whitelilynh · 1 year
Thank you so much for your answer! You are very nice! I haven’t been in the Naruto fandom in so long, but I have recently become obsessed with Neji lol. I saw some kind of arguments in support of NejiTen having been the original plan for canon, and I was wondering what you thought of them.
Nejiten shippers go on about symbolism between them including their zodiac signs being the best match, best blood type compatibility (apparently this is a big thing in Japan), their representation of a dragon and a phoenix (apparently the perfect couple for marriage in feng shui? But I think Tenten was only compared to a dragon in filler), kaiten being their names put together (even though Kai is a synonym for Neji and Tenten doesn’t spell her name with the same kanji as heaven), and Tenten being the sky because another definition for ‘Ten’ in Japanese is sky (not sure about the kanji or whatever) and Neji being the caged bird who longs for freedom to fly in the sky. They say that Neji never called her a failure, but he did with Naruto, Hinata, and Lee, so she is “special” to him. She only enabled his toxic fatalistic behavior though! I also saw them call Tenten yang and Neji yin, but it was shown in canon that Hinata is his yang instead.
Obviously, this doesn’t make up for lack of development…or no development at all, but I wonder if Kishimoto originally planned on pairing Tenten with Neji and changed his mind? Does he pick specific birthdays, symbolism, and blood types for them for pairings sake, or are the databooks questionable canon? Then again, I saw this amazing post about how Tenten was pretty much confirmed to be aroace the whole time...unless this is a retcon? It doesn’t seem like it to me though. Of course, I saw a NejiTen claim that the excerpt from Tenten is a mistranslation, but I don’t think so.
Some NejiTens use fillers for evidence, too…like the episode with Tenten’s dream and Neji saying that Tenten is the reason he is alive and he holds her. The episode is called “Where Tenten Belongs” and someone claims that she belongs in Neji’s arms. 🙄 At least with Rock Lee SD, it was made by one of Kishimoto’s assistants instead of random animators who don’t even know him. The characters act like themselves but are extremely exaggerated for the many comedic moments.
The anime team often makes the story inconsistent as well…especially regarding NaruHina. Thank you again for your in-depth answers. For some reason, I just feel like talking about this. About a decade ago, I used to make arguments together with other people against SasuSaku, so I kind of wanted to do it again but with a different pairing this time. I’m just so tired of not being able to avoid NejiTen wherever I go…NejiHina is much more appealing despite the fact that I don’t ship it romantically. I saw a post that claimed that it could’ve been the endgame because Neji had to die for NaruHina to happen…and it isn’t that farfetched. Anyway, I’m sorry to dump all of this onto you, but I just wanted to talk to someone about this. I hope you don’t mind…
Of course I don't mind talking, I enjoy talking about Naruto as a series and about several of its characters, but I don't specially talk about ships I don't like, and even though I have done it in the past I think is better now to focus on talking and creating for the ships I do like, so this answer might let you down, I'm sorry.
I had never read such arguments on favor of NejiTen, but as far as we all now Neji is canonically stated as Hinata's yin (which also gets in the way of the NaruHina yang-yang couple, so yes, I do believe NejiHina was planned to be end-game, or at least thought to at some point). About zodiac signs is curious, because as far as I now Neji and Hinata have the best complementary sign for each other, and they are born in summer (Neji) and winter (Hinata), so more complementary symbolism there.
Neji never called Tenten useless, but he wasn't interested on her at all even as teammates either though, and when he started to respect his teammates was for both Lee and Tenten after some time together. By the Chunin exams is true Neji is confident on Tenten's abilities but he is also on Lee's. And another important point is that Tenten never fought against Neji. Lee, Hinata and Naruto did, and then was when Neji called them losers, because he knew he was above them on terms of power.
I don't think Neji considered Hinata to be a real loser ever, only not enough to lead the clan and, apart from the obvious resentment he had because of his father's death, he also resented that she, that was not suited for it, would lead the clan and a genius like him had no chance at all. Neji resented the system, the clan, the rules. Not Hinata. Furthermore he tried to talk her into abandoning their match first, so he wouldn't hurt her. He adverted many times he would really hurt her if she continued but she did nevertheless. Neji didn't want to hurt her, not intrinsically at least. He did wanted to hurt her at the end not because it was Hinata or because he hated her, it was because he realised Hinata could read him as well as he could read her, and he didn't like it. It was because Hinata knew and understood what was inside him although he had built a wall to not let anyone in, it was because she got in. He reacted in that way to try to stop her talking aka to stop his pain of having to admit it. Then again, it was a reaction to her actions, not to her person.
Honestly I even consider that match during Chunin Exams pretty intense and significative for their relationship. They knew each other, they were always watching each other, they cared for each other, for good or for wrong. No one understood Neji as well as Hinata, not even his teammates (Tenten included). No one knew and understood as much about Hinata as Neji, definitely not Naruto. So yes, for me they were destined.
And having to kill Neji to bring NaruHina together... It not only enrages me but is also stupid plot wise. I think it was because NejiHina was, wether accidentally or not, very well developed for a secondary couple while NaruHina had no development at all. But these are assumptions though, only Kishimoto and his team know the truth.
Talking about symbolism I tried to analyse Hinata's dream during Tsukuyomi once and why it revealed her true feelings for Neji, if you are interested, but that's a thread on Twitter 😮‍💨.
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theshinobiway · 5 years
i didn’t realize it until i saw this account but gai is sexy
Yes, anon! Both Might Gai and Rock Lee were based on Bruce Lee, who was definitely an icon for more than just his martial arts.
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That’s about as close to the definition of a late 60s/70s heartthrob as you can get!
Also, Bruce Lee was reportedly beloved for his sense of humor and his approachability. Many of his acquaintances also remarked how they were often awestruck by the insight that came from the young man--a wisdom that surpassed his years.
Additionally, he was described as a teacher to be strict, but insightful and forgiving.
Fun Fact: Jeet Kun Do was a martial arts style conceived entirely by Bruce Lee based on his experience. The style reportedly can be taught but not ‘standardized’ (as other styles) because each individual has different needs.
