#judit polgár
dozydawn · 5 months
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“Twelve-year-old Hungarian chess prodigy Judit Polgár during a France-Hungary game.”
Photographed by Yves Forestier, 1989.
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notquitejiraiya · 3 months
I just finished reading GM from start to finish, couldn't put it down! It's brilliant and I'm so invested in the world you've built. What was your inspiration for it?
Thank you so so much! 🥹 ♥️ Hearing you enjoyed it means the absolute world, thank you! And thanks also for asking about what inspired it — although, be warned: you’ve just opened a can of worms I’m not sure how to re-seal haha.
My inspirations for GM are an amalgamation of things more than I can even begin to put down on paper without writing thousands of words. But I’ll try to be concise, first, and ramble later, to spare you the time.
A very brief overview:
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
Chess (1984)
Judit Polgár — arguably the strongest female chess player to ever live
Obsession and love, and how perfectly that ties in with sport and competition
the lovely @unioncolours, for a thousand different reasons
If you’d like details, see below. You’ve been warned: it’s long and rambly, but I love my fic and I love to talk about it so… without further ado:
When it comes to the world and time setting of GM, I owe a lot to The Darjeeling Limited. That film inspired me to write Strangers, which in turn inspired me to write GM. When writing Strangers, all I had in mind was that Temari and her husband needed to have a lot of money and be public figures of some kind to fund this trip and fuel Kankuro’s annoyances with her. To fulfil that, it made sense to me for Shikamaru to be a chess player and a very good one at that. I’ve discussed this before, so I’ll link the post where I better explained it, but from then on, it just made sense to me that she was also in the same profession, albeit a different type of player. When I thought of it, I thought of her like Judit Polgár, aggressive and unafraid, groundbreaking and leaps and bounds above all other women at her time.
GM kind of came about because I wanted to reason with myself why Temari was the way she was in Strangers. In that fic, I tried to evenly distribute the focus on all three siblings, but I do feel that more attention went to her brothers than her, especially Kankuro. Strangers gave some indication as to why he didn’t like her then, but not necessarily the other way around, and much of his dislike stemmed from the man who “took her away from him.” So, I started to think about how this woman, who is so stubborn and protective of her brothers, might find herself in this situation in the first place. How did she come to feel so lonely and separate from them? How did she combat that loneliness, if she ever did?
With story itself, I had an endpoint I had to reach. Strangers begins a few years after GM is set, at which point a few details about her life as a chess player were mentioned and both her familial and romantic relationships are firmly established. I set myself two jobs in writing GM: firstly, show how Temari could become the sort of person she is in Strangers; and secondly, show how her relationships with her family, namely Rasa and Kankuro, could reach what they are there.
Suffice it to say, GM is more about her than about ShikaTema, but Shikamaru’s role in her life is intrinsically linked to who she becomes. Shikamaru being a (somewhat forced) rival turned friend to Temari came to me kind of without thought. He is canonically a lot more intelligent, but she is a stubborn fighter, and to play at the top level of any sport, you have to be obsessive.
I myself I’m not a very good chess player, but I've studied them enough to know how desperately they want to win. I know how obsessive one has to be to reach the top of any sport and I found it hard to believe that Temari could be obsessive only about chess — I felt it would dip over into other aspects of her life. If she fell into chess as an escape, it made sense that she would initially find him as one too; she lost herself in a game to avoid what was going on around her as a child, then lost herself in this game she plays with Shikamaru, this constant back-and-forth they find themselves in when chess itself lost its spark for her.
I love stories that explore obsession vs love, and humanising someone who one looks up to. I don’t like to impose themes on things, but I wanted to incorporate that if I could. I wanted Shikamaru to go from this untouchable wunderkind to just any other guy, and one she could genuinely trust and feel safe with in a way she could with very few (if any) other people.
I just saw a comment that you left on the most recent chapter (thank you so so much for your kind words; I appreciate them endlessly) in which you mentioned the musical Chess. It’s been a huge inspiration to me since I first started writing fanfiction altogether, and it definitely inspired the relationship between ShikaTema in this fic. I don’t think there’s a direct comparison to be made of any character or relationship in Chess to any character or relationship in GM (besides the fact I literally named one of the Russians ‘Molokov’), but it’s definitely got a general vibe, if you will.
