#juggling so many things rn >:( i’ll be free soon
magicicephoenix · 6 months
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messing around with blend modes :P
og sketch under cut:
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markandlexies · 4 years
The One With Will and JJ’s Wedding - Part 2
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Summary: Based off of 7.24 and 8.01 of Friends! During Will and JJ’s wedding, the group finds out who is actually pregnant and try to figure out who the father is, a mysterious red sweater being their only clue.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (eventually lol)
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Hey! Thanks for the love on the last chapter! I apologize that there is barely any Spence and Reader rn but it’ll def pick up in the next chapter! Keep sending responses and requests! I love to hear from you guys! And yes, I picked this gif on purpose. Enjoy! 
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
While the guests of the evening went on to party and get plastered, you, Spencer, Emily, Hotch, Penelope, Derek and Rossi had stayed to take pictures with the newly weds.
You, Emily and Penelope sat and watched while JJ and Will took photos with the men. 
While the cameraman changed film, Morgan leaned over to JJ and whispered, “Okay, I-I know, I’m not supposed to know but I do and I am so excited for you!”
Clearly not being as low as he thought he was being, Spencer’s head perked up, “Wait, what’s going on?”
Before JJ could even respond, Morgan cheered, “JJ’s pregnant!”
Hotch and Rossi’s heads immediately turned at the news and they broke out in huge smiles. 
“Oh my God, JJ!” Spencer smiled, pulling her into a hug.
Will just laughed to himself as Rossi followed with two kisses to the cheek and Hotch gasped with a, “This is great news!”
“Thank you guys, but I’m not pregnant!”
“Oh, slow swimmers?” Rossi asked Will who gave him a bewildered look. 
“W-what?! What do you mean, you’re not pregnant?” Morgan clearly confused. 
JJ pinched the bridge of her nose, “Derek, you didn’t tell anyone I was, did you?”
“No…” he paused. “I’ll be right back.”
While Derek scurried away to go correct the mess he had made, JJ turned to Spencer, ushering him to go after the man and make sure he didn’t make the situation any worse. As he left, the cameraman told Rossi and Hotch they were free to leave and it was now turn for the pictures with the bridesmaids. 
Waltzing up to the pair, Penelope asked, “JJ, why’d you tell the guys you weren’t pregnant?”
“Because I’m not!” She replied, clearly fed up with having to go through this so many times.
Emily rolled her eyes, “We found your test in the garbage, I mean, if you’re not pregnant than-“
You looked up and stared at Emily with desperate eyes, hoping she would understand what you were trying to tell her. Her mouth flew open for only a split second as she caught on, “It’s because I am.”
JJ and Will looked at each other in shock as the cameraman continued to snap pictures of the conversation beforehand. You wanted to tell him to stop and that this was something you never wanted to remember.
Before the two could even get a word out, Penelope shrieked, “What are you talking about?!”
“I-It’s true. Um, I am with child. I just didn’t want to say anything because it’s your day!” Emily explained and you prayed they were buying it. “I didn’t wanna steal your thunder!”
JJ’s hand flew to her forehead as she tried to comprehend this. “Wait a minute, so you thought telling people I was pregnant was a better idea?” 
“Emily, who’s the father?” Will asked.
“I-I can’t say.”
While JJ and Will were having their first dance, Emily found it as the perfect opportunity to interrogate you.
“Y/N, what the hell!?” she scream whispered, taking the seat next to yours.
“Thank you for doing that, Em. I just can’t deal with the stress right now of telling everyone,” you sighed, grabbing her hand and giving her a soft smile.
Emily’s harsh expression fell and she squeezed your hand back. “God, Y/N/N, why didn’t you just tell me? You didn’t have to pretend JJ was the pregnant one!”
“I mean technically you said she was, I just didn’t disagree with you!”
“Sneaky!” she gasped. 
“Listen, I wanna talk about it… but I’m just not ready yet,” you sighed, hoping she would understand.
“Yeah, yeah! Of course…”
There was a pause. 
“Are you ready to talk about it now?”
“Em, no.”
She nodded and there was another pause.
“Okay, fine! We’ll talk about something else!” she said defensively throwing her hands in the air. You nodded, silently thanking her for her long awaited cooperation.
“So, who’s the father?”
You rolled your eyes, flicking her in the head which earned you an ‘Ow!’.