A friendly attitude with acute wisdom, strict but firm teachings, and a personal style that meets his students where they are? Well, that sounds just like...
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For an insightful interview of one of Bruce Lee’s disciples (Dan Inosanto) that goes more in depth about Bruce Lee’s martial arts and character, I recommend this video. It’s aged, but incredibly genuine. It really does reveal more about Might Gai (and Lee!)
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cynicaljapanophile · 5 years
Tell me all of your unpopular opinions for each of the Naruto rookie 12 bb I love me some unpopular tea
Send me a character and I’ll tell you an unpopular opinion about them because I’m bored
Naruto Uzumaki : 
I know it’s supposed to be part of his character but his entire hero complex was really annoying and it made me really dislike Naruto for a period of time. I get that he wanted to save his best friend and it was supposed to be a touching thing showing how much he cares for his friend, it’s just that to me it was really obnoxious and annoying at moments. 
He shouldn’t have become hokage. I am lowkey scared to say this because I remember when I tried to say this I had so many people get upset with me but honestly I think it would have been better if Naruto didn’t become hokage. The entire series Naruto always says that he basically wants to become hokage because he wants to be noticed and respected by the village and not to “protect” the village in a sense. His overall reasoning for wanting to become hokage is over rather selfish, and I don’t have a problem with that because it makes sense with the way that Naruto grew and the fact that Naruto was a kid when explained why he wanted to become hokage. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate the fact that Naruto became Hokage after all the whole “working hard gets you to your dreams” is an overall great message it’s just that I would have liked it if at the end of the series Naruto realized that he never truly wanted to hokage and he just wanted to be respected and have a family because overall that’s really all Naruto wanted and that’s why he wanted to become hokage. 
Sakura Haruno : 
Her character wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be during part one. Yes, Sakura wasn’t the best of characters considering the fact that she made questionable comments(like making fun of Naruto for not having parents to Sasuke whose entire family was killed in an infamous massacre that she knows about) but I think a lot of her character made sense considering the fact that yes, she is a ninja but at the same time she is still a child and she isn’t going to be able to do things such as just accept it and move on if she sees someone in front of her die(when Sasuke “died” during the bridge builder arc or something I really don’t remember what it’s called), she will do childish things like have a surface level crush with Sasuke and judge people by their appearance like she did with Rock Lee and so on. 
Sakura was really good in Shippuden, up until the mission when she saw Sasuke again because after that her character reverted back to just saying Sasuke-Kun every 5 minutes which was a shame because I really liked her and she was really good during the beginning of Shippuden(Kazekage Rescue Mission arc in my opinion was where Sakura was at her best).
She never should have gotten with Sasuke. Her attraction with Sasuke was at first surface level because if I’m being honest she wouldn’t have ever gave him the time of day if he was attractive, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing because she was a child when she started to have a crush on him it’s just that I think her relationship with Sasuke was what really ruined her character. I think it would have been better if Sakura just moved on and realized she loved Sasuke as a friend and not as someone she loves romantically. I also am kinda eh on SS because I’m not sure what I think about them getting together considering the fact that Sakura tried to kill Sasuke, a failed attempt but still, and Sasuke attempted to kill her multiple times. I also still don’t understand how they got together and got close enough to have a kid considering the fact Sasuke was gone 95% of the time.
Sasuke Uchiha :
I liked Sasuke quite a bit in part one but I just think the way his character was delivered made him really bland and not interesting he really had potential to be a great character(in my opinion) but he just became an average, somewhat bland character.
Ino Yamanaka : 
I don’t have a lot of thoughts on Ino, considering the fact that we barely got her but she isn’t the most annoying character in Naruto and I think she is a rather likable character. 
She should have been way more than “Sakura’s Rival” because I think that Ino is a really interesting character and she is considered to be a talented kunoichi because she was at the top of her class at the academy and was considered by her father to have the potential to be the strongest member of the Yamanaka clan. I just wish her character didn’t revolve around Sakura.(I know her character isn’t solely Sakura’s character I’m just saying that’s what I felt it was)
Choji Akiminchi : 
Not a fan of his relationship with Karui, I mean I don’t hate it I just don’t understand it that much.
Extremely OOC in Boruto. Choji in Boruto is like a completely different character. I mean to be blunt he’s a deadbeat father and husband, barely paying attention to Karui and Chocho and his character was terrible. His character has been getting better ever since that episode where he shared his chips with Chocho but still. 
Shikamaru Nara : 
I don’t think I have anything to say about Shikamaru other than the fact that his character was at his best during the Akatsuki Suppression Mission arc. 
Neji Hyuga : 
I know that this isn’t an unpopular opinion, in fact it’s the complete opposite of an unpopular opinion Neji shouldn’t have died for NaruHina development. I think overall Neji’s death and every he said was good I just think the way he was killed off was ehh. 
He should have lived and become head of the Hyuga clan. Okay so I know this one is kind of strange(in a sense) I just think it would have said something about the change of the Hyuga clan making the main and branch family not be separated by having a member of the branch family becoming clan head. 
Rock Lee : 
I wish we learned more about him considering the fact that Lee is arguably one of the most popular characters in the fandom yet story wise we don’t know much about him, it would have been nice to see what Lee was outside of “wanting to become a great ninja without ninjutsu”. 
Tenten : 
Oh boy. Tenten is one of my favorite characters in Naruto even though I know she isn’t everybody’s favorite. Even if you don’t like her you have to admit that her character was just done dirty. She is a weapons specialist and considered to be a skilled kunoichi yet she’s won almost no fights whatsoever(from what i remember). The only fight she’s ever won was a fight against herself that she almost lost. She like most of the female characters in Naruto was not exactly the best written character in the series.
Shino Aburame : 
I feel as if his whole character was dropped by Kishimoto as soon as the chunin exams arc ended. Shino was kind of built up as a strong character and he was shown to be a strong character but then Shino just stopped being a thing and he was basically dropped which is extremely disappointing because like 85% of Naruto characters that were basically “dropped” by Kishimoto he had a lot of potential.
