#judge is not sanji's father
akaiuchiha · 10 months
Chapter 5 (English): Alabasta Here We Are, The Meeting
Zeff finally set foot in Alabasta 2 days later. The past two days had been incredibly awkward and the little group took Yan to the doctor almost immediately. His situation hadn't worsened but it also didn't improve. 
The chef was followed by Patty and Carne who decided to stay with him for the time being while the rest of the crew had started to wander around. They were at Nanohana right now and according to Kehos, who still dared to speak to him, the doctor he told him about was living there. 
From what he could see, Nanohana was a port town, which meant he would probably be able to find a navigator willing to come with him. 
Zeff knew the Strawhat Pirates had helped Alabasta. They talked about how a marine named Smoker had apparently saved the country from the warlord Crocodile but he also knew that Monkey D. Luffy had been there and Zeff knew better than to trust the Marine's propaganda. He was quite sure Luffy had been the one to help them all, it was who he was, he did as he wanted, and the rumor of Princess Vivi being their friend was enough for him to be certain of that.
And if Luffy was the real savior, then that meant the people would probably help him if he said his son was part of Luffy's crew.
However he didn't take that for granted. 
“It's freaking hot here. How are we supposed to survive ?!” Patty said with sweat rolling from his forehead.
“I don't know, maybe because they are locals ? Use your brain for a second.” Zeff replied with a grunt.
“It must be the heat frying his brain cells.” Carne while grinning.
“Oh for God's sake shut up.”
When they reached the city centre, they were surrounded by all the noises, colors and smells coming from the shops, the clients and life itself. Zeff had no idea how to find the man he was looking for. He never took this path when he sailed the Grand Line the first time. He had no other choice than to ask people if they knew where to find him.
Apparently, Carne had the same idea and went to a stall where a woman, probably in her twenties, was selling spices.
“Excuse me Madam, would you know where we could find a man named Koil? He's a doctor.”
“I don't know him but you should ask there.” She showed him a stall held by a man and his wife. “They are known as the hypochondriac couple. They think they have every disease that exists and they went to many different doctors. They might help you.”
He thanked her and this time, Zeff went first. The man seemed to be fifty-something and so was his.They both looked anxious when they approached and took a step back.
“If you want to buy something, do it quickly.” The wife said while crossing her arms.
“Do you know a doctor named Koil?” Zeff asked.
“Why do you want to see that liar? He's good for nothing, I have no idea how he became a doctor. He's not even able to tell us what we got!” The man started to spew on the doctor.
“Sir, we just want to know where to find him.” Patty added, clearly tired of his nonsense.
“Oh, easy. You go up the street and it's the worst house you'll see. How dare he call himself a doctor…I swear this man….”
Zeff, Patty and Carne didn't hear the end of their speech, they had left the moment they had told them where to go. 
“What the hell was that. People just can't take what changes have happened to them now.” Patty said.
“Patty, you know it's not easy for them, right? It's a paranoïa, and even more, it's something regarding mental health, just like other more known problems like anxiety. It's something that IS a sort of disease but not the kind they think they have.” Zeff explained while looking around to see if the house was here.
“I don't understand how this works.” Carne said.
“You don't have to understand a problem to be able to have empathy. I thought you knew better not to judge someone different from you.” 
Zeff ended the conversation on this bittersweet note. He had to say, he was frustrated by their reaction. Yes it was tiring and the couple hadn't been kind with them, but still. 
Everyone had problems and everyone had a different reaction to said problems. Maybe he should do more mental health awareness on his ship, he had a kid who probably had anxiety after all. 
They arrived in an area where there were less people and more houses. They had left the market area and now were in the living part of the city. Carne saw a kid running around with a ball and went to talk to him.
“Hey kiddo, do you perhaps know a man named Koil?”
“Uncle Koil?” The kid asked while taking the ball in his hands.
“I don't know? Is he a doctor?”
“Yeah! Uncle Koil heals everyone here! He's the best!”
“I see well, we'd like to see him, could you lead us?”
“Follow me!”
