#jussi mikko salminen
And today we'll drown in your tears..
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I don't know if I should say something. I don't even know exactly what. What I know is that without a doubt last Sunday a part of me died. A big part. I wouldn't put it this way but it's precisely how it is. I couldn't even breathe at a certain point. And it's silly because at the end of the day HIM is just a band and I shouldn't even feel this way. Nevertheless, to me it's like somebody died. HIM was not just a band to me, it was a universe, a safe place, a comfort zone to lay down when you turn your ipod on. For those who are deeply affected by them, you will understand perfectly how I feel in this moment. For those who have an heartagram tattooed and have already turned the page, I'm sorry to inform you had the wrong tattoo done. I don't have one by the way. The thing is that this news hurt as a fuck. But what hurts me the most is the truth of it. That inner consciousness each one of us has concerning why HIM ended their journey. The worst part is to accept that this end has a real, strong motivation behind. They've been honest to us for once. I think they told us a big part of the truth. So, let's see it this way, in order not to lose our minds: HIM have been such an incredible, heartwarming, heartbreaking band but if there's no more that "flickering flame" (cit.) who inspires their music, so why going on? Ask yourself for a moment, will you do something which doesn't give you the same feelings anymore? Would you prefer them lying to you and keep making music without passion? People change, passion stops to burn. We have to accept it. All in all, I guess a small, remote part of me is glad they told us the truth. The rest is deeply wounded. As a beautiful, kind and wise finnish man said to me, let's see what future holds.
Until then and forever my lost souls, Gratitude and Love Metal -kuutamo
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
Stefan Pasborg - Ritual Dances - Stravinsky arranged for jazz big band
Danish drummer/composer Stefan Pasborg grew up in a household of ballet dancers, allowing him to have an intimate relationship with their lifestyle and performances. One of his first formative musical experiences was witnessing a performance of Igor Stravinsky’s legendary ballet, The Rite of Spring, by The Danish Royal Ballet. The experience embedded a love for Stravinsky’s work that has manifested in Pasborg’s new recording, Ritual Dances. Even though his compositions were seen as dangerously revolutionary when they premiered, Igor Stravinsky’s music has inspired listeners for generations. His many works have become part of the canon for many philharmonic orchestras but are still presented in more challenging programs. Stravinsky was a key figure in avant-garde symphonic writing, but it was his ballets, The Rite of Spring, The Firebird, and Petrushka, that solidified his legend. The Rite of Spring and The Firebird were the two ballets that inspired Pasborg to reinterpret the Stravinsky’s work for a jazz big band. Ritual Dances takes music from these two works as a basis for Pasborg’s re-structuring. The pieces are heard performed by two large ensembles: the UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra on two live cuts and Blood Sweat Drum+Bass for the complete studio recording. The bands are augmented by a number of soloists and electronic musicians. Stefan Pasborg - drums Anders Banke - tenor sax (tracks 3, 5, 6, 8, 9), clarinet (tracks 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) Anders Filipsen - keyboards (tracks 2-10) Fredrik Lundin - tenor sax (tracks 3, 4, 10) Goran Kajfes - trumpet (track 6) Jeppe Kjellberg - guitar (tracks 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) Jeppe Tuxen - Hammond B3 organ (tracks 6, 8) Jussi Kannaste - tenor sax (tracks 1, 11) Mikael Myrskog - Moog bass (tracks 1, 7, 8, 11) Rune Harder Olesen - percussion (tracks 7, 10) Seppo Kantonen - keyboards (tracks 1, 11) Ståle Storløkken - Hammond B3 organ (track 5) UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra (tracks 1 & 11): Ville Vannemaa - conductor Mikko Mäkinen - soprano, alto sax Sampo Kasurinen - tenor sax, flute Teemu Salminen - tenor sax, bass clarinet Max Zenger - baritone sax, bass clarinet Marko Portin - flute Teemu Mattsson - trumpet Timo Paasonen - trumpet Tomi Nikku - trumpet Tero Saarti - trumpet Kasperi Sarikoski - trombone Mikko Mustonen - trombone Pekka Laukkanen - trombone Mikael Långbacka - bass trombone Aarne Riikonen - percussion Blood Sweat Drum+Bass (tracks 2-10): Jens Christian "Chappe" Jensen - conductor, saxophones (track 9) Michael Mølhede - trumpet, flugelhorn Bent Hjort - trumpet, flugelhorn Malte Pedersen - trumpet, flugelhorn René Damsbak - trumpet, flugelhorn Ole Visby - soprano sax, clarinet, bass clarinet Julie Kjaer - alto sax, flute, alto flute Jacob Rønne Danielsen - tenor saxophone, contrabass clarinet, clarinet Nikolaj Schneider - tenor sax, clarinet Harald Langåsdalen - baritone sax, clarinet Jens Kristian Bang - trombone Jonathan Bruun Meyer - trombone Kirstine Kjaerulff Ravn - trombone Jonathan Henneveld - bass trombone Rasmus Svale Kjaergård Lund - tuba Sisse Foged Hyllestad - bass Magnus Lindgaard Jochumsen - percussion Søren Lyngsø Knudsen - electronics
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beardedmrbean · 3 years
Helsingin Sanomat reported (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on Tuesday the opinions of Jussi Sane, a THL employee currently consulting for the World Health Organisation.
He said that the pandemic will continue for as long as people believe in it, but that the burden on healthcare systems — in his opinion the crucial metric — was starting to decline and that we are therefore nearing the end of the Covid pandemic.
On Wednesday, the paper carries (siirryt toiseen palveluun) responses to that idea. It's not quite so simple, according to Mikko Pietilä from the Southwest Finland hospital district. He notes that there have been more fatalities in the last three months than at any previous point in the pandemic, so he isn't calling it the end just yet.
Asko Järvinen from Helsinki and Uusimaa hospital district, who said on Tuesday that the Omicron wave may have peaked in the region, said the most effective restrictions were still necessary to ease the burden on healthcare services.
"It may be that we have seen the peak in the south, but it still isn't over," said Järvinen.
THL Director of Health Security Mika Salminen, meanwhile, says that it's misleading to talk about the end of the pandemic, because pandemics don't end, but the 'acute stage' might be nearing a better situation, where there's less risk of overloaded hospitals and serious illness.
School nurse shortage
Turku schools are certainly not calling the end of the pandemic, as local paper Turun Sanomat reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on Wednesday that 12 schools in the city were without a school nurse on Monday thanks in large part to sick leave.
There is an acute shortage of nurses in the area across schools and health centres, with many routine appointments delayed or cancelled, reports TS.
Some schools are having to send their own nurses to other schools, so regular checkups can happen and some of the gap can be covered at least momentarily.
Wolf hunt in Kuhmo
Helsingin Sanomat has a story (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on a wolf pack in Kuhmo, eastern Finland, which is to be hunted this year. Permission was granted for all eight wolves in the pack to be shot, but that decision is being challenged.
The pack is in one of the most isolated locations in Finland, with a 25km-wide habitat straddling the border with Russia and only one road that's cleared in winter. That is the road that leads to the border.
HS talks to nature photographer Atte Haataja, who says the wolves have not become bolder around humans — he says he has accidentally scared them off many times in recent years while walking or skiing, and was unable to take photos unless hidden.