There are scenes in GM that I wanted to feel like Mountain Duet (one of the most beautiful duets ever, in my opinion) and scenes that I wanted to feel like Argument, and the storyline runs with the same sort of themes as Where I Want To Be and Pity the Child. Pity the Child is a very direct inspiration as I’m sure you can tell if you know the song. The name of this series of fics even comes from that song; it is one of the greatest inspirations for it all.
(If you haven't seen or heard the musical, I recommend both the original and 2008 recordings. I just linked my personal favourite versions. Also this stellar version I found on Youtube this morning.)
Finally, when it comes to how GM is written and its focus being solely on Temari, a lot of the credit has to go to my stunning friend @unioncolours. Bex has written so many wonderful stories, my favourites of which are those that are Temari-centric. I will use this as yet another opportunity to direct everyone towards ‘no one cries for unknown soldiers’ — it is my favourite Shikatema fic ever, and I insist you read it. Reading her stories, especially that one, feels like travelling both through time and space and doing so alongside one particular character has a strength to it that I found phenomenal. I really wanted to do something like that. I never had before. Bex is an inspiration to how I write in so many ways, and so I have her to thank for so much ♥️
I’ll spare you the ins and out of inspiration for names, nationalities and place settings etc unless I’m asked about them directly. Because that would be another essay nobody asked for and this is already way too long.
Anyway, thank you for asking me and for inspiring me to ramble about what’s basically been my baby for the last 2 years. I apologise if this was not what you were after when you asked but… hopefully it still serves as some kind of answer!
Thank you for your time, your kindness, and your support. I hope you have the most spectacular day ♥️
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if anyone's curious about just how badly the chess world treats women I would recommend reading up on Hou Yifan and how despite the fact that she likely could've been like a "second Judit Polgár", if you will, she has instead basically quit competitive chess entirely
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soph950 · 2 years
The poetry of Judit Polgár (Jewish woman) taking the title of youngest chess Grand Master from Bobby Fischer (Vicious antisemite, self hating Jew)
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Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207598&_unique_id=66ef69c496bf5 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews Google News Featured Hungary news: Danube flooding: Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!” “Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz … Read More
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bravecompanynews · 4 days
Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207597&_unique_id=66ef69c381c4e Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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boldcompanynews · 4 days
Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207596&_unique_id=66ef69c2700c0 Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Da... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207595&_unique_id=66ef69c097763 Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Google News Featured Hungary news: Danube flooding: Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!” “Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz … Read More
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onlinecompanynews · 4 days
Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207594&_unique_id=66ef6899c2c98 Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Da... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Google News Featured Hungary news: Danube flooding: Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!” “Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz … Read More
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Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207593&_unique_id=66ef6898c6699 Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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dozydawn · 10 months
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“Twelve-year-old Hungarian chess prodigy Judit Polgár during a France-Hungary game.”
Photographed by Yves Forestier, 1989.
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Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207592&_unique_id=66ef6897a7508 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews Google News Featured Hungary news: Danube flooding: Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!” “Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz … Read More
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Top Hungary news: Peaking Danube, Putin’s blacklist, chess legend Judit Polgár, Wizz Air – 21 September, 2024 - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/?feed_id=207591&_unique_id=66ef689697274 Google NewsFeatured Hungary news:Danube flooding:Mix: If you would like to support the work of the Daily News Hungary staff and independent journalism, please make a donation here Source of this programme “This is one magnificent plug-in!”“Top Hungary news: Weekend traffic chaos in Budapest, Polish investor to build hotel in Budapest, Wizz Air halts Rome route, Putin’s blacklist snubs Hungary but includes Poland, and more! #topnews…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://dailynewshungary.com/top-hungary-news-peaking-danube-putins-blacklist-chess-legend-judit-polgar-wizz-air-21-september-2024/#GoogleNews – BLOGGER – GoogleNews BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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bicchiere · 6 months
Che bello quando c'è Judit Polgár a commentare le partite.
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avgdvl · 6 months
Polgár Judit szomorú lesz
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Délelőtt a házi elkészítése, ingázom a kanapé meg az étkezőasztal között, 10 francia szó kikérdezése, fotoszintézis elmagyarázás, francia igeragozás, növények ehető részei, tizedestört átváltás, csökkenő lineáris függvény.
Azért a harmadik körnél már úgy voltam, hogy én vagyok a Polgár Judit bazmeg, itt nyomom a szinultán meccseket.
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