The three men glanced at each other, nodded and followed the little kid. He was still playing with the ball and humming while taking them to the doctor's house. But from what the kid had said, if the man was an important person, the chances for him to  go with them were low.
The kid stopped right in front of a big house with a plate near the door. 
“It's here!”
“Thank you kiddo, you're a good little one.”
“My mom always says that!” The kid giggled with a big smile on his face.
“And she's right. Now we have to go inside, thank you again.” Zeff said and couldn't stop the wave of nostalgia this kid brought with him.
They entered and were immediately faced with a huge entrance hall. Children's drawings were hanging everywhere and a lot of furniture, chairs, tables, shelves, everywhere.  
Patty took the lead and went to the door on their right and opened it. Inside there was a bed with a desk and medical supplies. It was probably where he worked.
They closed the door, turned around and were faced with a small man, with grey hair and a beard, wearing glasses and clearly not happy to see them.
“What do you want? Why are you rummaging?”
“You must be Koil, right?” Patty asked.
“No I'm the king you fool.” The man answered with a poker face.
“Really funny old man.” Carne said.
“Enough you too. We didn't know where to find you and a little kid showed us the way. Can we talk to you?”
“Tss..follow me.”
They went upstairs and entered what was the man's office.
“Well, what do you want from me. I don't heal people for free.”
“We are searching for a doctor to set sail with us. Would you join us?” Patty finally said.
“Ah! Pirates I see. I won't.”
“We're not pirates..we're a restaurant crossing the Grand Line.” Carne mumbled.
“As if I'd believe you.” Koil crossed his arms and glared at Carne.
“A man recommended you to me and said you'd understand if I told you about the situation.”
“Which man? I know plenty of them.”
“Kehos. Him and his friends sailed with us from Whiskey Peak to Nanohana.”
Koil raised an eyebrow and seemed more interested. 
“Kehos, the man who looks like a puppy?”
“Yeah him.”
“Ah I see.”
The doctor sighed and sat down. Patty and Carne seemed to be uncomfortable and they were fidgeting with a scowl on their face. Zeff wondered who taught them social manners because they clearly lacked here and he had been a pirate.
The chef sat down and was soon followed by his staff.
“Why do you need me?”
“You see, I'm sailing the Grand Line but we don't have a doctor and a navigator. I plan on finding a navigator here too but for now a doctor is our priority.”
“In what world did you think it was a good idea to do what you're doing?” Koil scoffed.
“In a world in which my son is in danger.”
By the look Zeff's answer created on the other man's face, it was a good explanation.
“Your son?”
“Yes, my son. He's part of the Strawhat Pirates and I'm sure you've read the newspaper.”
“Ah. The one getting married… I have kids too, they grow up and have their own lives now.”
“Don't even dare thinking that my son is willing to get married for his birth family.”
The air around them was tense and everything was about to snap when the little kid entered with four people they knew oh so well.
“Uncle Koil! Uncle Koil! They're back!”
“I can see that. Great timing you four.”
“Don't tell me…” Yan, finally on his two feet, said.
“I see you've met the chef.” Tara added.
Now, the situation was even worse. It was almost as if a spark would ignite the room. It was Kehos who broke the silence.
“So they told you about their problem?”
“Of course. And you thought I'd follow them.”
“Well…yes?” Kehos said hopefully.
“My boy, you're too naive.”
“But you saved us! You can save them too!” Kehos replied.
“You four were kids left alone in the desert!”
“Well their friend is in danger! It's just like for us!”
“No it's not!” Koil almost screamed.
Kehos gasped and took a step back. Yan looked at him and squeezed his shoulder before exchanging a look with Tara and then he started to speak.
“Old man, as much as I dislike them, they saved me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I…I had an allergic reaction on their boat to something I had never tasted before, no one knew and that man over here saved me. We just came back from the doctor and because I had been taken care of, my condition easily improved.”
“I didn't know he could talk that much without being hostile.” Patty whispered to  Carne.
“Shut up you too let them speak.” Zeff told them.