Wolves in Finland are protected outside of reindeer herding areas in the north, but permits are still issued to shoot them every year. That is to manage the population and to increase people's willingness to live among wolves, but this particular pack is in as wild a location as it's possible to find in Finland.
Haataja therefore wonders where it's possible for wolves to live in Finland, if not in places like this. The permits were granted, according to the Finnish Wildlife Agency that grants them, because the wolves are not counted among the Finnish population as they live partly in Russia.
Therefore their loss will not appear in statistics for Finland, and so the hunt can proceed without reducing the officially recognised population.
Northern Finland Administrative Court is to rule on the appeal against the hunting permits.
Olympian goalie fight
Ilta-Sanomat has the latest on the row over goaltending spots in the Finnish women's ice hockey team ahead of the Beijing Olympics. Noora Räty, a four-time Olympian with two bronze medals to her name, is staying home after she was left out of the squad.
That decision raised eyebrows, to say the least, but coach Pasi Mustonen had an explanation when he announced it last week. Chemistry between the three goaltenders was important, and taking the best three players is not always the best way to do things.
Following the backlash, though, he offered Räty a spot as 'first choice backup' goaltender. Räty would not be part of the squad, but if anything happened to number one Anni Keisala, she would join the team and take up her spot on the ice.
An IS opinion piece (siirryt toiseen palveluun) pointed out the problems with that. Firstly, it's a big vote of no confidence in the number two goaltender, Meeri Räisänen. Secondly, the Chinese authorities have authorised only four flights from Finland to the Olympic bubble.
The last one is on 9 February, before the quarter-finals and semi-finals are played, leaving Finland with a second-best option if Keisala was injured after that flight leaves Helsinki.
Mustonen complained that Räty did not respond to the offer, but IS is sceptical about the offer itself. The paper suggests that if relations between Räty and Mustonen have deteriorated so far he had to drop her, he should have simply said so and taken the flack.
As things stand he has undermined the other goaltenders, fuelled the media row and ensured that Finland have more to lose than to gain from the Olympic tournament. That's not a happy place for any Finnish team.
As for Räty, IS reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that she published a picture on Instagram (siirryt toiseen palveluun) yesterday looking carefree and happy, along with the text: 'Feeling FREE!
"I won’t give up because of one bad chapter in my life. I will keep going… my story doesn’t end here!"'
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padfootagain · 6 years
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Proposed by @madamrogers :
At first, I want to thank you for hosting an event like this! It has been so interesting to read about movies from other countries and I decided to put only Finnish movies on this list. Some of these I’ve seen, some are important or have a significant meaning for our culture or were just quite popular when they came out.
Tie pohjoiseen (Eng. Road North) 2012 - Directed by Mika Kaurismäki - Starring Vesa-Matti Loiri, Samuli Edelmann
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Summary: A drama, a road movie about a father who meets his son after a long time. The father wants to bond with the son after these long 30 years and they go on a long road trip to the north.
Jenna’s Note: Vesa-Matti Loiri is one of the most iconic faces of Finnish cinema (and also music, he’s a singer as well) and he really deserves all the appreciation he gets. Him and Edelmann (who is also a singer, they sing the ending song of the film together) work very well together in this one, they have chemistry and it’s visible how much they’ve enjoyed working together. This is one of my own favorites of Finnish movies.
Lupaus (Eng. Promise) 2005 - Directed by Ilkka Vanne - Starring Laura Birn, Karoliina Vanne, Hanna Lekander, Ilkka Villi
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Summary: A movie about three young women who live a normal life in Finland until Winter War in 1939. All three of the women join the Lotta Svärd, a Finnish voluntary auxiliary paramilitary organisation for women. The movie follows the women from Winter War in 1939 to Continuation War in 1941 and till the year 1956.
Jenna’s Note: I’ve seen this once and I remember I liked this quite a lot. For once there’s a movie about Lotta Svärd. I’ve always respected them a lot. This has some war scenes, if I remember right, and everyone is not making it out alive but it also shows how there can be happiness in the middle of fear and death.
Poika ja ilves (Eng. Boy and Lynx) 1998 - Directed by Raimo O Niemi - Starring Konsta Hietanen and Väinö the Lynx
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Summary: A movie about a friendship between a boy and a lynx.
Jenna’s Note: I loved this movie as a child. I haven’t watched it in years, but it really is a touching story. I remember how most of the girls had some sort of a crush on this boy, Konsta Hietanen, who nowadays plays music and I think has come back to acting after playing football for years.
Joulutarina (Eng. Christmas Story) 2007 - Directed by Juha Wuolijoki - Starring Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Otto Gustavsson, Kari Väänänen, Minna Haapkylä
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Summary: A story about an orphaned boy called Nikolas becoming Santa Claus.
Jenna’s Note: This is the movie I watch every Christmas. I could say it’s one of my favorite Finnish movies of all time. It also makes me cry very much, which is always a good sign. It was said somewhere that “if Walt Disney would’ve been able to tell a story like this, he would have told it,” and I think it’s absolutely true!
Äideistä parhain (Eng. Mother of Mine) 2005 - Directed by Klaus Härö - Starring Topi Marjaniemi, Marjaana Maijala, Esko Salminen
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Summary: The plot of the story is based on the time of the Second World War and the main character of the story is a Finnish boy (Eero Lahti). The biological father of Eero (Kari-Pekka Toivonen) is in the Finnish army. He dies in the front and Eero’s mother Kirsti falls into deep depression. As the war gets worse, Eero is sent to Sweden to a new Swedish family. In the new family, he has a father Hjalmar Jönsson, mother Signe Jönsson and a grandfather (who cannot speak but hears everything). He also meets the neighbor’s daughter Siv. And then he has to go back to Finland when the war ends.
Jenna’s Note: I saw this one for the first time when I was quite young and I remember crying so much during it. Only seeing the add or the first minutes makes me cry. It’s a sad, momentarily very unfair story but it’s still very beautiful, touching and deep.
Prinsessa (Eng. Princess) 2010 - Directed by Arto Halonen - Starring Katja Kukkola, Samuli Edelmann, Krista Kosonen, Peter Franzén
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Summary: After a difficult childhood spent in foster homes, cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen suffers from severe delusions and ends up in psychiatric care. She claims to be Princess, a member of the English royal family.
Jenna’s Note: This is a biographical film, based on a life of Anna Lappalainen, and I didn’t know this before. I like the psychology in this and it’s pretty good as a movie too, the main actress does really good job but some moments are quite disturbing. This gives me vibes of Russell Crove’s movie “A Beautiful Mind”, even though the setting is different.
Tuntematon sotilas (Eng. The Unknown Soldier) 2017 - Directed by Aku Louhimies - Starring Eero Aho, Johannes Holopainen, Jussi Vatanen, Aku Hirviniemi, Hannes Suominen, Paula Vesala, Samuli Vauramo
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Summary: Based on Väinö Linna’s classic novel “The Unknown Soldier”, the part of our national legacy, the movie tells a story about a machine gun company of the Finnish Army from a frog perspective during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1944.
