dumbass-duo-showdown · 6 months
Hello! Are you a somewhat buff male character drawn slender by fanartists who are pairing you up with a buffer guy. You may suffer from
Twinkism by Yaoi
It a serious disease which will ruin the fanon interpretation of you, you may go from feeding shit to a baby to a “uwu [insert buffer male]. To being a dominant force in the hallways to being a soft boy. Despite you having enough muscles to rival a part 8/9 jojo character.
Go to your local tumblr to see if someone has tried to cure you from twinkism by yaoi.
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This video is clearly not meant for Basque people, but for Spaniardas that don't know Euskara. It's just an example of how Spanish fascists spread Basquephobia.
The members of Bildu celebrated their elections results with the expression "Jo ta ke". But do you know what it really means? Jotakes are grenades designed and developed by terrorist band ETA in the years 1987-88. They were used in attacks like the one against the headquarter houses of Zarautz on Aug 7th 1987. They were also used in the attack against the headquarter houses of Mungia on March 23rd 1991. In fact, ETA former leader Txapote used this same expression during a trial at the National Audience. This expression was popularized by ETA-supporting band Su Ta Gar and that's why now it's used in different contexts meaning "hit it hard until victory". What do you think about Bildu now using this saying?
Jo ta ke means, literally, hit and smoke. It's believed it comes from what was said at the iron factories: hit (the iron) and then burn, hit (the iron) and the burn, all the time until the work was done. With time, it became a synonym of tirelessly. So the super usual saying in political or sport contexts Jo ta ke irabazi arte! just means Tirelessly or non-stop until victory.
It existed long before Su Ta Gar's song ffs.
The grenades were called jotakes because of this same meaning: we keep going towards victory non-stop, as the weapons were means for ETA to achieve their goals.
Jo ta ke - and Basque language in general - isn't something that was born for ETA or ETA-supporting environments as these fascists like to make people believe, once and again. They're indeed jo ta ke until more and more people hate Basques. Luckily, many know better but still this is plain misinformation and blatant Basquephobia.
They're just bitter EH Bildu had an incredible result at the Basque elections and because ~70% of Basque votes were for Basque nationalist parties.
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alonelystargazer · 2 years
the prompts for jotak*k week on twitter were revealed today, hold on gotta think of some things to write
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benjiearcandy · 29 days
Hej Matematik - Jotak
Hej Matematik - Jotak https://ift.tt/A8TkDcx Hej Matematik via BenjaminReyna - recent tracks https://ift.tt/sv7gldJ May 06, 2024 at 03:55PM
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mediocredoots · 1 year
ship ask: 4,17,24,35
Send me a number and a fandom(or just a number) and I will tell:
4. Favourite m/f ship: In terms of ygo trustshipping will always be my favorite m/f pair. In general I am a simple gal who loves vegebul from dbz, gintsuki from gintama, roy/riza from fma *chef kiss*
17. Characters that you ship and can’t imagine to be friends: lol I've been coming around to kaiba/otogi but I could not for the life of me imagine them actually becoming friends. Only a dirty little secret they're ashamed to admit that they're seeing each other here and there.
24. Biggest notp: Hm for ygo there's probably a lot of pairs I haven't seen that would be a hard no but personally for me what comes to mind is pr*deshipping. which is funny cuz i reblogged some fanart of it not too long ago. I can tolerate it & I even prefer it when its one sided on seto's part but I don't want atem reciprocating in any way 😂 outside of ygo my biggest notps are s*susaku & jotak*k I'm not a huge hater but those two single-handedly make me angry lol
35. Ship that you have kinda love/hate relationship with: edo/manjoume come to mind. I go from thinking they'd be so cute if edo wasn't such bitchy brat to it's so toxic & therefore I like it a little more than I should. A never ending cycle of loving & hating it cuz I want what's best for manjoume but also want him to deal with edo's ego 😂😂
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O8l2-l545-2533 Grosir Box Kayu Bayi,  Kotak Kayu Jam
Call/WA O8l2-l545-2533 Grosir Box Kayu Bayi,  Kotak Kayu Jam,  kotak kayu reptil, kotak kayu kuno, kotak peti kayu, kotak kayu mini,  jotak kayu motor
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Untuk infomasi PEMESANAN Hubungi Segera! Call/WA O8l2-l545-2533 (Telkomsel) Auto KLIK WA https://wa.me/6281215452533  (Tanpa harus simpan nomor Hp)
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" #kotakkayubekas #kotakkayuwonosari #kerajinankayu #kotakkayusurabaya #ringboxsemarang #kotakkayumahar #boxcincinkayu #kotakkayuuntukseserahan #kotakkayurustic #boxkayutegal Kotak Obat Kayu Jati, Ukuran Kotak Kayu Buah, Foto Box Bayi Dari Kayu, Pengait Kotak Kayu, Box Amplifier Kayu, Cara Membuat Neon Box Dari Kayu, Lemari Kotak Kayu, Kotak Obat Kayu Minimalis, Menghias Kotak Kayu, Top Box Kayu
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ookamihanta · 3 years
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assorted jojo sketches.....
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champmorado · 4 years
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so remember that kakyoin drawing i made that looked like a polaroid picture? that was part of a jotakak au i have where kakyoin is from the countryside but his family moved to tokyo (where jotaro lives in this au), so i made a moodboard for the au lol
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 5 years
The Aftermath: Chapter Three
Pairing - Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin
Smut/Fluff/Angst - Angst and eventual slow burn fluff and smut
AU - None
Warnings - Swearing, will get graphic about wounds maybe, smut.
Chapter One Here / Chapter Two Here
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    Kakyoin had been awake for a solid three weeks now; and he hasn’t gotten much better mentally. Kakyoin was good at hiding it though, good at hiding it to everyone but Jotaro. Jotaro saw right through the fake smiles and forced pleasantries. Kakyoin hated himself now, and he didn’t think anything was gonna be able to change that. Every single time he had to take his hospital down off, he looked at his abdomen; the utter disgust clearly smearing his features. When the nurses come to change his bandages, he wants to scream. Not only does it hurt to feel the scabs of the stitches that has fused with the bandages be ripped off of him, but the giant crater of a hole that covers 80% of his stomach makes him want to hurl.