At least he got some really good development in filler(especially episode 236 of Shippuden)
Kiba Inuzuka : 
His character was just done dirty I mean was he ever developed at all in Naruto he was given screen time during the Chunin Exams arc only to be forgotten as soon as it ended. Also I’m still mad about Kiba being defeated by a fart of all things. 
His character was at its best during the Chunin Exams arc and some Tean 8 fillers. 
Hinata Hyuga : 
I wished we got a chance to see her and her relationship with Hiashi and see how they “rebuilt” it in a sense because I’ve talked about liking Hiashi(as a character) but saying that I don’t think Hiashi and Hinata’s relationship could be built up over a short period of time and I just wish that they were able to truly talk to each other and see Hiashi apologize to her for everything he did because despite his intentions he caused legitimate issues with his daughter and have it slowly build up to them having a relationship instead of them just being close in Shippuden with implications of them making up.
I wish she wasn’t just Naruto’s love interest I really like Hinata and all it’s just that her character and every single time her character is developed in a major way it’s because of Naruto and her feelings for him and while I don’t necessarily have a problem with that I wished her character didn’t just revolve around Naruto. 
I would have liked it if NaruHina didn’t become canon, don’t get me wrong I think NaruHina is cute and all and I still like I just think it would have been nice for Hinata to move on from her childhood crush and be more than Naruto’s love interest. 
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kinkyhcs · 5 years
GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BLOG! Already love what you've posted so far and sending positive vibes from a fellow just-started HC blog 💚
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Thank you, thank you!! This means a lot!! I wish you the best of luck and positive vibes as well!! Mwah!!
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kikyozoldyck · 4 years
mar! do u have any blog recs rn 🧐
elle sweet girl!! idk if u meant writing blogs or just blogs that i enjoy so i'll give u both
writing blogs:
@theshinobiway (literally my favorite blog on tumblr !!! the team gai content is just,,,chefs kiss!! also all their metas are so well researched lmao and i always get lost in rabbit holes while reading their sources)
@kunoichihatake (also has chefs kiss content !! and is so fucking nice oh my god. also nina has milf energy without being a mom it’s wonderful)
@elysianseraph (BABY GIRL !! LOVE ARI AND HER CONTENT !!! she’s on a break but she’ll see this in two weeks when she comes back love u queen)
@jaylur (truly the patron saint of naruto wlw. *blows a kiss to the heavens* that’s for u jay)
@beefcakekabutoonlaptop (her content is great. her pornstar headcanons are tres magnifique !! she’s hilarious and also we’re married so)
@alysplxnet (love her content !! and i love her !! smweet baby !!!!)
@sasukelore (another sweet baby with sweet baby content love her)
@allthingskakashi (also has chefs kiss content. love their work !! side note: tumblr ALWAYS makes me unfollow them which i think is homophobic)
@bitchiha (lizzie is great!! her yamato fic is the best thing i’ve seen all year!!!!)
@excitedlysuffering (very good content !! also very good friend !! love her)
@gothshisui (i’m lowkey jealous of their talent ?? i was reading their fics last night and omg i was licherally shook the talent is immeasurable)
@wasabi-mommy (november has great content and i love her but also she was my first naruto friend so you know kisses for you baby)
blogs that i enjoy:
@youtubequeens (rita is my lightsource on this hellsite. i hate it here truly but rita is like “hi baby” and i’m like maybe it’s not that bad she’s also the only valid shino fucker ever so mwah)
@bootlickerkakashi (laila is so fucking funny oh my god. the other night i was high as fuck and i just sat on my bed looking at this post for like 15 minutes in actual TEARS)
@fordarkmornings (one of my fave blogs ever !! i love fine art wlws!!!)
@sadwentz (ari is a writing blog yes and their content is immaculate but also they’re another beacon of light in this terrible site and i mostly recommend them as a friend)
i’m sure there are more but i just smoked a bowl so i forgot sjsbnwksjsnw
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godtierwallflower · 5 years
Hi so I just got into Naruto and my favorite is team guy do you know any team guy accounts? love your work by the way!!!;
These are the best Team Gai accounts I know!
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ayyyez · 5 years
hello ! could you recommend me naruto's fics/headcannons/scenarios/imagines accounts ?? thanks!!
It’s been awhile since I’ve actually read some naruto content but I’ll tag all the ones I have collected and read over the years. Please keep in mind a lot of these pages may not be taking requests or be active but they still have lots of amazing content to read! 
Honestly, everyone I’ve tagged is very talented! There’s so many good blogs out there, I’ve probably missed some! So in no particular order here are some good pages to follow:
@theshinobiway @ninja-scenarios @founders-imagines @jay-and-joy-write-naruto @villagexhiddenxinxtheximagines @naruto-imagine @imaginethishomeslice @lostinnarutoscenarios @hokage-naruto-imagines @konoha-imagines @imaginedattebayo @little-naruto-things @kunoichi-imagines @naruto-scenarios-plus-akatsuki @hoe-imaginess @king-kage @youthful-naruto-imagines 
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niobil · 5 years
“Answer these questions, and then tag 8 people you would like to get to know better”
I got tagged by @rrrotten, which was beyond unexpected, so thank you!
1) Birthday: October 23rd
2) Zodiac: Scorpio (on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio actually), which I feel like explains a lot lmao. Gemini rising, Virgo moon.
3) Height: 1m59 (or 5'2.6")
4) Last song I listened to: Literally just woke up so to be frank I don’t remember? The most memorable ones were Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men and Saturn - Sleeping At Last (should all else fail I always put the latter on loop while I work).
5) Hobbies: Idk I think it varies as I age. I used to be really into books and origami/crafting in general but nowadays I Cannot focus on nor do I have enough time for hobbies that require diligence. I guess the more recent ones are astrology and horror media (I’m a skeptic but it’s fun!!), but throughout my life I’ve always liked drawing and music, all kinds of it.
6) Last movie I watched: The Hateful Eight by Quentin Tarantino. My friend was doing a course in film studies and her tutor recommended this to her (bc of the camera work I guess) so she asked me and another to watch it with her. The cinematography was nice, the acting was strong, soundtrack was ok but the plot was uhhh very typically Tarantino so it didn’t really go over well with me.