Yan seemed to be embarrassed by the whole situation. His cheeks were two shades darker and he kept bouncing from a leg to another. Eri had been silent the whole time but if eyes could kill, they would all be dead.
“Uncle Koil, please follow them. They saved Yan like you saved us and as much as I'm wary of them, I can't deny they did help us and that the allergic reaction wasn't entirely their fault..” Tara said.
“I still think this is a bad idea.” Eri mumbled.
“You think everything is a bad idea Eri.” Kehos replied.
Koil watched them intently before he closed his eyes. Silence came back and now they were all waiting for the man's reaction.
After what seemed hours, Koil opened his eyes and looked at Zeff with a resigned face. 
“Fine, I'll go with you. But don't expect me to be kind with your crew. I'm merely doing it because the kids asked me so nicely.” The sarcasm in his voice could be easily heard.
“Then it's settled. Our boat looks like a giant fish.” Zeff said while standing up.
“A fish…how ridiculous.” Koil rolled his eyes. “I have to prepare everything for my departure, get out of my house.”
“Thank you uncle Koil!” Kehos happily added and seemed to be seconds away from jumping on the man to hug him.
“Yeah yeah, you owe me a favor, kids.”
“As always…” Eri ended the conversation by leaving the office.
“We'll leave when the Log Pose is set. You can do everything you need in this span.” Zeff told Koil.
“Near the port you should be able to find a navigator. They're all too willing to leave this place.” Koil grumbled.
“That we'll do.” 
They all left the office without looking back. At least, it was one good thing for them. 
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uaremyjae · 5 months
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I love that Zeff’s daddy mode is on when he found a few cooks in his kitchen sabotage his little eggplant moment to show his cooking skills. Zeff not only fired them but also beat the shit out of them 😭😭
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DON’T MESS WITH HIS LITTLE EGGPLANT 😇 or you will get the taste of Red Leg Zeff.
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reddstarr-exe · 3 months
i would like to say happy father’s day to everyone!!
except these two… they don’t deserve to be called fathers 😒🙄
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Niji: Well, yes, I guess you're right. I don't have sob stories like all of you. I could sit here and complain how our mom liked Sanji more than me, but I don't really care. My own mother thought I was a monster... She was right, of course, but it still hurt.
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1pcii · 9 months
reading this far (ch 870) into WCI and im genuinly confused on why using 'vinsmoke' as sanji's last name is so mainstream?
like not only is it introduced so late in the series and hes been nothing but 'black leg'/Zeffs adopted son for like 70/80% of the manga. but he is shows clearly rejecting the name so many times.
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like it is SO EXPLICIT in the text???
WHY is his main tumblr tag, his parent ao3 tag, and the general way he's reffered to by the majority of people a name he hasnt used since he was like seven 😭?
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shima-draws · 7 months
On my way to skin the Vinsmokes alive brb
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gaytranszoro · 9 months
sorry okay im rewatching whole cake w a friend and got obsessed with the vinsmokes this time around okay. sorry. however i am a liker of themes and motifs and doomed characters. sorrey.
#i just looovvee the ways the different families this arc are portrayed. big moms as an empire to be expanded.#beges as a loyal bond and structured organization#and ofcourse the vinsmokes as an army bound only by blood and not by love. and a commodity to be used/force to be strengthened#like sure they're all related but like. they do not act like a family even in the slightest. they don't even seem to really like each other#LOL just even w the charlottes you get the feeling they care about each other to an extent (ie katakuri and brulee or chiffon and lola)#but we rarely see any of the vinsmokes hold a conversation with each other let alone act like siblings.#(unless you count them like. abusing sanji as sibling bonding)#which i why i OBSESSSS over when reiju gets hurt you see one of them call out in concern.#n the (admittedly anime only) scene of yonji like helping a little. bear guy get a fruit off a tree. that shit cute as hell.#you get these like. moments of humanity with them that seep through the cracks of the carefully-constructed image of the Evil Germa Army yk#the way all the siblings turned out and the ways they compliment and contrast each other makes me think ab what could have been you know.#iirc reiju wound up how she is because her mother encourgaged her emptions and instilled a sense of humanity in her. proving they are all#capable of having that sense of morality the others just...didnt get it 1) bc sora died when they were so young and#2) bc judge had a VICE GRIP on them.#so they were doomed from the start.#their father wanted a perfect unfeeling obedient army of soldiers and he was going to get it by any means necessary#even if said soldiers are supposed to be his children#i do think the vinsmokes are deeply unforgivable but i also recognize tht like...they were victims of circumstance.#smthn smthn nature vs nurture#in another life i think they would have kicked ass together#idk im fuuucked upp off the green tea rn yk how it goes.....#.txt#idk how to be coherent abt them they just make me feel like pacing around my room with my head in my hands#its been said better by ppl with better grasps on character analysis than me but. abuse victims who suck. and are also assholes.#you mean everything to meeee
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leftsidebonfire · 1 year
I'm tired of denying it.