“Look, I haven’t told him yet so until I do, I don’t think I should tell anybody else,” you whispered.
“No, yeah. That’s fair, I understand… Is it Hotch?” 
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head as you scolded her, “Emily, no!”
“Fine, I’ll stop!” She apologized. “It’s Reid, isn’t it?”
You groaned, putting your face in your hands.
She gasped before whispering, “Oh God, don’t tell me it’s Derek’s!”
She continued to guess as you ignored her and drowned her out, your eyes focusing on him just across the room. He was laughing at something Rossi had said and you couldn’t help the guilt you felt flooding through your chest, knowing you were holding in information that would soon flip his entire world upside down.
The guests broke out into cheers and applause as JJ and Will concluded they’re dance, sharing a kiss before they parted. You kicked Emily in the shin as you noticed JJ walking towards your table, begging her to stop listening off names of men that could possibly be your baby daddy.
“Hello, my beautiful best friends and bridesmaids!” She gushed hugging you both from the back. 
You smiled back up at her as she took a seat next to you and noticed Derek and Garcia making their way to your table next.
Grinning, Derek held out his hand to Emily and said, “Come on, Prentiss, I know you’re dying to move that thing out on the dance floor!”
She laughed grabbing his hand and letting him lead her to the crowd of dancing friends and family while Penelope took her seat.
“She better be having all the fun she can right now, pretty soon she’s gonna be all miserable and in pain with a baby inside of her, making life hell.” Penelope laughed, watching her two best friends make a fool of themselves dancing provocatively.
You nervously laughed, breaking off a piece of bread from the bowl infront of you.
JJ shook her head, “I can’t believe it, you guys! I mean, how dumb do you have to be to get pregnant?”
You snapped your head up at the bride, “Hey, you know, sometimes you can do everything right, everyone can wear what they’re supposed to wear and one of those little guys just gets through!” 
JJ met your eyes and furrowed her brows at your defensive tone. Before she could respond, Garcia asked, “How?”
“Ugh, I don’t know! Maybe they have tools!” You sighed, defeated.
“Listen, I talked to her, and she said she’s having this baby. She said she’s gonna raise it all on her own…” JJ shrugged, smoothing down her dress. 
“Well… maybe that’s really brave of her…” you started to say, a wave of nausea hitting you for the third time that day.
“I just hope she realizes how hard it’s gonna be. How is she gonna handle this financially? How is she gonna juggle work? I mean, does she realize she’s not gonna have a date again for the next 18 years?” Penelope sighed, putting her chin in her hand, watching her poor knocked up friend on the dance floor.
At Penelope’s words, suddenly tears were threatening to spill and you felt JJ’s eyes on you. You knew it wouldn’t be easy of course, but the girls were making some valid points that had never even crossed your mind. Your thoughts were interrupted by the waiter behind you, “Champagne?”
“Oh yes, please!” Penelope cheered taking two and passing one to you. JJ had taken one and politely thanked the waiter as he left.
You let out a sigh of relief, desperately needing something to take the edge off as you brought the lovely beige liquid up to your lips and took a sip. You had then realized what you were doing and stopped in your tracks, eyes wide. Looking down slowly, you spit the contents back into your glass, hoping the girls didn’t notice.
“Oh, th-that’s actually how the French drink it…” you stammered as you looked up at the girls who’s eyes were about to pop out of their heads.
JJ raised her finger and pointed at you as Penelope draped her hand over her mouth. 
“O-Oh my-“
Before she could get out the words, Emily waltzed back over to the table, “Well I sure hope this baby gets my dancing genes because let me tell you, this ass doesn’t quit!” She took a seat next to Penelope, completely oblivious to what was just realized.
JJ rolled her eyes before saying, “Oh, give it up! Y/N’s really the one who’s pregnant?!”
“What?!” Emily shouted, pretending to be in shock.
She was met with eyes of unamusement. 
“Oh, why bother?” She sighed, giving up the act.
“Y/N/N, how do you feel?” Penelope asked, concern washing over her face.
“I don’t know… I don’t know how I feel. This is all happening so fast and I have to make all these decisions that I don’t want to make!” You whined, bringing the champagne to your lips again, quickly spitting it out as you remembered you were with child. “Oh, someone just take this away from me!”
JJ grabbed it from your hands and set it down as Emily came to a realization, “You know, maybe you’re not even pregnant! Theres false positives all the time!”