    Since the stitches were still not fully healed, you can see every scab. The stitching accentuates every tear of flesh; all the violent rips. The memories of cracking bones and potentially punctured lungs; and the blood. Oh god the blood… It was everywhere. On his face, in his mouth and throat, on his clothes. The bent and warped metal of the water tower piercing his flesh, puncturing even more holes into the seventeen year old boy. Memories all too vivid; and then nothing. He doesn’t remember anything after that. Just waking up in the hospital, to the far too bright fluorescent lights shining into his eyes. Everytime he looks at his wound, memories of all the feelings he felt when crumpled against that broken water tower flooding into his mind.
    Only when he was alone did he let those tears flow out of his eyes and down his cheeks. But tonight was different; he hadn’t realized that Jotaro had entered the room, coming in to give him a magazine from the waiting room. Jotaro stood in the corner of the room, deathly silent as he watched the shadow of his best friend shake with the strength of his sobs; occasionally placing a hand of his wound and crying harder. There was a hand placed on top of Kakyoin’s own, the boys head snapping up and looking around to find the owner of this hand; his sobs momentarily paused. Soon he met the cool blue eyes he had grown to love and appreciate, wide in shock about seeing the man he loved so dearly, so mentally wrecked.
    “Kakyoin…” Jotaro’s voice was hardly above a whisper, as he stared down at the red headed man. Kakyoin took his hand from Jotaro’s and wiped his eyes, a few sniffs escaping him.
    “Ah Jojo, I didn’t hear you come in… How long have you been in here?” Kakyoin couldn’t meet Jotaro’s gaze. He already knew it was going to be filled with shame and disappointment.
    “Kak don’t try to act like I didn’t just witness you sobbing. What’s got you so bent out of shape? Physically you’re getting better. You are gonna be starting more physical therapy soon and you’re alive.” Kakyoin shook his head, a melancholy smile stretching across his face.
    “You don’t get it, do you Jojo?” Kakyoin’s voice cracked as he spoke, hoarse from the crying.
    “Then make me understand Noriaki. I want to know what's going on inside your head; I need to know what’s going on inside your head.” Thus triggered a breakdown. Everything Kakyoin had been hiding from the other crusaders flooding out of Kakyoin and into Jotaro. Every thought and feeling, every memory and panic attack triggered by PTSD. Jotaro listened tentatively, and always made sure Kakyoin knew he was listening; occasionally giving a small nod or a quiet hum. Eventually once Kakyoin had started to calm down, Jotaro wrapped an arm around the smaller man; which he immediately leaned into, taking shelter in the larger man’s broad shoulders. He never pinned Jotaro as the kind of guy to give hugs, and he normally wasn’t but seeing Kakyoin like this? It pained him so deeply, the feeling of a dagger tearing through his heart is all he could compare it to. Eventually both of Jotaro’s large arms wrapped around the redhead, tears falling onto his shoulders. 
    “Noriaki, you have no idea how much it hurts to see you like this. You are stronger than any of us combined. I mean look at you! You took a punch to the stomach and came back alive. You have no idea how willing we all are to help you through this just so we can have our Kakyoin back.” A hand began running through Kakyoin’s hair, though both of Jotaro’s hands were still wrapped around him. When he looked up, he found himself looking at Star Platinum, a soft smile on its face. 
    “Noriaki, I’m in love with you. I was too scared to tell you that during the trip, so when you got hurt I thought I had lost my chance to tell you just how much I care about you. I was in your room almost every single day of you being in a coma, hoping that you would be awake or would wake up with me sitting there; so when you did wake up, you can understand how ecstatic I was to have a second chance at telling you. I’m not losing my second chance Nori.” Jotaro’s grip on Kakyoin had tightened ever so slightly, but enough for him to notice. All Kakyoin could do was stare at Jotaro. Was he being serious? He visited him every single day? He loved him? Please God don’t let this be some cruel cosmic joke. 
    An overly large smile spread across Kakyoin’s face and for once, it was genuine. He placed two shaky hands on either side of Jotaro’s face and smiled even wider than before. 
    “Jojo, I’ve never felt more happy. Spending so much time with you has really made me come to love you.” Now it was Jotaro’s time to smile like an idiot; you could almost see the hearts in his eyes. Never once had someone made Jotaro so happy, and to know that this person reciprocated his romantic feelings put him over the moon. It was quick, shy, and soft, but Jotaro put a small kiss onto Kakyoin’s lips making both of them flush red.
    “I’m gonna get stronger for you guys. I’m finally happy I woke up. Thank you, Jojo.”
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yandere-caesar · 2 years
Pairing: yandere!Dio x gender neutral!reader x Jotaro x Kakyoin
Description: Dio realizes that it would be a shame to break up a set.
Warnings: Yandere tropes (obviously), stalking, kidnapping, rape, lots of mind control (flesh buds), oral and anal sex, rimming, implied sex toy usage, petplay elements, tentacles, blood drinking, vampire stuff, angst, Dio wins AU basically
This is the other fanfic that came out of my poly yanderes with multiple darlings idea since I couldn’t decide which characters I liked more for the scenario. This is a little bit um....darker than the Joseph one though and I sort of went wild with it because Dio and flesh buds.
Just a reminder that this is an 18+ blog and I do not feel comfortable with anyone under 18 interacting with my content. This story is very dark and explicit so please do not read it if you are not an adult. If I see anyone interacting with this blog’s content that is under 18 or does not have an age listed on their bio, they will be blocked on sight.
Your body was bleeding out on the ground, broken and too weak to keep fighting or to even stand up. All of your friends were either dead or unconscious, although it was hard to tell which ones were which. Your stand, which was your last fleeting hope, struggled as it was gripped by the one belonging to the golden figure in front of you.
Your enemy smirked down at you before bending over and picking you up like you weighed absolutely nothing. Even with your injured leg, you manage to kick at his chest lightly, earning you an amused chuckle from the vampire.
“I do have to admire your tenacity. It truly is amusing to watch you trying to hold off the inevitable.”
Your response was pained, but far from weak. “If you’re going to kill me get it over with. Nothing you can say will convince me to give up or turn on the people I care about. I might be too weak to win this time, but I’ll gladly die here over serving scum like you.”
You glare at him before facing in the direction of his shoes and spitting as hard as you can. He doesn’t seem phased though as he observes the defiant smirk on your face. You felt something strange before you just seemed to...be somewhere else. You looked around in confusion, realizing that this must be the work of Dio’s stand.
