#junpei and sara are so fucking similar and Not at the same time
epicfirestormer · 5 months
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I'm so incredibly Normal about these two games.
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houseisekai · 4 years
House Isekai: Valentine’s Day Special
House Isekai Masterlist
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[Mezame no Waltz - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
Yuki hummed happily as she stepped through the dorms of Garreg Mach Monastery, boxes of chocolates in her arms.
She finally arrived at the entrance to House Isekai’s classroom and opened the door.
Inside, Byleth, Megumi, Towa, Sharon, Doomguy, Sara, Angelica, and Cocytus turned to look at her.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan?”
(Angelica) “Oh yikes, that’s a lotta boxes!”
Angelica, Sharon, Doomguy, and Towa walked over to Yuki and helped take some of the boxes.
Each one of them had a box yet Yuki still had a tower in her arms as she sat them down on the table.
(Yuki) “Whew, thank you! That was getting heavy!”
(Sara) “Are these chocolates?”
(Yuki) “Yup! I made these with Mercedes, Ashe, and Dedue! We made it for everyone in House Isekai!”
Yuki excitedly grabbed the boxes and handed them individually to the staff members.
(Byleth) “We appreciate it, but what’s the occasion?”
(Yuki) “Well, Fodlan seems to share the same calendar as most of us, and right now it’s February 14th! Which means its Valentine’s day! Normally these are given to the people you love in our world, so that’s why I’m giving it to everyone!”
(Byleth) “Valen...tine’s?”
(Sara) “...So, when you say hearts you mean-”
(Sara) “Ok, figured. Just wanted to make sure, we never know with your group-”
(Towa) “A-Anyways! Yuki, thank you so much!”
(Megumi) “You still have a lot of boxes Yuki-chan, do you need our help?”
(Yuki) “Nope! I know you guys are really busy, so leave it all to me!”
(Sharon) “If that is what you wish. Again, thank you very much, Miss Yuki!”
Yuki saluted the staff and walked off with significantly less boxes in her arms.
Doomguy was the first one to open his box of chocolates.
It seemed fairly standard, heart shaped chocolates, but several appeared to be something similar to dog treats. They had the label “For Daisy.”
And more importantly, he had a note specifically for him.
“For Slayer: Thank you for being so nice, even though you can be really scary!”
Doomguy was seen smiling through his helmet as everyone else opened theirs.
“For Towa: Thank you for working so hard!”
“For Angelica: Thank you for not hitting on us!”
“For Cocytus: Thank you for teaching Kurumi how to fight!”
“For Sara: Thank you for looking out for us and Megunee!”
“For Sharon: Thank you for being House Isekai’s retainer!”
“For Byleth: Thank you for everything you’ve done for us!”
“For Megu-nee: Thank you for being the best teacher ever!”
Everyone looked back at the door smiling. Except Angelica.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan...”
(Sara) “Hah, bet she’ll lighten someone’s day.”
(Angelica) “...Do I really hit on people that much?”
(Everyone) “Yes.”
Rest of House Isekai under the cut!
Abyss, Denizens of Nazarick’s Room
[Oath of Loyalty to the Supreme Being - OVERLORD OST]
After saying hello to Yuri and the other Ashen Wolves, they directed Yuki to where Ainz’s group was.
Ainz knocked on the door politely and waited.
There was no response for a minute before she heard something behind her.
Turning around, Demiurge was right in front of her, looking down.
(Demiurge) “Ah, Miss Takeya. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
(Yuki) “Valentine’s Day! I’m giving everyone some chocolates, including you Mister Demiurge!”
He took a moment to examine one of the boxes and sure enough, there were labels for each member, including Ainz.
Demiurge nodded and opened the door for her.
(Demiurge) “Right this way.”
As she followed Demiurge, she failed to notice that several members were now eyeing her suspiciously.
(Shalltear) “Oh, it’s her.”
(Aura) “Weird, Yuki’s got a lot of boxes.”
Demiurge stopped in front of Ainz, who was in the center of the room with Albedo, overlooking a war table of some sort.
Ainz looked at Demiurge, then at Yuki.
(Ainz) “I see we have a delivery.”
(Demiurge) “So it would seem, my lord.”
(Yuki) “Yup, I got a box for everyone here!”
This made Ainz curious. Yuki making something for them?
(Ainz) “Everyone, to the center of the room.”
Everyone in the room dropped what they were doing and followed Ainz’s instruction, getting on one knee.
Ainz grabbed a box and opened it up.
“For Ainz: Thank you for being a good friend to everyone, despite our differences!”
(Ainz) “Ah, a Valentine’s box.”
(Yuki) “Oh, you know what it is too, Ainz?”