Jenna’s Note: This is only one of the versions; there is the first one from 1955 and the second from 1985. And because it was Finland’s 100th year of independence last year, they made the third version. I haven’t had the chance to see this one just yet, but one of the versions is on TV on the independence day, so I’m waiting for will it be this one. This has a good cast, some very popular and good Finnish actors and this is a very liked film, so I’m looking forward to finally seeing it. I’ve seen the other two versions, and I personally like the 1985 version the best.
Helmiä ja sikoja (Eng. Pearls and Pigs) 2003 - Directed by Perttu Leppä - Starring Mikko Leppilampi, Laura Birn, Amanda Pilke
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Summary: When the Hirvonen brother’s (Läde, Timo, Ruho and Poju) bootlegging father ends up in jail, his sons need money to pay his debts to local crooks. The brothers suddenly get a new family member when their stepsister, Saara, moves in with them. Soon they find out Saara has an outstanding singing voice and the boys come up with an idea to send her to a child star contest. To train the girl a former child star, a current pub rose, is employed.
Jenna’s Note: The name is funny, I know. Don’t stare at it too much. In a way it suits this movie quite well. In which the girls are the pearls and the boys the pigs, haha. This is a comedy and basically only one Finnish comedy I’ve seen and liked. I also love Mikko Leppilampi, he is a good actor, but nowadays he is mainly a host in different programs.
Tom of Finland 2017 - Directed by Dome Karukoski - Starring Pekka Strang
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Summary: Touko Laaksonen returns home to Finland after serving in World War II. In post-war Helsinki, he makes a name for himself with his homoerotic drawings of muscular men. Before finding fame, Laaksonen finds challenges from his sister and Finnish society due to his art.
Jenna’s Note: I haven’t personally seen this movie yet, but decided to put it on the list since it has been sold to another countries, the concept. And I think this movie was in cinema in other countries too. It’s a quite big thing in Finland, there are all kinds of stuff about it, from bed covers to everything.
Syke (Eng. Pulse) Since 2014, still ongoing - Created by Petja Peltomaa - Starring Lena Meriläinen, Tiina Lymi, Leena Pöysti, Iina Kuustonen
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Summary: A show about four nurses. In every episode there are two or three patients whose lives have something to do with the nurses’ lives; they know each other or something else. It also follows the nurses private lives: love, hate and other things.
Jenna’s Note: The only tv series of the list! I’ve watched this since it began and it’s the best Finnish show I’ve ever seen. It’s interesting, something is always happening and the actors are good. It almost got cancelled but then another channel bought it and there’ll be another season later this year, it’s the fifth.
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vitapictura · 3 years
Weekend Festival - guide to surviving the music festival | Behind the Scenes from Vita Pictura on Vimeo.
Team behind the “guide to surviving the music festival” video Aleksei Kulikov, Aleksei Sarapanjuk, Anastasia Zazhitskaya, Dmitri Morjakin, Greta Binger, Georgius Misjura, Kaupo Kuusemäe, Lev Kovalenko, Max Kazmirevski, Martin Raid, Roman Pototski, Nikita Kurashov, Serj Rimma, Valentin Borre
Production Company | Vita Pictura vitapictura.co
People who made Weekend Festival aftemovies happen with us over the years | Adam Morris, Aki Ruostepuro, Alarik Jägerhorn, Aleksandra Goldrin, Alvar Kõue, Andrei Shelengovski, Andri Peetso, Andzei, Ani Kontulainen, Anisa Smili, Axel Barde, Calle Johansson, Clyde Sistach, Eetu Ruusukallio, Elisa Shchekochikhina, Ergo Treier, Erik Öösalu, Ermins Baltais, Evelin Morgun & Olga Lapei, Ezana Tamiru, Fanny Heinonen, Fredrik Cruse, Georgi Maksimov, Gregor Nepste, Hanna Köyoka, Inka Maunu, Isa Mantere, Isabell Berg, Isam Muhammad, Jaan Kronberg, Jaan Parmask, Janar Volmer, Jani Laakso, Janika Tenn, Janina Tossavainen, Janne Färm, Jarkko Jortikka, Jasmin Blomqvist, Jere Kettunen, Jesse Mikael Kettunen, Jevgeni Bõstrov, Johannes Arro, Joja Briese, Joona Mikael Havisalmi, Joonas Kent, Juggy Singh, Juhani Särglep, Jussi Lauren, Jussi Paakkinen, Karri Takala, Karolina Lahti, Krista Kytöaho, Kristaps Lūsiņs, Laura Salonen, Lauri Lokotar, Leo Bogdanoff, Leo Salminen, Madlene India Sabin, Make Team Studiot - Markku Tajakka, Maria Krjutškova, Mart Vares, Meiju Hamaainen, Miika Räti, Mihhail Tkats, Mikko Kuoppasalmi, Milla Lipponen, Milla Mattsson, Minguel Javier, Natalie Pastakeda, Nelli Westernlund, Nicklas Svensson, Niels Gramsen, Nikita Helljesus, Nita Lechu, Okko Soila, Olav Stubberud, Oleg Rjumin, Olivia Penttinen, Raili Volmer, Rain Nirgi, Randel Pomber, Rauno Liivand, Reino Kuber, Reinis Audariņš, Robert Parelo, Roman Neimann, Romeo Rebel, Rūdolfs Vegners, Ruusu Elviira, Sami Huttunen, Sami Laitinen, Samir Abya, Sander Allikmäe, Seppo Sormunen, Sergei Aksjonov, Shurik Zubra, Sven Lettens, Taaniel Karp, Taivo Murumäe, Tarvo Mölder, Timo Albert, Teemu Räty, Thomas Pizzinga, Tofik Mamedov, Tomi-Andre Piirmets, Toni Pirhonen, Torsti Hyvönen, Valters Lūsiņš, Vasilii Panchuev, Vasily Ivanov, Viktor Jazykov, Vilja Harjamäki
Special thanks to the Weekend Festival team | Hardi Loog, Jyri Heikkinen, Lola Loog, Patricia Kuortti, Toni Törrönen, John Rugemalira, Atro Anttila
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markhobz · 6 years
Pallon Ympäri (Around the World) | TV Opener
So finally the TV opener I shot for Channel 4 Nelonen's new TV show "Pallon Ympäri" is finally out, and I thought id write a short breakdown of how I shot it. Even though the TV spot was a mere 30 seconds, the spot covered a wide range of different environments from around the world that require specific lighting and good communication with the VFX team.
Camera & Lens
The idea behind the spot was to have the characters be giant-sized scaled to the real world, and have them walking around interacting on their global journey. After remembering the 1993 movie "Attack of the 50ft Woman" I decided to shoot everything in 50FPS for the post guys to slightly play with when cutting between speeds. This extra frame rate would allow them to slow down the characters to a certain extent giving the element of the sheer size of the talent. I decided to shoot this spot on the RED Epic due to the VFX post house wanting to play so much with scaling. The 6K resolution was more than enough for the guys to work with. Some particular sequences we also shot vertically, with the camera mounted on its side, just fo the sheer extra resolution the VFX guys could play with.