7) Favourite books: I mostly read books written by native authors so I don’t think anyone would know if I listed them. Some more internationally recognized books would be pretty much anything by Timothée de Fombelle (his descriptive language and storytelling is phenomenal), and I also read the popular HP and PJO series but mainly for the world-building, I didn’t touch any of the sequels or spin-offs either.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson is a recent one I really like. The similarities between the book and show are few and far between but I think they’re both good!
8) Dream job: I…. don’t really have a dream job, anything that makes enough for me to get by is ok. I’m doing Bachelor of Languages so I guess Translating and Intepreting is the most plausible option, but still I don’t…. dream about a job.
9) Favourite color: Technically not a color but I like white! Pink and blue are good too but I only like rather desaturated tones of them.
10) Meaning behind my URL: There’s nothing inheritly deep about it, it’s just a chemical element (symbol Nb, ahah) + my old internet nickname.
I didn’t get around to talking to many people on here so this might be awkward but! @egregiousderp​ @sketchbook-adventures​ @theshinobiway​@hannahzerofive​ @blairistired​ @lakukuna​ @nonbinary-bog-body @crysune-00​ interacted with me recently and I hope this isn’t too much of a bother (I know a lot of you probs got tagged already sr))).
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therealkiraya · 5 years
@theshinobiway reblogged my stuff why am I crying rn
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theshinobiway · 5 years
This Week’s Episode
I just watched it, and boy do I have opinions.
They’ll be published in full later because right now I’m a little too agitated at yet another forced “Naruto definitely changed the Hyuga!” that SP has slid into Boruto to save a failed arc. The Hyuga have poor writing, and if anything I’m absolutely furious at the logical fallacy of ‘willing’ sacrifice they keep championing as a noble cause.
To summarize my thoughts for right now:
The Hyuga had three original issues, as brought up by Neji in the original Chunin Exams Arc.
I. The Caged Bird Seal (Subjugation)
No, Naruto did not keep his promise. The Hyuga have no evidence of being ‘changed’ aside from Hiashi’s ‘soft’ attitude. The fate of the seal (the ORIGINAL ISSUE) is still indeterminate at best. There have been no comments made about the Caged Bird Seal in Boruto, even in conversations between adults. This is not evidence that the seal is retired. 
And on top of that, I’m not convinced that it may be gone for this very reason:
During the war arc, Neji and the other branch members still had their seals, even though Hiashi made a throwaway comment that the clan was “unified.” Thus, even if we buy into the narrative that the clan was ‘unified’ by the time of the Fourth war, the removal and retiring of the seal was not necessary for the arc to be considered ‘closed.’ 
Edit: I'm aware that Neji stated that the seal is only removed upon death. I'm currently researching further into the matter, but I think it's extremely unlikely that the seal is completely irrevocable given that Sasuke/Itachi/Anko were able to disable and/or remove their own seals from Orochimaru, which were the same level (A-Class) of seal.
Uh, pardon me?  
The issue with the seal is its very existence. To remedy the original issue, the story must either create a seal without a ‘punish’ function, or remove all of the seals. Otherwise, the conflict is not resolved.
The Caged Bird seal can, at any time, be used to quell dissent in the household so long as it exists. The seal was also portrayed as evil and horrifying in the original series by all who come to know of it. Why has this not been addressed?
II. The Structure of the Household (Power Dynamics)
The Hyuga STILL HAVE BRANCH AND MAIN HOUSES. Note that other major clans (Such as the Akimichi, the Aburame, the Uchiha, the Nara, etc.) do not adhere to this structure in the same way that the Hyuga do. This is because the traditional Japanese family head/branch structure always made provisions for candidates outside the direct lineage to succeed power if deemed necessary, usually by proving themselves to the head. 
This happened between Hanabi/Hinata, but was never an option for branch family members. 
Also, Hanabi’s skill did not match Neji’s in any capacity. In a real-life historical scenario, one of two things would have occurred: 
Neji would have been suggested to compete for headship due to his skill and family-wide recognition of his abilities, especially because he also had the clan head (Hiashi’s) recognition. Neji would have faced either Hanabi or Hinata. This may or may not have caused issue within the family, but would have been even more unlikely if the (more likely) second situation happened, which is:
In a historical scenario, particularly because Neji was in extremely close relation to Hiashi already AND his father had died, Neji would have very likely been adopted by Hiashi into the Main family and been treated as his real son. This would only be further supported by the fact that Hiashi felt so strongly about his responsibility to his brother, making the care for his brother’s offspring an obvious duty.
This did not happen because the Hyuga household is a twist on the actual version of the feudal family structure. Branch houses were never subjugated to the main family, they swore fealty willingly for protection and privileges (and did not have to be related by blood!)
The original main/branch structure is respected due to the innate moral/cultural beliefs in honor, sworn fealty, and duty. The presence of the Caged Bird Seal is the introduction of subjugation by force, threatened torture, and fear and is a subversion of this structure.
Also, please stop comparing the Hyuga Branch members to Western (particularly American) slavery. I cringe so hard every time I see a rant about Hinata/Hiashi being Neji’s “slave owner.” This completely disregards the culture from which the story comes from. While branch members in the Hyuga are subjugated, they are akin to ‘expendable vassals,’ ‘servants,’ and ‘bodyguards.’ Slaves would not be allowed to operate as active shinobi (soldiers) and to work for the greater government. Hiashi is their “lord,’ not their ‘master.’
III. The Fate of the Branch...To die for the Main (Authority)
This part of the storyline officially closed after Neji died because it was an unfulfilled arc.
Neji wanted freedom from his preordained orders to die for the main branch at command. Hizashi wanted the same.
The logical issue with their “freedom” is as follows: 
If someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to flip a switch that will electrocute you to death, you have two options: 
1. Flip the switch (death)
2. Refuse, be shot (death)
In the strictest sense, you might be able to convince yourself that you may willingly choose to die by your own hand and flip the switch. But, had there been no outside controlling force (the gun) you would likely have never chosen to willingly flip the switch. Any person could just as willingly say that they “choose to die by the gun” instead and there would no change in the moral outcome of this scenario. 