“I would expect as much from someone that I’ve taken such an interest in. Hmm...I do wonder how you would react if I were to really end this?”
You didn’t realize what he was talking about or implying until you looked down and finally realized where you were. He was standing right over Jotaro with his foot lightly resting on your friend’s chest. You were close enough to tell that he was still alive and breathing, but just barely. He didn’t seem to be conscious and you knew that the vampire was more than capable of killing him in this position.
You feel dread in the pit of your stomach that wasn’t there a moment ago. You had joined this adventure fully prepared to die in order to defeat Dio and win, but letting Jotaro get killed made you feel sick.
You had known him for years before this journey. The two of you had been friends ever since you were kids and you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have a crush on him. He always listened to you when you talked to him and you trusted him with everything. You didn’t want to imagine watching him die horribly at the hands of someone this cruel....
Dio was about to speak again, no doubt to taunt you or rub this in your face, but you cut him off before he could get a chance. “Fine! I’ll....I’ll do what you want. Just don’t kill him...I’ll do anything you want me to do!”
You instantly regret saying the last bit as he pulls you against his chest and starts to run his fingers through your hair. You do your best to stay perfectly still and resist the urge to squirm away from him in disgust.
“Anything I want you to do..?”
The confidence you had before was completely gone now and you were barely at a whisper. You couldn’t take it back. “Yes....anything...”
“You’re so cute when you beg.”
You felt something pierce the back of your skull, blooming out in a searing white agony. You don’t really even have time to register what is attacking you as Dio holds you still. It felt like whatever it was was burrowing past your brain and into your very soul if that was even possible.
But as agonizing as the pain is, it is short lived. It is quickly replaced by an ice cold numbness that forces your body to relax and go limp in submission. You stare up at Dio, tilting your head. Why were you fighting him again? You couldn’t remember. You hadn’t noticed how beautiful he looked earlier when you were fighting him. There was a certain power that radiated from him that seemed to draw you in. Maybe following along with him wouldn’t be so bad after all. Maybe part of you liked the attention he was giving you, holding you close like this. You hated to admit it, but it felt really good..
“Now you can keep your wold without any effort. You’re lucky to be worthy of this gift.”
He kisses a lump on your forehead that seems to be detached from your body like some kind of tick. But you just smile and let the new feelings flow through you as he gently sets you down and reaches over to pick up the body in front of you. You can feel something squirm in the back of your mind at the motion, but you can’t really express it. It’s just as numb as your body is. Instead of protesting you just watch as Dio’s red stained fingers dig into his flesh.
Your attention is briefly distracted from the scene in front of you when you hear a rustling metal noise coming from nearby. You can make out a figure limping from the ruined remains of a water tower, seeming to be badly injured. As they draw closer you can make out the green uniform and your brain sluggishly supplies you with the name Kakyoin. The green tendrils swarming around his abdomen seem to be keeping him alive by forcing his body together. For now at least. Although you wonder how long that will last.
You move a hand to your cheek and it comes away wet with tears. When did that start? Come to think of it, the usual warm feeling that came over you when you talked to Kakyoin wasn’t really there. Neither was any emotional pain at seeing him half dead.
So why were you crying?
Dio pulls his fingers out of the now pale skin they were embedded in, licking his lips as he watches his enemy approach him. He motions for you to stand up and you do, almost as if your limbs are being pulled by an invisible force inside of your own brain that allows you to stand when you have no business being able to.
You slowly follow behind as Dio saunters closer. “Noriaki Kakyoin, I wasn’t expecting you to live, but this is a pleasant surprise. I was just letting my newest servant y/n watch the show as I suck dry the rest of the Joestar blood present. But now that you’re here, this does change things.”
You step closer to Dio, suddenly getting to urge to be near him. You move to lean against him and cling to his arm. There’s something about it that feels good and it floods your brain with more of the emotions from before. You nuzzle his shoulder as he puts a hand on your lower back.
Kakyoin stares at you with a look of horror, gritting his teeth when he notices whatever is attached to your head that you can just barely perceive. Hierophant appears behind him, but you doubt it can do anything when it’s trying so hard to stave off the death of it’s user.
“Y/n! Please....you have to fight it!”
Fight what? You don’t understand. Why would you want to fight anything right now when you have Dio next to you, holding you like this? It feels so good. Everything feels good right now.
“Come now Kakyoin, you know better than anyone what it feels like to be under my control. If it were that easy to break, you never would have needed Jotaro’s aid in your own escape.”
You can see the glare and make out the rush of green gems aimed at Dio before you even really register it. Your stand instinctively does perceive however and easily moves to protect Dio for you, acting on your will. Fresh wounds litter your body from your stand after the blow and you go limp once again. It seems like this time you could feel all of it. Like it was somehow beneficial to you in this very moment for all of the pain you should have felt earlier to come rushing back to you with the new injuries on top of it. You let out a pained cry as your form crumples on the pavement.
Dio moves away as Kakyoin rushes over, looking at fresh wounds on your body with guilt poured over him. You can see his blood pooling on the ground behind him. He shouldn’t be moving like that with his wounds. “Y/n, please just...hang in there. I’ll remove it and get you to a hospital.” You can see him shaking as you feel a small tendril move around your arm, trying to help you up. “Please y/n, I can’t lose you. I guess I’ve...grown to care about you over this trip and I wanted you to know that. I always enjoy our conversations and you make me feel like I belong.”
You feel something in you bubbling under the surface again. You want to put your arms around him. You want to tell him so many things. And this time your body does let you move, but not in the way that you want to. Instead of your arms wrapping around him, your hands do. And they go for his neck. You squeeze as hard as you can. He doesn’t have the strength to fight back very hard and you can tell he doesn’t want to risk hurting you again, so he wouldn’t either way. Instead, he hangs there limply, letting out ragged breaths as his eyes widen in front of you pleadingly. If you put any more pressure on his neck you were sure it would snap.
You can hear clapping behind you and you can hear Dio’s voice as he watches everything. “Finally revealing your feelings, how touching. You’ve never failed to entertain me, have you?”
