#julien x apprentice
theshipden · 11 months
How would the main 6 react to finding out Mc has ptsd?
Cracks knuckles oh baby as someone with C-PTSD this is my JAM
He listens to your explanation, never breaking eye contact. He understands, he’s a doctor, he talks you through it
When you’re having an attack, he’s quick to ground you and help you seek a good therapist
Protective asf, he will not let you do anything alone since it makes you nervous.
Learns every one of your triggers so he can prevent them, whether that’s stopping himself from doing it or someone else
Holds you and cries about what you’ve been through, promises to never let it happen again
Post-traumatic- down-syndrome? (Tiktok reference)
Nah but she isn’t certain what that is or what it means, but she DOES read about it and teaches herself what it all entails
Asks julien for further knowledge and how to help
Asks if you need space, to talk, advice, or just her company
In the middle of your attacks, she rubs you. Whether it’s your hand, your back, carding her fingers through your hair, she’s anchoring you back to the ground again
Asks what you need from her when you’re anxious
“Reassurance? Quality time? A listening ear—a shoulder? I have two of those!”
He understands you more then anyone. And funny enough, your anxiety seems to go hand in hand with his own
You’re damn right people are scary!! And loud noises are overwhelming!! And you’re angry and scared and just want to feel safe!! Him too!!
He isn’t the best at staying grounded, honestly he’s still learning healthy coping mechanisms
But when he sees you struggling, he finds himself in the clearest state of mind. He listens, he’s nurturing, and very intuitive.
Smiles so soft and so warm when you calm down from an episode, never pushes you to talk
Sometimes, you panic together about the same thing. Something about seeing someone you love feel the same way as you do….feels like home. You’re not dramatic, you’re more in control then you originally thought, and you’re cared for. Just as you care for him, he cares for you
She’s very good at rationalizing your racing thoughts, using logic to soothe your panic when it seems to be becoming too much
Uses her hands to massage the tension out of your muscles and help you process and work through the feelings you’re having
Aromatherapy, 100%
Reserved a spa day for you, just you and her, no one else. She knows the company of the servants would make you mask
Probably offers to buy you an exotic animal just so you have someone at your side if she’s away when you spiral
This man probably tells you to calm down, not realizing that’s making it worse.
Blubbers an apology immediately after, stuttering wildly as he waves his arms frantically
“No! Don’t cry—-! Hey, darling, it’s alright! What’s happened? My love, can you look at me? Show me those gorgeous eyes, there you go, wonderful. Now, what’s gotten you so upset?”
Thinks someone’s responsible, fully plans on lynching them as soon as he’s figured out the culprit
If your trigger is an inanimate object, he WILL destroy it. And yell at the servants not to trigger you
Drapes his cape over you so you feel sheltered and calm, so you can hide if you don’t want to be seen but don’t want to be alone
Definitely glares at anyone who attempts to call you emotional or puts you down for a natural reaction to trauma
Showers you in compliments, covers the mirrors in little affirmations with lipstick
He knew. He’s always known. Even before you did.
He’s very patient, extremely passive and cautious
He educates others on your behalf so you’re never in an unwanted situation or triggered on accident
Reminds you to take medicine, eat, drink water, etc
Asks the arcana to guide you and offer you wisdom and clarity
Constantly ensures you’re never in a night terror/flashback
Can immediately tell when your anxiety spikes, doesn’t even ask before he brings you into the shop in a controlled and familiar environment and asks to talk
Admires you and your courage, he tells you everyday how strong you are and how proud of you he is
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brandogenius · 8 months
i’m desperate need of masc!grumpy!reader and julien hc😩
omg anon!! this AHHh!!! i love this sm!! i hope i did it justice id love to turn this into a au 👀 maybe
(not proofread)
HC - Masc! Grumpy! Reader x Julien!
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- sun and moon dynamic? sun - julien, moon- you
- being taller in this duo you always wrap your arms around julien, hugging her from behind, resting your chin on the crown of her head.