Judge Vinsmoke did nothing wrong. All yall act like scientific experiments are the worst thing that could have ever been done to a kid. Like cmon, he was trying to make his kids STRONGER. It just showed that he cared. Clearly if he didn't want them to be able to defend themselves, he wouldn't have enhanced them. And okay, okay, before everyone gets all up in arms at me in the comments, please check the date on the calendar because if I have to act like I like Judge for one more sentence I am going to throw up. ;)
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hauntingblue · 7 months
"I saved you bc of what my actual father would think".... oof
#TO HIS KNEES!!!!#admit you are not my father akdhakdjaksjsksskkdkakskslala YEAAAAAHHHHHH#a good 'you remind me of your mother' come on.....#nvm i guess.....#its judge after all..... go to war......#his heels with propulsors are too good lmao#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 840#they dont know about using the smoke as cover..... well....#REIJU!!!! and they leave her on her own..... bastards.....#REUJU FLY AWAAAAAY COME OOOOOON#luffy and sanji out hell yeah..... dobile attack..#when luffy turns into gear fourth the 'tattoos' on his chest look like his fruit and even it is shown with it for a second.... ✍️✍️✍️#sanji seeing gear fourth for the first time..... well and the others but they do not appreciate it#STUSSY CP0 AGENT????? BOMB FOR THE WORLD GOVERNMENT AJDHAKDHSKS#but she cant even soru to the falling box??? L#episode 841#a comment saying luffy reminds them of ace in marineford with akainu..... yes but shut up#WDYM THE TITLE IS THE EXECUTIONS BEGIN. LUFFY'S ALLIES ARE ANNIHILATED? i mean it wont be true but lmao#fuck that ugly helmet... i wanna se the eyebrows#2 and 4 coming for his father and proudly saying its not bc they love him but bc of their job basically akdhsk#extra hachis?! well he was a line cook...#ichiji down???? HOW DID EVERYONE GET CAUGHT#TAMATE BOX???? ON ACCIDENT??? THANK NEPTUNE#jesus christ how many explosives did they put in there#oh the tower is going down!!!!! thats not a bomb thats a missile#we can go to the whole cake chateau and dance in the hotel room.....#mama to the sea?????? call me bege the way i am laughing hysterically#episode 842
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akaiuchiha · 11 months
A One Piece fanfiction about Zeff and Sanji mostly
Okay hear me out. I had an idea of fanfiction and I wrote the beginning. I wrote it in french and translated it in english so I hope it's good enough.
Please give me your feedback if you think this may be a good idea (I'll post it regardless because I really like to write and think it is an interesting idea but I still like to have your opinion on if I should change things and all)
I'll share both versions so that everyone can read it !
French version:
Pendant qu'à l'autre bout du monde, un jeune adulte de 21 ans se retrouvait face à ses pires cauchemars, à East Blue un vieil homme lisait le journal tout en prenant une décision radicale.
Sa vie de pirate était peut-être terminée, mais il pouvait toujours naviguer sous un autre pavillon.
