#just because I have a thick skin doesn't mean it's okay to be rude to me
icedteaandoldlace · 5 months
One of the weirdest flavors of rude customer interactions you can have is when there's the customer who's just an absolute ass from the moment they walk in, snapping at every turn, getting huffy and rolling their eyes all dramatically when you ask them to repeat something, or ask a very normal question that you need an answer to before you can help them any further ("And what's the address you'd like to have this delivered to?" for example). And there's also the person they walked in with, usually a spouse or otherwise significant other, and you're a little wary of them, too, at first, 'cause you're not sure if they're both grouches or not, because the first one is doing most of the talking. But then you see them react to their partner's bitchiness, and for a moment, you wonder if you should feel sorry for them, having to live with this person. But then eventually, the first person sighs a little, and apologizes to their partner, and explains that they're just hungry, or stressed, or tired, or whatever, and the partner says something soft and reassuring in return—and no one says jack shit to you, the person the majority and the worst of the bitchy attitude has been unleashed on. They'll apologize to their partner right in front of you for treating them not half as bad as they've been treating you, but there's no apology directed at you, not even a sidelong glance your way as they're apologizing to their partner, not even their partner apologizing on their behalf—not even a slight improvement in the way they treat you afterward. They're both clearly capable of recognizing this behavior as inappropriate, they just don't give a damn how it may make you feel, because servers and cashiers and all manner of other customer service workers just aren't people, apparently.
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miru-has-thoughts · 2 days
Love the LB wrestling thoughts. But I'm a bit confused? Do you still LB for AEW? Because I haven't seen you post much about it.
I appreciate that people enjoy my nonsense liveblogging. Thanks anon ❤️
Okay, so 😮‍💨... let me preface by saying I still enjoy AEW, but maybe not as much as I did when I first started watching professional wrestling 2 years ago. When I discovered AEW, it was the dynamite before the first forbidden door, and then FB, followed by blood and guts. The matches were unlike anything I had watched in a very long time. But now, I don't have that same enthusiasm for AEW. I mostly watch Dynamite, but have preferred to watch it on my own and not participate so much with live blogging or interacting with other people on this site.
There are a few reasons.
There is this big AEW blog who spread lies and rumors about me and made people shun me from the community. They were really friendly and very helpful in the beginning, but once my posts started to pick up steam, I guess they were jealous and felt I would eclipse them. They didn't outright say anything publicly, but to the people that knew me on this site from the beginning, they started to give them false statements about me.
Can I just say, I don't care about how many notes a post gets, or of being the "top blog", I just wanted to engage with a community.
That said, because some of the "more influential blogs" have shunned me, the engagements on my AEW posts are low, meaning the community doesn't engage with me as much, nor do they want to (perhaps out of fear of this bully, or their brainwashed..).
Another reason I'm not as active with this community, is that it feels like the community is focused on numbers and who's better, even when they say they don't. Now, of course I have seen on other social media apps how other non AEW fans will put down the product. But it just seems very hypocritical of the people to say things like let's all just enjoy wrestling, only for them to turn around and bring down other promotions.
In a similar topic, I hate when the wrestlers take jabs at the other company. It just comes off childish and stupid. I much prefer subtlety and creatively making jabs. I hate the "rah rah" speeches.
I also lost a lot of interest because of all the news that comes from backstage. All the fights, bickering and rumours, it takes me out of enjoying the product. I'm not talking about things that come out about shitty people, but rather the petty squabbles that happen, that someone needs to go to the dirt sheets to report. I hate it.
I also have not enjoyed the negativity I have received in my inbox and in the comments, when I said something negative or something the fans didn't like. I'm not out here being mean (only with like 3 weestlers who are POSs who deserve it), rather giving a criticism, but the fans take it personally. I have thick skin, but when people start saying that they are going to kill me and or my family, and sent multiple graphic hate filled messages...that's where I draw the line. I've had things said from the sammy guevara stans, the Britt baker fans, the MJF apologists have to be the worst. Yeah. This has taken a lot of the enjoyment.
Another thing is that the only show I can watch live with y'all is dynamite. For personal reasons, I can't watch rampage live, and when it is live in my timezone, it comes on at midnight, and I go to sleep before that. Also, rampage to me is redundant, so I have stopped watching. Collision I enjoyed when it was a seprate show to dynamite and essentially had its own roster. now it feels like an extension to dynamite (the spillover, if you will) and again...it comes on soo late in my timezone.
Finally, I have been to many AEW shows live. Each time I have had rude and nasty and uncomfortable encounters with people at these shows. Not to compare, but the TNA shows, I had a fucking blast, the small indy shows, I always enjoy, WWE... I always end up vibing with people. My first E show, MITB 2022, I was nervous and sat next to a lovely black woman and her kids, next thing you know her and her kids were helping me identify all the wrestlers and telling me who was face and heel and who had rivalry with who. I don't go to AEW shows with a negative mentality, I go expecting to have a good time, but the people that come out to watch the show are rude.
I choose to step away because my mental health and sanity comes before anything. Hope you understand anon ❤️
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fifi-uchiha · 4 years
You know, I'd say I'm kinda confident. Like... I know I'm not thin, but I'm fit af, I like my body as it is, I work out every day and I like being good at it.
And I like showing my belly because after so many years of dieting and my tummy tuck, I feel good enough to do just that.
But I have scars.
And I never gave a shit about them, I didn't even think about wanting to hide them. However, I had a little chat with a few people at the gym and there was this one girl who was about my size. Apparently her tummy isn't flat (but she still looks fine! Like... It's nothing serious imo) and we were talking about working out, food, body positivity ect.
I just said that I was happy about my weight loss and the fact that I can wear... jeans with a crop top. I was never able to wear them because of my horrible looking thighs and my tummy. After losing so much weight... Your body won't be able to handle so much lose skin, my tummy skin alone weighted almost three kilos.
Anyway, you know what she said?
"I would never wear revealing clothes if I had scars. Urgh, they look ugly and horrible and I sure would hide them."
(we speak German here, I just translated it)
I don't know why, but that... Angered me because I knew it was directed at me. And yes, it even hurt a little for a short second.
But I'm the kinda who feels more anger than sadness because...
She saw my scars on my tummy and in my legs. She SAW them and she willingly said something so mean just to fucking hurt me.
And yes, I reacted and said:
"You know what? You're just jealous. You're jealous and butt hurt because you can't wear revealing clothes because of your fat tummy. I would chose my scars and my successful weight loss over your thick tummy anytime and I'm very sure you would too."
To be honest, I never said something so mean and it felt horrible. Like... You can wear anything at any size, no matter how thin or thick you are. No one gets to tell you what to wear. I never wasted even a single thought about something so silly.
But I gotta be honest, I wanted to hurt her.
After all, she knows what I've been through, those surgeries almost broke me, especially my thigh tuck. I was in so much pain and thinking back, I think I was depressive because of the pain I endured.
Of course I never regretted it, I'm glad I endured it but now, some random girl sais something so rude just to fucking hurt me. That'd why I wanted to feed her her own medicine and now I feel bad somehow.
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That's my scar. At least the visible part and I have the same scars on each inner thigh. I mean, I know people can see them but... I never considered my scars as 'disgusting', I don't even see them as mistakes and I never found them ugly. To be honest, I'm just glad I finally have a flat tummy which I never had before.
Wearing shorts, crop tops or even a bikini like on the picture... Never.
This is my first year where I felt good enough to wear clothes that I always wanted. And I don't give a damn about what people think of my scars.
Hell, I worked my ass off to get them, I lost 57 kilos and I'm happy about it.
But I realized something.
I should've worn all those things I liked before. I looked very bad, guys. Like... Seriously, having to much lose skin was horrible, I didn't feel like... A woman, as stupid as it sounds.
But now, I realized that people will always talk shit about you, no matter how your body looks.
Don't give a shit about them, just do your thing, stay healthy and don't cover yourself just because of what others think.
You like revealing clothing? Wear them!
Or you want to cover your body because you don't think it suits you or because you just don't like revealing clothes? That's totally okay.
But do it for yourself, not for the others because it doesn't matter what oh do and what you wear.
If there is a bitch or a bastard in your life, she or he will talk shit about you.
I started to not give a shit anymore.
You should too if you haven't decided that already 😁
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unicyclehippo · 5 years
Here's a prompt: The Cobalt Soul wants Beau, but only Beau, to come and help with something. Jester really doesn't want Beau to leave her. (Also your writing is so lovely, even when it hurts. You're kind of inspiring.)
🤘😘🤘cheers mate , i got this idea Instantly bc of stuff i had been looking at earlier this morning. hope u like it, i always love knowing exactly what im going to write, it’s a good feeling
she’s thinking about it, jester realises. very seriously. if she weren’t thinking about it, she would have scoffed, would have rolled her eyes and blown them off with some funny and rude comment. but she isn’t. beau is sitting at the table, thoughtful and still, save for the quick taptaptap of her nail against her mug.
‘how long?’
oh. she’s really thinking about it. about leaving. jester’s stomach gives a sickening lurch and she makes this weird sound, half groan, half hiccup.
‘jessie? something wrong?’
‘bad milk, i think,’ jester whispers, pulling the excuse up carelessly for nott. she doesn’t hear her accomplice’s i’ll go talk to the manager, or see her leave the table—she’s far too focused on beau in the corner booth, and the dossier open on the table, and the blue-clad monk opposite beau. a half-elven woman. young-ish. her hair is shaved really cool too, and she looks exactly like beau’s type, fit and clever and sneaky.
whatever the monk says to beau is lost to jester in the sudden scuffle at the bar behind her. by the time fjord has smoothed it over—with a not inconsiderable amount of gold to help them forget that nott had threatened their actual life with a crossbow—jester looks back to the table and finds beau sitting alone, flipping through the papers. her mug hangs crooked from the first two fingers of her other hand as she thumbs at her lips, pressed into a thoughtful mould.
