#juan especially i'm mutuals with
beatleswings · 2 years
For anyone who is a fan of both Tekken and Punch-Out!! (especially the Wii version), these guys; Héctor Garay and Juan Amador Pulido, are the voice actors of Miguel Caballero Rojo and Don Flamenco, respectively. Not only are they colleagues but they're also very good friends. So yep, Miguel and Don know each other.
This is from a video they took part in to congratulate their fellow VA Alex Saudinós, who is the Spanish voice for SpongeBob, Yami Yugi, Jimbo Jones, and others.
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lumiinix · 1 year
HIII!! I just wanna say first that I just ADORE ur writing so much!!!💘 And I saw that ur request are open and I was wondering if by any chance you could write abt how the haikyuu boys would react to meeting a beautiful fan (fem! Yn). I was thinking maybe like atsumu, Oikawa, Sakusa idk. ANYWAYS It’s okay if not lol! 😎🤘💟
Meeting a beautiful fan (but with my own little twist)
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Pairing(s): Oikawa, Atsumu and Sakusa x fem!reader
Warning(s): Fem!reader, reader is famous so it’s like a mutual celebrity crush.
A/N: Don’t mind me putting a little twist of my own here anon~
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Being a model sure is exhausting, but you can’t denied that the perks that comes with your job is sure worth it, especially when that perk is a vip ticket to a San Juan home game where you got the chance to see and later have a meet and greet with your favorite member, Oikawa Tooru.
“Yep, totally worth it.” You said as you fawn over the Japanese man.
Oikawa was just drinking water during half-time when suddenly he sees it, in the corner of his eyes was the most beautiful person he has ever seen, his breath hitched as his heart began to beat faster, he almost even drop his water bottle. He had to look in your direction again to see if he’s not dreaming. Holy shit you are real and you’re in the vip section too? So that means he has to meet you later?! Oh now he’s panicking.
The match ends with the win goes to San Juan and the meet and greet began, and when he’s seeing you walking towards him? Man’s double panicking (from the inside).
“Hi! I’m a big fan of you! It’s nice to finally meet you Oikawa!”
And your voice is also pretty? Oh boy.
In the midst of panicking, he blurts out. “I THINK YOU’RE REALLY PRETTY AND I’D LIKE TO ASK YOU OUT.”
Everyone in the rooms blinks, his teammates trying hard not to burst out laughing, other fans are looking at you whispering, some are about how lucky you are, and others are how they seemed to recognize you as that famous model. Oikawa tho, he wants the ground to swallow him whole, and the fact that he just heard that you’re a famous model doesn’t help the situation at all.
You on the other hand, smiled at the confession.
“I like your boldness.” You chuckled. “Here, take my card.”
Flipping through your purse you take out a business card, but you also took out a pen and wrote your personal number on it as well.
“This is my personal number, I will be busy in the next month but will be free for a while after that, call me when you wanna have that date.”
Oikawa shakily grabs your card before nodding, he was at awe with you. “You bet I will.” He said with his signature grin. He couldn’t wait to go on a date with you.
Atsumu found you while scrolling through social media and was instantly hooked. Not only were you a rising star in the singing world, but you’re also a famous socialite that captures the heart of millions with your beauty and talent, including him. It was a mini crush that he had, you just had to be beautiful and talented and so on. The other guys would shit on him all the time, especially Sakusa.
“Omg y’all, she followed me back on Instagram! I can die a happy man now.” He sigh dreamily.
“Then die, at least I won’t hear your fanboy squealing anymore.”
“Wow, so rude Omi-omi.”
Fast forward to a MSBY home game that his team had just won, so everyone is going out treating themselves some drinks at a nearby cafe. When suddenly, someone bumped into his back and he hears a plastic material drops.
"I'm sorry!" Atsumu recognize that voice. He turns around and sees you bending down to reach for a pair of sunglasses, but he hasn't yet recognized you because you were also wearing a cap that completely obscured your face from his view.
He looks outside of the store where he saw a group of people holding cameras. Paparazzi, he realizes, and they were chasing…you?
“I truly apologize for stumbling into you again.” He almost spits up his drink when he finally sees your face after you speak up and stand up. There you are in all your glory, although not wearing makeup or expensive clothing, you still look stunning to him.
“Oh! You’re Miya Atsumu! I’m a big fan!” And you were a fan of him too? Did he just won a jackpot?
The two of you just stand there in shock, having to meet eachother’s celebrity in this situation was not what you expect, no one said anything, that is until his teammates had enough.
“Hey Miya! Why don’t you ask you ask her out? Aren’t you simping for her?” Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), Sakusa spoke up first, opening the gates for his other teammates to hype in up as well.
“Yeah dude, stop being a wuss!”
“Come one, are you really gonna let the beauty hanging like that?”
And that’s just the boost he needs, he has to thank them later, so with a deep breath, he gave you his signature grin. “So, wanna hang out sometime?”
Sakusa doesn’t know when he started to see you, but he’s glad. For some reason, he always seemed to notice you in the stands, seemingly blending into the rest of the fans, and it annoys him at first, but the more he saw you, the more you grew on him even though you two don’t have any interaction. To him, everything about you just screamed perfect and when he saw you wear his jersey number, cheering for him specifically, he cannot denied the fact that he’s fallen for you.