This is because there is no choice (freedom) to change the outcome of the situation. This is what Neji meant by fate/predestination in the original series, and why the only shared fate is ‘death.’ 
The Hyuga Branch wanted the freedom from being forced to die upon command. 
“But Neji died to save Hinata and Naruto! He wasn’t forced!” -- Yes. The issue with Neji is that Kishi deliberately parallels the narrative of his father and had even placed Neji’s character in that situation to begin with.
The Naruto series keeps falsely trying to shove this twisted version of ‘freedom’ as though it were a noble choice. Both Hiashi and Neji did not have the freedom to choose to ‘live’ and were thus always lacking the power to change the outcome. 
Neji’s death was a deliberate parallel of his father and meant to once again uphold the same philosophical idea that Kishi and SP keep hammering: That the scenario I outlined above is true ‘freedom.’ No, it’s a coercive choice.
I can’t respect the writing for supporting a blatant logical fallacy, which is why the Hyuga storyline is a failed piece of writing. It would be better if SP just dropped it and buried it like they did in Shippuden, because this is a sinking ship.
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Hey, I'm one of your followers and man, I just want to say that it's SO refreshing to see someone who's actually mature about the whole shipping thing and actually understands romantic relationships! Most people are really immature about the whole thing and it's so stressful sometimes. I used to casually ship Nejiten because I thought it was cute, but the way you explained it makes way more sense to me. :) Keep doing what you're doing!
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Thank you!!
If it wasn’t clear by now, the primary reason I oppose this pairing is that I’m extremely defensive over Tenten, her motivations, and the choices she’s made in the story. I can list Tenten’s flaws just as easily as her great qualities and, get this: it doesn’t detract from her at all. That’s a GOOD character! Kishi mentioned that he liked her design the most, but, in truth, screentime was the only place she really lacked. Kishi (intentionally or not) made a fantastically well-rounded and humanized female character.
Tenten is such an interesting character when you finally get deeper into her psyche. I don’t actually like the way that tumblr and fandom try to modify her to be something that she’s just not. She doesn’t need to be ‘buff, stronk, take-no shits domme who bench presses her team as a warm-up!’ because that isn’t the only kind of strong or admirable woman that exists.
As Tenten repeatedly asked herself in Konoha Gaiden, “Is it really okay for me to be this way?” (”Can I really be accepted for who I am?”) and the answer is yes, she is enough just as she is. That’s such a timeless question that women--and everyone--ask themselves. 
Tenten’s message is that you don’t have to be the best. You don’t have to be constantly in the spotlight, proving yourself to everyone at every opportunity. You don’t have to find your validation by being exactly like others--or better than others. You don’t have to be the perfect woman for anyone. The only expectations you battle at the end of the day are your own. 
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Characterizing Team Gai: What it means to find "Home"
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Team Gai has a wonderful “found family” dynamic within the series, despite having very different backgrounds. Each member lacks a distinct form of love that is normally met within a familial relationship, and understanding these needs is a great step to characterizing them with any potential romantic partner.
Explanations for each member below the cut.
Might Gai
Gai needs home in the form of security and support. All of the loss, the pain, and the trials and hardships he’s experienced means that his spouse is his support and his sanctuary. Gai is so wonderful, so emotionally literate, and so willing to give everything he has for his loved ones that he needs someone to match that and make him feel secure in his identity. It’s not something Gai will ever ask for, but it’s so clear to his spouse after a decent amount of time that the need for an equal support is there. (The former point is obvious based on Gai’s relationship with Team Gai/Lee/Kakashi, but the latter can be strongly inferred from his relationship with Kakashi in both Kakashi Hiden and Shinden: Steam Ninja Scrolls)
Unfortunately, most take Gai at face value. Gai has many people he needs to be strong for—his students, his comrades, Kakashi, and frankly, it’s his duty. From the first day he ever attempted to enter the academy, his life has been a struggle that he’s resolved to bear with pride. But isn’t it nice that for once in his life when he’s with his spouse, he doesn’t need to struggle? With his spouse he doesn’t need to put on the “mighty guy" persona, he can always be a hero in their eyes–even during his moments of vulnerability and doubt. It’s important to remember that Gai is fully capable of being serious and has a lot of wisdom from his experiences. Those experiences have made him into the man he is, and now after the events of the fourth war Gai must cope with his newfound disability in addition to the loss he experienced during the war. His spouse should recognize and be sensitive to how Gai must once more redefine his identity and prove himself a fully competent shinobi in the aftermath. It’s obvious he’s taken a blow to his pride even though he’s driven to overcome it.
Gai needs to be able to finally put down the over-the-top displays in front of one person and just breathe. Gai is a sensitive man and he’s not afraid to be openly so, but it’s an entirely different matter to have someone give him the same emotional support in return. When Gai finally knows that the most secure and affirming place in the world is in the presence of his spouse, he finally feels at home.
Rock Lee
Lee needs home in the form of constant and unwavering love and affection. Lee has been put down his entire life without relent. Even his friends, though they mean well, can pick at his insecurities. Lee won’t get upset at them: he gets upset at himself because he thinks (“knows”) the things they say are true: “He can’t do jutsu.” “He looks out of place.” “His personality can be a little much.” He needs someone that loves him exactly for who he is and tells him constantly. No subtlety, no needing to “read between the lines.” Just open, honest, and warm affection that he knows will never dissappear.
It should be pretty obvious that Lee is starved for affirmation. The first adult that ever expressed an ounce of belief in him became his biggest role model and Lee has since dedicated his life to emulating his every manner. When Naruto defeated the rival (Neji) that Lee himself had never been able to defeat, he made it his goal to win against Naruto as well. He was, for a long time, unwilling to give up his crush on the prettiest girl he met (Sakura) because he had hoped his nobility and willingness to protect her could be enough to win her affections. (This is all pretty self-explanatory textual evidence.)