- she’s also the little spoon in this scenario. and she doesn’t mind tbh. she likes to cuddle in your arms
- you like to pay for her coffee / food when you go out just to see her shock flustered face
- both of you go shopping through the small alleyway markets, buying and looking at the rings
- silver is your go to jewellery, you love silver rings and chains.
- your favourite piece of jewellery is a silver chain julien bought for your birthday
- both of you get matching tattoos together. you draw some tattoos for julien.
- youre a tattoo apprentice! julien lets you work on her sometimes.
- always holding onto julien. hands in her belt buckles or around her waist. you’re dubbed as her guard dog. always glaring at anyone who dares look at her the wrong way.
- hair ruffles. your favourite thing is to run your hands through her hair
- when julien and the boys go to the club, you happily hang out at the bar drinking water. an arm wrapped around juliens waist.
- your favourite thing is grabbing julien and plopping her onto your lap.
- you get quite grumpy until you’ve had your daily iced coffee
- you like to go to one specific cafe where they know you by name and order at this point
- some people say you’re a black cat and julien is the golden retriever
- one core memory is going to the theme park on your fourth date and julien wanted this big stuffed bear so you won it for her
- seeing julien grin to herself holding the bear nearly as big as her was adorable you had to admit
- you like to hold the bags. whenever you go shopping you’ll take the bags off her and hold them, walking behind her.
- you get agitated pretty quickly. when a design isn’t working out the way you wanted it to be you’ll get pretty frustrated.
- you’re someone who has a bad time expressing your emotions. small acts of kindness such as cooking dinner or paying for coffee is how you role.
- at this point you have your own way of saying i love you.
- you get grumpy too when julien has to work. wrapping yourself around julien when she’s song writing. pouting like a child whilst you wait for her to finish.
- both of you trade jewellery, swapping rings and chains
- you don’t use social media that much. fans see you and julien from her instagram posts and fans eat it up.
- you’re considering getting an eyebrow and lip piercing but unsure
- julien thinks it would be so hot.
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beecreeper · 4 years
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You can never have too many dumbass bisexual subs
Bonus panel —
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i-am-arcana-trash · 5 years
MC: I want to smash you in the face
Julien 😏😏😏😏
MC: with my face
Julien: 🤨
MC: gently
Julien: 😐
MC: Because I love you
Julien: 😏😏😏🥰😚
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nyxivy · 4 years
it's 12am, i have a lecture tomorrow morning and instead of sleeping i'm making Leila on picrew
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devoraqs · 4 years
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Self-indulgent Julian x Alexander smooches are good for the soul. Two versions because I couldn’t decide whether I liked the shadow or not. 
Also considering I painted that background in about twenty minutes I’m proud of it, lol.
some details under the cut
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getbacktoworknovice · 5 years
🌻Giving Flowers HC: Julien
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🌻 Gardenia for joy, sunflower for adoration and loyalty, and roses for passionate love and longing
Should he get you flowers?
He wants to but...what kind of flowers?
What do they mean?
Is he overthinking this?
Why yes, yes he is
He can't help it, your the most important thing in his life, he just wants you to be happy and satisfied and he wants to make sure he conveys that in other ways than physical
He’s a hopeless romantic so he obviously thinks roses, but then he remembers Asra going on about flowers and their meaning one time and asks him for advice 
He hopes the man isn’t lying to him as he puts the bouquet together 
You aren't really sure about all the meaning but you love them just because of how pretty they are and how well he arranged them
He realizes he was overthinking it and is a bit embarrassed, explaining the meanings of the flowers and how he had obsessed over it and it makes you smile. Especially when you read his hastily attached note;
I hope you’ll always know how much you mean to me, I know you can do much better but I am a lucky man to have you at my side. -J 
You tear up a little making him worry he’s hurt you in some way but your kiss makes it all better
You assure him you wouldn't have anyone else by your side and that makes him feel better 
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myrrheart · 5 years
give us your funniest, messiest julian headcanons 👀💖
OH BOY YOU ASKED FOR IT *clown music starts playing*
julian being a piscean train wreck: BEST HITS vol.1🎪🥁🤹🏻‍♂️🤡
He speaks so many languages that sometimes he forgets which one he's using. Very awkward when he's tending to a patient and giving them their terminal diagnosis in slurred Nevivic.