He can’t respond to anything and neither can you. You can’t even look away from him as Dio continues. “I could kill you so easily. Poor y/n could just lose control at any moment, couldn’t they? But it would be a shame to let you go to waste. The interactions the three of you always seem to have intrigue me. I’ll show you mercy if you agree to belong to me once more. I’ll even keep the Joestar alive since you seem to be so fond of him. Will you accept my offer?”
There’s a pause of near silence as he stares down at Jotaro. With the amount of blood Dio drained, it was a toss up if he would even be able to live at all. Kakyoin himself was already a dead man walking. There wasn’t much time to make a real choice at all.
You feel your hands loosen their grip long enough for him to nod, and your subconscious can pinpoint the exact moment it breaks him.
It probably would have been hard for Dio to drag the three of you back to his mansion if it wasn’t for his stand. Being able to stop time made the whole process much easier. You are instructed to stay in a room with Jotaro and wait for him to wake up. He had been stripped down and chained to the wall using the collar Dio had slipped onto him while he was still unconscious. It matched the one he had given you and it had a similar golden tag with his name etched onto it.
Of course, Dio wasn’t an idiot and was smart enough to slip a similar lump onto Jotaro’s forehead. With a stand like Star Platinum, breaking a simple chain would be easy. This meant that the set up was most likely aesthetic over practical if there was no chance of his escape. A dog on a leash.
You were curious though as to how he was recovering without help. Curious and deep down, relieved as much as you had to fight your own instincts over that. There were some things that wouldn’t go away even with your newfound love and devotion to your master.
You watch the rise and fall of his chest as your eyes wander over his body. You try not to stare too much, but you never thought you would get the chance to actually see him like this. It was something you had only fantasized about. You wanted to wake him up to distract yourself, but your orders were to stay put and because of that you were frozen.
He lets out a groan before sitting up and clutching at his head with one hand. When his blue green eyes blink open and slowly focus in on you, something about them seems different than you remember, but you can’t put your finger on it. Maybe it’s the way the light is hitting him?
“ Y/n? Where the hell are we?”
It doesn’t take him very long to notice your current condition and he glares at you before you can even answer, letting out a low growl. You watch him struggle, probably trying to summon his stand, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Your guess was that it would have gone against Dio’s will.
You finally respond to him, keeping your voice level and even. “We’re in lord Dio’s mansion. He allowed us to live Jotaro. We can be alive together.” You smile at him and reach a hand out, but to your surprise it’s quickly slapped away.
“This isn’t living.” The words are harsh, but they just roll off of you with no effect. You just simply sit down in a chair that was put in the room for you to rest on.
“Just give it time. You’ll understand how good it can be. We won’t have to worry about anything. Dio will give us everything we need. You’ll love him Jotaro, just like I love him. We were all chosen to be his new servants for a reason.”
The chain rattles as he tries to run over to you at a speed that you can barely comprehend. But he still doesn’t seem to be able to break free and you are kept just out of his reach. He refuses to look you in the eyes, instead starring down at the floor and then your hand.
“I know you’re in there y/n. Even if you have that damn thing in your head.” Was he right? Were you? It was like you were in two places now. You were there in the room with him but you were also somewhere else. In some dark room watching a play through your own eyes that you kept losing focus on.
You snap out of it and are pulled back to where you were by the invisible force in your mind again as you just smile at him. “I’m here now Jotaro. Here with you. Here with Dio.”
You reach your hand out again, but this time he moves forward to meet it, his gaze dulling and losing focus as he brings his mouth to your finger and closes his lips around it. At first you think that it’s his commands kicking in. That he’ll be like you soon and understand. Maybe he’ll also love you too if Dio permits it!
But then you feel a sharp pain where his mouth is and everything suddenly makes sense. As he continues to suck on it, you can make out the glint of a fang that slips out through his lips every now and then. He had accidentally scratched you with a fingernail when he slapped your hand away earlier, drawing a thin line of red. Dio must have slipped some of his own blood in the other day when he dug his fingers through Jotaros skin. It would be an easy way to bring him back after draining him.
You hum as you let him drink from you. He needed to regain his strength and this was the easiest way. You could always just rest later. Right now, Jotaro needed you to take care of him and that was what was important.
“Drink as much as you want Jotaro. You need it more than I do.”
He has the face of a man that is finally eating after starving for days and you aren’t sure if he’s even listening to you at this point, but it doesn’t really matter. He finally stops as you begin to feel lightheaded, snapping out of it and pulling away quickly after realizing what he did. He spits out the rest of the red liquid, moving to the corner of the room to get as far away from you as possible.
“Don’t come near me y/n. It won’t be a finger next time.”
You laugh at his comment, but it doesn’t sound like you. It sounds like something trying to impersonate a version of you. “It’s fine Jotaro. Really.”
But is it really fine? Is he really ok? There’s a long silence between the two of you as your own thoughts struggle again. His gaze won’t leave you and you can only imagine what’s going through his head. He must know by now that he failed. That all of you failed. That the others were probably killed and his mother is....
You can’t focus for long enough to remember your train of thought. What was it again? Something about Dio bringing you here? That was it. You were supposed to go meet Kakyoin in the garden after Jotaro woke up. You walk to the door as he continues to just stare and say nothing.
“I’ll come back later to check on you and feed you again. Maybe if you’re good he’ll let you walk around without the chain.”
After the door closes his gaze refuses to leave the empty space.
The smell of soil and plant life hits you as soon as you walk into the garden. You weren’t sure if garden was the right word since it was indoors and more of a greenhouse, but either way it was spectacular to look at. There were too many species to name and they all seemed to be healthy and happy here. There was even a pond in the middle of it that brought the whole place together and had lilies delicately floating on the surface.
This was one of the only rooms that let the light in and gave you a good view of the sky outside. You could tell it was a sunny day, which wasn’t really that surprising. Still, it perked you up to be in here and it gave you a break from the never ending darkness that you had almost gotten used to putting up with.
You were so distracted by the beauty of this place that it took you a while to notice Kakyoin. He was at the far side of the pond near the window with an easel and some paint. Dio had given you similar things for your own hobbies as a reward for good behavior.
He smiles and waves at you when you notice him. You return it, running over to join him. You move behind him and wrap your arms around him as you peek at his painting. You were glad that you were allowed to show him affection without holding back.
The painting seemed to be an abstract one of the pond that showed the reflection of the lilies in an interesting light. Kakyoin had a very unique style when he did his work and it was rare to see him paint flowers and water instead of people.
