#junko jiraiyawat x reader
sandewich · 6 months
yo! If you do Junko GFN x GN! Reader, can you do fluff where Reader helps Junko while she's getting bullied and helping her up? :>
✧ short fluff story.
✦ gxgn // Junko x GN!Reader.
✧ idk what to put here but yeah!!
bullying, mistreatment, scolding, lying. anything wrong or false is my fault, this is not heavily accurate.
yes! by anon! :3 sorry it took so long !!
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-- ???
It had been days of pure torture for poor Junko. She didn't know why she kept getting bullied. Is it because she's different? Is it because of the wheelchair she had to use for her injured legs? It's not her fault, right? It's their fault, it's the bully's fault. It's everyone's fault. Well, that's what she's been thinking for the past few years. Junko couldn't trust anyone at all, even the nice. They're totally fake, right? They just want to get under her skin and make her into a pushover just for them.
A new student came along when the first semester finished, who was it? It was you, Y/n. Junko didn't have high expectations for you, she thinks you're just like the others. No one in this school cared for her so why should she care for anyone in it? The teacher told you to sit right next to her so you could watch her and take care of her or whatever. She wanted to take revenge or die trying, either way, her pain goes away...
-- y/n's pov.
I payed attention in class, writing notes, scribbling images to help me remember the lesson more. I can't help but feel worried about the girl next to me, I heard she has some kind of condition, I wonder what. I looked away from my notebook, my gaze set onto the whiteboard in the classroom. To be honest, I wanted to skip science class since there's really nothing much to learn about. My dad (or whoever you want it to be) can teach me all about it since he's a scientist plus he has his scientific books somewhere.
I tried to focus yet my thoughts about Junko haunted my mind. Finally, when the class I had was over. I secretly went outside, somehow avoiding the school staffs. Why don't they install cameras? It feels to easy to skip the class. I was in the backyard of the school where the garden was, it felt calm and relaxing... That is until I heard a sound of something big falling at the entrance of the school. I peeked around the corner, making sure the grass beneath me isn't annoying and loud enough for someone to catch me out of class.
" Get up, you fool! " Two unknown girls laughed at... Junko on the ground with her wheelchair beside her. Who could do something so cruel to someone so fragile? Junko looked up at them in shock and desperation, this time, she wanted to get up. I think me and her has the same school schedule. Junko's legs didn't work at all, her hands gripping the hot concrete because of how hot it is in this kind of weather.
" Be happy we're not cutting you, little hemophilic girlie! " They continued to tease and chuckle at the horrific sight. They pushed her off of the stairs, sure it's was like 5 or 4 steps but still, that's not how to treat any human being, right? I contemplated if I should interfere but before I could come to a conclusion, a teacher saw the two, asking them why they aren't in class yet and asking why Junko is on the floor. The two came up with a lie that Junko attacked first, but I don't believe it? Why would she attack anyone for that matter?
The idiotic teacher believed their obvious lie and scolded Junko a little before telling all of them to go to class... But how would Junko go to class? You're just going to leave her there? In the hot sun of Thailand, where you could get a sunburn just by touching the concrete alone? This is outrageous. When the coast was clear, I hurried to Junko, making sure she's okay.
" Hey- Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry for not interrupting earlier. " I gently spoke to Junko as I got her wheelchair to stand up. She looked at me with those cold eyes like she's not feeling anything, but I know with her teary eyes, she wants to let it all out. I asked for some consent first, just to know that she's comfortable with what I'm doing, of course.
" I'n gonna try carrying you, okay? Try to jump so you can get in. " I said and Junko nodded. This is kind of the first time I had to carry someone into a wheelchair so let's just hope I don't make her fall. She sits upright, as I carefully picked her up off of the ground, she wasn't light but not too heavy. I put her onto the wheelchair, she scoots up a bit, she looked up at me, mute but I can tell she's thankful. I smiled at her before getting behind and pushing her up the ramp. I should get her to the infirmary if I can.
I'm just taking care of her and doing the right thing, it's as simple as that.
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author ;; sandewich!
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