Ainsi, il prépara son navire tout en avertissant les clients bien en avance. Son restaurant accueillait souvent des habitués, ils connaissaient tous le jeune homme aux cheveux blonds et aux yeux azur qui y avait grandis. Alors voir la réaction du patron et entendre sa décision n'était pas une surprise.
Cependant le voyage allait être long, puisque la navigation par log pose prennait du temps.
Ainsi, quelques jours plus tard et un équipage préparé, Zeff aux pieds rouge mit le cap vers Grand Line.
Personne ne s'en prendrait à son fils tant qu'il vivrait.
Pas même son père biologique.
Ainsi débute la seconde aventure de Zeff aux pieds rouge, à la recherche son fils.
English version:
While at the end of the world a young man of 21 was going through his worst nightmares, an old man in East Blue was reading the newspaper while taking a life-changing decision.
His pirate life was maybe over but he could still navigate under another flag
So he prepared his boat and warned the customers early. His restaurant often received the same people so they all knew the young man with blond hair and sky blue eyes who had grew up here. Seeing the chef's reaction and hearing his decision was not a surprise.
However, this journey was going to be long because of the log pose navigation restriction
Just like this, some days later and with his crew completely prepared, Red Leg Zeff set sail for the Grand Line.
No one will harm his son as long as he'll live.
Not even his biological father.
This is how Red Leg Zeff's second adventure began, in search of his son.
I literaly have so many homeworks to do and here I am writing a fanfiction as if I have done everything I need to do in order to succeed.
Well, I exagerate, but I have a book to read and to write the report of said book before decembre 19 (I think) and the researchs for my thesis to do so writing fanfictions is clearly not the priority....
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melpcmene-arch · 8 months
There are definitely gonna be some changes as I watch a bit more of this arc--
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ayzscream · 2 years
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swordsofsaturn · 2 years
the cover story....... so we're getting caesar and judge coming back into it huh :|
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oksurethisismyname · 3 months
Cinderella Sanji makes so much sense
CinderSanjis mother dies and his father marries a horrible clown (Cesar) and his siblings are horrible to him. His father lets his siblings be mean to him and forces him to work as a servant in his home, leading to him meeting his fairy god father Zeff.
On the other side of the kingdom we have King Mihawk and King Shanks, with their sons Zoro and Luffy. They throw a birthday ball / celebration and Mihawk (being a nosy drama loving bitch) invites “all eligible nobles” to the party just to see his son squirm at the idea of dating.
Blah blah blah Cindersanji is told he can’t go because he’s more servant than actual nobility, Zeff gets the kitchen staff to work together to get Sanji spruced up and on his way to the ball.
Sanji gets to the party and goes to the balcony to avoid his family, but sees some asshole set his plate down with food left on it. He walks over and says typical sanji stuff (“hey fuckface, some people don’t have enough to eat in this god forsaken kingdom, you better eat the rest of that before I shove it down your throat”) and zoro is immediately smitten. Absolutely in love. He obviously fights back, their bickering is fun but suddenly this mysterious blond leaves without an explanation.
Second night of the celebration, Zoro is actively scanning the crowd for his mysterious mouthy blond. He spots him talking with some pink haired girl with the same stupid eyebrows and notices her pushing him to leave. He follows sanji to the gardens where Sanji is hiding from his siblings (thanks to reijus warning). They end up talking about all sorts of things, but it becomes pretty apparent that this blond guy doesn’t realize he’s been flirting/fighting with a prince. once again Sanji runs off without a goodbye.
On the last night, Zoro begs for his name and Sanji gives him the name Sora. They keep flirt bickering and Zoro is about to mention the whole “you do know I’m the prince right?” , but now it’s midnight. when sanji’s fleeing zoro catches his hand and accidentally pulls his glove off, with Sanji getting away but having to leave his glove (it’s leather and he has really long fingers, so don’t come at me saying gloves fit multiple people)
Blah blah zoro and Luffy go searching for the guy from the ball, see sanjis shitty siblings and they are (unlike traditional Cinderella prince) not that fucking dumb and recognize their faces as the face of the guy from the ball. He’s invited to have tea, with judge trying to get Zoro or Luffy to notice Reiju or maybe Ichiji.