Lee will go to the ends of the earth for people he loves, but he doubts that he’s worth the same. Just like his sensei, he pours into people with everything he has and doesn’t ask for anything in return. As his spouse’s words of encouragement never falter come either success or disappointment, Lee could almost—and probably does—cry when he realizes that true love really is possible for him. When Lee doesn’t need to question his own worth and realizes he never feels anything less than loved in the eyes of his spouse, he feels at home.
Tenten needs home in the form of a relationship that feels natural and unforced. Tenten never dedicated any amount of time to thinking about relationships or love. The whole idea of the “unstoppable, heart-pounding romance” doesn’t appeal to her. She is a person who is dedicated to her craft, and her spouse must understand her passion. She’s not the homemaker or the motherly type. Tenten has never wanted to give up part of herself for anyone, and she shouldn’t have to. (See Konoha Gaiden, Chp. 2 for more insight on this.)
If she ever falls in love, it’ll only be once and with the one person that flows naturally with her; Someone that doesn’t drain her or force her to constantly question if she’s unable to be who she really is. She doesn’t have anyone who is all of that, even in close relationships—Gai and Lee are supportive but require a lot of her time and energy to keep up with. Neji is easy to work with, but almost impossible to read and inflexible.
She needs someone that fits right with her, that effortlessly goes at her pace, and that is always open with their feelings. Tenten really can’t “read” people, it was never her strength. It shouldn’t need to be, either—not everyone needs to be the Sherlock of reading mannerisms and emotions. But, when someone is as familiar to her as the back of her hand and gives her selfless love and affirmation without ever demanding anything of her, Tenten really does feel at home.
Neji Hyuga
Neji needs home in the form of unconditional love and forgiveness. Surprisingly, his needs are most similar to his Sensei and Lee, but for a different reason: All his life, Neji never had a chance to feel like his life mattered to anyone. He might have been one of the prestigious Hyuga clan, but if he angered anyone in his ‘home’ it was grounds for severe punishment. Being in such a high-stress environment meant that he lacked affirmation and a chance to experience forgiveness.
He’s guarded, closed-off, and consistent, and he knows he can be difficult—he knows himself better than anyone else. A spouse needs to be patient and willing to love and forgive him, even if he snaps or gets testy. He doesn’t mean it, but Neji has always bottled his emotions up out of habit. Out of necessity. Genuine forgiveness and understanding are what he needs to finally open up to that gentler, protective, more sensible side of himself. (His brotherly relationship with Hinata Pre- and During-War is a clear example of this.)
A spouse that is also willing to be his protector will melt his heart in an instant: he couldn’t stand the thought of them being in danger for his sake, but the notion that they value his life to such a degree moves him. Neji is more than a genius. He’s a person with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. When he has a spouse that loves him for the person he is, flaws and all, he can’t help but fall in love. And when Neji falls for someone, it’s for a lifetime. When he knows that a place with his spouse is full of unconditional love, forgiveness, and where his life is precious and valued, Neji finally feels at home.
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theshinobiway · 5 years
you’re literally my favorite naruto blog i love your stuff so much!! you write and understand team gai better than kishimoto!
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THAT IS SUCH A HIGH COMPLIMENT?? Thank you so much for that anon! 
I’d hesitate to say I understand any character better than the original author, but I certainly put more focus on those characters more than Kishimoto--hence the Team Gai blog. In one way, I understand that Team 7 was always the flagship on the series, but I certainly disagree with Kishimoto when it comes to their decided endings. 
As an author, I know that it can be overwhelming to manage multiple characters and to neatly tie up hundreds of plot points, but for characters that “broke out“ like Lee and Gai, I wonder sometimes if Kishimoto stifled his own creativity with those characters to keep Naruto in the focus. It would certainly explain why the ending didn’t seem to fit the original premise for many of his characters.
If I could give anyone general advice for writing any character that isn’t your original work, it would be the following:
If you are intending to keep their characterization as close to canon as possible (which is what I do to preserve the authenticity of the character that everyone already loves) I would like to stress the importance of looking for character qualities through a non-biased lens. 
What I mean is this: In fandom, we often like to create caricatures in our head of what characters are like based on a few of their major qualities. Hence, this is why Team Gai is always SO out of character when I see them written in the fandom. If we’re being honest, here’s a comparison chart of how Team Gai is portrayed versus how they actually are; Be warned that I was extremely blunt with these.
“Fandom” Team Gai vs. Reality:
Fandom!Might Gai: Springtime of Youth! TALKING IN ALL CAPS! KAKASHI, RIVAL! Portraying this man with sex appeal, ever? Either you mean it as a joke at his expense or you’re REALLY into KakaGai.
Real!Might Gai: Goofy, but with Sagelike Wisdom. Youth is a theme of his teachings and a catchphrase, but he acts like an adult most of the time. EXTREMELY Emotionally literate--Gai is not oblivious! He can read people really well! Will know if you’re hiding something, even if he can’t remember your face. Can lose his temper if his loved ones are threatened or if his direct teachings are disobeyed. Gai gets tired too--Lee can wear him out! Goofy old sensei who combines humor and wisdom with some of his eccentricities. 
Fandom! Rock Lee: Springtime of YOUTH, 2.0! Very Stiff Ways of Speaking! Lovesick! ‘Creepy’ if he’s not the love interest of the work. Cinnamon roll who would never get mad, ever. Feels like Gai 2.0. Woah when he takes off his weights he’s really cool!
Real!Rock Lee: A SERIOUS CHARACTER. Lee can be goofy with his friends as much as anyone, but Lee’s usual expression is serious! He’s self-motivated to an unreal degree. Diligent, tidy, and disciplined. Hopeless Romantic. Very gullible! Extremely idealistic, to the point of possibly deluding himself. Minor codependent behavior exhibited towards role models. Hot-Blooded. Adores cute things. Secretly envious of those around him. Lower self-confidence. Seeks approval.
