#just a girl from ipoh and look where she is now
gyudons · 1 year
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michelle yeoh becomes the first asian and only the second woman of colour to win best actress at the oscars
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cheekina · 3 years
It can be quite tough to recognise the emergence and symptoms of fascism in this country.
There are neither cadres of malay wearing brown, black, red or putting on scarfs of chequered patterns nor the sound of jackboots marching here and there. Yes, there are those malay kids wearing punk gear and hairstyles wandering confused around Ipoh town and getting mistakenly branded as black metal acolytes and devil worshippers but those guys are really harmless. A little odd but harmless. It is encouraging that the past week has seen Malaysia sounding the call for the formation of a Global Movement of Moderates. The world is very much in need of moderation in more ways than one. But here in Malaysia, if the call is to mean something more than a public relations exercise, we will need to do some self-reflection and soul searching to see whether we ourselves have passed the test of moderation, particularly when it comes to religion. I stated that Malaysia is on the verge of religious fascism. It seems that when it comes to religion in this country, we are unable to say NO, to argue reasonably and rationally, or to even use common sense. What is even more alarming is the use of religion to intimidate, repress and stifle discourse. More than ever before, the line between public and private religion has become thinner and in some cases has disappeared altogether. Aspects of religion, specifically Islam, has begun to dominate and dictate various previously secular aspects of life in this country to the point that it is now erroneous and misleading to state that issues pertaining to Muslim affairs do not affect or impact on non-Muslims. We have seen some movement which allow for Islamic religious authorities to raid the places of worship of other religions. We have heard and experienced blatant unsubstantiated statements intended to create fear and whip up hysteria by accusing others of proselytisation and conversion.   It took 29 years before a church could be established in Ipoh due to the unwillingness and resistance put up by local authorities who felt that their own aqidah would be threatened for allowing a place of workships belonging to another faith to be established. Nobody told them that their personal faith should not be a factor in their decision making. The list is longer when we include what is being inflicted upon the Muslim community itself. Infants are judged illegitimate as a result of being born prematurely. The parents are married? Doesn’t matter. If the kid was born less than six months from the date of nikah, he or she is considered illegitimate. The Majlis Agama Islam Perak(MAIP) is more known and infamous for its numerous vice raids around Ipoh City than its acts of welfare and good work helping those in need and poverty. Pergi kerja untuk menangkap orang tengah kongkek lagi best dari tolong orang islam yang sangat sangat sangat memerlukan. What a shame! If you are a Malay woman, Muslim, a civil servant or a local university student, there is an unspoken rule that you are expected to wear only the baju kurung, loose shirt and if you are not wearing the tudung or headscarf, sooner or later you will be peer pressured into wearing it. Wear any other professional attire such as a pantsuit and you will be quietly spoken to. Wear a pant or jeans to attend classes and people will assume you as “disturbing” or “perempuan sundal”. Like many others, I have long been concerned about the religionization of secular mechanisms and frameworks. Have you taken a look at the e-Fatwa website recently? It boggles the mind to see the degree of influence, control and intervention into our lives which has been granted to religious authorities who are largely unelected persons who are unaccountable to the public.