Likes to pretend he's not scared of bugs. The minute the spider touches him though, he jumps a literal foot in the air & puts (another) dent in the ceiling
Never ate a single vegetable until he moved to Vesuvia
Boxers or briefs? Lingerie. 24/7.
Snorts when he laughs hard enough
Very ticklish along his lowermost ribs, but he's not the 'cute' kind of ticklish; he's the kind of ticklish that loses all bodily control and just lets his limbs Be Free
The first time he went out drinking with Portia he got so slammed that he hopped up on the bar stage and started stripping to whoever the Arcanaverse equivalent of Brittney Spears is
Flexible but only because he's spent so long learning how to contort himself into tight spaces to hide from the authorities
He does not still have this ability. He likes to claim that he does but he'll get about 1/2 way into it before something POPS! very loudly and suddenly... darling? D-darling? Are you there? Care to come and lend a hand, please?
Knows how to juggle. Stopped doing it publically when Asra wouldn't stop calling him a clown
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brianimalsart · 5 years
Asra is the president of the Muriel X MC fanclub and I’m living for it uwu
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I edited lucio without his makeup, What do you guys think?
(I’m writing the lemon for him right now, so look for that soon ish)
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bagelbiteboy · 5 years
some info on my arcana apprentice✨✨:
name: ronin
height: 5’10
hair: thigh length, black. he often wears in in a half up half down bun.
eyes: red >:)
clothes: a thin green tank top that’s cut low enough to where you can see his waist, and billowy colored pants (also, tons of piercings and tattoos)
favorite song: location by khalid
favorite food: salmon
favorite flower: cherry blossom
animal correspondence: panther
zodiac sign: (this one is still kind of hard to imagine!) I’d say sun in Virgo, moon in Scorpio with a Pisces/Aries rising?
personality: quiet, brooding. ronin can be found in the shop, organizing books. he is a major perfectionist and does tasks and challenges with tact and patience. he is quiet, but very powerful and exudes very masculine and strong energy. every once in a while though, he’s in the mood to tell jokes and be cocky+challenging. as silent and stoic as he is though, he can be frustrated very easily and his temper can get the best of him.
with asra: he’s very comfortable. asra has known him for quite some time now, so he understands his tendencies more than anyone. asra just allows him to be himself, and makes him feel really safe. Of all people, Ronin is definitely the most relaxed with him. They can be found just chilling around, finding comfort in each others company.
with Julien: Julien has known Ronin for the longest out of the main 6. Both of them have slightly different stories on how they met, but both can agree it was at the rowdy raven. Ronin is actually super talkative with Julien, sometimes he seems like a different person with him. Julien is often the one being crazy and chaotic, whereas Ronin is the one yelling at him to stop whatever he’s doing (unless they’re both drunk, in which they’re both being stupid)
with muriel: him and muriel are very similar, although Ronin is a bit more sociable. They don’t necessarily bring each other out of their shells, they just make one another feel more understood. they can be found in his cabin with inanna, talking about anything honestly.
with nadia: when they were first introduced to eachother, they both naturally took a liking to each other in ways that seemed unexpected. they both liked the same instruments, the same foods, etc. They can be found walking the streets of Vesuvia, shopping around, doing more hanging out than actually buying things though.
with portia: when Ronin first met portia, she made him blush which Julien had no problem pointing out. It’s not that Ronin was extremely attracted to her, he just found her really really cute. He likes to look after her, but he doesn’t feel like he has the responsibility of looking after her like he does with the others. He trusts her to look after herself, and honestly just trusts her in general. They can be found drinking tea together, small laughs under their breaths as they share nice conversation.
with lucio: ronin tolerates him. Lucio tries to get his attention, but honestly ronin doesn’t have the time for him and his games. Ronin will sometimes laugh though when lucio gets really desperate for attention, because he could never imagine a count being so whiny. Lucio loves to try to tell him how similar they are, but Ronin just never caught on. It’s a love hate thing honestly.