“Wow, I really like this one! It’s cool to see how you do the light on the water!”
He sets his brush down and reaches over to take your hand in his.
“Thank you y/n, that means a lot to me. If you’re here that means Jotaro is awake.”
You nod. “He is.” Your answer was brief and blank. Something was blocking you from keeping Jotaro on your mind at the moment for longer than needed.
“Good. I’m sure lord Dio will make sure he’s taken care of.”
A question pops into your mind and you lean your head back, exposing your neck to the red head. “Do you need to feed too? Is the sunlight going to hurt you?”
He chuckles and leans over, giving it a light peck.
“No. Lord Dio will keep me well fed for being loyal and I’m still human for at least a little while because I was just turned an hour ago. I came out here to enjoy my last day in the sun. Jotaro is a special case. But I’m glad that you’re able to remember my needs. The only thing you could do when you were brought here was say my name. I’m glad you made a recovery so that I can spend time with you. I wanted you to come visit me while hierophant was holding me together and the doctors tried to fix me.”
Recovery? “But...Dio just brought us here a few days ago.”
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about when it happened. It’s a small detail. What matters is that you’re fine now and I’m allowed to be with you for as long as I want.”
You can feel something slowly moving up your leg, but you don’t make any effort to move away. Instead you just stare down curiously at the green tendril. Kakyoin is still looking at you, but the relaxed expression he had earlier seems to be replaced by something else. Some emotion you’ve never seen before that reminds you of a cat watching a bird.
Hierophant’s tendril keeps moving upwards and even slips under your waistband. You let out a confused noise and prod it with your finger. You can feel Kakyoin’s grip on your hand tighten.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this y/n.”
You can feel it moving against your more intimate areas, slowly working it’s way down under the fabric until it finally slips between your lower cheeks, making you jump in surprise. You feel it prodding at your entrance, almost as if it’s trying to figure out the best way to enter as it feels around.
“Tell me y/n, has anyone ever touched you here?”
You shake your head.
“My stand doesn’t like being out in the open. But when I wasn’t under lord Dio’s guidance, I was ashamed of this. I refused to use the part of it that makes it truly powerful. I was afraid to feel like I was in control of another person or be inside of such an intimate place. But with that shame gone, I’m free to let hierophant do what it wants to.”
You let out a high pitched cry as it finally pushes it’s way through the tight ring of muscles with no preparation. You clench around it, but that isn’t enough to prevent it from squirming it’s way deeper inside of you. You’ve never felt this full in this way before. It’s touching places that you never knew even existed or could feel this way. You know it should probably hurt since it’s your first time. You should be in pain right now, especially with how thick it is in certain places. But the pain, like everything else, is numb. All that leaves you is the pleasure as it keeps sliding around inside of you.
You moan quietly as it keeps going deeper. You can see the outline of it through your skin now. You can see where it’s prodding around against your walls. Kakyoin notices this too and brings a hand to your abdomen, tracing the bulge where parts of his stand are.
“You feel so good around me y/n. So tight....so warm....”
“K...kakyoin...” You’re back to only being able to say his name, you mind going more blank than it already was. All you can feel is pleasure now. Your body feels like it’s on fire. You don’t need to do anything. You’re a puppet with it’s strings in the hands of another master now, but you love every second of it.
You’re brought to your knees as your body moves mechanically and the strings pull at your guts. Kakyoin eagerly pulls down his pants, revealing the outline of his member straining against his boxers. Your mouth waters on cue without any input from you.
He tangles his hands in your hair, pressing your face against it. “I wanted to do this when we brought you here, but lord Dio told me I needed to wait. That I needed to be patient. But I don’t think he’ll mind if I do it early.”
Your hands tug down the last of the fabric, revealing his cock. Without any instruction, you open your mouth wide before slipping your lips around it. It doesn’t have any taste and you realize your senses probably aren’t working how they normally would. The stand inside you must be interfering with them as your entire body keeps flaring.
You hear a groan as you start to suck on it. The texture feels strange but welcome and you can’t seem to stop. You close your eyes, feeling yourself in the moment. Your muscles are forced to relax as you take it down. You swear you can feel the end of the tendril press up your throat to meet it as you swallow around both of them.
“Nhhg.....y/n.....!” Kakyoin seems to be as incoherent as you are as he pushes your head forward, forcing it in even more. You aren’t doing most of this. Your body is doing all of this for you. You feel like you’re about to collapse from the stimulation.
In a way, Kakyoin does first. He bites his lip and you feel something trickle down the fleshy tube filled with him and his stand as you come undone under him, passing out and falling into a patch of red flowers.
When you wake up, you’re in a room that you don’t remember seeing before, but it looks familiar. The bed that you’re laying down on is massive and you can just make out the shadowy outline of the curtains surrounding it. You must be back in one of the darkest parts of the mansion.
You scan the room and you can make out two glowing red eyes next to you that you instantly recognize. Your entire being floods with happiness and you cuddle up next to Dio, trying to make sure you don’t accidentally knock the book out of his hands. You were so happy to see him!
“Good evening Dio!”
You hear him set the book down before responding to you. “Good evening y/n. I take it you’ve recovered from what happened yesterday in the garden?”
You feel your face turn red. How did he know about that? Was he watching you the entire time? Did he walk in on you?
“Y..yes. You aren’t upset with me are you?” The last thing you wanted was for Dio to be upset with you. It would be devastating and you can feel the fear and panic welling up and surrounding you.
“Of course not. You were helpless to resist it and you had no chance of putting up a struggle. But I must take responsibility and punish those who break what belongs to me, even if it is by accident.”
You nod as the voice inside of you that screams for you to ask about Kakyoin’s safety is smothered and muted. You’re back to feeling nothing but adoration for the man next to you.
“I’m glad you’re here to protect me.” You lean against him, resting your head on his shoulder. He moves one arm around you comfortingly.
“You would not be here if I didn’t value you. No one is allowed to touch you without my permission. I need someone to be by my side as I rule for more than just a simple pet.”
You try to make out the shape of the book again. “What are you reading?”
“The Odyssey. Although I have read it many times in the past.”
You frown a little bit. “I wish that I could see in the dark like all of you guys can. Then we could read it together.”
You feel his large hand pat your head gently. “All in good time. I want to give you a chance to enjoy being human. There is something strangely charming about it for you in particular. I wouldn’t want to risk losing that so soon.”