My opinion : It seems that syariah matters nowdays are no longer limited to personal law matters as originally underlined and envisaged under the Federal Constitution. It is disturbing to note that involvement of Islamic religious bodies such as the National Fatwa Council appears to be required and even have the final word on perspectives involving such things as electoral reform (i.e. the use of indelible ink), Mat Rempits, poco-poco dancing, public health policy and even the use of scanners at airports. In recent days, religious authorities have even acted as book critics and declared books haram such as “Breaking the Silences: Voices of Moderating Islam in a Constitutional Democracy”. But the reason why this is all happening is because we are allowing it to happen. There are many who lay the blame of the religious excessiveness seen of late at the doorstep of Malay-speaking rural communities. But you know what? I believe the problem lies instead among those of the middle class living in the cities, particularly in the enclaves which exist in Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Malacca and Johor Baru. In these almost ghetto-like Malay communities spring the many insecurities, intolerance, bigotry and racism which have manifested themselves on the national agenda and championed by persons such as Papagomo, Hadi Awang, Fynn Jamal and the boys and girls of the PPGM brigade. SCREW THEM! The “ideas” originate from people who are not economically challenged, deprived or impoverished rather they are more likely to be the privileged, well-educated, well-travelled and moneyed. They are more likely to have been educated abroad. Yet, these are the ones who are most rabid about the alleged threats to the Islamic faith. Many of them are in their retirement years, consider themselves devout and recently renewed in their faith. They are influencing the younger generation with their views and values. Trust me, those holier-than-thou pakciks or makciks are much more worst than us when they were younger. Yet among them, religious piety co-exists with superstitious practices. Consider the current trend of enrolling your kids in tahfiz classes. Parents are racing to get their very young kids into these classes where they are taught to read and memorize the entire Quran. They aren’t taught what the individual words mean or the historical context. Just memorize. So, your son can recite whole chapters but has no idea what the story is about. These kids have become the latest show and tell of parents and the latter’s store for good deeds for the hereafter. In the meantime, daughters are taught that it is necessary to thoroughly wash sanitary napkins to prevent the Devil feeding on menstruation blood and gaining access to one’s soul. Bomohs (shamans) are used for a myriad of purposes from weather control to dealing with business rivals. These are all symptomatic of a strangeness currently inflicting the Malay community. It seems that there are many who appear to be gripped in some sort of religious rapture. A race to see who can be seen and demonstrate themselves to be the most pious. The extreme manifestations of this have been the loud militant religious rhetoric, threats towards those of other faiths and the enforcement of a single interpretation or religious worldview. If a person is not a Malay and not a Muslim, that person is deemed as having no right to comment on things affecting Muslims. If a person is non-Malay and a Muslim, we say things are done differently here in Malaysia compared to other countries. If a person is a Malay Muslim, this person is deemed to not know enough about Islam. If a person is a Malay Muslim with the right credentials, he or she could get censored, condemned and even accused of sedition.  The loudest voices (and those who often get their way) are those belonging to the people who are less tolerant and accepting of others, who feel the need to dominate others in the name of religion and ethnicity, and who claim to be champions of the faith. Taken together, many of these are the budding signs of fascism which are no longer confined to fringe groups and have in fact become mainstream. Religious fascism is a tapeworm in the gut of modern Malaysia. It is time we recognize it for what it is.
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puppetonthestring · 7 years
the first 3
1. anklet, cologne, prom
You were probably the sweetest and the most caring one. At that time it never occurred to me how relationships work. Although it was already 16/17, I guess I could say I was young. You treated me very well and with all intention of showing it, I just wanna say thank you. It all started when you were having some girl problems and I was trying to be a good friend. There was even one time you called me at midnight and we talked for an hour, you were sad, and I was just being a listener. Even though we never really got any closure, I could tell that you really cared. What we had between us was so private, not many people knew. That was until you asked me to prom late 2015, I, out of kindness said yes. Unfortunately (?), I was unable to go because I had church camp on the same day. Well, it was the last day of camp and I reached home about 3 hours before prom. I didn’t go because none of my friends are going, and because of you. I’m a really