Everything I decided to shoot with a 3:1 ratio of exposure with key - shadows. I ensured that the Key light was one stop over-exposed. We used the Arri Ultra primes on this gig, I kept everything around T4 as I have found find this is the sharpest aperture with these lenses. There were a few occasions where I opened it up a little more just to maintain a nice blur in depth of field, just to prevent to chroma background from being to clean. I kept the Chroma 2 stops underexposure, too which they were illuminated by a series of Arri Skypanel s60's.
Because of the Character scaling a lot of shots we had to lower the camera to knee level to simulate once again the character size to the real world. This also affected the focal length choices with the some of the wider shots and closer takes. With the world being at that scale we see the horizon as a curve, and the perspective is warped, just like on a wider lens such as a 14mm. But again with the size of the characters they still needed to look normal as they were much bigger than real world, so I decided to fly with a 28mm and 50mm.
I had to deal with simulating the atmospheric lighting environments of Cambodia, Thailand, Siberia, Nevada, and Hawaii. So you can imagine it wasn't just about color temperature but also about breaking down the weather patterns of these areas and how natural light and sun sources diffuse.
Our main source of illuminance that was used on 90% of the shots was a large 24 x 24 bounce above the talent which we fired up with a large Arri M40 HMI. We want the main source temperature to be nice and clean for the VFX crew whilst the other lights that we used were to simulate the environments. For backlight, we punched in a warm 2kW Tungsten to give a nice edge light to the back of the characters during the Asian and desert scenes. This was of course modified in direction dependant on our perspective an location. The desert sequences I wanted a hard heavy feel to the desert sun, so I got the gaffer to raise the Fresnal quite high and to remove the 1/4 diffusion we placed in front of it for the other sequences. For fill, we used an Arri Skypanel s120C, to which we could diffuse and also change the coloring to match the environment required. The Cambodia sequences we wanted a jungle yellow as the fill instead of the typical Fresnal bouncing back. Original I was thinking we might have to throw some magenta into the coloring to avoid some chroma spill, but the VFX guys were happy with the amount of spill we had.
Not too much of a difficult gig, but always a mind thinker when you are working on a chroma screen and having to imitate a different environment and with this particular gig, different size characters to their environment. Check out the full TV spot below. Credits:
Client: Nelonen Agency: Dynamo & Son Executive Producer: Ville Salminen Talent: Jussi Vatanen, Sara Forsberg and Mikko Kuustonen Director: Pete Veijalainen Director of Photography: Mark Hobson Gaffer: Anton Jokkikunnas
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Ilves päihitti KalPan jatkoajalla lukemin 3–2, kun joukkueet kohtasivat Tampereella torstaina. Voittomaalin teki Otto Koivula http://ift.tt/2hmw7d8ajassa 63.57. Maalin syötti Teemu Aaltohttp://ift.tt/2k0Ol2C.
Pelin maalintekijät varsinaisella peliajalla olivat KalPan Alexander Ruuttuhttp://ift.tt/2jUnfwJ, Ilveksen Jerry D'amigohttp://ift.tt/2k0xBJ2'amigo, KalPan Matias Myttynen http://ift.tt/2jTEeN5 ja Ilveksen Tapio Laaksohttp://ift.tt/2jRSBSA.
Kaksi pistettä olivat Ilvekselle tarpeen, ja se nousi kolmen pisteen päähän viimeisellä pudotuspelipaikalla olevasta Vaasan Sportista.
Kamppailua seurasi Hakametsän hallissa 4004 ihmistä.
Ilves–KalPa 3–2 (0–1, 1–1, 1–0, 1–0)
1. erä
Maalit: 4.40: KalPa, Alexander Ruuttu (Mikko Nuutinen) 0–1
Jäähyt: 15.58: Santeri Lukka, KalPa, 2 min, syy kampitus
2. erä
Maalit: 26.10: Ilves, Jerry D'amigo (Michael Keränen, Veli-Matti Vittasmäki) 1–1, 28.08: KalPa, Matias Myttynen 1–2
Jäähyt: 21.06: Eero Kilpeläinen, KalPa, 2 min, syy pelin viivyttäminen - kiekko katsomoon, 33.18: KalPa, 2 min, syy liian monta pelaajaa jäällä, 33.42: Michael Keränen, Ilves, 2 min, syy estäminen
3. erä
Maalit: 54.53: Ilves, Tapio Laakso (Olli Vainio) 2–2
Jäähyt: 41.21: Jerry D'amigo, Ilves, 2 min, syy polvitaklaus, 44.12: Eetu Luostarinen, KalPa, 10 min, syy pään tai niskan alueelle kohdistuva taklaus - käytösrangaistus, 44.12: Eetu Luostarinen, KalPa, 2 min, syy pään tai niskan alueelle kohdistuva taklaus, 52.42: Tapio Laakso, Ilves, 2 min, syy väkivaltaisuus, 52.42: Teemu Rautiainen, Ilves, 2 min, syy väkivaltaisuus, 52.42: Sami Mutanen, KalPa, 2 min, syy väkivaltaisuus
Jatkoaika: 63.57: Ilves, Otto Koivula (Teemu Aalto) 3–2
Maalivahtien torjunnat: Eero Kilpeläinen, KalPa: 2+10+12=24, Antti Lehtonen, Ilves: 6+10+5+1=22
Yleisöä: 4004
Huippuhetket: Sport - TPS
TPS voitti Sportin niukasti – Tomi Kallio iski ratkaisumaalin
TPS kukisti Sportin viime hetkien maalilla, kun joukkueet ottivat yhteen Vaasassa. TPS otti voiton luvuin 2–1.
Voittomaalin iski tyhjään verkkoon Tomi Kallio http://ift.tt/2jF4GxBajassa 59.05. Osuman syöttivät Jasper Lindsten http://ift.tt/2k0LW8i ja Elmeri Eronenhttp://ift.tt/2k5yToF.
Sport yritti kaventaa ottamalla maalivahdin pois. Joukkue onnistuikin maalinteossa ilman maalivahtia. 1–2-maalin teki Ville Viitaluoma http://ift.tt/2iSbENWajassa 59.18. Maalin syötti Tuomas Vänttinenhttp://ift.tt/2k5lNHY.
Kallio iski vielä kiekon tyhjään maaliin ottelun viimeisellä minuutilla.
Sportin maalivahti Veini Vehviläinen torjui 26 kertaa ja TPS:n Oskari Setänen 19 kertaa.
Ottelua seurasi Vaasan jäähallissa 3504 ihmistä.
Sport–TPS 1–2 (0–1, 0–0, 1–1)
1. erä
Maalit: 10.14: TPS, Henrik Tallinder (Dave Spina, Erik Thorell) 0–1
Jäähyt: 12.44: Matti Lamberg, Sport, 2 min, syy koukkaaminen
2. erä
Jäähyt: 20.54: Ilkka Heikkinen, TPS, 2 min, syy kampitus, 38.41: Henrik Tallinder, TPS, 2 min, syy poikittainen maila
3. erä
Maalit: 59.05: TPS, Tomi Kallio (Jasper Lindsten, Elmeri Eronen) 0–2 (TM) (voittomaali), 59.18: Sport, Ville Viitaluoma (Tuomas Vänttinen) 1–2 (YV IM)
Jäähyt: 41.10: Robin Salo, Sport, 2 min, syy koukkaaminen, 59.16: Topi Taavitsainen, TPS, 2 min, syy huitominen
Maalivahtien torjunnat: Veini Vehviläinen, Sport: 11+7+8=26, Oskari Setänen, TPS: 2+8+9=19
Yleisöä: 3504
Ässät voitti Jukurit Mikkelissä lukemin 3–1
Ässät löi Jukurit, kun joukkueet kohtasivat Mikkelissä torstaina. Ottelu päättyi lukemiin 1–3.
