#jurion/julian patrick
I apologize in advance for the end of this post. When I learn to edit videos, I will make a complete video of this (this is a threat). Based on Lower Your Expectations by Bo Burnham.
You want a guy that's sweet, a guy that's tough,
A feminist who likes to pay for stuff
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The kind of guy who gets along with your friends without being attracted to any of them
A good boy,
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A bad boy,
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A good bad boy,
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A half good, half bad,
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half boy
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dil-a-to-ry · 2 years
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ladyhatter614 · 2 years
Jurion Patrick: You’re probably one of those beautiful women who doesn’t even know it.
Jiyoung: No, I know it.
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midnightemy35 · 7 months
T’is the Season for Giving
What I would give the Eleceed cast for Christmas 
Since it’s December 1st, I think its officially Christmas time
Jiwoo - another cat (you can never have too many cats)
Subin - that thing that looks like a pack of gum but if you touch the strip it shocks you (to use on jisuk )
Jisuk - a chance to beat up his “friends” (the ones who used him to extort money from other students)
Wooin - a bowl of jajangmyeon ofc
Kayden - new clothes (why does the mf wear the same shit every time we see his human form)
Kartein/ Curtin - balls (y’know for his cat form) + a break from Kayden and Jiwoo’s bs
Dr Delein - some bonding time with Wooin (he probs doesn’t get much time to spend with Wooin outside of Wooin’s visits)
Gangseok - his spar with Jiwoo
Iseul - a date with Jiwoo/ a break from Jisuk and Subin’s teasing
Sucheon - therapy + a good sleep schedule (have you seen how big his eye bags are)
Suman - a good night’s sleep
Vatore - shopping spree with Kartein
Jiyoung- a break from work (girl is so busy as the chairwoman of shinhwa and the top ranker of Korea let her have a break)
Inhyuk - a basket full of cat related stuff + a break from Jisuk’s bs
Seongha - a break from the gang’s bs
Arthur/ Asher - a prosthetic arm + a hug (his family are assholes)
Cain/ Gahin - a hug (my poor bby got stabbed twice by his “friend” he needs the hug)
Duke - a slap + clown makeup & nose
Amyeong/ Dark - therapy + a hug from mama Jiwoo 
Mama Jiwoo - bonding time with Jiwoo, Amyeong, Kayden and Kartein 
Veramonte Patrick - a hug (got some fun grandpa vibes from him)
Julian/ Jurion Patrick - a consoling pat on the back (for losing the chance to date Jiyoung to Jiwoo, he didn’t even have a chance to win her over from the very start)
Ian Patrick - an outing with the gang!! (I want him to join the group and add on to the sillies)
Spoilers under cut (Based on the chapters webtoon has released as of Dec 1 2023)
Schnauder/ Schneider - shoes (why does mf wear slippers out when it is literally snowing in Frame territory )
Supri - old woman perfume (idk much about her)
Andrei - a kick to the crotch (I really really REALLY don’t like him)
Earthquake - a kick to the crotch (don’t like him either, the two of them were beefing with a teen despite being fucking adults)
Roist/ Royst - a hug ( i love the clown boy)
Muse - a hug ( i love him he is beautiful and perfect)
Astra - a kick to the crotch (you’d think he’d have some dignity being a top ten but you’d be wrong)
Muras - a new eye
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littlekohai77 · 7 months
Hello 👋😁😊
Can I pls request dating headcanons for Duke Grane and Jurion Patrick?
Thank you very much 💖💖
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚜. 𝙻𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚊𝚍.
🄲🄷🄰🅁🄰🄲🅃🄴🅁🅂: Duke, Julian
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: Duke being a creep, stalker, dumb bitch. Infidelity, reverse pedo vibes.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
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If you're looking for a good time, look somewhere else.
Nah but like, in all seriousness, I personally wouldn't recommended him as a boyfriend.
The best thing about this relationship is probably the harsh dicking down.
If you're not into that then uh... Nothing good to see here.
You guys have probably known each other for a while because otherwise I don't know how you put up with his ass.
Everything was at least tame before he got ratted out. (Revelation of him being part of Frame. )
He's pretty harsh with his words. No you don't get that much of a pass even as his lover.
Shopping dates cause he literally focuses on training so much and he can't find time to actually spend quality time with you and thinks that buying you gifts will somehow make up for that.
It doesn't.
Honestly pretty good at cuddling. Latches on like a leech. And once he's asleep, you ain't getting no where. And if you wake him up, he will be so cranky and probably go off on your ass and be all whiny.
It's kinda cute, until he starts talking about some other girl and how they wouldn't treat him like this and that you should be grateful he CHOSE YOU.
He is a master at braiding your hair. You don't know how but he's just miraculously good at it. Maybe it's the time he spends around Cain?
He's really good with his fingers.