awkward person, I gotta admit. So going to prom with someone nobody knew I was even friends with, was hard for me. When you asked, you brought along 3 other friends to help, they held up signs that spelt prom and took pictures. It was late at night and it all happened outside my house. After I said yes, somewhat out of pressure, we hugged and headed over to our other friend’s house to celebrate her birthday. I told you that I might not be able to go and you said it never hurts to try. I really appreciate all your efforts, you even brought a bouquet of chocolates for me, but I didn’t bring it home cause the birthday girl thought it was for her. As expected, I didn’t go to prom, I told you and you said it was okay, but I knew it wasn’t. You went though, alone. But you had your friends, so it wasn’t all that bad. I called you the night before, I had to excuse myself during camp when I was just talking with my friends. It was about midnight but you still picked up, I apologised again and again, and you forgave me, I even told you that it was fine if you asked someone else. But of course you didn’t. Because signal was bad, I had to end the call. I went back to my seat but I couldn’t stop thinking about it, I was really contemplating on whether I should go or not. It was my then best friend who told told me that you liked me. That was the time when you wanted to celebrate my birthday for me. She tole me eventually, and I wasn’t surprised. On my birthday you brought some of my friends and you all came to my house, it was a little surprise party but I was grateful. Once again, thank you, for putting in so much effort, just for me. I don’t think I could ever repay you. It was after prom when we drifted apart. You still texted me almost everyday, I don’t remember much about that but, we were just talking about our days. At that time it was the school holidays, I was travelling in Korea when I remembered that you sent me some voice messages while in prom. I never really got around to listening to them. It was either because I didn’t want to, forgot, or I didn’t know it was there. So I played it, there were a couple, and they were all sent within the time span of when prom happened. You were telling me about what was happening, I wish I still had them saved but I think it’s gone by now. All I remember is that you told me that some of my friends where there, it was quite loud and you said it was funner, but it would be funner with me. When I heard that I think I cried a little, I’m not much of a crier, so you could say that had an impact on me. I don’t think I ever told you that I listened to those messages, or maybe I did, but really briefly. Fast forward a couple of months, I started college and by then I had lost feelings for you, but we were still friends, we still are. After all that, we only got the chance to meet up a couple of times, but we never really spoke about this “relationship”. More recently we saw each other again with 2 other friends, February 2017, I was planning to ask you all about that, but I never really got to it cause we didn’t have time alone. I don’t know if I’ll ever know the full story, but there’s a pretty low chance of that happening. For me, I wouldn’t say I was head over heels for you. You’re a really nice guy, and I know you’ll make a really good partner, but you just wouldn’t be the one for me in the long run. There are still many bits and pieces to this story, but I don’t think I can fit everything here. So, once again, thank you for being so nice to me, and sorry if I was a disappointment.
2. summer spring, those cafes, gym
You were the only that had the highest chance of happening. I’m saying it like it’s a contest but, it’s true. If I had to pick one out of this three, it would be you. I met you through a friend in about September 2015. I was still talking to guy no.1, but back then you were just a friend and I had no intention of liking you. I never really told guy no.1 about you, but I told you about him. We didn’t really see each other often, cause you were from a different school, but we studied together at some random cafes. It was fun and we really got to know each other. At fist I thought you were too good for me, cause you already had a couple of girlfriends, so technically you had more experience. But slowly, we started talking more, not everyday, at first, but quite a lot. I brushed it off as you being a talkative person, cause you are. Nothing really happened until the 4 of us went on a trip to Ipoh and Penang. By tis time we were really close, and we were a nice little friend group. You really expressed how you felt on that trip, more physically than emotionally, I couldn’t blame you, everything was quite new at that point. All 4 of us really bonded on that trip, we would stay up late talking, and I remembered going to McDonald’s at 3am with you, just to get hash browns, but it wasn’t available until 4, so we just sat and talked. Another night we went to 7/11 to get some snacks, but we stayed downstairs to just talk. Our other friends were definitely suspecting that something was going on, but we just brushed it off. At that time I was very sure about my feelings, cause of all that just happened, so I didn’t really want to rush things. On the last day, we didn’t sleep, cause out ferry was scheduled to depart at 5am, so we stayed