#junhao meanie johnten dotae jjp markson yugbam neo
Daily Dad Discussions 12
( Bands present BTS, EXO, SVT, NCT, GOT7, and VIXX )
( Classical music is playing in the background while everyone sips their wine )
N : Guys come on we have to talk about this. We've been sitting like this for an hour. Kim seokjin c'mon do your job as the leader.
Suho : ya jin you're a terrible leader. Who even made you the leader.
Seokjin : I did. It was my first act as the leader :)
Taeyong : so we might as well address the issue at hand. Fathers Fucking Day. How did it go? Jeonghan?
Jeonghan : Those bitches. So I woke up and the dorm was empty. The kids had taken Seungcheol for a day out and left me at home. So OF COURSE, I couldn't enjoy the rest and the day and kept cribbing.
Jeonghan : later I found out they left me so I could nap and rest in peace for a change. What a waste :(
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Taeyong : well, so you know how I have sixteen kids right. So those idiots. All of them came at me and tried to hug me which created a doggie pile and I was at the bottom. So...
Jinyoung : so?
Taeyong : so I fainted okay. There was no freaking air. I had sixteen people on me !!!
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Hakyeon : So I had gone for a morning jog and I came back and it was completely dark and it probably hadn't help that ken had made me watch a horror movie last night. So I look up and there is Leo with his serious/ angry face just barely visible over the candles of the cake. And I did the most intelligent thing.
Taeyong : you screamed
Hakyeon : i screamed.... and hit him which resulted in the cake flying out of his hands onto the nearby curtains. The candles setting them on fire.
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Seokjin : well I think mines worse. So with the help of hoseok and jimin, the children managed to create a good breakfast for us. So they come to wake me up and what they didn't know was that namjoon was giving me his own fathers day present if you know what I mean ;) so everyone was pretty traumatized.
Suho : Including us. TMI.
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Suho: well I guess mine was best. Cause my members are so busy in different places so nothing happened.
Hakyeon: Are you okay?
Suho : ( whispers ) No...
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Seokjin: But at the end of the day even though they are annoying brats we still love them so much.
Jinyoung: Speak for yourself I'd sell bambam and yugyeom to Satan for a corn chip.
Jinyoung: :)
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I had been procrastinating making this for the past 4 days but here it is finally :)
As always I would love to hear your thoughts.
Also do you guys think i should just turn these into an archive of our own chatfic ? Would you be interested in reading it ?
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( Movie night at the BTS dorm )
( junmyeon just explained the movie they had watched)
Junmyeon : how did none of you hear what i just said?
Jinyoung : i’ve been zoned out for the last two and a half hours.
Hakyeon : i got distracted about halfway through.
Seokjin : ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Jinyoung : we should put on another movie.
Junmyeon : You're gonna hate yourself in the morning if you stay up late.
Jinyoung : joke's on you, i'm gonna hate myself in the morning no matter what.
Seokjin : Anyways, Namjoon is on a buisness trip so while he's gone I'm gonna cut the sleeves off of all my shirts.
Hakyeon: Why?
Seokjin : He's pretty much 85% of my impulse control.
Jeonghan : You do you boo. Lets put on the movie.
Taeyong : [fast forwards all the way through a movie]
Jeonghan : You can’t just skip to the happy ending
Taeyong : I have 20 kids, I don’t have time for problems.
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