Judge calls for Sanji to serve tea and BOOM, eye contact, sparks fly, because Sanji immediately is yelling “what the fuck you followed me to my home???” And zoros yelling “you’re so stupid, of course I came looking for you! I want to marry you, asshole!” Record scratch, silence, all hell breaks loose with yelling from pretty much everyone BUT Reiju and Luffy. Sanji, finally noticing Zoros outfit and the coat of arms on his clothes, realizes WHO he’s been talking to, is gonna leave because holy shit nope he is clearly hallucinating.
Luffy and Reiju tag team getting everything calmed down, stopping Sanji from running and keeping Zoro from stabbing one of the Vinsmoke boys. Something something Zoro confesses that he’s never felt so challenged and wants to get to know Sanji better, Sanji gets to leave his shitty home life and after a year of courtship they get married
Someone who is more talented take all this mumbled gunk and turn it into the fanfic I’m envisioning!!!!
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skatingbi · 10 months
So hear me out on my headcanon guys:
Sanji with heterochromia (i cant spell that fuckin word man..) where one eye is blue and another is brown. He always hides the blue eye.
The first one to notice is Zoro, who is immediantly like "holy shit youre eyes are pretty" and sanji is like "what the FUCK"
Actually fuck it im gonna write about this nobody can stop me.
Sometimes, on lonley nights in the gallery, when Sanji is busy prepping, he looks in the reflection of his knife. Underneath the frizzy mess of a fringe that is part of his hair reveals the blue eye he struggles looking at. He stares, scrutinizing that light blue in the gleam of his knife gripped tightly in his hand. He looks away to force his attention back on prep work. His hands are always slightly unsteady after those moments. He always ends up with a cut on his hand one way or another on those nights.
When Sanji was a kid, his brothers would use his heterochromia as a weapon against him. He was the freak with two colored eyes. They would say his blue eye was creepy, too. Not only was he weak but also too different to be called their brother.
When you're a kid, you take these insults to heart. Eventually, when you're barely into adulthood, they'll still plague you. They become a part of you, just like how Zeff's teachings became a part of Sanji.
Judge looked at his eyes with disgust masked by indifference. It was another reason for Sanji to assume why he was the failure. The outcast. The runt of the litter.
His mother had blue eyes. She always claimed Sanji got his blue eye from her because her father had heterochromia, too. That was the only time little Sanji felt normal. When she died, Sanji started to grow out his hair to hide the only thing he had left of her: her eyes.
Now, Sanji still hides her eyes from view. Realistically, Sanji is fully aware that none of the crew would give a rats ass what he looked like. Regardless, old habits die hard. He feels safe under the mask he made for himself. As he goes about preparing lunch, perhaps grilled sea king again with how luffy is always eager to fight those things, he lets his mind wander to his eyes more. While hands expertly move through his knife like an extension of his body, he thinks about the mess of blond hair that's always in the way. He'd never admit it out loud, but his hair actually bothers him. Since it started growing out, it gets everywhere; his mouth, in his eyes, and tangled in the buttons of his shirt. Is sanji happy with his longer hair? Absolutely. It's a nusiance to leave it down constantly, though.
As he's thinking this, he's blowing the fringe of hair covering his face out of the way every so often so it stops tickling his nose. He continues to evenly slice through a portion of sea king meat until somebody, Nami he realizes immediantly, speaks up.
"Do you need a hair tie, sanji?" Nami asks sweetly. Her smile is radiant, as always, while she looks up from the map shes been studying. Sanji didnt even realize Nami came in and made the kitchen table into a study until now, but he doesnt dwell on it. Nami is welcome in his kitchen, after all.
"Oh no, thank you, Nami-swan! I think I just need a haircut soon," Sanji lies as he's moving through the kitchen. He gives Nami a quick smile before turning back to the meat on the cutting board and avoids Nami's gaze under the disguise of being busy. His lie wasn't as believable as he wanted it to be, especially when he's stumbling over his words while he is usually eloquent with them towards Nami and Robin.