You nod and close your eyes. “Maybe we can get a lamp. That won’t hurt you eyes, will it?”
“Perhaps another time. I wanted to make sure you made a full recovery.”
You feel him press his forehead to yours, making sparks fly inside of you at the intimacy. “I’m glad that you care about my recovery.”
You can’t hear his movement, but you can see it vaguely as his eyes move in the blackness. You suspect that he’s standing up as you can feel the weight next to you shifting away and the arms untangling from your form.
“Come now y/n, we have someone that needs our attention.”
You follow him back to Jotaro’s room, or at least whats left of it. While it was a simple room, he had still found a way to wreck it. The chair was broken into splinters and the walls were practically destroyed, almost like some beast clawed the paper off.
You could see Jotaro slumped over in a corner, refusing to look at either of you as you walked in. He had gotten much more pale since the last time you had seen him, although as you had found out before from Kakyoin, it was hard to know how long it had been since then considering you couldn’t keep track of time and you had passed out.
Dio’s tone was smooth and mocking as he spoke, slowly approaching his old enemy. “Ah, Jojo. It seems you haven’t been eating the food I’ve been so generous to provide you with.”
He’s met with more silence and a glare as Jotaro’s eyes meet your master’s. You can see the ethereal glow that they have much better in this lighting, similar to the glowing eyes you used to keep track of Dio in the deeper mansion. They still looked beautiful.
“And after I’ve been gracious enough to let you keep your wits and have visitors. I haven’t given the privilege of free thought to either of the other two you know. This is what you want isn’t it? To be able to see things as they are? I seem to recall your disgust for flesh buds taking full control.”
You can hear the words being spoken, but the meaning is lost on you as you are drowning in each honeyed word that leaves his lips. When you spent enough time with Dio, you tended to zone out and get lost in the moment after a while unless he wanted your attention to kick back in.
He was met with more cold silence from the other vampire. Jotaro always did have a strong will that was hard to break. It was one of the things you used to like about him.
“Ah, no matter. I’ve come to make sure you drink your meal this time.”
You feel yourself urged to step forward. The force that seemed to keep you in place during your last visit was immediately lifted and your body presses up against him. This is another command however. The part of you that would react to Jotaro’s presence is somehow urging you to do the exact opposite of what you were currently doing. But you couldn’t feel any self preservation, urge to run, or sense of how wrong this might have been. Your master wanted you to do this and disobeying would make you feel pain and regret.
You could feel his breath catching in his throat. His entire body was tense. You feel yourself move your hands over his chest, letting them wander. You had seen him like this before and you had thought about what it might be like to feel him. You were grateful that you were being allowed to act on it now. Was this what Kakyoin had meant?
You can feel his arm twitch, moving to try to push you away. But almost as soon as he tries lifting it, it is immediately forced back down to his side. In the end, Dio was still the one in control. That was how it should be.
You press your lips to his neck, starting to trail kisses down it. Jotaro tries his best to stay still, but you can feel him squirming. It’s almost impossible for him to hide his reactions and keep his mask on while you’re touching him. You pause for a moment and smile up at him. “I love you Jotaro....” It was the truth. No part of you was lying, even if all you could get out was four words.
This is enough for him to snap. Before you know it his fingers are on your arm, digging below the surface like you once saw Dio’s fingers dig into him. It doesn’t hurt though. If anything it just tingles. You are once again happy to use the liquid flowing through your veins to feed him.
When he’s had his fill, his fingers pull out of you and he tries to look away again, but you catch the glimpse of guilt and shame in his eyes before he does. Not very many people could read Jotaro. You were one of the exceptions.
Dio’s voice returns gleefully. “Well done. I see you’re finally learning to behave like a being higher than a human. Perhaps I’ve been too harsh on you. You do deserve a reward.”
Before you could even blink, Jotaro had been pulled forward and you were behind him now on the ground. Dio had taken your place and now his hands were the ones running over Jotaro’s chest as he stood in front of him. You feel your face redden slightly as you realize how close your face is to Jotaro’s ass.
It seemed like Jotaro had caught on to what was happening quickly since he instinctively tried to push Dio off of him before you could even comprehend what was going on. Not that it would do any good. Without his stand he couldn’t really fight back against this. Your master wouldn’t have allowed him free movement in his vicinity if there was a possibility he could use it to escape.
“Get your hands off me. Now.” Jotaro’s voice is stern and irritated, showing no signs of the uneasiness and disgust you knew he was probably feeling underneath it all. His body wall still and rigid now, trying to make sure he didn’t show a reaction.
Dio peers down at you and your mind immediately knows what you have to do even without words spoken. You scoot yourself closer, pressing your face against the soft but firm flesh of your friend’s body. You swear you can feel him flinch.
“Now Jojo, would you really want to disappoint your dear y/n? I’m sure they’re eager to prepare you for me. It would be such a waste of a good mouth that I know you’ve been eyeing for some time on your travels in much the same way I have. My servants have told me much about your interactions.”
That was the signal for you to press your face in even more, moving your hands up to get a good grip on his cheeks and spread them apart, revealing his entrance. It looked like it was sealed tight and you figured that he had never used it for something like this before much like you hadn’t until the other day. You lean over to nuzzle against the area slightly closer to his cock briefly before moving back to where you were.
You think you can vaguely hear him call out your name along with some other words, but you are too out of it to understand them. Your perception has been blurred out by the mental commands and the urge to do what you were instructed to. You press your mouth to the place in front of you, lightly running your tongue over the ring of muscle. This earns you a gasping breath in response. It was very subtle, but you were sure your master could hear it too.
“Hmm...it seems like you’re finally starting to enjoy it aren’t you?”
At your master’s words, you start to lap at Jotaro, easing his entrance into relaxing. You shift between keeping your tongue flat and pointing it to give the hole a prod every now and then. Finally, when he feels loose enough, you slip it in.
You feel a shudder run through his whole body as you enter and taste him. You start curiously sliding your tongue around his walls, looking for the more sensitive places. You were glad that Dio had chosen you for this since you were more in tune with his reactions. Although, someone like Kakyoin was likely currently off the table after whatever punishment he had received. Whenever you find a spot that Jotaro favors, you can always tell by his breathing. You take advantage of this to give those spots the extra care that they need.