up and ate ad played cards. The train ride back was super tiring, cause we didn’t have any sleep at all, I leaned my head on you shoulder, I’m sure we looked cute. When we reached KL, my friend asked me if we had anything going on, I said no. I don’t know why I kept denying it, maybe it was because I was afraid of being in a relationship, or maybe because I was afraid of being judged. But I should’ve just been honest to myself and faced my feelings. I’m sure if I did, things would turn out differently. After and before that trip, we all still hung out regularly, because it was before college started and we were all quite free. There was this one time, all 4 of us were supposed to meet up, but the other 2 backed out last minute. So that left both of us. Apparently, my 2 friends never planned on going because they wanted us to have some time alone. But I don’t know if you had any say in this. So since we were already out, we went for dinner, I don’t really remember if we did anything else, but that dinner was kinda like a date. We had Japanese, in Pyramid, and you paid. The only reasons why it wasn’t like a date was because it wasn’t really planned. I didn’t really looked my best either. But nonetheless, I enjoyed it, and I hope you did too. Other than that, there was this one time we when to watch a horror movie, I think it was Annabelle. I picked to watch it in Subang Parade instead of Sunway Pyramid because guy no.1 worked there. There was nothing much to do there and the movie was average, I wasn’t feeling fantastic on that day too. So I guess you could say that wasn’t the best date. There were also many times when we would all hang out together and our friends would just leave us alone, of course we noticed that something was up, but it never really bother us. I think it was around the beginning of 2016 when you texted me saying you had something to tell me but it had to be in person. So fast forward a couple of days, we all met up, then I asked you about the thing you wanted to tell me. Then our friends immediately looked and you and then walked away. I know I’m pretty slow, but that was when I realised and immediately regretted asking you in front of them. Your reply was something along the lines of your cousin and nothing really important. I found out from that same friend that you liked me, which resulted in her asking if I liked you back, I shrugged my shoulders. But I knew that I had feelings for you. When I started college in March, I was starting to get busy, so we didn’t talk as much. But we were all still close friends. Then came your future girlfriend. You told my friend about her and she told me. It wasn’t until I visited you at your cafe that you told me the whole story. She was showing all signs of interest and I even encouraged you. That was also the time I found out you were losing interest. With her putting in so much effort and with me pretending not to care, it was obvious who would win. I wished I tried harder, like know what they say, you wouldn’t know how much you appreciate something until you lose it. And I lost you. I had you right at my fingertips, all I had to do was say something, and you were mine. Who knows, we might even be together till this day. But I let you go. We’re still good friends, and you tell me all about her, and I tell you all about my problems too. It wasn’t until the middle of this year when we talked about it. We all wanted to catch up, so we had dinner, It was really fun, and I missed it. You told me yourself that you liked me, and that the reason you didn’t tell that to me on that day was because you felt like you weren’t ready. I don’t blame you for that, but I blame myself for not persisting any further. In May, you got together with that girl, and I was happy for you. Even though deep down I knew I wished it was me, but of course, I acted as if nothing happened in front of you. By then, my feelings slowly started fading, I realised that you really liked her and there was no way I could have a chance. This was before you told me you used to like me, you also asked me what how I felt when I found out you got together with her. I said I felt like I had some disclosure, I was glad that we had that conversation. So, I can’t say that I regret this whole situation, I guess everything just happens for a reason, maybe you won’t be who I thought you were when it comes to relationship, or maybe it really just wasn’t the right time, who knows?
Between the periods of May 2016-October 2016 I had no one. It sounds sad but, what I meant was I had no crushes, no boys to worry about. I know it wasn’t a very long break, but things happen. What happened during that time was friends. I started having a stronger connection with them and it was refreshing. I looked forward to college everyday, and they made everything fun. Of course, there were still some ups and downs, but nothing’s perfect. I realised that not having anyone to worry about was nice, I got to give myself a break, and that I didn’t have someone on my mind constantly. Not saying that it was a bad thing, it’s nice to have someone care about you and be there for you all the time, but sometimes it gets tiring, and you just wanted some time alone. That was what I needed, some space, and some time alone. But of course that didn’t last very long. This is where no. 3 came.
