#jurion x reader
kazvha · 6 months
Hi, how are you? Do you mind if I suggest you an idea?
I'm wondering, what would happen if Jurion really fell in love with another girl (reader) and not Jiyoung? The reader is as awakened as he is, but with a contented, rare control of his powers. For example, Veramonte wanted to gain such rare control of powers and offered the reader’s family an arranged marriage with Jurion. He has no choice but to take it for granted and become a husband for someone who will not love him, and he is unlikely to love him, because he is desperately in love with Jiyoung. I would like to see how Jurion ends up falling in love with the reader, but he struggles with his feelings, because he loves Jiyoung, but she does not share his feelings, and the reader, no matter how you look at him, shows sympathy for him.
Summary: Being in a arranged marriage with Jurion while he's still in love with someone else
Notes: hey ngl these past weeks have been stressful & i'm procrastinating like crazy but other than that i'm doing alright & i hope you are too! thanks for the request🫰🏾
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• Veramonte considered you as a potential partner for his son Jurion as soon as he heard that you reached the world's top 100. His good impression of you only solidified after he saw how you carried yourself in person
• He wanted Jurion to move on after his proposal was rejected by Shinwha's president Jiyoung, so he proposed your family an arranged marriage
• Jurion and you were not excited by this union. You because you simply wanted to spend your life with the person you love, which was obviously not Jurion, and Jurion because he was in love with another woman
• You felt like you were a replacement. But no matter how upset you were, the union was beneficial for both families. You both had responsibilities to fulfill
• Even after your marriage talks, Jurion didn't stop trying to win Jiyoung's heart. He would continuously seek her out, each time with another excuse
• After seeing Jurion like this, completely blind in love, you swore to yourself to never fall in love with him. It would only end in your bitter heartbreak and you wondered, would you look like him then?
• Still, you became friends. You pitied him and tried to support his love. It would also mean that if these two got together, you would be free to be with the person you really love. The chance was very small, but still there
• You would always stay by his side and give him emotional support, even after he broke down one day realizing how fruitless his efforts were and how dumb it was to pursue this unrequired love
• Jurion gradually noticed that whenever you were with him, he felt good. You never forced him to do something he didn't want like his father, you never annoyed him like his brother, and you never judged him for his actions like everybody else did
• And when he saw you one time with another man, smiling and intimately talking with each other, he felt a pang in his chest for whatever reason...
• Who is this guy? And, did you look always this good? Why aren't you smiling like that around him? He thought you two were good friends- Wait a second. Friends? No, partners sounds better. Wait what-
• Jurion was struggling with his thoughts, his heart was messing with him. He thought he liked Jiyoung?
• Little did he know that every time you were with him, supported him, his heart yearned more and more for you
• Being so confused, the next time he saw you he blurted out that he thinks he likes you. Which also made you confused because why and how?? Did he even get over Shinhwa's president?
• He said that he wanted to try to be a better partner. Be worthy of you. It was smarter to give up on Jiyoung who already set her eyes on someone else and pursue love with the one who was already his fiancée, the one who he already trusts with his life
• But you didn't want to give your heart to an uncertain man. You wanted to see his actions instead of just hearing his flowery words.
• So Jurion proved himself over time, with actions like checking on you every day or spending time with you and making sure you're having a great time. He made you his top priority, so finally, you gave him a chance to be your boyfriend, or well, your fiancé
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tbh i ran out of ideas towards the end. sorry if this seems all over the place😭 i hope y'all still enjoyed
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