journalbynics · 2 years
I realized it's not really a matter of being educated anymore. It's just having empathy. Which most people lack, apparently.
Now, I feel sad for those victims recorded in history. It seems pointless if what's happening will continue and repeats the past.
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nhungcuonsachhay · 3 years
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Đàn ông khi yêu thật lòng thì sẽ như thế nào? Ảnh: journalbyn https://www.instagram.com/p/CN4eTEBF8Pg/?igshid=sls3nrfc6gme
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journalbynics · 2 years
A voter's perception (Election 2022)
After keeping my calm during the campaign period and staying away from political tweets every day for my inner peace, I honestly had enough after seeing the disappointing results wherein candidates with questionable backgrounds were leading.
Due to this, my perception of people I know who voted for those candidates is tainted. I cannot fathom how they still root for the obviously unqualified personalities than those with so many qualifications for the jobs. I unfriended many Facebook friends including my relatives and can't help but hold a grudge against them. I mean, how can they be so blinded? Yes, we should follow the government but if we see something wrong, we're the ones who should stand up and tell them they made a mistake.
We shouldn't tolerate them. Yes, everybody has a chance but if they refuse to change and be accountable, why should we trust them?
When the opposition side is already celebrating and mocking us for who we support, that's just mean.
When we're campaigning they said, we should focus on our own candidate and stop accusing theirs. (tho, that's just stating facts)
Now that they're winning, how come they're so focused on our losing candidate and mocking us?
What a bullshit. Anyway, I know supporters have differences too. Some really went out of line but in the end, I'm proud that I'm not.
I never called anyone 'bobo' or 'tanga'. Just blind and close-minded, because they really are even if they are presented with facts and evidence.
I wish people learn to have a long patience and think first before saying things. But honestly, I kinda understand their anger and tiredness of explaining when the other party's not even exerting effort to explain issues. That's not fair but we should remember...
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”
We should be educated and well-mannered at the same time.
Maybe I'm too emotional
But your apathy is like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all 🎵
As I am unfriending on Facebook, I wonder about the views of my closest friends. I'm aware some of them shared the same beliefs that I have. Some, I have no idea. They never shared their opinion. Just that they know they are privileged. I admire their honesty but I wish they also made the right choice or at least took even a little time to know the candidates even if they're mostly busy. I admit that I didn't speak up a lot about my candidates publicly before as well. (I just believe I could do more to improve myself on my own too.) But just like my opening statement, I've had enough. Silence speaks a lot too. I just really wish they gave a hint about their beliefs too. I understand that they are scared somebody would question them but what are they afraid of if they feel confident about who they support? (I may have been silent during the campaign period but elections are the most relevant time to speak up. And I hope they did.) Their silence is really more confusing that it lets me down a little bit too.
Speaking up about political matters on Twitter exhausts me too because there's too much tension. I also feel like tweeting something is so easy and I don't have enough time to process everything. Through Tumblr, I think I found the safest platform for me to speak politically. This doesn't end here.
"Walang nasayang, Hindi tayo nabigo, Ang pinakamahalaga, Hindi pa tayo tapos, Nagsisimula palang tayo." - VP Leni Robredo
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journalbynics · 2 years
March 12, 2022
Never thought I would be invested on this elections when I purposely tried being silent during the campaign period. I only watched debates and followed them a bit on social media when we're a month away from the elections but still, I became invested. I'm one of those who felt so emotional and tears up when the results are just coming in.
It's not that I'm ungrateful for what we have in our country but it's the HOPE I saw in the eyes of passionate kakampinks rooting for VP Leni Robredo. She painted a picture of what our country could be when she's elected as the president.
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As a Christian who just became spiritually alive recently, the results really dismayed me. I thought my faith was strong enough but turns out, I just never experienced and felt something this extreme to become disappointed. Maybe because it's not only my future that depends on it but the FUTURE OF THOSE IN NEED. (Yung mga nasa laylayan na nga ika nga.) The Angat Buhay Project is really great since it's like a positive 'Sana All' for every Filipino.
Because of this experience, I had the chance to reassess my character. I admit, I slightly let my emotions get the best of me at first. The SCORPIO in me literally went out AGAIN. I planned on holding a grudge to those I knew who voted for the leading candidate. I even unfriended a lot of my relatives. I don't really care because I don't actually use Facebook often and share something so I doubt if they will notice it. Maybe they will. I don't even plan on going to family events as much as before too. If they had the chance to confront me about it, I'll just simply make an excuse like really? I have no idea because I don't use facebook much since I'm busy. Lol.
The closest apologist from my family is my older sister. The middle child since I'm the youngest. We're a family of five and the rest, we're proudly kakampinks. She's married and her husband is also an apologist. We had to hide our disappointment during their stay in our house since my sister went home in our province just to vote. I'm really sad and angry on the inside because I look up to her but she disregards all the red flags on her candidate. I tried being distant to her and make excuses but then she treated us on a family dinner. It's bittersweet because I was reminded that she's the one spending on my school allowance as well. They left and that's the time we have a family talk of kakampinks expressing our dismay and anger. It's funny how we're the ones who stayed silent when it's our home at all. My parents are civil to them and I'm actually the only one who had to put an effort and fake it. Over time, I guess my hatred will fade but I'll never forget everyone who supports questionable candidates. That's for sure. Anyway, it's a relief finally talking to my dad, mom, and oldest sister who shares the same sentiments like mine. It's comforting to know that atleast, we got each other. Just sad about the only one who isn't and building her own family already. I don't wanna imagine how difficult it must be for those with majority family members as an apologist in a household. If you are, stay hopeful. You're not entirely alone.
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As I've said, I had a difficult time processing what's happening in our country.