‘well! i don’t think he’ll be serving anyone sour milk ever again,’ nott tells her, climbing up onto her seat. ‘speaking of sour milk—you alright, jessie?’
‘do you think she’ll take it? the job?’
nott leans bodily over the table so she can see beau. ‘i don’t know. don’t see why not.’
‘what - because we’re a team!’
‘she’s an expositor now. something she actually seems to take seriously.’
‘if they want her to take on some super cool, super secret mission,’ nott shrugs. ‘sure. why wouldn’t she take that?’
why wouldn’t she?
jester tears her eyes away. pulls the back to her own table, hands folded around her milk. she drinks.
nott squawks, knocks the cup out of her hand.
‘not crying over spilled milk, are you?’ Beau greets her with a laugh when she makes her way up to the room finally. her grin falls away when she sees jester actually has been crying. ‘oh shit. what’s wrong - are you okay?’
‘are you leaving us?’
beau blinks. frowns. ‘you’re crying because of that?’
‘well - yeah! we’re a team, beau,’
‘yasha used to leave all the time,’ beau points out.
‘but that was yasha! that was what she does! you don’t leave!’
‘it’s - this could be really important, jes.’
‘what is it?’
‘i...can’t tell you.’ beau grimaces. ‘it’s secret.’
jester shakes her head. ‘so, you’re leaving and you can’t even tell us why?’
‘i haven’t said yes yet-‘
‘yet.’ beau’s faintly guilty expression says all she needs to know. ‘you’re going to. you want to do this.’
‘i’m - i mean, yeah! I’m an expositor, it’s what i’m trained to do, it’s what i’m supposed to do. weed out corruption ‘n shit.’ beau makes her way slowly across the room toward jester, like she’s giving jester time to tell her no if she wants to. ‘it’ll only be for a week. two weeks tops.’
‘but - you’ll be gone.’
‘yasha will sleep with you,’
‘i’m not upset about losing my roommate,’ jester snaps. her tail lashes angrily behind her and her eyes glint fiercely as she glares at beau. ‘i’m- you’re going to be gone.’
beau drops her head. reaches over to set her warm hand on top of jester’s where she is plucking and digging at the lace hem to her nightgown. ‘i’ll answer your messages when i can,’ she says. ‘i’ll tell you as much as i can, when i can. and everything when i get back—because i will get back,’ she tells jester, voice firm and sure.
jester leans into her, nods.
‘and if you ever get nervous, or if you need to check on me, you can scry, right?’
‘It might not work on you anymore. you’re pretty strong against that stuff.’ jester slips her hand out from under beau’s. lifts it to tap against the glittering tattoo that spans the width of beau’s shoulders.
‘hmm. well—here, how about this.’ beau leans away, reaches up and removes the ribbon from her hair. with no hesitation at all, she pulls her gifted throwing blades from a pocket and sliced her thumb. presses the ribbon to it until a good portion of it is soaked in red. this, she hands to jester. ‘use this. i looked it up—it’s like when we had that piece of vence’s robe. it’ll help you focus and find me.’
beau lets the silken ribbon pool into jester’s cupped hands. the fabric is smooth and cool against her skin and maybe it’s because beau’s hair has fallen down around her shoulders but the room smells strongly of her and the soap she uses to wash. sweat and wood and pine.
‘when do you have to go?’
beau winces. ‘tonight. now. i just...came up to say goodbye to you.’
‘to everyone, you mean.’
‘yeah. but,’ beau’s cheeks darken, almost imperceptibly in the low light of the candles. ‘mostly you. i’d never go without saying goodbye.’ she lifts her eyes to jester’s and the slow, sad beat of her heart kicks into a faster pace, hammering suddenly in the crook of her collar and against the thin skin of her wrists.
‘you know what i’m saying?’
‘i think so.’
‘okay. that’s -‘ beau runs a hand through her loose hair. seems a little surprised to find it hanging low, because she laughs at herself and bends over to rifle through her pack for another ribbon. she goes to tie it back, stills when jester reaches for her.
jester sets her ribbon carefully on her sketchbook before she shuffles around so she’s sitting behind beau. beau’s dark hair hangs to about between her shoulder blades, a thick curtain that disguises the undercut when it hangs like this. beau sits patiently as jester winds her fingers into it and begins to braid it for her. works to fix the placement of her headband, ever so slightly askew, and coaxes knots smooth. eventually, the job is done and jester sits back onto her heels, hands falling to beau’s shoulders. she holds her still when beau tries to turn to face her.
‘you’ll come back?’
beau reaches up a hand. drags her fingers over jester’s knuckles, up to her wrist, wraps them there in a loose hold. ‘i promise.’
‘...okay. okay,’ jester breathes, even though her stomach hurts, even though the pressure inside of her chest is making her ribs creak and prick uncomfortably.
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Hello there! Let me just start by saying I love the way you write. As someone who wants to publish one day, I find your style beautiful and inspiring. Now for my request, could you maybe write a scenario where Neji would end up falling for someone who is like his fanboy/fangirl? Kinda like the Sakura to his Sasuke if that makes sense. So sorry if it doesn't. Whether or not you choose to acknowledge this request, I hope you have a lovely day/night and please keep writing my fellow Neji lover ♥️
             Okay first off,
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May or may not have gotten a little teary reading this. You have no idea how much hearing that actually inspires me to continue writing! I often look back at my own writing all the time and feel like it sounds pretentious or too try-hard-y but hearing that people actually find it beautiful is, well, incredibly touching and feels like awonderful accomplishment as a writer. I hope I can do your request justice!
On the prompt: This is actually a really sweet prompt that I’ve mused about before! I tried to keep the story as gender-neutral as possible since you specified both. I hope you don’t mind that I took some liberties with giving the reader some medical jutsu because it just flowed well with the story. Since my last two Neji prompts were a little heavy I tried to make this one fluffier, and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for for contributing to the blog!
Request Scenario – Neji Falling for his Fanboy/Fangirl
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Neji Hyuga - Who You Are
“He’s so cool!”
“Woah, that technique!”
“He’s obviously a genius.”
“That guy didn’t stand a chance.”
            A boy with long, brown hair stood over another, sprawled on the ground. His fist was at his fallen opponent’s face, perfectly still. As he rose from his completed match, you were in awe at how fluid every movement from him was—even out of combat. Still, what was the most cool was how his face didn’t contort in some ridiculous jeer or stupid grin. No, he was completely assured of his victory from the beginning, and his expression was disciplined, collected.
You were taken from the start.
           Neji never paid any mind to any of the girls and boys that fawned over him in your class, let alone you. In fact, he was rather snarky and aggressive when they overstepped his wide boundaries. But you made sure that you stood out in ways that mattered. You remembered his birthdays, his favorites, and made especially sure to mind his preferences when he was around you, intentionally never getting on his nerves, and especially never speaking on his behalf as the other ‘fans’ did.
           It didn’t take a genius to see that he hated people speaking for him. You stayed silent, letting him speak, and when he asked you about your portion of a group activity, you gave him straightforward answers—but with a smile, of course. You didn’t expect special treatment from him, you merely knew that keeping your professionalism in a school atmosphere was the right thing to do.
           You knew that he knew you liked him, you made it clear when he asked you outright one day and he sneered at your answer. He was harsh, slamming you with a rejection to the confession he had intentionally solicited from you. You weren’t perturbed. He was rude, but it was his way. You told him it was what it was, and that you hoped he wouldn’t treat you any differently because of the answer—after all, you had always liked him, but most importantly you had always acted as you meant to. Neji raised a brow, but the vaguely disgusted look didn’t leave his face. It hurt, a bit, knowing this was a clear rejection, but you weren’t dissuaded. You meant what you had said.
           You still gave him gifts for the occasions, but not out of the blue—he hated that, too. When Valentine’s Day came around, you especially made sure to never make him anything sweet, knowing he hated sweets. When all of the other gifts ended up in the trash when he left the academy that day, you noticed you didn’t see yours. When his birthday came around, you made sure you had taken note of some concept you noticed him looking for in the library and bought him a book accordingly. You didn’t mind that he threw most of the things people got him away, but you quietly noted that you saw your book in his slightly ajar bag some days after, or that when he sat eating lunch alone in some place the others couldn’t get to, the (healthy) granola bars you had made him seemed to have made their way into his lunch.
           But you didn’t say anything. Because you knew that when Neji liked something, it was clear enough. And when he didn’t, it was just as clear—the other ‘fans’ just didn’t want to accept that forcing their way on him wasn’t the way to treat him, let alone anyone. You never wanted to force Neji to be what he wasn’t.
And, while he would never have admitted it to your face as an academy student, it was what made you at least bearable to be around.
“Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee, Tenten.”
           Your heart sank a bit knowing you wouldn’t be on the same team as the one you admired. Still, you couldn’t be bitter: it was a good choice for the composition. The other ‘fans’ of the Hyuga weren’t as forgiving.
“Seriously? Her of all the kunoichi?”
“Such an eyesore.”
“Watch her get a big head after this…”
“She had better not interfere.”
“Look at that grin, what a sk-“
“Shut up!”
           You slammed your fists on the table, and immediately the room silenced. The instructor announcing the teams turned to look at you as well, caught off-guard. You knew you had everyone’s attention, which was exactly what you wanted. If there was one thing you couldn’t stand, it was that mob-mentality bullying you had grown so accustomed to with the other “fans” of Neji.
“Tenten was the best choice for his team! She’s the best weapons user that’s probably ever been through this academy, so she’s the perfect choice! You all know exactly how skilled she is, so shame on all of you for talking trash about her just because of your petty jealousy!!” You huffed in the direction of the dissenters, already knowing exactly whom had been speaking. They hadn’t changed from the same girls in all the years at the academy.