(Ainz) Lots of Valentine’s events happened when I was playing Yggdrasil. Never cared too much about these since I never had a girlfriend or whatever but...eh. Made for fun collectables throughout the years. Why discard this one? “Yes, I do. Thank you very much.”
(Shalltear and Albedo) “WHAT?!”
[Shut up, lower life form - Overlord OST]
Ainz immediately noticed that they were frothing with rage.
(Ainz) Shit! That’s right, they think this is solely romantic! “AHEM! Do you have a problem with this gift, you two?”
(Albedo) “Of course, Lord Ainz! How could the man I love accept a gift so precious and romantic from...FROM HER OF ALL PEOPLE?!”
(Shalltear) “IT’S UNACCEPTABLE!”
(Ainz) You got to be fucking kidding me-
(Yuki) “Romantic? But these are friendship chocolates! I made everyone here friendship chocolates, including you two!”
(Ainz) Oh thank god.
Yuki grabbed their boxes and happily walked over to them.
Albedo and Shalltear looked at each other with an eyebrow raised, then opened the box.
Sure enough:
“For Shalltear: Thank you for protecting us when we’re in the Monastery!”
“For Albedo: Thank you for protecting us when we’re in battles!”
(Albedo & Shalltear) “...Oh.”
Demiurge, Aura, Mare, Sebas, Pandora’s Actor and the Pleiades got their chocolates as well.
“For Demiurge: Thank you for giving us the knowledge of Fodlan!”
“For Aura & Mare: Thank you for being someone the younger students of House Isekai can talk to!”
“For Sebas: Thank you for helping Sharon and the other staff out!”
“For Pandora’s Actor: Thank you for always making us laugh with your fantastic performances!”
“For the Pleiades: Thank you for keeping us safe!”
(Yuki) “Anyways, that’s all I wanted to do! Thank you for your time!”
Yuki bowed and quickly left the room.
Ainz slowly turned to Albedo and Shalltear, who started sweating.
(Ainz) “Of all the people to be skeptical of, you really chose Yuki...?”
S.E.E.S, Dormitory
[Iwatodai Dorm - Persona 3 OST]
(Minako) “Oh, hey Yuki-senpai!”
(Yuki) “Hello! Happy Valentine’s!”
Everyone turned to the door and saw Yuki unloading chocolates.
(Junpei) “Oh, sweet! Chocolates!”
(Yukari) “Jeez, the year flew by so fast!”
As Yuki handed the chocolates out, some of S.E.E.S spoke amongst themselves.
(Akihiko) “Can’t believe she’s the same age as us.”
(Mitsuru) “It is a bit weird, isn’t it?”
(Shinjiro) “Who cares how old she is? She’s more considerate than some people I know here.”
(Akihiko) “Hmph.”
(Koromaru) Bark!
(Aigis) “Yuki-chan, Koromaru wishes to have some chocolates.”
(Yuki) “Oh, sorry! I don’t think you can eat any of these, but don’t worry! We did make a tasty treat for you!”
Koromaru wagged his tail excitedly.
(Ken) “Thanks, Yuki-senpai!”
(Junpei) “I think this is the first time I’ve gotten chocolates from a girl-”
(Yukari) “Jeez, Stupei! Is that ALL you can think of right now?! This is obviously friendship chocolate!”
(Junpei) “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I was just makin’ an observation!”
(Fuuka) “A-Anyways, thank you so much!”
(Yuki) “Sure thing!”
(Minato) “...You could at least say thank you before stuffing your face, Minako.”
(Minako) “Huerh?Owhrite!Thamfkyu!”
Minato rolled his eyes and finally noticed the note written to him.
“For Minato: Thank you for being so nice!”
“For Minako: Thank you for helping Yuuri out with her problems!”
“For Fuuka: Thank you for helping me with tech problems!”
“For Junpei: Thank you for helping Kurumi how to fight better!”
“For Yukari: Thank you for teaching Miki how to use a bow!”
“For Mitsuru: Thank you for being smart to help us out in battle!”
“For Akihiko: Thank you for helping Kurumi train!”
“For Shinjiro: Thank you for teaching me how to cook!”
“For Aigis: Thank you for protecting us in battle!”
“For Koromaru: Thank you for playing with me!”
“For Ken: Thank you for your help with studying!”
(Yuki) “Okay, that’s it for this group, I have to go now!”
S.E.E.S waved her off as she left the dormroom.
(Minako) “Hah, being nice? That’s a first-”
(Minato) “Piss off.”
Investigation Team, Dormitory
[Signs of Love - Persona 4 OST]
(Teddie) “Hey, it’s Yuki-chan!”
(Yu) “Hey, what’s with the boxes?”
(Yuki) “Valentine’s!”
(Chie) “Jeez, that’s a lotta boxes! Here, lemme help you with that!”
(Rise) “Oh, that’s so nice of you, Yuki-senpai! Thanks so much!”