3. the 1975, guitars, black
You were unexpected, and I’m gonna straight up say, you broke my heart. We met in about October 2016, through a mutual friend. That time I didn’t see you as anyone special, you were just that quiet guy that was new. Slowly, that mutual friend added you into the group and slowly, we started talking. I was in council that time and we organised a movie night, I invited you and you agreed, surprisingly. On the night before I texted you and asked if you wanted to have a vote for the movie playing, just to make you feel more welcomed in the group. Then on the night of the movie I had to go to church after that, knowing me, I was awkward and didn’t want many questions being asked about why I wore a dress, so I asked my friends if I could borrow a jacket, not expecting you to offer, but you did. I wasn’t intending for anything to happen then, and hopefully you didn’t interpret it wrongly either. Ever since then, we became pretty cool friends, you were a quiet guy, so it was nice that you were able to talk to me. But I later found out that our friends thought we had a thing, but all I thought was that you were shy with everyone else. After that we had a couple of holidays and our group would hang out together, this time with you there. We had picnics, meals, window shoppings, and just times where we would spend time with each other and talk. All of these outings, you would be right there next to me, again, I thought you weren’t comfortable with everyone else yet. You weren’t particularly touchy, but enough for it to show a significant difference in how you treated me. Like how you preferred sitting next to me, closely. Or how you’d act, sometimes inappropriately, around me. Those moments always made me smile. Since it was the end of the year, there were many assignments and work pilling up. We took one same class, and there was this sale going on and we had to set up booths. Sometimes you would come over to visit, I thought you were bored, cause it was all just small talk, and sometimes you wouldn’t talk at all, and you were just there. After that we had this crazy research assignment for our business class, and everyone was stressing out about it, we all would stay later in college to finish it. You always left college at like 7.30 every day, so it wasn’t a problem for you to get work done, I had to admit, it was nice being able to get some time alone with you, even if it was just to stare at our laptops and get work done. Sometimes when we don’t finish it in college, you would ask me to Skype when I get home. And we did that pretty often. I don’t know if you used homework as an excuse, if you genuinely need help, but I agreed. Man, were those some fun times, we would start pretty late at night about 11 and go off at about 1 or 2, there was once it lasted until 5am. It wasn’t all talk, and we actually got work done, sometimes we would help each other, but honestly I think we were there just for the company. Sometimes after we got tired of doing work, you would pick up your guitar and play a couple of songs, and sometimes you would sing, that was pretty special cause you never sang in public. Those sappy love songs with sneaky comments were really cute and I enjoyed just watching you. There was this one time, you asked if I wanted to study in an actual library, which was odd cause, you didn’t invite the other people in out group who took that subject too. I needed some help anyway, so I went. It was like any other study “session”, I wouldn’t consider it a date, but I remembered this one moment where were walking to Subway from campus, it was windy and knowing me, I’m a clumsy walker, so I kinda tripped, but I didn’t fall. I laughed at myself, and so did you. Then you shoved me again and it felt like one of those clique movie scenes. In Subway, nothing really got done, we ended up watching videos on YouTube and you leaned you head on my should, twice. At that moment I was almost certain something was up. When I got back I told my friends about it and they were convincing me that he liked me, and I really believed it. We’ve been texting a lot by now, almost every time we don’t see each other in college. And it isn’t like normal everyday texting, I really got to know you, since we can’t talk much in college. It was nice, sometime we’d text up until 2-3 in the morning, which I don’t usually do. You’d tell me the oddest things, and I think that’s why I was always looking forward to a text from you. When there were holidays that lasted a couple of days, we would text everyday. Even when I went to Japan, you ask if we could hang out, and this is the second time you asked. I said sure, and asked when. You said when I get back. But nothing was planned. Every time you don’t text me for a couple of days, my doubts start pilling up and I would