           You knew of all the other fans after all, and they had gotten to know you quite well, which is why you were mildly surprised they had dared say anything around you. You never leveled with just how petty they could be. ‘And frankly,’ you thought, ‘being a bully had nothing to do with admiration!’
           You turned your head to Tenten who was shocked but sent you a small smile of gratitude. You knew the girl had thick skin—another reason she was likely on his team—but words could hurt. You shot her a thumbs-up and brushed your shoulder at her, and Tenten gladly returned the gesture. ‘Just brush it off.’ Lowering yourself back to your seat. The presenter clearly had no idea what to do with the situation, so he cleared this throat tentatively before continuing.
“Al..right…Next team, Team Four: Hitomi Tanaka…”
            You focused your eyes confidently ahead, ignoring most of the dirty looks that had been sent your way, but occasionally returning the glare if you saw one out of the corner of your eye. Most of them immediately turned their heads away so you could focus again.
           The one glance you didn’t see was from the root of the problem in question, who raised his brow at you and narrowed his eyes. He studied you for a moment, scrutinizing your every move, looking for some self-serving purpose. When he couldn’t find any—and he had never been able to—the corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly before he turned his gaze ahead once more, lost in his own thoughts.
“(Y/n), You will be accompanying team Guy on this mission as the squad’s default medic-nin, providing additional aid and support where necessary.”
“Understood!” You chirped happily, letting your enthusiasm glow in full view. Tenten gave you a high five, glad that their first mission was with a familiar face—and you both trusted each other.
           It had been almost a year since your teams were assigned, and your abilities as a medic-nin had become more apparent with time. Because of this, you had been assigned to this mission to assist team Guy in their first solo venture without their sensei. It was a C-rank with a moderate chance for conflict, so you knew to be on your guard. But still, you had only seen Neji periodically since then—occasional joint training exercises with your own team, a mission or two with Tenten or Lee when Neji was occupied—you hadn’t had much time to get to talk to Neji, and you were excited at the chance to finally show him how much you had improved. Your admiration from him had hardly waned during the time of distance.
           This was to be your first mission with him, and you knew you were going to give it everything you had. You realized still that you wanted his approval more than anything.
“I want to help!”
“Then stay out of the way and do your job.” Neji’s voice cut deep, though you brushed off the pain. There was no worse feeling than the scorn of someone you admired so much.
“Just because I’m here as a medic-nin doesn’t mean I’m useless in combat!” you protested, but the glare from Neji the second you finished told you well enough to keep your mouth shut. He wasn’t going to budge, and you knew that much. If anything, he found it disrespectful that you were going against the squad leader’s—his—judgment call.
“You’re right, you’re not useless.” Neji’s voice perked you up. He was giving a compliment..? Suddenly you felt excited. This was what you always wanted. But, seeing his face filled with mockery, your expression fell immediately.
“You’re a burden. And, after this mission, I’ll consider myself lucky in that I will not see you again.” He turned on his heel, making his way to the front and in position, and your stomach dropped lower than it had probably ever been. Hearing those words from him almost made you want to cry. Tenten, who had seen the exchange from her position, gave you a pitying look from where she was. She symbolically brushed her shoulder at you.
‘Y/N, just brush it off. He’s just like that.’
           You shot her a half-hearted smile back and brushed your shoulder back in response, but his words were stuck replaying in your head. As you hid yourself, waiting for the encounter, you tried to gather as much courage as you could. This wasn’t the way you had always envisioned your first mission with your longtime crush. Maybe it was just you, but for some reason, Neji felt much colder than he had been even at the academy.
           As you heard the battle begin, you readied your weapon just in case. Then, when you heard Lee cry out, obviously injured, something within you lit like a torch and you couldn’t stay still. You never hid behind the scenes for your own teammates, let alone here in hostile territory. You had been preparing a new technique for months and you finally were confident in its use. Especially now. You heard unfamiliar footsteps thud towards you, the weight was too heavy to be a comrade. As you readied your technique, you were prepared to do your job the right way, even if it meant proving Neji wrong. For once, there were bigger things at stake than impressing your crush.
“I told you to stay put, and you disobeyed!” Neji raised his voice, something he never did. But despite your current victory, his pride appeared to be speaking on his behalf.
“I realize you gave an order. But given that it was a stupid order, I elected to ignore it!” The words fell out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. This was so uncharacteristic of you; going against the object of your affections, your squad leader, but as you worked tirelessly to heal Lee, halfway exhausted from the combat and the chakra exertions from your healing palm, you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. The irritation of what you knew could have been avoided was still currently draining precious chakra.
“You’re a medic-nin with no combat ability-“
“No combat ability?! I don’t think you know what that means, considering that my interference is the reason your comrades still have their organs intact and the mission didn’t carry on for another exhausting few days as we tracked them down again! Medic-Nin doesn’t mean walking-first-aid kit, Neji, it means I have a specialized skill set! And if your team—”
“If they failed their duties, then it’s not on you to interfere, it’s on-“
“YOU!” You finally raised your voice, barking back at Neji, who stood over you. His head jerked back and you saw the anger flash in his eyes, but you ceased your healing immediately to stand up and stare at him, eye-to-eye the best you could. Tenten pulled your shoulders back, trying desperately to deescalate the situation.
“You’re the squad leader, and for all the time I’ve ever spent admiring you in my whole life, you were absolutely the worst one I’ve ever seen! And, I’m not surprised after seeing the way you’ve talked to them this whole mission—and now me—it’s no wonder your teamwork is garbage! Who wants to work under someone like you?! Your pride comes before their well-being! I have no confidence in you as a leader to prioritize us, your teammates, and its clear your teammates are just as intimidated by you as they are the enemy!” You huffed, your fists balled and your knuckles turning white. “And you think that their failures are on them? No, you want to be the squad leader, you assume the responsibility—your team’s failures fall on you!”
           You saw Neji immediately move towards you and you felt the anger radiating off of him in waves. Tenten lurched forward in time to hold Neji back, separating the two of you, shouting at the both of you to calm down.
           The person you admired from the beginning, that anger that you saw in his eyes, the momentary snap of killing intent…was that really the person you admired for so long?
           The mission ended when you returned to the village, but Neji had given you the stern silent treatment ever since, and when you were dismissed from the assignment room, he had left without a word. You grimaced at the report he was likely to make about your insubordination, but Tenten gave you a knowing look.
“(Y/n), he isn’t the kind to be…that spiteful. If the mission was a success, he’ll want to focus on that. It was his first assignment as squad leader, after all…” You offered a small smile to Tenten and Lee, knowing they appreciated you sticking up for them.
“I hope so.. but in the future, you two… don’t let him talk to you like that anymore. He needs to learn to look after you all, too.”
“I think you’re right, (y/n). Don’t get me wrong, he’s actually better now still than he used to be, but…” Tenten looked off, exchanging looks with Lee, who nodded.
“Neji-san is improving day by day! My rival refuses to remain weak in any area, and so I know he’ll improve as a leader, too!” Lee gave you his trademark thumbs up and flash of teeth, and you giggled back.
“Well, even if I’m not on a team with you three from now on, I hope I’ll see you around!” Both nodded and you waved, bidding them goodbye on your way.
           As you walked home, though, the weight of your words bore down on you. You had never been that harsh with anyone in your life, let alone Neji, and you know there was a better way to handle it. You’d make things right. Because, after all, nothing ever would stop you from doing the right thing—not even Neji.
“We need to talk.”
           You weren’t the kind of person to let arguments set without resolution, so you had spent the better part of three weeks tracking him down and contemplating what to say. He was skilled at avoiding you—and you knew he was avoiding you, because that was just who he was—until you cornered him in a remote park.
“Leave.” His brows narrowed, teeth grit, and body tensed in agitation. He knew you had tried to find him, and he also knew how to avoid fans—he had been doing it for the better part of his life, anyhow. The only reason you caught up was because he had become sick of putting forth the effort to avoid you.
“You’re going to attack me? Since when were you ever a slave to any of your emotions, let alone anger?” You huffed, standing your ground. “You’re better than this. And I know you are. That’s why I’ve always admired you.”
           As you always seemed to, you caught him off-guard with your blunt confessions. Still, his steely-eyed approach didn’t waver. He let a small ‘hmph,’ obviously deeming you a non-threat, and returned to his cool demeanor.
“I’m not going to ask for forgiveness from you.”
“You don’t need to, I’ve forgiven you already whether you’re asking or not.” You crossed your arms, playfully returning his snark. Neji, after so many years, had weathered at least a little to your impenetrable wall of positivity.
“Oh? You’ve graciously forgiven me, I see?” Neji was sarcastic, but you knew him too well to pay it any mind.
“Yup, and you don’t have a choice about that. We all make bad calls, and I actually owe you an apology too.” Your demeanor softened as you finished until you paused meaningfully for a moment and sighed, letting your shoulders drop. You took a breath before making eye contact, letting him know you were serious. “You were under a lot of pressure for your first leadership mission, and I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I could have stated my concerns better. I’m not happy about the way I handled myself. Insubordination isn’t something to be proud of, either… I’m sorry, Neji.”
           Neji, despite you being the one apologizing, looked like you had punched him in the gut. You waved your hands at him, defensively.
“Hey hey, you know me. I’m not trying to be the better person here. You should know I say what I mean. I don’t care if you apologize officially or not, it’s water under the bridge now. I just want to make things right, whether we see each other in the future or not...though, hopefully...yes?”
           Neji shook his head, same expression on his face. There was a momentary silence between the two of you until he broke it.
“When I tell you to stay put, I mean it. I don’t take chances.” Neji looked off, monotone as always, hands on his hips. You quirked your brow at him, wondering if he had missed the point of all your protests on that mission. Until it hit you why he had commanded you to stay safe, and you blushed in realization.
           When Neji turned back to you, he caught your face a deep scarlet and was startled. He waved you off, grumbling about you taking it the wrong way. Still, you couldn’t help but giggle and followed him, hoping that this particular good mood would make him more agreeable to a proposal for lunch.