Ottelua seurasi Kalevankankaan jäähallissa 3 307 katsojaa.
Kahden tehopisteen kamppailun pelasi Ässien Ville Korhonen http://ift.tt/2k0KjHJ(tehot 1+1).
Jukurit yritti kaventaa lopussa ottamalla maalivahdin vaihtoaitioon ajassa 57.46, mutta Ässien Ville Korhonenhttp://ift.tt/2k0KjHJ viimeisteli loppulukemat tyhjään maaliin kamppailun viimeisellä minuutilla.
Huippuhetket: Jukurit - Ässät
Jukurit–Ässät 1–3 (0–0, 0–2, 1–1)
1. erä
Jäähyt: 0.44: Ässät, 2 min, syy liian monta pelaajaa jäällä, 15.11: Ville Korhonen, Ässät, 2 min, syy huitominen, 19.27: Janne Ritamäki, Jukurit, 2 min, syy koukkaaminen
2. erä
Maalit: 29.23: Ässät, Matti Kuparinen (Matias Varttinen, Ville Korhonen) 0–1, 37.10: Ässät, Jarno Kärki (Niko Ojamäki) 0–2 (voittomaali)
Jäähyt: 20.25: Antti Jaatinen, Jukurit, 2 min, syy korkea maila, 38.52: Ässät, 2 min, syy joukkuerangaistus
3. erä
Maalit: 54.41: Jukurit, Turo Asplund (Miika Koivisto, Marko Kauppinen) 1–2, 59.44: Ässät, Ville Korhonen (Simon Suoranta) 1–3 (TM)
Maalivahtien torjunnat: Andreas Bernard, Ässät: 8+7+9=24, Sami Rajaniemi, Jukurit: 6+7+7=20
Yleisöä: 3307
Huippuhetket: SaiPa - Pelicans
Vili Sopanen kovassa vireessä Lappeenrannassa: hattutemppu SaiPan maaliin
Vili Sopanen http://ift.tt/2iOeZiLoli ottelun tähti, kun Pelicans löi SaiPan Lappeenrannassa lukemin 6–4. Sopanen teki hattutempun.
Sopanen on tehnyt tällä kaudella Pelicansin riveissä 29 ottelussa tehot 17+17.
Pelicansin Antti Erkinjuntti http://ift.tt/2iX3voY kirjautti tehopisteet 2+1 ja SaiPan Curtis Hamilton http://ift.tt/2h8jCBXtehopisteet 0+3.
Kahden tehopisteen kamppailun pelasivat Pelicansin Juhani Tyrväinen http://ift.tt/2j8e3nV(tehot 0+2), SaiPan Tero Koskiranta http://ift.tt/2k5m79q(2+0) ja SaiPan Kim Strömberg http://ift.tt/2k0Mxqp(0+2).
Ottelua seurasi Kisapuiston jäähallissa 2503 ihmistä.
SaiPa–Pelicans 4–6 (2–2, 2–2, 0–2)
1. erä
Maalit: 3.35: SaiPa, Brock Trotter (Curtis Hamilton, Kim Strömberg) 1–0 (YV), 4.39: Pelicans, Roope Elimäki (Kimi Koivisto, Miro Hovinen) 1–1, 9.35: SaiPa, Tero Koskiranta (Curtis Hamilton, William Mäkinen) 2–1 (YV), 15.15: Pelicans, Vili Sopanen (Juha Leimu) 2–2 (YV)
Jäähyt: 0.20: Elmeri Kaksonen, SaiPa, 10 min, syy pään tai niskan alueelle kohdistuva taklaus - käytösrangaistus, 0.20: Elmeri Kaksonen, SaiPa, 2 min, syy pään tai niskan alueelle kohdistuva taklaus, 3.20: Marko Pöyhönen, Pelicans, 2 min, syy kiekon sulkeminen käteen, 6.11: Tero Koskiranta, SaiPa, 2 min, syy kampitus, 8.40: Ben Blood, Pelicans, 2 min, syy kiinnipitäminen, 11.59: Kim Strömberg, SaiPa, 2 min, syy korkea maila, 11.59: Kim Strömberg, SaiPa, 2 min, syy korkea maila
2. erä
Maalit: 26.22: Pelicans, Antti Erkinjuntti (Vili Sopanen) 2–3, 28.17: SaiPa, Saku Salminen (Antton Mönkäre) 3–3, 33.06: SaiPa, Tero Koskiranta (Kim Strömberg, Curtis Hamilton) 4–3, 39.43: Pelicans, Antti Erkinjuntti (Juhani Tyrväinen) 4–4
3. erä
Maalit: 41.42: Pelicans, Vili Sopanen (Juhani Tyrväinen, Antti Erkinjuntti) 4–5 (voittomaali), 59.20: Pelicans, Vili Sopanen 4–6 (TM)
Jäähyt: 47.05: Curtis Hamilton, SaiPa, 2 min, syy huitominen, 50.35: Juhani Tyrväinen, Pelicans, 2 min, syy poikittainen maila
Maalivahtien torjunnat: Janne Juvonen, Pelicans: 6+8+10=24, Jussi Markkanen, SaiPa: 12+6+5=23
Yleisöä: 2503
Teksti on tuotettu osin ohjelmallisesti SM-liigan ja Nelosen keräämien tietojen pohjalta.
0 notes
padfootagain · 6 years
Submitted by @madamrogers :
At first, I want to thank you for hosting an event like this! It has been so interesting to read about movies from other countries and I decided to put only Finnish movies on this list. Some of these I’ve seen, some are important or have a significant meaning for our culture or were just quite popular when they came out.
Tie pohjoiseen (Eng. Road North) 2012 - Directed by Mika Kaurismäki - Starring Vesa-Matti Loiri, Samuli Edelmann
Summary: A drama, a road movie about a father who meets his son after a long time. The father wants to bond with the son after these long 30 years and they go on a long road trip to the north.
Jenna’s Note: Vesa-Matti Loiri is one of the most iconic faces of Finnish cinema (and also music, he’s a singer as well) and he really deserves all the appreciation he gets. Him and Edelmann (who is also a singer, they sing the ending song of the film together) work very well together in this one, they have chemistry and it’s visible how much they’ve enjoyed working together. This is one of my own favorites of Finnish movies.
Lupaus (Eng. Promise) 2005 - Directed by Ilkka Vanne - Starring Laura Birn, Karoliina Vanne, Hanna Lekander, Ilkka Villi
Summary: A movie about three young women who live a normal life in Finland until Winter War in 1939. All three of the women join the Lotta Svärd, a Finnish voluntary auxiliary paramilitary organisation for women. The movie follows the women from Winter War in 1939 to Continuation War in 1941 and till the year 1956.
Jenna’s Note: I’ve seen this once and I remember I liked this quite a lot. For once there’s a movie about Lotta Svärd. I’ve always respected them a lot. This has some war scenes, if I remember right, and everyone is not making it out alive but it also shows how there can be happiness in the middle of fear and death.
