#just because one celebrity finally shows everyone that good men exist unapologetically
divinebunni · 2 years
i don’t know who needs to hear this but good men do exist, they are soft and gentle and respectful, they hold you when you cry and pet your hair and place gentle kisses over your whole body and learn every little thing they can about you and strive to keep you safe and be a friend as well as a lover and they treat everyone and animals with respect and don’t say misogynistic sexist racist phobic things and they sing with you loudly in the car and let you braid their hair as practice and say i love you without you having to say it first and express their love for you in front of everyone and they look at you deeply and support your every decision and lowest moment and wish nothing but greatness for your health and mental betterment and treat women and men and all with such kindness. good men exist, good men deserve the same love and respect and kindness and support that you would give to anyone with a good soul. good men understand, and they will always be here with genuine hearts
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silvertaetae · 4 years
Rosé and Rolexes {Preview}
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader (Arranged Marriage!)
Warnings: Love to Hate, Swearing, Eventual Smut, Lots of Arguing, Alcohol, Reader gets mad and throws Tae’s gucci slides out a window.
Summary: The Parks and the Kims had always been enemies. The two most powerful businesses is South Korea, but when a scare erupts in both companies they’re left to fix it somehow. That somehow is Kim Taehyung the one person you hate more than anything in this world. His arrogant, cocky, blunt, rude and most importantly he’s your new husband? As you’re forced too be with this man will you two finally bury the hatchet or will this end in more flames then it started?
Being wealthy is not always fun.
It’s not always, glitz and glamor.
It’s not always getting what you want or what you need.
It’s just about having money.
That’s it’s.
You may have money, but it doesn’t mean that you have all the power. You can be a pawn for someone else’s gain and that’s exactly what’s happened to you. Your grandfather had hit it big when he bought a piece of what he thought was crappy land which actually turned out to be sitting on one of the biggest oil mines in South Korea. Causing him to go from low class farmer to one of South Korea’s richest men. He ran his business well and always stayed humble throughout.
Giving to the little people and still keeping his business a float. Your grandfather was your biggest hero and even after his untimely death at the age of eighty three from heart failure, he remained your biggest inspiration.
Your father, sadly, had lost some of his humbleness being surrounded with riches at the ripe age of fifteen. He basically got everything handed to him by his mother.
He still remained sympathetic to the people who worked hard to make an earnest living, but he seemed to have forgotten the days where he would stay outside for hours on end working so his family could barely get by. His thoughts had been more preoccupied with how to get money and how fast he could get it. In the first two years since the death of your grandfather he had doubled the money Park Enterprise was sitting on.
He moved your family to a bigger mansion when you were seven and your brother Jimin was eight, making you uncomfortable with having to go to an even fancier private school.
Since that day, all you can remember is the diamonds, glitter and gold thrown at you, but you always remember losing all your friends and your parents not being around as much anymore. You remember being on magazines, but not being able to go out and get a simple ice cream cone without being followed. You don’t even remember the last time you had fast food.
Caviar was no longer something that you dreamed of having.
It was lunch.
All the things you had enjoyed even when you were rich, had not been taken away because of a spotlight. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse. They did.
Around the time of your sixteenth birthday another family had hit the nail on money, but they made their money in real estate.
The Kims.
They built condos and apartment complexes. Even building houses for upcoming celebrities. They were stupid rich and seemed to be competition for the title of richest family in South Korea.
People buzzed about a non-existent feud between you two. Everyone discussed the fall of the Park Dynasty or the Kim Empire.
Your father at first brushed off the talk. Treating it like the gossip it was, but when there was an accidental scare about a certain place where your family was digging and how the Kims could lose money, they both came together to show the press there was no bad blood. As well as, becoming business partners, working together to build upon their massive wealth.
Jimin had even became close to their son.
Kim Taehyung.
The one person you hated more than anyone else in the world.
He was obnoxious, arrogant, spoiled and more than anything he was full of himself.
He always walked around, dressed head to toe in Gucci, thinking that this was his world and never considered the thoughts or feelings of others.
He was unapologetically blunt and said whatever he wanted, and you hated it.
He on the other hand, enjoyed watching you get frustrated with him over his presence. He saw this as a game.
One that he wasn’t willing to lose or so you both thought.
That was up until both companies almost lost everything they had.
Your father and his had made a bad investment and the fear their empires crumbling seemed inevitable, but they made it back.