           It didn’t, but you were glad enough that you had made up with him. He coldly dismissed your offer and made his way off. Even then, he was sweet too… in his own way. He didn’t like you, but it seemed he wanted to assure your well-being, even if he could still cut you off at any time.
           When both Neji’s team and yours went through the Chunin exams a year and a half after you graduated, you were worried sick about…his predicament. Knowing what you did about the participants involved, you prayed he wouldn’t come to meet her during the exam.
           Your team had decided unanimously to go through, but the second exam was wreaking havoc on you. You lost your own scroll within the first day to a surprise assault, and now you had the task of finding not just one, but two scrolls. It seemed unlikely, until you noticed in the distance a team arguing over whether or not to open theirs preemptively. You caught the jump on them in their disoriented state right as they tried and your team’s well-timed ambush earned you an earth scroll and left them unaware. Not that you really had taken anything they wouldn’t have lost, anyway—there was a disqualification for breaking the rules of the exam.
           Still, you were worried you wouldn’t find the other scroll in time, and you definitely didn’t want to run into the team that stole yours again—you had barely escaped with your lives. By a stroke of luck, you ran into Neji’s team during the exam.
           They looked at you cautiously, but Neji was aware immediately that both teams held the same scroll, making a fight between the two of you pointless. That, and with Lee in a pitiful shape after his encounter with the sound-nin, your impulsive act of healing him—and disregarding conversation until you finished, you had a one-track mind on the matter—softened the situation. With Lee feeling better, you both drew up a temporary ally-ship. As a repayment for your medical services, Neji scouted two teams in the vicinity with heaven scrolls and you both planned out your assault. It was pointless to have two Konoha teams fight when allyship was far more lucrative.
           When you both finally made it to the tower with a day and a half to spare, you immediately learned that there were no on-duty medic-nin permitted to assist the passing participants. After having a few choice words with authority, you resolved to take care of both teams, using your chakra reserves carefully over the next few days to revitalize both your team—and Neji’s.
            When you finally got to Neji, he wasn’t as torn up as some of the team, though he did sustain a few nasty bruises from the second assault. The problem was that they were under his jacket…and his mesh armor.
“I-I need you to…” Gods, you couldn’t even say it. It was also fruitless to hold back your blush, but Neji narrowed his eyes at you.
“Work quickly, before the other teams catch on that we’re working together…and mind your manners.” He quickly unzipped the jacket and tugged off the armor as you stammered over something about ‘I just need to see the bruises to know what I’m dealing with’ and ‘what kind of person do you think I am?!’
           Now in full view of him, you couldn’t even bear to look. You took glances to see where the injuries were localized, but immediately averted your eyes when you began. Neji kept his gaze locked on you the whole time, and you weren’t sure if his stare was really meant as threatening as it came across. It was hard to process anything besides your chakra control. You’d never felt flustered about this sort of thing before, but he always made you notice these sorts of things, and right now it was simply embarrassing.
“Are you done?” His voice brought your attention back to reality. Neji glanced down, and you followed his line of sight. Your hand was solidly on his bicep, your healing quite finished. In your lost thoughts, you didn’t recognize you had stopped and your hand rested there…of its own accord, obviously.
           In all your training sessions for tactical withdrawal, you weren’t sure any of those recorded times came close to how fast you tore out of the room in that instant, yelping and stuttering a quick apology in your stupor towards the door. Neji, on the other hand, sat motionless on the bed, hands pulled into his lap, face solidified into a stern expression, and eyes locked on the door that slammed shut behind you as he waited for the slight tinge of color that had crept on his face to secede.
            The preliminary rounds were difficult, but you and another of your teammates managed to pull through the first round by the skin of your teeth. Your third wasn’t as lucky, and you made note to see him later, his injuries not so bad because he had surrendered in time. The rookie teams quickly made note of how you and team Guy knew each other, and at that point, the atmosphere between the leaf-nin was friendly enough to socialize comfortably. Lee was forming friendly, competitive bonds as well. It made sense, of course: even if this was an exam, you all fought for the same village.
           When Tenten’s round came, you were also shocked at how the sand-nin kunoichi quickly dealt with the girl you were barely on-par with. This filled you with a sense of dread for the upcoming fights. Still, you were concerned over your best friend, and took a small break to see her in the wing. When you came back, your eyes locked on the screen and your heart stopped.
           During the preliminary matches, your worst fears came true—Neji was to face his cousin from the main branch. And during, all the progress you had seen in him after the last year of working on his anger fell apart in those thirty minutes. You felt nothing but pity and sorrow for the girl trying her best, and you knew firsthand how words from Neji cut deep. She was just like you—she admired him, honestly, and you could feel the sense of loss from what once was a close sibling-like relationship.
           When Neji moved to kill her in the final act, you felt your legs jolt forward of their own accord before the Jounin were leagues ahead of you. When the orange-clad kid made an oath to get back at Neji, you were too lost in thought to process what was going on. You only hoped that if this kid would beat Neji—and you seriously doubted he would, because it was Neji—that some positive change would finally stick. Lee diplomatically handled the situation, telling the two to save it for the final matches, and you whispered words of praise for him when he returned to the balcony.
           Neji, on the other hand, caught immediately the look of abject disappointment on your face. Disappointment in him. But in true and prideful Neji fashion, he scoffed at you, deciding to ignore you for the rest of the rounds. You couldn’t read his eyes, but that was his intention after all.
           When Lee fell to the boy from the Sand, you experienced your second round of heartbreak that day. Once the matches concluded, you all but rushed to see him. He was being prepared for transport along with the other injured attendees to be transported out of the forest, but the medic-nin relayed his condition to you after you protested that you were his friend and a fellow medic-nin in training.
It wasn’t good.
           You leaned against the wall in the hallway, look of horror plastered over your face. You felt the tears begin to sting your eyes as the words from the medic in front of you passed over you and he left, the hall suddenly eerily quiet. You didn’t notice that someone had walked up to you and was speaking to you until a hand rose and snapped in front of your face.
           When you glanced over at Neji, jolted, his face impassive at your tear-stained cheeks.
“He’s not well, I take it?” The bite that was in Neji’s expression earlier was gone, but his voice held the same amount of emotion as always—none, perhaps with a hint of vague impatience.
           You managed to shake your head, tears threatening to spring anew. You hated having to be the one to break it to him, but today had been emotionally taxing. Your sorrow at Neji’s match was forgotten now, your attention focused on Lee.
“How bad?” He moved forward, but you caught his eye twitched as your expression worsened.
“He…his legs…they think they’re…” You couldn’t finish, your voice cracked, and you shook your head furiously, unable to say the words, the tears streaming down your face as you clutched your hands your face. You tried to regain your breath, to force the words out, but it wouldn’t come. You knew it was unprofessional, un-shinobi of you. But you couldn’t stop.
Neji also didn’t ask you to.
           You heard a sigh and a warm arm came around you, pulling you into a firm embrace. You almost gasped at the sudden contact, but your face was buried in his jacket. The part of you that always admired him would have been squealing with joy, but that wasn’t who you were right now. You clutched onto him for dear life, letting yourself cry and shake, Neji standing completely still to allow you to let it out.
“I’m going to make sure that kid from the sand knows…he’s made a terrible mistake.”
              That was enough for you to know. Neji was still the person you always admired. A year ago, he would never have moved on behalf of Lee. Now, Neji had his own resolve, one that didn’t take kindly to those who assaulted his precious teammates. You hadn’t seen the encounter in the forest with the sound-nin, but somehow you knew that had to have been similar to this fury…no, this was a deeper anger, one you felt as his fingertips unconsciously dug into you as he spoke. But Neji would need to be calculated for this match, because that Sand-nin, Gaara, had no qualms about killing. At all.
“Please.. be careful… that guy is…” You buried your face deeper into his jacket, unable to help the outpouring of your emotions, trying to pull yourself together. “Please, please be safe, Neji.”
“…I promise.”
            Neji had kept you busy during the month-long training period between the previous exams and the final. While you had your own match to prepare for, you both decided it would be best to train together along with Tenten. In addition, your opponent had been the particularly deadly nin that would have killed your teammate in the preliminaries had he not surrendered. This would be a difficult match.
           You weren’t completely sure, but you picked up a sense of urgency that Neji directed towards you during your training sessions. Neji was much stricter and harsher with his critique during your spars than previous session pre-exam, and he made sure to leave little room for error. You secretly hoped you wouldn’t need to face him in the final rounds, as both of you could already tell the inevitable outcome. If it weren’t for Tenten’s positive attitude, you might have been overwhelmed with how serious Neji was. He wasn’t going easy on either of you.
“How long were you neglecting your physical spars? You’re not going to heal the enemy to death. Get up.”
           After what seemed like the umpteenth time you had landed in the ground, your shoulders were crying out from the pain. Nevertheless, you groaned as you rolled over, drawing your elbows up under you in an attempt to push yourself up. One of your arms gave out midway and you tumbled back down, the side of your face hitting the ground as you winced.
“Is that all you’ve got?
“Ugh, I’m trying.”
“These exams have the fatality ban lifted, simply ‘trying’ is the last step before dying.”
           You cringed at the thought, admittingly not knowing what the outcome could be at this point either. Your opponent was able to secrete poison from his body in both a liquid-like substance as well as blowing poisonous gas from his mouth and nose. Close combat was pout of the question. Still, it didn’t hurt to be prepared.
“Neji, lighten up. (Y/N)’s team isn’t a taijutsu specialty like ours. They aren’t as focused on-“
“It doesn’t matter what their specialty is, Tenten.” Neji snapped back, startling the kunoichi. Despite being used to it, Neji’s calloused nature was never pleasant to experience.
“If you’re furious about something then we’re not the people to take it out on, Neji.” You snapped back on her behalf, finally regaining your balance on your feet.