Penelope nodded in agreement, “Yeah! Are you sure you peed on the stick right?”
“How many ways are there to do that?”
“Just relax, okay? Don’t freak out until you’re 100% sure.” Penelope said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“Yeah… you’re right. I’ll take another one when I get home.”
“What? Come on! You gotta take it now! It could be your wedding present to me!” JJ begged.
You nodded, agreeing that you would do it.
Penelope cheered, “Ooh! Yay, I’ll run out and go get you one!” 
“Wait-“ JJ gasped, stopping Penelope in her tracks. “Who’s the father?!”
Emily rolled her eyes, “Oh, please. I’ve been trying all day. She won’t say.”
 “It’s my wedding! Come on, you gotta tell me! That could be my present!”
“Hey, I just gave you peeing on a stick as your present!”
“How much longer?” You asked, pacing the bathroom floor.
“Thirty seconds.” Penelope replied, holding the little stick in her hands.
JJ barged through the door, “Did I miss it?”
Emily shook her head, as she tried to calm you down, rubbing small circles on your back. You were so scared, as if the responsibility of being a mother wasn’t enough, you still had to tell the father too.
JJ walked over to you, grabbing your hands. “Y/N/N, I want you to know that if it’s positive… we’re- we’re gonna-“ She couldn’t even finish her sentence, but she didn’t need to.
“I know…” You smiled, tears threatening to spill. You knew that no matter what the results were, you had your girls.
“It’s time.”
You dropped JJ’s hands and walked over to Garcia, who was handing you the test.
You held it in your hands as Garcia put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I-I can’t look at it. Someone else look at it for me, please?”
Emily nodded understanding your apprehension and took it gently from you, also picking up the little instruction book to decipher what the lines meant. JJ and Garcia both waited in anticipation.
There was a pause.
“It’s negative.”
You turned, meeting her eyes. “What?”
“It’s negative.” She repeated.
“Oh…” You frowned, tears back at the surface. “Would you look at that?” You forced out a laugh. “That is, that’s great. That is really great, great news.” You stammered.
“You know cause the whole… not being ready and the financial aspects.” You continued. “Wow, this is just so the way this is supposed to be.” While your words may have sounded convincing, the look on your face gave it all away. You sighed as JJ walked over to you, “Well then, thats great…” she whispered, trying to read your emotions.
Tears had started to fall and Garcia went and grabbed tissues handing them to you at an alarmingly fast rate. “This is so stupid!” You choked out, dabbing at your eyes. “How could I be upset over something I never had?” As the words left your mouth, JJ wrapped you in a hug, Garcia quick to follow.
As you clung to them, you looked up once more and looked up at Emily who was still standing in the same spot. “God, it’s really negative?” 
“No, it’s positive.” She smiled.
JJ and Penelope turned around and looked at her, their jaws dropped. You let out a gasp, your hand covering your mouth. “What?!”
“I-I lied… It’s positive.”
JJ turned to you in shock, wiping at the tears that had formed around her own eyes.
“Oh my God…” Garcia cried as Emily passed you the test to look for yourself. 
“Now you know how you really feel about it!” Emily smiled.
“Oh, thats a risky little game!” 
JJ’s smile was radiant as she stood beside you to also get a look at the little stick in your hand. “Are you really gonna do this?”
“Yeah…” You muttered, eyes still leaking with tears. “I’m gonna have a baby…”
“I’m gonna have a baby!” You cheered as you were met with three pairs of open arms. You all wept in happiness together before Garcia pulled back and asked, “With who?”
“It’s still not the time!”
The wedding had finally ended and the following day, you, Emily and Penelope were all sitting around in JJ and Will’s apartment, like usual.
As the conversation about the previous day had died down, you had decided to finally speak up.
“Guy’s, today I’m gonna tell the father of the baby.”
The girls cheered in excitement, not being able to wait any longer for the big reveal. 
“It is so weird! I mean, you’re gonna tell this guy today and he has no idea what’s gonna happen!” JJ pointed out, taking a sip from the coffee mug in her hands.
“Yeah, you’re just gonna knock on his door and change his life forever!” Emily added. 
“Yeah… I guess it is pretty big news…” you sighed, taking a seat next to JJ on the couch. 
“Pretty big? It’s huge! God this guy doesn’t have a clue. He’s just walking down the street thinking, ‘I had sex with Y/N Y/L/N! I rock!’ Then bam!” Penelope clapped her hands. “Now he’s a father, everything’s different.