Fandom!Tenten: Loves weapons, but does she have a personality besides that? Let me just fill one in. Portrayed often as either uptight and like a bully, or as a slightly more tomboyish Sakura. “The Tomboy” archetype. Tenten wants romance just like every other girl, what do you mean? Lovesick/heartbroken over Neji, stays single for the tragic romance. She was Neji’s training partner! She can’t stand Gai or Lee and looks down on them. Often has weak characterization because she gets sidelined into being a love interest. (...and then her entire character revolves around her (male) love interest.)
Real!Tenten: Loves weapons of all kinds, especially Kunai. Impulsively buys weapons she likes. Doesn’t understand many of the girlish inclinations like love and delicacy, but is not anti-feminine. Has canonically stated that she has never been interested in love or relationships. Has never had a crush on anyone. [Also, she was not Neji’s exclusive training partner, she was simply his training partner for the third round of the Chunin exams. ALL of Team Gai regularly trained together or in different pairs at any point in time. This was a comment that was taken way out of context by shippers and has spread false information ever since. This fact is no more real than Lee "balding."] Is tactless, but definitely not a bully. She loves to investigate and play pranks, especially when older. Balances work and rest. Is the “glue” of her team. Cares about her self-image. Has deep insecurities about how others perceive her, and constantly compares herself to her team.
Fandom!Neji: “Destiny Boy.” Either a brooding, calloused douchebag or a brooding, “bad boy” douchebag. Goes out of his way to say mean things OR doesn’t utter a single word for the entire story. His and Shino’s personalities are indistinguishable. No emotion. Stiff. Not empathetic in the slightest. Unhealthy portrayal of his personal relationships, even his friendships. Who would want to be around this guy? I’ll just make him the ‘strong and silent’ type with anger issues and snarky one-liners and call it a day.
Real!Neji: Disciplined and traditional. Reserved, not emotionless. Has a WIDE range of emotional expression and communicates primarily on the nonverbal level. Speaks in either metaphors or to the point--it depends. Some modicum of patience for foolish behavior. Master of projecting his problems. Is only a ‘bully’ pre-exams, but was already on the comedown by the time we’re introduced to him and his team. Deeply emotional at the core, but can be overwhelmed in his by own emotions, especially when it comes to his ego. Learns to maturely manage himself later on. Very perceptive of his surroundings. Cares very deeply for Hinata, his team, and his close friends. Hinata is his closest female relationship whether you like it or not. Witty and sometimes blunt, he doesn’t go out of his way to be a jerk once he’s older. Fits into the respected "big brother" role for both Hinata and his friends.
The Conclusion
When reading through characters and their actions, I cannot stress enough that you often have to let go of your preconceptions of a character and actually look at what they are thinking and doing and how. Your idea of a character's canon personality should be measured up against their canon. Do not measure a character’s canon against your caricature.  
Again, fandom will always do what it wants and take creative liberties where it chooses--as is their right as an audience--but discussing canon and ‘accuracy’ of a portrayal is another thing entirely. 
My assertions about Team Gai focus on their canon portrayal of their personalities and the goals they had within the story of Naruto. My headcanons are always kept separate, and my assertions about their character arcs and endings have to do with how to approach--through the literature--their internal/external conflicts and to reach an appropriate resolution that makes sense within the story.
Thanks as always for contributing to the blog!
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Hello!! could I trouble you for some secret relationship headcanons for neji, please? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Ooohohohohoh This is one of my favorite troupes! I loved writing this anon, and I also feel like the troupe fits really well with Neji in general. I hope you don’t mind that I made it a little saucy, but I loved it so much I had to go overboard. I almost made it a scenario, ahaha. Writing romance with Neji is always a wonderful pleasure.
Thanks as always for contributing to the blog!
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Neji Headcanons – Secret Relationship
Ø  Chances are any relationship with Neji will have some level of secrecy to it. In Japanese culture, it’s extremely uncommon to announce that you are dating someone unless it progresses into “almost-engaged” territory. Neji falls in line with that, believing that a relationship between two people is a private affair.
Ø  Needless to say, any true “secret relationship” will have been brought about by the Hyuga clan’s disproval of the S/O, their family, or perhaps from the S/O’s side—or both. Neji has no love lost between himself or his family and knows well that “rules” and “traditions” are not absolute deciders of what is truly “right” or “wrong.” He’ll speak up on your behalf. He refuses to be kept apart from you, elders be damned. They took everything from him. He won’t lose you.
Ø  If they refuse to relent, Hiashi himself may be the only soul who submits. The guilt from the loss of his brother pays the price for his silence. He is powerless against the council of the elders, unless he wishes to lose their favor—and possibly his own headship. He needs that power to protect his nephew. He will turn a blind eye to you both, so long as you take care to not make it obvious.
Ø  Early on, you knew that it was too risky to trust anyone with the truth. Even your close friends whom you knew would support you could be another potential loose end. Neji is much too careful to trust them with the information that could cause you both to be wrenched apart for good. There’s not a soul that knows aside from the two of you—you’re both sure of that.
Ø  On the surface, not much changes between the two of you when you finally commit to one another. Despite this, the relationship is far from cold when you’re in public.
Ø  Every social gathering is spent on opposite ends of the room, only mingling when brought together, and never too familiar. Still, a room full of people and only you and he notice the looks filled with longing from across the room, a smoldering love that warms your body with a single glance. Every move is calculated, just vague enough to avoid suspicion, but deliberate enough to be understood. He’s a perfect stranger that caresses the skin under the table that makes you shiver, that ghosts a word of admiration on your neck as he passes you by in a crowded room.
Ø  He finds ways to catch you alone throughout your day, to sneak off and spend the precious seconds with you. And you can only do the same with him, making sure that you aren’t missed before you must return. The kisses last seconds, but the numbness in your lips and weightlessness in your stomach carry you home.
Ø  “Dates” are only chance meetings, quickly done and quickly left before any bystander might assume otherwise. A casual conversation about your day, left quickly with a promise to meet at the place when no one is around. Then, later that night, the date happens under the night sky, away from every possible eye, letting the fireflies light the way that only you know. You sway to the silent sound of crickets and each other's heartbeat, breathless in a symphony of emotions that only the stars can see. And as you find your way home, struggling to forget the night long enough to give a convincing alibi, you know he's the one. And, grasping his own arms, desperately wishing you were still there, Neji knows that he will only love one person his entire life.