“What did you say?”
“You’re taking something out on us! You never told us what happened when you returned to the compound aft-“
“Silence.” Neji’s voice had a dangerous uptick and something flashed behind his eyes that you really didn’t like. “My affairs are none of your concern, and….” His voice dropped multiple levels. “…clearly nothing did, or else you know I would not be standing here.” His voice dripped with acid, burning a painful hole in the conversation by the end. Both you and Tenten stood there awkwardly for a moment, exchanging glances.
“(Y/N) is…we’re just concerned, Neji.” Tenten covered for you, knowing where your heart was.
“If we’re going to sit here and talk about my feelings instead of train, then I’m off to be productive. Goodbye.” Neji scoffed, turning on his heel and made for a new training ground.
“Why do you walk away from everyone who cares about you?!” You blurted out suddenly, already regretting the decision, but also somehow possessed by the question that had been lingering in you for a long time.
           Normally, Neji never responded to taunts. And, he never needed to, he was far too self-assured. But this time, Neji’s feet halted immediately and his head snapped back at you in anger.
“Tenten, I need a moment.” You were still calm, giving Tenten a reassuring look before she acquiesced and left promptly, leaving you both alone for a time.
“Are you intent on getting on the very last nerve I possess? You clearly overestimate your importance, here. You’re a vapid and lovesick fan that had the sheer luck of being in proximity to me, but your healing was useful enough to keep you around. I was considerate enough to spar with you in exchange for your aid abilities, and now that I’ve shown a base amount of concern you decide to throw it back in my face?” Neji was immediately on the offensive, wasting no time once Tenten was out of sight. And oh, his words cut deep. The feeling of shame covered your face, knowing that was all he thought of you. He was the person you admired the most, and now he said everything he knew could hurt you.
“Of course I’m grateful, Neji, but it doesn’t mean I deserve to be treated like this. Tenten doesn’t deserve it, either. And I…I never asked you to care about me, so let’s get that straight!” You balled your fists and dared make eye contact with him, only a few feet away from you. “I’ve always admired you, I’ve always watched you succeed, and for good reason! You are a genius, and you know it! But even if I did, I’ve never asked anything of you that you shouldn’t have already done!”
Neji’s face gawked at you for a moment before blinking, thoroughly insulted. He must have imagined you were chastising him.
“No, you know you would never have gotten anything out of training with me, but yet you still…” You bit your lip. “You still asked me to come. Even if it’s just as shallow as not wanting me to die, that’s enough for me. I don’t want anything from you. I don’t! Have I ever asked? Have I ever demanded your attention, your time, or your concern?! I’m never going to do that, Neji! That’s not how I want to treat anyone, let alone someone I admire!” You breathed, still in disbelief that you were letting loose like this for the second time in your life. “You’ve always improved so far ahead of everyone, and now you care about your teammates and it shows, because I completely admire you as a leader, too. But this… it’s not painful because of the insults. I…we both could sit here and take it all day. Honestly, I think we’re just… too used to it by now.” You averted your eyes, Neji’s face deadlocked on yours, remaining unresponsive and silent, his brows narrowing.
“It hurts only because I’m seeing you suffer in silence. And it matters to me that you know you have people that want to look out for you…the same way you look out for all of us. I’m…we’re all not going to force you to open up, we just want to know how we can be there for you.” As you finished you noticed your voice growing weaker, the deadpan and harsh stare from Neji intimidating you. For a few moments, he was silent. He didn’t blink. And then, suddenly, he spoke.
“Get out of my sight.”
           You were shocked, the command so blunt as if he didn’t respond to anything you said. He wasn’t moving, but he expected you to. When you didn’t budge, still too overwhelmed in shock by his words, he stepped forward.
“No.” You said it, but you don’t know how in the world you managed, because when you did, Neji’s eyes widened in anger—the same sort of anger you saw during the exams, and you threw your hands up in front of you as though he were to attack. He didn’t move, but you saw his eyes flicker to your arms, and then you.
“I…you’re terrifying me right now, Neji…” Your voice shook, every fiber of your body telling you to get as far away from him as you could. Slowly, he advanced, posture straight, until he was uncomfortably close. You were deathly still, poised defensive.
           He suddenly leaned forward, and your foot flew out behind you, moving you further away. He did so once more, and you followed suit. Until you couldn’t move anymore, your back pressed against a tree, and his imposing figure with the darkest white eyes staring down at you, lips curled in a snarl. His looming figure blocked out the sunlight, casting a shadow over you.
“Where’s that bravery you had a few minutes ago, (y/n)?” His voice was soft, but no less menacing. In fact, the quiet inflection in his voice only heightened your sense of danger. You swallowed in reply, never taking your terrified eyes off of him. You felt hot, though not in the romantic sense you always anticipated when you daydreamed of him being as close as this. This was far more sinister.
“...It went with the person I admired.” 
          Mild shock painted his face, and suddenly he paused, the malice in his expression ebbing from his face.
“...You’ve been caught in a childish daydream for far too long.” He gave a subtle shake of his head, never letting his eyes leave you. “I’m not going to train with a child. You’re on your own after today. Whatever Tenten does after training with me is up to her.” He rose from his position, face eerily calm. He didn’t move away. Suddenly, you realized he wasn’t going to. Wanting nothing more than to be out of that situation, you slowly inched to the side and gave him a wide berth, hurrying out of the training area, leaving him as a lonesome figure in the field.
            You didn’t get a chance to speak with him until the exams, but you felt a sort of embarrassment as you stood near him in the lineup. The crowd had you feeling nervous, and the glare from your soon-to-be opponent was only succeeding in that you had already been feeling vulnerable even before you arrived. You had prepared something sufficient for him, but it was the following matches that had you concerned. Perhaps you would surrender when you could, after all.
           You were the second match following Neji and the one orange jumpsuit kid from the previous exam. It was likely to be a quick match, knowing the kid was a two-rate failure that would perform to expectations.
Oh, you were wrong.
           The match played out before your eyes in an unbelievable showdown. When Neji revealed his curse seal, you winced and clutched your hand over your heart from the combatant’s box. You had never seen it before but had heard of it in passing from Tenten and Lee. Hearing his past had all but wrenched your heart out, you never knew he suffered so much. This was the pain he had carried all his life.  the reminder of how you both had last spoken, the awe you always had of his impassible skill, and the fantastic fight put up by the boy called Naruto.
           All in the last few minutes of the match, when Neji had nearly been victorious…it all changed then. Naruto pulled a last-minute clever victory in an uproar, and Neji lay motionless on the ground. You found Tenten in the crowd who exchanged looks of shock with you, and she moved from her seat to go down to the medical wing. You couldn’t bear to do it yourself, though, and merely gave the Naruto a sideways glance as he returned to the competitor’s box.
Your own match was next.
           You had concern racing through your mind when you led yourself down to the field. You weren’t sure what the crowd thought of you��perhaps you were another filler match to them until their long-awaited Uchiha/Sand-nin match.
“You sure you ain’t giving up right now? If not I’m sure they offer shared rooms so you can see your friend…”
“Match Two, Begin.”
           When your eyes rose to meet him, the world didn’t matter. All that was ahead of you was a certain payback to one ninja that had bloodied your teammate.
“Yeah, now send my regards to both of yours.”
            The ambush came on suddenly from the stands, and your remaining teammate managed to awaken you just in time to see Neji and Tenten rush out of the area behind Hyuga elders, the sand and sound-nin in full assault upon the remaining jounin stationed in the arena. Knowing your techniques, though still in their novice stage, could mean the difference between life and death for those in the surrounding area, you took a stealthy approach, utilizing your scalpel technique from hidden corners of the arena.
            Your match had ended swiftly, the endurance training you had begun with Neji and continued with Tenten allowed you to counter your opponent’s close-range poison abilities. You were almost always out of range from his clouds of gas until you had lured him in close enough for a finishing blow. He began to laugh until you whipped around in the last moment and shoved a syringe into his artery.
           You had prepared an antidote to his poison—one you administered directly to him, and as the antidote flooded his veins his poisonous gases were neutralized. It was only a matter of time before his actual sub-par Taijutsu was overpowered by your swift movements and precise attacks with the Chakra Scalpel technique. You shoved yourself to the ground to lash out at his Achilles tendon, and rolled to avoid his weight as it came crashing down. Standing over his hunched form with your hand primed with another scalpel just out of reach of the vertebrae on his neck, the match was officially over.
           Now, the stray ninja that came after you shared the same fate. You worked to disable their mobility when you saw an opening, leaving the more experienced Jounin to finish them off.
           As soon as it had happened, it seemed that the ambush was over. Only a few hours had passed, but those that were caught surrendered, those that were against retreated. Knowing you still had one teammate in your sight with minimal injury and another in the rehab wing of the hospital—he had inhaled far too much poison had needed recurring checkups on his lungs—your thought wandered to Neji and Tenten, hoping they were safe. You didn’t have much time to think as soon you were ambushed by multiple shinobi needing your assistance.
           Even as a novice in the coming months, you were stretched thin by Konoha Crush’s aftermath. There were days without a break, and you dreamed of your bed often. On a few occasions, you had passed out from chakra exhaustion, only to stubbornly pick yourself up after a short period to gather what you could and continue. No one stopped you, knowing that your skillset was too valuable to protest.
           Tenten came by now and then, and you sighed in relief when she told you that Neji was safe and sound—in fact, things had been apparently better since the attack. She told you of their meeting in the medical wing and you smiled warmly, happy she had been there for him.
           She also mentioned that she heard of your match and had shared the story with Neji, and you burned red, nudging her in the side for putting you on the spot like that. She laughed in their characteristic way and let on that in her limited abilities to read of the Hyuga, she had never seen a look so close to ‘impressed’ cross his face as when he heard about it. Tenten gazed at you for a moment, acknowledging that even if he hadn’t come to see you since the exams, it was likely because he was embarrassed by his actions before. Not that he would admit it ever because it was Neji, but she advised that you should see him sometime.
