from dream bitch 03.30.21
I dreamed that I was getting off BART in Concord and I was invited to the meeting of this writer’s club I cant remember the name of now, but I had been seeing stickers of it. I went to the meeting and it was so crowded there were hardly any chairs. First it was outdoors, then outdoors melted into indoors. After the meeting I went to hang out with some people on a different floor of the building until we got kicked out because it was a floor that actually had a lot of people’s ashes interred like a crematorium and they were planning to dig a bunch of people’s ashes up to do some kind of reorganization. We all returned to the main floor, but then I realized I didn’t have my boots. I also don’t know if any of my new friends wanted to drive me back to Oakland (I lived there, in the dream).
I first went back to the meeting room, then I got in the elevator to return to floor 13. There was a kid in there and I paid him a dollar for him to come with me. When I got there I still couldn’t find them!
At some point I was back in Oakland and Rachel had ordered two packages of stickers of the writing club, the same stickers I’d been seeing around. I wondered if she was in the Oakland chapter.
A part with Mike C and pulling out little fossilized soap rectangles from a park by a body of water, a whole wall made of them. Julie D showed up at some point and we pulled more rectangle tiles out, some of them were still red rubber like rubber stamp rubber, unfossilized. They were about 1cm by 3cm, or maybe more like half an inch by 1.5 inches.
A part with being in bed with a redheaded popstar that reminded me of Liz Phair. Her music was “good” by today’s standards (and very openly sexual, kind of like Liz P in that way) but I just wasn’t into it. She was cute though and we laughed together a lot. I asked her a boring interview question and she had a very creative answer that made me laugh but I can’t remember it now.
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