“Well it’s only gonna be different if he wants it to be. I mean, I’m not gonna ask him for anything…” You defended, anxiously running your hands through your hair.
“Well, he still has this huge decision to make. Now he’s walking around thinking, ‘Do I want to be a dad?’ and then, bam!” Penelope exclaimed clapping her hands again, never finishing her sentence.
“What was that bam?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know. H-he’s hit by a bus or something.”
Before you had time to process Penelope’s words, Morgan walked through the door, immediately sauntering over to the fridge.
“Hey, Derek, what would you do if someone that you slept with told you she was pregnant?” You asked, craving a guy’s perspective.
Slamming the fridge door he looked up at you wide eyed. “Who called here?!” 
The girls rolled their eyes as his panicked expression only continued. “Did she sound blonde? Did she have an accent?! I gotta make a call-“ He began to run towards the door.
“Derek! Derek, it’s not you! You didn’t get anybody pregnant!” You called out to him, making him stop in his tracks.
He let out a sigh of relief, clutching his chest. “Why would you scare me like that?! What the hell’s going on?”
There was a long silence as Derek made his way over to the living room, raising a finger. “Is somebody pregnant?”
You scoffed, trying to play off your nervousness, before you turned to Emily, giving her those same desperate eyes from the night before. 
“Oh, yeah! That’s me!” Emily laughed awkwardly.
“Oh my God! Em! You’re gonna have a baby?” He gasped, walking towards her.
“Yes, yes I am.” She said smiling as he walked up and pulled her into a hug.
Derek was so excited for her he almost forgot to ask the most important question. “Wait- who’s the father?”
“You don’t know him. It’s not important. He wants nothing to do with me or the baby.” 
Derek’s jaw was on the floor. “Who is this guy?! Huh? Cause I will track him down and kick his ass!”
Emily was at a loss for words as Penelope spoke up, “I know she doesn’t want to say it… but his name is Kevin Lynch!”
That was all Derek had to hear as he angrily turned away and stormed out of the apartment, muttering the name ‘Kevin Lynch’ under his breath. 
As the door slammed shut, all three of you turned your heads to Garcia. 
“Pen, who’s Kevin Lynch?”
“Oh, some guy from work. He’s a little annoying.” She shrugged.
A couple of hours later, you found yourself sitting alone in O’Keefes, nursing a cup of tea with a racing mind. You had played the conversation from earlier in your head a million times, you were so scared to drop this bomb on him. You didn’t want to make him feel obligated to care for you and the baby.
While you freaked out, Emily, and Penelope stayed in the apartment trying to stop JJ from opening up all the wedding presents without Will.
Derek had quickly barged through the door. “Um, Emily…”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Alright, sit down. I have something I wanna say!” Emily obliged and took the seat, not without clutching her stomach and giving her non existent baby a small pat. “It’s a scary world out there, especially for a single mother.”
JJ and Penelope listened intently, having no idea where this was going. “Now, I’ve always felt you and me have had this special connection, a special bond…” He had crouched down, getting on one knee, pulling a box from his back pocket. The girls gasped. 
“Emily Prentiss… will you marry me?”
Emily was in awe looking between Derek and the ring. 
“Oh my God!” JJ exclaimed, rolling her eyes.
“Derek, what about me? I thought we promised that if we both weren’t married within the next ten years, we were each others backup plan!” Garcia croaked.
“Derek-” JJ started walking towards the two but was cut off by Emily excitedly putting the ring on her finger. “Hell yeah I’ll marry you!”
“Em, you can’t marry him-“
“Hey, lady, your day’s over. It’s my turn!” She retorted, grinning down at the hand.
“Hey! Why can’t she marry me?”
Penelope stood up this time. “Because she’s not pregnant! It’s Y/N! Y/N’s pregnant!”
“Hey!” Emily whined. 
“I think he would notice when you didn’t have a baby in nine months!”
“Oh please, it’s Derek!” Emily complained. There was really no arguing with that.
“Wait so if Y/N’s pregnant, who’s the father?” Derek asked in shock.
“That’s the thing, we don’t know.”
There was a silence before Derek was struck with realization. “You know… about a month ago, this guy spent the night with Y/N… now I didn’t see who it was, but…” and just like that he walked out.
“Was that story over?” Garcia asked as the trio followed him out to his apartment across the hall.