(i would’ve added valerius but that’s for another time)
if you have any other questions about him, feel free to ask!
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letnaturedream · 5 years
Listen Guys We Need to Talk
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Speaking of the Arcana
It's definitely not new that now that Lucio's route is definitely in existence now, lots of people are getting big mad at Lucio stans? Or even just at stans of a character that they don't stan??
Like please understand, you don't have to like a character and agree with everything the character has done. You don't have to love EVERY single thing the character does or says. This is for all of the LIs in The Arcana.
Like, shit, let people like what they like. It's hard to find stuff that brings a semblance of joy sometimes.
The characters aren't even real people! Please dear god don't forget that!! At the end of the day, no matter who you stan, none of them are living breathing people :(( like that might be hard to accept but it's true and it's not healthy to get so angry at people for stanning a character you don't.
I stan all LIs, I wanna make that vv clear!
Let people like whatever character they like, at the end of the day, it's a story with different perspectives that bring in romantic aspects. None of the characters are living breathing people. Like one post said, "like the bastard, but don't become the bastard" (I'm also an idiot for not remembering who posted that but it was def someone posting abt The Arcana. But specifically Lucio and Lucio stans)
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i-am-arcana-trash · 5 years
A look at Laurel and Julien's relationship during the plauge.
Pronouns: She/Her
Content warning: mention of death, sickness. Some cursing.
*inspired by a video I saw of a fan made scene by a channel called Ethren- they are really good!*
The levels of sick and dying patients at Julien Devorak's clinic were growing exponentially by the day.
Laurel was tasked with alerting families to loved ones conditions. The news was never good. Most nights she fell asleep sobbing, if she was lucky enough to sleep. Her empathic nature absorbing all the stress that hung thick in the air.
Julien knew this. The first time he walked by her cot at the back of the clinic and found her shoulders heaving with contained sobs, he knew this work was going to leave her with emotional scars if not physical ones.
Over the weeks since she had begun as his apprentice. He watched her unique way of dealing with patients. None of the rash and rushed medicine he employed on the battlefield. Despite how many people were coming into the clinic dying. She at the very least kept the panic to a minimum. He assumed this had to do with her magic. He'd seen her use it a handful of times, mostly for those who would be making the journey to the Lazeret. A pink glow from her hands, the patients shaking and coughing would ease.
Julien finally decided to ask her about it, "what exactly do you do when they are leaving for the Lazeret?"
She gazes over her shoulder looking at him thoughtfully, "I.....it's hard to explain for someone who doesn't understand magic, but....a simplified explanation is.....' she pauses, obviously not sure how to proceed. 'I essentially grant them some of my aura, it's not much, in exchange I take on some of theirs, the effect puts their minds at ease though their bodies are still dying."
Her shoulders slump a little as she returns to organizing the leeches. The soft clinking of glasses fills the silence, Julien's quill hovering over the chart his mind posing another question.
"How.....how does that effect you?"
The clinking stops, he hears the leather of her gloves as she balls her hands into fists and releases them several times.
Laurel turns fully to face him, removing her gloves, her hands lacing behind her head leaning back on the counter.
She fixes him with an unreadable look, her eyes glistening.
'There is always fear and pain.....sometimes, especially recently with how many more people are getting sick...I....I hear their voices at night, moaning, screaming....'
She hugs her arms around herself, eyes clenching shut. Julien remembers she had seen a boat of sick to the docks that afternoon. It was one of the largest they had dealt with.