           Though your schedule was full enough that in the coming months that any hope you had of seeing your longtime crush and admired one fell to the wayside. In the distance, though, one day in the marketplace as you tiredly picked out ingredients for dinner, pearl-colored eyes caught sight of you through the crowd of people, tracing your every movement and expression with relaxed lids that spoke guilt. As soon as they did, though, they seemed to be self-aware enough to force themselves away, retreating to a familiar road home.
           Sasuke had left the village, and Neji had been sent after. They were back now…in the hospital. This was the news that came to you as you returned your report to the desk.
           You had been gone on your own mission. Otherwise, Shikamaru later told you, he considered your medical abilities as a valuable backup for the team. You couldn’t rebuke Shikamaru, seeing the look of defeat that he was barely holding back. You comforted him the best you could, but you couldn’t stop the question that spilled from your lips.
“Where’s…Neji?” You looked at Shikamaru, hopeful, only to see the broken expression of the man who looked at you with nothing but guilt hanging from the corners of his eyes. He bit his lip, knowing you wouldn’t like his response.
“He’s…in critical care. They’ve been working on him for the last few hours.”
            Those words echoed like a shot through your heart, and you rushed off before Shikamaru could utter another word. The halls were a blur, your heart thrusting against your ribcage, threatening to make its way through your throat if upset further. You had been in the hospital many times before for supplemental training, and knew the intensive surgical room had a short observation deck above the area that was walled off with glass. It was utilized for students that sat in on procedures, but family members made their way above as well. This time, though, the area was barren and you held your breath.
‘Neji had a huge family, where were they? The room was still in use. Had they left already? Were they wrapping up the surgery? Had something gone wrong? Those rooms were only empty if it was done, or if..no, no, otherwise if they had…been led out…because of….’
            Your hand went up to stifle the gasp as you saw the extent of his injuries. The nin were still working, but there were two large perforations in his torso, clean punctures through. That he hadn’t bled out by now was a miracle.
            The seconds staring at his injuries were the longest of your life. Time would only resume as normal when a hand came upon your shoulder, and you saw the face of the new Hokage herself.
“Oh Good, I was wondering who I would need to assign to take care of this one when he leaves surgery.”
Tsunade let a sly grin slide onto her face, and at once your worries retreated back, though they hung off in the distance.
“Will he…?”
“Make a full recovery? You should know that these things are never a hundred percent certain.” Despite the partial warning, Tsunade didn’t retract her confident grin and chuckled. “…but it might raise a few percentage points or so if you keep an especially good eye on him after. I’ve heard you’re probably the only one who can, given how this one can get a bit of an attitude, right?”
          You sighed in relief, and you felt Tsunade pat your back as she returned to her duties.
“In the meantime, it’ll benefit you to keep watch over the procedure. You might be doing it yourself, one day.”
            When the surgery finally ended, you let out a breath that you may as well have held for the whole session. Tsunade had long since left, but you had been joined by Tenten, Lee, and your teammates. The observation room rejoiced, your cheers startling the doctors below for a moment until they smiled at the enthusiastic group above that had been waiting on their friend.
            You hardly left his bedside for the days following, gently tending to some of his care when the nurses were swamped with duties. Changing bandages was now second nature to you, as were the rotations. The others occasionally came by, but none of his family came.
            This went on for two days until a quiet presence made its way through the door. You had hardly slept, so you weren’t sure you had imagined it at first until a meek figure peeked out around the curtain. You recognized her immediately.
“Not awake yet, but maybe your presence will do the trick.” You smiled at Hinata, knowing that her attendance meant they had indeed made reparations in the time since the exams.
           She stayed for a while, and you made small-talk. Hinata was a sweet, kind-hearted girl. She was bashful even in person, but soon your conversation fell to the wayside when Neji began to stir. You both silenced immediately and Hinata waved her hands at you in flustered urgency, and you checked for his vitals. As soon as he had begun moving, he stopped, slipping back into unconsciousness. This began to worry you. You gave Hinata what reassurance you could, but she was obviously shaken by the event.
“I told you he’d stir! Now you just need to come back until he wakes up all the way!” You flashed a grin at her and she managed a meek smile in response, nodding gently before bowing and excusing herself out of the room.
           You hoped she really would return, given that she was the only family to pay him a visit since.
           That night, you told the nurses about his activity and they put him on watch for the night, closely monitoring for any additional activity or abnormalities. You begged to stay until they finally relented, warning you not to let the hospital head find out about your presence outside of normal visiting hours—you weren’t immediate kin or his actual teammate, after all. Still, it meant another nurse could divert her attention to other patients for the evening, and for that she was grateful.
           You felt hopeful that evening, but as the night drew to its zenith and still no change in his condition, you began to get inside your own head. That lingering “what if…?” echoed louder than it had in the days before. You visibly shook your head, frustrated, planting your face in the bed near his arm as you leaned over in your chair, trying to focus on anything but your overwhelming anxiety about his condition. The prospect of losing him, though…wasn’t one you were sure an eternity could prepare you to grapple with. You had to keep hope.
           At some point, you must have dozed off into a feverish rest, your head still tilted onto the bed. As you dreamed, you felt as though you were walking with a heavy weight upon your head. You kept attempting to shake it off, to move around in every way you could, but it wouldn’t leave. It was almost as though you had a headache, and suddenly the weight began to bounce on top of your head. A constant pounding of an invisible force shook you in your dreamlike state, until you realized you were no longer in a dream.
           Your groggy state let out a small groan as you attempted to move, your body stiff from being in an impractical position for so long.
That voice.
           You shot up immediately, stumbling a bit as your body had yet to catch up with your consciousness and your eyes shot straight for the brilliant opal eyes of Neji, peering through half-opened lids at you, his hand resting on yours.
           He was nearly feverish in this state, though he wasn’t flushed and you knew he had no temperature. Coming out of a coma was always a slow process, not a dramatic event that stories always made it seem. It dawned on you that the thumping had been his hand, still with limited mobility, trying to get your attention.
           You cursed yourself that this of all times had to be the moment you fell asleep, and you quickly got to work with checking his vitals and going through routine questions. You had to repeat many of your questions and keep them as simple as possible—he still seemed to be in a state of semi-consciousness—and checking for any discomfort, pain, or sign of undetected ailments. Neji slowly answered and his voice grew stronger as you went along, until he was finally able to ask one of his own.
“Where…How long..?”
“Four days total since your mission. Well, if you include tonight.” You were testing his collarbone, noting how he winced at the lightest touch. Pulling loose the gown’s shirt for a better view, the area was still closed but had an ugly, dark bruise that extended from just below his collar, over past the top of his shoulder, and midway through his upper chest. You compared the length of the bruising around his shoulder to the measurements took previous. It was slow, but they appeared to be decreasing in size and lightening in color.
“Please tell me you didn’t stay…this whole time.” Neji swallowed dryly, flicking his eyes from your hands that examined his bruising and back to your face that was concentrated on your routines.
“I can’t lie very well, you know that.” You smiled at him, gently checking for his pulse and scanning the monitors for his brainwave activity. It was slow, but that was normal. Satisfied that he was in no more pain than expected, you poured him a small glass of water, doubling back over your shoulder to check his painkiller levels, and sat next to him. He needed some faint assistance raising his head to drink, but you kept your motions as gentle as possible. His hand reached up to cover yours as it gripped the glass, but you weren’t confident he could hold it just yet.
           He groaned in pain, letting his head fall back on the bed in partial exhaustion. It was almost ironic how tired he was given that he had essentially slept for four days. Without thinking, you caressed the messy hair out of his face, and Neji, in his half-awake state, leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. Your face flushed instantly as you froze. With a confidence you didn’t know you possessed, you leaned forward to kiss his forehead and Neji blinked, looking back up at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
“I’m…just glad you’re safe. I didn’t know what to do when I found out, and…just…” You babbled, not even sure of what you were going to say, while he gazed back up at you, your thumb running over his cheek for a brief moment before you caught yourself and turned away, trying hard to contain the heavy feeling behind your eyes that attempted to spill out. You retracted, rubbing your face, taking a deep inhale before a weak hand covered yours as it rested on the bed.
“(y/n)…Thank you.”
           Neji was a little stubborn when it came to medical care, only insofar as Guy’s teachings made him habitually push himself beyond his limits. While the hole in his chest and abdomen had closed, the soreness from those areas was ever present. One thing many did not understand about healing jutsu wasn’t that it was an instant cure unless you were someone like Tsunade. It was a forced regrowth of cells, and those cells were delicate until they took time to completely weave together. The deeper the wound, the longer it took for the cells to settle. It was as if you had only placed tightly-woven mesh made from thin fibers over the wound. The fragile new skin could reopen and tear if not cared for properly.
“You need to take care of yourself! For being a genius, you’re so…just…ugh, wreckless sometimes!” You finished tying the bandage on his shoulder around the same time you finished your lecture.
           You weren’t really mad—and he knew, judging by your pouting face as you hurried your care of his arm—but you were very serious about him being careful. You caught a small smile from him as he sat in silence, letting you complete your work, admiring how talented you had become. As you got up and turned to put your things away, you heard him chuckle for a moment before he let out a small sigh.
“I’m not sure there’s anyone in this world that will care for me as you do.”
You paused at his words, your brows raising in confusion. “What do you mean by that?”
“What do you think?”
           That statement had so many interpretations and all of them were just as ‘Neji’ as the last; you couldn’t figure where to begin. You turned away for a brief moment, your face contorting in many comical expressions of confusion as you sputtered out syllables in an attempt to fathom some reply. It wasn’t working, you needed to know more. You turned to question him, but his back was to you, silhouette suddenly much further than you remembered as he left without so much as a glance back. “Whe- Hey! Neji!” But despite your attempts, he was gone before you had even finished.