Derek emerged from his room holding a bright red sweater. The girl’s gasped as Penelope took it from Derek’s hands. 
“Oh my God, I know who the father is!”
The next morning, you and Penelope began to walk to O’Keefes. Before you could open the door, she reached out to stop you. 
“I have a surprise for you!”
“Pen… what is it?” You asked reluctantly.
“I called the father for you!” She said smiling.
“You what?! How did you even know-“ You stopped as she showed you the bright red sweater you had been pulling off just a month ago. You gasped.
“I believe this belongs to the father of your baby!” She gushed, holding it up.
“Oh, God… he’s in there right now?”
“Yep! You got this, Pretty Girl. Just go in there and rip the bandaid off!” And with that she pushed you inside and you were met with the eyes of your ex, Luke Alvez. Honestly you were surprised Penelope had even called him, she had genuinely never liked the guy.
“L-Luke?” You managed to choke out as you sat in the chair across from him.
Penelope followed you to the table, already rolling her eyes at the man in front of her. “Y/N has something to tell you.” She pulled the sweater from behind her back. “I believe this belongs to you.”
Luke gave a confused look as he began to pull down the zipper of his jacket. “Actually, no. This is my red sweater.”
You immediately put your head in your hands as Penelope’s jaw dropped.
“Oh no…” She stuttered. It was silent. “Can I get anyone a coffee… or a poison? No? Just for me? Oh, okay!” And with that she ran away, knowing she had messed up big time.
“So, what’s up, Y/N?” He asked, smiling at you.
“I’m sorry, Luke. But Pen made a mistake-“
“You know I’m actually glad she called. I’ve been meaning to reach out and see if maybe you’d be interested in getting drinks sometime soon. I really miss… us.” He confessed, grabbing your hand.
“This isn’t a great time…” you trailed off.
“Trust me, it is. I’m ready to be fully committed and mature this time around, Y/N.”
“Come on, let’s give us another try.”
“Luke, I’m having a baby.” You gulped, him dropping your hand at the speed of light.
There was a long pause.
“You can go.” He didn’t even think twice before running out of O’Keefes at the speed of light.
You and Penelope walked back to JJ’s in silence. You weren’t mad at her, you knew she was only trying to help. You were more mad at yourself for not having the courage to just tell the actual father the truth.
You walked in the door, placing the red sweater and your bag on the kitchen table. Derek was the first person to speak up.
“How did Luke take it?”
“One, Luke isn’t the father!” You huffed. “And two, who told Derek?!”
You looked around at JJ and Emily’s guilty faces as Derek interjected. “Y/N… I am so happy for you.” He pulled you into a hug, being careful not to squeeze you too hard, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Oh, wow, you didn’t even try to unhook my bra this time!” You exclaimed as he pulled back. He laughed before he got down on one knee in front of you. You looked behind you at the girls in shock as they rolled their eyes.
He shook his head and grabbed your hand. “Listen, it’s a scary world out there, especially for a single mom. I’ve always thought that you and I have this special bond, you know? So, Y/N Y/L/N…” He smiled softly up at you. “Will you marry me?”
“What?” you sputtered along with JJ and Emily and Garcia who let out an, “Again?!”
“Emily! Give me the ring back!” He whispered, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Oh, Derek! You’re so sweet! But I’m not looking for a husband.” You sighed, ushering him to stand up.
He frowned and nodded, “It’s fine… I understand.”
You smiled softly as you gathered your belongings. “Now, if you will, excuse me I’m gonna go and lie down.” You left the room with a wave to the rest of the girls, promising to see them later. There was a lot on your mind and you just needed a second to breathe.
As the door closed, Emily walked up to Derek, shaking her head. “I can’t say that didn’t hurt.” JJ pinched the bridge of her nose, not believing this was still going on. “But I’ll take you back Derek Morgan.”
“Um, Em… About that-“ Saved by the bell, Spencer and Hotch walked in the room, greeting everybody with a wave. 
Morgan jumped up, trying to distract Emily from the previous conversation, “Look everybody! Spencer’s here!” He chuckled nervously. Hotch rolled his eyes and raised his hands up, clearly offended by being ignored.
Spencer looked around confused before just deciding to ignore Morgan’s strange behavior that he was so used to.