Julien had left his desk, charts forgotten.
"Are you hearing them now.....?" He reaches a hand out timidly, before she collapses forward into his chest. Her breathing is shallow. "So many voices...."
Julien wraps an arm around her shoulder guiding her to the small back room that served as a kitchen and additional office space. He guided her to a chair and began puttering around the space, boiling water for tea.
Laurel slumped against the table, head rested on her forearms, focusing on her breathing to drown out the voices.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she turned to the steaming cup Julien set in front of her.
She sat up and took the cup in her hands, letting the tea warm up her palms. Julien watched her, having already finished his coffee.
Taking a few small sips, she set the cup down and held out a hand to Julien, he didn't need her to speak to understood what she wanted.
He scooted his chair a little closer to hers and presented his hand to her. She grasped it, lacing her fingers together with his, the two sitting in silence for a long while.
Julien blew out the last candle in their shared bedroom. Laurel had her back to him, on her cot, facing the wall. Stopping at the door, Julien looks back at her, watching her breath, it appears stable and unlabored. Unbeknownst to him, Laurel watches his shadow on the wall in front of her, holding her breath.
Finally, he shuts the door returning to the office to finish his charts.
Laurel releases her breath, a lump in her throat as the voices shout in her head.
'I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.....' she murmurs to the room. Her heart thunders in her ears as she attempts to push the voices away. She had been sensing it for a while but she could feel far into her gut that something wasn't right.
Pushing off the covers she padded to the wash basin in the corner, flicking on a single candle. Pulling back her lips she checked her gums, inspected her eyes, and pulled off her sleep shirt to search her skin. Inspecting for the tell tale beginning signs of the plague.
While nothing physically appeared wrong she knew that her exchange of auras with plague victims would eventually catch up to her. She had conveniently left out that little detail to Julien, he'd tell her to stop but her magic could do little for plague victims except ease their suffering before that final journey.
The sound of boots onvhard floors broke her thoughts and she shrugged back on her sleep shirt before Julien opened the door. Seeing her up he rushed over holding her head in his hands, inspecting her face. He gently strokes the grey bags under her eyes and grins at her "You should get some rest, you're starting to look like me."
She can't help but smile. They didn't do it very often, there wasn't much to smile about these days.
She meets his gaze before speaking "Pull your cot near mine...?" She was itching for physical touch. Sometimes after hard days, like when they had lost children especially during the first days of the death, they would push their cots together, and lay facing each other holding hands.
Sometimes they talked, other times they would simply lay there in silence, thumbs stroking the others hand.
Julien placed a hand on her head, the short hairs tickling his palm and he nodded.
After washing up he moves his cot next to hers. Laurel faces him as he pulls under the covers. Eventually they fall asleep, fingers intertwined.
Julien wakes to a rapid knocking on the door of the clinic, it isn't even dawn yet, the sky barely turning from black to dark blue. He rubs his eyes and gets up, surprised to see a palace guard at his door.
"Dr. Devorak?"
" We are searching for any and all able bodied doctors and healers, please come with us immediately"
Julien stares at the guard before speaking "I have a clinic to run, I can't just drop it for the palace, I have patients who see me"
"Doctor if you don't come with us, there may not be any more patients to see"
Julien's blood runs cold for a moment. He knew the death was increasing, there were almost constant runs of ships to the Lazeret. But he couldn't leave the clinic.
"Doctor..?" He turns to find Laurel standing behind him, eyeing the guard.
"They are telling me to go to the palace, but I can't leave the clinic when things are getting worse" and I can't leave you alone, he thought to himself.
"I'll be okay....I can handle the clinic, they may have resources that can help us, you know the leeches aren't doing much but scaring people."
He never doubted in his mind that his apprentice could handle it. However he was far more concerned for her well being, considering everything she told him yesterday.
After what felt like hours to him, though in reality it was probably closer to a few minutes, he nods at the guard "Give me 5 minutes" before shutting the door.