Poika ja ilves (Eng. Boy and Lynx) 1998 - Directed by Raimo O Niemi - Starring Konsta Hietanen and Väinö the Lynx
Summary: A movie about a friendship between a boy and a lynx.
Jenna’s Note: I loved this movie as a child. I haven’t watched it in years, but it really is a touching story. I remember how most of the girls had some sort of a crush on this boy, Konsta Hietanen, who nowadays plays music and I think has come back to acting after playing football for years.
Joulutarina (Eng. Christmas Story) 2007 - Directed by Juha Wuolijoki - Starring Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Otto Gustavsson, Kari Väänänen, Minna Haapkylä
Summary: A story about an orphaned boy called Nikolas becoming Santa Claus.
Jenna’s Note: This is the movie I watch every Christmas. I could say it’s one of my favorite Finnish movies of all time. It also makes me cry very much, which is always a good sign. It was said somewhere that “if Walt Disney would’ve been able to tell a story like this, he would have told it,” and I think it’s absolutely true!
Äideistä parhain (Eng. Mother of Mine) 2005 - Directed by Klaus Härö - Starring Topi Marjaniemi, Marjaana Maijala, Esko Salminen
Summary: The plot of the story is based on the time of the Second World War and the main character of the story is a Finnish boy (Eero Lahti). The biological father of Eero (Kari-Pekka Toivonen) is in the Finnish army. He dies in the front and Eero’s mother Kirsti falls into deep depression. As the war gets worse, Eero is sent to Sweden to a new Swedish family. In the new family, he has a father Hjalmar Jönsson, mother Signe Jönsson and a grandfather (who cannot speak but hears everything). He also meets the neighbor’s daughter Siv. And then he has to go back to Finland when the war ends.
Jenna’s Note: I saw this one for the first time when I was quite young and I remember crying so much during it. Only seeing the add or the first minutes makes me cry. It’s a sad, momentarily very unfair story but it’s still very beautiful, touching and deep.
Prinsessa (Eng. Princess) 2010 - Directed by Arto Halonen - Starring Katja Kukkola, Samuli Edelmann, Krista Kosonen, Peter Franzén
Summary: After a difficult childhood spent in foster homes, cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen suffers from severe delusions and ends up in psychiatric care. She claims to be Princess, a member of the English royal family.
Jenna’s Note: This is a biographical film, based on a life of Anna Lappalainen, and I didn’t know this before. I like the psychology in this and it’s pretty good as a movie too, the main actress does really good job but some moments are quite disturbing. This gives me vibes of Russell Crove’s movie “A Beautiful Mind”, even though the setting is different.
Tuntematon sotilas (Eng. The Unknown Soldier) 2017 - Directed by Aku Louhimies - Starring Eero Aho, Johannes Holopainen, Jussi Vatanen, Aku Hirviniemi, Hannes Suominen, Paula Vesala, Samuli Vauramo
Summary: Based on Väinö Linna’s classic novel “The Unknown Soldier”, the part of our national legacy, the movie tells a story about a machine gun company of the Finnish Army from a frog perspective during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1944.
Jenna’s Note: This is only one of the versions; there is the first one from 1955 and the second from 1985. And because it was Finland’s 100th year of independence last year, they made the third version. I haven’t had the chance to see this one just yet, but one of the versions is on TV on the independence day, so I’m waiting for will it be this one. This has a good cast, some very popular and good Finnish actors and this is a very liked film, so I’m looking forward to finally seeing it. I’ve seen the other two versions, and I personally like the 1985 version the best.
Helmiä ja sikoja (Eng. Pearls and Pigs) 2003 - Directed by Perttu Leppä - Starring Mikko Leppilampi, Laura Birn, Amanda Pilke
Summary: When the Hirvonen brother’s (Läde, Timo, Ruho and Poju) bootlegging father ends up in jail, his sons need money to pay his debts to local crooks. The brothers suddenly get a new family member when their stepsister, Saara, moves in with them. Soon they find out Saara has an outstanding singing voice and the boys come up with an idea to send her to a child star contest. To train the girl a former child star, a current pub rose, is employed.
Jenna’s Note: The name is funny, I know. Don’t stare at it too much. In a way it suits this movie quite well. In which the girls are the pearls and the boys the pigs, haha. This is a comedy and basically only one Finnish comedy I’ve seen and liked. I also love Mikko Leppilampi, he is a good actor, but nowadays he is mainly a host in different programs.
Tom of Finland 2017 - Directed by Dome Karukoski - Starring Pekka Strang
Summary: Touko Laaksonen returns home to Finland after serving in World War II. In post-war Helsinki, he makes a name for himself with his homoerotic drawings of muscular men. Before finding fame, Laaksonen finds challenges from his sister and Finnish society due to his art.
Jenna’s Note: I haven’t personally seen this movie yet, but decided to put it on the list since it has been sold to another countries, the concept. And I think this movie was in cinema in other countries too. It’s a quite big thing in Finland, there are all kinds of stuff about it, from bed covers to everything.
Syke (Eng. Pulse) Since 2014, still ongoing - Created by Petja Peltomaa - Starring Lena Meriläinen, Tiina Lymi, Leena Pöysti, Iina Kuustonen
Summary: A show about four nurses. In every episode there are two or three patients whose lives have something to do with the nurses’ lives; they know each other or something else. It also follows the nurses private lives: love, hate and other things.
Jenna’s Note: The only tv series of the list! I’ve watched this since it began and it’s the best Finnish show I’ve ever seen. It’s interesting, something is always happening and the actors are good. It almost got cancelled but then another channel bought it and there’ll be another season later this year, it’s the fifth.
Just made the list, thank you so much for the recs, Jenna!!
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Tampereen Tampere-areenalla kuultiin tiistai-iltana tiukkasanainen puheenvuoro. Sen esitti entinen tennisammattilainen, juuri debyyttinsä miesten Salibandyliigassa ja kotijoukkue Classicin paidassa tehnyt Jarkko Nieminen.http://ift.tt/2jWlD6Z.
Classic oli juuri kieputtanut Hämeenlinnan Steelersin pyörryksiin numeroin 12–1, mutta monia kiinnosti, mitä Nieminen tuumasi liigavauhdista. Hän piti yllättäen myös toisenlaisen puheenvuoron.
”Minulta on nyt niin monta kertaa tultu kysymään, onko tämä [Classicissa ja liigassa pelaaminen] PR-temppu ja olenko tosissani mukana. Toivon, ettei kukaan enää kysy, mikä temppu tämä on tai olenko tosissani”, Nieminen sanoi.
”Ne, jotka kysyvät, voivat miettiä ennen kuin kysyvät, miksi tämän kaiken tenniksen pelaamisen jälkeen lähtisin johonkin toiseen lajiin maskotiksi. Se ei olisi kunnioitettavaa tätä lajia, urheilijoita tai valmentajia kohtaan. Maailmasta ei löydy niin hienoa urheilulajia, että alkaisin heilua siinä maskottina.”
Nieminen kertoi myös, että hän on mennyt yksin aamuisin harjoittelemaan vetoja. ”Se ei ole maskotin puuhaa.”