(Teddie) “Is...Is this a confession?! I don’t know what to say!”
(Yosuke) “It’s not a confession, idiot! It’s friendship chocolate!”
(Teddie) “Yikes! It was just a joke! Why do you sound so angry? What, do you have firsthand experience on getting nothing but friendship chocolate?”
(Yukiko) SNRK!
(Naoto) “Thank you for your gift, Yuki-senpai.”
(Kanji) “Cool, love chocolate! Thanks man!”
“For Yu: Thanks for always taking the time to help out Yuuri!”
“For Yosuke: Thanks for being like a big brother!”
“For Chie: Thank you for being like a big sister!”
“For Yukiko: Thank you for the gag glasses and making us laugh!”
“For Teddie: Thanks for always making me smile!”
“For Naoto: Thank you for spending time with Miki!”
“For Rise: Thanks for helping us with the Ball concert!”
“For Kanji: Thanks for teaching me how to knit cute animals!”
(Yuki) “Alright, I have a few more stops to make, catch you later!”
Everyone said goodbye as she walked out the room.
(Yosuke) “...Wait a second, when did you give Yuki gag glasses?!”
(Yukiko) “That would ruin the surprise!”
(Chie) “Ugh, great. I thought we got rid of all those by now...”
Phantom Thieves, Dormitory
[No More What Ifs (Instrumental) - Persona 5 Royal]
(Yuki) “Hello, Valentine’s delivery!”
(Akira) “Oh, it’s already Valentine’s?”
(Ann) “I didn’t even know Fodlan had one!”
(Makoto) “They most likely don’t, but they do share our calendar year. I suppose it makes sense for those from our world to celebrate it.”
(Ryuji) “Eff yeah, hand that stuff over!”
(Haru) “Oh, how thoughtful!”
(Yusuke) “Hm, it has been a while since I’ve had any food...”
(Futaba) “Dude, you get FREE food for being a student, how the heck have you not eaten?!”
(Morgana) “Hmph...Wish I could cook chocolate, then I could give mine to lady A-”
(Kasumi) “Thank you, Yuki-senpai!”
(Akechi) “...You know how I am and you’re still giving me chocolate? Ugh, fine whatever, hand it over.”
“For Akira: Thank you for being so fearless in fighting!”
“For Ann: Thank you for all the sweets you’ve shared with me!”
“For Ryuji: Thank you for teaching us how to run and fight better!”
“For Yusuke: Thank you for your wonderful paintings of our class!”
“For Morgana: Thank you for driving us all around Fodlan!”
“For Futaba: Thank you for playing video games with me and Kazuma!”
“For Makoto: Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student!”
“For Haru: Thank you for teaching us how to garden!”
“For Kasumi: Thank you for teaching us how to protect ourselves and jump out the way of danger!”
“For Akechi: Even though you don’t like a lot of us, me included probably, thank you for all that you’ve done for us!”
(Yuki) “Okay, 3 more groups to go, see you all around!”
(Akira) “How sweet of her.”
Akechi stared at his box, then shrugging, making no comment as he ate his chocolate.
Class VII, Dormitory
[Afterschool Hours - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel OST]
(Emma) “Oh, hello Yuki!”
(Yuki) “Hello, I have Valentine’s chocolate for everyone!”
(Fie) “Thanks.”
(Elliot) “Oh, thank you, Yuki!”
(Laura) “I believe this is the first time I’ve gotten something like this.”
(Machias) “It is very much appreciated.”
(Jusis) “You have my thanks.”
(Alisa) “Aww, thank you!”
(Gaius) “These don’t look half bad, thanks.”
(Crow) “Hell yeah, hand that good stuff over!”
(Emma) “Thank you!”
(Rean) “If you needed some help passing these out, we would’ve been glad to, you know!”
“For Rean: Thank you for everything that you do for House Isekai, don’t wear yourself out too much!”
“For Alisa: Thank you for teaching me how to use the bow!”
“For Elliot: Thank you for teaching us how to play music for the concert during the ball!”
“For Laura: Thank you for giving Kurumi combat lessons!”
“For Machias: Thank you for teaching Miki how to play chess!”
“For Fie: Thank you for teaching me how to nap anywhere!”
“For Gaius:  Thank you for teaching me how to paint!”
“For Emma: Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student!”
“For Jusis: Thank you for helping us out with the more physical chores!”
“For Millium: Thank you for always making us smile!”
“For Crow: Thank you for teaching me how to gamble!”
(Yuki) “Okay, two more to go! See you later!”
(Rean) “Crow...”
(Crow) “’Sup, Rean-bean?”
(Rean) “When did you teach Yuki-”
(Crow) “GOT TO GO.”