This mf sleeps like a fucking rock. Doesn't move, doesn't make a single noise. You're literally trapped in his embrace. Rip to you when you need to pee or poo cause he literally moves to the other side of the bed and refuses to even look at you cause he petty like that.
He has his soft moments too.
Like when he wakes up, there are two alarms. With like 10 minutes between them. And he spends those 10 minutes just cuddling you or admiring your sleeping face cause he gets to do neither of those when his head hits the pillow at night. He simply doesn't have the energy, so he's trying to make up for it.
Never apologizes first. It's always gotta be you. Doesn't matter if he's in the wrong. You have to let your pride down first.
So if you're a very stubborn person it's likely y'all have been Ex's for a long time or have broken up like 11 times before.
After the reveal and when he's officially in Frame, he literally begins beating up whoever even looks at you.
He will literally cut the persons arm off if they touch you. If the person is someone lower than him only though. He's not foolish.
He literally has tabs on you at all times.
Training dates <3 those are his favourite because you both get to improve and spend time together. But if you're stronger than him, it'll be such a hit to his ego, he'll literally go completely silent for 3 minutes and won't recover for 3 months. But after that he'll be very proud and smug and be all "Yeah!! That's my s/o!!"
Still acts like he's stronger than you.
Doesn't know the sidewalk rule.
Can't cook for shit. The best you're getting out of him is those 'healthy' smoothies he makes that taste like sweaty ass cheeks and spinach.
You guys sometimes have self care-ish dates where you two just lay in bed the whole day and relax. They're like really really rare and the day after Duke walks around acting all cold and smug and not even looking your way like he wasn't clinging to you for dear life and whining to return to bed as you prepared breakfast (it was 4 pm) just the day before.
The amount of times he has been close to just locking you up cause he hates others looking at what's 'his'.
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Honestly an ideal boyfriend.
Takes good care of you.
Treats you well and respects you.
Showers you in love and gifts.
Is so freaking good at giving massages. Like this boy got magic in his hands cause they have you moaning in seconds.
Stressed? Don't you worry. He's got you covered.
Will cancel every meeting on your schedule no matter how important it might be for the sake of letting you rest. If it's like really important, he will attend in your stead.
It's somewhat likely and you guys have been betrothed to each other since young, maybe even before birth.
At some point in his life, he had a big fat CHUNKY crush on you. But nowadays he just treats you like a friend when it comes to romance.
Would literally abandon his work if you just said the word.
Brings you trinkets from where ever he had to go for work. Except for that one time when he went to South Korea.
Becomes weirdly distracted and distant after that.
You guys go on shopping dates, fancy dinner dates but mostly domestic dates. Because after hectic day, both of you can agree you don't have the energy to get dolled up anymore.
If he ever has to cancel a date he has with you, he always calls you and apologies like its the end of the world and makes up for it ten fold.
But then one day you were getting ready for a date night and then got cancelled on through TEXT. This was not your Julian. And for some reason your heart was beating out of your chest that night like something bad was about to happen.
Guess what he was doing? He was being an unfaithful son of a bitch and using his brother so that he could talk to Jiyoung.
His lil brother Ian, despite being the dick that he is, feels so genuinely bad for you.
And has admitted to you that you should dump his brother and date him.
Has admitted that you're not as pretty as Jiyoung but saved himself by saying that that doesn't mean you were less than her because he honestly didn't find her personality anything interesting. You don't know if he was lying to butter you up but you hope he wasn't.
If you confront Julian he's gonna pull every excuse on planet earth but will not in a million years admit to being unfaithful to you. But deep inside he knows. But he's too drunk on surface level beauty.
He starts forgetting dates. Cancelling on your ass. And straight up leaves you on delivered.
And with how much you hang around Ian now, you might as well date him. Ian doesn't mind. Trust me. You're his fantasy girl. The one he has always wanted. If you're hesitant to date him cause he a minor, he'll make you promise to give him a chance on his 18th birthday. He's literally so persistent even if you brush him off time and time again. Literally got eyes only for you and your ass.
Julian knows the side walk rule.
Very gentlemanly.
Will put his blazer, sweater, jacket and everything else on you and leave himself all bear even if it's literally snowing.
Very cute in the mornings after a steamy night. Doesn't wanna let you go. Becomes such a cuddle bug.
Ngl, if he ever cheats on you, like actually cheats on you, like fucks Jiyoung or something, he will literally be mad at you for getting upset about it. Cause at that point he has evolved into Sovieshu 2.0.
Literally so jealous. So so jealous if you start getting along with other men. ESPECIALLY HIS BROTHER. Like he starts insulting you and tells you to stop being a pedo when it's literally he's brother who's in love with you and chasing after you without you even doing anything.
He's such a male wife.
Cause he cooks very well. Really great at making fancy ass dishes. And baking too. Literally give him his own cooking show.
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