get sad. I realised after a while that you were just really engrossed in making music. One thing about you is that, you’re so passionate and distracted by music that you kind of shut everything off, and just focus on what’s on your hands. I guess there are some pros to that, but it really created some tension in the friend group. Soon enough you and a few other people in the group formed a band, at first it was great, I thought it was nice that you were getting along with the rest of the group. But soon enough, you and you strong opinions felt otherwise. Every time after practice you would come back and, I would say, complain about the band, and I just listened. It wasn’t fun listening to you being salty, but I wanted you to keep having feelings for me so I just kept quiet. I know this isn’t good for the relationship in our group, but I didn’t wanna look like I sided anyone. When the new semester started, we stopped texting everyday, cause we saw each other in college, but on and off again on weekends. You also started meeting new people, and this is where the girls came in. I stared noticing that you were really keen on in general, girls. You and a few of the guys in our group were constantly talking about girls, and felt really uncomfortable. So I just kept my mouth shut and tried to block it out. I was very confused because I thought you were interested, but then again you were always talking to me. I felt that way for a really long time because one minute you were showing signs and the next minute you were checking other girls out. In February you uploaded a Snap of a girl on what seems like a date with you. Of course I was devastated, but I was attending a beach wedding, so I had o keep my smile on. Fast forward to May 2017, where I decided that it had to stop. My friend told me about how you felt about me. It was in the beginning before you were pretty new, but we were already talking. My 2 friends were with you in the library and trying to get to know you better. Somehow the topic lead to relationships, they asked you if you were interested in anyone and you said there were 2 people. Now I’m not saying it’s entirely bad cause it’s your life and you can do what you want but, if I were a guy, and I was interest in a girl, I would focus on pursuing her, instead of “keeping my options open”. When I heard that I told myself to trust my gut, that when a guy seems like what you think he is, you’re probably right. I hope one day you’ll realise you ways. For now, I think it’s better if we’re friends, and one day, I hope to get some closure.
I can’t say I’ve been through much. Well, I haven’t even been in a relationship. I guess I just have to leave it to faith and have some patience. I’ve worried about being alone, and I pray that I’ll find someone one day. But after these 3, I’ve definitely learned a few lessons: Make sure you are honest with yourself, don’t try to hind your feelings. Talk about that person to a friends, they might have see them in a different perspective. Sometimes playing hard to get isn’t always beneficial. When someone treats you badly once, don’t go back. People can change, but make sure you’re very certain of it. If you think you’ve found someone worth keeping, try your best to hold on to them. Trust God that if something doesn’t happen, there’s always a reason that you may not realise immediately. Right now, I’m trying my best to move on. I think this is harder than the previous 2, but I know I’ll get through it, like I did last time. Hopefully we’ll be able to remain friends but like I said, if it’s not meant to be, I can’t do anything about it. So, wish me luck.
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dddo0309 · 7 years
ASQ20 Special Guest RP 151231 & 170101 Diary
This is the 2nd time I can meet RP after 1 year...
Actually they come to Malaysia for 2 times and I keep missing out my chance because im studying in aussie... Luckily this time i back to malaysia for my break and they came!!
This time they are coming to Malaysia for ASQ20. There is several artists joining as well like Bii, Nicholas Teo they are becoming the special judges with RP in the ASQ final. Well i nearly cant make it because of some reasons but at least at the end i still can go for it!
My dad drove us to KL on saturday and we pick up Mai on the way~ Because its quite early, we are all quite sleepy at the moment hahahahaha When we passed by Ipoh, there is an accident and it cause the traffic jam. I thought that we will be late but luckily we can reach Desa Parkcity at around 1:30pm haha (i know its damn early) It looked like gonna rain soon so we go and buy raincoat and umbrella then only going to look for food~ We end up with buying bread because most of the restaurant there are so expensive T.T Then we went to Chatime and enjoy our quick lunch.