Your experience is absolute bliss. Every motion and sensation has you writhing with your own pleasure, making it very hard to resist the urge to move one of your hands away and give yourself stimulation.
Eventually though, Dio seems to have had his fill of watching the scene. He snaps his fingers, making you pull yourself away, crumpling back onto the ground behind them and leaving you to stare at the hole you left behind, clenching around nothing and seemingly disappointed that you removed yourself.
It wouldn’t be empty for long though. You move to lean against the wall, spreading your own legs to give yourself the relief you craved as you watched Dio blink away and return with something that you weren’t sure how Jotaro was going to fit inside of him.
After that night, Dio had offered to bring you back to his bed so that you could start sharing it with him properly. He insisted that since you were fully recovered now, there was no risk in doing so. You scanned Jotaro’s face for a reaction when he promised that the Joestar would join you eventually, but there wasn’t much to take in. He was too out of it to do much of anything, just blankly starring at a wall again. You made a mental note to go check on him later if Dio would allow you to.
When you were carried into the candle lit bedroom, you were surprised to see another figure already laying down and wrapped up in the silk sheets. You recognized the red hair almost immediately. He seems to have lost whatever aesthetic privilege Dio had given him over Jotaro since he was also missing his clothes and had that same kind of collar with the golden name tag. Come to think of it, were you wearing any clothes yourself? You hadn’t thought about it very hard. Not that you really minded losing them if that was what pleased your master.
He seemed to perk up when he heard the sound of your voice, sitting up and smiling at you. As he moved the blanket, you noticed that several of his fingers were shorter than they should be. Part of you wanted to wince and ask him if he was ok, but it was pushed down until the thoughts left you. He deserved this for going against Dio’s orders.
“Hello y/n. Don’t worry about me, I’m recovering just fine. After a few more feeding sessions my fingers should be as good as new.” He holds them up so that you can see them better and you can tell that what he’s is saying is true. Based on how they look, you get the feeling that whatever had been done to him must have been a lot worse than what you’re seeing given that he heals quickly now. You give him a nod in acknowledgement.
Dio sets you down on the opposite side of the bed before slipping in himself next to the two of you. He pulls you both close and you rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes. You could stay like this forever. Just the three of you, relaxing under the candle light. Your human body warming the two vampires that you loved dearly. It was wonderful. You fell asleep to the sound of Dio’s voice as he gave both of you praise.
When you woke up again, everything was dark and your arms grasped around nothing. They must have left while you were still sleeping. After all, your sleep schedule was probably a mess from trying to plan around nocturnal beings. Since you couldn’t feel any instructions or orders prodding around in your mind, you decide that this must be a day where you’ll be allowed to do as you like within reason.
You decide that you’re going to use it on your hobbies. Your room was so full of things that you wouldn’t have been able to find or afford for them on your own that it would be a shame to not take advantage of that.
But on your way back in the hallway, you remember that Jotaro’s room is right next to your own and you decide on paying him that visit. You found that the door was unlocked and you slowly opened it, peering in.
You frowned as your eyes scanned around the room for him. Jotaro was nowhere to be found. Had Dio taken him out for some reason? Or maybe Kakyoin? The chain seemed to be unlatched from the wall.
You step into the room a little bit more to examine it, but you fail to notice the huge figure that was hiding behind the door. You don’t really perceive it as you fall unconscious again, your last thought before blacking out being disappointment that you wouldn’t get to do what you planned on today and the edges of worry for what Dio might do when he find out this happened. You had just woken up moments ago. Did this really have to happen again???
When you awaken, you feel really strange. You have a splitting headache and everything feels....quiet. It felt quiet before too without explicit orders, but this is different. You can’t feel any of the familiar blockages or walls that are usually there to make you think certain things or keep your feelings in check. All of your thoughts are your own and whatever had been giving you suggestions was gone.
Was that even supposed to be there in the first place, or was it all some kind of nightmare you had woken up from?
You look around and realize that you’re still in the room Jotaro was being held in before and a wave of dread washes over you. This nightmare was reality. All of the things that had been done to you and that he had made you do really happened. He had taken the last thing that you had to offer him, your free will. And you had been powerless to stop him. You feel disgusted and nauseous, shaking and starting to quietly sob.
You feel a cold, but familiar arm wrap around you. You say nothing as you lean into it. This was something Jotaro used to do when you were upset and no one was around. There was an unspoken agreement that moment of privacy. But when you were pushed to the point of crying, he would just hold you like this without speaking until your tears finally ran out. It always made you feel safe when he did that and even without his warmth, it still did. It wasn’t like being forced into Dio’s arms. This comfort was real. But this time it also made you feel guilty. You had done something unspeakable to him. Something you couldn’t take back or forget.
“Jotaro....I’m so sorry....I’m sorry for everything...”
You hear him let out a sigh. “Good grief y/n, I know you didn’t have a choice. That bastard used you to get to me when you had the flesh bud in. Pretty sure I would be a mindless doll too if he didn’t want to mess with me. Besides...”
He takes another breath in. If he had his hat with him you’re sure he would have been pulling it over his face by now. “It was something he knew I wanted you to do. Alone.”
You feel your face heat up again. Did this mean that he actually felt the same way about you? That you really were closer than friends this whole time?
“Jotaro, how did you get it out of me? I thought he wouldn’t let you use your stand.”
You’ve stopped crying by now and he reluctantly lets go of you, moving to the door. “He’ll only let me use Star Platinum’s eyes so that I can see what he does to me more closely. I still can’t summon him completely, but it was enough to do the procedure with what Kakyoin brought in here yesterday.”
You notice the blood on the ground and the scalpel. You knew he could remove flesh buds with his stand, but you were unsure if it was possible with just the focus and not Star’s precision. This answered your question. There was also a chance that he just got lucky and didn’t accidentally end up killing you, but you knew that anything would have been better than leaving it in. Even dying.
You follow him to the door. “How long was I out for?”
Jotaro shrugs. It wasn’t like there was a clock in here or anything. “Probably a few hours.”
“Then it should be daylight by now. If were lucky we can get to a window but...”
Dio had placed decorative bars over most of the windows in the mansion after bringing you here. There was only one room in the entire mansion that wasn’t blocked off like that and it was because the occupant had complained that it made it harder for him to paint the moon over the rooftops when it came up. You feel the pit of dread returning to you.