“Anyway, you guys ready to go to that movie-“ He began to feel around his pockets, groaning as he realized he had forgotten something. “Hold that thought, I forgot my wallet.” He began to walk out but was immediately stopped short as he noticed something on the table. 
“Hey! My sweater-“ He spoke, walking over to where it was laying, picking it up and examining it.
“I’ve been looking for this, for like, a month!” He laughed, before walking out.
JJ, Emily and Penelope all looked around, mouths dangling open.
“Oh my God!”
“No way!”
“It’s Reid!”
Morgan looked at the girls with a puzzled expression. They just started back at him waiting for the realization to come, which hit five seconds later.
“Oh my God!” He yelled, pointing to where Spencer had just left. 
Hotch looked around confused. 
“Did I miss something?”
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jesangel1503 · 4 years
30 Day Challenge:
Day 1 Topic-
About feelings
Let’s talk about facts:
Many of us have an uncomfortable relationship with our feelings. We might stuff down our sadness or sweep away our anger. We might even have trouble identifying what we’re feeling in the first place. We’re socialized to mask our feelings. We learn that we must cover up our emotions “in order to behave appropriately, professionally, and to avoid conflict and navigate relationships.”
We worry if our emotions are wrong, bad or even crazy. We fear being rejected or perceived as needy or foolish and sometimes believe to be weak if we feel sad or scared, so we avoid these emotions. Or we may ignore other emotions, believing they shouldn’t be feeling that way. While feelings may be tricky and we may view them with unease or even suspicion, they’re actually important and valuable. So it is just important that we know we are attuned to our feelings. It’s exciting to discuss about this, and I might say this Day 1 task got me really puzzled about feelings and emotions. What are the difference?
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The Difference between Feelings and Emotions
Emotions vs. Feelings
In English, these two words are commonly used interchangeably. Actually, from a scientific standpoint, emotions and feelings are completely different. An emotion is a hard-wired, physical, universal human response to change of some sort. Emotions are instinctive, arising from the limbic system of the brain, developed and genetically programmed over many generations of human evolution. Psychologists do not agree on the number of human emotions, but basic examples include anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness.
In contrast to emotions, which are measurable physical responses, feelings are individual mental processes that cannot be measured. Emotions actually precede feelings, our personal mental reactions to an emotion. Feelings are generated by thoughts and images that we have paired with a specific emotion over time. Emotions are usually short-term and fleeting, while the feelings they provoke may last and grow over a lifetime.
Source: Talktoteach.com
Emotions are measurable physical response and feelings are individual mental processes that cannot be measured
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Have you watched Disney’s inside out movie? The main characters are the emotions in a little girls brain and the storyline focuses on how to recover joy after a traumatic experience.
The movie feels really good, and different. It flies on the wings of an almost too-real message — that sadness is an inevitable and necessary part of life.
It’s a good movie to watch with kids and parents, showing how important emotions are and the need to be validated and undertood as part of a child’s development.
The more you are aware of your emotions, the more they help you know yourself and understand the people around you. Noticing and talking about feelings is a healthy way to express them. It keeps difficult feelings from building up. Here is a feelingswheel for you.
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Questions about feelings:
Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?
Tbh, I am quite a sensitive person. I think I easily feel all those certain feelings especially when I come across a sad state. I mean, who is not? Come on. Especially when I was young and immature. I am so much unstable when it comes to handling them. It was only now that I am soon 30, I have come up with ways to handle them in a graceful manner. Emotions and feelings are all useful in order for us to better express ourselves and conform ourselves well in the society’s norms and traditions. In some people, handling difficult situations ending in negative emotions is not easy for them, and that may lead to break down and eventually lead to depression. And it’s them that needs social and emotional assistance the most. But for myself, I think I am fine. It just gets better everyday and with age, so I think. What about you?
Can you control your emotions well? How?
Lately, I figured out how to handle them with ease. I’ve dealt with these emotions and savored them like I am tasting them bit by bit. And then I learned to linger to a particular emotion for a time, until I am over it. But I don’t let each emotion affect my day to day, i.e my job and my relationships. If a sad news came, to be specific, a break up of some sort, feelings of reject and self pity comes along. Well what I’m going to do is feel sad about it for some time, and then just be sad until i am not sad anymore. Then after that, I accept that there are things beyond my control so it’s basically not my fault why I’m being rejected. It’s always the mindset that saves our ass in times like these. When we think, “Yeah okay I get it. But my life is great. I can still be able to meet and know other people and it will be fine” And repeat that thought until you’re finally okay. I mean it’s ok to feel sad about it, but to feel sad about it for a long time is your choice already. So it’s up to you on how you want your life to go on. Though sometimes, hormones usually gets mixed with it in some situations, and then I tend to breakdown. It’s so hard to be a girl you know. But I am working on making it better lately, handling these emotions well plus the hormones is a must asap.
Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?
After the things I’ve been through, I realized that I need to choose to be positive ALL the time. Even in negative situations, there should always be a positive thing in a day, may it be a simple smile or giggle of the neighbor’s baby or the warmth of your blanket that hugs you after a long tiring and sad day. You see, if we start appreciating things around us, instead of looking at what’s lacking, then there could be one or more positive things in our lives to notice from. So yes, always choose and think positive, in a way, the universe conspires along with it too! Hopefully!
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Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?
I don’t know but I am really bad at it. I am always afraid what people may perceive and if they comprehend the message well enough that they actually GET me and my point. And so often, I get misunderstood. It scares me before to think what others may think of what I convey to them. But RN I am determined not too care so much about it. I mean, well, I am responsible of what i say not for what they understand. So i’ll eventually get tired explaining myself if they believe what they think their minds say. So if you have a technique, feel free to share. 🙌🏻
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What makes you feel very good?
I feel very good when my needs are met. See Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. And I realized it’s not love from a partner that completes you. It’s the love for yourself. And knowing it actually makes me feel really good.
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What makes you feel sad?
There are many things. I get sad when people die. And things that comes to an end. But I’ve learned to treat sadness with respect. I mean, it is important, an emotional mechanism that is built on our DNA for human survival and adaptation.
If you're feeling down, how can you make yourself feel better?
I do a lot actually. I feed myself, buy some clothes, or sing my heart out. But I don’t sleep. Many people tend to go on a hibernation when they are sad. But I don’t. As i’ve said before, I treat sadness with respect so I try to overcome it not escape from it. But among the things that I do to make myself better, praying is the one that works best for me. It’s my complete therapy to full recovery. Talking to God everything that makes me sad helps a lot. You should try it.
What is the saddest movie, song, or story that you know?
It was Titanic for me, as the saddest ever. I mean, losing someone you love to death is quite tragic. But what’s more sad is when two people who love each other but cannot be together. I mean it’s a torture. Seeing each other with a different partner is never a pleasant sight. Trust me, it hurts to the bones.
Do people know how you feel by looking at your face? Are you good at hiding your emotions?
This is an exciting topic to talk about. Many people assume they could really know how I feel just by looking at my face. Well yeah, sometimes when I am really happy, I can be obviously happy and also when I am sad. Most of all, is when I like somebody. All the emotions I am feeling can be read on my face. Like yeah, how can you hide turning red when your crush approached you? Like how? So embarrassing hahaha. But anyways, what i am good at, is when I dislike a person. You will never know unless I tell you i don’t but that will not happen sadly. I am not frank, I was raised to not hurt people by being so frank and always choose to speak in a nicer way. And if not, I must resort to avoiding people in the end.
What is the best way to deal with feelings of anger?
When i get angry, I get realllllllly angry. But I have managed controlling my anger in a way that saves my relationships with friends and family. It’s always best to choose a low tone of voice, no matter the argument is about. Shouting, as i often tend to do and i’m avoiding, is not the best way to address anger. Relationships are more important than short time emotions like anger.
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Have you been in love? What is it like to be in love?
Yes I have. There are many kinds of it. And almost all of the states of love below, I have already experienced it. You come across each of the states, and all have different feeling to it. And explaining them is hard, cause love is immeasurable. That is, for me.
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Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?
I’m gonna end this blog by answering this question. Throughout the years I have been juggling with both feelings and I must say, the feeling of love is more powerful cause it makes us go on and look forward to life. Well, it’s upon one’s preference still. Cause for me, I will always choose to love instead of hate. These 2 are both powerful because hate feelings, are the feelings that weighs us down, and makes us regret and think back. Therefore pulling us in a state of negativity flow in our life where everything is just heavy, a burden, a baggage and a prison that imprisons and rusts us deep down inside. If you let yourself get eaten by your anger and hatred, it can really affect you to your core. Feelings and emotions are natural mechanisms that helps us thrive and adapt to certain situations. If only we know how to handle them properly, then we’re going to be okay.
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