           You clenched your fists and pouted. There he was again, leaving without even letting you respond. For being in recovery, he sure knew how to make a swift exit.
“Hey! Seriously! Quit walking off when you make statements like that!”
            As soon as Sasuke left the village, it seemed not long after Naruto had as well. The village was relatively quiet for the next years, and once Neji recovered you made sure to not let your schedule get in the way of seeing him again.
            He always seemed to play off your insistence at coming to see him, but you could tell by the way he didn’t protest he actively enjoyed your presence. One rare occasion you had to cancel training plans on him for a mission, you could have sworn his ensuing silence was actually his form of pouting, if Neji were ever capable of such a reaction. When you tested the waters and asked to reschedule for your return, he agreed far too quickly. This surprised you, and you teased him about it, much to his chagrin as he resorted to ‘stern and silent’ once more.
             He had been more open in the last years, and you spent hours--made hours--to dwell in long conversation that became as natural as breathing. You didn’t know Neji could be so talkative, but while deep in a meaningful exchange you always were in awe at the thoughtfulness that came from him. Though you had grown up a bit, that admiration from you never completely subsided. 
             Neji also had brought new, more personal topics on his own accord with you when appropriate. Sometimes they caught you off guard, though you were incredibly attentive to him. In fact, sometime after he had recovered from the mission and knew that you weren’t obligated to stay around, he caught your attention with a strange request.
“Can we speak after training today?”
“I…ah…sure, is there something on your mind?” You tilted your head, now swimming with ideas about what it could be. The inner part of you was dancing with joy, shouting ‘Confession! Confession! Confession!’ but your clearly rational side rebuffed that idea as best it could, knowing that while Neji was occasionally considerate towards you, you didn’t get the ‘crush’ vibe from him. Then again, Neji was someone who knew how to hide secrets from you.
“Yes, you could say that. It’s a conversation far overdue.” He nodded courteously and you scrutinized every motion he made, trying to get a sense for what it was. No indicator of a confession. As he was back on the field and his focus diverted, you tilted your mouth to the side, crossing your arms and thinking as hard as you could.
            By the end of training, you were ready to sprint a mile to run off the energy that had built from your anticipation. Leave it to Neji to make you impatient. As the others left, you stood around awkwardly, pretending to be occupied so they wouldn’t hang around too long out of suspicion. When you felt a familiar presence behind you, your heart kicked into overdrive as you spun around, nervous and fidgety.
“Are you alright?”
“Y-Yes! I’m fine! I just, uh…I just have no idea what it is!” You held your arms behind you and bouned on your heel for a moment, chastising yourself and telling you to focus. Neji eyed you in mild interest before he took a breath.
“I owe you an apology.”
            Your movements stilled and you observed his features. He was straightforward as ever, his hands balled into fists, and his voice only speaking words he meant.
“You know you’ve never owed me anything.” You smiled at him, tilting your head. This was endearing and uplifting all at once. He really had changed for the better thanks to that fateful match, and you saw the progress before you. He had been gentler, his quick anger replaced with a serene maturity. Neji gazed at you for a moment before briefly closing his eyes to think as he returned his honest gaze to you.
“You’ve always said that, but I wonder…if you really know what support like yours is worth. What it meant…even if I don’t owe you anything, you deserve to be treated accordingly. Being the way that I was, saying those calloused things to you, knowing I didn’t truly mean them and I was lashing out, I was unfair to you. And you’ve always been patient with—” You held your finger up to your lips with a soft smile, and he silenced midsentence.
“You’ve changed for the better in such a short time, and believe me, I can tell in your actions that you mean every word and gesture. I don’t dwell on the past. Knowing you’re trying to change from the person that you were then…is enough of an apology for me. I forgive you, and…I want to see more of that person.”
           You were beaming at him. Neji’s cheeks dusted the fainted shade of pink, betraying his forcefully placid expression. It was always so adorable to see him hold back when his feelings were strong. It was the rarest sight, but you committed every moment like this to memory.
“You know, Neji…my admiration of you still grows every day.” You confessed honestly, enjoying the fact that the shade on his face became slightly more prominent.
“What do you mean by that…?!” He nearly stuttered; something Neji never does, and your smile grew wider as you gracefully footed your way around him, making your way for the town.
“What do you think?” You teased as you called back in the distance, Neji startled and frozen at once as you disappeared off.
“Cheeky…” He grumbled with a tsk, moving ever so hurriedly—but calmly—after you.
            It was nearly two years since the exams and you had spent your time building your strength, training, fulfilling missions, and if you were lucky, shadowing Tsunade when she allowed. You weren’t her formal student, but you took after Shizune, finding your strength in poisons and antidotes. Your skills had followed as well, shaping you into a much stronger shinobi than you once were, giving you a modest reputation.
            The second wave of Chunin exams came and went, resulting in Neji’s promotion to Jounin and your own promotion to Chunin. When he told you, you couldn’t help but erupt in a bubbly cheer of joy and congratulations, throwing your arms around him and giving him an impulsive kiss on the cheek. Neji was never more flustered in his life, resembling Hinata more so than his usual self. He immediately went rigid and halted responding for a few moments after you broke away from your half-second action, and you waved your hand in front of his face to be sure he was still breathing. This all earned you a stern lecture when he maintained his composure, though as you grinned your way through it you could tell that his heart wasn’t really in it.
            News of Naruto’s return and the Kazekage’s kidnapping hit the village all at once, and you were concerned when you realized Neji’s team had been called after the S-rank assailants. You bit your lip when he bid you goodbye, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder before he went to meet his team. He was older now, and his face was well-defined with gentle angles that your eyes loved to trace, leading back to his beautiful, iridescent eyes. You couldn’t look at him right now though, only grumbling as you fidgeted with your medical pack.
“If you scare me again like that Sasuke mission, I swear…” You meant to warn him seriously, but the hope and confidence you always had in him won out over your fears.
            A soft hand suddenly thumbed over your cheek and under your eye, giving you a gentle but unexpected reassurance. Your eyes met and you blushed. Neji was never openly…like this. And you both weren’t…you know.
“I’m coming back. On my feet, this time. I promise.” His hand left your face as soon as it had reached for it, and Neji blinked, the softest of smiles on his face.
You crossed your arms, pouting, but relenting.
“If you don’t and you break your promise, know that I know the most efficient poisons to keep you alive but moderately uncomfortable.” You huffed; your threat not serious in the slightest.
Neji chuckled, turning on his heel and bidding you goodbye, and so you began the long days of wait for his return, your heart slowly disappearing in the distance.
           You settled next to him on the engawa, taking in for a moment the gracious view of his silhouette against the wooden walls and backdrop of the gardens, and the gentle, meditative look on his face. You made sure to leave an ample space between the two of you, not wanting to press on his boundaries, but no sooner had you sat down, he turned his head towards you. His eyes motioned you closer—how did he always do that with just a glace?—and you complied, containing your enthusiasm, scooting slightly closer to him before settling completely.
          Neji observed you for a moment, and you could feel his eyes tracing out the contours of your face. You blushed a bit as you always did under his observation, and he let a soft smile. He secretly enjoyed that he could make you react this way.
          You looked to a recent bandage on his shoulder, revealed only by the sleeveless kimono top he was wearing. You sat down almost reflexively to adjust it, keeping your eyes focused on rewrapping the cloth. ‘For all of his genius,’ you smiled to yourself, ‘he’s only somewhat proficient at appropriately wrapping injuries.’
          Still, what weighed on the two of you was the news of the impending war that was coming. Squad assignments were being given, and very soon you would be in the fight for your lives. It made it difficult to enjoy the quiet moments like these, knowing that this would be a distant memory when you were on the battlefield. You were both tense. And for each of you, concern painted every move you made with one another.
“The war seems to be coming, soon.” You shifted the silence to calm conversation, knowing it was best to speak sincerely from the start. Neji lowered his eyes, the small smile on his face in gratitude that starting the hard conversations was always your strong suit.
“It seems that way.” Neji didn’t seem dismissive, though. On the other hand, his tone told you he received and reflected your own concerns.
“I’m… worried.” You confessed.
“I’m sure, war is never a joyous occasion.”
“No, I mean…I’m worried. For you.”
           Neji blinked, seemingly lost in contemplation at your words.
“You always are, aren’t you?” It was less a question and more of a statement of realization, one that seemed to echo deeper within him.
           The air was still, save for the soft fluttering of wings as two birds settled on the branch in front of you, letting forth the occasional chirp to remind you of their presence. Neji was reminded, too. Of a question that had hung in his heart for a long time, one he had always been afraid to ask. Was it fear, of the answer, though? Or fear that the answer could change everything?
           Now, it was perhaps the only time to ask. He had to know.
“….Why have you always cared this much for me?”
           You blinked once, wondering if you had imagined him saying it. When you turned your head to look at Neji, he wasn’t looking at you. His brow was furrowed and his gaze downcast, he seemed lost in thought. You put your hands down from the newly wrapped bandage, settling them on your lap as you blinked once, twice at him.
“Because… it’s you.”
“…That’s it?” He turned and blinked at you in surprise, his face turning to slight confusion, moving each syllable over his tongue as if he was more unsure with each word. “You’ve always cared because I’m…me?”
           You couldn’t help but smile. It almost sounded like a shallow answer given your history, but as you reflected on it, it was succinct, simple, and honest.
“It’s all the reason I’ve ever needed.”  You shyly looked away, keeping your head turned towards him. “I don’t think any honest affections for someone are solely based on what they do for you. I’ve never wanted, never needed anything from you. It was never about cost, or return, because those are woefully capricious and complicated things. This feeling is simple and constant. It is as it has always been.”
           Your eyes returned to his, absorbed in yours, while the smile on your face grew of its own accord. “And you, just as you are, have always been enough for me.”