“...Were going to have to be really quiet.”
You and Jotaro exit the room, trying to close the door behind you without making any noise. You held the end of the long chain tightly in your hands as you walked, trying to keep a blank face. Hopefully if you ran into someone in the hallway, they’ll think that this is under one of Dio’s orders since this is something that he would likely have you do and they won’t notice that you don’t have a flesh bud in.
You make your way to Kakyoin’s room and slowly turn the doorknob. He always kept it unlocked so that either you or Dio could enter his room when you wanted to. It was neat and well organized with the only mess being some of his supplies scattered around.
You can see him sleeping on the bed against the wall. He looks content, almost like he didn’t have his free will and his true sense of self taken away. You had seen him like that on several nights during your journey when the two of you had ended up sharing a bed or a sleeping bag (yours had broken early on much to your dismay). He was someone you wouldn’t mind getting closer to and you had come to really enjoy his company. His conversations always brightened your day. Jotaro seemed to really get along with him too which made you happy.
Now, looking at him made your skin crawl. You knew he couldn’t help it since he wasn’t in his right mind, but you still remembered the feeling of his stand writhing inside you and tangling itself in your guts. You quickly look away from the bed and run to the window.
“Are you ready?” You want to check in to make sure Jotaro is a good distance back before you open the curtains. He’s still not human and the last thing you want is for the sunlight to burn him or kill him.
He nods and you throw the blinds open, letting the sun pour into the room. You expected to hear hissing and maybe Kakyoin running for the doorway, but instead you hear silence. You frown. Something isn’t right.
You’re about to ask Jotaro if he was watching the bed when he quickly moves to push you away, growling as his body is singed. Luckily the exposure to the rays coming from the open window didn’t last very long, but you could still smell burning flesh.
When you look back, you can see flailing green tendrils grasping at the place where you were a second ago. The bed is empty, but you can make out the purple glow of eyes coming from the shadows.
“Lord Dio told me to check on y/n since their connection to him was severed. I figured they would go for the window, but I didn’t expect a visit from both of you.” You could see the blank smile on his face and wondered if he was worried about you under the layers of Dio’s control. If the part of him that agreed to this so that all three of you could live was still there. Maybe some day, you could pull him out of this and save him.
Jotaro helps you up before snarling and stepping in front of you. If it wasn’t him and you weren’t someone that knew him, it would have been terrifying to see given how sharp and unnatural his new fangs looked. He always was intimidating to strangers after all.
“Get lost Kakyoin. Don’t make me beat your ass again.”
“Oh? The last time we fought you used Star Platinum. I don’t see him anywhere and the last time I checked Lord Dio specifically kept that in check. But don’t worry. I have a few things I wanted to try out. They involve pinning you down, which I’m sure you’ll enjoy.” He moves closer with a confident smirk, licking his lips. He may not be able to walk in the sunlight, but Hierophant still seemed to be able to and with it’s range, that was terrifying.
You bring out your own stand without even thinking, but Jotaro puts a hand on your shoulder and looks to the window. You feel your chest tighten. While you could fight Kakyoin and even maybe win, Dio was probably already coming to find you. Besides, there was no possible way for Jotaro to come with you even if that wasn’t a risk. He had nothing to cover himself with and the morning sun was blaring down on the streets outside.
Your eyes met his for a moment. You knew this would be the last time you saw him. You wanted to take everything in and you could tell that he was thinking something similar. You weren’t sure what you were looking for or what you hoped to gain by doing this. It was just one last thing you wanted. One last thing you could act on for yourself involving him. Something that you could keep with you to remind yourself of him.
You finally tore your gaze away to break the window with you stand, jumping out of it and landing on the stone ledge bellow. You could hear crashing coming from behind you, but you didn’t dare to look back. Instead, you use your stand to make your way to the ground by climbing as best you can.
When your feet are planted on the earth, you immediately take off running in a random direction, ignoring the stares that you get. If you had someone like Avdol or Joseph with you, they might have been able to direct you to a good part of the city to hide out in or maybe something like an airport that you could use to flee. But as far as you knew, they were gone and your mental layout of Cairo was questionable at best, especially after having your mind destroyed for who knows how long.
But you need to keep moving. You need to run. You need to get as far away from this place as possible and escape. Your mind is running on pure instinct. Pure adrenaline. Your subconscious is completely in control.
You aren’t sure how long it is, but after what feels like hours you finally collapse in front of an airport. You felt like crying again. Luck was actually on your side for once. You could go home and sleep in your own bed.
In your house. Which was close to Jotaro’s house. Where you always hung out with him after saying hello to his mother.
No...it wouldn’t be the same would it? You wouldn’t see him again. You wouldn’t be able to have days of just being with him and hanging out anymore. You wouldn’t get to say hello to his mother. You wouldn’t see him.
Could you even really go back to your house anyway? You were sure that Dio knew where you lived at this point. It would be easy information to find out. If you had your residence card on you when he took you, then he probably already knew.
You curl in on yourself, shaking again. You had come so far. Lost so many people. Gone through so much. And in the end, none of it really mattered because you had nowhere to go. It wasn’t fair.
You were alone now. And he would come for you. After all, you were someone that he thought was special. And no one was allowed to touch something that belonged to Dio.
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minifido · 7 years
Fandme godkendt #carparknorth #cpn #dk #rock #takrock #sidstekoncert #party #23.30 #onsdag #lolland #lollandflasterlovestorm #vikangodt #OMG! #larm #jotak (her: Errindlev Downtown)
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bugslaststraw · 4 years
People talking about ships they dislike and censoring the first vocal like the ship name is a swear is my new least favourite thing in the entire world
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tigersharks-moving · 4 years
wow i am about to start swinging there are some real freaks on this site
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paskanmarja · 5 years
Joo rip notre dame ja sillee mut oksettaaks ketää muuta se miten nopeesti tohon on kerätty rahaa mut silti meil on maailmas vittu nälänhätää ja köyhyyttä hei vittu alas kapitalismi en jaksa elää tälläses maailmas missä joku vitun kirkko on tärkeempi ku se et kaikil ihmisil on mahdollisuus decent elämään!!
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flyremoon · 3 years
☆ Jotak lovers ☆
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Don't repost please !
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champmorado · 4 years
Some jjba cause why tf not
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