So when he looks up in the stand and cannot find you anywhere, his mood dropped and although it didn’t effect his game, even his teammates notices this and although they didn’t know why (bc Sakusa would dropped dead before he is even considering telling them about his crush), they knew is was kinda big. It was at that day when he decided to fuck it and decided that the next time he
He knows that you cannot make it to his game, but what he didn’t know is the reason why you cannot go there, and it’s because by the time the game is over, you are on a plane going back to Japan after winning an ice skating tournament. Sure you won, but you’re still salty about the fact that you miss your favorite athlete Sakusa fricking Kiyomi’s home match which they also won.
Promising to yourself that you see him next time, not knowing what would come next.
“How did it comes to this?” Is the first question you two had when you met him again…in an ice skating tournament you are in! Apparently, Komori dragged him here because for some reason he got interest in this sport and Sakusa was about to complain when he saw you. There you are, in your shiny outfit and perfect makeup, you gracefully slide on the ice while doing spins and jumps making him completely infatuated by your skills. You were an athlete yourself? And you’re a fan of him??
And when your eyes met, it was like the world around you was slowing down, your eyes widens as you realized that your athlete crush is here and although flustered, you now completely focused on showing of your best move to impress him (not that you didn’t already), leading you to winning the tournament.
Sakusa definitely had to thank Komori for this later, but first, he had to find you to ask you out.
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kuramirocket · 1 year
Hi, my mom just told me about how she wasn't taught Zapotec as a child because of anti-indigenous racism. She was born in San Juan Teitipac, I believe my grandmother and past relatives spoke Central Valley Zapotec. I'm not sure where to go from there to try and learn the language.
Note: a few words she remembers but not sure of spelling:
Muchito/mushito/muxito?- little boy
Wixa/wija/güixa/güiga? - field rat/large rodent they ate
Could you point me in the direction of which dialect this could be? Thank you!!
Hi! Ooh, okay, I'm not sure how much help I can be because I only know a few words and phrases in the variation of the Zapotec language my family speaks.
I found out more about the Zapotec we speak from this paper. However, it focuses on the village my mother and her side of the family was born in and it's only in Spanish and I have only read a small part of it. If you can read Spanish this might help. For example, according to the paper:
The Zapotec spoken in Oaxaca is divided into four variants:
Zapotec of the Valley (Bene Lashe)
Southern Zapotec (Bene Chhaa Nhisdao)
Isthmus Zapotec (Bene Yeze’e)
Zapotec of the Sierra (Bene Ya’a)
From my understanding, San Juan Teitipac is in the Tlacolula District which has many variants of the Zapotec language. This would be the "valles centrales" (Central Valleys) shown here.
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Furthernore, according to wikipedia:
San Tlacolula Valley Zapotec is a cluster of Zapotec languages spoken in the western Tlacolula Valley, which show varying degrees of mutual intelligibility. All varieties of Valley Zapotec are endangered. The languages in this group include:
Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec
Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec
San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec
Tlacolula de Matamoros Zapotec
San Juan Guelavía Zapotec
San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya Zapotec
San Juan Teitipac Zapotec
This same wikipedia page also leads to an online Tlacolula Valley Zapotec dictionary here.
The Ticha project talks about and has resources about Colonial Valley Zapotec.
There are also youtube channels about the Zapotec though some are old and haven't updated:
Valley Zapotec Language Lessons
Mexican Excellence also posts a lot of great videos about decolonizing and speaking overall of the indigenous Mexican experience.
Connecting to other indigenous Zapotec speakers may help you too in case they have other resources. I've seen a good amount of Zapotec people and other indigenous Mexicans on Tik Tok. I follow hundreds of people (majority of Mexican descent at @kurami_rocket) so, I'd have to go through all of them to find my fellow Zapotec people 😅 BUT you can simply search #zapotec on Tik Tok as recently as a week since they uploaded vids to find them and ask for help. And please don't be afraid to ask others for help like with me! Many of our fellow indigenous brothers and sisters would be more than happy to try and help!
I wish I could give more information, but I would need to try and do very in depth research to find pieces and clues that may help you.
It's definitley very hard and difficult reconnecting because of the colonialism and genocide our people suffered and continue to experience. Information online is vastly scarce and hard to come by. Especially learning indigenous languages online. Finding any and all resources truly is valuable.
If you haven't tried already, the best bet is always to ask your family members if you can. Especially older family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc as they may know a lot that they have never told you.
I hope this helps you start your journey in hopefully being able to learn more!!
Also if any other tumblr users have read this far, please feel free to reblog this and share any resources you may know too!
@sephirajo Idk if you may have any resources or something to add?
And @kaoren please feel free to drop me another ask or dm if you have more questions!! :)
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cizzle-freezy · 1 year
rules: tag 9 people (or so) you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — I was tagged by @whitewyrmings !~
The Mind Electric-- Specifically the Chonny Jash version.