Rising higher in glory, but it still scared both of them. Made them look past what was just in front of them and into what their companies would look years from now. Which is how you ended up in this situation.
“Jimin what do you think dad wants?” You look down at the carpet below you. Tip of your heel tapping against the floor as you tap the arm of the chair.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“I’ll be fine! He never calls me to his office. Last time he did, it was because I had almost crashed his Lamborghini.” Jimin was silent and you groaned, sliding into the chair.
“Okay so maybe it’s something big, but it can’t be that bad.” You pout and put your head on Jimin’s shoulder.
“I never thought I would see Y/N pout?” You freeze at the sound of the familiar voice. You open your eyes only to be met Taehyung’s.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You growl, snapping your head off of Jimin’s shoulder.
“I’m as clueless as you are Y/N. I literally just got here.” He sat down on the leather couch opposite of you. Arrogant smile painting his face.
“Why didn’t tell me you were coming man. I could’ve warned her.” Jimin leaned forward and you rolled your eyes. Not understanding how someone as nice as Jimin could be friends with someone as vile as Taehyung.
“I got the call about twenty minutes ago. My dad is in there and he asked me to come.” Your eyebrow arches up and you feel your nerves shoot up again. Heel starting it tapping again. “Calm down. I’m sure it’s something like making a public appearance. Showing the mixture of the family or something like that.”
“I haven’t been called to his office in almost five years.” You mumble out completely ignoring that you were talking to Taehyung.
“Y/N, you’re going to be okay. I promise. As your big brother I swear nothing bad will happen.” You nod, leg still twitching. It’s silent for a while and you see Taehyung squirm on the couch. His thumbs meeting trying to calm his nerves.
“Y/N. Taehyung.” You jump slightly turning your head over to look at Taehyung’s dad who had a small smile on smile. “I need you two in here.” You look at Jimin and Taehyung before looking back at Mr. Kim. You both hesitantly get up and walk into the office.
You fidget slightly and Taehyung grabs your shoulder and you freeze.
“You’ll be okay. I’m sure of it.” He gives you a small smile and you nod slightly, before walking over to your father’s desk.
“Y/N! Taehyung! It’s so good to see you two in the same room without fighting.” You inwardly roll your eyes at his statement. “Sit. Go ahead.” You do, legs crossing in anticipation. You can hear Mr. Kim coming from behind you two, before he finally sits in the chair next to Taehyung.
“You look nervous Y/N?” Mr. Kim says, a smile still on his face. “Are you okay?” You’re silent and you stare at your heels again.
“Answer Mr. Kim Y/N.” You’re fathers more authoritarian tone kicked in and you immediately snap up.
“I’m fine sir, sorry.” You nod your head and make eye contact with Tae who looked almost...angered?
“I’m so sorry for her behavior. She’s never been a people person, but maybe she can be after this.” You finally rip your eyes away from Tae and Mr. Kim, looking back at your father in confusion. “We have good news you two.”
“Y/N, you’re father and I came on to an agreement in a way that could save both of our business.” You look at Taehyung who’s already staring at you with the same confusion.
“You two are getting married!”
You freeze for a solid minute before your able to understand the words that left your father's mouth.
“I’m sorry-what?” Taehyung ask as your mouth hangs open.
“You and Y/N are getting married. Isn’t that exciting?”
“I’m sorry. WHAT?!” You both yelled shooting out of the chairs.
“I can barely stand him?! Why him? Why not Jungkook or Seonghwa!?”
“Y/N! Show some respect!” Your father stares almost in shock at your reaction. You weren’t expecting to hear Taehyung laugh.
“What was all that about Jinsoul and Jung’s huh? You’d of course marry me to my best friend's baby sister!” The room is silent and you feel the tension.
“Taehyung.” His father cuts in. “I won’t be around forever and neither will Y/N’s father. We need to know that everything we’ve made won’t go down the drain once we pass our companies on.” You wince at Mr. Kim's words.
“You don’t get to choose what you want this time. It’s yes or yes.” You’re stunned at the way Mr. Kim speaks to Taehyung. It’s almost as if he looks down upon his own child. You thought you were the only kid going through things like that.
“Then what about me huh? Where’s my say?”
“You don’t get one.” Your father says almost annoyed. You clench your jaw and you see Taehyung’s fist clench. “Now if you two are done. It will be announced tomorrow.” You look at Taehyung only to see his head hanging and jaw shut tight. “The wedding will be taking place in a couple months. We’ll give the exact date when everything is planned.”
