kk1ttykat · 1 year
it makes me sad how so many autistic people (im autistic myself) see joe pera as bad rep just because we don't see him have meltdowns 1 joe pera being autistic is a fan theory but i highly doubt any of the show runners would disagree. and 2 its sad that we can't have a show about a autistic man in his 20s-30s thriving and having learnt how to cope and we see arguments and him going through rough moments but it gives me hope that one day I can maybe control my own emotions and live how I want. i just think its important to have media that shows us a normal and down to earth because we are normal.
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8biteggplant · 1 year
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i swear to god this show was fucking everything
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dylanakamura · 5 months
Joe Pera Takes You To The Grocery Store
This isn’t a super in depth thematic analysis, just a breakdown of an episode I really like of Joe Pera and the details I think make it so great.
Opening/establishing shot 0-0:53
We get this small look into Joe’s neighborhood grocery store, a remarkably mundane store, nothing glamorous, but the music and direction brings the store to life. Not the brimming kind of life you get in a Disney film but a very real yet bright kind of life.
Joe’s introduction 0:53-1:44
Joe, like in most areas of life, has a well thought out philosophy on grocery shopping. It’s an “immersive theater experience” where we all play our parts as shoppers. It engages the senses in a familiar and comforting way that’s filled with all the same variables and goals but never plays out the same way twice. The role is fun yet challenging, something you could say about any walk of life.
Tackling the infinite options 1:44-4:03
The number of items in your average grocery store is unthinkably high and only keeps growing exponentially. That’s a lot to take in, so Joe has rules put in place to keep him in line. He has his three Yes’s, Should he eat this, Will he eat this, and Can he afford it, to keep himself within his budget of $70, which he writes out in a check to keep himself in check. You can think of these rules as part of his role as a shopper on top of giving Joe the necessary calories to fill his roles in the rest of his life. He draws the line himself to keep himself from “ruin” as he puts it.
Melskys 4:03-6:11
This section mostly focuses on Joe playing the role of a responsible neighbor and teacher to Sue and Nicole Melsky respectively, making small talk and inevitably listening to their issues, mainly Mike and his new Chicken diet which has been only causing issues. Joe tries to make the best of it for Sue but ends up just apologizing for Mike’s absurdity.
Samples 6:11-8:24
His next exchange is with Fred the sample guy, who’s job is to obviously sell samples. He convinces Joe to buy his Honey Ham, but Joe is always prepared with a $5 fun budget for purchases like this, keeping him flexible yet firm. Joe also tells us about how Fred was in jail for 14 years prior to the grocery store giving him a “second act,” which in my opinion makes him feel less like an annoying guy trying to sell a product and more like an entertainer wanting to bring joy to this experience.
Freezer aisle 8:24-9:47
Joe has to keep his eyes away from the temptations of Ice Cream since he spent his fun budget on Fred’s Ham, something difficult since Joe loves his Ice Cream. A guilt also sets in about all the waste and negative factors that come with a grocery store always being stocked to the brim. He feels these conflicting emotions of comfort, awe, and waste as he hurries down the aisle. He doesn’t necessarily like it, but some things you just have to go with the flow of and participate in, and without the supermarket he’d miss it. He finally makes it out the other side to the checkout.
Checkout 9:46-10:32
As Joe checks out his total comes out to under his budget because of a sale he happened to miss. He’s been rewarded for playing his role just right. This miracle is part of the joy and excitement he gets from the supermarket experience. He sprints back to the Freezer Aisle and grabs a tub of Ice Cream, triumphant music plays as he runs, and his total jumps up to an exact $70.
Ending 10:32-End
Joe shares with us how nice it is he’ll be able to have a few scoops of Ice Cream tonight since today is his Birthday which he doesn’t like to make a big deal of. I really like this detail because it shows how well maintained and rewarding it is for Joe to hold himself accountable and never drown in deep seated desires besides simple pleasures. He looks to the mundane for excitement but keeps the big news to himself, never disappointing and always finding beauty in the simple things which is an aspect I really commend Joe for.
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petoskeystones · 11 months
the michigander experience can be summed up on a scale of joe pera talks with you to tim robinson's detroiters
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maybeitsmir · 4 months
Joe Pera Talks With You is the 100% complete opposite of I Think You Should Leave
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thestarmaker · 3 years
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dylanakamura · 5 months
There Won’t Be Another Joe Pera Talks With You
Joe Pera Talks With You is a comedy show that aired on Adult Swim for 3 seasons before being essentially canceled. The premise is simple, we follow Joe Pera through his daily life and he talks with us. It’s almost antithetical to the writing practice of show not tell, Joe tells us what’s on his mind at every corner. But the way the show gives us insight into Joe’s mind, both the character and the real Joe Pera, is something I only really see in Novels, never TV. Joe Pera Talks With You just occupies a corner of the TV medium we don’t ever see. A quiet little corner of the world where a Choir Teacher lives each day learning and loving and talking all about anything he can.
Joe Pera is really the only person I can see making a show like this, someone so aware and conscious of his own mind that he can put it on display in TV form, making mundane life events seem brimming with life and its own story. The view of Marquette through Joe’s glasses is never dull, almost like a stream of consciousness. Normally all the info Joe dumps would be exhaustive but through the calm soothing soundtrack and Joe’s very smooth voice, it’s a very relaxing feeling watching episode to episode. The average show builds tension so we can experience that release or climax, but Joe Pera Talks With You doesn’t do that. It’s more relaxed with bumps in the road but never an end in sight. Even after the final episode it’s obvious life goes on and that’s just very comforting. This duality between calm days that still feel so lively makes this show something truly special.
The creative freedom Joe had making this show is so nice to see. He got his friends and fellow comedians to star in it and didn’t have any strict guidelines to adhere to besides run times. This is also likely why the show got canceled so soon, as only a cult following continually watched, but maybe it’ll get picked up elsewhere one day.
The humor of this show also really sets it apart from most other shows. It’s very rarely shocking, and when it is it’s mostly an awkward kind of Shock. Joe Pera is a very quiet and reserved guy, but he picks when to chime in well, and if it doesn’t land it’s not the end of the world. I almost want to say his comedy is an acquired taste but I haven’t seen anyone who’s seen his show or comedy specials dislike him. I think his humor adds to the atmosphere Joe was going for perfectly and organically.
Joe can be silly, superstitious, nerdy, but above all he’s very loving. He has a big heart and I feel like he wanted to share that with all of us in every scene. Even to strangers he doesn’t necessarily mesh with he always has a kind word. He finds the world around him so exciting. He gets excited for the same lunch he’s had with Nana since he was a child. Even in the first episode he loves his home so much he can barely even think of parting with it. There won’t be another Joe Pera Talks With You because there will never be another man like Joe Pera who can teach us to love life in all its twists and turns.
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thestarmaker · 2 years
joe pera talks with you cancelled fuck EVERYTHING this world sucks
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thestarmaker · 3 years
joe pera talks with you season 3 starting on the day that daylight savings ends just feels very correct
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