Dear goodness has this song given me major earworms lately. Sure, the original is great! Amazing even. But this one tickles my brain in many ways. Not only is it satisfying to listen to, but my mind wanders to the "Bad End AU" plot thread for the Phantom Gang (Seph, Izulda, Angelo, Tempys, and Gelum... and technically Ignis?), and keeps associating the lyrics to different OCs. The feelings that the Phantom Gang has to come to terms with when they meet the worst versions of themselves.
I rarely indulge in fandom ships, because generally I can appreciate the chemistry people write between characters (as long as its not like... toxic or pedophilic or something)
Huntlow (Owl House... despite only watching the first 3 eps and I SHOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM--)
Virgil x Richie (Static Shock)
And whatever the HECK is going on in Maya and the Three (the entire series I kept saying "is this a prophecy or a polycule?")
I do have some OC ships I am especially soft for, but that's so many to list, especially when considering friends and mutuals ;w; (looking at YOU, Greyscale)
I haven't picked one up in a long time because I am DETERMINED to read the Amulet series before anything. I read the first book in middle school (so like, as of 2023, 10-12 years ago??), and it's been stuck in my brain since.
I rarely watch movies unless it's a Discord Watch Party Night, which I haven't done in a long time... The last movie that sticks out in my mind is Turning Red, which I found pretty enjoyable and brought me back to my old Flipnote Hatena days. Maybe it was the Sonic movies?? Which were also pretty fun. Just sadly, movies don't stick out like shows do.
Well... I often crave meat and seafood more than anything these days. I'm diabetic, so ever since I've weaned myself off of excessive sweets, sugary foods like candy and soda haven't tasted the same, but at least chocolate is still pretty good depending on brand. I find that spicy sushi rolls such as crunchy rolls, spicy tuna/salmon/etc are safe bets despite the rice, because by now I've memorized the carb amount. Plus, the sushi guy at my workplace tends to make them special for us!
Outside of food, my brain is always craving drawing, writing lore, and RP. It likes being creatively stimulated, and I'm lucky my workplace is cool with me bringing my art supplies to keep myself entertained when I'm bored.
@jessebizarreart @juan-o-clocks @jorgedrawssomethings @hikaririnku-blog
sorry for the ping yall! but it might get yall more accustomed to tumblr lmaoo
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troynovant · 11 months
something that I've discovered about myself that I'm not particularly proud of is that I'm deeply turned on by (straight) men using the word "faggot," and I'm trying to figure out why that is and what the boundaries of it are. It's not that I'm just blindly attracted to the idea of homophobia and if I were to just watch some video of straight guys calling each other "fags" or being otherwise homophobic that wouldn't do anything for me. I don't think I'd be especially turned on by being called a "faggot" by a stranger either. I think, and maybe I'll have to think more about this, that what does it for me is the weird intimacy of that word in *some* social contexts. For a straight guy to use it around me (in the very liberal bubble in which I live) implies a weird form of intimacy, at least insofar as they trust me enough not to "call them out" for it or something. Every time some straight guy uses it around me I can sort of see them waiting to see if I'll react (and given the social consequences of that possibility, in this milieu, that's really taking a chance.) There's a kind of mutual vulnerability there that I find sort of thrilling. I'm under-selling the point actually, I get almost instantly hard whenever this happens.
I actually first discovered this about myself when watching some old Derek Martin jerk-off video in which he uses the word repeatedly, almost certainly at the request of some gay OF sponsor. I think he was even fully dressed at this point in this video, but he looks at the camera and, trying to sound like a douchebag while nevertheless clearly looking a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing, says something like "I know you want this dick...faggot." I couldn't have been more turned on, and what got me, I think, is the fact that he seemed so uncomfortable while nevertheless maintaining the "dom" pose, which is of course the inherent (and kind of hot) irony of the "dom" persona in all pornography: the "dom" has to be tough and in charge but they're still, ultimately, fingering themselves while begging for money, the most over-determinedly feminine position imaginable.
Derek isn't a good enough actor to conceal his own uncomfortable if dim awareness of that gap - an actual cocky straight boy having a hard time acting like a cocky straight boy because he's about to be naked on camera for the consumption of a bunch of homos, circumstances that aren't easily reconciled to the "douchebag" persona. These contradictions all felt so tangible when he said "faggot" with such discomfort; it's almost certainly a word that he uses regularly with his own (presumably straight) friends, but in this context, he was doing it in front of the faggots in question, at their request, while also jarringly aware of the fact that he's about to show those same faggots his dick, all the while maintaining the (plausibly real) rouse of homophobia.
When Juan says "faggot" around me there's a sort of echo of these tensions: on his own, or in small groups, he has a quite dominating personality, and part of the masculine performance of it all is the pretense that he couldn't care less if anyone has a problem with his language, but I know, and he knows, and he knows I know, that I could get him in real trouble if I had any desire to do so. It's like growling while showing your belly at the same time. Anyway, when I first saw that Derek Martin video and he looked so unsure of himself while saying "faggot," I came instantly and then laughed about it, which perhaps confirms Jan's old thesis that laughing and cumming simultaneously strengthens the force of the latter.
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