This had to be a dream.
You wanted to open your eyes and wake up in your bed.
“That will be all.”
Then reality hit you.
You’re about to marry the one person you despise more than anyone else.
Lucky you.
A/N: Sorry for being gone for so long! I have another account and school work and sports. It’s a lot, but I’m glad I can be back! Please be safe and stay healthy! I love you all!💓
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sleepless-streetss · 4 years
5 am run this morning. It felt so good outside, when I ran it was about 60. Took a self care shower afterwards and shaved my whole body for the first time in a couple months. I had forgotten how beautiful and smooth my skin is, I especially love how long and lean my legs are. I noticed how soft my face is without moisturizer, but how luminous it looks afterwards. I glow when I’m calm. I’m noticing all the small details of beauty God granted me with. I feel like 60 degrees today. Cool, soft, and relaxed. Went shopping by myself since everyone is out of town and bought a lacy red lingerie set because I’ve dropped myself down to a size 4 and smalls in everything, and I wanted to celebrate this new body I’m appreciating and cherishing. I didn’t intend to lose the weight. I am not tracking it though, as I feel good just doing my daily workout and eating clean like I am. My body is a reflection of how I’m treating her, and I think she’s wonderfully made no matter her weight, or her size. I’m leaner, but I’m also stronger and I love how beautiful I feel in the set that I bought today. Although I have no one to show it to anymore, I’ve been lying on my bed in it all afternoon. I could have any man I wanted, I’ve had so many suitors in the past couple months, but right now I feel so good and so in love with myself. I’m so glad I’ve taken things slow with new relationships and the possibility of that. I’m happy that the men I have encountered have respected that and allowed me to be my own. By doing so, I have allowed myself to heal from past trauma finally. Working through that has been really hard. I didn’t expect to remember everything so vividly, but the pieces finally came together in August. I’m so proud of myself for being brave enough to break through that cage I was mentally stuck in. I’m giving myself the grace and the time to do that now. Its only taken me 6 years, but I am finally working through it. I won’t allow myself to believe anything was taken from me any longer. If I did not consent, nothing was taken at all. You cannot take what I didn’t give. Those men no longer have authority in my life or my headspace any longer. Yes it happened, but it will no longer define me. I am no longer 17 and terrified. I am no longer in that room. I am 23 and a woman of class, elegance, maturity, beauty, and grace. I have autonomy over my body and my life choices. It’s up to me to do what is best now. I haven’t felt sexual about myself in a while, but it feels good to look this good. Something has awoken inside of me that I didn’t know existed. I am so confident now. Sometimes I walk past mirrors and I’m shocked that the girl staring back at me is that lovely. Maybe I’ll spend the rest of the weekend testing the theory that me finally feeling comfortable with myself will help me in other areas of my life. I’m feeling really good and I need to let my body feel good, too. Not for anyone else, not with anyone else, just for me. I don’t need anybody to give me this high anymore. One look at my smooth, long legs in a slit dress with this set underneath, and a pair of black heels is the only thing I need to get myself going now. God, I am strikingly made. I’ve got my hair pulled back to show off my gorgeous neck, and my lips look so luscious and soft with my new lipgloss on. I’m not going anywhere, but I’d take myself out right now if I had the energy to. I think I’ll just take the dress off and eat wings in bed though in my new set. Sounds like a better plan. Who knows, I know I look damn good in red though. The bow in the back is just an added touch that yes, I am a fucking gift. Today was a really good day. I am absolutely and unapologetically falling in love with the process of falling in love with myself. 60 degrees and feeling cool, calm, and more collected than ever.
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mdye · 7 years
The role of wife and mother is something Jennifer Garner knows well. It’s one she’s played in her last seven consecutive films, an identity that’s boosted her cultural relevance over the past decade, as her on-screen career has taken a back seat to raising a family ... and, err, Ben Affleck. 
Films like “Juno” and “Miracles of Heaven” showed Garner making the most out of the “wife” character, delivering her best film performances to date, exploring the joys and challenges of motherhood. Similar roles in more forgettable fare (”The Odd Life of Timothy Green,” ”Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” and “Danny Collins”) have fallen by the wayside. And the less said about “Nine Lives” the better. 