"But until then, you should take one! I probably have hundreds lying around my room anyways," She says. It's a peace offering designed to be in Sanji's language of communication. It secretly says he's getting that hairtie whether he wants it or not, and Sanji is weak enough to accept the offering. He takes the hair tie with a grateful smile, wrapping it around his wrist and going back to his current task. Nami and Sanji work in comfortable silence after that, but the hair tie weighs on his wrist like a weighted bracelet.
A few days pass by. Through every single one, he stares at the hair tie in the morning. He really should tie his hair back. It reaches his shoulders for gods sake, and it keeps getting in his mouth - but that small part of him that clings onto grief like its all that he knows refuses to. He doesn't think he can bring himself to share the only part of himself that he truly loves deep down. What if the crew really thinks it's weird? What if his brothers are right?
These what if's roam in the back of his mind. They lurk just beneath the surface like an unknown predator hidden in murky water. He ignores it along with the anxiety that crawls up his throat every time he looks at his wrist.
Then, a week passes by. Now he's in his kitchen making a simple breakfast for his nakama. Franky, in particular, will enjoy this since his tastes lie within American style food most of the time. He focuses on seasoning the eggs, some of them cooked differently to cater to everyone's tastes. While he goes through the familiar and therapeutic motions of cooking, the door opens to reveal an annoying head of mossy hair and the steady noise of three swords bumping each other at the hip.
" Oi, go to sleep in your own bunk. I dont need you stinkin' up my kitchen while im trying to work." He utters without looking up from the stove.
"Why can't I just sleep here shit cook?" Zoro grunts. Sanji hears him shuffle around on the gallery's couch behind him. He's probably lying down, or maybe he'll sleep sitting up again, or maybe he'll watch Sanji cook. That's the most irritating one, which usually ends up with them fighting out on the deck one way or another.
"Because youre fuckin' annoying, get out."
"The hell I am, I'm taking a nap here."
"Oh my - You know what?" Sanji whips around to glare at Zoro, making sure the knife he was using is now in his hand to point at the source of his ire, "Fine, but if I hear a single snore out of you I'm kicking you into the ocean!" He threatens and turns around to finish up with breakfast. By now, all he has left is pancakes. The batter was prepped earlier, so now it's just focusing on pouring evenly. It's task that's menial but still important to him regardless.
His hair is covering his face too much. He tries to shake his head to flip it to the side. It falls back to where it was before he can pick the bowl of batter back up. He brushes it over his shoulder, and it simply flows back over it. He blows his hair out of the way, a classic move, but not even that works and he's slamming the bowl down on the counter before he can even stop himself and walks away from his work to grab the hairtie from around his wrist. In a few fluid motions, he ties his hair back haphazardly into a poor attempt at a low bun, but it's out of his face, and now he can focus.
He's too deep in concentration to even remember that he has heterochromia in the first place. Cooking lowers his guard unlike anything else in the world. The gallery acts like a safe space and cooking is his comfort. He still forgets, too, while calling for Zoro to get his lazy ass up to help since he's decided to loiter in his kitchen.
"Hey moss, if you're gonna laze around my kitchen, set the table for me." His request demand is met with a middle finger, which Sanji gladly returns as he walks over to the couch to kick Zoro on the stomach. The half asleep annoyance is now suddenly alert and glares at Sanji for a moment before it's quickly replaced with a look Sanji has yet to add to his mental notes he likes to call "Marimo Dictionary". Zoro's eyebrows are slightly raised, and his eyes glitter with something Sanji rarely sees. He's never been able to place a name on that look. Now he's confused. "What? Dont give me that youre tired crap youre not fuckin 10." He says.
Zoro is still looking at him, though, and now Sanji looks back with confusion because what the fuck is he-
Oh. His eyes.
Sanji rips the hairtie out of his hair at light speed, probably pulling a few strands out by accident in the process but he could honestly care less when theres something more important. Like whatever the fuck just happened.