He strides back to the bedroom, quickly dressing and packing a few meager belongings, he had no idea how long he would be gone.
Laurel hovers in the room, gently gnawing at her bottom lip as he finishes packing.
As they make their way back to the front door, Julien turns to her, digging out a ring of keys.
"These should work for all the doors, sorry I never got around to making you a set."
Laurel nods and holds his hand before setting the key ring down and sticks her hand out to Julien.
Julien grasps it before pulling her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pressing his cheek into the short stubble on his cheek, breathing in her warm scent.
"Please be safe Laurel, don't....don't make reckless decisions"
He feels her shift slightly as he gazes down his nose at her face.
"I wouldn't dare steal your thunder.....Ilya....." Julien sucks in a breath with his old name and he's drawn back to the first time she called him that.
In the early weeks of their time together, the two used to get dinner at the Raven. Julien almost always ended up a little to tipsy and Laurel was tasked with getting her lush of a master back to the clinic and in bed so he could sleep of his impending hangover.
On that particular night, it had been raining. Laurel had successfully gotten them home, though the two were soaked to the bone.
She was helping him undress her hands making quick work of his wet clothes. At the distance she stood from him, he noticed the goosebumps on her skin from the cool room air, he noticed even more freckles around her nose, barely noticeable unless you really looked. A few stray drops of rain hung to her lashes which were deceptively long.
In his drunken state his confidence was at it's maximum and he placed his bare hand on the back of her neck, at the edge of her shaved hairline. He felt her tense and suck in a breathe, her cheeks taking on a pretty red color. He'd never seen her blush. He liked it and wondered if he could make her do it more.
Dipping his head down he place a hungry clumsy kiss on her lips, his other arm sliding around her waist as her hands were pressed flush to his chest.
It took Laurel several moments to register that Julien, was in fact kissing her, and for a moment she melted into his touch before she remembered his drunken state and gently pushed away. "You shouldn't make rash decisions you'll regret later" she gently scolds
Julien whined at the loss of contact, "let me....please I...I.... I'll do anything for you"
Laurel threw up an eyebrow at him skeptical.
On cue Julien responded. "Drunk mouths speak sober thoughts.....and can do other things....." His tone is thick with want and while Laurel can't deny having had a few spicy dreams about such an encounter, but drunk Julien was in no place to consent to such actions.
But perhaps she can convince him to lay down. She gently pushed him flat on the bed and straddled his waist, her outfit still slightly damp and he shuttered slightly at the contact through his thin sleep shirt. Placing a hand on either side of his head she leaned down, breath tickling his mouth.
"You said you would do anything for me right.....Ilya?" Julien almost smacked his forehead to hers from shock, his heart was a mess, beating wildly, so few people knew his real name and hearing her speak it drove him nuts.
"Yes, please, Laurel....whatever you want I'll give it to you, what can I do." Laurel smirks and for a moment he thinks she'll finally touch him, but instead she gently brushes his hair out of his eye and firmly states "Stay in bed and get some rest"
She removes herself from his lap, and Julien lashes out to grab her hand. "Wait....please....I...." Julien was at a loss for words which was unlike him. Laurel kneeled to look into his eyes before speaking.
"How about I pull my cot over....I stay close.....but you need to stay in bed...or else I'm going back to the wall."
Julien nodded and rolled to his stomach to watch Laurel get ready for bed. In the firelight her skin looked golden.
When she finally laid down, Julien was passed out. Laurel soon joined him in slumber.
The next morning Julien awoke first, to find his apprentice tucked in under the covers, breathing slowly with sleep. Despite his hangover he desperately needed her to know that everything he said last night was real.
Upon hearing him stir, she also awoke. Julien wasted no time, he wanted nothing more that to fulfill her needs and wants.
Julien is disturbed by knocking again, returning to the present.
"I guess I gotta go...." He murmured.
"Try not to cause a ruckus at the Palace, try to keep those gangly limbs under control."