Those clamoring for a Garner comeback of a different sort won’t find much to celebrate in “Wakefield,” which opens for a wider release on Friday. Based off the short story by E. L. Doctorow, the film finds Garner playing wife and mother yet again, but the typecasting could be easily forgiven if the material was deserving. Director Robin Swicord, who’s made a career out of bringing women’s stories to the big screen, is at the helm of her first film in years. And yet here these identifiers overwhelm fleeting moments of agency, as Garner’s primary function is to service the evolution of a husband who’s, well, kind of an asshole. 
“Wakefield” belongs to Bryan Cranston as Howard, a man who essentially ghosts his wife Diana (Garner) and children by going on a faux “Into the Wild” quest to find himself. Except instead of traveling all the way to the Alaskan hinterlands, Howard sets up shop in the attic overlooking his house, as he watches his family cope with his disappearance and presumed death. Apart from a handful of flashbacks where Garner gels well with a more adult, edgier tone, her scenes are mostly silent, taking place behind the attic’s glass window pane and through a pair of binoculars.
There’s a certain boldness in telling this story from the eyes of an unlikable protagonist, especially through the lens of a female director, and no one is better suited than Cranston to humanize an anti-hero. The film stays with Cranston’s character, even in his most arrogant and repulsive moments, as “Wakefield” is a deeply internal piece that strongly evokes its original source material. Exploring everyone’s perverse desire to pull the escape hatch on life is fascinating, but not allowing Garner a moment of respite under Cranston’s unrelenting gaze makes for a frustrating and far less dynamic experience. 
In a recent interview with Build Series, Swicord addressed these criticisms, agreeing that the story is the very “definition of the male gaze,” but claiming that the film ultimately subverts this power structure. There is something to be said about Swicord writing and directing a film that unapologetically empathizes with a middle-aged white male in crisis and not his wife. However, if her intention was to provide commentary on the ways men come to view women, she missed a crucial opportunity in the film’s ending to drive her point home.  
While Howard lives in self-imposed destitution, dumpster diving for food and communing with the town’s local raccoon population, Diana is left to her own devices. She later strikes up a romance with Dirk (Jason O’Mara), an ex-boyfriend and former work rival of Howard’s. Through flashbacks, it’s revealed that Howard was only initially interested in Diana because of what amounts to a pissing contest between himself and Dirk. It’s disappointing to say the least that Garner’s character so easily volleys back and forth between the two and is none the wiser.
Dirk’s encroachment on Howard’s so-called territory and an almost laughable come-to-Jesus moment during a rainstorm prompt him to return home months after disappearing. Before he walks through the door, however, Howard imagines the various reactions Diana and his family might have. In one scenario, they’re terrified, and in another, they break down crying. But before the audience is allowed to see her genuine reaction ― and a scene where she exists outside of her husband’s viewpoint ― the film cuts to black. The short story ends in a similar fashion, so the adaptation is nothing if not faithful, but the ending feels like a cop-out that unfairly robs the character of any semblance of justice. 
Curiously, “Wakefield” was filmed during the nearly one-year period after Garner and then husband Ben Affleck announced their separation. The actor was painted by the media as a philanderer in the midst of a mid-life crisis (see: fake phoenix back tattoo), while Garner held down the fort, shuttling kids back and forth from karate class. That’s why it’s somewhat baffling that given the material’s fascination with a husband’s failings, Garner chose to work on this project before eventually divorcing Affleck this April.
As she raises her three children, the actress is increasingly selective with her film work, especially leading parts that require her to be away from her family for long stretches of time. Maybe Garner has fallen victim to Hollywood’s pernicious stereotyping of women over 40, or maybe she’s had trouble finding roles that work within her constraints. She could be seeking out these roles, as she can relate in one way or another. Or perhaps, she just needs a new agent. 
The idea of Garner strictly as a wife and mother in her personal life and in her on-screen roles might be the dominant narrative of her celebrity, but she has already proven that she’s more than her megawatt smile, dimples and Capital One commercials. Five seasons on ABC’s “Alias” shot her toward superstardom, and cemented her status as an actress who could kick ass and emote with the best of them. At least, the Golden Globe Awards thought so. And playing a deranged woman who develops an attraction to a priest in the little known short film “Serena” confirmed that Garner could, yes, go dark. 
Despite making the most out of the little she’s given in “Wakefield,” you can’t help but walk out of the theater asking: What if? 
What if Garner made as many films as Affleck in the last decade? What if “Wakefield” took the time to explore what it’s like to be the one left behind? What if Garner finally found a role that allows her to be the movie star we always thought she could be? 
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