Niemisen ensiesiintyminen liigassa oli kelvollinen, vaikka tehosaldo jäikin pakkaselle (-1), eikä kolmoskentälliselle merkattu tehoja muutoin runsasmaalisessa ottelussa.
Nieminen viiletti Classicin kolmannen kentällisen vasemmassa laidassa. Hänen ketjukaverinsa, kaksinkertainen maailmanmestari Lassi Vänttinenhttp://ift.tt/2jxB6t6 ja 19-vuotias keskushyökkääjä Eetu Sikkinenhttp://ift.tt/2iGXWdE ruokkivat Niemistä läpi pelin hyvillä syötöillä. Hyökkäysketjun alla puolustivat Atte Eronenhttp://ift.tt/2jxvMWu ja Tino Salminenhttp://ift.tt/2iH1tsf.
Nieminen juoksi ensimmäisen kerran kentälle ajassa 1.42, kun kolmoskenttä pääsi jatkamaan peliä hyökkäyspään vapaalyönnistä. Steelersin puolustaja Mikko Ruokolainen http://ift.tt/2jxOopBharhautti korkealta karvanneen Niemisen tyylipuhtaasti heti tämän ensimmäisessä vaihdossa.
Myöhemmin avauserässä Nieminen pääsi yrittämään maalintekoa kolmesti hyvästä paikasta. Kaksi hyvää tilannetta osui samaan vaihtoon. Ensimmäinen veto epäonnistui hieman, ja toisesta syötöstä Nieminen suti melko tyylipuhtaasti ohi.
Kolmas laukaus Niemiseltä jo onnistui, mutta se viuhui yli Steelersin Tomi Aaltosenhttp://ift.tt/2iGV7t9 vartioiman maalin. Steelers vaihtoi päätöserään tolppien väliin Jaakko Vahtokarin.http://ift.tt/2jxTq59.
Toisessa erässä Nieminen väläytteli myös harhautustaitojaan Steelersin Miiro Maunulaahttp://ift.tt/2iGMCy4 vastaan. Niemisen kentällinen jäi kuitenkin miinukselle, kun Maunula kavensi aivan toisen erän lopussa tilanteeksi 7‒1. Osuma jäi vieraiden ainoaksi.
”Avausvaihto oli todella tahmea. Edelliseen viiteen kuukauteen olen päässyt tekemään kymmenen täysipainoista lajitreeniä joukkueen kanssa. Se ei varmasti olisi ideaalitilanne edes maailmanmestareille. Muutoin peli meni ihan ok. Nautin joka sekunnista, ja kenttämme sai pelin pyörimään hyvin hyökkäyspäässä.”
Nieminenhttp://ift.tt/2jxKzk6 joutui odottamaan liigadebyyttiään pitkään. Hallitseva Suomen mestari Classic tiedotti keväällä 2016 tehneensä vuoden sopimuksen Niemisen kanssa. Elokuussa uutisointiin, että Niemisen liiga-avaus viivästyy jalkavaivojen takia.
Hän kamppaili vamman kanssa läpi syksyn ja oli juoksukiellossa joulukuuhun asti.
”Diagnoosi oli paha luupiikki ja kantakalvon raju tulehdus. Kantaluuhun oli päässyt nestettä. Suomeksi kyse on rasitusmurtuman esiasteesta. Ironista on, että kantapäävaivani alkoi silloin, kun liityin joukkueeseen. Joulukuussa alkoivat oireilla molemmat kantapäät.”
Pelin jälkeen Nieminen ei osannut sanoa, missä kunnossa jalat ovat.
”Ne ovat nyt jäissä. Aamulla näkee, miltä tuntuu.”
Classicin päävalmentaja Petteri Nykky http://ift.tt/2iauHQmkehui joukkueensa tekemistä hyväksi ja esitystä tasapainoiseksi. Kaksi kenttää pelasi ehjästi, ja kolmonenkin sai rakennettua paikkoja, vaikkei osumia tullutkaan.
”Jarkko pelasi ihan pirteästi. Lopussa jouduin hieman joystickillä ohjaamaan tuota 3–4-alivoimaa. Sellaiseen tilanteeseen ei kovin usein joudu. Siitä oli puhetta, että aiemmassa pelissä pallon piti ylittää verkko, tässä se pitäisi lyödä sinne”, Nykky sanoi.
Nieminen myönsi, ettei erikoistilanne oli hänelle outo. ”Erikoistilanteessa piti olla vähän kuin sätkynukke. En ollut tuollaista koskaan kokenut”, Nieminen kuvaili.
Steelersinhttp://ift.tt/2jxI6G9 päävalmentaja Jussi Sihvonenhttp://ift.tt/2iH6NMh sanoi, ettei vierasjoukkue päässyt oikein missään vaiheessa haastamaan Classicia.
”Tämänpäiväiset jaot olivat aika epäreilut. Hävisimme kaksinkamppailut, ja pelinopeudessa olimme valovuosia jäljessä. Se oli odotetun vaikea peli meille, mutta en ole ihan tyytyväinen siihen, miten joukkue ottelun lopun pelasi. Päästimme liian helposti maaleja, vaikka peli oli jo ratkennut.”
Niemisen liigadebyyttiä todisti Tampere-areenalla ottelupöytäkirjan mukaan 1 111 katsojaa. Classicin tehokkain oli hurjat pisteet takonut Miro Lehtinen http://ift.tt/2jxAS56(1+5). Häntä säestivät ykköskentän pisteahneet maailmanmestarit Eemeli Salin http://ift.tt/2iGUekk(3+1) ja Sami Johanssonhttp://ift.tt/2iZ9QkR (2+2).
Classic nousi voiton ansiosta tasapisteisiin liigaa paremman maalieron turvin johtavan Eräviikinkien kanssa. Steelers on 14 joukkueen liigassa 9. sijalla.
0 notes
Jyväskylä. Helsingin IFK taipui perjantaina kuuman ottelun jälkeen JYPille Jyväskylässä lukemin 3–4.
Ottelussa nähtiin vaarallinen tilanne, kun HIFK:n isokokoinen puolustaja Joe Finley http://ift.tt/2ie3sHJtaklasi toisessa erässä todella kovaa JYPin tähtihyökkääjää Michel Miklikiähttp://ift.tt/2jOvEmA. Miklik kiidätettiin verta vuotavana ambulanssilla sairaalaan.
”Tämä on jääkiekkoa. On tietysti ikävää nähdä vastustajan loukkaantuneen. Uskon kuitenkin, että video taklauksesta puhuu puolestaan. Se oli puhdas taklaus”, Finley itse kommentoi tilannetta
Finleylle ei tuomittu taklauksesta rangaistuksia. Puolustaja joutui istumaan ainoastaan kymmenen minuutin käytösrangaistuksen taklauksen jälkeisistä tapahtumista.
Lähes välittömästi Finleyn päästyä pois rangaistusaitiosta JYPin järkälemäinen puolustaja Nolan Yonkman http://ift.tt/2iS2Oxlhaastoi Finleyn tappeluun.