           There wasn’t a word to describe the emotions that passed through his eyes, though his outer face was still. As if of their own accord and without his knowledge, the corners of his mouth twitched, curling up as he couldn’t hold back the soft joy that grew in his chest. Returning to his upright position and painfully aware of the slight tinge of pink on his own face, he returned his gaze forward and away from your searching eyes to avoid further embarrassment. His furthest knee drew up and he rested his elbow upon it, burying the lower half of his face in his palm. Though when he heard your quiet giggle, you saw a small smile return to his face and his eyes temporarily flickered towards yours before returning ahead.
“What about you, then?” You slid a little closer to him, thoroughly enjoying his bashful repose. And he knew it too, from the way you saw him sternly (but not seriously) quirk a brow at you. He lifted his head from where it had been covered by the hand.
“What do you mean?”
“When…?” You pouted a bit, halfway expecting his responding silence. You knew better than to force him to espouse his feelings before he was ready. “I never knew you cared this way…until recently. After the last time we had this chance alone. But it’s no wonder I was drawn to you, you’ve always been admirable in every sense. But I have to ask…with you, why…me?” You leaned forward, but he didn’t move, didn’t avert his gaze ahead. With a few moments of lingering stillness after your response, you turned your head forward in resignation, letting it be.
           At least, you thought, you would enjoy the serenity of the garden with him, knowing that what had happened minutes before—the lack of rejection—was a confirmation in itself. The only sound came from the two birds you had seen earlier, both sitting upon the same branch, seemingly having a conversation of their own, a song shared between the two of them. You were almost in a meditative state until his unexpected answer broke through the silence.
“You’ve only ever been who you were.” You turned once more to him, giving him your full attention. His answer wasn’t what you expected, either, though it sounded similar to yours. He was oddly reminiscent about an answer that should have been in the present, until you realized that it all went further back than you knew. 
“…Regardless of my actions towards you. And for my younger self, that was surely no small feat of strength.” He sighed, the tinge of guilt hanging in the air.
“Still, our world as shinobi is cold, and yet the warmth from you was constant. We are required to be cruel, but to me, you were ever kind. We must lie, but you’re forever honest with me…even when I was wrong. We must rescind all of our attachments, but you…refused to let me feel alone…” His voice trailed off, the last few words barely audible. His words were carefully chosen—as expected of the composed Hyuga. He gazed at the sky for a moment, lost in his thoughts, searching for those last words that echoed once, twice, so many times through all the memories of your past together.
“It is as you said. It’s always been just you, as you were. How could I…have fallen for anyone but you?”
           A fluttering of wings took part of your response, as the two birds previously nestled in the tree in front of you took flight. In tandem, they soared. You heard this, but only part of it. As soon as your eyes locked once more, time spun forward, weaving you both finally as one.
           In an action that Neji would later recount as perhaps uncharacteristic for him, he gently, tentatively, leaned down to place a chaste and unsure kiss upon your lips, lingering hesitantly to feel your response. As you pressed back, you felt a small hum or gasp—somewhere between—as if he didn’t expect that the person who had loved him all this time would wholeheartedly return it. No matter how new it was for both of you, the passion was ever apparent in the warmth of your lips that entwined deeper still, one hand lacing with his. Gentle movements of his thumb sweeping over your cheek and caused your heart to resound firmly in your chest as you clutched onto his shirt with your other.
           It was surreal, feeling your lips move together in tentative caresses, letting the passions of the moment take precedence over the need for perfection. The motions of the kiss grew deeper in a turn that surprised both of you, and you felt his cheeks hot against yours. Both of you were embarrassed, but this felt so right, and clumsy as it was the closeness that you both desired but now finally had was intoxicating. His lips were soft and better than any of the hazy daydreams that you remembered from when you were young. As he drew away, his eyelashes barely covering his lidded eyes, you found yourself longing for them the moment they left.
           Not content to let him leave, you pressed your nose against his in an affectionate gesture before he went too far. He flinched at the contact, but such was Neji and not the feelings he held. He leaned forward once more, resting his forehead against yours, enjoying your warm presence, taking a second to inhale and catch his breath from the romantic exchange. At some point his other arm came around you to press you flush against him. His motions were so slow and subtle you hadn’t realized he moved until you where there, in an embrace that felt heavenly.
“This close is really…” You mused, enjoying the contact along with the new opportunity to poke fun at the all-too-serious man that held your heart.
           Of course, Neji was more likely to assume you meant otherwise and he pursed his lips in shock, relinquishing all contact immediately before you caught him, throwing both arms around his torso and snuggling up to his shoulder. He let out a small sound of surprise, his arms drawn halfway up in the air. “I’m teasing!” His eye twitched again before he chuckled at the genuinely adorable reaction from you, finally relaxing and resting his arms around you once more.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He sighed, complaint as genuine as his half-hearted attempt at agitation. You winked and grinned at him. Neji merely hummed in reply, his hand gently caressing your back as his head rested on yours. You were the only part of the world that existed to him then, and it was all he longed for. It was a moment he knew he would never forget, finally letting himself truly feel the warmth of the one who had always been by his side.
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onelilhippie · 2 years
OUTCAST: chapter seven
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THE SKY had darkened as we followed my brother through the thick brush of the woods. he seemed to be having fun with this, breathing heavy as he glanced between the compass in his hand and the forest floor under his shoes.
"something's happening..." dustin said aloud, racing forward with us not far behind. at this point, eddie and i had parted hands, opting for following each other in the narrow path of my brothers footsteps. dustin was far ahead, and eddie and i were not the fastest.
"dustin, can you slow down? dustin?" eddie asked, voice carrying. i was breathing a little harder than i wanted to admit. i was not in shape at all.
we all stumbled after my brother, piling out from behind the trees and into a small opening. dustin looked at us all, a smile on his face.
"i think we're getting close!"
he was going to step forward, right into water, but eddie caught him by the shoulders.
"watch your step, big guy."
we stood around, gazing over the water in the dark of the evening.
"oh, man." steve sighed, clearly as out of shape as i was. "you gotta be shitting me."
"fuck." i said, realizing that we were right in front of lover's lake, where eddie and i had fled the night before, by the skin of our teeth.
"i thought these woods were familiar." eddie spoke, looking over at me by his side. i pursed my lips in annoyance. i did not want to go back in the lake, or be near it for that matter.
"lover's lake." robin confirmed my thoughs, flashlight reflecting over the blackened water.
"this is confounding." dustin's eyebrows were pulled together.
"there's a gate in lover's lake?" max asked.
"whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. maybe vecna's the same way."  nancy suggested, looking at all of us. i didn't like this at all, and it showed by the look on my face.
"yeah, only one way to find out."
eddie and i led them to the boat we hid, uncovered it. it had dried off since we tipped it over. but... the boat wouldn't be big enough to fit all of us. definitely not.
eddie and steve began lifting it, setting it at the edge of the lake.
"easy! ... i said easy, man." steve snapped as eddie basically slammed it into the water. he apologized though. robin stepped over the two boys, the first in the boat. then nancy and steve. i held my hand out for eddie to help me in, but he shook his head.
"no, you're staying back."
"excuse me?" i looked at him like he had three heads. i wasn't separating from him, that was ridiculous.
"you're not getting in the boat, marnie."
"uh, yeah i am. we're not separating, and you can't tell me what to do. nice try though." when he still didn't hold his hand out for me, steve sighed and helped me in. i smiled, accomplished, up at eddie, who shook his head. just because i didn't wanna get in the lake again, doesn't mean i wouldn't follow eddie to keep him safe. then dustin tried to get in.
"hey, hey, hey. you trying to sink us?" eddie stopped him, hand out, pushing him back. i chuckled at my brother's expression.
"this thing holds three people tops, okay? not five. your sister is pushing it." i scoffed, smacking him in the shin as he was still standing up. rude as hell.
"it's better this way, okay? you guys stay here with max. keep an eye out for trouble."
"you keep an eye out. its my goddamn theory." my brother snapped at nancy. my eyes widened as i stood up.
"dustin, what is your problem?" i defended. he ignored me, turned to robin.
"you heard nance." robin said, shrugging.
"who put nancy in charge?"
"i did." robin said.
nancy held her hand out for the compass and dustin reluctantly handed it over, looking back at his friends. the three stood back as steve threw dustin his bag, then worked on pushing the boat out and climbing in.
"you said three!" dustin called. steve whispered a phony apology as robin and eddie pushed us farther into the lake.
"bedtime at nine, kiddos! miss you already!" robin yelled with a smile. she had gotten good with them. i was super thankful for the older kids here, watching over them when i couldn't, even when i knew they were old enough to handle themselves. i felt a little useless in this big situation, sitting around and only leaving when i was told. but the cops wanted to question me about eddie and chrissy, and i was a terrible liar. terrible. and scared of the cops, since i'd been busted for being high one too many times before. that convinced me that they wouldn't take my word for a grain of salt anyways.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
i was way too squished in the boat. i was sandwiched in the front, facing eddie and robin as they slowly took us out to the middle of the lake. i was getting entirely too impatient, but i could manage, since i got to sit and watch eddie's pretty features in the moonlight. every so often, he'd look up at me while rowing, harboring that expression on his face, the expression he had saved for me from back when we first got met. it was a soft smile, eyes holding a little shine like he was looking at the stars.
"whoa! whoa whoa whoa! slow down, slow down guys." nancy exclaimed suddenly, looking at the compass in her hand. robin and eddie turned to the nancy, and i scooted forward. i could just barely see the needle of the compass spinning rapidly where we had stopped the boat.
"whoa." steve breathed out. the walkie chimed, and i picked it up.
"guys, what's going on? come on guys, talk to me." dustin asked. i held the walkie out,
and robin leaned towards me to answer it.
"uh, dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'ahh!'" i smiled at her statement. robin had always been a little awkwardly funny.
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