After lunch, we walked around the park and take some pictures. I LOVE THE PARK ITS SO BEAUTIFUL. After a while, I went to meet my sis’ friend Vanilla, she is a Bii fans~ We bumped into Wengdyy too! At first, I cant recognised her but Mai knew!! She said that girl definitely is Wengdyy! And Im like YES LETS GO TO TAKE PIC WITH HER!! I asked her that I wanna take pic with her and she said “I didnt make up i looked quite ugly now..” in chinese omg she is just CUTE. After taking pic, I wish her good luck and she is very happy and said thank you! awwwwww she is really nice!! <3 ((ps: when we walk around, I keep saying “kim sooyoon where are u im freaking miss u i want to meet u now where da heck are u?” hahahahah i just went crazy ady))
At around 4:30pm, we saw a van passed by and stopped there. I looked into the van and i pretty sure that there is an idol in the van. When he came out from the van, i just screamed “OMG NICHOLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and run to him with Mai HAHAHAHA. THIS IS HOW I MET MY CHILDHOOD IDOL FOR THE 1ST TIME. Nicholas wore a sunglasses and a mask. Mai said he wears the mask in the wrong way haha. Then we walk around then we saw that nicholas passed by at our back omg we turned around and wave to him! HE SAW US AND WAVED BACK U KNOW OUR DISTANCE IS FREAKING NEARRRRRRRR and i dont know why no one recognise him at that time lol Then..................... i only found that i forgot to take pic omg i brain totally goes blank when i met nicholas T______T
After that, Jess said she was arrived! so we go to meet her at coffee bean. And we met JQ, her sis and Jiemin there too!! hahahahaha JQ she want to win that chicken thing so we go there with her. At the moment, its time to meet Wengdyy’s fans club to grab the tix too. So Mai, Jess and me went to meet Wengdyy’s fans club~ Suddenly it rains at around 6pm. JQ they ran to the mall but we are at the taxi station there to wait for the rain to stop. Luckily it rains at that time so that it wont rain during the event hahahahahaha. After the rain stopped, JQ, her sis and Jiemin came to meet us again~ We took pic tgt and chatted for a while. Then they left and go to get their VIP tix haha.  Nik and Sue still havent reach and my phone battery running low so Jess helped me to contact them. Nik and her sis Watie finally arrived before we went into our zone. We decided to go in 1st, when Sue arrived then one of us only go out and take Sue and her friends in.
We are then going in with Wengdyy’s fans club. And we just ran to the judge zone hahahahaha. Its almost time to start the event. The judges are prepared to go up to their zone. We screamed when RP showed up omg they are still so handsome i cant T.T I tried to take pic but my hands keep shaking i totally cant take photos luckily Mai is there and she took photos for me T.T Then sue said they arrived, Jess went out to bring them in but we are lost..... Moon keep teasing us lolololol The most memorable is Moon waved at us and smile hahahaha James saw us and looked surprise then he waved at us! im not sure that he recognised me again or he just recognised Nik and Watie because they went to airport to welcome them before that XD I heard people besides us said “look at them! they always respond when their fans called them! they are so nice!” haha yes our RP love us very much~ XD <3
After they left the judge zone, we moved to the right size because SY’s drum will be nearer to right side (according to the post that they shared in FB haha). Actually we met Mujie and her friend there hahahaha. RP and other special judges appeared on the stage and they starts giving out the prizes. YES WENGDYY GOT THE 1ST PLACE AND WE ARE SO HAPPY WITH HER!
After concert is finally started! There is so many artist coming out and sings~ So we are still waiting for RP haha. Time flies fast and it comes to the countdown! All the artists came out on the stage and we all countdown together! Everyone on the stage are busy wishing happy new year hahahaha We also wished each other a Happy New Year! After like a while, finally its RP’s turn!!!!! I screamed like crazy when RP came up on the stage!! The 1st song that they performed is Drawing The Line. I sang screamed along hahahahaha and keep waving with the banner~ Cameraman noticed us and he keep filming us hahahahaha I jumped a lot during the performance too hahahaha During the guitar solo, Moon walked to our side OMG I CANT EVEN ASDFGHJKL Their 2nd song is Dangerous. I feel so sad that they only performed 2 songs T.T
After they finished performing, I left because its very late and my mom keep phoned me ;_; Goodbye RP and I hope that I can meet you all again!!!!!! They are the 1st korean band that I can meet for more than 1 times ;_; and even in different countries... When and where for next? I hope I can meet them in Aussie...
U can check my YT Channel and Instagram for fancam and photos!^^ Thanks for reading and i know my english is shit hahahahahaha
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