curled up into you, holding you close to him
nothing but whispering sweet nothing back and forth, and talking about life, and the future, and everything in between
“You’re the cutest in the world, you know that” you whisper to him, pressing a kiss to his forehead
you feel him nod against you
“You’re my favorite” you can hear him say against your neck as he starts to do the same, placing small kisses where he can reach
these were the moments you’d hold on to forever
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
awwww omg or telling tys that youre pregnant after trying for a long time and hes all happy and excited but then kind of gets insecure because he thinks he wont be a good dad but u just reasuuring him
I’ll see what I can do, anon
NOTE: this is for a female specific reader
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so the two of you had been married for a while now
and you both agreed that you were ready to start expanding your little family
so the two of you started trying
and it definitely took some time, but both of you agreed that when it happens, it will happen
so when you started feeling off for a few weeks, you went to the doctors just to see if it was finally happening
sure enough, there was a bun in the oven
you were completely overjoyed, knowing that the two of you were finally getting your wish
now, it was time to actually tell Tyson
you had brainstormed a few ideas, but you settled on one you knew he would like
you found a little plush ukulele made for babies, and you got a picture of the ultrasound you had
you put them in a little box for him to open with a note that said “New Jam Partner, coming soon!”
you set it out on the counter and waited for him to return from practice anxiously, barely able to contain your excitement
as soon as he came through the door, you ran over to him, wrapping your arms around him with excitement
“What’s all this for?” he asked with a smile before giving you a kiss “Not that I’m complaining of course”
“Come here, I have something for you!”
you took his hand in yours and dragged him over to the counter, pulling out your phone to record his reaction
he looked at you with a confused expression before you urged him to open it
he slowly opened the box, taking everything in for a second before you see the biggest smile light up his face
“ARE YOU FOR REAL?” he asks you
you nod, the same bright smile on your face
he races over to you and wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you in close
you hear him murmur an ‘i love you so much’ into your shoulder, with a few sniffles added on to it
you stop recording and pull him even closer
“it’s finally happening” you tell him, pulling back to look at his face
and he smiles at you for a moment as you wipe a few stray tears away, before you see his face fall a bit
“this is really happening...” you hear his voice shake, “...what if...what if I’m not good enough? What if I do something to hurt them? I don’t know if I’m gonna be good enough for them”
you can see he’s starting to panic, so you urge him to sit down and take some deep breaths with you
“look at me, please” you gently turn his face so he can look you in the eyes “I’m right here. I know, this is really scary. But I’m gonna be right here the whole time. We’ll learn together. And, we have your mom, and a ton of people with us who can help us. You aren’t alone in this Tyson.”
you see him nod, but you can tell he’s still not totally convinced
“And Tyson, I wouldn’t have married you or started a family with you if I didn’t believe you were going to be good at this. You have so much love and good to offer the world, to me, and now to our little peanut we have. You have what it takes to be an amazing dad. I know you may not think it, but I see this in you every day. You have such a good heart in you. And like I said, you’ll have me with you the whole way. If there is ever a time where you feel like this once this kiddo arrives, you come to me, and we’ll figure it out together.”
“I guess you’re right” you see him start to relax before he gently starts running his thumbs over your stomach “We’re in this for you, little one”
“See? You’re starting off great already” you give him a kiss. “They are gonna be so loved, I just know it”
The to of you just sit in happy silence for a little while, drinking in the moment, when you finally speak again
“So, who do we tell first? Your family, or mine?”
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
It blows my mind that one person can just radiate such boyfriend energy like Tyson Jost. Just seeing him is a straight shot of serotonin every day
Honestly anon, I it blows my mind too. Every day I’m learning something new that just makes me love him a little bit more. I think the first time that it really hit me, like “wow this guy is actually really the kind of person I want to be dating” was when I saw his Fathers Day tweet dedicated to all the single moms who work hard to provide for their kids all by themselves. My mom is also a single mom (under different circumstances) and to see someone else who appreciates just how hard they work for us really hit home for me. And since then he’s continued to raise my expectations for the people I date.
He’s dorky, he’s sweet, he’s a little clumsy, he loves his family whole-heartedly and unconditionally showers everyone he cares about in love and support. He can’t chirp his teammates to save his life because he has more good things to say about them than bad. He knows his own worth, and values hard work and persistence. Even when he’s struggling he continues to push himself to improve. Honestly I could ramble about him for hours.
He is my sweet sunshine shot of serotonin every day and I am genuinely grateful to know about his existence.
Happy Birthday you adorable dork. I hope you know how much we appreciate you.
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going-full-shmoo · 5 years
Could you do one where you’re a hockey player too and dating Tys
Ok I’ll do my best! I’m gonna make them a goalie just because...yknow...I appreciate goalies
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I feel like he wouldn’t care if his partner played hockey or not, but if you did he wouldn’t be mad about it
it just gives you something extra to bond over
and it means you understand hectic schedules, and the pressures of the game
he would do his best to get to your games whenever he can 
and he would absolutely cheer the loudest out of anyone
if you make an excellent save, you could hear him from the back of the arena cheering over everyone
if a goal got past you, he’d do his best to yell something encouraging so you wouldn’t get discouraged
if you leave your crease he has a damn heart attack because he knows just how dangerous that is
and so help him if someone from the other team so much as nudges you, someone has to hold him back before he fights their entire roster
he loves that you play such a position like a goaltender because he knows how stressful but also how talented you have to be to play there
he’s always amazed by your skills and how hard you train to do your best
he especially loves that the two of you can train together during the offseason
you keep him sharp with the different shots he takes, giving him a run for his money on saves
you help him get more creative and intuitive when he shoots the puck
on top of that
he also gives you a challenge with the shots he takes 
he makes you think quick on your feet and expands your knowledge of different scenarios that you could face on the ice
and, the best part is, both of you can take care of each other when you’re sore or injured
taking the time to massage sore muscles and all the aches and pains that come with being hockey players
plus, your apartment becomes absolutely covered in equipment
sometimes it can be challenging
when both of you are on the road, there’s a lot that you miss
when a bad game happens, there’s always some residual sadness and frustration that gets left to simmer
but at the end of the day, he appreciates the hell out of what you do, just like you do for him
and that’s all he can really ask for
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