Julien flashed her a smirk "You know ruckus is my middle name"
She grins and laughs, covering her mouth, a weird gesture Julien noted. Another knock and Julien is standing in the doorway flanked on either side by guards.
He turns one more time to face her. "Please take care Laurel, I'll.....I'll see you soon."
And with that the door of the clinic shuts, the sounds of a carriage and hooves disappears into the morning air.
Laurel coughs and grimaces, blood splattered all over her hand.
Her gums were bleeding and her sclera was already turning red.
4 days was all it took for Laurel to be taken to the Lazeret. News traveled fast and the 4th day of the clinic not being open, everyone knew she was either dead or would be soon.
She was brought to the docks by the Lazeret helmsmen, and began her journey to the island of death. Mustering up what little energy she had left she turned to gaze at the palace one last time, knowing Julien was in there......she hoped he'd forgive her for not saying goodbye.
On the 5th day at the palace, Julien had overheard that his clinic had been dark for 5 days. No patients, his apprentice appeared gone.
The the night Julien snuck out of the palace and ran to the clinic. Breath haggard as he stopped at the clinic door, a cry trapped in his throat.
A large red X covered it, the signs that there was no one home, all inside had succumbed to the Red Death. Julien wretched the door open stumbling inside, it was the same inside, aside from his missing apprentice.
Julien spotted the dried blood on her pillow before he heaved his lunch all over the clinic hallway. Wiping his mouth he rushed back to the night.
At the docks there was a transport ready to leave. Julien stumbled as he ran to the docks edge "LAUREL.... LAUREL, LAUREL IM HERE, WHERE ARE YOU....LAUREL!"
His voice became more harsh and rose to desperate levels in an attempt to locate her....but she wasn't there.
"She gone, mate"
Julien twisted around to face the voice, one of the men tasked with the horrifying job if transporting the dying to the I spoke again.
"She left yesterday morning, delirious. Calling out for Julien, I'm assuming that's you."
Everything falls away, before he collapses completely, dry heaving and screaming until his throat burns.
It takes 5 men to pull him away from the dock.
Laurel could have laughed, she was in the cremetorium of the Lazaret, still alive, though barely.
She hated the heat, how terrible she mused with the last of her strength that fire and heat would guide her to the next life.
She hears the door lock and focuses on her breathing....as the oven heats up, she bites a scream and thinks back to Julien, to their last moments together.
Soon there is nothing but screams, the smell of fire and the darkness of death.
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amayaplutova · 6 years
Hey @thearcanagame when will we get
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Could I please get some headcanons of a catboy!Apprentice with Julian and Nadia? Also welcome to the community! Can you turn on anon as well?
This is cute x
He loves this, he will constantly compare you to pepe and will often coo over you when ever you do something cute and catlike
Loves to pet your ears and hair, he just thinks it's sooooo soft
If you're able to climb well then he'd absolutely ask you to help him on adventures where you need to climb.
However he isn't very understanding of some of your nature and might think that you can do a bunch of stuff that's cats do, you find that out when he asks how often you have hairballs. He loves her but he isn't the brightest.
If you're cuddling on him and start purring then he would refuse to move and wake you. He'll just lie/sit there until you get up regardless of how long you're sleeping.
She's very interested in where you come from and will ask tones of questions about you and your kind/species. 'are you one of a kind? ', 'are there other cat people? ", 'was it a spell gone wrong/right?' ect
she will 100% like to pull on your tail (not enough to hurt and enough to fluster) in order to tease you.
you will get called tones of pet names, Nadia loves to call you 'kitten' or kitty' or other cat nicknames.
She trys to keep Lucios dogs away from you cause she doesn't know if the cat vs dog thing still applies to you.
She does complain about cat hair on stuff if you shead, not seriously but she may make the passing comment as a tease.
Sorry I'm not sure how to turn on anon, I'm on mobile so it's not letting me idk how to change that soz.
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