”Myös tappelut ovat osa peliä. Olen pelannut tätä lajia melko kauan, joten ymmärsin mitä tulee tapahtumaan,” Finley sanoi
Finleyn ja Yonkmanin lisäksi perjantai-illan sirkuksessa oli kolmaskin tähti. Ennen puhuttavien tilanteiden alkamista, ehti HIFK:n Juhamatti Aaltonen http://ift.tt/2hBnFqyviimeistellä hattutempun JYPin verkkoon. Taituri siis jatkoi siitä, mihin jäi keskiviikon Kärppä-ottelussa.
Toinen Aaltosen osumista oli yksi kauden hienoimmista. Aaltonen riisti kiekon hyökkäysalueella ja purjehti vastustamattomasti ohi jyväskyläläisten hämmentyneen puolustuksen.
”Ainahan ne maalit tuppaavat tulemaan putkessa. Tällä kertaa ne ovat osuneet minulle”, Aaltonen sanoi.
Vaikka Aaltonen itse on juuri tällä hetkellä hurjassa vireessä, ei se miestä juuri lämmittänyt tappion jälkeen.
”Johdettiin ottelua kolme kertaa. Tämä oli taas melkoinen lapsus, kun menetimme johdon. Tästä täytyy parantaa.”
Kokonaisuutena HIFK ei onnistunut pelaamaan ehjää ottelua. Ilman Aaltosen hurjaa pelivirettä olisi JYP voinut viedä ottelun selvemminkin.
”Olimme valmistautuneet otteluun hyvin. Ensimmäisessä erässä ja toisen erän alussa pelasimme hyvin, mutta sitten aloimme olla ylimielisiä. Se kostautui pahimmalla tavalla”, HIFK:n päävalmentaja Antti Törmänenhttp://ift.tt/2h8p7QT kommentoi.
JYPin leirissä tunnelmat olivat katossa. HIFK:n kaataminen kotikaukalossa täyden kotiyleisön edessä maistui hyvältä.
”Se oli todellinen perjantai-illan pläjäys. Tästä ei peli Suomessa parane. Onneksi oli täysi halli todistamassa hienoa iltaa”, JYP-valmentaja Marko Virtanenhttp://ift.tt/2jOwFLx sanoi.
Ottelun voittomaalin iski vasta 18-vuotias Jerry Turkulainen http://ift.tt/2iRIc8Ireilut kaksi minuuttia ennen päätössummeria. HIFK haki vimmatusti tasoitusta, mutta ei päässyt tolppaa lähemmäksi.
JYP–HIFK 4–3 (1–2, 2–1, 1–0)
1. erä: 9.03 Juhamatti Aaltonen (Roope Hintz) 0–1 yv, 11.05 Jani Tuppurainen (Sami Niku) 1–1 yv, 16.16 Juhamatti Aaltonen (Corey Elkins-Saku Salmela) 1–2 sr.
Jäähyt: 6.10 Daniel Grillfors HIFK 2 min, 8.32 Nolan Yonkman JYP 2 min, 9.22 Joonas Rask HIFK 2 min.
2. erä: 28.51 Henri Kanninen (Mikko Salmio) 2–2, 29.43 Juhamatti Aaltonen (Matt Generous-Teemu Eronen) 2–3, 35.58 Ossi Louhivaara (Jani Tuppurainen-Sami Niku) 3–3 yv.
Jäähyt: 31.20 Joe Finley HIFK 10 min, 35.06 Juuso Puustinen HIFK 2 min, 36.35 Juuso Salmi HIFK 2 min, 38.04 Matt Generous HIFK 2 min.
3. erä: 47.11 Jerry Turkulainen (Janne Tavi-Juuso Vainio) 4–3.
Jäähyt: 43.21 Juhamatti Aaltonen HIFK 2 min, 45.50 Nolan Yonkman JYP 5+20 min, 45.50 Joe Finley HIFK 5+20 min.
Jäähyt yhteensä: JYP 1x2 min, Nolan Yonkman 5 min + prk (20 min)=27 min, HIFK 6x2 min, Joe Finley 10 min, Joe Finley 5 min + prk (20 min)=47 min.
Torjunnat: Pekka Tuokkola JYP 6+5+6=17, Kevin Lankinen HIFK 12+6+8=26 poissa 58.48–60.00.
Yleisöä: 4220.
Huippuhetket: Lukko - Ässät
Lukko–Ässät 3–4 (0–2, 2–1, 1–1)
1. erä: 7.50 Teemu Vuorisalo (Charles Bertrand-Simon Suoranta) 0–1, 10.29 Matias Varttinen 0–2 rl.
Jäähyt: 12.49 Valentin Claireaux Lukko 2 min, 15.24 Juho Tommila Ässät 2 min.
2. erä: 34.04 Toni Suuronen (Toni Koivisto-Atte Mäkinen) 1–2, 37.07 Tommi Paakkolanvaara (Antti Kerälä-Niko Peltola) 1–3 yv, 38.33 Keaton Ellerby (Valentin Claireaux) 2–3.
Jäähyt: 23.48 Niko Peltola Ässät 2 min, 29.47 Charles Bertrand Ässät 2 min, 35.41 Aki Kangasmäki Lukko 2 min.
3. erä: 44.19 Charles Bertrand (Jussi Makkonen-Ville Korhonen) 2–4 yv, 48.46 Peter Tiivola (Ilmari Pitkänen-Eetu Koivistoinen) 3–4.
Jäähyt: 42.40 Jesse Virtanen Lukko 2 min, 54.18 Aleksi Saarela Lukko 2 min, 55.58 Toni Suuronen Lukko 2 min, 57.50 Jarno Kärki Ässät 2 min.
Jäähyt yhteensä: Lukko 5x2 min=10 min, Ässät 4x2 min=8 min.
Torjunnat: Jakub Stepanek Lukko 6+12+9=27 poissa 58.55–60.00, Andreas Bernard Ässät 6+9+9=24.
Yleisöä: 4279.
Huippuhetket: KooKoo - SaiPa
KooKoo–SaiPa vl. 1–2 (0–0, 0–0, 1–1, 0–0, 0–1)
1. erä: Maaliton.
Jäähyt: 1.09 Terry Broadhurst KooKoo 2 min, 12.31 Lauri Taipalus SaiPa 2 min, 16.15 Santeri Koponen SaiPa 2 min.
2. erä: Maaliton.
Jäähyt: 21.52 Lauri Taipalus SaiPa 2 min, 26.11 Julius Nyqvist KooKoo 2 min, 30.00 Eero Savilahti KooKoo 2 min, 30.00 Mikko Lehtonen KooKoo 2 min, 30.00 Saku Salminen SaiPa 2 min, 32.35 William Mäkinen SaiPa 2 min, 38.43 Julius Nyqvist KooKoo 2 min.
3. erä: 44.14 Mikael Kuronen (Tero Koskiranta) 0–1, 45.41 Mikko Virtanen (Julius Nyqvist-Mikko Lehtonen) 1–1.
Jatkoerä: Maaliton.
Vl-maali: Mikael Kuronen 1–2.
Jäähyt yhteensä: KooKoo 5x2 min=10 min, SaiPa 5x2 min=10 min.
Torjunnat: Leland Irving KooKoo 4+9+12+1 =26, Frans Tuohimaa SaiPa 9+12+17+4=42.
Yleisöä: 4332.
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