Before he can turn away and go set the table himself to distance himself from the marimo, Zoro's hand moves suddenly to grab his wrist, stopping him from running away.
"Wait, wait, hold on," Zoro pleads. And what the fuck. Zoro has never said anything like that and its fucking with Sanji's head because what the fuck. "You...uh." He continues in his signature graceless way. "Your eyes..." He pauses after that, sitting up and looking at Sanji, but not just looking, he's looking.
"Marimo," Sanji's own voice is riddled with anxiety with how shaky it is now. "Let me go dumbass," He demands but it could have been mistaken for him begging with how much he's struggling to keep himself together.
He's anticipating the worst. He knows what he's expecting. Sanji has experienced it countless times before, and he's aware he will again right now while a pancake is probably burning on the pan for all he knows.
It doesnt.
Zoro is looking at him still, maintaining eye contact but also darting between both eyes. He's looking at him like those golden eyes are looking into his soul and its too much.
It's too much because Zoro's response is uncharacteristically soft in so many ways. Zoro speaks to him like he's speaking with reverence, "Your eyes are beautiful."
Sanji shatters on the gallery floor there. His soul is bare for Zoro to see suddenly and that terrifies Sanji. Nobody has ever told him he's beautiful. Especially his eyes. He yanks his wrist from Zoro's grasp and speed walks to the stove to turn it off and remove the burnt pancake from the pan. He doesnt respond. He cant, not when his heart flutters when it should have been anchored down by rejection.
Then, Sanji walks up to Zoro, grabs onto both his shoulders, pushes him out the gallery door with surprisingly little resistance, and slams it shut. He leans against the door, sliding down until he's sitting on the floor with his head tucked between his knees. His face is burning and his face is probably red like a tomato right now. He stares at the ground with wide eyes and a weirdly giddy feeling in his chest and stomach nearly akin to happiness but also dangerously close to feeling freaked the hell out.
"What the fuck."
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maykitty · 1 year
One piece character’s reaction to you being infertile
Warning: mention infertility, misdirected blaming, slavery, murder, and rejection.
Characters: Monster trio, Law, Doflamingo, Kidd, and Katakuri
He will not care, the dude loves you no matter what.
He is the first to be okay with the idea of adopting a kid.
Pretty obvious with his childhood living with DanDan, Ace, and Sabo.
If you do adopt prepare to deal with two kids along with large dinners.
Like Luffy, he doesn't care too.
Zoro is okay with adoption since he was taken in by his Sensei.
Once you guys adopt he will teach his kid how to use a sword.
Plus he is more likely to get lost than your child would on a day out.
He was a little sad as his dream is to have a kid that you guys made together.
But he is a little relieved as there is still some trauma due to his own life with Judge and how his mother died trying to stop Judge from changing his DNA.
Just like the others in the monster trio, he had a found father in Zeff so adoption is still an option.
But Sanji would prefer if you two adopt a girl as he always wanted a daughter.
You and your child will have some great meals.
As a doctor, he understands what causes infertility and he doesn't blame you.
He is sort of happy as he never really planned for a kid due to his goals and the fear of the amber-lead disease being passed down.
He is okay with adoption and if you do want to risk having kids then he suggests doing IVF.
When you do have kids he wants to get them into Sora and teach some medical materials as well.
He blames you for not being able to give him any kids.
He still has his Celestial Dragon pride to pass down his genes.
Among the Celestial Dragons, if a member is infertile they can take a slave’s child as their own or buy a child.
But if a slave is infertile they are either thrown out or killed as they're seen as useless if they're brought to have kids.
You are seen as no use to him.
He doesn't care, he lives on an Island where kids are usually abandoned or orphans.
Plus, he has kids on his crew so starting a family isn't something he wants or needs.
He still loves you as long as you are fine with your life now.
He leaves you, one of the things big mom want her children to do is get married to gain power and have children.
You are not what Big Mom wants so Katakuri has to reject your love to marry someone Big Mom approves of who can provide resources and give him children.
As it doesn't matter how much he loves you back his role in the Big Mom Pirates comes first.
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