It came to a point when I felt my faith in God is slightly fading. I know everything has a reason and He has a PLAN for us. It's always God's will that's gonna happen. I think it's easier for me to accept the hardships I personally face but imagining those people who suffered in the past and potential people who's gonna suffer in this term is just too much for me. Even if doubts are starting to drown me, I still kept praying. I know about He's will. That He planned this. It's just one of those hard to accept situations that's testing us but I'll get pass this. As always.
So I prayed, with a heavy heart and sometimes as I teared up...
I ask for forgiveness for not completely accepting and trying to understand what's happening. I also ask for His patience on me. Because I feel like I failed Him too since I thought my relationship with Him is deep enough. But I guess it's not. I know He's the most patient and merciful God so I feel at ease too. I know I'll overcome this emotions. Besides, it's written a lot of times in the Bible that it's okay to tell Him our feelings, our desires, our cries. To share our burden with Him. With that in mind, I know this unfamiliar feelings of mine relating to politics are VALID and NATURAL.
1. I'm gratefully privileged and I care a lot too for the common good of people and our country.
2. I need to improve my character even more and manage how I react to things I can and can't control. It's always the reaction that I have the control not the situation.
3. The journalist in me is blazing again. It's good to write about things that really matter and I should continue it more consistently.
4. I should trust God's plan even more, even on national/global matters as well.
5. This is a time of realization. I really hope people who voted for the leading candidate learns too and stop being so blinded.
In conclusion, Bishop Rey has a point. Maybe God never really meant for Leni to win. Her mission was to waken us up. Because SHE REALLY DID. She won the hearts of people.
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journalbynics · 2 years
Long post ahead. This is political and turned out to be personal as well regarding the recent Election in the Philippines.
In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic/ lockdown era, I was very vocal about making noises on Twitter criticizing our government because Filipinos had enough of the resiliency bullshit they are normalizing as a good trait. The downside of that trait is we settled for less over the years. Which we shouldn't be since we deserve better because we pay taxes while most politicians stay corrupt and unfair.
I suddenly stopped tweeting about political matters because there's a red-tagging threat for those who exercise our freedom of speech. I was scared because I'm just a student. If the threats are true, my future will be doomed. Also because I don't want to lose my account on Twitter which I mostly use as a platform to connect with my favorite artists and personalities in general.
Starting in 2020 until now, 2022. I've been incredibly focused and productive on growing as a person. I kept pursuing my passion. My relationship with God has been deeper than ever since I also started reading The Bible consistently during this period. With this habit, I've been at peace. I stopped engaging in political matters and just chose to focus on my personal life since I can't do much like others are dictating. "walang ambag kamo" bullshit
It's really easy to put rose-colored glasses in real life and overthink fictional characters' dilemmas instead but actually, those dilemmas are currently happening in our society as well that we choose to overlook and kinda treat as a media we just consume.
I may have been a very silent supporter of the candidate I rooted for but I stood up this election and exercised my right to vote for the right one. I figured this is the right time for me to speak up since we're getting closer to results.
To those who kept making noises and educating people in the most patient and respectful way they can be, I SALUTE Y'ALL.
Just trying to speak up is difficult enough but talking with people who have different beliefs from you is incredibly tougher.
I felt it when I only had a short conversation with my older sister who supports candidates with questionable backgrounds and I was offended by the way she mocked mine when her candidates are even worse.
I hate how she's blinded by fake news and disregards countless victims with proofs during the oppressive era of the Marcos Administration.
It hurts because I used to look up to her and I can't fathom how she's one of those people who invalidate the injustices suffered by others. Majority of the citizens here in my country rooted for a son's dictator as the president, an actor, and a bunch of corrupts as senators.
Anyway, it's also difficult being a Christian right now because I've realized that even after reading the bible, applying it, and keeping the faith, is a different feeling when you're in the situation. I thought my faith was already strong but then these things happened and I have shaken again. I begin to wonder questions like why? Do these bad things really need to happen? The injustices? Do we really need to experience things before we learned? It's just a shame for the people who put their life online back then who fought against the oppressors. Holding a grudge has been an idea that's been crossing my mind to all the people I knew who supported an unqualified candidate. I can't help but question their choice and how they lack empathy for all the victims of that family in the past.
When partial election results started to spread fast last night, it's maddening seeing how many people supported a candidate who doesn't even attend debates, denies history, is a thief, a liar, and a son of a dictator. It's clownery and also a sad reality.
I remembered Jesus who was crucified while a murderer like Barabbas was chosen by the people to be released. That's just ill-fated that the worse ones always win first.
It would be acceptable if the results are real but still, it seemed questionable when there were faulty and delayed voting machines during the election hour itself and it all suddenly became faster when partial results are coming in. All we want is transparency now and still hoping for a miracle that we'd win. 🙏
I salute and still support the Robredo family for all the goodness they radiated and shared with the Filipinos.
God Bless my country, the Philippines. 🇵🇭
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When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
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journalbynics · 4 years
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Hey guys! How you doin’? I’m Nics! I love watching films and tv series as well as journaling so I started a movie & tv journal in 2018. Before, I only made trackers of the films I’d like to watch but I enjoyed journaling so much so I decided to also make a page or spread dedicated to my favorites.
Here's an example of my spread for the film ‘Call me by your name’. 
Visit my youtube channel to see my flip throughs! So far, I already have two completed journals and another two that I’m currently using!
Here’s a playlist I made for it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk0PiQa7iBd_q03tvebti5xVogWRP16Jw
I’m close to 1k subscribers so I’m hoping that you’re interested with this stuff, you’ll pay my channel a visit and subscribe if you like my journal videos!
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