Ø  Then there are dates when you manage to slip out of the village, relieved of duties for a day or two and you both meet in some village where nobody has ever heard your name. There, you openly hold hands and laugh the way other couples do. Neji drops his guard to fully enjoy the time with you. He wishes this day would never end. A harmless memento that reminds him of you, bought at a village stand that caught your eye, and it's all all that’s left of the day when the sun sets and he’s in his room once more. It makes no difference how it came to be: He’ll take anything that reminds him of you and hold it to his chest when he wakes up alone.
Ø  The ache of separation is a normal feeling for the two of you throughout the day. It’s never guaranteed when you’ll see each other again, but you know that you will. It’s the waiting that kills you both, wondering in every spare moment what the other is doing, frustrated almost to tears that something as simple as talking about your day must be so carefully planned and carried out.
Ø  Then you’re on a mission together in an unfamiliar place and sparks fly. Every night you’re wrapped in each other’s embrace, lulling to sleep in the middle of conversation that hasn’t stopped since you’ve been together. And, Kami, is it the easiest thing in the world to be yourselves around each other. This is when you realize that this is how it was always meant to be. This was the kind of love that people spent their entire lives trying to find the words to describe. The night before your return from this mission, he promises you his life, his love, his very name. And, that night, under the limitless heavens, he shares everything he has, everything he is with you.
Ø  Everyone believes Neji is proper, reserved, and stiff. You couldn’t disagree more. Hyuga Neji breathes passion into every action, every look, and every word meant only for you. In moments where you finally come together, alone, and in places you can’t be found, his lips scarcely leave yours. All moments like this are sacred, locked away from the world and in your memory.
Ø  Who ever knew that Hyuga Neji could be so tender? Once he swept you around the corner to an empty street, desperately pressing your foreheads together, running his hands through your hair.. His eyes didn’t—couldn’t—leave yours. He questioned more often than he liked to admit if this wasn’t a dream, that you really were there, that he really could hold you as he drew his thumbs over your cheeks, holding your face to his, choking out how badly he missed you. It’s so painfully loving that you might break, shattering into tears of relief that this is the man who will love you more than anyone in the world.
Ø  Everyone believes he’s by-the-book and would never dream of anything risqué. Leaving the Hokage office an hour later than you should have, No one would ever believe that Neji of all people, after weeks of being apart from you and no end in sight, pulled you into the storage room to claim your lips as his own in the heat of the moment, pressing you against the wall while he hushed every little sound you couldn’t help slip. It’s unfathomable that Neji Hyuga, the upright man, threw your legs around his waist as he hurridly took you against the wall, biting back his own silent scream of your name.
Ø  Everyone believes that Neji Hyuga will be the most likely to put off marriage until a later age. Neji is counting down the days until he can promise before everyone that he’s yours for eternity, until Naruto finally changes the Hyuga clan, and until the elders will have no power to separate him from the other half of his heart.
Ø  You both desperately hope one day that you can finally be together—openly—but with that end nowhere in sight, you still do not fear the future. This is a love that is fierce, that refuses to bend to the will of those that want to tear it apart.
Ø  And then, one day, it happens by chance that the Godaime herself finds irrefutable proof that the connection between you two exists. A simple slip-up from you both, but by her help, it appears as though change might come a little earlier than expected for the Hyuga clan…
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theshinobiway · 5 years
What wouldn’t I give to have a friend like Gai or Lee... like I think most of us could really benefit from having someone as positive and goofy but at the same time focused like those two💕
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Anon, me too! 
While known predominately for their “youthful” shenanigans, Gai and Lee are also the definition of self-motivated!
Might Gai
When it comes to being a supportive best friend, Might Gai is the more emotionally literate of the two by far. It remains to be seen whether or not Lee has improved his emotional intelligence to Gai’s degree in his adulthood. 
One would expect that Gai treats his close friends much like he does Kakashi–he’s not shy at all about seeking out his friends, finding creative ways to spend time with them, challenging authority on their behalf, and saying what needs to be said–with tact, of course. 
Though there are times (that we see with Tenten) where Gai can say something with best intentions that comes off as insensitive, he’s the type of friend to sincerely apologize and amend his ways. 
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This makes him an ideal friend for emotionally intense types like Neji and Kakashi. Where others have difficulty perceiving the strong emotions that both men cover with “cool” facades, Gai is too emotionally literate to be fooled. He can read most people exceptionally well!
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Rock Lee
Rock Lee is a friend that will go to the ends of the earth for people he cares about.
Using “Prologue of Road to Ninja” (Episode 311) as an example, we see that Lee at least possesses some of Gai’s ability to read others. He can discern that Naruto is feeling under the weather and subsequentially assembles a hot springs trip with all of their friends. 
Lee is the kind of friend to rally your support system and to personally gather all the things that you need to succeed. He’s not shy about cheering his friends on, either, as we see his constant encouragement of Tenten in both the exams and as training partners! 
Based on his friendly relationship with Gaara post-exams, we can also discern that Lee has little trouble forgiving others and moving past old wounds. Remember that he and Gaara weren’t even friends before their fight–and post Sasuke retrieval and all the anxiety that Lee dealt with due to his injuries, Lee forgives Gaara with no more than a few words. He’s the kind of friend that focuses on building a better future rather than lingering on the past.
And, based on his relationship with Neji, it’s also clear that Lee’s character flaw of ‘envy’ does not affect his friendships. Lee is hinted to harbor jealousy towards both of his major rivals–Naruto and Neji–but we never see Lee intentionally treat either of them with contempt or sabotage. In fact, both men are Lee’s closest relationships! This does all the more to highlight just how ‘good’ his heart really is. 
In a lot of ways, Lee’s personality alone is inspirational for those looking for friends that will help them ~grow~
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theshinobiway · 5 years
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Team Gai will now officially be known as the ponytail squad
(Ino thinks she may or may not have inspired the current fashion trend)
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