Konosuba Gang, Mess Hall
[You should have many companions - Konosuba OST]
Kazuma sat alone on the docks as he was fishing, Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua not too far behind, speaking to each other.
(Aqua) “Oh, hey Yuki!”
(Kazuma) “Yo.”
(Yuki) “I got chocolate for you four!”
(Megumin) “Oh, sweet!”
(Darkness) “Ah, thank you dear.”
(Kazuma) “Put it over here, yeah?”
Yuki nodded and gave everyone their chocolate.
“For Aqua: Thank you for your water tricks!”
“For Darkness: Thank you for always protecting us!”
“For Megumin: Thank you for casting the coolest explosions ever!”
“For Kazuma: Thank you for always being so nice to me. And to everyone when they really need it. I know you don’t get along with Kurumi well, but it means a lot that you try to.”
(Yuki) “Okay, I got 3 left! See you later guys!”
Kazuma didn’t say anything as he smiled, looking at the box.
He shook his head and continued fishing, putting a chocolate in his mouth.
(Kazuma) “...Being so nice, huh?”
School-Living Club, Dormitory
[Yasashisa ni Fureta Toki - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
(Yuuri) “Welcome back, Yuki-chan.”
(Kurumi) “Busy day, I take it?”
(Miki) “Are those boxes?”
(Yuki) “Yup, handed them out to everyone in House Isekai! I saved the best group for last!”
Yuki gave the final three boxes to them and smiled.
(Yuki) “Happy Valentine’s!”
“For Yuuri: Thank you for getting us through the hard times we had in our world, and for never failing to look out for us, even when it hurts yourself to..”
“For Kurumi: Thank you for protecting the three of us, from last world and even now.”
“For Miki: Thank you for becoming my friend, and for joining the School-Living Club.”
Yuuri put the chocolate down and smiled. She gave Yuki a hug, which Kurumi joined in.
(Kurumi) “Come on, not gonna join in?”
(Miki) “I-I think I’m good, thank you!”
(Kurumi) “GET OVER HERE-”
(Miki) “WAH!?-”
Kurumi reached over and had Miki join in the group hug.
Miki was flustered for a moment before just sighing and embracing her fate.
Yuki had a tear running down her eye as she hugged them back.
(Yuki) “W-Why...am I crying? We’re all together...So...Why...?”
(Everyone) “...”
Yuuri, Kurumi, and Miki hugged each other tighter as sniffles from Yuki were beginning to grow louder.
Megumi looked through the door and wanted to say something, but heard a voice behind her.
(Sara) “...You haven’t told Yuki what happened to you, yet?”
(Megumi) “...No. I’ve been trying to find the right time.”
She smiled at seeing her students safe. Even though she didn’t know Miki all too well, she was glad they had found another survivor.
That means there were still people alive other than them. There had to be.
(Sara) “Well, I won’t tell you when to speak to them but, if you don’t act, then you may lose that chance forever. Not many people get a second chance like you.”
Megumi stared at her arm where the infected’s bite used to be. It was thanks to Aqua that she didn’t turn.
(Megumi) “...Right.”
Sara smiled and hit Megumi’s shoulder.
(Sara) “Come on, let’s grab a drink together. We can complain about our single lives together this Valentine’s.”
(Megumi) “Huh? But that’s never been an issue for me-”
(Sara) “Tonight it will!”
Megumi sighed but smiled, it was going to be a lively night.
Yuki opened the door and saw Megumi walk off with Sara. She wanted to say something to her but instead just smiled.
(Yuki) “I can speak with Megunee later...”
Nodding, she walked through the dorms, humming to herself. Her Valentine’s day plan was a success.
Give something to the friends she loved.
[Harmonize Clover - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
The chit-chat on the way home It's girl's secret, right Even if the 5 o'clock chime rings We talk enough yet, I wonder why?
The small four-leaf clover Fu... swaying in the breeze Hey, of course, yes, of course Hope that tomorrow will be sunny
The road I walked with everyone "The usual place" is the watchword Ah... the sheep cloud that looks like going to be burnt Dazzling Some day, days like these Even if the memories fade Hey... A lot of smile I feel like to give it now
Guess this kinda gives away how I feel on Valentine’s, huh? 
To me, Valentine’s is a day where you give appreciation to the people you love. Friends, family, whoever means a lot to you.
So, this is kinda my lame way of saying I appreciate everyone who follows this blog.
If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to make a blog of this caliber, write something that means so much to me, or even just have fun stupid ideas with ya’ll.
I’ve been writing on tumblr for a long while, but I think this is the first valentine’s where I’ve written something from the heart.
Being able to appreciate House Isekai, something I hold dear to me, with ya’ll.
I hope you all can appreciate this too, with many more posts to come, especially Shadowbringers!
Thanks for your support, love ya guys.
- Chris
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